1969 COUGAR Blue Vinyl Interior, 400 C.I.D

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1969 COUGAR Blue Vinyl Interior, 400 C.I.D firemen Have Field Days in 2 Towiis SEEPAGE^ The Weather FINAL , Clouay, possible showery today. Fair, warm tomorrow. l^ / EDITION 26 PAGES Moiinioutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper TEN CENTS VOL 95 NO. 59 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1972 3 POWs Released At Hanoi Ceremony HANOI (AP) - Three Gartley, 28, whose mother, the official release, held be- put her arms around her American pilots shot down Minnie Lee Gartley, came fore Vietnamese and Eu- Navy pilot son and said, t'He's during bomb raids over North from Dunedin, Fla.; and Air ropean television cameramen even better looking than I re- Vietnam have been released Force Maj. Edward Ettas, 34, in a building of the Peoples membered." Mrs. Gartley for from captivity at a ceremony of Valdosta, Ga. Army. the past four years has acti- organized by the North Viet- Overjoyed at their new free- Olga Charles, 27, who had vely picketed Congress and namese Army and attended dom, the three fliers were had her hair washed and set the White House for an end to by relatives and U.S. peace neat-appearing in new civilian in a downtown Hanoi beauty the war. activists who had journeyed clothing provided them for shop in anticipation of the cer- Elias, who until Saturday to Hanoi. yesterday's 40-minute ceremo- emony, fought through the had expected his wife or fa- They are Navy Lt. Norris ny, a unique affair In the an- throng of cameramen and ther to come to Hanoi, said in Charles, 27, whose wife Olga, nals of warfare. technicians for an emotional a statement before the micro- embrace with her husband. phones, "I have been told that APCoMifM* had flown out from San Diego, Each pilot .made a state- FREED PRISONERS — This radiophoto was issued by VNA/Hanoi and monitored in Tokyo today with ' Calif.; Navy Lt. Markham ment into microphones before Minnie Lee Gartley joyfully for various reasons they could not make it, but I will.be the following caption: "A ceremony was held in the evening of September 17 in Hanoi to release three seeing them soon." U S. fliers captured during raids over North Vietnam. Photo shows from left: Air Force Ma|. Edward Elias' father, Barney, a K. Ellas, Navy Lt. U.g.) Norris Charles, and Navy Lt. (j.g.) Markham L. Gartley voicing their grat- housing consultant, said in itude to the North Vietnamese government and people for their humane and lenient policy." Jacksonville, 111., he, his wife and daughter-in-law had de- cided it was "not in the best interest of all the POWs"- for them to make the trip. He Assemblyman Murdered also said peace activists Cora Weiss and Dave Dellinger, who arranged the release and were at the Hanoi ceremony, had assured the Ellas family the major's release would not In an Apparent Robbery be jeopardized by their not at- tending. NEPTUNE - Police were been active in Hoboken poli- from his parked car. Charles, Gartley and Elias without a suspect today, in tics for 20 years and was Neighbors told police they were the first American pris- the murder of state Assem- elected to his first term in the heard a scuffle and heard a oners released by Hanoi since blyman Silvio J. Failla, of Assembly last November. woman screaming, "Come on 1969. The U.S. Defense De- Hoboken, gunned'down during "He came from a very dis- and help me? Why don't you partment prior to Sunday list- an apparent robbery here late tinguished Hudson family," come on and help me?" A ed 539 Americans known to be Saturday. said State Sen. William V. new car was seen fleeing captured and held prisoner in Failla, 62, who represented Musto. "This is a very tragic from the scene after the Southeast Asia and more than Hudson County in the legisla- thing—not only the death of a shooting, police said. 1,000 Americans missing, ture, was hit by four bullets very dear friend, but of a Failla was known to wear many of them believed in cap- Saturday night shortly after dedicated public servant. Si expensive jewelry and some- tivity. he left a tavern in this shore was a great guy and really times carry large sums of After the ceremony, the pi- community. gave to public life." He spent money, police said. lots, relatives and the Ameri- A police spokesman said Saturday golfing with a friend He was pronounced dead at can peace delegation were early today, "We don't expect and was returning to his sum- 11:05 p.m. at Jersey Shpre driven to a banquet of Viet- any arrests too soon." mer home in Spring Lake' Medical Center. Identification namese food and drink at the The murder is being in- when he stopped at Big Bill's of Failla was delayed, be- Hoa Binh Hotel. vestigaged by a squad of local Bar in Neptune, police said. cause his wallet was taken. detectives, men from the He left the bar around 10:45 Failla was recently honored Mrs. Weiss made a toast in Monmouth County prose- p.m. A few minutes later, he at a dinner of the New Jersey sweet Vietnamese cordial. cutor's office and state police was found slumped over a Funeral Directors Associ- Then raising a glass of scotch detectives. fence in front of a home at 250 ation, which he had served as provided by a newsman, Silvio 1. Failla Failla, a mortician, had Fisher Ave., about a block See Legislator, Page 2 Charles said, "I want to make a toast to the good people of America who brought this '• • ~ . RtgWtrPhotiJbyOonLonB about." FIRST PLACE WINNER — Donald Aftaler of Belmar, left, winner of first place In professional painting In Saturday's 22nd annual Red Bank Festi- In his formal statement be- val of the Arts, receives The Register bowl and $225 prize from" Henry Is Expected to Vote fore the microphones, Charles Scaccla Jr., chairman of the Jaycees Festival Committee. Story, other said, "First, I would like to photographs on page 12. • express my appreciation for my release to my family. Sec- ondly, I would like to thank Funds for Marlboro Span the Vietnamese people for the humane treatment and gener- By HALLIE SCHRAEGEB concern about the bridge of the cost and informing the for bids. ' osity they have shown me. Fi- "long before the grand jury PUC of whatever arrange- The work should be com- Israel Calls Lebanon FREEHOLD - The Board nally, I would like to say that issued the presentment." ment the county makes with pleted 60 to 90 days after a I am a happy man but I can- of Freeholders is expected to Last week the state Board the railroad to pay the line's 5 contract is awarded, he said. not truly be happy until this take official action tomorrow of Public Utility Commission-, per cent share. Mr. Irwin said he would at- war is terminated. authorizing the expenditure of ers (PUC) granted a petition The county agreed to pay tempt to get. a copy of the 20 per cent of the estimated" from the Freeholders and or- the railroad's share at a PUC PUC report today to pave the Action Big Success $100,000 cost of replacing a dered the bridge's owner, the hearing last month. The PUC. way for acUon by the freehol- railroad bridge in Marlboro Central Railroad of New Jer- is to foot the other 80 per cent ders tomorrow "so that we Israeli soldiers ended a 32- lost 18 dead on Saturday, the three Soldiers. with a grade crossing. hour search-and-destroy mis- first day of the operation. The "I can assure you we wfllpuiv Jews Mark sey, to replace it with a grade of the bill. can move as quickly as is hu- sion against Arab guerrilUas communique also said eight' sue and root out the terrorists The ancient, narrow and di- crossing. "We will move immediat- manly possible because every Inside Lebonon and then re- Lebanese soldiers were killed, wherever they may be," Yom Kippur lapidated span on Newman The PUC directed that the ely," said Freeholder Harry day that bridge is up is a day turned home to begin Yom 12 wounded and 20 missing. Prime Minister Golda Meir Springs Road (county Rt. crossing be guarded by key- Larrison Jr., director of high- of danger. Kippur, the holiest of Jewish The Israelis said they declared in a radio speech at Jews are observing Yom 520), the scene of many acci- operated flashing signals, said ways. "Monmouth County has the beginning of Yom Kippur. Kippur, the Day of Atone- dents, has been the subject of Mrs. Karen L. Oliver, the Asked how long it would holidays. searched 16 Arab villages dur- controversy for years. been fighting this thing for Lt. Gen. David Elazar, Is- ing the operation and air While claiming over-all suc- ment, from sundown last PUC's public information offi- take to complete the project, years and I practically told rael's chief of staff, said the force jets bombed and rock- cess, Israel said the unexpect- night to sundown tonight. A county grand jury called cer. Mr. Larrison said the freehol- the engineers and the bridge mission ending last night.was eted eight guerrillas encamp- ed resistance from regular The most solemn event in it a grave hazard in 1969 and She said a condition of the ders hadn't yet discussed a department to tear the bridge a complete success and his ments and two headquarters Lebanese army units was the Judaism, Yom Kippur marks urged its widening and im- order was that the county file timetable with the railroad, out, but I realized that we had forces destroyed 150 guerrilla complexes.
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