Investigación & Desarrollo ISSN: 0121-3261
[email protected] Universidad del Norte Colombia Arroyave, Jesús Testing the effectiveness of an entertainment-education health-focused soap opera: exposure and post-discussion in colombian young adults Investigación & Desarrollo, vol. 16, núm. 2, 2008, pp. 232-261 Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative testing the effectiveness of an entertainment-education health-focused soap opera: exposure and post-discussion in colombian young adults Jesús Arroyave jesús arroyave cabrera ph. d. en comunicaciones, univeristy of miami, usa master in communication and information studies, rutgers university, usa. magíster en educación, universidad javeriana – norte. profesor asistente, universidad del norte.
[email protected] investigación y desarrollo vol. 16, n° 2 (2008) - issn 0121-3261 232 abstract Entertainment-Education interventions were evaluated using quantitative and qualitative methodologies to assess what specific variables may make communication strategy more effective. Varia- bles including length of the Entertainment-Education serial dra- ma and the post-viewing discussion sessions in their relation to cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral intentional outcomes were examined using experimental design and focus group discussions. It was concluded that the length of the Education-Entertainment serial drama did not produce significant change in the overall efficacy of the intervention. Overall the goal of this paper is to extend the research on a promising form of health intervention that has the potential to make the difference in our society.