Petter Næss Petter Næss Residential Location Resi and Travel in Hangzhou D Ent Metropolitan Area a L Loc

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Petter Næss Petter Næss Residential Location Resi and Travel in Hangzhou D Ent Metropolitan Area a L Loc NIBR eng2007-1:nibr 06-02-07 21:29 Side 2 NIBR Report 2007:1 NIBR Report 2007:1 Petter Næss Petter Petter Næss Residential Location Resi and Travel in Hangzhou d ent Metropolitan Area a l Loc Norwegian Institute for a Urban and Regional Research tion (NIBR) is an interdisciplinary, social science sentre for urban a and regional research. The Institute n d has a national responsibility to Tr pursue social science research on a environmental issues and works vel in H internationally in the field of urban and regional research in an Other research areas concern Norwegian Institute environmental and developmental cultural difference and conflict, for Urban and perspective. necessary conditions for sustainable Regional Research a development on national and P.O. Box 44, Blindern n g NIBR carries out studies and international basis, and studies N-0313 OSLO zho factfinding work for the related to development cooperation Telephone: +47 22 95 88 00 Research Council of Norway in developing countries. Telefax: +47 22 60 77 74 u and other clients, primarily e-mail: [email protected] Metropolit central and local government NIBR has sixtyfive researchers administrations, in the areas of: who are qualified in the fields An institute in the • Public administration of sociology, political science, Environmental Research • Governance and democracy economy, demography, Alliance of Norway • Planning architecture, civil engeneering and • Welfare and living conditions land-use planning. A large proportion a n Are • Regional analysis of NIBR´s researchers have PHDs and • Population and private professorial level qualifications sector studies and expertise. a Residential Location and Travel in Hangzhou Metropolitan Area Petter Næss Residential Location and Travel in Hangzhou Metropolitan Area NIBR Report 2007:1 Title: Residential Location and Travel in Hangzhou Metropolitan Area Author: Petter Næss NIBR report: 2007:1 ISSN: 1502-9794 ISBN: 82-7071-664-2 Project number: O-2297 Project title: Residential location and travel in a large Chinese city Commissioner: Volvo Research and Educational Foundation Project manager: Petter Næss Synopsis: This report presents the results of a study of inluences of residential location on travel behavior in Hangzhou Metropolitan Area, China. Based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, the study shows that the location of the dwelling relative to the center structure of Hangzhou Metropolitan Area has a considerable influence on the travel behavior of the respondents. On average, living close to downtown Hangzhou contributes to less travel, a lower share of car driving and more trips by bike or on foot. Summary: English Date: February 2007 Pages: 357 Price: NOK 300,- Publisher: Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research Gaustadalléen 21, P. O. Box 44 Blindern N-0313 OSLO, Norway Telephone: 22 95 88 00 Telefax: 22 60 77 74 E-mail: [email protected] Our website: Print: Nordberg A.S. Org. nr. NO 970205284 MVA © NIBR 2007 1 Preface This report presents the results of a study of influences of residential location on travel behavior in Hangzhou Metropolitan Area, China. The study was funded by Volvo Research and Educational Foundation and has been carried out in cooperation with Zhejiang University. The report has been written by Professor, Dr. Ing. Petter Næss. The author would like to thank the Chinese members of the research team: Professor Yin Wenyao, Yan Hui, Ma Weihong, Yao Yinmei and Li Fen. Especially thanks to Yan Hui who carried out, transcribed and translated the qualitative interviews into English and played a key role in carrying out the questionnaire survey. Thanks also to members of the planning agencies of the Municipality of Hangzhou and the regional authorities for helpful assistance during the data collection. Oslo, February 2007 Berit Nordahl Research Director NIBR Report 2007:1 2 Innhold Preface ..................................................................................................1 List of figures........................................................................................5 List of tables .......................................................................................10 Summary.............................................................................................16 1 Why is knowledge about urban form and travel needed?...........23 1.1 Introduction....................................................................23 1.2 Relevance to environmental policy................................25 1.3 Relevance to the accessibility of facilities and activity opportunities...................................................................29 1.4 The structure of the report..............................................30 2 Urban structures as contributory causes of travel behavior – a theoretical perspective ................................................................32 2.1 A multi-causal situation .................................................32 2.2 Facilities, activities and destinations..............................37 2.3 Center structures and accessibility to facilities ..............42 2.4 Compensatory mechanisms?..........................................48 2.5 Lifestyle and travel.........................................................49 2.6 A behavioral model........................................................51 2.7 The need for empirical inquiry.......................................55 3 The case of Hangzhou Metropolitan Area – context and research methods.........................................................................59 3.1 Research questions.........................................................59 3.2 Linking research questions with data.............................60 3.3 The Hangzhou Metropolitan Area .................................64 3.4 How the study was carried out.......................................68 4 Typical mobility patterns in different parts of the metropolitan area ........................................................................77 4.1 Introduction....................................................................77 4.2 Travel on weekdays........................................................78 4.3 Travel in the weekend ....................................................85 4.4 Travel during the week as a whole.................................91 4.5 Commuting distances.....................................................95 NIBR Report 2007:1 3 4.6 Perception of being dependent on private motorized transport in order to reach daily activities......................98 4.7 Concluding remarks .....................................................100 5 How does urban structure motivate daily-life travel behavior? – examples from qualitative interviews ...................................101 5.1 Introduction..................................................................101 5.2 The interviewees and their residential areas ................102 5.3 The regular activities and destinations of the interviewees .................................................................109 5.4 Non-bounded trips........................................................113 5.5 Rationales influencing travel behavior.........................117 5.6 Activity participation ...................................................117 5.7 Location of activities....................................................124 5.8 Choosing modes of transportation ...............................137 5.9 Route choice.................................................................144 5.10 Consequences of the rationales to the relationships between residential location and travel ........................149 5.11 Tendencies and necessities...........................................170 5.12 Accessibility, activity opportunities and car dependency – according to the interviewees’ opinions........................................................................173 5.13 Downtown as a trip destination....................................175 5.14 Culturally based location preferences ..........................176 5.15 Spatial patterns of social contacts ................................178 5.16 Transport infrastructure................................................179 5.17 Concluding remarks .....................................................181 6 Which relationships exist between residential location and travel behavior after controlling for demographic, socioeconomic and attitudinal factors? .....................................183 6.1 Introduction..................................................................183 6.2 Methods of the multivariate statistical analyses...........185 6.3 Travel on weekdays......................................................189 6.4 Travel in the weekend ..................................................217 6.5 Travel during the week as a whole...............................237 6.6 Commuting distances...................................................246 6.7 Concluding remarks .....................................................251 7 Non-work activities and related travel: activity participation, location of activities and trip lengths ........................................255 7.1 Introduction..................................................................255 7.2 Activity participation ...................................................256 7.3 Location of activities....................................................262 7.4 Length of trips for non-work purposes.........................268 NIBR
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