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[email protected] | Website: www.tcu.go.tz Hotline Numbers: +255 765 027 990, +255 674 656 237, and +255 683 921 928 2JH'7878 =!>?@ABC?D?AC'EFB'GBFCGAB?DHI CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON STATEMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1.2 VISION, MISSION, MOTO AND CORE VALUES 1.2.1Vision 1.2.2Mission 1.2.3Motto 1.2.1Core Values 1.3 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ................................................. 2 1.3.1The Commission 1.3.2The Accreditation Committee 1.3.3The Admissions Committee 1.3.4The Grants Committee 1.3.5The Audit Committee 1.3.6Staff Appointment, Disciplinary and Development Committee 1.4 THE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMMISSION 1.4.1Directorates 1.4.2Directorate of Accreditation and Quality Assurance 1.4.3Directorate of Admissions and Documentation 1.4.4Directorate of Finance and Administration 2.0 INSTITUTIONAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2018/19 i 2.1 ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.1.1Technical Visitations and Evaluations 2.1.2Institutional Accreditation 2.1.3Programme Validation