
Inportaat to boraa owmh — Hm ntftr- Meement la another ro'uroo

A philosopher Baya that the »*ret way to •v. l I vtt|r< Into «l» hi I* to dl« yovsg.

If your heard la sot of a pleaalac abade, Mnitly ibr defect by tb« n»e of Dacklaff- him'a Dye fur the whUkers. Joha—"Want an eaay Job, doyoaf Wall, do not apply at a aaoaage factory, for It la atnlT work tltra."

Ayrr'a Htr«aparilia retire* a a mailer tloee, an<1 la mora »ff*etlee, «loea for doae, Ibaa aay ntbar blood medicine.

ft i« found under lb* flower* ebadowa become aborier tie neirer for tbw !>«■«. tur no C«>t to aak him where Mingo county day centipede Oar 000 U la IM« in I 1MJ, -Ik J leaving no »ok»n behind her. bidding MKXT. arwt lb# nut there u ft we to the light aa I oar courage AQIUCn.TVRAL DEPART OK M1NNIK A. BKOffN mi«ht b*. etanl; tcorpioo approach f»l! hack to 19.OiW.CWO fur lhm< IN MKMOUY farewell ira* ararer we coma to tba tlm« putidt une been or * ifua« tba • ••••• took a interest in me, and in the rovtt hat reading, quarters of the current u»r If* tfreat for art i<»«. m in (mnnoiwif pwiMi iiTioiium inf —Wa belle*# ara vole* Ik* aoanlmuu* XT MM liKKlIU III WHIT*** with me aftar ht had antke on tbe ahelf or bidden iwtjr tl! r« *•»«• iMlkwi Sii later ihe arcid'tt occurred talked long really t« !■ Mllr l«l AO>lr*«a years tba 'Hcl« thU U> AmHTt sentiment of th* hratrt of OlforJ Cogil; waa on* of tboaa ov'i ftt dinner. K*o« Tnr«air by reading InIm.M to* >W|»rt*Ml • to ({• napkin Heaven aen.l* IU bog la rail to eartb again on the train, which fillid the anything aay aver rraai. 11 Pamcur,raaia. Mi. whea we we th# bill will become midnight o n ft No'. tine* ft fii«od f the Ltfr," 137.000 oi]r»tt« I or fluent on trait Imaliata 'osg man. an I ih« mora It* 0—— with if#, frequently aad a Uw. *trlng*nt pr<>*U- given h^piulof moaning ei- pa»>!Uh«d for youag middle-aged II* used one of the»« relft'rd wbil« vi*i»ing here ft leevnt »aa the betur. 0 r* more • ablnlng •>•*« I form crushed and bodies in which with in toci*If S 11 shapelesa uncommon in BOO I BtTTKH 1 up lb* ■«» to b«av*n. web talker#—the kind that which ii really so! Mi. (i.oir, wad Had me tba was lift scarrelf to perfecting perierce "Mr* yvi atrength ligh. One Air the OQld iuln« raw It >man and tbia of the world. reentry an lr yer fatber'a falaa teeth During tb« |>Mt two we*k* Congr*** MIL LOCKK'K JKKHKYS lb# o'tba ll*tp'r'( »l«| The nurses went from to can be fed with punch, pftit l»rn|»« tltrk a.*roea our pallft ptllet, in hi* oomtt? Wi are gota' to bare mate fur th* Oleo- out talk in tbe dreteing*rojtn, " baa be*B IB debat.Bg The fimoua Jersey bull calf. ricmitf whom love ao !•>» to bind that will turn link, Ue«ing lamp engaged A* ilt« tnlf, holding bandages, aiding up punctuated •tiaaar tbla day the bill flrat baaed H H Lxkr, K*q of Writ la t*»rne from earth iwif like ia*ni*hed Being a be into an ro.»m in the margarine Hill \Vh*B by great, wounds, ahrinking from aauaage* poor >t»pp*d adjoining aria, of Mr* K. M Jottiuf Itrockvllle, gaping aa dark tbe oil ir, to like and comfort, inin J«« I 'h« New K^gland Pm With tbw win* of* gnhlen future but talker mi»elf. and rather more fluent NVicing [wculiftr ur" For economy every ada. arrived her* • l**t w« ek the sight of aevered arm*, putting Can by ipres*, Ju»l fl*ahln« tberhalk-e or UN. of raw which oft#n indi. • we aae llood'a Hareaparllla," a • « ted to *o»* fur it, but aa a litter er. I did not him. thet po'fttoe*. ?rio|, generally pee This r»if by Mr I/kW hp With !.<>*•• kiMnn htr t tremble. feeling away before the grrat interrupt writ# a D >aee < >oa POWDER pirtbi*rn»l ft c«lled lluffalo (NY) lady Iff) be aome tb*m—fr>m Ati-I her heart with i*nl ftop»* rtfa II* aaid that he waa to notica catet the of tnake, tb* d*batr of oa Mr* IflUr of rrntaimrtiliilai that met them a>rry prreence Dollar. Pure. prur*«ded O'Ha ft cane ft Absolutely hesi- i»l eb»rk fo«r hun ln.1 dollar* ac >w came It to and hi* for > h and their kit «i|| bring lamp. Ma»*achu**tt«, particularly—ha«e *>ni| tbw ivmmoAi ante, fl<«llR| On# nut** with aweet blue eyea tender joung girl* parenta la<1ie« have • i •*•<»•* »•»»•• a Mftif, hi* for lb# calf what aucb • call meant, A aemher of Philadelphia r that *atab* c. the war af our and gave low cry laat, formed an •■anclatlon to 1 U *»l 'IIMl b• IS Thla young ball, •tarllnf pitiful, ahe |.*at no time in the reeded IW? fct- b bad bb«1 iatcrfrrv with i •train of towel monial market. providing "aew «V»m l»«h «u aired HI- I.Ur urNr assistant ahe waa, barb»lora It l« they * ■ is .fc» ■ « '-m ir.t prec*d*nt corded la U»* 4 J C. C by aurgeoti, whoa* WjHUWd paused Tbarr on tbe over " •' «/t m waa alao to hear it It atick and light. atep > I that • r**4wi legi'imate hereaf'et our * Frlde, of whom a correapoadeat of IIm beaH tbw bMtMlf Mlllw a on which a man »«rry pained they m«y reap enterprise* be«ide cot young lay ro,m «> Ifltk Ptlltu IWWIB to. W« «**l her m bad entered the T»o *«omed to bo made lb« C.oaalry **v* b* I* lb* b*at An.l linm* *r«* lair, me to know that joung ladiea ahould a!- which be juat lay ««•»•! * toffc thiaga pretty Sh«> t«l M*ry Annr of st Lambert. Tb* dam of Kre the hufiten* UN her, regarding her blanched an«l aot ah* I at-1 them down. ahould eter out the •corching Mr. I—hail ttepprd • III y«mr hair an-1 gl*« hark Ita ally pur* tad wboieaume injuri- riTurltt'i l*rld« *1* aired by Klval, an (••ally matrimony »inr lb* ari l tbw crown. a and fair* directly majwty; Luxury ous, by Imported Jrfrj harp, gulden She bent her head in silence, aob joung I'rrv>-uta randrafl • r th» oJor which perfect 1% r%rti At*r !l« Vifi of un«a\< wtnn» r The dam of Favorite'* I'rtd* ha* "Ah," raid he, "it ia indeed rough!' been for unmutakable and *ery ry We aaw not her principle compoaed an 1 ha* Do fewer lb* iht>lnaf loatntan, burating from lips not have to imUm lb* vnatkfal trrO* t»fc. d four Or*l the anake be — Itilt t«aee>l her eyes, cold atill, atripa ran be killed It tku prrtriti Wlii| .* an art that fact that the cobra readily taching lta#lf to mtaP" c*r»ed. whilo th* butteriB* aold wv*» < fflcl*! butter test waa 31 a ban* and killed ifical for, p-unl« r the linen across his boaom, broken, by, caterpillar IklMlM ilMilruff, l»J »! lii.tUlr* Joining the bolr of angel* or Ilea 1 of the claaa—'The leech!' for an ounces batter In on branchea. with • c«ne club. the maaufacturvra to tb* trad* 1 II of sev«ndaja In a >an I Where tmaeUl oo eight, court holding hung ita • t4k h*.r to a > »" row »th by arm. and plaster Favorite'a Prtda la flrty percent of Mary W here never a (oaer la (a>leil, daged raid "if One afternoon while wtUtog • bat it i«, it i* aold at rttail aa butt*r. a ia all right," he, Sunday think I 10M about two gnma of four wa* And never miartb a the red of that "Matrimony "I Fit# ac % tav kalr. •bi !» Aaa« of St l.imVrt. whoa# official batter blight. together edge« ga*h y»w» that if th* tat about. It brtaki my in hie garden, deeply eng«ged the I Ml jnr llhomi ro«w**>*>i m4. is It vaa propoaed an J oaaces uf near the ; and ahe brought plantain Atblophoroa |oiw gray, luxated t»«t wi* .14 ,«)«iil« I 13 1 I>>|| lie whose hand baa broken ran tempi# properly w*t Dot ft perilously to notice bow in thought, ft here turn It hu no * *»» IIa* Ktren III* earrwd prooilaa aem« to m» a|. little attotiithed to have ft Urge «aake a FKMMi, dragjtat. it la a<>t that tbo** who are IIJ I oaarr* la II month* an t id*j*. Fa ba k it u»ed aa • market. It *rtrt 4** I • Hull* to impruSabl* I bat are mar meet her Mai* in her face, a* ahe atrokrd m«'0«1 ttloo of lb* |rr«t rnramatUm and young • bit fret an 1 ~ la a fawa with wrre from between • f Chi« vorlU's I'rlda aollil, light a* theae here ladiea fade it* A»" II* \ I ad«u(Ving th* iatereata of th* great hia forehead m<>at if young prinrf nrurtlfIt rare tad lu bailing m»rtt« ant a floo an) That when the aha.l«iwa are lir.ed, the hair from attacvd «a tut *.«•> ir«U4««l 111 uti«- hand*ome call "After ail jeara." whispered, in falling — H e meet and know our were to It bed been la tb« • to aot *ball <1011104 aale." had notice! that tbe engaged "Ob, to lit ripening Mi roll* u i »ii• a*w hicb i« claimed bo putt may Mr ich* la entitled to great after si* dur I they plftce. I. certalaly In tbw light of a perfect Jay. "Oh, my lore, years, at atftrtled a II* cm II* tb*ra • Ijr. know ft toftd ftnd aeemed claim* nrw»p»prr p-wt Kit f U«bi'. V* U.a*. Ma. th* bill, ob tb* that a cr««M la Introdaclag »uch floe atock laU» aome what but I did not twftllowing !*>•* gruuad which I have striven to 'erget your eipoaed, M well u tb* or ran hav* » ing ftt Sftbib Tbe Utter n*w»-pap*r. ta\ dn*o oat of tbo market Otfcfi tVunty With hla two floe Jer- were for aale. ! aakvd him if the the himtelf. CftUing •mall might to a«e it ao cold and white! But they tomt>*toa* to do bU If la* for bin Hair h*lfer* that ! reader* a d*- APTRR BIX 18 Mts fare, ft chftae. It took tome Aycr's Vigor, maBufacturrra f fraudulent nJeumar- sey gave yoar wanta of dreaaea ha.I alwaja been for help inatituted • tbo than Kill 'fit || • Mh| a bob. ahall be more cared for party •cnptlo of, a abort time ago, they will "1 >m yo u Irrwurf, my you tenderly enter tbia email loom ft« it fltrk to tb* giving a Iirmn»« S*i%. «t>rtb«r ta Why Joa Su'ely )ou you wfta not known to wh«t apeciee the rep* Acb*. KhrumatUm, Kltney I>i*raa*a, J»r»ey herd of br**1 ab»ek a* ran b* to know me we they had. f f«a f i* lliillillr [a>tklf» Diflf are well enough part ft new atara. Stlchra. Cheat »nl I.ang l'H|>!f« •• other lo*eV you with Amer* Crick, : .11 1. " n«« ! ia I* a m*»ve la " with a beautiful tile Armed Mr Ma th* country Tkla I danced young lady belonged or Hor*B*aa to tha I «al. ■ M til J ar'icular about ; the kneeling nura«, door-way. progretaed git* jo* r*ll*f? Vutly top»rl»r M raltral mw .•/ Bo4la, »n la f»ce above him. Clarenc# Livingston, aeverftl timea to, **« *Ot«e oLt* ra<>* ana that 'V •mpetltl her which the anake th* otb*r pla*t*ra Yoall aay »« • main to ha«e dis- Tin walked out thnngh tprang poroo* r. * | kn. 0t an r*ai«>iv ht« putpia* be had refuaed his had partially f tttlDM*'* ta often taken too lit- It wae a frank cun'f. the to whom tbe ob«. :3c • — U»a life of haughty, jet girl ita full into «ir, after a*!ng aterywhera • !•» A*a« S*rvMr-,.:» () |f mark the to coatume. •eemingly length • tinctive put upon prodnct, to make ofTer of his han I, ■ • aa I followed U>» blln 1 —a father I'xiiMkrlolU. I< •>,!. Mam erally y Competi- nance f*r« which mingled atrength dying *> to The it cannot be aulil »i butUr. I ! in I ttun* a 1*17 ougm id gi" making futiU attempta etcape. In Caatral Africa la ao Mill* val- that dairy tion within reasonabl* limit* I* a goo I and tenderne** with I.«na Monroe. Itory of will with pride, neither at came off and it w«a found to*ka art oa»d to s HjI cf tbf of tb* bill, thing, f »r a may bu a great aflL much thought to her conqueror ue,! that *I*pbanla' poke Sarsaparilla, man) eupportri* nioaop »ly an hre in it and nighta fdlowed each apparel, Ayer truth, l had enough I/>ng day* a aeven feet th» lira. A mora a.!»ar em life to. to make the hia father made other, of nark* tba im of Ivory for p»k»r chlpa. >yiipwjf which she because ti«>a* l<>bby actor!y trader* fre«)«#atly him to For Klmer l.i*iog«tone, patient nurae all already with ita «o an I grant. to woman Sh« i» * land* ber order, ftnd "ktlU tail," the bill. Arid it will raptcy. The competition from large »n l much beaidea— told her of the friend glad «tv. afair.tt probably remembered the wrung* done by knew, ta to be de- lYoh.«umal Curtl.i, • < ten I* kI I oat dying. the nfttivee It known a tot* i* hy estaMlahmeata la never to lo th« weary eye. Individually aay. the II u*»* when reached, wealth h« had sowed touch, •cape ••* va ter Ca*4*r1a. pa** one* tv.-.t him in "the of nature," and, recalling tbe nottrila of WW* It*t>r tUk. |ao *r the girl collectively, br CaiMa Ul« H l l.l'l M though Sh >r* U a: I road. to c with tha New * venture, which by enr.ching him, lying tail »nd then wu |U «aa a CU4. ate m*4 impet* lucky of civilisation and progres* The which it inainuatee ita | reduced. 1 ork kille.1" mtCUtt* of a*ked hia ton to he could not trace ; of atruggl# and trial junct •* i'mMa Omni. capital had b«ggareil another, forth with violent abratioa. WW* »te htrtmt Mtaa. ite«l*ag b^f fMm electric it a g »*1 thine, but how drew* it at Among tbf more member* Th# roopetltloa with <1r*a*e.| fur which he bad gone through, wttich made li«|ht .1" v *V C mnttllor Lair, prominent take that other'* orphan daughter a Wfcaa ite U4 CUUraa. ate ga»a item Caalart* tha Wnat ha* aim >*t ettei mlnate«| tha fat- and feble it look* the light of It it no atrang* to fi&d in the cf tb* H >uw who have the hill her blue dim. pal* by tight opposed w >rktn n hia wife eyea tralag of Ka«tera cattle Tb* woman'* Th« it a a cut off (kin of aome make on tr* M'»n of M>r- of the hour of Ilat he said no word of any woman good eje*. telephone morning K*!W) iVaetylttnit, l»*lat that th* *y*tern ha* r<* Clarence knew nothing to »■ »'«U +*t+rl coapatltlve is a one'a I •«. MM >« *1 wne of Indiana, and and ahe was »jrwat invention. It good thing the lattice which window, rw a of Illinois, ltr ■laced wait- * to the *ur«at|oa p »lat And which *aw hi* father'* fall- *h<>«e love waa his gnerdm, protect* temptation at murmur into and or •Scut over a bit of terrace • we oo. A tar (T la u*- I a* a wall her. talk and deposit twiated th* WH1MWT. HrrrbiniiUic* of Ky might go knew of no rta*un more than glad that waa apared An vichang* want* to know wber* between aatlona. powerful but to take a confer* w»ll or oa one'e which, !%«»«•. Mr. tlamaiood of Georgia, during the to prereat rompatltloa which had induced hi* Once, in a midnight hour, when the profanity in; up p«t rockery, by. botteat plarr in tberaltrd stale* !• loraUd. chrutian a man wtthla tb# nattoa aaciloa comp*te« with charity and it and follow i« • moet form of a where arc aw««t oa two at offered an amendment making it when ward waa and the lights low about •atton, keep up, the-bjr, dangeroue It U locate,! yoa Att •/ *1 ('*UH*fllor Lair, debate, t«»wn. an 1 man with father to the ailent, •et'tloa, Uiwa wttb adopt pennileaa girl, with it, the at ahelter for aa 1 ob* of tb»tn And* It oat. merchant or forth his out thro jgh the frontdoor ri >wrr garden it afford* girl* I'arK unlawful for any abop«keeprr roan. The *tracgl« for »xi*Uoc«, tha ahe wat left alone in the world; and, full them, he suddenly put uninjured ha« (till m »ch to learn from and Columbia or thrTerri* tbaaurvlv* one of hers ; hia eyes, tnakrt, luardt, centipede* acorpiont m tbe l)i«t»ct of crowding down of th# weaker, of fair dream* for hi* future, he *hrank hand and took telephone t.moM or l'rai > it tMx'M a'*** i* I found Scun'a Km without label- al of th# fl'teat. all thrae result* of the were on her woman innumerable. A few daya ago U « J. IM| Utm to aell o*ia*loeaa aad remrm*>erlBg do you my 1 a dreee ? Wh-n cheat la lnrreMed It la a'oo to have the tame maalty by me I>id fear on the want of hate aioce the ap*clflca largely O. H. MWIT. eomargarine," and with one's wi»h f >t why Jul you fly from you Nut many day* patted th# golden ral# when drallng Make any prrvuioa you may eo a* now are, vary aai are they Om palataM* word* on the bill of fare It la often a* a* I would |e*rn to lov# you ?** protector* cheap occurred: atcrmy evening printed (allow mrti Tboagh rompetltloa Mi*« Monroe; dower her richly you ta following l- r. wtiNiH. tf»M I hate to see suffer, and there to on* of ua According t-» the Philadelphia Call, a to a «oti of 'J2 to >». wicked, a* well aa wastefal. It aboald b# at 1 to She bent her face, tad flawed people • door being beard alam, r«. agreed by cb«hw# Hat leave her, pray you and becau** can t fa- that In some cm * It more real suffering, more to doee it. Thi* mUa la better than mil*, yoa num!*r of »bo also r*mem'>ered no for down K«r cheek* priva'io* went out to the dark t nt A Representatives leave me, free I have love her, •ilently a mile We iiw a a.eighrMlag coapla .1" v «l- C'ouiu*rflor La\r% «* >rk* for I'Mhi la a broad war, while la- the Washington * ki*« and bait ao wft« the kr.ew ; but the, destitution, time. Dot from odor but from feel, tor the Ole margarine Hill, nor the for me; we are *tranger* l*t It delirium, pervading any la front of aa liat winter who klaard filly jurtng In II*. taa'«. Ur c tmpalllng a *tu 1y and clavicle thiv winter than I I •veil. iHlMf ii with Hatch and the friend* of who hftd been unftble to forget, remem- acapula the inatioct taught by far fed of en>ao'iiy la pr<»c#**ea of maaafaciar* u* remain ao, U*t in mating u* a* you ing, eiperience, • all*. ever *aw before. i*at|, r.a which have ariaen, It s«»mrilm»-s furnUhe* bered thftt hour io the night ojr friend with ooe foot raiaed, N TN««M the billon all>j aod tran*p»rtatloa. would do both live* long e*rly stopped ||..w It W*. food you injury." Hut 1 do not to change thit cut- wt* |«ll* endeavor to have tbe tax on artificial the ma**r« of th* people a#ce**ary She too not to feel *om» of ita hope aod called for a light. The light will down, Clarence. loir* you; vividly egftin of I waa abot at redaeed price* and "Stoop t 1 to eeveral ladiea an 1 At tb* hattl* Gettyabarg from ten to two ct*. anm, though we do Dot hate • »l* Councilor at Loir, butter lt*»»lf reduced have been her hero, her idol, for the hetrd her. *poke brought (for gaa) the left and *• t ; them an la<-rraa!a« number of th« you pain them to think it over. through leg Atf<»ntt± are in glvr* ftfttr ft about it and Mked a aay tLey favor her for It wft* weeka Iftter, when long revealed green, tnanguIar-heaJed viper, U1 Th* army aargeoaa relieved m* bat nalar, per j«ounJ. They laiarlea of Ufa —,V K Ktrm*r. year*. 1 have filtered idolatry, aeem* el- DUlrM. in'er- 1 do not think will. It to with it* whit* ca*« loraraM*. It dla> if fraud on tbe butter to ttone for the I he wtkened to full conaciouaneaa they j nt ready strike ivory proaoaacvd mr preventing I have wuhed wrong •leep, beat of a I iHaitu |lt*i M PmW* i* m >re Il*m» timkm all ovrf lb* eltllli"»l mot! wicked to cut off the part the *eem of boo*, and for y*ara think a tat of two tent* one one at dawn. which at time immmaely charged piece* U rata, at.d did and there i* but morning day fangt, l«UM|l| H<» nr. tot there I* no her; way—to at the other end of the bav* *aif«r*d with a rannlag aor*. I tried of world! th»y were >w, the acene dreaa and it wa* ttrack down at than aw Ac lent to cover all rott control eon. The lighu I •per- put The reptile mean* woalur »har* la make her the wife of my My long which ray limited I III IIH H. il iiM iV>ut only • to be trodden under feet of men, everything in turned from kirt, with one atick until > of the manufacture and trade artificial ou of or troaMee to make laat tral, ftnJ hi* languid eyea ooce and held tirmly n r»llef until I ^ tbr I oiu i Mitrt; hat boy, you will not refute my tmiled hu* allow, and tlpart—cad n dr* a* I *ay. gool one be Mean* it iter*. am n»w almoat better. but are firm I* that w» hate oot |r»ro«-.t to uilllio * to object. may They a aecond could brought. I at tbey equally hour e**ier object aa to 1 Attorney Laic, M if» la «Mt*«l la thla coqd- on at me I tried imprea* my *till creature well and aball contlaa* their a»« 1 thall not be de* oar w.alth reeled the figure moredly while the but lar.atf that tbr latter "Father, I would your peace At laat they -piet deadly pretty *lalne. w»«: t iodp <>f the Karop*«a pjrcha*e views them, but tbould I go there held fhUUr Hrlh'l trythaa k»*p of hia nuree in her chair, anJ there upon w»i writhing about the cane which MaojN. fur *i«m with life, were it IIjt there a*Ieep nation* Take "vaaajr Italy" my |ma*ible. aeason and in the mad a aJd that who want to again nett mingle and tearing it* own tte*h. The A S»t> lof cow boy i>ot lo Motana bang It HIT* III**. alao people It I* n>t atrange that tbr lit lint i* e<>me other than thi*, and I they lingered. it, biting ^ fbej pie. turely way where the*e fair a eocka Cbrlatmaa K»e. * • t «at batter iboa'.d hi*e the the fare whirl of Washington, which Dr. Weir Mitchell op kora*-tbUf'e piy fur to are to thla Nor I* It which Mow *we«t and girliah we»ry atrang" fact fljcklnff country will find it. What i* the wrong of OWDrr of Ihr eocka to b* ao. at J tboee fa«or>ng women are alto in aaid mad that At the happrDcd ot ; uf doing that of them ar* »arb wfta the atitf aad, too, mingling made known to tha world in 1 cf ('irtiii <*llor Lair, •lagalar many I mu*t know it since I am to under cap!—and m at the time haota Claue didn't »bo«id the mm * • I lo thr apeak Attorney ftrvrtiiii batter et.< >y aolmal« la there art you apeak aa I that I will find them *'« Ir-J Italy aa life waa not auch her heart whirl, preeume a "anake cannot iteelf," teeed A in of two c*ate. while pro and truat me, my father, though thii poiaonoua poiaon a* be p hjr. II ii inloiil, lulMf conmanr* or Of tbe«e, atone; in itmi< waitt, with privilege parUbo* the hand* idle clothed the gaslight it do lea* becauae true. lhedurym»B. woald al»o protect witer. an 1 n it it tak* I wdl not fail to make yearned for. And lying atrange ucttog ha*e n> dKMt drtakla* my life, real vertebe down the back. to Thomaa, Tr»-aeor»r |Vn<.t>- C. »««!«. the coo»«tu«r uJ were ao fair and white and trimmingtof t)ae Beading a aervant II It C ibe ruwwr, •■pnUl.jr *a»u|k of what there l« la I SM) of thm the atonement a one." in her lap eveniog, llrwwn'a Maraa- lb • Mticlr complete what does a man know about the we •cut ComIt, •»jr» be «miI || oleomirtfirlBe, »b> woald get drain an I of to be decked with Still, bunt for a of miaeing aciaaore, there la Do a*r, r»rrjr apetlra "There it no other, m>ane*i the iick alender, dainty enough pair fur eerlona kl dleeaae, accom- if hie V» b« bocgbt on the mar woman ) doea parllia lory at Law. tbe«p»r tt manure an 1 flltb is »*• apon the groand. to be but too cottume for NVhy were not much to have him Attorney bid m- un«*»l my gema, fftir enough kiawd, proper aurpnaed aa la oaaally the MM) wlth«<>n- at r»>uri onic«, irt KAUrr iu true Bime in aot man, "and tine* you hit P»ni».l la I vfi of lh*a» commune* there of linen a man frown on a certain costume for the kl tit their 1 « carloua and white for the tearing aoon run in breathleaaly, aaymg—"Come, It rreUirrd lorya .... *1 nine dlacu«elo« hi» de*elopr acc<>mtn<»1atlooa la the I will 1*11 bow I gained my frail etlpatloo. raito, The -»^n the ordioary lip« you it on the first woman a artloo tLe l*u he told him* wife and admire Sahib ! a make ! a anake !'* On inveati. natural condition, gave healthy of membere of po the b'»u»lllBfa la 1.4i3 wealth, 1 my dying re- rrm »fr i all of bll- •. ID t l>*mo planted he meett ? doee he tight of a corner to the aymptome i; luam, lttlcal ll»put>llcio« a or wladow, or a bola In aelf. Why ahy we found that looking in Hw, pirtlre chlmaeya. door of remorae, aoa. cordial ! The gation an), aa bla frlende aay, mail* I <• i»'l Krr« TrnJ»r*. my My iof, arrvlni to carry off tb* *moh*. Then « «nt of m*m »ry came m mm ligion Chriatianity freely for the article, inaead of aeeing t'a« Urown'a ind N>utb. i* not but hard to tell—• mi**ing him look ten yeare younger at 10 1 rxtr«muu ot tbe North • mor* than balf tb* •tory long. wry but mad if hit wife 4 Counsellor La», In 4 4 coromun«*, on hi* brow, when it about the church, get the looked-for acuaora he aaw the bright for all forma uf kl ln»y, blood, Attorney efer b«*a haowa to it wilt mike thoae eoft finger* Naraaparllla ion* of wbom bite nmnvr, the paa* th«lr wlatrr rtti- «ery bard, my boy—for you *liiinr. people of thftt iw«l f*c* u an infiJel ? of a anake called Katr* liver, or nrrvooa dlaeaeee. livrrybody .1 ii«lov rr. or act nlih* «»b ioy qa«elloa. warm, an 1 In >r had burning; headlight eyea tV.nfc public Ib<« la tb«* haraa to keep blmh f fither." are elde T»r or your when he around Washington looking hi*. It la a ac||« IL ire Bow f »®B 1 fighUag by there, la b«ot over him in hi* delirium, Crojw v looking into pretty « ( I.IJ3 Other* ilwp l,«W while the mmmrr cloird night) %M |*i «'■ f w Oifjcl onif. <>•' they And. night crocuttet and in* the bllL Mr. I>0Bhim never hr»a<] or face an well Winter wheat, of a aeal.brown color on the "the •iitBii (H-tJitt COfOtsOBe* the peopla rat pic »nJ Clarence had tftken it for the of angrl anakr, being Accordlog to telegraphic reporte, wJ of in, gray Living- were never in a rHim » *.iNH«. Ii.iboU. i PivtocUoalit lUptbtttM M to It la rar* or wholly on- ipectral, but where? definite baada of white, • the lludeon" baa bwa —a»d Maat, of a He had if#n it before, postponements back croaeed creecent peach erop mg MCU U i« tbe •tone, to bu father'■ atory by flrat tbe llrnlgbteet rrcofillrd know a. <>b» rr»ult of thla atyla of llvlag iutening more condition. * number three timea alrrady aloce tbe in one of hit drr«m* Now thrift/ Qiite while the ia a beautiful red. The rulDfsl f irret r« of the tninufictur for the array Id creduloui friend and wealth I'erhftpa d»y belly that aoothrr cold Counsellor at Law, pfanenutlet la aeen In tb« rrcrultlntf betrayed are here who »rr waiting to be to of the year. It la feared i blU la Intended to de- never it, be told him*elf. of name oot aeem definite.but it given Attorney ILK lBUrt*l Oil the late wbea over balf tb« candidate* from a too hand, bent he would forget people may will kill It If It aboald again be left i*iw. year*, •natched fruiting from their habita, at apell r«aiN, Ifid UCliBg i* the lelder of the op- or own he off confirmed. Judging it the native*, who it it found stroy ; Were rejected for ooderalta deformity. in a humiliation new •«, hie ejee doting, dropped by aay out doore all ol*ht >elllo0. Mppoftcd Another re«alt to him. to thejr lingering night hence the only M« htMH. Vtr* Trndere ib»1 proWc- to the and intolerable aleep. •t t ability by ble rava**-* of the cholera, nblch led wholly when he wkked become confirmed drunkards. the of the houai wa* both the ahadowt It wftt mid-dftjr ftgftin neit day that baby • I HI I 4 IIKtMI. 11 •Bl't#, ''y ■embiTB of polltlcil pir- of tbeae atatlatlc*.— 0»e f T*II». like a on ftnd found her bending him, found amuaing by rolliog jack | Xirm. It eeprCtnily try Ifamt. of the vranda, drooping lily 1 Hood's of wet towel in mjr hit. I'erhtpe and forth over a Katra which at l>unn of Arbinei*. Tucker Virglali— stood I.-na Monroe, drinking time recognised him plug fruit back Sarsapari/la i Counsellors Law, Sin Kr*« Tin Kak*—Among the frp- iti item, oa this dre«« C« rot lnei, in a manner to Hteif. the Attorneys • tiO ire the defrBdm of tbit L»Uum*Bt. to out •bo ild ha*e i«id nothing was to ite feet. Ttete are s'ts- d SUU u "I*na!" he cried, trying put close |hj rem*. *lmn». I'Blted Stltev r«*BUU»» w«»m»-n of the 111* Trea in the tale, with beating itrong. it t*il Uood-fmrlfj inf and itrenclhentng Iuiwn). lb* CoBetltBttoa of tb* puliea reform while hat fitting courae are Dot harmless. hand. <|utat>oa mjr of eo of en. will find l» Mr*. l'ollard. now tlghty-tbree brrait of her Clarence, bia fangt, dtea of U>e vrfrUlle kU>r> In !' ¥ IllKI «'»«**• which Mr I>aobim receatly remirhrd U M»ry ai tboee in the seldom that 1 on a ly wm too wf»k. It fell on the me ao It i« a* 1 wat about m her* ether not lie nwale it oi l. w&o Uvea In Skowhegan. ai Hut he immediately. A few night* later, jutt Una wonderful remedy effrttlv* llllttl MoLT. with • •t'rt be did night year* in her own girliih boeom pain keen, .'•»» KM. She the aaide from the beaten of recti* told m« n >t have failed. It now. It will | U) iboul Tt>e ndvocitea of the pro- farm of anperlntenda Klmrr step p*th to into bed, aomthiog medicine* Try think ber ai bitter; for ahe had lored counterpane. *tep refeune birr* all her mm. and through regret but last on the home, ao regulate Uk di|eao<«, rilewloB of tbe iBUrml work, felt "You know me V the «»iJ, eoftly, tude, evening, wajr to move my raiaed foot, Carefully furify your i at Law, ;>oa*d the farm tba help ai a wound father, and to the entire body, Counsellor fortbe like of cruehing tbe for- good management paya I.ivingitone it teemed to me that I didn't da much and under and rive new life and vigor Attorney at the reaching for the looking lntereeta. baaldea her a corufortaMe Income. the tin of the ai turning paler. lamp "Ilood'a did me treat r««l. nl.Jible competitor of ibe dairy glv(of dying keenly but aside. At these oo a *c lUmpartlU be*lde* ber booae. know and I w*nt to tell you," else step parties my f>Mt there I teUclil great trploo, and It luned who hie* Lul Bummer, doing the dead. "I you, < I waa tiled out twiwuk, lull# *1.. tMlale Houtbera Ikmocriu wrong done It it after iK-aifi o«aaur«d fire loctj. a« in tier and checM to aall, with a w«rm is ma ie for wntcb N. V. hoir»e in Ibelr Dla- «Mi *he vie to was he answered, and charge punch. perfectly me Mna. U. K. 8UUl«*a, 0»hnee, bowled liemeeltea lieiidei, another pang hen—for faintly, wat od« woulJ liw or also««l p"4«m. O. M. •Htl>KI triru ilI IB Congre.e with denunciation picked not to in bit heirew ; fret. I MI angered three year* batch Clarence bad hn father glow eyea—"you m |N i» undemo- one to the Kvery begged near and who a«4 think I | of the Internal refeune liwe any neighborhood. no for to do this work. the bowl, I took IJmI'i HaraaparilLa the mare a to there :e n**d you itanding punch mith r«Ni*. MiiiK. i» of blackierrlea and that aik him to be than itranger Or X UK EYE*. n v. criuc ind uirr public id. ij»Ub In- of raapberrlea it eeer And anon, what the THB SPEECH cured." Mm. M. J. IHvu, Urwkpnrt. a three mllM' walk. father—" replenished *»1 < m»n know it all," ahe broke in, damage de- the Jtlooil • \ • « it k«*4 ifiM Nun B l«dl*VwB»l rlgbu lid pereoBll Throagh haying wai toIJ, «oJ tbe old "I Professor Hugo Magnss recently •aipe up* rare the The ator) VurlflcH for lb# of try d:(M. an 1 took the entlr* of wai I left aa I did. Did hia full height. a on "Tte •BUrpriie. wbo climor repeal oo hit bi« face that why Lynn livered in Berlin lecture It charartrrlied by iioi nn a lulu, and chlckena She hat woven pillow, damp but 1 hate to be llond't RaraaparUln reteoae tun on lobirco in 1 pig*. ben* lay panting And I did wronfc, he showed <•# |»t« Utleroil aod the you think I would beggar you? I'ouibljr of the First three t l»l, the mmt-iMtUm | Ib tbe naie three rag for ber frleod*. bcaldea with dews of coming death; girl to Speech Kyes." peenlufttlee • ml frill brwdy. ioJ rarpeU to me. I for- a burden to one. It aeemed odd 3d, the buhry and another one with wide father haa been kind anjr bow various tod emotions m»y remedial amenta; 3d. the proportion; tbBt use* BBd BucatDr ry of tbe catting the ra«* weaving into the chamber your find thought* /' uml brttlb %>k the peering he loved I will me to to a tirst-clau dance and id aeeurtng the artlie medklnal Siirgton*, *bill for heraelf She live* flvi mile* from taw on hi« him becauae you. go their through the eyre, prvrrt* UDr VO tbrtn) lyiUm darkened Clarence give find eipreauon el oaatoal oftJeclloBible pain eye*, a the band and the rum all The reauli l« a medtrlM ««mk P*rK *lf. of tuinafictare. where *he attend* church regular- not back j I will not take farthing the supper and all quainter b« to b new illicit Tillage. the couch. go how rsge, sadness, sympathy, unkix wi. ippiled of th« High knee* betide coat a deal of joy, rtrength, effecting cure* tiltherto 1 +r 1? an eihlbttloo for. It muat »i 4r ,|M* »w»» u— m*m at li tbe Paring that it ia good one look, and how mr tg Tbe comUIoUobiI obJcctloD only till me, eon! I did the wrung of money; youri.' paid may be indicated by Bend for k containing additional evidence. * u ■ ho i»%•«> MMiW* School aha waa both evening* "Forgive my run *?•••>• tbe Srw preaent aaid to thia " oor lb it MfB« to trouble tome of "Then ahare it with me," he money government.—Dili. be asked or b« to t*»r*anarllla my »• •»r»rr. II o'clock, returning borne each night for came to her from the a may replied HomTa up •yvteea. JN, the t>lll lid iu are coMll* lip* dying. simply A. ■. Myi proeUloB! oa the of the day nod I* cauve did not love I do now, be* Hut the moat intrrrst. f Ihred*. Lu«eII, Mat*. MiioMl MY nil leading topic* and *11 will be well. She if pur* a* a I you. merit of the eye. Urguut tstlosaL ao that OF L1FK IN INDIA. * nhif««iri(Miiir>M I l'»*ni*wr«m. her neighbor* unplucked. me (India) letter J ac- nml wne ilillallca of tbe bo- in an hour. I*ena, you have nurted (ranbala a not be IJa lUak biuret, h. m York City. Surgeon. tbe bill, be gate the Mb* la IntereaUd In All to me a* a —and, my boy, the which many physician nuy Physician to bin— facta la pa»t daughter which butter bu»tn*ee. According a* a back t) life from what muit have been One of the American magaiinee not from but o omcB goi mi aad prograaalTi qoealloaa. lAgir lore* ignorance, simply fici tuma oat «0W of ol« you." to care not contained •juainted, l'« M Kiaaaa City pounda l<*ara antally; Llttla children love to visit bar. yoang for me to ahare future ?" a account of a row which the fact that all the by k fri ac- but it died enough my harrowing thought, vii., I. u <<>. UweU. Maaa. two b a ad red ibouiaad pouodi dally, her every- low, broken wordi, instantly, any wily by C hmi m »»*»,>«■« ta Dn. I T Dm* m4 people enjoy comptnloaablpand love me!" abe aaid mcreduloui* ia the doee of alliga- of which the is w different eallmaUa. Clarence waa and ahe bent "You place neighborhood various eye * —*•,* rMllMl cording body lofea her. for replying at eipreasions Dotes Ono Dollar. or beef fat, 240 tierces "When did learn the leaeon?"* tort and moccasin snakes. Alarming not at all made the 100 Of oleo oil, pure her fac* to her hand* aa ahe liatened. ly. you capable ere by eye JMM A (LAMM, are In 81 Loata for iblpoent I watched an mutt have been, it ft Wrefc made —The of n boah batter I came in clear "At day dawn, while you tuch incident really the but by tbe J )*» mitn nad repra*eatatlvea "She may be all you say,"' itself, i.e, by eye-ball, A WlJiK FATI1KK to Hotter Jam; Kinan (*tty I'l. ere knew who more than a mrre trifle ftetorlfi cim> together at I'lttebarg, "but ahe ia in your chair, I you wai to compared movement of the neighboring parts. Thj ftom 12V0 to 1>W Uercra weekly. mutual tones from the young man, atleep Tbe Crown Prince of I'rnaala waa al< Dentists. Cfctoaco la*t month, tod '-organized for not doubt me!" to the which who live Lot least " no were. I*na, do people be the Of baturiae. 8U Loata wad« lOl^OUO that mr»m do more to me than a ijwer that I have eiperieocea eye itself may stationary, a very aenalhle man In tbe maoage* Norway Villain protection Kalrly translated, She knelt at the cot and of India have lo un* eraya la Ibe wlater. aad Kiaiaa City me it ia "I do not.'* in thia tropical be observed in it, and ni«-nt of bla boueebold, nod be la ere- •> •* tb« aa of Bjo- or other- ahare the with around the dwelling* of such the member of thn and Tba aaine year fort, tha creamery ayalem U her du*. not oo* and I will poeeeeeioaa you the country will at once acknowledge that i* royal fkmlly—children \"»TM of by farthing that Nay, to after, tba ton matte J 740 0C9 pouada oieomargar- make oar real batter »r*iI U were neither nor in the and tometimet try at all, whenever they paaa. The day wlae. jnK aa the old man strove which honeatly youra people night case, and the facte are as atated, but of oleo tMttor. aall their ataff la diaaeotiog word," littl* writ oat for a Hanker if Broker, tne aad 1.1M.OOO p-»aada rtwM b*. caaaot but can to ua togeth- effect an entrance. I'oitonoua that fo«r-year-old prince They me and mine, belong fairly reptilea the same time he will acknowledge MALaa i« Tbe Woo.1lawa Dairy Compaay tba caatomer koowa what to Let keep my booeety, walk with bla governor. Aa they paannd of^Paw- aay market If apeak. will back." ao and ao to of oleo- if er. Yee, Clarence, 1 go are numeroua quick improve never about it, and had wbera a eoldler aUiod, tacket. U L. made »JI.0tW poaada an I oar gaoalae batter la all mak* owo way with deao hand*, he baa thought a aentry boi grim R. R. ba la baying my to enter the houaea B^ds, Bark and Stocks, ba and bo. That la all oot to •very that with all the mani* tba man atood rigid without preeenilag *M (AMI that It ahoald may ooea. I would offer my haod opportunity never imagined * VlilJf M rv«« lliw ■ il «• uw nJii empty to coacera i0. poo aod BILL NYE IN WASHINGTON. that no one can relax hie watchfulneaa we to the arm*. Tbe little *•»«»•] iMt, ^niu>arg thara la to thla quaatloa, great Impor- ward now, eveo i loved her fold which aecribe prlace—accaatomed to to your though expreaaion deference—looked but Weekly of olao oil, moatly eiported tant aa It la. Now lat ua orgaalta for a moment without being io soul—the it* anlveranl dlaplenned P«fila«a. ^lalaf. which 1 do oot" Wabhixotox, D C., M&nni 27,18(10. placed mirror of tte eye another 11 oat thaaa two Ideaa.—Oar Country no one eye—the anld nothing. I'maently aentry carry a of hie life. For instance, When a has made 500.W*) poaada "Clarence, too!" I have returned from and danger aelf ha* no share. criminal waa Neither did tbla one glvn atumu Loatavllla laat year Horn*. my juat polite bed without paaand. ia would think of into his t it ia not Utile ]•**« "Father, aay oo more, but truat me; recherche party here. Waahington getting hi* character pictured in yes, any algn of recognition. Tbe peine* aad cbeaaa eijxir'a*! .I Norton CkltunUor, pretty good for what be and fre- II to bla old Tba eaiaa of b»ittef —Tha the of and general head- first looking may that tell u* the moral of angrily apoke of governor, Woolen Manufacturer'/ oow you ahall el**p.~ hot-bed gayety, they depravity tba walk of bia ranged fn.m $10,000,000 Mthorlty, expraoaea tha following hopafal la eneconced between the and they paaand In. And when tttMlferta M CmlBiiw. rtliMUt. («Vl laL ,.ia ahakeo hushed sobs, turn* for the recherche buaineea. it quently cosily the man, but the of the neighboring 000 la for tba wool of tha preaeot Th* girl, by quarter* play wm nad bad met many aol- •' »4 ftjI «g»l riMMM M* la 1173 to 111000 ratlook clip No one would out dalabed. tbey ■ a cool sheets. al« nad from th* aod ia* would be hard to find bontonger eg. spring muscle*, which, for year** aa nona of Ibam aalutnd tba "m.llK—tatt lwiii| »4 Mall U'liM dowa to 010.000,000 la llW. year ed silvery night, glided first perhaps dlern, and llecal " manufacturer*' wm to of bed in the without atriking from the fntbar •«0 for tbre«-atUr u porta for a farther Wellpoated Aod, as untraceable it would seem, as broad anecp of akull and vague yearn- poiaoooua "they do rightly; for tm*9*k m la Istarlor look for aa adranro foaod io Johnnie T mmA+mry. mora tbaa 1.000.000 poanda da cara la tha mora creature*. To-day a snake ia everybody, aaluta n dirty lltUa prince." Mil • «*». H Ml mmMmt m4 iMtew ara the of th« mao who bad wroeged ing for aomething tangible—to run* "'u tiaaa ba*a and wa thlak they joatlflad spirit doee, 'cue he's Ihnl tba took n a bo war bath —r»w% 1«, • m 1^.000,000 poaada Is the call for th# Republican County SOUTH PARIS Now Advertisements. Imperial Gould! Contentton laat week. tha nam# of 8. 8. —A— VIU.AMB t»IMtlT»KY, WEEKLY. of u a membtr of th* S:e*m*. Norway, riraran BUCKFIELD!! «u THOROUGHBRED Republic an County Committee, F\rM l«-»vMHUr« aar»w-*, in a *. ■ by ■ RabkaU U iM.Wr'i atuirlUn.; DRY r^mmt naayj.'. Mi r. r*j»r — rtiag. GOODS, Holstein Friesian a of 49 I M«f»f ATWOOD A FORBES, Wi ha*# r*c#ir#d ptmphl#: liir W-ltmUy ■mum,I> GROCERIES, RUED HV Bull, W. H. llrtMM (lMirk, Mn. •». IH»f. PmWi I>r. I.tpham, •- I* U 4. " Editors and Proprietor*. prepared by •Miit.Uv, "*♦. HATS & CAPS, "With IV* and IWil it Mount IVa- ». k—i. U ■ ■>«».»« ytirn awaOaf. •« A. ■ • Powell & n»«M Smiths, limiiii v. *ia«*n». * a • ir» M famtaf MMH food CROCKERY. Lamb, treatt of thia mort •»f." »fcich popular m hkut, T a a a tl« con* ll^lia l>an k. Rra & ntarrlptlM*, »l v, if |«ii1 and Littoiictlly, and PAINTS OILS, Tui«:-T»wlf d#«t> Uf i«n PAPER NrMli'A HANGINGS, FAUX. blaglaaapM* mg For HOT we have Sunshades and Mitts. Hyi Aouac, N, Y„ AmumHuiin Ail k|»l iilmii»*nu rr»Tin airrivM. Days » CARPETS, wt'.l U WU *•» WW U • U» ic<| M«u, lM*rtt(NM k« 11 Sta'e Convention — II* llTN UlM IWIIfUM At tha Democratic f A A. M K'o w M*tM| Ta»a4ay >i«»U| aa THE SAFEST FOOD Gloves. rfA. ni (otiwniB rn>fi«i» awUaaa For COOL we have Mantles and cm*, a* Ik* pU.» af w Hd la toatflk aw cbovn •r Wfci* ft:: **b. CURTAIN Days iinM lb««aa Hon. Pa*iJ K. Hatting# FIXTURES, la«a rw»l aa iWn trn fl-Sa tark, I. o o l \|.< i»t M< • I"!**, r*rt:«/Nk-vttnrs »ra Mrd and Veils. r» laiing to ImI fcauato, vbw-b ft» m- n»Vr of tba Stat# ( ommittee for thia Nit «wl — Aim* |mm- IN SUMMER For COLO we have Shawls H. F. Morton, So. *t n«r» l«y n—1«< &c., &c.,&c., Days Parii. oattvu aab villi local, Uaaaiaal r»'« ml rar S Mil. »p»*ia. Ihomat S Hndgham on the »»«. IfM •» I Ikinl l|*hr »r FOR YOUNG OR DELICATE CHILDREN. ;«wlT advartlaara County. I' W II -IVtt iim|>, wnail h4l>r Ui o| ml For WET we have Gossamers, and Small. Season Price, ru>TtK -TlaOikrl |i»a«l iiAm Days Large S5.00, J<* Cimmi:t«4 Vmif. }t. wa raa »a>l a* yar.ce# Ill* (bat. llxUm. ••• fey *«. parMlw rfoa<|4 aaU aailatartorr l»» rnrtli »»»ry iWthUy ««Nti| Is I I—rail llall, In short, we have to suit Ladles, J. it something •U * I Uftb IB t«M. *»l » • '•i i'rra.d't t'a bride haa LaJ to tubmit Mta II ku km 11m mui ef • >«)•( m»| M*r, ytif ^ flf»e I neerr* W m t .« ► m «««(iW(MMU !'t«n **t m tm !■••• tiimM til la ht.i4r»W af rli-i on of Njww4* that of cult to b« lift*, l«j Misses and Children, all kinds days. II *—i»* m mm MMk, m4 art hating purporting M (Mrrv'i I*•4*, t. • Wf. DiWt pr*|-.r»l r->U f«.l»4 C. B. ATWOOD & Is % A State Convention a of her in half th# CO., picture publi«hed paper# Om of the haadaom*at tr*M la oar •«« ||k« ftr*. rrtara la(wn«i **l «•> RepublicanwitL a* wii> 11 III bull UM Uiior Will, ik# ■ il l»f rV All are invited to look at our and h«wr few week# a — tfood« hi*r« *r* Nk Mm* Mm in thi« brwad land, A ag>> park »f. in >f> atrlctly apvaklag. Moore nUOKFIELD. wmI*. k*)a|v^ BMk«ri «ilk II fMlllll m U .. W#da»$Ja», Jya# 9, uI«Im««UI r.nt Cnw ut-l ynt.l B*Ui M • M« ( * Hall. Li^aittO", «ai was Park—to a «t mmetrlcal City cut which «juite food• Philadelphia Maple *Ur«k •»"! •• I ut k|w. Ml rnt« it nr MiBWk, liflutl>a. or |» la|»r>tl »>tM»««tii» a laa of Malaatt*4 t r«B.ui»ir tain thw oonaril oa lb* mala walk, Iimi N»iS#rU®-l —•* •( il k- \h fw pwrftMa a« aad u< br l «l tw *tM«alai which peeemblea the tirat rrlr> kK tMitraur wpiaMi appear*J for watch w* are indebted to lb# geaeroa- Ila*>|»f-pn )wt am tMkir U*I*«m •( Mtlk mi a *»i •MrlM,a»l HaMari.u a l*r lahali •otfear* alt, or tl >»«■!» 4 4m, r'»ik. — much *a a rail ftrct resemble# Win a 4*p*it*4 ikal aai <*»maWM» It. poliahed Ity of CaptalB K Nwta. formerly Z. Nt»'■ la $ aaaUi m4 13 '«• Jm l>< |»« j»n>p»ri» » b»« «N»ll(, M U «M| lllM. S. B. & S. PRINCE, J*f* ^ TW kMUo(it|>i*«Mtali>a aui h»Mt»ll»«i marble monument. cilii-u of tbla town. t»at at prra*Bl a mam 14 will b* fatUlal I'm IiuIM*, r itwr la ikmi < or mw <»• la»n aa>t Maataitoa tMrof the Police Korea of ChaWa, Maa* 116 MAIN STREET. looM.ti aa*l MMrl««*atr ItctuIn mmm,it ntiiiN llftti a, »abilikMaal 't*lt(ai> Nourishing, » me id the conalruction of a lb* till**-, tie of wblcl h- Tto «iai« MiaiiM a Hi k* la aalaa la Iba firv »,.rk it*n«rablp aia* ntlurl «a a«*d« warn oMalnol a faw The Most Palatable. *»*i ptioa mm* u' lb* tall at Krvm a rhetorical point of attll ralala*. The X. L. «k« aa*»alaf at lk*«*a»aatlna. bar Ika parpa** pUtf'im »-ar* aln^f In PhltoJalpbla. Most PHOSPHATE! «ra« Wati»Ja o( make a re* J• The Economical, i*ih« lb* view, th* resolution* very aat THK of J. II Wlaalow, tbla laat apriflg. -TO Allri«rt«ra «f Maiaa aba ar* .* able but have their Of All Foods. a I'mltrilta tar't, ahaalll )oia Jocament; they a >m* Si or .b> trraa aloag bla prrm- Prepared •aiataintac mapl»- M aow w*.i~ la a MM k| tVi|(Ml-Ve If |l U raaiaiia< Ik* aiinnj toi«| nevertbel* **. U«i «>n High Streat. marly til of *bUb of and peculitri'ie*. • #aiulc»l M*llral Farmers Bethel laaartalM- llnuiml M*rraai*taH*a*ltf l*)»f» of n \a la.rif >t B( | Vicinity, l*.la*ttlal lalfmu <>i Th* r» * Ution* itart out ia ortbodot gtfr prom.*** making thrifty growth »• K*»» «tl« irru|«a«i • • tb aaaajr of Ik* kallxf .■ ik« >«uiit a •( liltili ul \* the of ahade traaa la oaa of the "Hi— akoir* la fat«t at lkulla« aa J rw form, by re.affirming ar* r rti» m w#u§. iwSirlMa* a if) in* bumaa afcax t>v a*« aria* Ika peinciplet graataat factora In em*>atltoblBg any p iffMnMn THE SPRING TRADE. raaanl. a ho 4*»a«l fr»a»k«® of mmt the m enunciated the laf Co.. It \ FOR haa |aal lVm«>*• IIMOl l'ti *|b»U U »Mxni mi a.lmin- tba Mr. Wia*low Star laaa aataarva M tw in tbe briefett »»y, ibr Urn along highway. Bicycles. aba b*il*aa la aa potiibl* a f»w ia*twu abl* baiMiaf. • n deUrmiaatioa to aat TW aailtnKWil, !>•» f lU Itit.nl ar to* aa.l la aa wtrati *n of Cleveland. lpraaaaa BETHEL, koaaat h>I a la 11 ra I'retident V' i»«. » r«l| MMt AND mfiaalMa an ownrra I l»f lU«« II- PAPERS BORDERS, I If all othrr MiMf ROOM rai k>a or t fc« • • >v»raat»n i, U«ri etary ■prlng. Kftfl III* M l I *11 h* l»|4 * tf aaaaaalMl a^Blatai i* then mulf fjf tht labor »«MIIII»I B>rt« Wlk» Mil mf Ml«*l, NMlr A loud btd • Boots, IMltlW • wo-jM Shoes, taa h«>mbilli« of Ika I iawt >f r»»l •lata la tha village only g <>a h*n I of in, at (la aba aN'iu** Hart r»M« ••• IW "M«i" ka« «*• wuii all NO A UROE LINK OK aaU I b> of lb* ran* af Xrm < tbe resolution declare* th»t th* we aoon hate on* IN ALL OKADKS, INC LU HI TnMi |>mautlaa "e; and «it) llkewlaa. might (to Awrtr n IL-«.I II* <« u»l iJJ lit., I («• laaiit-i without ra«*hl yataaf. iraiaiilail; hat been la »••«• to* IW kM nnioti i« ilMtn • lVm.«retic it and of Um hant*om*-al alllagta Saw Kag- l»l >«)ll |a«| Lowest Markot Price. ru fail pulltVal AflMNMb Ml MM lib Ika! p*rty alwayt aatacilua of •bkniti lo anJ a laad. Clothing, la Ika f.rm of the men, Ready-Made >1 k»».| *u b? a* N»|nNMaa« the friend laboring lU imU (Utlla IM inUa til Alaa f»r al lla lua*»atM M« a»ra K«lra aa t P.»w>r«, the maaona —ANI»- m" mm •!—frr»— ItUt, w-l IW» In f bM«4 |iim Shades » tb* declaration of Window fri »r r new tha Pari* kMim • V» k imp f rrak rVirt. a arcraurr Knight* incorporated f.»r the huildlrg* of M'f'g a* ma*', la aay ,aiai.tr 4*alr*t iuia II *!•«, 1 V»w BviMN tn m W»« |aaa. the »1 Gents* Furnishing Goods, Mb, kplU IS into rr*olutioa Co., bar* '^en making » prog- «» AlKk toJiiy ^Mktl n«4 fiklrk) t*-l (mi Lacfca** MIBa, Mar 7. im, JemaaJ* a re- r«a« the wr»l bav« complaint -CALL AT— >»i,nn mM *m TVr» »r» AND FIXTURES. a*n BLU AN t.O\N»\ Th* tecond reaoldtioa ,*a«t They t««l fwfcmwil «MO*l> DUTWtT oaa atJa of iha IkM lU '«|J| k fiw TI"N war tha foasOatioa walla for W«|wr «**l*atry E. E. RAND * CO Jact.on «f tb* pr***nt Moppr***iv# ttnm #T» %m ||M. of Ik* aa»»ral rlllaa. loww mtla an 1 a larga of tba f^rtck Curtain Polos, Cord a, Tassels, Rings, TW |M»bJkM« ballUIng part ot nf forth#* Ml1 f M Fringos, » it Jom not mention — l r«i«l»o» MJ pl*ot*ltU** IM Iha «NU»I OimilMl'**! tintf,' though ptara for boldtai up tba croaa tlm Vra & Plummer's, tft to aaal U» otc. luaUkrt reduct.on thou Id with tba ar«* halUtiaia will Kenney Plain Cloths in all Colors, MM.. labor*, whether th« begin Tha >ttman*lona for WALTER E. MORTON. MTMUu* lotok»l l»l Aufxira W Mr* tm aUl Ii4l |Mi| umumiI ll Hk •>«> W< Jua*. !■< M >> of tx- aa follow a mala batUllag. JOOt'i, ona oa T»»l», IW tbt fapie article* Main*'t production) With PARIS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, in Our Window Shado Coffins I Caskets 4 ■ t>l Ur a atw boaae. W« ha%e made many Department, vVkvt a "which atorv high ; mill, 11 ; angina I*ai'1s. Mo. Improvement* to lk» Wfc an I nuk« t dig at Congre**, Month I«a.l! I«lr tor ataam room an t are tatter than ever for AT LOWEST PRICES. W l»w«f Ul'4i palat abop. TiiTj; Men's Women's and Children's * >w it*« ami |rm of Ik* I all#0 »tai#a wJ tor devoted »ii month* of it* labor* and U (unttlt IWm lU^rlH *i ito p«Wi prepared ha* a'»Mit an.1 atort b »o«a. Ur aay .iwr twiinrx tfcat Mr proparly «•* dry houar, UtIO,, ratkl l» M (W IktMi, fr»t fr mm IW upnw of .a d*v4*ing and !*a»r# Iba mmiM all it* iogvnuity «i;i a *>ut .ViVD, tw atorlaa high It Will W miiynlwr ■. Mr. and Our Window Shades. T. F. of atll b* m to) Fitting Hanging tb» lma two m »ntha b> gat tba BOOTS & SHOES. Hathaway, m i>:antat«IU W deplete Treatury pr"'«a*t:y WICT nIUTh loaa. U(k dir. W»o« N " So. M* ATIIPC'ft** ■* we anagh la < «' •( • ■ ■ • Which will «lo at Short Notice rltlU«>l to uM M tor >*fl S p!u* mill* >u, to the neglect of important t»«ili|.aga r*a«tj ocrnpancy. I• l |f Ik* I> ,••• r«* tor I to Mitwrmf tba work Will t»a pt)a'ia«1 with all p Mal>)la CURS FOR n*m»nirM iwi.n Stock ia Much Than Kvar Ilefore, an«at* T"b# l».*«rat pmtarn TI IotwcmI own l*at 'Hw, ki I. !»(»<■ ■ river AXt> CONSTIPATION, and Nickel l'ull. all to (our ba In iMtM at tto hall at K » u"rk« k. * I he wavtefulne** of the and bar- ba« iBfantMt a mammoth plana with Fixture* n«dy put up ixN-l-W« t raar.af w k«rW1a| b*r i«)t| hullJIag. SfLT/fR APCRICNT. plete, Spring Unl^ tor tto purnM* «>f r»*-»i»l*| ri»J»»tto» not recti*** for tim'wr by oi or borae rent*. n4X m | tH*l Mf m ibMi W krr tx'r bill *t*ed by the Hoot* planing larga »«r« for SO WUltam l> r»aa*U. I rautoa. A«» !riarc*gtn | Gent's will (aib>« titling}, only May (», l*«4 Tbla makra a abating a foot Furnishings •• lawtl attention. The convention fiad* a aort powaf. plana ■ r| llwi*t»W i 11 U<-l> ( IIK-! »v. MSMJli Wtilun. fcaat Wi:too. IraakUa wkla, an 1 to drawn hy a pair of otan. It AUK Til* l«»*>a It A* «if tulace for th* e&travagance of th* aiablaatlwaa 1111. ItliM'llN Wnltf |1«m Pak v I ™pIT takaa two man i>i boll It aa «l U* I«*W|N (tortUi t. Ibiklwi l. Ikiwi ioiwl; th* am u&t "•ill probably man la plaa:ag '.arga Tbla Ittf, ■*!. Drugs, Patent Medicines, appropriated I" kitr l« r* II III ■ I W • **iat a a( M t» UktoartaoaMa lla«.«lato a la aa all tba tlm W« Ht IK* f«»«i%l!» ll«aluat>la r U4 IMwlf. tb* Senate." frx't graat aaitag lima, NIHItMIS ItKOWV lata af II t n.aairrkk be mcrea*-d by Republican im hrimrl btoi Ikisiiii lllWBUWf f«t. bar to balag t i* tor ii Articles. to aa4 r« ulr, >r*a»» I. In «*« ar i * *. :»• ha* for a plana •• r»» 11•» «>' tiaa. a of a century b*«n ghtiog campaign* t baa ha 1 a an t to tx>w A IU( Nil HINM>IK»N ararl* fatal, ralapaa Sick-Headache, issua. AND ALL AKT1CLKS USUALLY KKPT IN ■ all llvaaa «k.> kata aa* la iHI) tut || *W«)4 k> total •'Hai«|aia'M r» en dead iaauea It ha* arrived a ari<>«« eoadltloa. If, tn«|ea«t, aa»a TW l*|>«laM«ni of «»itor«t »r# regularly la vary :>rr, la MlMk*l>l M*4i Ikaiwi lo aikl'.r I** & Plummer's rvrtf > la in at Cmn tima thla to JiWMII A. WITH bl iMttol iW at tver? about after ha la a till llvtag at th« gt*« Kenney point twenty year* nv^PFP^ I * • ll"». U I 0 I L » O I M* Mt, i Mir by First Class Drug Storo. Mar <>f aoai»« ha* it. Thit prraa at la •'Moak a ■ M Ik* parpna# the Republican party paa**d and PRICE STORE. KoSart oBa of oar oldaat ONE A t**> • ila* »a»'!Hai»i for (ha toJIooiaf t ouaty «m Sklillnga, TJlHIUir Til C 'lUcf laf lanbf |lraa tar ■*** it. we bel eve, the firtt inttance in which a Store in of a ♦ra «ia T» <> "ooatora. la ooaly < •<>u by atck of »»< Our Charge llapatered lb*l b* taa kwi la y »pia"»'a 1 Ik* II,i baat liota dU»*—, bwulU uiiiiTrn >> *Mt wmmi m Tn»ai Prescription* specialty. Alway* • Attora*?. ( Ink nl (imrla, hat -t out <>f th* Ja of rnbala I f >ba < aualy •( OikH Ml aiatiuarn, oaaty tb* I>«moirntiC party g lata. SOUTH PARIS, ME. « "»- "»'• l«a ra of tor tft# >a»t»ra iml * «-• IfiPl I til 5*Ukr**4 Apothecary baa a*»«»»l ib* truat of Alaa aia»ri <»» a » l«w** •• Bew nuu«r un Aa. l ar.d into th* future A A. .In ]?• dm mi llatM, riflWllH. of Irra l»i«tri<~t*. *b#riff aa.1 Traaa*r»r dead patt 'W*1"1* * Ik* will iimiH of tb* an I mmt Tf* TW haal* of aUta o111 W aa toi Gothic (it nearly c .tapletrd will • I »'•> | MIKV II f • r»prn>al A rthalilita'i >n of the navy it called STATE. MkrlllMII m;w VUMH M N4VMA •• toaa Toaa aaO riaalatkm orfaau*«t THE PINE TREE ta »al-l I caair ,|*raaa>4 bf aialaf baa I •• lb* Urk IB tbl« COtU.Brf «r»k UIM (O *U. I »•••»«!• *»•■, *• »• r koa aUI t» rant #.1 to oar f r. and tte recommend*?. n of Mr. law 4 'farla ba iMirbfa It ia«la a l"» •• • d atari rarj«a#a K 1 ff >rd he* the cellar an I foaada AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE. S. L. CROCKETT, lirkftlr. an'm aUltkiaat Vk(*l» Kir •♦try Sp Registered <*Im4 W> iba ratal* > f a a »»«• • toe •**•. defence* Apothecary, Tilden't letter in boa*# on \Vr*t«rn Aee- \ urtifv » uf tli«* M*t«' I aa? aaaauly l«a « regard t) id* far hi* aew f"r (mmMmt *i*4ial* |«>in't>l. aa lb1 fetal# k>* ••oarraor la IW atorltaa «f J«»a A it adopted ran* ail completed to I rraly for Ihe car- of Mainr: ^luni*. tirat a of Goods for Cash. ■ a*4a ib»r- la fraction of tori* «ot»a oi ■ mm IIi«tory Dry Ma IW nCMCll. ii-awfty mm in to roniorK* NORWAY, MAINE. IA. A.M. re* !ut»on* with ripKtnl now lit I# tha toaa to aa aJttuioaai .i#i»tii|>anie»l l>y by • •f Probata (of lb* af <>lf'tl •» a* »l * Ul< «T» UNr to re** with the fiahermen *"B of Aft* tor it. No one ia laailf eif aympathy Rn>lrr, of Wr.t I'lala*. Kimu. K c«>ni|M» C. 0. I> In thia way et,«ry fa of iba a«lal* f l-k «» a U t Ml >u, jwop'r mfcljr •usa>l Ik* I *4 £■***'••» of without which would ha* written mi> eter eo K I JAMIko 1*1*11. **}mg *n}tLng Y Mot*, E*<|.,ofUtltllla|*, tition A •|>]«-nortiitiitY for trmt^l alike en»l prie®* Mil I.I 4 M HAKK'M |at. I PM a aaU I ouaif -I****aa>l. by * • ia( b f4 aa iba « It A*. tk. \T> K. reflect the Stiti Ibal he will b» b<>n»e oa a elait aV>at the no Tim upon IVpartment. Ofw am wi'll an oM A^'rntM. Tlii« lunch lower. lav ba tbara bra 1*1 uto*aa t oaaty t oaaltiar BOOth. ttmi | were of Aral of Brit i|*)lH i» Iba aataia of aat-l 4ar*iaa| la ana • Tk* laau aal p. at. lat >••*>• al.i la the fi»herrnrn u*utni support, Ati«l <1 r* of Maiou rAnnot aflT >r»l lU|o» lire e few we liate I l««ttt, who ha* beta clerking .oi^'hti pnee* ■•4Mla pataiaa', iM ibaaa Vfe* bat. aa\ U aalltivi lo tW kiivaiai r*i rr«r nLallua la I to htn<-*« of while tbe Secretary hu to K> without a Oiuet bt-r of their own which will ihow how ■ lWallK«*nal«*lt k» aaaia la at«'»» t < avrstkoa peculiar 11 aney A llilBMr lb* put Mf, mnili* till* Sprint* it. UM. ram the an 1 Mai JOSEPH k KKWtl A.'«any 111 •liarkta lUiarJ to deal with present question completed hi* engagement wilt thetn HtoU. Addviaa li B. RUS8KLU low *o bate made all tfotxl* through AixWitor Hal>ia •aaia*r at is dec tad action i* l* n >w with MllMt, the *hor dealer, a» taa w Wtbal loaaU ared. precipitate dep- l*nbliAh*r. .17 Cornhill, Itoat.n out the ator© to enrouratf«» mail onlera TP I aytarni barafer $ pabitf bail** lb* « a «* Maann I iH»>a not »eem to be aba baa baa* 4uly i|f"iala4 t>r II RroaatoM, recated There doe# any Norway are a< t cna^'in pur at Pratata I of ifc* liailf ar llll •* I ta Hark A#]! to. | ... Watarlatartorl »rd ao » I.eoaar I ll« r*e* haee Kipreee pail l»y Alton Cliff * > artun on the • »a«4 If liaal .'f fi^uif Iba \#ary W iinMn a dacg»r of part 1 I'liitm r«. hut it la * am-tll Hyroa preeipita'e each a fior Brw Mar bicycle, an bid fair fry |»erren M4MTIIA M !•( u..is iia • « aau-a Jtoraay »raafcl'.n »"l t of the State • ri I* HORSE H0ES&CDLTIVATORS. a >a 1 I»«*aar4 "I •• • I I>epartmett to make tiwt rldera Hag if will or«lei t^fther l| Iwaiaaik •■fori tjMnfa m Bicycle • tat*»» iiri(;hU»r* OWMly, I *i«k| Mil tllnlM ef r«IM'l I* ■» I '«» w l>l ll#i 1 l"ar> a n i » soldier the Con- to be hera. Vxaira*} Having candidate, a-»w ge-ilcg «jalte popular U .1 II »• II I » ull.»»lOf» or a alone. I or (MMMii fell make up package i*-1al t* (aa iba a aula nf a aid i«*aaaa I la aai. r»ra MllMa ri >a L"W.*u>o. marble quite fryatoirg vention could Dot afford to condemn the II l( Smith 4 S of Mr !«• IrM frim* I In* «.lk ClMl'i Hot Ki<|> iiaa*>l at* aa i tkoaa aba baft a»» > *iuaa>1 hutor luiar n. I at 3 1-2 cti. t« lilt h (ft t.r»*ta«»l ll'iwkaO han'.eome marbla cr»** oa the l<>| of C A. 3,000 Nf« light Printed la«ns, May «toa of ao it • resolution Maaoaat ptnaioa*, appended V >uo* la It »rraile Cemetery While hera Horse Hoe and Cul- Curtain Scrim, at 9 Till Mba*nitar barabr iifMptHNMHaMI Mart tori term* Champion 2.000 fagottod I eipreaeitiit in glittertngly general they *« ure«l *eerral order* for cemetery ba baa baa* 4ili t^alilH bf iba lla* Ji l|« 2.500 Nf» furniture Cretonnes,at 9 m Pmtala tot af Oil »M aa I »aa>.*a| to it* de. work we an 1er*Ua I tivator Combined. tbaCn*kly the gratitude of the country Iba traal of A4aalatatf*i»r af Iba lalala af one of th« 600 American Holland Wmdo* NKWS OK THK WKKK. fender*. C. A. Browa of TortlaaJ. Steel Cultivators of various kinds. IUI^ii lion*, lata »f MMI. j large*i palp manufacturer* la the hut#, SHadei, at 29 I* aa I C«aaly, |a*»aa*-l. br flrl*«b«*4*a ft The ('nil Service Keform wh'ch HKl « tk #imI *'4 la* traaaa b« Ibaaaf »ra raui»a|j al paraaaa la plank, an 1 oae of the owoer* of the Itumford Cihiuitf |4HU, M|Weal for 39 aai aaaa. • ra rm to*ia t>r it. 8 ids. Best Netting ilaMat to iba aataia af l la*aaaa4 I* TW < «t>.karat m4 Ik lirtkJ »u to be found in the «u here r*v>nr» Mosquito ij» pla'.f >*. * Water 1'ower property, aa4 ibnaa *b<> bar* aa 4a Ami |Nm( if Amia T>w>, (M«l *t«Win 'WW>I t»l hams, at IM Mar I*. i« lata I «■«>. r Mkl M" \" n»t I nder a iVmccrattc ad- parrou. Mi nad Mr* Alva Sbartleff of t. * • to V'» \ ik Iw appear MinufjctuW A|fficultuf»l Implement!, Mr*. li» wl.iif Y C who a meat ere marki*! oiroitn. aa .At a I art of Pr*bbl* ball at w no further u«e Brtgga. lately opeaeO »omi pamia. mnr.. Tbnu> f*• l juet l»* tbir I Tuaa4ar *1 Mar » >' 1*^ for I »• • oa# of haad*<>me*t de- A %4 —f >1 «• the some Rare a ti wrix* any wiling lltiry wi|uD* to be fooaJ ta Otford Co. NOTICE. Rood rbil4 aa4 bair a»f t B. Millar. Ula *f Hra*a vnt4 Ik# l »i.« At X»« ) xk Ik* ►' l>HHti»l TAT TKACUEUS who bratdea a akl'l White at 31 cts. I* a«k| ta**tr, 4*raaa*4. baring pr»a»• ■ •.« Of FEMALE A M Gerry, btlag W ct. All Wool Flannel, rrni.-r* iHWrh I ■<*• t»J I 1r>i|t aa.|«ar4 .. la ' iw4 hi IM Jklvlil l'e«ft. 1*11 10 Good Chetiot Shirting, Bargains l»*ka* a | *4m. Ai I* tiak-.Mm* im «r«an* mm t».rf % he ballt a commo- the fo "Mia* * fan. lar, baa Jaat »■ m itkla *i 4 let i»« Utllf af Oifo.4, M IM art la ml. Ibal Iba aa> I lauwllu lira *<*■*• u Uw •»» J iwt owing prominent | All our ct. Chenot Sh 1« W I •**». kx ii >»»itin MlW A l> best 121-2 • a la * Jlou* kenael aa 1 yar i arar St. MWl4Tf»li; •( r.lfuwr l*.,l«iW " All paraaaa lalaraat* I by aaa a< a *>»('! A fc> (fib 1 ■-• *> r.| t..f. M u «iWmm traiher In proaiaent school prom t*em»tery |«»» Ik* «•# in* I ■hitiltail. of *«*bliaba>l •I \ a CiNi ltM Han. a ai Im n tie state <«f l»-wn l.a«t. where ha U breeding Kngltah beaglre Decorated lkMk« lhar I laeat {•.«.» al Ik* I'wai* Lovai a#r» ing, a' I a I fruaMk* ,m4*»*ai la llba «»ifnr4 l«**"tral |>flatr-t itli "Wraw i« Ik* «aam> at lk>tT' teach- bouBtl* lla baa aom* 4 • #»r of and declare* to a*, the wage* of female fot long pedigreed Iff Mil' u»lt larrfa.taflo »#.ali*u# Send to u« f<»r ell kinde dry Mar iti<*f at a Ciaoaia Im'I t<> b* »> al • Ilk Aaftl IkHMl TVr k**W ak.c* tbay the of and la from atock (•I* road. #• »»• Ml M*l hMI*>l tf» Ik* luteal? I* 11 •>* I Ha Ibihl ar i ••* ik- • er* to be tna 1* wtlb pay log*. brtetllag Imported »■ ntore at Ctfla a*l4 aalr Taa*4ay ■ iip fiar.laa ifw»l k«r |w ik* Im t,af U.< ooght e«|«ul ik#a a la a na k*mn Ikaiot karla > Ii .a Wiitixl mal* tear h«r« Oar columns will adalt a Th«-r« will ba Sunday Sets, lll>4r«lM I L »WI». •<» **ik| kf CtJ in the Stele. •* frre on If bara lb* aaaM abo«M a >1 '• a IVal aha M »»»• kiln Uai aka mm 'B#4 l«w to Chlldrea'a at tba Seraph eppli- bay Ibay *by g«*»l arguaeat to au*uia thla proposition appropriate I>ay, Bap- » i* llirMa aa4 l«*M *»*'♦•• k»Mt>* (it* •» M*a.| i.tO t.Nll>iS.iJ(> Tl Mat A Mia ■» itiM tat Wal at *" ■ al ration. iafff Who volunteer* A* the Tt*fK*r 41*0 tlat cbarch t« tt Saaday eeeatBg A bap- ll '.*•» Ul m#»l lk* feMM *1 IlIfM H BOLSTER'S, SorTii A ir«a aapy—AUaat II C OAVII. b| aiif I*. •*!.*»! « llM ra»a •« M IW |»rw.~ •( *a*k ra o< tlam ta at tha clo*a of tba aervtca 1 kaa i m i« »■■«*•». la mm| i.Mialv, •* Tu#*4iv. laiallt aa m k* ka— nw M ll» all TW la to the saprts* of aany, I eipectrd a. *• 4 fl .1 1 a. a yalKI February, A■!«*< I?. A. !•. I»<, at I* a a'«lMk la IM i. r» O\rO|0 wank aat »»•» •>» II a JaM*a •«. lUw w to a f*w word* In the la the afteraooa. aa I a a t .< >na Ifai «ul1 like whisper a«i l«r lk* |>ur^M* •( vtaviaf t«>l r<*4 la Rines far la *kbl* for Iba laaiiy af —1|.« J Lm ..*» ilwl at kaa kaaaa >a Naa Brothers, Paris. til Y«*l i«"> ear of the Maine ia-tv an 1 other* of her U. C Tbtllip*. of Att*>urB. I>latrlct Mas- •a. aa4 lo k*Ai all p«rt>** iai#r*ai*l. m4 *enrar. Iha Ibir4 Tu«a4ar af May a I), ill. |l« «aa ■ an a ■!■!» af « tajiiaa. Mai Mi. 11 HE lamr <4>« iw kaaanl auk a r* *«M«Mk If wa* In tows a or two the < < Proa a long ec<4aaiataac* witb female* Malae, day paat I'm. Hit l« dm Aal4. I* aai I aaty, b*riag |>raaa*l»l baa nan aa Ua* ka»l •/ T«i» aa» Ha. k* waM r»»ai * whll* vagagrd a* toacber*. and by c »a week. IIKMIV •• WAIKKU 'Mat af floarlaaak a of abi l *arl far ailtaaa laJatart « rat* aaa4 Mi yalll a, aa4 a Na ECLAIR! tbat lha aa< I loiar ltaa A >*• At a of breedera and IIIK4M III llHAkli. CoaaiUH. >r* I ta* la all pat at t* a i*ia*aa«a4 by aaaaiag a ~.r f tl aa olhera lat*re«trd 1b forming a A*- BKAk, | aal* karat 4a akaft rtf«* h oppua.t* mi, froa Ute *io* •tandpolnt. Coaaty Will Make the Season of 1886, allliaardar I* ta* yablabal ibraa Mala * n>«N»al Akmaal a»aaa ... » a lk> • • • Wed- a> >.^ 1 c»n aan to b»r declaration. atloa, bald la Llaacott Hall, laat raiA *«m«, i*r**#ai»oa **aair*lr i* iba Oitwrl l>a*aaffai. k-r aUd I heart..y ssy I It*NaluM.t •I Iba "labia *1 Ik* MbMnUr, ll tk* Mrk Xlfckaj «atkl4| ml fa**—laaal I >«tiaa |lar»* aaar at a r>ai>a4a > -art u I aa w*U awar* of tb« tbat ar* tay eeealng. the orgaaliattoa of a Co I at 4 Car# hr J#bi II MrAI'ia. I^««ll, farta ibat tbay appMr a»l M.aa tuna ai|IW< al Ik* Wkil* M'1**. I4»* opposition Polaitt Mo. fan *iibi* aa4 A-r aa<4 l.oaalr aa iba waa tba electloa of Mi.i II j»aM In Call#r|»r- Mai om to aat H\tiuforct ba babl at IH IMllllM I. Ik* haa kal a ftt-nrntB* from time Immemorial the fair aex ha* Society perfected by »a*» y—4af. a>l'l r### UlH Tuaa. of Ju*a *aat, al •*V|*rA la tb* tk* m tk* ml tla* 4*a,r*»l aaa. <>fTWr» rrnrmmmmy pmaaaa r*- • Itn! from man, who ban endeavored lb# following Terma, $20.00 to Warrant. *n** a*4 abet* aaaa*i if aay Ibay bara. *b/ (b* aaU aa«arl walk*. Ik* W'.W ual pa« *«M «• I Part* v» burled aader a rburvlf, aatnr ab->ull *at ha al *ad. m U* la Ikrt/ kaaart kiep female genius heap kaai lu» Martaw t*aar hrk At>|ia**a afaal rir*t\i«* rtm. Ja Va aai»«. t*r*a, feral t .a*' .a. *-| lalHT Dot H ha* burst tie veil W r nkMEl** of Igaoraaca *#. *».| \ Ice rre*l>teat— tier J am In M rtiMn, iMaaiT aa M| Irai HafrrtiM l'#r lloraa t W I krrall. b» iilhrop M»..re|« A U*a —aUaal -ll.t .DAVIt lf) a*tr • r*<|>ua' C*py i| al ml ba iWI a a* t» tm a* Alalaaai that man la bla pride ha* drawn over an- Norway. ■mam I puiill.* a#t «*»l .* in «IA1 A ItltON. M wii k-tx *1 raiaoaibla raua, I'll — naka I «Wk k* akaaal 1 a r ■ N tt« •«< 44 « N»f»urr r n Mailn.M Pari*. I# Hur ij Ai. N. T. UIM H* li«llMM i)«M lltilllk •»*r«>wn H -At a u«ti ar h'n>n> •• i u Ik—-m. (tataal ■ al a-a» gelic aptrtt. !»•«. TW Ma>ar llaM"' Trtwurw- It I »uiuu*'. ao t art* Ki.ua(or'I r»l|l, May I". l*ara. wilfcia ti l for Ida wI Oator* aoae the Cauilr Uia-I k» fc' iaal a At- A LMatka. (kiur*ar, Or. u lirown, Norway, A W (iKoVKH, HwrAu «1 ciUh uo»Im« Twliiul TWW!Ul.i| a., kjkla at UaMaliM <»•«> I' *o Win II. fo deprtvlag aaoy of them from teaching a Tu<*»r, I'ari*. Itlakr, PRINTERS ROLLERS otroen. •• -At • Cairl of 1'roU.u blU ll an of H«(fc*l,l« mMIimiI? kit kaaiui k naa fat ft aa I paaaa I Ua* > ata-aaal H*W* r*ri* hU A cannot "boutd l'art*,*u»»\ Wrtgbl,ao Paarl New York. run,' wltkia ill tor ll* CmiIi i'iiif..H, IM ir»a»ai»l bia mwi M fuartiaaahip of 1 altl 4 .a|imaai' K»*»l mt l*r.i» winter acbuoL la.'y to lir»f\ a Constitution ml 324 and 320 St., fcfaaai Luoumtlee Ity »• ikt tklr* Tatarta* of May, a l«. ItM. • «Nl« llwtur* aal a a* aaaa.»aa.) WknWUMll kf tk* IU»aW. round Hbe cannot tbe large t a»*- a r II. l, That lit aal>l litirllw |l»a • 'aa* Wtk* Id Ikafi.1 —J. Iua f I k <>f M » kiaa *a thry will not con set. I to b* gov- «*, Jr. "• •-.« rt-Ms. Irater of Ika aaiala af IIM K. Ila>lta, lata if If* M lil Hr*H< liur*«i*4 by hii||| *<9J ot • a* a«k*ala« The Best me*tlrc of Ita Socltty will be ••• »b<> »aa C'llai. ll >4t l C.raily. tmilll. |rana« f.r Iku wt«l lo WmMIiM ilrM >Mki inwmi" • erned by a f« male, and tbe money ! 1 LR| UtOO' 1 d«af|»»»i7 South T>NI«4 M BMl IM «M«d llraaaa la aall aa l rnmwtj |ka lam oa wfclch mM la lb» Oir»ri« a| lbr«>wa awav. Ac. Bat a brighter day I* held la KBgtae lloa*a Hall. Pari*. ^•Ukljtin. If iMrlllUU of lk« >!»» MlkW t*M B». C*r»>I Riaar S. II. 4<» raM4«l al iba u»» al hu *»aU. ttiaiad al fan* thai ibay aiar »i r»«r ai arrvbata tk* Trtatan lalafli ^al • aa a*l> I>«l kal u to Uat fc evrBlrg. June vth Tha mem- dawning Ladle* are preparlag Wr»ln»*d*y hia»alf !■ tkfaa ■untit, m4 Ik a a UMmli alUi«4 I* aat4 loaa af luf i, II •• a.|»ai I'Mrt I* !»• Ml4 al Faria, la *a*l ComI? aa Ik* affaal r*i*aal af h»wltal ( .ta a*»t >* «u ra ba tie •ranrhe*. aud If can not fees acd data will placed U( utwri br MIM A i>Ula. tiiaalo M4 laa *<>u« offer ol It a bn4rr4 aal Iwailf 8ta lb* UiN Ta»»iar «f Jum aait.al* o'eiacb la l*a mum aa tk* t akaaal aalai I M»k*l. ki* k*a»lh • i.n higher tbey berablp yearly new one* at a low figure aod It ta that a »aafai b mm umImmi. Addraaa T B. rAUl, Mian. IknxMatailib*wu«m if u; lhay iava, ilr !»■ TV* N rtk At.a»< N.taa f*^aa-tr> «. aa> eaUr tbe old college* aa pupil*. hopeI paUtlaMr «lva aallaa ua m» aboaltl m« to aiJaw«4 okfH ta> t»»art al faruaaU HiiWi art*« and their door*, a* Bate* may ha area red thmuihout will open mtmberahlp to HI to la laiaraaUd by raaili| ia ib*inri litO A WlfAOX Jul*» aod lowaa la N. II. par College ha* already done, and from thoe« the coaaty, adlolalBg •I hW (MliIlM with tbUonlrr Ibarava l« ba Mb A trM —Atun II I IttUv mw Ai>vckr:«iuMKM>. n iba :n»titutl »D* forth a baad of alater* ArraDgemeou will b« mada for holding aa li»ka iklWK TWaI M a i*ciiiRTEr« iiTropiirMriiiTKor i.imk fHtMCmif Hy.aA la the '.«•** of aex embrartDK tha coBatltatloa, of Mil HO <>r * i> i*> that due teacher regar lofaa hy-lawa Mil •miUAm a nairhl*M K#m*4v for Cao- Countt ai Iba tbir.11iaa4if Jim iba ibiN TuaaAay May IV 7 la aa 4a k« ( aak raiaa m aed rule* aad of tba mf» nf |k# a'aKxk la iha tatrim*a, aal »ba« If aaf rRAM MC. KhKKI.A«l>, «llo« >( Wi I aa w It la adm'tted many, that la her Ulua- regalatloaa Society, ...... u..H ia Ml|« fgf II fa* || a*-1 l^rirak by W# < aad and tba will aooa t>« l*saed (•■|ki. HnI I.«»aa. IktMl DImmm, ibay bata »by Iba ram* al»««M aal (taalad. K aniu l lata af ImimiI, haaiaa f Smn'ai.uHlMtal Maa. I ratio a*. la her arrangement, la order premlam Itat, A. WIIJIOS. IK Um af rival! a»4 A |> pallia, a»l »n lorai •>! OSCO Ja4ca bif hUim lac aa all«aun« mi al T aa laai'a aaiiiat Awiaat b«r nlad to her for clrcalatloB amoag tba membara aptnr»* to conwy pupil* Uaaaral Htkllllr t >• »» A Iraa rupi —allaai II C. Ilavil. Ha«iatar l.iui' >f aat I tbe maacuikoe aei. oanaaai>, ibai ib« ui4 rauuaaar aaa**- iNaaaai.t at)* dot* not fall below » irllm II miKill H'IkCIIKNTKk't flra at l'reel- UolUa. »®l< •• Al I (ourl of PrvkiU b*U M !• all iinm laiaraaia I a ot u*»« W«a** > LaJ». Bat aa ah* doc* not aacrlflce no math la a The BatTtlo 71m* pablUhed I'll AH4!I<>* |lit4|l |<«i tj ()MMKtt, by mmi« mpy * !!•. Ctili. witbla aad for tho (taaiy of otford, oa ««4«f In b* NtlliM lkr«« tMki —r»»a«l'»lr la a Kaat^r*. no deot Clevelan It the demo* liruikU. WnillMTKH (O., II, I fttaur la not 1886. of view, her tlm* home, »tj» IM 1886. SPRING Ual ih" pecnalary point (Mk. Ikl Ulr4 Tim4«MI IMOifoH (*■•» rat. i>riat* I al I'ana tWafcraa. n«it have a Dew c*n.1IJat«- la ktykirHl^liw •« preclooa. ab* can leave hoae better than cretlc j>»rtr Oa lb* |*llt|»a f l»A\ll> M t>K<)VBK. 14 bmt a»>i«a/ at a froWU Cuart la ba boMrt Xa«*ra. M WE ARK NOW RECEIVING OUR «t ae not ls*«. lu It brief and forcible alairtral»r of lb* »Uli of Ilavid lUnomft, Caru, la aaM raatir aa iba UUrt TaaaAa? I a> lata-1 ITimI. lb* other I,—therefor* *b* abould aagument Itlo of n«lk«l, la aatd Colli?. ImnixI, |ir<)lM Jaaa a*n al aiaa oaiaak la Ua i.»r»a»a. aal Ik. Ta« A» a It Thla Mr. Cleveland hu and die- rvcelv* e^ual wagea. atereotyped dlaappolntcd lor |o Mil aBl #» ba*a wumI iba mm AJa*n.a.a4 ibr be bu •bona do aaf X*a»a»ayir ban no weight la It, coapared lou-gratrd party; Newspaper Advertising, NUli of hU »l lobl* Vf (rlllUill* U»o. A. WltAOtt. Ja-I«a kuHa a»l *k»aa. lira -t A P aMaatf, iNaatk (Via eiprv»aloa altaatloa of th* talent far orgenlttUon or leadership; be a* will i>r»iat» lb* of fi>«r baa4r««l dollar', A lr«a —Altaal II.C. UAUl. lUfiW • Walt, |*ara*-.a aal Janata, |k atari, n™. pan* with the different yovag SPRING STOCK OF GOODS! aapy lar lb* tf dobu ao.l rtu|H l»- ra*» I laakl Ha**. N. I» Ikaatlk IVu aen. hav* a fund bu VtU«Mior Ikmm.lo bo ttargains many floods, iimn or tub iNiurr or oiroau i«h an THK DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION others bav* to ron*ua* the aldalght oil MiU laorai niM ao all iiwiMHri la Ifco V. of hi* wool* *aoraaoltolr la it* Uaford • TATKor M Al* K of edacntloa. nomination la ft Hll'iH'U KlUklUkMlMT. n*b«d tbroa as wo are at to meet the Jeaaad* their neceeaary. tb%ilbor buying aa -raiU. M. a. D. I»* wi*m mmi i *Miatk Itoniwrai, (rlaud at ran*. aif ai>i>oar OXFORD, May abova la froa which nrri'D kol< al la mi< M la rn Mil l, ibai aa iba MMar <* 41 vxtomv nn sn mam roo The ay scrap book, cnroiif iJi«ijhmi< ••• bmii al a I'robalo Coart to bo ("art*. Tba Chicago bateh*re bava decided at OlLlilA L II I La. <«i aoal. at * I»* a Warraai la laaoiraa- t »»• Is a source of to a* aad aln*. M !•». iki third T«mJi; Jum May. A. f». pleaaur* II Ml MltttH IM «r lift 4*lh»« l W»*» VERY LOW TIIIh UOHU.HUL l*«t tbat tbev caonot work fruai 7 a. m to • la iho toioaoaa, aal *au»», U aat PRIOBS. l*a*ad oal af U># U»art af laaoiraaay tor aa* ww. r«v*rii>« ib« r. a.,M ctrtolailna a.w«.M "•k-ci maamju i*>* mm* *feobl4 aol bo rTMlol I. Um aauia of llatri A i JO r m Tbelr troable aeetn* to (*■ or- laMrt a o— lad t toy b««o. mug I oaaly of OiM ifatM m»m par Matt Wa wlU u h — OBOIU.K A. WllMi* ef Aalawr. la aaij Ouaaiy. alialial lulnean /Vm. adi iom »*ik la cur Jodf*. Mill*. ganlied r. <>a of aafl !•*, i-anuoa a wbicA MtlM »m tUii aa tba Mm day of Mat b«Ui 4t lut Col. — of Etna of re- We Have Full Line of All Goods aa Htagur Wrdnetdty. Spit* of all thrvata Mil muturtlf* Tiimbb Err —Tba tboaeanda POPULAR LOCAL LISTS A. B |M, la wbtcb laal aaa*l *11? aa.l Waakl? Mttmiri ft $aymrai A Card. aa>l iba 4ail»»r» u4 iruafw al aay in chack. ara dor So paoni Ik) papara in imI«4o4- a A Mw pr»r urJif k*pt ihrir fwllaga Ilood'a Hareaparllla in Well Assorted Store. Good Assortment of to or »• inated for UoTtrcof. plished by »«|J Ht CaUtan*. Haruaa Mlfi|lalla| la «Uw of tbo aaworroatod aUarb* apoa Mr talo-l usually kept Country any baiaaaiaa lo mj4 AaMor, kia lar of the office* •till to t>* Ailed, aad • to three effects wblcb tbla treat ara s aad IM aa4 IrMllir af aay pfoprf Wi tb« thought Imply IIm a« ad»»iiMl»f. !*/«* ar aaall, r*<,aaaiad Rubber Paint. —•rv— Woolens, Drees Goods and Domestics; New and Fresh Stock of Men's, Ma. |M»I| coatfratuUt* I>tmucr*cy upon ladorwJ lb* I'mUttl But lh«y cookl medicine baa apoo tboae wbo take It: la aaa4 lor aallaau af eo»l. I'lraaa Maa Ikla rubor Iammi of h* tiito** or bilaJlr ff*)o4lrod, ly by bia ara DtUMm br lav; Thai a am ti t* o«o lAdiee' and Misses' all fine Btjles | Ladies' Gloves and Mkl lo Ihatf if* •iidcm is coming to Old Oxford for not rvfrala from tb«tr hoocat Klr»t flea tba blood. *» M ta jarttro to MimltN ilMMnrtwl Hosiery, Jerseys of im Crariltara of ltattor, pro?a cipreaelag It pan af » • Uw la trgxi 1 to tbt* paM. i Boots and and Rubber new Jam aad rbaa«a oaa Ot moro AMi|i<«< it* »tandard bearer, and Col Kdwarda of and a**all*d that It tba loptniioai Hats and Caps Shoes, Goods—a stock just opinion Coagrvae, etrengtbena ayatem. Um tort Ibal 4«rui tb» part »li ;**rt ** bar* wl4 aatela. «ill ba b«l4 al a Coart of laaalvaaat MM with force atd with action to tba dl- aad at low t a Stock of New Room all a* iba IDI 4ay for tb« it may be, a**«mblag* particular Thirl: It glvea healthy a*arlr fly* thOuttnd »■ Ikto fbMKy. liought very I*rge Papers of kinds, boMaa Al TarM, to aaM CaaMy, honor,—empty tboj|h Qillont prices al ta Iba foro FISHERMEN !• ikM to t nairiM Jam* a. O UM, bim u'alael much troth. The weight of their cob- geetlve organs tk*i t« M Mriu, r>«l >tM*or* H Borders, Window Snades and Curtain Fixtures; also and Straw Of —that confer?*! his mix i*. W* la I ibal «•*** rU»l a* L»ioo Oarpets apoa 'IfBiatloa fall oo the IWmocratlc llooao. With tbeaa threa iffrcta do dlaaaaa caa IttarUMf, arA to Iblo aro owlmt fcoa litl«o, aM and colors, received from Boston Crockerv, Cilass iilna aadar aay kaad Iba to rOcailooa lo tb« coo* actio* It cer- strength. through tbe potent laflaence of ir»n«a >a*»i». Coffees we have a Good Variety, and we will Guarantee both Quality and ■ixty-two jnn •£«. U * rbalka«o aaf oao to brtoc Bay *obotootiai wm for W. 11. Clifford of Uood'a Bold all FROM ao otb*r ima Price. We also in stock which we sell I rub detcent oa tb« father't «uie. Ht tainly funny Hareaparllla. by drngglata. *? lfK>* tftiMt Ut* puat, aad aoh I carry Salt, Lime, Cement and Hair, <*bo baro !*ortlaad, lo kla apaoch to chart* th« K»- Try It CHASE & WHITTEN, a-*ixl*(f« tor M U>aa It *i»*a toy Umm at or retail low as we these in carload lota. ROOFlia COMMIT. bad a fair biuiatH edu;at*oo. II* tint LEWIS, wawd U. Wo raabl fit* oror*o of tMlMatod jobbing prices, very buy goods mill with atlrrlag op the praaaat »h«ai.| aa la Ua Rooflng paMlcao* •»a of aim af lak ta frtMa »*U ka»«a ta Ho boor. last but not we still sell the MailJara laftauaig* humor, and ao fall«d to er tha la RmH Mat HU kf R*v. D. <>wU*J, Mr. C'al- M iralf aa aaaal S. P. MAXIM 4 SON. raUraa4 af M#a*t«M roof at Ht ia at properly joy Uroat Imthm Sfa«lSe. It l- iut ia Mala* »lth Jim trad* Bethel. pretent VM ( *mu(i vt •»! M»e llr»wi A. lUrt. ri toot M>«ai*< tvat f atare of thalr Albaar, kit MdMaa. aa4 atarr Utera taauag ■aMklSria. We have received a carload, and can make Low Prices and Favorable Im«* ll la tic Ml vaiaaMa ila| gatherlcg.—Ilottvm Wa of Jim Mr. lUawr O. Milka of AprUO.»«M. just »*oJiM io I'ptoi. W, . Mr. Tlitimoniali. At tbo brtakinf laUr*A«a. Jim Ix. a*a al»l lo lava Iba af r*«oaiM«a4. Please to call and se» as and oar we believe we can suit V t-U mt oppoilaaUjr HM. try and Ckse U. ItotM m»I live C- Mr.AUuter. It to o fcota. Taoralroly. Oirua*.Oifua*. Mam.Maiat, MarrbM,M prices, tad *u made CapUia of Thar* la oo loager any doobt that Coo- lag ws after an organized _ Mailala A Hoa: for think, that, of twenty-five in tho Held for M*o*.«. T. you, experience years baying NOTICE. Kiftb Maint Vol anteer*. greaamaa l.>ag la a>]«ar«ly la bar* aa*.! Rabbor Palal tor roan, 4a "WOOD'S" PURE aftar rtaia. to tbo raak of Colon#L J aaalraatia* Ibla promoted tkM-rn Paau, ». **• Market South Maine. a*- liakat * Oraal Aaari«M tti lofalliMa April Square, Paris, Cot Kdvardt Km baoa tbo Doom* Oat of a llat of tw*Bty-fl*o peraoaa \ FLAVORING EXTRACTQ fpoelir, A *aa: ""•"Suu l. COIOIIWM. Itr ill (iktarail or tiltrval.) ||*m. 0. r. Malta ircUd OeBoral Orant to racelre, each a s (iC(L ALU OTMlMb paloa roar lUbWr faiat tor «U yoaro aaa WIUaaa-E. L. Cmm»Ma. cratic candidate for Shtntf ia thit by ioa,ia», aaraacaiaaraoaaa oi01 IHM.na«*. I baro ao*4 Couatj. a. kralaaa,ralaaa, apriapn aad *bal roatlaai u. copy of hi* booh, foar ha»a dlad Thla not VOOO * CO., BOSTUB* lOoUaata. aiJ atAar fc lad It bi«fcir MttatotMry. ula| aad la Bothol a candidate for i aavaiata. Ktprtota- ahowa how rapidly tho old mat of hlatory la aJTkr aU diaiari rriaa. —a. Maa A ra, rartlau. Ma. Job Priatiw 2X&22Z& tatlto to tbo Ltfialaiaro. in poaalag away. 0o>, hop H. N. BOLSTER. A«a ('(.minings, Timoth) K. BROWN FI KM). NORWAY I.AKK. "Albany, THK POSTAL CAKI) HR1QADK. NKWRY. Hutchinson and Parsons fluked. f «1e- Kliai (trover, (Jrover, •II r hav* been laa Httnl huo.lrxl arrea of aweet BartNtt, Jason Sherman, Maaoa, r ^ krwittoti of tbla la tbe and have aecared qalte lopimnl M K. (VkI, m4 Mlkr «4 "TV* Mm tad IW W iMUivtlk Cask** i> W c«»r. U. I lltaki lllag bU »'>o. I: D Knapp. place, vicinity, corn r«« AotMflilMfir, corn for lb* na« of th# Norway Bertlett, Amoi Hill, Peter " Www* «l T r. ■ iwt'T l»*nm«-W It farrta, We r. of Bethel |« benefit Jr., Peregrine t*r»f A nraihr# ot lUa (MUly 1*1 t otrf t ftfeMMtk. Tkla rMMd MMlMtMMt rTI.Mli ■ Mtak Kr*«ta« la aerloaaly 111; Or. Twaddle Ui.mtll, A L. lauece. W M«»ut J. K HllckB« r U about rooting the eta* tilM factory. Yotk and Kli Twitchell at (uk«t la Mm Ik m4 Muwrti, liW li *%rt— Mimtk, Itatifaatton, He. Mr. C|fM kaa lu *-»«•». attending bin lb* alia rrTT. i»innKCM»mii m i iu«ki,u iijmm, ul«l tb« Kunmlj k r it u Man Wu favor*! wttb 1.1 krIt* a "Brownfield, Joaepb w«j«tafH 7.*rtI52£mn iwbi i"»«- will mam tbe of robin*1 ejria irrttrJ tba *L' w "ftf David (tar I and of Belfcel. lie waa return proposed rbaBge Improve Otbaon and Daniel |artlliu4 vmnimL In. Mr. (krrWk «U1 m. c«nM >Wf ha Hp« IW m> «( Drum* lim IMhmA M*»r»—» ■••*•. *•"* Uet Mr Bb1T«ib a memorial Orare M Nlevtna la achool In Steele, Timothy rri a«. prencbc.l m well aa be non cotiv«ftl»i.« NM«Ti .'•.**tr* I^rta' I>ar1ag the coavereatloa be Kipma Co., irwg •»! Marfer rated an ) I be attendance large. Monday, • vlaltlng rrlatl«ra ber* M-«**t tw*u» aad at her father Hiown. I.wned Swallow, Thrta mts l« thaltown M of hi* llT^L Mechan- had united oa« baadrvd ninety-five Benjamin Pwtnal }\»X of lb* O A. K from far* uf nature aaver looked »w*t-t»r Brown's tnaW conplee lo marriage, aad attended the fas* Tbe aulding, Kooch Hall and Nathaniel aWaa *<*«tkn «*a Ihtf of » Miter. tmm »•«!<»< Sarsaparilla ic Filli Mtl liarry Hut I'oat from Norway thla |e«r. IIY HON. Sj l« a wee4r#f«J nw«1w >%— fi* bam*. hundred For than when leafy J*a« appeared raaa of aud eraU of over Ave thirty- Mil M W U4 mlwrtri • M bWMV of Hum'unl. fn ti ailh tbe I'vlan I Ban.!, were preaetl to b* obeerved aa Flower Ml* a two ol«l Harlow. W. A. J»N**ua U t r. alrea Were tbe M K rharcb, Willi every praacb held at on* who ran la Invited to give torn* rtmem H Taj lor an I 0 I. liall have tub lo*t Hi Hand, John and John .Sim "»rank*-* 10 kiaur ikul w lur kaf Haw, »m la am] atcaaaary Hearsey of Baibol. omtrla by lie*. Meaara Kmmoo* on that • A » llrntck. K»s brance* to th* poor and alck day. a ahrrp. killed by beara mona. Hick ate*t~l it**if la mj 0Utmtth M*l aauatk of lluffura, ('apt. II Backaata Mrl'tlla; that J 0 li«r4 II kia Mora Um MfUlnf k* araf U>l MUM;. Ila»a trW4 May nitn. of Backfl«W. »u ta a HIRAM. Mpatl f*wnl 0 H U«r*»r. K*j a waa read It baa Daniel Aaron and Joshua m •« ur(ul«t. puts by eiceptloae oally, an| MS It Berry, logalls VWa ka anl latMi Ira 4a fa v> W • •I M t. Irw»'• hfMfMtlk I fcaa waa Altnon Young kaftil !)>•■ Tharaday. rade rrou Dinner prvtliM the acreage la op to the Oa Friday. i/"th alt. lion. a la tam>\ *111 lb* B. aa II I* •*» Norway. pleating. fally brown hra.1, qalt# l*p Oigood ltf|« Nf^; m4 aoij M ekoekl (MM buM • •»!' Mf, thai, au fa/ My tifwWi* C". at the LaAe II '0««* for the membera of the and hi* »on, Walter Almon, wtnt Into th* and do fan- of *" average boy'* fare, #uck bla ear, many "Dufleld, Wheeler/ b*at fur IW Muwt kit-ran." J >ba P. Caatoa, I — th* barn Joseph Henry Iklaf i+Atj\*f l'oota fri D thhiail an.I for tbe Ban Tb« Codc'1 Circle met with Mre J R. barn tard to drive a bor*e Into It la aa larg" MI 'mi Tiara Ja». ny tblnga only |Ml Silts Solomon l.-lac I, ia t..«a attended tbe Brmorlll mora <>a» baa a m.mjent to to Far«ell, Barnard, ^ •■ '*r* Many of the pniple Andrew*. VVrdor*day; than Mr. Young atopped epeah alird rat K rm Mf »-N«« *» a la the af- of th* la*l reaewed hla ef- J» hn Mar Me, J r and William Pingre* W •er» l<« a tl M Kal and Norway, dred were the * gentleman. and Merrill. Who a few witka ago had • mU ran If wtU W- rrfUiM. V , l\*im«*w I Kt»aw, of Ba-ktlald, people preeeBt; pr.tceeda Data* Hrovb IW«|vU4 fv. k*, fmrj ternoon the evealDC Were #10 fort* Th* bora* kicked him In th* upper bla kna« la oat t»at I* J am* a W. (V la Iowa T*am*«y, Dearly dlalocited, again, "Frjeburg, Bipley, S.ephen waa a laat I>r*. Wllaoa af Kaat Mr K U of WaUrforJ la tow It A. Alameon ralaed bla barn. W»d- part of hi* *tonarh aom* lam* yet Ch»-e, Tim )'hjr Oi|{i)oJ, Samuel A > Km of Coralab, \ *a«tia ha* '»♦•»* Krytbarf Monday. nreday Karly lo the foruoon eoine forty Hiram, and Nwaary A lib O*o F (\M»p»r haa |>m* to I'arla Ilia William anavall- Bradley, ludab Dana, Kusaell, lb« w«*fc. A mate b gama of baaa ball waa played at men wrrr OB tbe a ree 1v to give their were railed, hnt their tlf irU wer* wlfa I* In htalta and la at , Um Jay* pa#l pot, poor atopplng S Bobert oa nib tbe balld- died r»tb, 27 John Barnw*, John I'ikf, Brown's Welchallla, Saturday. all. by a lift, aad before Bight tba ing II* Hatnrday cvenlBg, her I, S. Kon ^*»-ari Taaaday tbe weaver* galalag the Jay. la 40iC0 fret; It waa framed by J. II. Ilowc jear* and * month* II* youth Ul»er drlte. lie cam* via of the f.tkea Daniel Clement, Kben«/»r FesM n Isn, Jr., The Bat..I la aow lag whIW of Hamford rare with a maturity and latelll- JiouUi Pari# practicing Tiny promla#, and Konr I'onda. Joihua Kbenecer Irish, H, V. U a ti^orfa A WiUoa, of and wu devel- Osmage, inarch lag, aucceadiag well for beglnaera Tba travel to tbe I.alia la larfrr Ibaa g< nre far beyond hla age, IM it ita IIUI laal SaUrta? Incident to B oj, Stephen Farriogton. aver. oping many eterllBg qualltlee Knur r i> It NEW GOODS! been llf*. II* waa often en- Adliti in, Thomas Fairing- of N>ath J'uU. I). 0. Lovrjov. who hw clerking encreeaftal bqalneaa Home went from her* loiakt* part In the "Frjeburg W:a v Frvth:n«'i»m. MIDDLE 1NTERVALK (Bctmil). hi* fa- for Howe of Bethel, la borne on a vaca- trn*t*d with Important portion* of memorial eiarcl**a at Weld tba .VHb nil. too. «u ><• Uk* IIUI !m( at a and waa m >r.«! Day •« rvlcea *'H held tion ther bnalneaa. alwaya trnaty. and pear treea ar* whlu with Paul Isaac »■ Appl« "(Jreenwood, Wentworth, oa th* .-'lb alt. at r. from tVeet faithful aad aelf-reliant Tbe A t llo*. 1'rrhtm d*a«ht»r, M»* MkMW laurvale. Herman Abbott la home pnbllc bliwaoma WE IIAVK JUST RECEIVED rlrrle hav* loet Flint. * l\>od iMt m Tb* IV»t formr.l ta 11m Bear A M Parte well aa th* bereaved family (<«v>r|i«, aid* i trip to Bryut I , Kdward a»d marched to the <»m* have been on the at inarh la hi* death W. 8UIINKH. "Hartford, David Warren, *h! Carter'a Mm Bear* raiding eheep aatlmely Stools. the order of bruin aad t*ry B*ar th* chircb. where No. 4 One man net a trap for Utorg* M Small. of Ha*t Ualcglm, Blake, Cjrua Thompson. Very Large War*. K 1., Com- done Mr*. A K KolWtl. of t'rovl |%«l Hfilcn wer* t«ii>KUJ by vtalUd It 'let after bla bearablp ha.l PORTRK. |iurthM<<1 th* good* lo lls« ator* oword "Hebron, Samuel Parria, Jacob '.»• v«a h»r f*tb*r. Awtia l'4ft mas wr La Br. followed by prayer. apeak- on a deer that bad blundered Into fuiutf feaatlBg Nice growing weather; farmera ar* rum- t>y II 8 (Mm. tad will off.r thrta for Barnabaa James etc. After th* gravaa were Tewksbury, Mjrick, toe. alagng. tbe trap meaclng to b<» ••I* it rrMoothi* prlrr*. ||« It own*r of William Bar- th* to th* Dunham, Daniel I'erry, lecorated. compaay repaired Freewill meeting th* II tg MaDfrortti'io oh»»r»nl h*r* l&t *»f»5tth it O. A waa well place pay hj 1 >rti*a«1. iprit ortUoa Out W T Kaatle of Pufleld *e arc Our by were held at Centre a r hot!** on the 0 A. It- ltd * boat of Th* rkk. which wiling *t *rry l«m d Mrmorlal eervlce* MWded Handty. pcopl* pricc«. nififii irur tb* »i»rrlM-« at the church. the llat i fnrnl*h*d motlr with tb« Lovell OB Nuadav, -B wa* |(ev Mr It wu In a email of water on hla Mfilfri and at lb# c*tn«t*ry. Th* Marshall Buck- tin>r|« (*«ltli<. aa ate preached by pool Spring, Spring, Berjamm m«*t heroic iiuck" apoa ample »#j>* »i it charrh. GOODS DEPARTMENT, «nk uJ • r»nt la Mr# Wrheter. Recitation* Mla*ee llrown. me* low aBd conld B it out He aold It *lrr» r* h*ld tb* Baptlat DRESS tbla occu(*lr« th* c tt- hy fly nell, Thomas It. Watson, John Warren. of mitiu apread fur them *>y w M tou*» ply Htearaa, Pataam and Maaler 10 Of l>etere*ui for |J. «»ur n> ator* la op*n. in with all kinc«l rg to tbe (fm»tcrt where the gravr* other gentleman with Tbelr rrclt- Jease Nathaniel of • i« admialatared to tbr*« per tabrd c»c*lient toaalc Appropriate "Ijvermore, Stone, With A full liOO of baptiam decorated with flag* and It iwera. ! Were NMVtfVd the neit .lay A. V.. IUb*ob. of tb« <)r*n.! MMi allot)* wtr* gtT*B by ltla*ra K»a N'oyr* Isaac Ijverm .t no eerloaa reaalted. HUM FORI) CKXTRK. v » 'I tb» Ml* li». Injury church waa filled by an attentive audience "I/>vell, Jamea K&stman, Philip C. lUt Wrrk URKKNWOOD. Ai with A. P Oordon ofi I • lull t«»»B Cyrae Jooeph W. lUriiftt la Warlo* Jowo on# thai Joined lb* proceealoD to It* ctraet*ry Johnson, Josiah Heald, Jr., Cambrics, Lawns, Seersuckers, Satines, Etc. are to look over aad Stephen Tber* ar* a aamber of folka ob tbr tick Kryebarg. engaged I of hla old barna and U k> balld a new one wb*r* tb* gratta of fallrn coraradra w»r* of l\»rt «n»l. (»»d• r%- timber of tbe belr* HenId. I M iMtlB, llat at preaeat. while other* have taken retimate the Bradley I'rr.Ultn* KMar K T Adama cava at a orat..l Th* MtttCM w*r* tr.t»r»*tlog Thin in tlx* Stt>ck wc Iiato ovor hn .• la Barnard, Walter I'. {invent ». their nam a off and |oa« to work. Fryebaric eicellent aermoo at iba ard to lb* occuloi. Tb* peo- "Metico, Stephen Wrrfc very yiarterly appropriate llio It aa !>r »m to notice the war. baa « writ ever, although atroag I marb pl»aa*d cbang* and celling have been tinted with tha Ola old tiamner daring lb* Komner ui Wnttf».|i» «o>t r**«m< b« r John Kilgore. B Yat.a Kw doa* a |o«t thing for bin la tb« alece It rhaac*d han1». Wall All the wood work war r«< 8UW0M ll lb* I'oiUfflil. mood riolab. aglorloua I*vi Job East- WHITCOMB & SMILEY, •I oil M«iltllt Whitman, WKiow JtBe Metrlam. wbo had a para- Tb# a*w idtMli Atwood 4 Korbea. ar* baa *een painted verv taatlly, while the "Norway, tath* baa ao far r*- Criah Joahua *r» *B«J A. K abock a<>m* m alace. men of fln* ahlllll*# and !*>••*•• cover bu I#*# co»»f«i with hand- man, Holt, Smith, Henry B T ClTm bc« of tbt* p lytic yoaag ;6 minga, Knoch Lincoln, Kmery, M •• I. Iltatm->n Col* County Caper, ry festival thla with Stephen " Hton»ham Many citi*»n« gathered %.'• ftiHBi of 5«>*um r»:»»r*:»y, b* coafiBol to her bed II* r taftat, about tb* Dtrnr of I**moc rat," It baa been K*- thrown while work- Ihomaa Clark, Chandler, a rhail«i()raharafot th«m Ur* Mr. Waldr«»n icUd •• ("h•;» Benjamin IB ItUMb Of t'f two la oae troabla la an I an advocal* of oo hla ... Cj *r *»C»t moblhaoi t. very a'.ck'y, puMlcan prladple no tba road machine, atrlkln* Jairus James lo« lain to J off. red pray er and m*&•! *raid b*a>l right* aal When hat a nod ahooldvra—rather a bant road to Wr '• b*r. lion Mi| *«jbbI privilege* [ hr»,1 mark* There w»a tlnclng the choir Prentiss, Abner Bawson, Bufus K Lawaoa Col* ta la ao low a aUU of •mall boy. I r*mrm»wr tbat tb* I>bmy I'oel Commander %a .. • h *»nn >a over he la an I r*a1 lu Caleb Prentiss. Corsets Made what eagerne** I All the j>r«». ftir tbrrf «r*k>, coaaampllve, with f«ge« DKNMAHK. and Cororadr J J. It. • tmrjr by Aaplnwall o •» iwratlii at> 1 ha* a trouble aboat tb* hen/t ! to all oar clll<*aa who are later- Leading appra! "Peru, Knoch la of lh« Lillian Hmlth ha* retarned bom* from Lor*tot gar* a atauroent uf Mm BQta'wr Jacijoith. tt» • !Uf »*en *r*. p»*:« Mr Lord au through her* a abort tine r«uj la tb* welfar* ar. I prosperity of oar William John Lowell, where aba bu been atopplBJ for of noldlera furolahed for lha war by Albany "Porter, Towle, Jr, im *»un>1uy ncbool. alact, ael'iag hi* "Trtompbaat Car*." I v ar ! vat*. to aaSacrlV at otcr I r the three mootba —A-"»; 73 of whom died In the army or from Moulton, James Coolbrotb. ia takr a* littW atork Ib the Oxroat> DnwuT. P%at t of Backfl«U. «m proprietary Iimi there. K MtpbfH "a i Will Freeman, who baa preaaln< dlaetae contracted Peter C. William of cla*, prrbap*. aa aryoa*; aUU, good "Bumford, Virgin, t «a Ml •«■«* ait a; pbotogrtpb* for a coat flrtn In Boaton. retarned to thla CharUe Flint baa hern qnlta alck w th thing ta a ginvt Ibleg of toy B'lgb- SWKDRN. Wheeler, John Francis ••. r •* County tttorn«T Wr1 i»n *. r» I o. n rmy* by Mr* l\»rt*r. with two daogttrra from ha will re- Francis Cushman, Moaes F. Kimball b* their bnaloeea uotll Kept, then looalruttMa i o-r* a*oat tb- kiatUr l« dolnf a at carpen- dangrroaal? alck. Kill* Standish. A ar > tb>a A1J«b Wll»o# Job Buck, Jr, y* ag aprteg Pol* baa bla of an.1 oa plat*. tering for Jarora lllll of Fryebarf Tyler eachaoird epan Samuel ut.r Mt .»■ Mir* with lb* •».,o4r.t tb« Mr AttaW farm no?*d an I oa* of hi* tb l.!r*n ar* "Sweden, lienjemin Webber, 3'-• Kraak Flint f>e aervlcee at tba « ft or carriage lior*- N « Cbarlr* •«• Tbrre will preaching • * m, r Uk> b fr-m I'M of I u> it tbta bt* br«tb»r Charles KUat'a. Calvin Powers, Daniel Holden. »prtog at th* old ho(i>**l*ad. on ant after June W alao of blm a .Severs, f »r Congregational church T Oreen; pnrchaaed t^«o of b o* «hactfnt h a BiaB<1 at Shelbara* vtilag* la bom* hat- i, trwr r*(< Mr* Caroline Kvana agala, of oien. "Turner, John Turtkr, Charlea I,. 1 mor* an I 13th. large pair < ■ M B«. color !• tb*t of tb« tb* Ptka aa atill ra<-*at)y and with g< lu pitta, In* »peat th* wlaur early 'prlc* loat a nice cow laat Clark, « th* JohB Ft- Albion Merrill vary Turner, Thomas Merrill, Cyrus » •• »5 flU *bnp utb*r brotb*r. Al**rt, twogbt r*!ati«ra la Conway. aome dlaeoae not koowo. sara* Wednesday, by WKST 1IKTHKL. William K. Porter, Francis Alden % n<*« It bt* tbiru»n fl*i 1 faraa. a.; ta tb* B'tgbborbood. 4 of Itrt Cary, ifeat of p*rf*ct M >rrt*oa legalla 1|kiD bought moat of tha meo folka of thla arc- a wlf* ma.1* la oa* Tha w ta to town Krank I' C«J* yrar a ^arn of Charla* Dennett tbat wa« taken J. (i (\ ffln of Locke'a Mllla Bloasom, Aaron Soule, f*&- tloo haw been mendlag their waya for the Joaeph Bonney, I'M. || VI battar. fh>rn ob* cow aB>l tb* Ml k •It wb ooe day an I baoled to llrldgton all th* to be lilt Bradford, Ueorge French, wHirmou tntruer week, after trying year an Philip tw<> y-ara oM b*lf*r •«>!•! alt Jollara a teama tb* ptat are nomerooa. I treat a< tl !'.>»• bora* did haallng. Other aei mead thelrn) Flaking partlea "Waterford, Kbeneier Bice, Char!#* 1 !tu *o far PKor»r»»1 for flft**a Jol- g<**1 Wby Dot tba oar mono tain W K C«>p*r wortb of milk, aa.l a calf whlrb wu oa aroant of th* are becoming acarre to gratnltoa* •wtu r Jat- thao never M nr *, J i.ah 0 SO COOL i« Jo tone hoa*»- Whitman, Willian C HA MPION '.in ik< aM« to light lar*. rtrmt lo*a of Ma«U wlf#. Shaw, Brown, Hough- tot iBtrflglDg FRYKHL'KO. o*ar Cbaar. K> of WiMUtiXk, ItrQ Height bw boaght tb* Win Knee- I'arla. were In U»wn Monday ton, Samuel Warren. w r. a :a: >»ioo»l l>«r- talnolr*, bat Oeo to atop nor* than U!W« laad an 1 Dow It. baring The "Prlia RaelUl" at tha Academy took A abeep and two Unto. own«d by in when plac*. occapl** "Weld, Abel Holt, I,a Per- la ball of Lather M«i «r'«h»1 Ib bta a Fayette •.mb ffUD 1 myarlf with him library. aold bla oa Black Ml. placa Friday evening, ?«ih alt. hefora G'juIbow. were killed In bta pature by .'Mri#«a touDiha oi«l, '.*10 lb* —girtha 3 ft. plar* kins, Freeman KUis coalalBlag utrr 1300 volam**, ItcltJiag M ir* hem «ck hark I* twlag jw*lr-l than .arge audience. Mlaa Ma llrownof North doge n« Utorday la«t The doga aopp<>a»d turn er of Ri»t>!B*oo a almaoac aloe* waa aeleeted a« to he were klllad tba neit day "Woodstock, Chare, Cornel- r*«ry for aom* y*ara b»f«»re Brldgton,—who Jo 1ge,— guilty Stephen Perfect Satisfaction. a Guarantee 1U firat la*a< U>grtb«r with compUU ba* rr< a tba to Kva I> Walker M<»ea I) |fc»w, of Weat Sunnrr. wltb ius Perkins, Samuel Stevena. iitftbuttutirtr ■(■'Mr* Dm So. Kam I'lummer rally bought pair awarded |I0 prl/a I>aMi«caaT. boaavl Id of wira frtenda • >a t fll* of th* Oaroap of «*.«•*■ r« of M*l Kutmaa of Lot- of aod tba Barrowa |?«> bta two daoghtera, vlaltlag Phineas Kir a • took a rVW to I* yearllag Fryeborg. prlie "Howards (Jure, Frost, !V i>rui« Brymat • "at abowa atlaa**. 'mtarda, alac* 1W« 1 ar* aald to be th* brat la to John T. She.M of here laat Week. of ft a this •II. tbat pair Norway. Smith. A Now Assortment Migh^urbood .rut at >1 nud*rt. aa-1. laat Nit aot oo were oor Weat Itetbel taitd- W II ant lowa. Their la & fr*t an 1 3 tacbea Tba O. A H aervlcen Monday W. II Merrow. Mr Mr* A * T%*r+r. Mr t»l Mr*. glrtb ao i-»» than foar old clocka that all tha ha* been an "Plantation No. I, Hrrekiah Walker, Mr mJ Mr« J Hr «*«. m« t!M UUi raitbfaily H V (iaa )*r*oa. drugglal of H>>cb*«l*r, Mr. TowU of Baltlmora arrived "Plant. No 7, Benjamin Palmer. •talra—aal w »ald to thla If kapt who ba t come JERSEYS •> » ll«tn day. tb* hla Itttla and * M«»r ar. 1 a natlf* of to meet daughter PARASOLS TlhT hxmNi (.rtflr N II Nw*d*a, g*ta BKTHKL. "Plant. No. H, Kbent/er IUmIwell, » K J w la to add ft *11J *IK Mr **t Mr• tan 1 np. It haMly a«c-*aary witrr that hi* own and a f«w ma- to bar grandfather^, John C Howe. • I family Gould Acadrmr, B< thrl, rlo*«d ?ery I.'ither John i llti.iiMwlu.1 Mr* M*n IU*»« that I did aot away aatll afl*r diaaar mora than ocholara Cary, Stockbndge." gat te>m«ra drlak. from a mla*ral aprlag latbl* A party of tweoty, Urra with to rthlbl- w. ,a«t successful Tborsday, ba IobUsikI ) :at!M District 1 had a lnt*r*l» w.r* a*at teachcra, weot "dowo river" oo (To Vl Kag *»ry plcaaast town Flw t>arre!« receatly nod la>ty ti.»B Id I !<-•! 1o tbe Tb« hall who waa Hall evening * MMltrof to«U fwlt bnim*. II. I M Morr«l 11* at la tiorsam, N II atth •pt. ng pr»*rBt moalc aod art rradlnia Mr. Swtetser •• »*rs bis connec- oa* of bit daughwra. ll« aaid bla ft- Heave# of Portion 1 la board- MAMMOTH bkak killed. NO. KKYKHIKU.~ Miaa Mary tion with th* iltool *n 1 (on to Hears- to 'k tb* I»awoa aal from It* flrat la- • tb«r lurch Hill Circle m*t with Mr*. Ioc at Mr*. I*. Page scholars themselvrs W. Ma Jbb» .1. 1 Th« The u a. aa- port. the a «»/' *«i iruru Var bnur It In Ntepbea Farragtoa, W<-dn**day well, showing training by South Paris. i« M L r« wrrr a goodly namber preaent, aad pleoaant Uachera an I close IpplltlUoi oo tbrlr Jfc» fninnl ih« trait aga:B th'.» apricg hie owb aam*. had lak«B It *«*r aiaca, and a mewling aeaaoo. Mr win bla two * •11 plvaaaat l>«rt 8we*tser, :* «•*!« ago h« wt a '»tr tr»;> with f-w bad aiwaya pal 1 r*port of wa« In *«ry *irrptioaa. Charlea aold a floe driv- Mtaa Mary Perrv. Pjrtland. Miatee t\»Vi ml Twltchell, tia*e > « WrnU >n were •M ««apoa *m a jack halfe. 6# left TtM e-lltoe. wb« wtlla pt****. lag Norway. home at 0. B Harrow* a, oo Tboroday, delegatce County crawl fcU a****. of baa •i* at. 1 retara«<] home. broking «1o»b W-Mtt btiiaUr »|*a Mr« v a •i«l*r, Yarmouth, who ba* takao cho— utw wtM» tiM»t bla. with Mlaa Aooa Barrowa. M ih« An-1 to all beaa a ?• w with h*r UII via it r ll#*n, I U kimt*!!, !• imifir. - '■a* !•*.»• uiat he mcht r«urt to lar* attewt t to wait. apeadtog lay* a week'a vacation to attend tha ~ KNOWN 1 (IrmrnilB* lla*k*ll ha« r*lara*« ib* mark that otbara rbala. of her etater. aiui & t*a« (*baa Or**a, » >af ct with Bruta Th« t*ar hal A a-1 tit* tb* b*a>la that fortnight • vtalt to b*r unci*, baa deferred IU J.F. HUNTINGTON CO., Tba t'oloo Conference MKYANTVS POND. the crowdrd oat of WASHING^BLEACHING •"»** -J a*»>«t a half mil* .Inriag Bight Tb* crow la unavoidably Norway. aeealon for ooa day to accommodate thone WATII. a Ajuortmcnt of blr*«l th* Hamlin Bert May. of Htratfard, N II.. is flailing II HARD OR torr, NOT OR COIO Where Von will Funl Lar^e *• •'• >»■ *ooa hits aa«l bow th « we*a He Will till oar Belt Harry Kllgor* baa place iloaattbi'1 keep who moat b« praeent at tha grodoatlng M> it* AMU- hear and will move aoo>. at I. II. Tabor's. •ATBI LA no It, TIMK »i»«l the koaor or havlag kliJeU a exerclee* of tha oo Toeaday, Academy, Clarence iKtlloiT of Newmarket, N II an t |HN unlifrMl mIWmIIm. «"B tttr kill*! oa Orac* M 1'rldw la at work In tb« No»way IKOI.T, Neck Wris- t i<>ag th« ;arfMt June a »h<«,! J t« without It. Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Ties, WILSON'S MILLS. U on a rtatt to bla mother In tbia tillage. N.i family, rich or p«or *• t )t trr S-.ll. abo« factory. AIlK >f Imltalt at Frank Cushnan'a atabls will be finished SoMbf U«irw»rt. HKW < la* aomt-tlme* woadara If the rradcra of I'KAHLINK la lb« Collars and Cuffs, Cardigans, u 0 la what waa needed here well .UawmM to ters, Gloves, I or T aame HKBRON. KOXBt'KY. lo a few daya; It ai>] a get aa tlml of readlag the OHM RACK Ul*>r tartar 1 paper b« of c >n*enlen:s to the lots t' I- O U T. WiU writ- * ride oar killed tha and will great • aa.l mim of and rj District Lode*- oi l atory. every week, aa ob* doea of AfUr lose carrlog* paator, Loat week H M. Locke largaot | i km tl»* abnr# »««»»*. Suspenders, Underclothing of children Fri laf evening It waa dedicated. CORK. W«1 Ma a* it mmIob with 9irt Uaria It—vl/ the Weather, how high tb* llev. C F. Harden. and two bla bear ha boa aver bad la hla trapa. Tha public. JAMKR rtLK. XIW ing lUcon'a band of Ave furnished ma of other Useftil Gifts. -*U' >.ut llebrua, oa Jih etc. reached berr ob tb* ?4th alt. mooater meoaured over aevto feet from pieces river la. the dance till »rrticc« w«ra obo«rved Satur- im t feat. Ha elc. Forty couples krpt ap -h. :»«.. at 10 o'clock. Th* paat weak th*dlm-alghUrd have b**B Memorial tha tip of hla d to bla blo the a. A. It car- : * w Home were present from Bethel, In Ovorooats. I'm Oatxk. vlalted a a traveling afternoon. Member* of wta an old oetllar, and koew how to Big Bargains by apertarle-vender, In and Mill*. aad toi- cam* from Mechanic Fail* and, ac- for even lo a Milton, Gorbam Locke's HTATK PICK I PH. merchant fttlloived with hoaaebold Post ry a trap and clof mllea, and frien The Grand Army boy a oat well be let articlea, an 1 aflother with mea'a companied by comrodea d, pro- "blow-down." Hop* tha Innocent ahaep la ai J of tba cun of yet aacccaa oo Memorial CAPS AND LOW PRICES. A irga tnaatlBg '* a artl- to tb«* ctrorUrT where vu now. for# waa 7 with tbelr STOCK OF FUR ng. millit. .a. tad faacf ckM prayer can real b«tUr Hla paw pleased LARGE la *u told la " • rala Ir»iaad. tlty < K Harden, fUr which 3 Day rlaa g*a*ra.ly. direct from New York." IT* red by Her. C. Inchea long and wide. to order in tbo l*U«t and at the low«*t prior*. v p,.rt.aad. Ta*»!«y hh'.d*. Jaaa 1. Oo Cnntom work m*«lo ntylm All of theaa la oa* week with mvtropolltaa the ooldlero' gra*r* were decorated. Tba Habbath achool her* waa organized wrr* BkW t>f Hob Jtmr* 0. of the the MVKKIKU). atylra. brought to tb* door; all tbat oa* accoaat of the late arrival Foot, laat Handay. S*.t' (#»?. Itobta. Collector Aa>!*r»oa, C Atw.xxi. of B**da to atyllably dreaaed. la moeey. eierclsm were limited to brief remarks Uev Mr. York preached at N. M. Bloo- Kimball i:«.j, Secretary *•1 >r r^spmaa aad otbara. of Uocknom and II. r u from the Mutual Accident Association even If they do ltv« Ib the backwooda from Coptoln QL Oeorg*. aom a, tha ?"th olt, at 7:30 Preferred of wer* New with bla wife ac t np R taaaal turtle* of tba Mala* M«41- Mai Be. —A large supply refrwhmenta Jonah 1:6- Of York City, G. bla William & father, FLOWERS. Co., aeen and hav taken the lut of la flailing F. been maay. J. '*1 *•» aUoa «m bald ta I'ortlaad last A number of deer have lately broagbt enjoyed by "Mayor Kamaay daughter, wu Huntington of this feealtBg la Celda aod paatorea. The attendance Habbatb day good, hla poplar acroaa Koxbory Pond. II. Atwood, place. and a Cels> - Ohlaoo haa two cttlldrea alck with an t the dlocoara* Interacting appro- The who workad In tha tooth pick Bnckfleld will bars Graod A'my hit* hi* Joha flrla A. Me. Kf B a« hu roiMltrl to thankful- on Fourth of The 0. la a mild form. priat*. It la a source of macb factory have coma home. I hear. kdtlN the -Jaly. Block, » \~r «t gfl tt.. diphtheria, towes are ei- Norway, | a«M that we again have a oettled mlntaUr Mra. Thoa. l'atteraon la Uachlog achool It. Posts from nelghbotlog Norway (T«uUu the be An oration will b« Purifier org Mra. aod aecoad ted to Blood ,4» a»*»ar>lj. Harden aad family. at French City. pre present. a Caurl *1 rrot>»i» kaU al UPTON. soldlsr and OirOKP. tr-AI arrived Turaday. given by aome dlatlngalabe<1 witbla ra4 for iba of OalaH •• Ti» Sm apoa tba captala of At* were daughter I'krta. Caaaly impoavd from Bethel who to the la Aa^r ra U> kaa »U'k • aa «"•« • Tha *«-nt>n>ro mtralng M-»»ra George. music for tbs will be furnlabed by Ko i>kt**laa da? lh» IbiH T»»»4ar af Mk» A l>. to 5*r fur aatorlac Portlaad Larly Monday W88T PAK18. day far ra.li FARMERS. S.»ura, ths ladles fur • plcalc »l Brothers Ban I. Fireworks In tbs i»c«uit«a a* Dr. K t. FLOW KB ATTENTION ( II Alii M K.tL'UHMAV AlaiiwnMatllii ■wl I'ptoa Hturtevant aad Caabman Paris IIIII Brass >fr*falt< aa l Aarbcr w:tbo«t a faaatfoat. bM b**a ra- falat Gurney. came neer with aal I* eartag Oawaara, TH««n, null of lirajainia T *awl«a.laia af Aa4tvar. V «in ('see. Sands?. wrf* rftther for tba an 1 Herrtaon Child meeting are a of the programme. dUorWr* a.u*j wrat to West Mtoot good*, erenlng part •II lhaaa da*p •»»<»< aa l tambla blood S. M. KING, la aai4 UttMf. ka«ia« |>r*Mai*i bia y ta« Traaaary l»eparti»«at. are arrival of tfte • arc I.lent • f*w daya ago. While l» l aa hr«rt> 1 to )« before of tbe bad tbe painful Further will be published here- Uiai l >t waiarlM tk« »adl*al wurld r*«ar COB THK iM«al •» maiaiiiitiiM of Ua aaUia ol Mi-1 about twenty people plea- wltb a particulars l»wr- AUKMT ob sccoant of ft shower. a bridge near hta houae wall al*k laouakia. Dr. rtaarr'* NIm4 ftjloVtlM tfuraooa. >»U» alA. ll«btala« 1*1 :«s. light aure of the mlnlater and bla family cruMtDC after. helping the gave l>ar, mora lb a a a«|ll ia| ilM, ka< M VlliuM M A>laala>alr»lor flta MUM •track % (»ara la which thraa A.*ft (.'oolltlgS hassoitl his blftck hoMeS loaded team, bridge auddeoly miHi MPtW,lkMMM at UrwavlM* la maklag a borne In llev. 8. I). Richard- hi* aa|>arallal«i< rtMUll** b| Ita tpkadU la all ^HMU |>MN«*I k) MVUM a *+vt W Ula of for blm with hi* team and Doai >>T« »1 ua>« r*fk|* froa tk« itora. to DftvM SUrWftat Nft|»llo*if, •on'a ttuiu way, precipitating WAS. la aiiaiaaiiaf all p >woaau« garaia Mower, ardar U» ba i>ukllrbr«f prialad ilW> evening Mra. body, kaailk. Saturday wu for Mr. Child tbat ba ika rick blood *t aaa*alnl la par tea I ikar oik? »n«»r kl k Probata Conn lo be ** »<• 1 1< wit hlUad. 8*well i*ratt has moved to Graftoo of that place It pur* Ik, Ukl jrtr*. laataatlj received one of tba boat May-baskets i* mm Bi^lrlaa aa4a mi.I Ika third of t»ve without to htmaelf tod wltb IKTO Till TUT. Till COl'XTY TM« PrrparaUoa tkiap kal<1 kl farta.la eouafr.oa Taaadey M «fi Swrtt fto.1 wife, Bethel, man wbo fell over e*cap*d Injury A OLIMrtK oa ika il la a aaiaatiM roabia- aiaa M ika A at tb« aeoaon. Tba yonng la aal 11 roatrary YANKEE HORSE RAKE. of Jaaaaaii. al o'rWck larwaia, Baal Matter will ba bald l.tka to hi* Warn klMil rraallM. itaa besa visiting at J. E Brooks's. aeemed to b« bla way to •light Injury orricKi* AJ<1> JVtTtctt or 1824. alio* al lb* Haaai a ad noal ro*tl? t Of kM »*♦» auta, || kkr Ika; kkta, »by lAa ool, Jjut 90 lo I. laclaaUa, tb« wall, making H AKKROOMI 1% II4*KMKN Jaly Osiris Abbott Is teaching on High St The botur factory la fast approaching aboul-l koi ba kilow«l '-'f iba of * Cbaa* Mr Ulbbo'a to Oof Bolilr U to right af (,KD A. WILAOX, Ja tya. ;a saaa4tB»at COlllaa Klvsr dries left the lake Un tad we hop* aooo Mi II to equal •*r. Ths Ctanrllge Mra. 0. W Caabman baa mounted completion, MO. II. la* la lh« Fellows' South Paris, Me., A Iraaaoar—AUaal II.C l>a*ia. Kaciatar of Pjrtiaad. Tba foraaooa of aacb •ucceaefal The bulldlog la any oibrr blood Medic Odd Block, blrde within tba week, aod to any operation. t« r*»t «fi»r !•» « aa l mill- Moaday. beautiful doe* credit to lu were when w Mr Uvotad to practlca and convenient and Ia 1824 the ofllcee filied market. of ball k oae a collection aba caa anpply large Countj UXrURIi, Al k loart rrobaia '• r ,n«tru( t. >B >f K l_ maklag j bird* bonder, Kthaa Wlllla, Ka>) u la I*. flowtr * haal* It ha* farad tk«u*aad« the Seaion. I'krlk. •tun ki4 for Ua I'Mklf af DklH o t* OILKAi). a Two lovalv Indigo follow*: June II, Through »t.l I»mta Mi >r Uraa of Portlaad qalta variety. of will af oa Iba thin! Tara4ar nf Mar. A. D. I«. tba bouae Kev. P. M. Houghton Deerlog, Chan, of raar* *** Coa> dead by flying agalaat of Probate, RLI.A M. IIoIn.B, viae* af Ulaer K t^raooa programme will cuaatat of Ths Oiford Coanty Coagregatloaal dropped at the church In thla place the foor "Judge Benjamin 't ft. deolrad preach of Ila4«a Ula af Caab a. daraaaad. banaf I" ti d:ff«raal baada. femes-meet* hers Jans —probably tbey preservation. at *: 30 r. m. dler, of Peria; Hegiater Probate, uy will coo- Nundaya Id Jane o'clock akMltr Mf kk aJUwaici oal af Ika Wild kieer Is bslDg sewly Tbe mualc for Commencement Clerk of CANCERS. patiiM Ths bridge Thornm Webeter, of Paria; FALL! prraoaal *aula of kaM di>raul: Coaaaatloa ta tb« and Mra. Star A GREAT »• !*aocratlc alatof Orlmmer'aOrchoatra Ordara4. Thai ihaaai] r*lltloa*r < aotira shlaglsd U)CKFrs MILLS. Hufui K. Ooodenow, of Paria; Taa>ra. Urtafkla, aa l aikar larrlbl* blood Ira*, ( Duuict laat Thara- all klads The aalatatory la asalgoed Courli, laror lo all lataraaiad by aaaaiag a eoyy of Uim |*rtb oarrvMloaal ?} cars of lamber of gis sieging blaa ika l kad kata proaaaar*! ai>aoial*ir |«raoaa Nrftrly and farm Le\i of n- «r.|rr i« ba Ibraa vaafca eewaaaeifalt Ik Joha F. Lvacb of Machiaa from this statloa, lftst to Kraeat K. Brlggs, North Auburn, P. B. Late* ba* takeo Mr. lt*Dd'« Attorney, Whitman, akla br ika »4Mt raiaaat pkytirtaaa. li la |>abtlaAa4 ■' wers seat away County Ika OibH Uaawrtl irlaied al farla. that liter jTioamtid to to Mabel M. Irish. Buck- ika »MI*W or BLOOOa rra- & Son, a W. Andrews al K*pr»a«tuuv« Coagr«aa. the valedictory for year. Treaaurer, Henry Kuat, qa«abaU Ca«rl to ba ball month Norway; County wlik mm rival ar aaail la imlM. a) apf«ar best West l'oland; Wm. 1* her father, IriKaa," k*n4 • Urg* »UkI of |«iaU.l »a Ika Ulr4 al A loat one of tbalf field; poem. Mlllla K. Jordan. Mra. Child* flailing of Weatern fraia Ika r Iraaaiag krry cM*ta»Uf Carta la taU I'mMt TMa>U; '•*:« Poatmaatar at Locks Hastings of ; Deeda, lac al I g*rm* al diaaaia bland, !•»•»* 1 Uaaacoa. 8prlaf» J. Parsons. South Barrowa. Norway Kegiater • B.1 IMI Jaaa aaal. al aiaa a'aiaak la Ua lanaaaa, aa4 irssa. Ia*t week class hlatorv. Appbla N. L. a ad aoltaalag Ua atia aa4 eft hla boaaa a boat ata« o clock h Daniel Clement, abo» aaaaa, if aa; ibar hat a. a#aiaat iba tamt. ;**■ off his aew Kdlth L Packard, Ue Woodaem hi* rink laat Saturday DUtrict, Kryeburg; ao to k K. Harrtmaa la flnlsklsg 1'arla i prophecy, opened i.KO A. WILftOJf. Jadca. j ai4ht, tod alaca th«a claa B. two Alanaon of bron evening with an obetacl*race between Kaatern DUtrict, Malien, lr»a U. C. DA Via, trier. a baaa or hoaac. A r.*y-Allrai: lUf 7* •i*r»a'ioata bat dlacovarad and Charlie Herrlck tie Bwriel Cajkete, *"M,• Harden commenced hla labors Clem Ward Peria." BeaDtifyiim Coipleiion. of hla aaalgae-J Kev. C F. boya, •» A*— liaappaaraaca wlf* or- Bead went to l'ood to aa- to it aad y«a *IM Bad II aa laataaaurakly —*l'CU Till ■ebaartbrr barrir I "* pabllo MMaa Ukl here last Hod '.ay (3d raaodr. partly rag Velvets, Etc., af Prabaia Mr Ika Coeair af )iw4. aad aea«M4 sttad acclamatioa. the F.rat la doaa, tod to-day farmera are about doae ifj iba Boat Broadcloths, Crapes, *>y by Plaatiog Dually oattled la their Baw bime The planting. aiabV. aad la baraM all qaratloa Iba U11I of Karrrlor af iba ratala af tod I ha graaa "Aaa of ; Kliaa u4 *k»»« (nf ;«ii4 •».! I(f4 Coataatloa *irm raia la faliiag, was oat to charch Bean baa been Poet- Cumminga, Albany botfe Nut DAIUKL HALL, lata af rara, Kepabllcaa geatly l)ea. Moody SunJay, Eugene appointed wkirk »r» Mlliaf ara looklog beaail- C*rter. of lfi«y la aai4 Com air. deeeaatd, by baa4 aa Ua aad ear\y acao grata flrat time alscs bla loag llloeos; all muter at thla 0 rover and Timothy Bethel; altta* *oi*la«d of Centon; Judah Dana, Samuel raa a ropy af aar taluaMa Faallr forma May l«, IWM. WILLIAM WOOMl'M. of 8uodov. which are wall their aoaaaoa ailaaau badly. ad<1 the borae died lockjaw horaea, managed by eaatalalag kaaaa Iraaiaaal af iall a aadlctaa. com In* wall; dafactlva and Cbaae, of liwapaillli ta a nlaaWt Cora ta not up Tba b«w rood mochloa la at work aad driver, Mr Bell. Bradley Stephen Krjeburg; wIfk •mpia raaadia*, aad a f raat aawbar af ral A. Bolster & Sons, ;*»a for a ib« caaaa, bo doabt. loraal* aad tilra aaara al tkla J. Agents, MwAl a Catrl af frabala M4 a* lahea mm! bottlaa of II aeeO aad wlrw-worma ore mach C Mr*. W. C. Howe *ad eon from Waltham, William C. Whitney and Samuel ParrU, aabia r»nal|>la. UXroBD, com tbe roods Improved. • Ua Coaalf af Oa lard* oar baa beaa papar wkaa yaa iaa4. A of Ollaad, aad Herb Record. Levi I7M Street, aoaat af adalaiatraitaa c«ata par boAAla; roar local 8 Coffla aad A. Beaaett K. 8. Bartlett ha* goa* to N*w len, Thomaa Clark, Joaiah Shaw, Wakhlagloa 1 *^•'7 oa loot bla mare. Mra. South Woodstock, Me. aaaaad far al kawaaaa of Bethel, wara town, One Boooey 1 Ua aaUaa Lawyar lierrtck aeven where ahe will vlalt relative* and Knock Lincoln, of Paria ; BMTOR, MAM. Uibiup, Ika cald Adala'r ft»a caaa. William Blobao boa brokoa ap Hampshire, Hubbard looktag a/tar a paapar etc. to all paraoaa Ianraa>a4 by aaaalaf kaaayafUli ~Lof*' Taaoday. to la B*rlla, Milan, Wheeler and Peter C. 1 I aaaka la Iba Balvw Mkw latUtaal atcaaltaa aad cbUdraa ara acres, planting all ocreo of It jallow William Virgin, ardar >a ba yablbtad aaarmtralr * Mra. M. A. Daabaai and Ktta Kate* and Mrs. Hobert y 'Ttai'i mo N*k »or«l m Ml TImm ob* ocra to Z C. and Luther Oafard Daaaarai yflatad al Carta. Iballfai aaf ber faiher'a. ta towa. Tbej coro aod poUtoea. of Kumford ; John Turner bald al rarta, JT*» ««■ ha mMt M»att«t to l>a «K Ml 11 atopplag at Houtberlaod, from Maaaacbaeette, are aow WANTED! appear al a rrabala Ceart la ba < la or* active la tbalr /VLtr' OCeSllLLiKwakra Baa tM b* like life aad bare Croara daprodatloaa. Turner." ia raid aa Iba Ulrd Taaadey af Jaaa ml, do aot light-boaaa ob a with their Kate*, who la very of eeaaty ?••«. a»t to MtN baa boon at bom* father, BeaJ. Cery, A Wirtlii Imikimi. A ■U4lM«ii iMtr r«t ■ >t a far to Record iaUafaraaaaa kalibawaaaoMaay J* *. a; ■ HM ; M IlK Loalao ia a liat of the ikun i>4 f)to( iU al»a^klaab vara «hk m* tto uim •Ick. The following complete tiUktMfcn bar a tfea aaaaa (baald aalba attawad. a man yaara visit from Haverhill. i >i ur •bay why mJ MHdliai m dlfwUoM. Try Ik K T. Malaa, aeveaty-alx Moat of the farmera are obliged to re- In Oxford lir tar la ill rmM|, Ur UKO. A. WILKW. Jadf*. 2j*«a hla oiea Mra. A. 0- Packard woo greatly obockod Juatioee of the Pence Cocnty rnm' old. rtaea at 3 o'clock a. m yokaa their aweet eon, oa account of poor >• A treeaa»f.alien:-H.C.DATH,B4gle6i. •* Bathe), of tba aoddao death of bar brothar plaat 1824: Partafia11 aad baala a load of wood to Wa*t to boor ia TX.VtilSl&itTSZm. *fA •iaCia tfWl of Dr. aalh AraolJa FUla at Haw Sharon. '^aataair valaa. «a.afeei aad maraa bafora braakfaat. C HOOK HI) AN8WEK8. PENSION OPPICK KOMANCPA Ot'R ITZZLK CORNER. THK liOMKMAKKltS* COLUMN. The knowledge attributed to tha pro* IIOW A UOYEBNMK.1T M'ltit' Ot'TDOM oa bate itxwU (MmpawWiM practical topic*, coming teibial "«bi«d mutt alwaja naiMiirttlflM tar tkl* ao Onlu boy" or BKrarrr* |( "«•'« r IM kMr lu Mlioi of llMMnUrn' m-I I » « hU « how. Ihlailepwrteiawt g'liif. ,l(rrfiit taminaiiona hate, ('obtain, imao l»twoca »t> rtrto. Me. ta aiw« I kU i» MiM rr»DM> eier, re»eal«d a and variety of in' I -KiTTUUI «Jt'oTATION, d»pth I rota tb* WMklii|tA( Capllal | » which » »*4lr*l mm w4 tokto irmati n no MIMB OX NOVai ClKtXIXIi A |n1 iW t-ida fair m§k» cowing achool*boy Uich ) Aa lb* deya approach, tb* hu«« utii iiw r*ta UMl ywwtoi, lalUM • ti received from a Inly in Connecticut P The Oroatost Blood >pli| MM MM Hrf Iktn a hade Purifier# f.«l. tirr c«r>« Intreaa* MIM IWt to* MM throw (.;• n o* KAimi. / Tab* *ir of lb* ii«l tb* dol> «ir« «lally K*%ry I f I—I ■ an for * widow'* I I~v.rtlr» •'"! —U'MM. to* fc»4wl pr>d«ci»aorqiiiteiatolh* e.irl and in the regular .. r w w m : oirr'otiM and tkifwl lot lb* "a fort i« a pension, til,. i / J >arltil, up a i «t» U in*Ut.<«d (hat I •• n '' ma) reaa it went to the HI** A* litmllt-. /' »li ihI mt • niitiiig »aitnm r. r«ff|Wy i i -• Tb' r« I tui'J rri fl'l, ;rr<*THL0PH0R0s:«£,izr,jstrnd M*r Itpbiw t-» ut m>n and a fortreee "a 8Li SE " ttonUMM 1*4 MWtoU, | in," are t IS Whtr* / Inr »b« u .1 mm • oilll Nate the tra leivea fur a f*w day*, than Iht/M pl»c- know*, the r»ror«!« krj «« tod *«*iy ■m n IM famine in alphabetically, * an nrUitlr-lntUfttoiilil women in." "A ■u umiMi r »-t nmbrf ktif i boii* lu Ik* ►in the m In a 11a or pan fur half tlM to *0m Lf*. put name wiib 3 On« ibw ria p pall fettuw pl«cr and I hi* woman'a commencing l>» Ml Wf Ui« # ft a »oJ uae tbr bin trWki an May «t«M M. i< * bat mad* the IMWI. • t ut \» n m»n ritn.it in«k* him hour, alraln through alave, Mur i«(wm the la»d," it Appear*, w#re few for Infants md Children* prtng, h»«h uui iwr u>« •* r*ito w • n unusual letter, there appli- t< a u> «t>h all varnlabtd paiat. Il re. «iw. dikMH of IVa and "'caute the PILLS 5 drlak MM, MNM Mtt |TMf vtoU til Irj Ath» ToNir lean; clerk BLUE a t»T cant* inhercleaa 'I be recording / U< a*»la (III troablt r r II Vila* rtblilif or "iltww 4o«Ma m W to nlw reaaoo »r lk»T «• I Nr*»r IrouMr •julrta y pul* lopHoro*. If Mf moon ta »ocbangin'," »• the why imok, CMt**U <"tr— CWta. aa lb* l*a acu aa a la row »«1. MM* «Wl o«rr tb* li*t without %ny 7->-1 r |nt«» l'i #/ tr<>aM«a tab," atioog detargeiit, WTIW r t MM W |«rtlM aun. glanced par. Hm| +mr HWMd. Krxewuii^. y.u it it of • different from the '•••' ( iwhmmJ n M —yew W> u; pmarrvptM* tit «leataing lb* from lia ImlmnHikrihwi Kinder but that * man of LUJ* *»*y» ■*• 3 Th* mliU of 0 thy n>lgh'. pauta irjwm iw to*l ing paid through Ilu #" la eicelknl for imomows co. it., ••Mud." y « Wat«r, waltr *»tf)wb»fr, hat But than »oap aid water, tad It a few momenta' search f *»l iM'rf # ••••u* walnut ai»d l«iuh- cnaea it ia evident that the required only QbmUi i .tr< p To drli k' cleanalng black picture la many in lb« two *°?r #t>—*1 wiH M(il voa to di*cover that the rtrord h Il«- tb»t (tl But BlVit leg glaaa frame a II will tot do to Waab dora not underatard what the •1,,'!1 :r, paiBt (fliJ aam* I W II II "#.«i with It la pupil caaea »n identical, not the f rvltifr. aa«aral>b«d palal Whiting meant. When only hi rn i.« # inquiring— com- In ttc »lBd ■ will, Bid for cleanalng wtiu p«lnl. Take queation name, but tba tame and t to a boj'a Will noiqvaUd man the tcale regiment Valrl; l*?<«YwUI (VI m. Grand Trunk "What con.ea ne&t to in CrtM Railway ».f too»h »rr long a email oa a damp flu net. tub The widow oflVrvd no of thr Uougbta lor*. quantity to be pany. proof oeeribe a»d will be of it ia rather Winter Arrangement. lightly aarfaoe, )o« beiog?" eurpriaing b«r that ah* IntalM'. I rlm4. Room thoaghU " but affidavit atated *»J «mU NrtWt ■». at If-cU. Wall ra tre It muat death, <»• t»i !■ t «•< •»u: Papers, arm or not brard of Jrn.« Mr*. tr«i» »wi raa m WUi a aofl doth over hail hrr huabar.d f Tb*y ar«il. broom, plug man "Tie aupp<*cd /idmm, I*4». MitvJ U»r4 )Nn, that the cLirf end of waa, Wr«. il »*r m>« j cart daat aad aabi a of ftornacea waa #r*frl Like « Uif uo tb« tarrtBt cb»i, far J. Tba had teen killed in battle. A letter l- .i. Window Shades, ft. a. ft. ■ r.« hia bead on." The fir»t £ #.f», il U4 Bllfl a» ted atovea ara In avary crack end «hat'a got .—*■— * «• I u i; With imr • br*afc In th*Ir rapid flow. dtpoaiud written to hrr that hrr huahand £ Iwiflwfcwi to-wfuw, waa, in atating IMtkl IM ('A I" WV th«m •« ON 0Dr go and crevice of oar looma, and require «lg> man that «rnt round the world □ «iUh by tbtf waa a for a w • it 4 M •tr for ibrlr «• " already drawing |*naion 2 Bottle To-Day! h-ik... th* ^rtBtlfal llaiit ant active treatment a The man in the / Try • «u i • lato pt«t little Kifl'a i: » 1Mb... n *1 opinion, wounda received in the war, and re- / / I* Mr Km tin inoetl. I'trpela iWtb acr• <|tiDlllln a of by Fixtures, Curtain Poles, I-ft. «a» » »• moon." A conaonant ia "portion C#A.r. atraw matting by that *he had been A m r«*u, Cww, i«*«*; tr IIWII <• * I' >•#••• W1* • * • T.t icy wltb carpet llnlaga ia rot for alone;" Is N «im»' good waa to hear that be waa •till r*« »•. I'm*, »ktl«k-i* W* •• • *• N iiu* ar* ig*r, ».>ro* ar* a!o» then down tba carpela o»»r very glad I*" M«nu, (I»m* paprra, put the Wraelitea made a golden calf" |i if I if 'i fri«. HM «H IU drar ha»t* away, allver la Dot an e%a» "why if the would ft. |s/«s (wrt.o Now, rttldr*B, them Cleanalag hadn't ailver living, and penaion people H «• • a* »u th* will wat, "|tada, ceived fiom a man in Kama*, who aaid ■■ Tb« ua fr«»a th* cold. Utrow It acaldlug aoip if IV of f» »<«TUII. y proUct would hate Henry h-ITUlD wltb a aofl Haunt I, aad with happened an in I but i, Stock t' on wipe peillati be had made HAH, Largest M.*nL r«. Miftfl* To 8>y tal th* hill will Kranr* had tot been murdered The application a rbamola akin. Yoar allarr or plate to and arc r,jnro rv tut *. ■ r •. r. ■ W. mil hi* oar nlBda to All, had never any attention it, In a a waa : would hate paid i» «• look lo tbal txhlbllrd jaweler "lie probably Kvrr 10 Oifonl rwo**4. v Th«r* th* ba«y hoar* to »p*nd «qaal reply did not know whether it had been iLspUvvtl County. » »• « « *~ aad «aill retain Ita for waa l>..^ JftftUt—. I *t .. •» im " day If ouce a wer*k, afc\ MR IM alt moalba. to "In granted < »tt It. I.turner burn»d death1" IM ai Mil a PLASTEE Ufc'«*4, J» la wltb hamola akin Urlgbl a which made soldier HOP »• »» » «• * *» It pollabtd HUMPHREYS' received windfall, I-wis tSe a little fellow, »»• 4 W • trilling ■ M i* I — unei* Wn«ml •• Ill R*IOM4. tbla setbod HizzH ef &U luturx, and wit*. An penaion | ynn NH >4* T tad la raally altalaed by teiy grate rqually re. >•*' » I— S-n|i, »,* it •rNiiit.m.ft. but had met »nh financial l«f/ !• •* • J* * will th I a recently kftr» Uf 2i latter*. Horn* may think It Irjar* plat*. M "II I* wm elicitcd from 4 *hnilr« ludr I miti CoOipoaed UK# reply pupil aa a. «r l!f.N Window p <*. ^ !• W 11* T U lira petted veraea, waa a invalid the IS..*, » barer Wr la inmlc. bavr a**d It and fall for yeera, fl " I II mxl HO l.l» permanent MX fWl ! 4 Mr JO. SI. 9. la la aprlng wt.en a. ft. »Mi., Il» 4 VI 4» 19. V II. II l« to aound. tain any Ir-Jary. Tbe>ae government aid to live. An examination l»r- • Mf jii rr r»n*rir*L "What it w minu «1 **r* »»«>■■ • Moo in I'uprr* Trlmmrtl untl IMK H » 4 #4 U li aadiroaa wid Had It tqually rfflrtcloa* In "They dned them»e|te«." r.--«r tan Mr 9. 10. 31. I■) to writhe. *a* ot the which not m ~ * 11 4 «ft • « made record*, only Uu 1*4 ««a m4 kM IMWs iwtr tbelr Did fratb*r of friar ?" First lurrfil In nn«l *o. u» 19. 3. 3i. IS la a »*auttful II rtaiorlag brlgbta*aa lis.™ the feminine bright larMii; W»l. 11 44 4 • * My •howed that hia statement the 4<«k t»IW Nwllw nit AUM4rWi; to tied a and are regarding ( I. r»—. U V » 44 »ft«. Mf 3. JO. ||, IS. 19 la rrnulo pllow* grvally Improttd by "Hain't Neil. Second rW'w «r» —>4 >y «U "»■ » I'tirU I'rff ol haigr. * boy any.' waa de- ;. tUp irkw r >t.w. t» I • ■•«.« «i <4 • ■. a tb«m on a clean gra«a plat diirlrg of 1000 true, but « j, Mr 17, 1*. I. It ta •nail atlmal pattlag "Nun." "Ibat'i right." application fhvll 00. IblW mi fMM{4afyr it »i ivr.a. the b*«ta lafii#' i bright boy: ••.11 I.V It la a »uUI»6tf a b»a«y »b»atri lat pwr&i't:hssrjwavissit: if the fact that conduaive of VOT fUUfTVnrOMTAJIX. Sa*c,» Km*. <•»»*•. I t » Uft» IW t« •«■ Mr*. 4. a-aaoblrg what veloped proof •IW te* wrtttd, turalag them on U>tb Kirtt b. y, indignant!): "Thal'ajutt f« nttu>ll.'«'« I. dry, The following u ill ludicrous: the fratbera aa I make ib< m HOMEOPATHIC for a widow'* which w»* granted lighten ap A teacher askrd • c!»»s some penaion, Maine. II re jutenile the Norway, «A MAN ma< b m >re bralibfal to alrap a;*on IlliffrtU. I ""M|yj'*;-v in 1675, acd she bad been drawing iilnBu-.tjelifs1 '.t of • •-•••• • •• *•! >iy.'**» h« mn lot* HAIR BALSAM — ui»UM Cut the long pi**«a had from New York Mtae to Ne- ti.l a W akaiM it "In gone • • • two or thrta iVmtMi.rli«J tor. wionithrj hi* «■» I'M ihtb aiaab tb*m ap ...... IWM R *1- llm>e, iUt'l !•••»••»■ proficiency vada aoon aftrr hi* Ir«f. H. PORTER S. I. making original ap* lv MiJI < attla* '•« .• C. into was abd vrfti'u| IWMIMt the • • • llm*a tlttcb end. ptanae *rry cheeae," I ilMIt Wr»k»'«.* '" • "• ready reply. in J HMMiumhw-1* »r two or thrte wbich had been engaged mining roM water f b«»ur*. IM«r«K<■ •Ilk# IIniI, I the ar* not *11 mo. plication, South Mo. • • • But g»*l thifiic* Paris, < tuae ihtm to curl Tha and bad loat all track of hia fam- will prttllly. the Som» littlt there, • • • no boy#. girls •PARKER S TONIC I 1«ll( ate Inelde pltc»a, >>f c«Hir»e, u.r-1 nopolired by he had oeen in the ily. Kecently living I • « Cmrm ran 1 a •* I F ICS. mr,p the of I)a«ld, Th» b"l gU j«»u nw, thing doae to th»m ll> »p*^t on dlah. SPEC atud)ing hls'ory wa* a ■ mm Kama*, and he widower, ft. tt the the aup|»wed • a'aitr, are muth mora really i•■•la*(■ for describing ahep- ftthm "< 40 Different Kiuds, f 4^ .|l liWil>ll*|l*>''i«Hi.l. p««sage day but would hi* wife if ym. ^ a aa aa immediately join < m ■ •erved than lu gla*a, Wrll txlag herd b»y"a tictuij utrt (Jjliath. I he I .!«*». li'" kkl»'n m4 I. a mh«h her wbereabojta. Tbu*, aa a | M.atk 4 much can he could learn to » prettier. teacher a*ke«l the "Now, «»-<•". >»l •- If From $1A*i lVuiul. 3. (biiwit question, re- two familiee will be ;|| >«. ■•> IS. W. >f 3 A fo.l uri uf Cbrlit of little tell me who killed undoubtedly, |„ ri'M *M» V««ttia any )«.u girl* tf»>, •* • I rmni t «» MANHOOD united -u > »U It M -ALH»- .|n«« the ?' U tick *■ thought one of the a T>- II U II k lh-*l the fura la a •->! •<> tight that n.otba giant I'ttt teryW«lW MjlH A fount*)* hea.1 < bi-t« a amalleat "Jack I » annul grl In lo ley tS« lr gg* Kew How How Restored I responded, would be Thc Best Assortment of r««uar a a a t»e iua ao by i>*aiU>a a let pa of p*p* r o*er »*»ry •••II ltM| uir«r'J th« N«ikjo«1 HINDERCORNS w mi •ch<«>l* fur by Ibe x 'ruaitiiaiNti l> |>r>aes war than tbe InclaJlng the crart tietwvea lid tret ion of the horror* of ll4 W»TVi M' .rOW"*** '* MlMr**!"' tt TO or I.aai Wi« Joint. » ft. m • M'Vfal some tx>«iu rt'tlLM >Iii»I»'» i.*i I l®|•>>•#!, tetealed cutiou* < maite Health Society, Mpwii. i«——»» »l*» ■*»• It ia not the on* of ifa CIGARS I One to following. only f««»» f -utlfc n V»-^»raa IV'» -Ftiiltaia e»e» a will aa> ila*. I N, iiit Htm* of in formation *T paper, »Uhout pin bole, nilfifle ril«, reply aad to for ia our civil «fa jirl" ."*>au»iUai »w 3 (>#k. 3 Urn* I. I.arch ite Mun4 tl Ml' iliU'ltM* >« •• i««l « i.rt«* considered in« kind, *ay, great 3— 1 I'»| • waf» afur the fura are put la, paate "Men'i n *ny V (»'», 4* occupations frontier families urn di» V Tr%k ». Hub J. I»at»v a. Kir A»h tba Aromatlca of conflict many :&oath of bag aecurtly. TW c •• (> ••».! (■ ii«i* »!a>nt • •««(, to health, *»•: k l.i. Km juriou* "Octopitio#* *on* »rr' In Oxford County. 10. AUWr 11. II»riI«h li I'lar taru>aa klnda ara raore or l«^a repulalve (*•< 11 I • m ••'•■• • Irtu • l*i»»f « ar r *ided, brother* and father* and IMPORTANT TO *ie to he*lth *re carbolic At»in IT * r»I which ROCK IStHD 4 PACIFIC HI 14 Willow 16, lo Ibe lna*ct, bat the oalv aur« way la to '■I |"**lw», hit Ik' •l«l'l<# «(»»•«■•• irjurous " to meet each o'her CHICAGO I'^Maag • di>* • • taking tide*, 11*# m ni »*# liM, Mint an }|, Ml • V«'» ik«( l» | |i ItUM <| •tid which i* blood An* oppwite |If fK<«f*i l'«!ni l» V>» f1 M*pl« 70, a«r tbat lb*re are bo moth* la Ibe fur*, gas, impure fittl m4 Uk« * MM *f *• ll lim fwl«, Aflni MT* ■ l» *9 ft I HN • m, .. .#•«, i». •• 4 «tr»t- afterward* in fatal An old volun- * atone*ma*on • work ti|(bt. ELLIOTTS • ri»n. » C*a&« T3, I'.aataln. anl tbep, brttlag tbtm wall, put tbtm t- Kittl*! vlKk it tNfti I ■ other »*i'l : "A ! Ml Ium 1' i«iil pupil an ic* OWNERS CV •«#.» City. IxHUitM* lm interesting HORSE • • r w • fcal h III h». m*1 i* « mil. AMm » I M«u that la horn of woman of wh-ta none can g*t In. i* w», trcause when he H »• I ti • H. • I fi tn'# I ii h >■•« 0Wi • <• and fall «>f trouble. M >xD ii.iimhI a*tl«fk«il *••4 t< *1 h-'mr+n It# A* •• •- I lb# %» >!•>• l4"Tk > »fc • I l». la ISr v« •• »f »» he breathe* in all tbe little *nd • m% I a. chips, f »f IrNliil •!•«*'■« •« v*- • !'• #4 fill »l » I tna woat tant n« ixll • I • «*m n*« i» It* | iH I Commercial Bulletin, relet'* thi« s'ory •# V• ll*i< LiM of f«*»M «|t | 4 H reaaon why tray, nectaalty •« m|* A '4 which deaerve* to be recorded, and 011_ »' T Hill, gCOTCH Mint boot-maker* IB Till rtACI TO HI Y TlH K w«ti fliNtTmt* llnxi* all atnl boue»hold», aho#l i tectUM* the pre** Thlt Llitwil )• ••»•«•!• bf lv» m M »#f lr%. fc«|»' (k*- In wtll-rega juriou*, a war. k ll f AHKA THE CULVfRWfll MfDICAt CO.. •how* what come in civil HI ll»« I* ■■'« 1 a* there, may >KWH>M !>>f l> •« » •' f» .«•« lit not '*■ made a* «a*ll u**fal In the U»jI* the thorai ; anJ •»« HTAH pr*lly 4t *<• against • • »am.«lf Mr r-» I * St., Tiii W. T.) ft* Olw lii. One of our beat non-comia*ioned tfi »-rs, b'ft>* locb. a dark ollta tone, uj»»n 4b«imri of Sergeant Driacoll, •f (IK III tMI M WEARING »•» »«• »•*•«M» >(»«■< *■«■!— >M4—4 pan 4 It owl 1. Klath, C, Nail, paloud tojchea the heait; and if they do cot die, ».•!• • K>•».' 1 kr««llu •>. %* t,4>u A*> one corner a c;n*ter of dtlara and " a Con- |4. H-arairr gold*n <1 < >m ticed the distinguished daring of «i»* all Al Ul «TI* II AI»A*« IU«#1*1'. are life With a beau* liwmilU, Uiiii'm. a* that woald for >4 *» a* well the battel *• > * II they v *i iwl L*j«iHt» % Uagt, M *>—p lod. fly • Kril I <•» 4Til % cripple* federate (Ticer, and reaolved to counter- Mil « » ft. t< oae one declare* that ! Low Prices! All flta ft** l»r Kline** (lr»tl tee k the b!oaaom* If baa K**rr,ii hmi b«ta#••> tiful drcineene**, girl Stock A : Ll I m* « imt. ilkl rri^ tUiptwl »>T natartlly moat ef. 01L Big «k M* 1'ifttl Ihr t aw-l< a<* r l •*>« act his effnta in tbe gCOTCH 1I«4i> *»»*• Sn |li tft*r flrai bruab. a |J»'» to inapiring •« lb I Kf«W>n>' .lay'* •oi ibe ability to bantle the "•II mtchanical work i* I »• »"• ll MUf 11 mm • *■>''. M 1 I>aa <1 irjuriou* t • •» • •' • r' ; u T to OIm a ruin TrwtiM«Ml a*-"-*at tfwinl A4 he ««r w I if •• f«> i>» K«i«>|4km llirtol fl or olbtrwiae, " fective so, hi* intentions, I' •' f f»n» >»»a *11 a-»r»»»a«. |l»»?.rf«l|. <•:»>! t "»!•> dectlcomanle >ral ■ i#» • wa); atating lit U" 'rl—l'n iil |->tl ft** |.« HI •'tar* fvn.1 1.1 I»r (kiln*. Ml Are* picture, »ii, Mai health A to about ItM tmm 11*1 M >• iM I* Nl Ifkit »j4» reply i)«eitioa •MNlitlllOl h.t •ralrk Oil hu (Mftal IkM^t • I '•'« •# (IN •!• ntiy lake the of tbe baad painted waited till he a fair view through « t • •> -> •» M. Kbit*. I'a place •TAT* Of M USK neter e*t got »tk •«. IUU l »klt| I', ■ run*: "W» should • •it m m tv«f*'ii <• IM4 *A»r i«a* tJtM- A bow of olive atlla ribbon la digestion Mi t nv • ill r *• '> one (l\fii|(|t *a|>!ta# Jal>< al o'.rl. Kit the *moke, raised hi* rid# a* he would t*J itltb the do?* not H« mMMmil«nM CRCAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTS A»4 »"« il m (<• im (#» ir« i»ai ibo men with our fel* • >'||||, «• aa wtll aa the ribbon bow. i|M#ir rer fell and bia buke, K. A.TIIiim*, Nitlltali K».HKimru Tin rL«t c. at Al m tititl U> till — background, M Ihl* t oibera coetloue to bar •• I I*# **.4aal I* Ivt IlklkiUlt lovtd it through wind*pipe;' ■ • Cilll, I.IT. JOHN. Indl*hlual ttate will, of courae, gotcrn U< i|#m«i atfcwMy Ib*r»ia.aa4 Iowa after them with the bajonet. Dm- u4 • "the ti)wa the middle V A. i CO., lwc«A«t l|> ■•w.dt fttkit' ila«t and -»h«a up lo hi* an.l t •( llill llll nl that chyle up GILBERT Propr*toM put parka the colorlrg If preferred, tba trty mty thill.* ha* M IO)|r* »( ||> |4*J««r coll as be came to tbe victim of »<>..! condition It won't b* our imhiu ii Tbai ua aaM back end reaches the heart, atopped Fnotbur h Falls VI. Store CHICACO. fur powdera be omamrntetl and tbr tr la mitWai of th» bone, F. EIli:tt's purchaa«d alrea>ly DmiII IMIlt lb* |)fMi||M*l llw |»»l«»» bia ahot, who had fallen on hia Q. Clothing fault We bav* eipn*ed tba awlndl* time hand tha mee'* the and i* unerring bow alone added by the of tuay Dtm>l ki '•*•>•( M iktirKl •' lb l* Vtli where it oiygen, puri time an I \4md*u'« are face, nnd turned bim over. The victim Mo. again houat W'fe. • rth llli INrt «f I .art lWrt«, l« l>* p«b- tied.' Another "The work of the FOR Jb. Norway, PORTLAND STEAM PATKET CO, l we know of worth •**!• lUWMIltflf la lb* llltj*l| **yi: "Fa- tbr only kit carrying |:lkn| iktM open bia ejes, murm ired • «,«f la I'uli la •». I ("••»a heait is to the different organ* in •lowly II I.I.I INI.I. 1111 •>» him*. be In the |k»ifril, | |"«»u-l repair —I'olatoea ahoald aleaaya kept ll« lit. I* k* IbMr-iafa M UmI ther !" and If, MklMM a One little eipired do not nted to • I Iraiit l« '+ b.!>• al about half minute," physi* Tba proper (lr»aa-gtM»l» for a firm r'» dark Haral boua*keep*ra '«l"f» lb* kr una <>r MH| Driacoll had ahot hia own «jn. Hia other* who live In l*a»i» •' <•< « ii J Tu»»4a»"< "#•♦. "We hate an and b« told tbla, but many ologist replita: upper ( >r SPRING MEDICINE. alf^Orw-irela. a»*it ii ik« ikal ik* #av4 |nlta'*ii mi liti craied tbe man. Conspicuous SPECIAL towna Bud clti» a aboul I know that a the lower skin more* at grief |x»la a" t ib#t» «| |» a# ai >a I I art 1*4 ik»a raaaa It lower *kin ; Boston f hiacoolneaa be became a«***el —■ — lb* ratu and n«rtr* that will lo for a ah* 4 t* i«ah hitherto, p Fowl for toea eipoaed tba light, day only, lit b* k«i J<4«m»al aboo Ml it* will, and the *kio motet when UK •0 U»*«*. iiiMPiillo* la*anl %*to».| ailf. upper ll«i|orill tba tody without tntoilcatlBg, have their fltvor Irjared, and the longer " with immeasurable fury, and with fear- AII# M Mllk.lt I || »1 IN. • Mil. we child "The heart we the*e of ruab and are U»a t do Another *ay*: la «tr.at tred In daya tha Wora« Neter • <• his coat rtpoaed tbey A !»##• Itur 1 al out aa I f4#r c i.M ful eiecration, tore off and equip- • vita! i* a A third, that hurry. 1'arkrr Tonic re*tore* tba 11 • \ i unit' I mI. comical shaped bag Steamers. greenlah potato MwNi AOVItJi ment, and with unloaded musket • plunged Jones' •<» aol & l< rgl«a, thra tba n*rt»a, bring* "the upper akin i* called eppcderby and Holden than headlong into tbe tight; the enemy was good bea.lh quicker any thing )oa oooi> Rtctrga. the Uwer skin i* called derby while a BARGAINS! can uar strongly reinforced and the conflict was ,V.a'*>1 I'eal or lli*K —Ttka any cold fourth enumerate* the organ* of diges* Fare SI. a an l warm. Driacoll da*bed in like .Malay ••Opolla.-Jaat plain "Opolla.**lalba namr tretl which mty ba left from the rotat. WORTH HAVING! tion ••—"stomach, utensils, liter, and TONIC ELIXIR. but do not amuck. He like a fiend The First Class Steamers of a town to Cruwf>»rd Co Kaa cat ap Into very amtll plecea, RIRD, McHlllT I GO'S running fought Wf offer to our ru«t*>mer* thr f 1 cofer with water, adding a litlle spleen. Me was to the again — IT IS TUB— chop; a brought ground iiti:io\T a join niiooii% with It a certain re- a bull, Here i* the of talented young- lowing trm.Uv whtrh are Gr^at agr carrlm pep|ier, aalt, and batur; bring to pith and each time afreah and t to * *ur. THE VORID ua 'be Samaritan": springing up 'i WM'i P Min wbatber It attach** with a of fl POCKET ATLAS OF ster's "(Jood w • •»•'«!• l*«n fniii aprctaMhtr per- and thicken teaapoonful ra. < ■nmr-'ol •»>«••' b «#lal*> aa4 Trill# p»p?t out with >rce. He fell « *1 It Hhvl, It «U-I, u la aten lo from atrikiog f DRIVES I I auo or thing. TMa particularly Toaat a few tllcea of braad freed la# | I* ibr I pII• <1 "Malrai INI l* '4 tbe "A certain roan went down from deadly BEST TONIC AND APPETIZER • U a Ik jer*lam m I \ 11 T tb* ca*« t>f J \hi -h's and them around the I bfel laraaj tllalalaaa ml ibr ilM, aa our line reached him, covered • r> .tni-lf*'I.tiimfHi. crnat, butter placu •■aam ihi lb- Iwt i.f juat in cverr an 1 «v wouMin- f' ..... «• r• t hi* •• ir» «fc>r*ill« aw|4il' la4 |.mrr» Uj# to and he fell among thietet, la the moat tnar*r\>ua iBteraal and In the -I »'«» I baa .or baa iM ( al* jeriker, particular I I * < ■ I • kpriw |M tr«(m which dlah, and pour lb» mine* nicely ill'* II «*• • |-# ark and the thorn* and cboaked Titr attention to uiuo I'Mt.ii i»i* it • »«rr discovered It dlah. •ml llliiriaa, sprung up «•»*«•# la ii|W. lurunl ougbt centra. Il la a moat acceptable * M jour »j*via1 remedy •I «4 • tail* I al Ia> I <4 «ala b> 1***7 IN THE MARKET. ii ■! nt > iu ii.furutl »', ill to be Id houae. ai>wl aKiNUaU. (fjilials ti# he gate to the U kepi »verr l.itlgaai |ai»* him—whereupon tuppin* —One Tr\ t K t A Ii I* 4 o.. ut M# (MUil m vH uf aOW-iala. 1U1 A Li'DiCBor* Labor Tnorni.K — but- ft DRIVE NO. I. t TruU t'ul# Ooa-btlf cap of < I +» InMa and take care on him and IU m4 Uitif fiwM ilMtik. Ar.ij' Itwikl n ibiH4r |**ib#i*iK. a »*ry boat, praid strikes on record re- -ir it'Ri*- The flrat ft iwar* of wblch of a an* a-l lf a* f of the funniest U M,J. f, LIm »Mlt «.*■ i|t aprlng—Tboa* tar, two cu(u of flour, thre^-fouriba Itxyt haaaia. Mal«>llt. | him hon hi* hone hat*. And he The Lallr. a fine Arut-nran KiIMI M t put Maine your of one-half cup of milk, llr*aJ«aat V \ I In from llrooklin, 1b« Mrook- cup augar, I !».• I'"1 ••«b#*a, ;| J.I on This and ported 'UK Ii a- a the other aide." IlilioiM f)l«ril«r*< t«>n lW>ot f't Mm 13.00. tbtn one-half of molaaara, two egga, «.rai# • IT.r»J ll -f.. I> Il t>a» !»•»•«. p*aaed by lin in that town made ELY S yui* of from Ca- cup Canning Company Twkbty entering molaaaea HkWallm the are not, a* be to a French Kxl lloot one btlf of MMla lu following might sup- last Kqaal tarrh »u t Catarrhal llradarh* I never letapoonlul Urge catchee of small herring week, lleadnrhr, (irnrrol Debiliij. Catarrh to foam, ona cup of chopped ralalua, a American but au« BALM found anvtbinc to afTird laatlng relief till po*ed, exaggerations, and were a CREAM and doinfc thriving business, put. DRIVE NO 2. • little clo*a cinnamon. thenticated instance* of examiners' 1 tru 1 1. » »'rr«m lle'm 1 have uaed ripe* of tbia work ifc* ll ool. Tit«i (iiru lit I i*/ ml on** New Store! ting up "sardinea.** A part •••I all laparll**■# Tbe ftU Shoe for Meu two bottUa. and now conalder my Catarrh rience*. IkM Mi af II la* ( >rtlN ik# 1 4 Doatflaaa 1I la matle aa followa : Clothing is of whom «" • .1 iMlieion /Waerf children, many a «wm mg •• I uhJ f\r cared I bate recommended It to aeveral is in answer to the performed by »**»M« Will w*ar aa an a $•" «H» SLue. of to aoak The last || rail**** Ml* u4 M Ion# — •Tut a aiuall tapioca specimen are more than 'J or (11*1 «f«*cl>*• la b«i;4.*^ up iV for t few houra question, i*» T llmuinnoM, 144 Lake Htreet, Chicago, Oa one of the busiest of last week, *> rtau |*r bMtia, a*u«|> la* DRIVE NO. 3. Cora with- TW latxrtl ara, Kal**(*4 a* I la|r«fi <1 a ard days rrir#oai; CATARRH or eight good cooking tpplra. hatlag litrd in hark maid of bullrushee, awlt. HI*. will bow ofif lar Itl* >• the the ^HAVFEYCR Jf£ out tnd (111 tba bolea with augtr IbnrM"**. children worked well during til 3 l*oun«U of lllark Fonnoaa T««* dividing, MiMc Ik'U he a calf and • ikJ aHk golden worshipt HAY FEVER. We m«t chante, the u»ual war." tnd a little lemon or grtted nutmeg kept out ta* were small, and N*au- l«i u»iul!> by Juice, he bet but forenoon, herring FREE for #10)) quality tb* old A aort of ni* t rick mixture around tba braiien snakes, and notbin' I« Lt aaya aonff aja< Pour tha tapioca ap- •OUT ASI» »HOK IlKPAHTNKn, it took • of them to (ill a for 50 ct-nU r .V manner for He good many I|TCSTOPPEDlaaa«a faT*! «*»t*«*l •oltl j* pouml. tern, by the way. a very little nutmeg over, and qwhales and forty years. I I <*r /Vf» plea, grate hot, and aa are the box fur •great aerve wltb a they paid by I | ■SD'.xlixb bake an hour, or untU done; was kart by the air while riding under ■ ■ ^^Nh»viRi«tor« DRIVE NO. their no doubt, • 4, 'V'-m /ijiritm Pick IIudicui cream. their aervicea work, l^**fla ■ •• ~ aweetenrd bow of s tree and he was killed hU < by came «. ••«.« »• VIA aeemed Noon ■' > •* who a offered Stock of rather diicouraging. 1(1 * || !.■•« tt 8 Poonda of Nice Laundry staroli, ItTMJ* Tb•'« tn iKiiluk* nj tbit Hood'i 8im- Stmuttr /)na*.—Take Jalca and the children |«lUll for -•"» cant* bow. His end wa* | * ^AY-FEVER rami tbem. On* lemona and one cut In atnall peace."—(,'katnb'rt »•» • »»■>!. r. O »• I win H>ni parllla bu compUtly pineapple, dinner. On* o'clock came, and the whia- »» • art* a ft w of »«h I! Ill It Mix KUIaan • * .K The alio** the l||ilrl hi* leer to aull tbe latte an I Journal. > only AytMllK thua write*: "Hood'e p a. all augar put k t if tHITATUM PMAi.. it l geatlemaa relieved, blew the for to man? Tr*l«* w« umiik. PrtM «U »>f tba water. CLOTHING, tie signal returning work, Kxtra ha\f H> in of Ice wltb r»« l*l»»» <• oil ( rrili* fr*-'. IL) IlliO III U worth weight la plenty Haraeparllla cold." in a b ri ba lual answer to Hi) — but no children in it. I1««m gi»e u* a rail anl w« will UK*. M V. IUad«r. If yoo ir* a auir*rer with the lick Mots Homo* Tiun Promt. Mr. appeared HoldtH .s'mre.—Make a amootb bolle«1 were but wait* con vine? too that Uua la the to headache, gt*e Hood'a a trial, at Cana* Th* managers perpleied, place Harasporllla half MacDonald, residing Itocklitfe, It will do Mad* C cuaurd with tha yolka of three egga, Good Reliable Garments ed with as much aa could HARRY LANE! tra>ie tn I nave NOTICE. jMlllTt good. by on the combine* the dutiee patience they mon**y. a of and a pint of milk. . Pin*. Win MM Fair Pi'iooH. aome a» maatrr of mailt At length it apparent ! ! to Ik* acted for time Fashionable Tailor t l* <1 wll"Jk« ro|»*M. mill ut'tK vara was the vie* iir r« n »i •( Mr r. »i «t.ini->* aold In N«w Hrooklin Canning Mitai C Boga* doga are frtqa*otly at that place to tha aatiafaction of the Company B. io II Mill .*11 |«iwmIi4iW»4 tolkt a trouble. The ONf dftor nborr Clm Hon*', LEWIS ANDREWS. iitiHfi Twk A wnan ther* bought ao alleged s "To make an ha was tin of labor proprietors In ir« until r* i«»»M m ■«!» (■■•■it*I* A correapondeat aaya community, but without pay, ap* A •». VlWl wa* afterward found Uke an Inch of IS ALL to look about them. Children l*. i;i. iUUi'M»\ ficellent door mat, plank OUR STOCK NEW, and tha head of the began mill op|NHll« llriirkrir* WEST MAINE. Mu. f» im*. to be bat a common car pointed postmaster, PARIS, *u Pii.*, nothing lagca> the alte dealred, and bora 3 4-Inch holea M<1 wa ct*f Utlf lb) were aeen iff in boat*, around • l wrote him that he had much pecking flf. May 1ft, lnm; to—Ij Mn with a poodl*'* aklo. It with tbelr cestrea 2 Incbea department Itrnnrh. Ncrmf through hia corner* and hiding behind barrela or oth* Ilu> tbeae draw dampened corn and Fabrics. pleasure in confirming position—"tha LAND FOR SALE I apart; Latest er but no demand wu mad* for I cflkr tfeu fail ik* Ill* I « Coat Mb |1> and Ulo off alout two Incbea loag Styles to be the aame aaheretofore." Thia objects, buaka, W* ikill k« Ii kti* KuiIm Ovr ■alar) tit* u Ifn^ir I «(«. U »• I Ii Poi'i doctor aald I bad Uteri. which e;> Anybody eaally la*lK( the cauaed if Host 1 l*i/l if 14, Prolapau* w* the chief honor. "I proclamation Complete •• tto Uu«4 Iw«hf <4 Afti.. A I* >«**. I ^n». boot* much HilialaHar?. la oar Clolbiaa l*paitM*al acknowledging »■!»> *k# rlMH mi rmt Ha d tif iha'l *«l I * Atfi> ly < a«b, but oa aar pi»r*baao wrote he "that I felt children and go I !'•»«'•*. m.1 mil Imii •• im KilitM|i Uia to tbe of J juat him," says, —or— »• " iW m—«m«l ia»4«««i, m* tarn honor*.1, in bound, by Ni l. tM TdMi Fiii (w ii!M) ii|iririi| ci* la a dragtflat, and he told to dutj Mm thai Ml m(m frw* lit 4mto •* waa in their Th* strikers, male and h»t9*y lW«l III I 4l. II>4 l«U«llt4 *1 M Mr**, |Im* Ii the ft Blttcra I of wadded tirmation of and wages. W» »«. ! .a a k^ h doctor' ai».1 try Nulpbur —A neat a« — IUI tk>t ut did ao, and fi»* dollara' worth of and and bound wltb ribbon, flnlahed to know the waa to be the female, ^t*J n»l» n .inI <«r Hi Hulphar lined, glad sslsry promptly for -f Tm itoii «>i«. b*m p«r »b. a rr>iv fa all.fa* try. rtmt atari Is Uli Caaaty to H iW l» K- Umi.*o a *«, « tn* of «ea*ral weakn.« IHMMM I* Xrv lltriH. bolder to tbe atova door wltb, for to «*4 tWMk >taf ttumhimi.iiHt'art il*blllty—Mrt open a I'd h>h*h*hate gan rvroUe, and have run ever since u r n« tlMI W trnk W •*. I Ih M.J }Mir|K4» mother or old mild aunt, ilaiji Qontlemen's Garments • » liiliilM Vulrfi M ni(»r Il#r4* your without or friction. The childr*n l*t*l ifcta l«th Jar W May. A. I». IMC IT 1 "»KKl> THAT WAV to be like f-u-f-fury to have to p*p p*pay jar li • »ir«. (iiimi. KAKT K. WAlll) requlraa tblnga handy. fury jt.u.% r. Wr.KUlI I # _ work with a their faces all at I Ilk.I'M !** will, aglow a# aJI kt*4a. aa.| will atti ib*a u(. MILI.AK11 L hmKLt. t ClIIM.Mll We came along to a croaa-roada In All- anything WORK BlftKVTa. KENNEY & PLUMMER. with at "ten centa a bo*," ttama. wber* a colored Joatlc* of tb* peace happin**e; «u aboat t* upea coart, aad It *aa pro A larga peaaant'a bit, which la almply a Nr\l Door to 4ndrrur«lloii«r, Stern Parent—Here, here! What's they ar* on th* road to wealth. we bait for ao boar or two aad ruabta aa Prices to Suit the Customer poaed that broad of woven nearly all thia racket ? Mirrer broken, two caa* coma oo aa a wtto«»a operatloaa. Tb* to and almoat aa thick plank, Ox Hia 8onx Hide.—A waa re- Uaa. a afeawa Im* a/ heavy 80UTH PARIS. vasee demoralized—what are lady nwr Ala* wu b»tw»« n two col<>r» (1 men od* of whom makea, wltb proper treatment, a moat you doing.' Morrison were cently bantering Congressman cbargr«1 tb* other wltb bating atolen a boa aad attractive banket for knitting •TATK or MAINK. Small ion—We juat practicing atyllab about Senator having been put in Tber* wrr* neither lawyrra nor Jory, bat or fancy-work. Il ahould be lined with for the of the eeaaon. Logan Cent's Goods. or opening Furnishing ■ iwmI la. tb* and aald tboaa being OXrOKD, Mi—Al a Coarx frabaia b»l4al th* earn* cot with him aftar th* battl* of ANODYNE tb* Jadge called bp plaintiff dark red or llght-blna aatln, Stern come UOHNSOIP • I'arla. wilbia Ml lor iba roaaair of uiiorU well; (Tin r*Mnk, CM- Mr Dtrrova, bow wltaeaaea baa Deal to tbe cold of the Parent—Very juat both wer* wound* many the ft contraala gray ■>e?" ruabaa, tha Ualng ahould be puffed A a»rt*ia laai>ua#M |u#i> maf la I* a a>n>y el ed. II* said: HARRY LANE. ••Two. aah." ►mall aatln ahould be pnt on oppo- iba laat Will aa4 T*iU»*bI al fcwrk I'll furnish the bat, and you can furnish pocket lata al Oa.baa, ta Iba ftuia af and him on th* aor* JOHXaON * oo, •Mr Banker, bow many wltaeaaea boa alte aldaa. A broad aatln ribbon of the L»afa»4. the bawl." "Yea; they put Ma* llmpabira, aal al Iba Prabkko m dat nebber took dat co- aame on tba brim bolda tbe aal h* lid* of m», too, confound U." you got yoa boe, abade fattened ibaraof la aal4 MAia, 4aly atWaiad, SPIRIT of 76! TJSE. of FOR AND EXTERN-A.L bow." a Idea to form t baaket and aervea katiaf b**a proa#oUil to tba Ja4«a frabata "And h* haa been on th* tor* aid* of INTERNAL_^LINIMENT together Ma I made thir- far Iba al —"Only fancy, UKlHLY BRRD aah br aar aaM C^aat? of O1I0H, |««p grandpa, TIII« -Fo*. for a handle. la Iba frabata *m since, haa b* not ?H sh* • >•*!«« tli«aH,IMai4 ne>nta4 teen miatakea in French exercise." you dlamlaa da »n Mr. my play I)«o I ahall ca*e, .■an lor atM Coaaly. la I dare I should hart made fully aak*d. and Hambletonian Stallion Barrow* muat p*y d* eo*ta. Kberyooa PnaetBD Vgtt —Tbla can be made by OMar*4, Ibat »ollaa Iboroof bo ghaa "O, say Messenger ill laUra«la4 Ibmla caa*la» aeoay af Mr. kaowe dat fo' wltneaa** kin aw 'or harder that of tba abonlder which pcraoai by more, "Yea," replied Morruon, good ,l* PARSONS'PILLSnrt in-! Hitoirnt m4 *tirrn »•< •ow,t reaervlag part my darling." i>un *>'««< Alioritar lo ba pabll*Aa4lbr«a«aaki laaaaaaHall Will aili tw taaaaa IKI. m4 OHB A DOM F«i« t»I two aa' It an bo ua* aad II "be rather the b*tt*r of BLOOD K>i»OII. l«n r^Lt Fii dto wltneaaea, gwlt* la not for tbe roaat botllaf la tba U a ford Itrmoaral prtalM al fkrli.llkMIrt "0 no, wouldn't—there were humoredly, got • iiiWM CaakartMMl L.»«r FM I>» * " Jj"* repaired you MN WA 1 •<* will to ba al Para only rJ1^".V*' ab»ad to tak* op d* valaabl* tlm*ofdla wltb tba knuckle till tbe meat raally My apaoar al a Trobala Cowl kail m* wh*n w* tackled each other for th* <4 It *Im4 br R*b*r1 Indt ir M af kaU, thirteen words." C? coart" the boaea. Then take np the ■ aaw Lvaiaty ,m IM IfelN Taaaday Jaly btan l*aMr, kf IHyk'i •E •lip from aa4 abow aaaaa II Senate." ik&wT^^Merae£5^;.e515 il • a'atoab lo Iba laraoooa My a b* brl»rHiwint*»l»».^ Mr Barrow a paid aboat 93 coata aod aa meet, It flae, araaon with aalt, pepper Malta*; Maaibrlaa; It M • M«l< chop ] My baa*, Malaai lb* aaaaa —A of Hi.4a. iM I Rata* Qm h« waa hla Honor cootlca*di and lemon and UBO lovely girl Naaheille, Ttnn., mT golag away tad a little maatard Jolce, A.WIUiON, Ja4fa. wolf ite Ho*aa; b* ha. a Una—ft. by aaa a mil till airaa a«i>r-ail*it j— II. C- luaia. »*«l*iar baa with a editor of tknt —'Th* change* hair *my Oaa44*» »T "Nest time yoaUgwtaato boll the liquor with tbe botaa atrong eloped young aMfr; bf Imp. M*aa*ag*r tot descended to y. u want m >'wltnma. a dao h*'a got or to aaka then atratn and add The waa year, bat U haa yet th* (JuMftMlvar enough Jelly, #« Hal a rklla.l*l»Ma place. marriage performed, CTtMJttg&Bttlgl yoa'r* gwla* to g«t left. Dla coart will to tbe meat. Tboroagbly nig and tarn not for publication, but aa aa evidence disgraceful practic* of dying it, or bl*ach- MAKE sow adjourn aa' go (labia*.DttroU Frit lato a mould nntll tha next day. 0 tralah or U HENS LAY aor jf >•!«•. by Ml M fk a aaUkona*4 a«aak good faith. ing it, hiring bang*d. CHICKEN CHOLERA.a.KT^trvCU,I wltb para ley or ealary.