Banana Root System: Towards a Better Understanding for Its Productive
Banana Root System: towards a better understanding for its productive management Proceedings of an international symposium held in San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 November 2003 Sistema Radical del Banano: hacia un mejor conocimiento para su manejo productivo Memorias de un simposio internacional, San José, Costa Rica, 3-5 noviembre 2003 David W. Turner and Franklin E. Rosales, editors INIBAP – International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain The mission of INIBAP is to sustainably increase the productivity of banana and plantain grown on smallholdings for domestic consumption and for local and export markets. The Programme has four specific objectives: • To organize and coordinate a global research effort on banana and plantain, aimed at the development, evaluation and dissemination of improved cultivars and at the conservation and use of Musa diversity • To promote and strengthen collaboration and partnerships in banana-related research activities at the national, regional and global levels • To strengthen the ability of NARS to conduct research and development activities on bananas and plantains • To coordinate, facilitate and support the production, collection and exchange of information and documentation related to banana and plantain. INIBAP is a network of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), a Future Harvest centre. MUSALAC – Banana and Plantain Research and Development Network for Latin America and the Caribbean MUSALAC was created under the umbrella of FORAGRO on 6 June 2000 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, following the signing of a Constitution Agreement. MUSALAC is composed of 15 national research and development institutions representing their respective country (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Venezuela) and 4 regional/international institutions (CATIE, CIRAD, IICA and INIBAP).
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