- "" , - Jm jlfrtllMiiW- -' Tr, i;t"" ' " T ""r SS V yj hi 'ai JMf Am r t saw one jajcrfaiaMrswxarc 3Jaiuaiian(SaHttiC MifttiRintri OT ,Rt W"f W rrnusurD nx et , at j. re i ca rf ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. HHltiti.b m sw hl14 9 aaavl a. eel rrx, Ilrrri- - lit.) WBtt)UU Witlrietnn "lorlilu;;. nil ' -- II wl ( SI S'l il til J (Hi il f'l.Cl 1 911 II ffil al il If Ttwoi. r25S Jill! slfl mm- aw r.aw wvt 1 FIVEHOLUKS Ar.NUM a WM.MK nil - - - - -- tut- wta r r i.- -t v Cmir mm rAVAHLl IS AlirjSCB. J i rt bUctU. 4Mean1, Baa. Bin. raae.MarU t.rt.M,Wlraar Alliance-- , ,uwwi, . Kwrlra rt.bwrlfcrr, .6.H3 In Hiiir...aiX. BdipituwaaeaWttTl ,.oi(iB.t.a jf OO.rrt.iiieIiwata,ieiaaB.Wiaw.xiu rBti. ttt Be- -. ii.iiimi .. Baaa. ...rt... w.wtaja ..o. Itflc. in nrtr Gaaett. BnUdlnc. 25 And 21 49. i HONOLULU, WEDJgSteY. DECEIMBER 3, 1884 JWHOLENo.1038. aeaefttaMBarlMaad, aTBM,Wila,atf.a,taii.tMt Merckant Street. VOL. XIXNo. a. The. Iiir Steel Cruiser Atlanta. city, or district in tho Stato is nameil in Dustnrsa iTtirlis. illrdjamtal Cart's, 3af iittclvuiical partis. Jniumnrt STotirw. irtftiramt iXctrrra, . Jorrtjn l:rrti3tmrr.b. The time-wor- ami latUIescurrtJ connection with it. Thus it would be m spent a week in Chicago, cft ED. a RO WE Boston Board or UNION WUilAHS. BIJI01B ft Cft. tbat ltavo l"en appl afloat for the proper to say, I Bisnop oo.. rndtnrrittrs. INSURANCE COMPART Ilk: but not, to say. I labored a long time KoaeanilSIcn Painter Ppr BROWN&,BrlILLIPS, ClKTCTa nwavlltn1atN4. Sklfplss as Xntaaals Lave BANKERS. y HrAJ C.BXBTWKR JSCO ur Cnfasia last twenty rears gradually dwindled in HI. ami then in Wis, and then in Jlinn, I : IIAWAIIWfLlJiW WJIy 0.107 Klnc Stmt, noaclali A wJy rnA.sct.co. IIUMlLl'I.V. PRAtJTICAt. UMBERS, in . m CICanforaraWreet.CTrmrtbet in number, until onr navy of would etc In such cases tho names of the States DRAW KXCHANOK ON t com:.iia?( 4 Philadelphia Board of Underwriter?. ivtnx-lxio- we : c W.K.C&8S521X tcSiO.. 1n as far as bhips are concerned, feimrdy should be written in full. So should IHEBiUCF CIUCORIIX. : r: JFltJSC0. BLACKSMITH AND MACHWfST GASFJTTERS ANDCOPPERSMITHS tb Ilawallaa lalaaiJa. 13COBPOBATXD, 1S8 r AXO TMKt 1 AOKTTS far helpless before an fourUi rate power wmi not say, The iIich.Board of HealUvThe itlim lir Mtfkelnc. CiirrUce forfc. C.KRBWKR Cf ooitiriaaioK mbbchakts. Legislature, except in statistical riaulatUn Sfntlttmrvj, Ac i. & whoa, complications may arise. The glo- Vt etc, Us4tOM, lv CASTLE COOKE. ACEMTS lt Ckananl. Willi. work, abbrevi- p. A?RHAi:rr.u. Mil I 3r Tr. rious AmiTican clippers thotro flyiDeT or index where the shortest l'rlv House, r.rlk. ll.?r.lualal.Bai Xtmtt-CMO-ta MM, u f. T W3ria ations are allowable. Trvt MCSSA5.H K.ROTHSCHlLDISGJ,::LCDCn JOHN NOTT, 'and Snip Job Work AaBaTafnrMiaBan(aCtJaterwrllera tWlTt clouds of tbe jcean some of wuo:e Ki"Mr - 50ETH Banna axd mcATntt baTe yet lieen equalled rUNKWRT-0-Tll- MAIN Importer ntid Denier la StoTOa Rxln jixuunnutio xraawc i(nitirinii -- mrrwriiTi'. "rais, neTer l!o- raniUhlBrOood'.CrotkfyyCivtad' ta OEV Tbe Bankins Co. of Londor Xrtili. Bjthr'tflUr, Ottara lataranr Coatpanlea wltbla) Ml H.V. SEVERAL even by the most expensive of modern Bus'mrss tfttriis. CbtU1 , ."TTcmnirs, iionomia, ii r lili? asel$,TVash.BowU, tbe a IVwrdfl ot Caderw rttrra will barw or I.OIIMIt AID KDI.XBOOIt TTie dIId- - tfjdnrj-- Pjdat Iblninirt natural of bora tleamships, are known but as traditions Cwnmbl Co. of j. 4 ! tertlSfd to naw.lUa Cnnl tad The of Se Znlud, Aackhad, ad 1U Xniill Goods VlbboTtASfll1uktbfn by tbe present generation. It is little to :i iioriciii.A!:;i:i. a Enk M, OAT CO. SAIT.MrtWtnBV jji Ettabllihad 1800. ASD C01UCISSI0S HEECHAirrS.'. prudn in Chrietflttrcb, DanttUn and Wrllinftos. J. COMMtaSIOH MERCHANT be wondered at; therefore, that so littlo llir0EIE25 Lon A. r, CMk cw B.lldlnx. LICATS UX It tU Cat, 0 ll9elBa.O&ba.ll I lr Tbe PmL of Crltirh CoJimbta, rmtUnd, Ottsod. rirrroof ' Insurance Notico. rAriTiL. ..JL3,.M,M ntCallr.nl. rrwclaa notico was taken of the launch of the and Xidelra Act nmnlatcd and f itTa.fad' ftad i.Mnii tn ibanaSk. tr Ttt .Wn I1aad. I FOrTTHK MUmt, tho new steam for our EDWARD PRESTON, btotlvhotm. Swrdes. Uon.lnlo, II I ; CfOJVFECTIOJVER Y AObtaT niUTnil crater THE (List. led) a7lKltlllU..ra HATE - Attomej- tuid Conjitellor tX JS yU3ofl.dftr1ptl.nmij.iaJtfprirt. Hartne lasaraar Covr has film: ,IU & navy, which took place- at Chester, lVmu, Zv. TbeChaJlfrrdtUiiV o London, AoitrHaod Chlot, - received 4attracttB t IIasm of la aptK,lntr4 AUEHTS foe ta. Ha.d.teb l.bwta, OR. JORDAN CO. y stryel. n.fc.laU lteB -, ivroxiNi-EJajs.isr'z- Recite ik .nitt are to lately. This vessel is on of a series of f K.hmii.. IlunxtPD- Yolottamt, Jtptn P10NEERSTEAM-- j j$. ranee between HanoU! a4 rrt m the PaeUe aad a.thl.HI In.arc aralast fr. v Partm.ta rirmtsj. j6 J la now prepared to isawe Iwlletea at lowest or rnorESSon MAXKItllOI'M And trsnrul UmtBVlnr Dmiftt. 1j the ralra. r MCPau.rarta, rio.ll.nar. of V tteel ships to be built for cruising, is fUjis JOIIIXT Candy Manufactory and Bakcnr Ift.7l lort ?t, ahoTo Hotel St., wi a a peuai reuactlfl uriint per Piramrrs, l)T. laa.. i. j ltrX lb tilaadl . 9toa. Wwaialwlrf IHP0SILE ASS BEALEE 15 GF.KEEAL .V CO., trriiitf. it u nr.- and n node. Btrlldtafsiirt Verraaacm Ibareel laart. aa.rtAa.ioMr. jwsed to embody tho latest improvement ii. iiackii:m in inr.Tiinc Inter, Oflaia i, .m PraMtaaas 1 ty o.. tlerM. aa. rarntlara. unlaw, caaria, Slllrr g KEECHAXDISE. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND 9 ArmtErll. Pvr.Xar laa.t Unlled ainsXTi, or xn speed, lightness, and general OESEEAL C0KHX8SI0K AOEKTS. PrKli.u B.W hr.. I. harbne aeratr. Caitnir.ra.mi. tm - nonolBla. 11 I iSeMkt .it, wti.atcarxoeaoraf AMUOUEl qualities. She of tho following dimen 1K Qfn sut. Ir 96 tiow trrU Iloaolsln, II. I If 103 tl ctw. nJ TikI. It ?!" d . x pt.KAHK.OrTllSlIXJL2A1SW.1-ASO AU. is llfl.lrnl.a.lt ya. AU.lftllliri1KtimmMitninrrni itAnBCttMii nitami: I'eg tKrr.cnut(iiRco.lafauda Length, between perpendiculars, AKASStKGER. EMMELUTH & CO, 9 vuit.m rratafertB.1U.aiU. v DI3IAJMUrIX JNO 1. a. ciiAi.ri:u a. Co., J. ! FIEE HVBTJRANCE COMPANY. 270 feet j length on water line, 27C feet; Acent to AcluiowXedeiaeaU to Con Importors A Ko. i ananti stmt, QonTeotlonory ABOoKaxxrosucnrror Commission Morchants Walth he offers for aalr 10 tndr, or at reUtl, - length overall, 2S3 feet, depth from gar trmct for Lmbor. UoaeHla. Hawaiian Iland. Tlnunlthi anil FlamlMn. DmlI.T StOT.. tba rfint cxDatzunuxcn nxTi.io heex tr- New England Mutual li(snsnranca Co. - IKS iHtgrior Offlcr. lloaalg. ly Ia If la Mtaiatt AeeaWror la kwa Coaapaar. aro pre board streak to underside of npper-struc- t fire Menu A: AT reiftalaarsrlakSBlst m laue and Itrfek. OP KKT09. A. .UBllr .n a fall atnftmtnof TlnairitilTt-1r- t REDUCED. PRICES! ea, therela, tm atlia nre deck, 31 feet; height of main deck, . llI.I.I-IlA?- r CO., C, hd Kobbtr alldlnrw, ad SerehandtM surrd on j. couis we. l.lr. MERCHANTS Iron aed Uad Itr.. ladla U,'Aet ALSO the noat faroraaie tern. Fir part J alar apply at the mms mm port sill from load water-lin- 11 feet; ISrOSTZES A5D DIALEES 15 ED WARE COMMISSION imoij i.i vunpanATED, ni Aad Importers of aad Dalrtr 1b Hay, Orals, aad otaeeof ntair r A.scnAtrtltAro. TUX ORIQUUI. aa4 OXtT GaSCTS superstrnct ailim Dry raleti and OH, aaoeaen! TJIE BEST BltlXDS OF CHOICE CIGKS OU- ii. t free board at extremities of tood. jiii uricru iwikt. iiubhi,ii,4 j V. R. LAWRENCE. 7J. -I Portly Lil iwirraaK. C.f Adrlew la laselfctX--ir wtsaj ta anlct s breadth, 12 feet; Merttaaadta. To b bad ib tb BuktL HAMBURC'MACDEBURC na - nre, 9 feet; extreme li"t Nw ZT rort ttrtU llooolala i; TX A A. T. 1.1 illUtlSUet. fwataa.wBa, ftttwsahaada...wa1r- I P knsr aaewlsa, salsa mean at load, water line, 10 feet Wprka Cm THE BEST ICE SOD WtTER C0RDI1LS TN8TJEANCE COMPANY, to aa4 assaara ts wrarf stWitt draught S.'M. CARTER, KINNEY & PETERSON. rtaaa aad Eitimatca Faralahcd for cf CRyB, i PUtE protracted disease, tit?erst the crreat aradKa. aw4 jpfTinq- - - line, - rslltlit ttlamiitfTITtl. TiTBLl La 10 4liplaeenMnit- water to Aeknowledcmo&ta to Con-- . ia"W, - tycALi, ASn'TnTTiita.- lMi,l, rexarasaUattteaUtlBf arssesaawf saatr,Bj wUi plain-sai- l, Acent tk.tt ATTonwara raeii 1111 aaa, aiarTviiua . 3,000 tons; area of 10.400 square - , OrriCE,So.WKAAUUMASUHTKEKT,at SUVvoyTng ., Ca.Mipl. f .Mr.rf.llMr. FlaM mam tract for Labor. 1 IT. Civil Engfnocrlhgand Bcir-nrau.- rcuTri. t,irU3iwae41iArarVWtMaaTaa 230; lionolala, I. nntniisDnc . feel; complement of men, battery, VfficAtTf. .tott,'EtrUade. HofMflalo. H 1. ir OFTICKon STBKKT. to .Vadua.ry la.ared asata.t Fir. B. tbe ISSl RED A'.B TtR5 OKIlIXART L1PX ta aaaae et LCLuBuDTNt aa4 skirl KAmriLA acil moil farorable term.. PI by prwre aataa. ta be wewderfa four and breech loading 0 9 L. A. To l BJT05 tt Idcmaa'a Drkk archonfr. IS is sdmllted tat tbe sset ami A. JAEacn,AirFntfittIignnaIlan IiUnda 1 Anunal ireniluntr ntlnaea Toller I Tear, ldayt aod ralaable remedy eret discerned. indicated horse-powe- 3,500; sea wj o pox 101 CEO. LUCAS, rifl; W R.
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