New Tax Bill Efforts Begin
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'' -I, ; AvMige Daily Net Pran Rim U.' The Weather Wovcober U, um Partly cloudy, wKh chanoe o* snow nurries tonight and tonsor- 15,800 row. fTenlgtot’a low in tba 20a. City o f FjOaee Otm rm ' Tueaday's Mgh SO to tO. VOL. LX3CXIX, NO.-64 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1969 Nixon Due to Tell .. -.k-r' ■.rtj'iSsyv,:' ' jt'' ;/jrv'tJjii iySoEW-'',;;- New Tax Bill Gi Pullout Plans WASHUfOTON (AP) — Praal- at 6 p-to. EST, will be an exten dent Nixon la expected to an sion of the Preaideiit’s N ov. 3 nounce a third round o f U A nationwide address in which be Efforts Begin troop witlidrawala from Viet outlined his plana for fringing nam when he apeaka to the na the fighting to a c Io m . WASHINGTON (A P )— Two major moves to resolve 1969 tion tonight In an updated roport Nixon had said during his last < « hU efforts to end the wap. the House-Senate conflicts over massive tax reform news conference a w eA ago to legislation confronted Congress today as efforts began The White House said the day he would announee another brief speech, to be carried live to reach a compromise before Christmas. American troop pullout from the Sen. Albert Goto, D-Tenn., — —------------------- ---------------- by network television and radio war sone by Christmas. \1 said Sunday the Treasury De- arvaUv# view, and the deft «« Nixon made no estimate then partmsnt had prepared an altoi- 1 on title of the number of U.S. troope to native plan for Increasl^ the * ... nm er boy I manaer come out of Vietnam and the persmuil Income tax exemption motherhond hi Beth- White House in annoiucing this and would offer It to the coSer- ^ iree U n a latest speech did not mention ence committee on tax reform. lielr fUCk ^Title One^ In. Hair any figures, but widespread The Houee scheduled a vote T**® <C) speculation has placed the total on a separate bill Increasing So- confer- Asala ter at 30,000 to 40,000. clal Security benefits by 15 per committee seeking a com- At Critical cent. The Senate toeked on «»«« I So far, the adminlatratUm rtto€m. Uieee beneflU in a rider to Its “1* conference efforts to coma* pulled out about 63,000 troops e teRMfL tax reform bill but went further, •**•** •"* many (fifferencM be- toy Clark from the war sone, which Crossroads boostlng the minimum monthly House end Senate UC) means some 40,000 more must payment from $56 to $100 venslona. M ills carriM much (O) WASHINGTON (AP) _ The be withdrawn if Nixon is to TTie center of action this wMk ******** ^ I g ht than his ofCabiSk 1 o f Ehnl- federal government’s multibil- m eet the 100,000-man reduction Is the conference committee, manner might Indl- tlilnhe it goal he has set for this year. layy Fob- Uon-<li)lIap answer to the ad«/»fi- where movM are expected to re sailor Secretary of Defense Melvin scale down the new Social Seou- Over the years and as chalr- ftormandy tlooal needs of America’s disad R. Laird also declined Sunday i Uy benefiU and tax slaahM the ****** ^ powerful Ho u m andrewa vantaged children la at a criti unes Co to disclose how many troops Senate added during floor de- and Means OommlttM, he cal croseroads, iu future cloud might come out in the next bate. ^ built up an acknowledged ed by evidence of blundering ns, Antho- One of the biggest Issues o f expertise on tax and flocal mat- niana^eineiit and round o f withdrawals, but he ! Sommer about too subatantlal dltferencga" **** orttlea are hardpreeaed au-amerl- funds. said the situation is encouraging wtll be whether to grant tax re- Title I, the heart o f the E le regarding South Vietnam ’s abil raaes <0) Hef to the natlon’e 70 million In his Md to get a oosiference (0> mentary and Secondary Educa ity to take over more of the taxpayers through a cut In rtport that comes aa cIo m as ■artti tion Act of 1965, eatabliahed a fighting. t <0) rates, as voted by the H o u m , or poaelble to hla views osi tax r«- OuUI national goal of equalising edu Ihe President has said Ameri m. by an increase In the exemption form, Mllla doesn’t Inisnd to e Oobel, cational opportunities for all can disengagement from the y and the from $000 to $800, as voted by waste Ume. "If we don’t etart children by compensating for war depends on three things—a V- the Senate. making prog r s a , there’s no \ms the disadvantages suffered by lowered level of enemy battle (0) ' Many leaders expect the sitting around,’’ he aald In mak- thoee who grow up In Impover field activity, increaaeid ability conference wUI hamm er out a Ing hla poslUon clear In an Inter- ished communities. of Saigon to take over the fight combination of Inoreaoed per- view. T o this end, more then $4 bil . ", >. - ing and progress at the Parts eonal exemptions and tax rate At the aame time, the courtly lion has been appropriated over •w <C) p ace talks. reductions to begin after 1070. southerner kept to his longtime the past four years, including low J s l » Laird acknowledged little If Workers search for survivors in overturned bus that crashed in a snowstorm President Nixon promised to policy of never publicly critlcti- <0 > $1.2 billion In fiscal 1969. Snow Continues BImw (0) any movement at Paris and he near Gap, Pa., killing seven passengers and injuring 34. (Story on Page 2.) veto the measure If It contains ing the Senate or dlsdoelng Yet Title I has not worked said there has been an increase the costly Social Security and what he expecU to give or uke rU” '64. out, so far, as Its sponsors In of North Vietnamese infiltration tax exempUon provUlona writ- Ui the conference, Norby. tended. Throughout Day into the South recently. ten In the Senate. There la much to give and I Oft According to audit reports. — uaar But, Ui3 Pentagon chief said, Gore, a conferenc ecommIttM ,uke about In the two veralons Sics OB Money has been spent In the In Some Areas "we have had great succesa this This Snowstorm Foot of Snow m o m ^ r who )pd the Senate before the confefonoei the Sen- wrong places and in many in stances has not reached the im year" in the Vietnamization of BOSTON (AP) — New Eng “5 II?. **• *»*'*‘‘* TOO amendments to poverished children who need it the war, which he described as Buries State land lay enfolded In a glUtenIng to? »»**™ir* ***• bill with most. the "cornerstone" of adminis mantle of new-fallen snow to nlL M. ? •**«** “ » o ' •**« < * »* *n f ‘'oneid- Is Yours, Terry plan M tehalf of the Nixon ad- subeUntlve. tration policy in the war. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS day, the result of the season’s Commissioner of Education first Nor'easter. t Mllla reminisced about a bill James E, Allen Jr. recently ap The secretary also said as of Lawmakers were uncertain .k.< i_« , (tonnecticut was shoveling out Some areas reported as much '*’*”’ * ***T® conference sever- pointed a'special task force to today the U.S. troop celling In By TERRY D’lTALIA today from the first major as a foot of new powder, and the whether Nixon objected to the o ve«r« win, nnn take a hard look at the pro the war zone Is 484,000 men, a Weil, yesterday’s storm— the first in what is sure to Increase In the exemption or the ooints In d ilu te snowstorm of the season, a Weather Bureau said the storm gram. "TlUe I offers the prom reduction of 63,500 troope since a long parade of snowstorms this winter— also rings fact that Gore s lunendmsnt , storm that dropped up to a foot probably would conUnue until - Weather would m ak. It effective next ise o f ways In which we can the administration took office in the first of what is equally sure to be a long parade of snow on some parts o f the about midday. TTiat means an (O) moet effectively move further to nearly a year ago. year and In 1971. thus putting an ^ ^ ^ ‘*^*"'* of “ storm stories" from The Herald. state Sunday and this morn addlUonal ons-to-four-lnch accu attack the educational problems Laird spoke on "Issues and A "storm ztory," aa U la ---------------------- ---------------------- ing. mulation for most sections, the Of ths Senate ch an ga In lar of the dUadvantaged,” Allen Answers," an ABC televisloa-ra- by ropottora hero te the bright-tooed story flUsd with Traveling conditions were has- forecasters said. Bhowmaa said. “ But we must make sure n ,. conferoes aln, h «l sclnd- inn In the dld Interview program. ^ the reporter considers to ardous throughout the state, al on boU- the money wlU go to where it Highway travel was difficult, uled the Issue of taxing private ^ rre d , Nixon first announced a ^ he clever and untrtto language, though shoreline areas received but police reported only a hand will do the most good.” ter ^I, how i^culouajt eeenu This attempt at "olever writ- foundlllons for constderotlM. ^ 28,000-man withdrawal la s t June only a few inches of enow. ful of aseondary roods Impass Th'!; House voted a 7H per '[***y *TT****’ ***, ***^**T- The Bobert to sit here at the typewriter toll- »e r v e i^ purpoees: (t) th, Percy Allen formed the study group and followed that up in Septem able.