Inportaat to boraa owmh — Hm ntftr- Meement la another ro'uroo A philosopher Baya that the »*ret way to •v. l I vtt|r< Into «l» hi I* to dl« yovsg. If your heard la sot of a pleaalac abade, Mnitly ibr defect by tb« n»e of Dacklaff- him'a Dye fur the whUkers. Joha—"Want an eaay Job, doyoaf Wall, do not apply at a aaoaage factory, for It la atnlT work tltra." Ayrr'a Htr«aparilia retire* a a mailer tloee, an<1 la mora »ff*etlee, «loea for doae, Ibaa aay ntbar blood medicine. ft i« found under lb* flower* ebadowa become aborier tie neirer for tbw !>«■«. tur no C«>t to aak him where Mingo county day centipede Oar 000 U la IM« in I 1MJ, -Ik J leaving no »ok»n behind her. bidding MKXT. arwt lb# nut there u ft we to the light aa I oar courage AQIUCn.TVRAL DEPART OK M1NNIK A. BKOffN mi«ht b*. etanl; tcorpioo approach f»l! hack to 19.OiW.CWO fur lhm< IN MKMOUY farewell ira* ararer we coma to tba tlm« putidt une been or * ifua« tba • ••••• took a interest in me, and in the rovtt hat reading, quarters of the current u»r If* tfreat for art i<»«. m in (mnnoiwif pwiMi iiTioiium inf —Wa belle*# ara vole* Ik* aoanlmuu* XT MM liKKlIU III WHIT*** with me aftar ht had antke on tbe ahelf or bidden iwtjr tl! r« *•»«• iMlkwi Sii later ihe arcid'tt occurred talked long really t« !■ Mllr l«l AO>lr*«a years tba 'Hcl« thU U> AmHTt sentiment of th* hratrt of OlforJ Cogil; waa on* of tboaa ov'i ftt dinner. K*o« Tnr«air by reading InIm.M to* >W|»rt*Ml • to ({• napkin Heaven aen.l* IU bog la rail to eartb again on the train, which fillid the anything aay aver rraai. 11 Pamcur,raaia. Mi. whea we we th# bill will become midnight o n <o «• rare of tha beat medical work hope ihvcw nrn * we bear lb* aummona n>ft No'. tine* ft fii«od f the Ltfr," 137.000 oi]r»tt« I or fluent on trait Imaliata 'osg man. an I ih« mora It* 0—— with if#, frequently aad a Uw. *trlng*nt pr<>*U- given h^piulof moaning ei- pa»>!Uh«d for youag middle-aged II* used one of the»« relft'rd wbil« vi*i»ing here ft leevnt »aa the betur. 0 r* more • ablnlng •>•*« I form crushed and bodies in which with in toci*If S 11 shapelesa uncommon in BOO I BtTTKH 1 up lb* ■«» to b«av*n. web talker#—the kind that which ii really so! Mi. (i.oir, wad Had me tba was lift scarrelf to perfecting perierce "Mr* yvi atrength ligh. One Air the OQld iu<f» ih*>ln« raw It >man and tbia of the world. reentry an lr yer fatber'a falaa teeth During tb« |>Mt two we*k* Congr*** MIL LOCKK'K JKKHKYS lb# o'tba ll*tp'r'( »l«| The nurses went from to can be fed with punch, pftit l»rn|»« tltrk a.*roea our pallft ptllet, in hi* oomtt? Wi are gota' to bare mate fur th* Oleo- out talk in tbe dreteing*rojtn, " baa be*B IB debat.Bg The fimoua Jersey bull calf. ricmitf whom love ao !•>» to bind that will turn link, Ue«ing lamp engaged A* ilt« tnlf, holding bandages, aiding up punctuated •tiaaar tbla day the bill flrat baaed H H Lxkr, K*q of Writ la t*»rne from earth iwif like ia*ni*hed Being a be into an ro.»m in the margarine Hill \Vh*B by great, wounds, ahrinking from aauaage* poor >t»pp*d adjoining aria, of Mr* K. M Jottiuf Itrockvllle, gaping aa dark tbe oil ir, to like and comfort, inin J«« I 'h« New K^gland Pm With tbw win* of* gnhlen future but talker mi»elf. and rather more fluent NVicing [wculiftr ur" For economy every ada. arrived her* • l**t w« ek the sight of aevered arm*, putting Can by ipres*, Ju»l fl*ahln« tberhalk-e or UN. of raw which oft#n indi. • we aae llood'a Hareaparllla," a • « ted to *o»* fur it, but aa a litter er. I did not him. thet po'fttoe*. ?rio|, generally pee This r»if by Mr I/kW hp With !.<>*•• kiMnn htr t tremble. feeling away before the grrat interrupt writ# a D >aee < >oa POWDER pirtbi*r<l llpa P*rK>n»l ft c«lled lluffalo (NY) lady Iff) be aome tb*m—fr>m Ati-I her heart with i*nl ftop»* rtfa II* aaid that he waa to notica catet the of tnake, tb* d*batr of oa Mr* IflUr of rrntaimrtiliilai that met them a>rry prreence Dollar. Pure. prur*«ded O'Ha ft cane ft Absolutely hesi- i»l eb»rk fo«r hun ln.1 dollar* ac >w came It to and hi* for > h and their kit «i|| bring lamp. Ma»*achu**tt«, particularly—ha«e *>ni| tbw ivmmoAi ante, fl<«llR| On# nut** with aweet blue eyea tender joung girl* parenta la<1ie« have • i •*•<»•* »•»»•• a Mftif, hi* for lb# calf what aucb • call meant, A aemher of Philadelphia r that *atab* c.<mp*IIH orlrr O'er lh* »«in ot tbw |Miwr im, t » aa would to a rnatri- Knowing well « ■«*«!« Man inimrii tated, ob tb« grouad it might a at a* the Wadirgton they do mending for •inii t*4 Favorite* I'rlde, re- li »m« t«> the war af our and gave low cry laat, formed an •■anclatlon to 1 U *»l 'IIMl b• IS Thla young ball, •tarllnf pitiful, ahe |.*at no time in the reeded IW? fct- b bad bb«1 iatcrfrrv with i •train of towel monial market. providing "aew «V»m l»«h «u aired HI- I.Ur urNr assistant ahe waa, barb»lora It l« they * ■ is .fc» ■ « '-m ir.t prec*d*nt corded la U»* 4 J C. C by aurgeoti, whoa* WjHUWd paused Tbarr on tbe over " •' «/t m waa alao to hear it It atick and light. atep > I that • r**4wi legi'imate hereaf'et our * Frlde, of whom a correapoadeat of IIm beaH tbw bMtMlf Mlllw a on which a man »«rry pained they m«y reap enterprise* be«ide cot young lay ro,m «> Ifltk Ptlltu IWWIB to. W« «**l her m bad entered the T»o *«omed to bo made lb« C.oaalry **v* b* I* lb* b*at An.l linm* *r«* lair, me to know that joung ladiea ahould a!- which be juat lay ««•»•! * toffc thiaga pretty Sh«> t«l<l, with a am 11* avraphx* uctonstioua ■Vlth.mt beautiful hair ao woman la »»«f saw * Pride * an the coolneea : that ther* are two Jersey ball ha Kioter are Me, or»r there *" Ijw themaelvea to b« bamboriled into immenae cobra, erj jying cWar by tb* debate "Tk«| railing know him the surgeon asked heaetltel la yuarw fallleg off nr faded? *»* ilN Htoke .11, the air* of "You • bot on tbe on* acieatitic* by I'ogla, ia I that of the ftfter day « llalr Ha1*am hindaof oleomarganae, the of ((*• h»av f, far* curi- matrimony. Why it, a*ked, place Tbr loaa I* vital l'«rk> M*ry Annr of st Lambert. Tb* dam of Kre the hufiten* UN her, regarding her blanched an«l aot ah* I at-1 them down. ahould eter out the •corching Mr. I—hail ttepprd • III y«mr hair an-1 gl*« hark Ita ally pur* tad wboieaume injuri- riTurltt'i l*rld« *1* aired by Klval, an (••ally matrimony »in<le plain*, preerrve 1 trhandiitf the brbtal rhaplet ously. over hi* and had it not ||.Mi and loathful Color. Clean, tlrgaat, A Toilet the aecofid mad* men without I ball and a (real prli- »<>r lb* ari l tbw crown. a and fair* directly majwty; Luxury ous, by Imported Jrfrj harp, gulden She bent her head in silence, aob joung I'rrv>-uta randrafl • r th» oJor which perfect 1% r%rti At*r !l« Vifi of un«a\< wtnn» r The dam of Favorite'* I'rtd* ha* "Ah," raid he, "it ia indeed rough!' been for unmutakable and *ery ry We aaw not her principle compoaed an 1 ha* Do fewer lb* iht>lnaf loatntan, burating from lips not have to imUm lb* vnatkfal trrO* t»fc. d four Or*l the anake be — Itilt t<ua both are prlles, We heard not the of the oar, Me then breathed a which ahook might Committeeman and deleter aubatarx-ea ; and dip an he there under aigh betra)td Kumlnitlon ancestor* who la thr th» «tir Half hour later lay Day. *• Mil oalxf la u»l cray U than twelve appear Uafat on ri»er, near to tbe tsle. It la ft fortunate of at- ao aa th* coaaumera are ooa- the of tie gernium livrd tell "Whit animal la tht moat capable fraud*, far •»ar of llaira's H»**, 73r». abe to the golden tbore. and with of foliag* aprckled tU Uir tr iu poller** |>«aee>l her eyes, cold atill, atripa ran be killed It tku prrtriti Wlii| .* an art that fact that the cobra readily taching lta#lf to mtaP" c*r»ed. whilo th* butteriB* aold wv*» < fflcl*! butter test waa 31 a ban* and killed ifical for, p-unl« r the linen across his boaom, broken, by, caterpillar IklMlM ilMilruff, l»J »! lii.tUlr* Joining the bolr of angel* or Ilea 1 of the claaa—'The leech!' for an ounces batter In on branchea.
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