Workshop 96 Brno, January 22-24,1996
&* & vjs ezi w? * «^? %&> !# *4^ y TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO iNis-mf-i4829 CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE WORKSHOP 96 BRNO, JANUARY 22-24,1996 PART I. Mathematics - Physics - Chemistry - Engineering Informatics and Cybernetics - Computers - Fluid Mechanics VOL 2 7JB19 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE WORKSHOP 96 BRNO, JANUARY 22-24,1996 PART I. Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry-Engineering Informatics and Cybernetics - Computers - Fluid Mechanics These arc the Proceeding of the Fifth Annual uiilvcrilty.wldc wmliinr WOItKHlIUI* 00 which will take place at tlio Technical University in Urflo from 22-24 January, 1990. Ths aim of the scr/iln/ir Is to ptctumt ami d'nr-tm tb«? M^t result* oliUlfiwl \y tmcMdwtn rnjirrinlly i\t llw Czech Teclinlul Uillvcnlly In PfAfjue, Tccliiilcfll University in Drno nriil At collaborAtlrrg Institutions' The organizing committee IIM iclccted A tot*l of 49t ««iitrifiiillotm divided Into 22 different arcM of Interest. IVit t IIM contributions In llifl «rcM of: tnatlictiiAtlcs clicmlstiy engineering Informatics and cybernetics computer! fluid mechanics Organizing committee: Chairman! P, Climcla Co-ehftlrmAn; M. KAUI J, H«/-(Wt V. /Jr*i>«<;, M. JJ«diU, R )J«Z*JM, W, JJobza, J, Ja;i, M, KrAl, J, MalOTfc*, J, Mi«n, P, Ondraika, h, Viiby), 1. lluller, A. Strejc, M. 'AlifA-IWA, D. ZatrakrttU Pragvt, December 1995 This book WM prepared with WTyC from the Input files supplied by the author*. All partial article* were prepared with WOO - a ipccial-purpoM t>Tj.;X-b*wd environment. Program- ming W96, general ityle, typographic corrections and the final composition of this book is by A.
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