FM 5-410 Chapter 2
FM 5-410 CHAPTER 2 Structural Geology Structural geology describes the form, pat- secondary structural features. These secon- tern, origin, and internal structure of rock dary features include folds, faults, joints, and and soil masses. Tectonics, a closely related schistosity. These features can be identified field, deals with structural features on a and m appeal in the field through site inves- larger regional, continental, or global scale. tigation and from remote imagery. Figure 2-1, page 2-2, shows the major plates of the earth’s crust. These plates continually Section I. Structural Features undergo movement as shown by the arrows. in Sedimentary Rocks Figure 2-2, page 2-3, is a more detailed repre- sentation of plate tectonic theory. Molten material rises to the earth’s surface at BEDDING PLANES midoceanic ridges, forcing the oceanic plates Structural features are most readily recog- to diverge. These plates, in turn, collide with nized in the sedimentary rocks. They are adjacent plates, which may or may not be of normally deposited in more or less regular similar density. If the two colliding plates are horizontal layers that accumulate on top of of approximately equal density, the plates each other in an orderly sequence. Individual will crumple, forming mountain range along deposits within the sequence are separated the convergent zone. If, on the other hand, by planar contact surfaces called bedding one of the plates is more dense than the other, planes (see Figure 1-7, page 1-9). Bedding it will be subducted, or forced below, the planes are of great importance to military en- lighter plate, creating an oceanic trench along gineers.
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