Public Compliance Registry

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Public Compliance Registry Southwest Power Pool RE June 12, 2017 NERC Defined Public Compliance Registry DPUF GOP RRO RSG TOP PSE TSP Entity LSE GO RC DP RP TO BA PA TP IA NERC ID Name Region Comment 1 NCR11645 AE Power Services LLC (AEPS) X GOP for Generator Owners in three Interconnections: SPP, ERCOT, and WECC. CFR00180 only has responsibilities for CIP standards as GOP. 2 NCR01056 AEP as Agent for AEP OK Transco., PSCO, and X X X X X X X Full name: American Electric SWEPCO (AEPW) Power Corp. as Agent for AEP Oklahoma Transmission Company, Inc., Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and Southwestern Electric Power Company. AEP entered into a MRRE 9/21/15 with RF as the lead region for all compliance monitoring activities 3 NCR01055 AES Shady Point, LLC (AESSP) X X 4 NCR11570 Arbuckle Mountain Wind Farm LLC (AMWF) X X 5 NCR01060 Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) X X X X X 6 NCR10259 Avangrid Renewables (AVNR) X X Coordinated Oversight - LRE is WECC 7 NCR11548 Balko Wind, LLC (BALKO) X X 8 NCR06040 Blue Canyon II Windpower LLC (BCWII) X X 9 NCR06041 Blue Canyon Windpower LLC (BCWI) X X 10 NCR03048 Blue Canyon Windpower V, LLC (BCWV) X X 11 NCR11201 Blue Canyon Windpower VI, LLC (BC6) X X 12 NCR01061 Board Of Public Utilities (Kansas City KS) (BPU) X X X X X X X 13 NCR10319 Board Of Public Utilities, City Of McPherson, X X X X Kansas (MCPHER) 14 NCR01062 Borger Energy Associates, LP (BOEA) X X Page 1 of 7 06/12/2017 Public Compliance Registry DPUF GOP RRO RSG TOP PSE TSP Entity LSE GO RC DP RP TO BA PA TP IA NERC ID Name Region Comment 15 NCR00769 Boston Energy Trading and Marketing LLC X X Owner and operator of San (EMMT) Juan Mesa, Wilderado, Taloga, and Sleeping Bear Wind facilities in SPP. EMMT entered into a MRRE 8/19/15 with MRO and SPP RE as the lead region for all compliance monitoring activities. Facilities in WECC and TRE have coordinated oversight with WECC as LRE. Facilities in RF are under RF for compliance monitoring. 16 NCR11563 Buckeye Wind Energy, LLC (BEWE) X X Corporate Headquarters- Invenergy, LLC One South Wacker Suite 1900 Chicago, IL 60606 17 NCR11407 Buffalo Dunes Wind Project, LLC (BDWP) X X 18 NCR11081 CPV Keenan II Renewable Energy Company, LLC X X (KREC) 19 NCR11354 Canadian Hills Wind, LLC (CHW) X X 20 NCR11230 Caney River Wind Project, LLC (CRWP) X X 21 NCR05059 Caprock Wind LLC (CAPROCK) X X 22 NCR01067 Carthage Water & Electric Plant (CAWEP) X UFLS-only DP as of March 19, 2015. 23 NCR06043 Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CVEC) X 24 NCR11291 Chisholm View Wind Project, LLC (CHISHOLM) X X 25 NCR11693 Cimarron Bend Wind Project, LLC (CBW) X X 26 NCR11240 Cimarron Windpower II, LLC (CIMW) X CIMW entered into a MRRE 8/14/15 with TRE as the lead region for all compliance monitoring activities. 27 NCR06033 City Of Abbeville (ABBEVLA) X 28 NCR01068 City Of Alexandria (ALEXLA) X X X X X 29 NCR01071 City Of Clarksdale, Mississippi (CCM) X X X X 30 NCR10227 City Of Ottawa (OTTAWA) X 31 NCR01081 City Utilities Of Springfield, MO (SPRM) X X X X X X X Page 2 of 7 06/12/2017 Public Compliance Registry DPUF GOP RRO RSG TOP PSE TSP Entity LSE GO RC DP RP TO BA PA TP IA NERC ID Name Region Comment 32 NCR01082 City Water & Light - Jonesboro, Arkansas (CWL) X 33 NCR01083 Cleco Corporate Holdings LLC (CLECO) X X X X X X X X 34 NCR10302 Cloud County Wind Farm, LLC, (CCWF) X X 35 NCR11151 Coffeyville Municipal Light & Power (CMLP) X X 36 NCR11179 Dempsey Ridge Wind Farm, LLC (DRWF) X X 37 NCR11250 Dogwood Power Management, LLC (DPM) X 38 NCR11670 Drift Sand Wind Project LLC (DRIFTSAND) X X 39 NCR11241 Duke Energy Renewables Services, LLC (DEGS) X MRRE- Texas RE lead region. DEGS is GOP for Cimarron Windpower II, LLC and Ironwood WindPower. 40 NCR11662 EDP Renewables North America LLC (EDPR NA) X GOP for wind farms in seven Regions (MRRE with RF as Lead Region). (Pending signed MOU) 41 NCR01227 East Texas Electric Cooperative Inc. (ETEC) X X X X X 42 NCR01092 Eastman Cogeneration Limited Partnership X X (EASTMAN) 43 NCR10122 Exelon Wind 4, LLC (EXWD4) X X 44 NCR06046 Farmers' Electric Cooperative, Inc. Of New Mexico X (FARMCOOPNM) 45 NCR11314 Flat Ridge 2 Wind Energy LLC (FRWEII) X X CFR00180 46 NCR10312 Flat Ridge Wind Energy, LLC (FRWE) X X CFR00180 47 NCR11692 Frontier Windpower, LLC (FRONTIER) X 48 NCR10020 Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. (GSEC) X X 49 NCR11153 Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch, LLC X (GSPWR) 50 NCR11574 Goodwell Wind Project, LLC (GOODWELL) X X 51 NCR01101 Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) X X X X X X X 52 NCR11687 Great Western Wind Energy, LLC (GWWE) X X 53 NCR01103 Green Country Energy, LLC (GREENCOGO) X 54 NCR01104 Green Country Operating Services, LLC X (GREENCOGOP) 55 NCR10400 ITC Great Plains, LLC (ITCGP) X X X MRRE - RF is lead. 56 NCR01072 Independence Power & Light X X X X X X X (Independence,Missouri) (INDN) Page 3 of 7 06/12/2017 Public Compliance Registry DPUF GOP RRO RSG TOP PSE TSP Entity LSE GO RC DP RP TO BA PA TP IA NERC ID Name Region Comment 57 NCR11718 Invenergy Services LLC (INVENERGY) X 58 NCR11257 Ironwood Windpower, LLC (IRONWOOD) X 59 NCR11329 KODE Novus I, LLC (KODE) X X 60 NCR01107 Kansas City Power & Light Company (KCPL) X X X X X X X 61 NCR01109 Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (KEPC) X 62 NCR11617 Kingfisher Wind, LLC c/o Apex Wind Asset X X Management (KING) 63 NCR01113 Kiowa Power Partners, LLC (KIOWAPP) X X Kiowa Power Partners entered into a MRRE 1/29/15 with TRE as the lead region for all compliance monitoring activities. 64 NCR01114 Lafayette Utilities System (LAFA) X X X X X X X 65 NCR06047 Lea County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (LCEC) X X 66 NCR10301 Lea Power Partners, LLC (LEAPP) X X 67 NCR10226 Llano Estacado Wind, LP (LLANOEWIND) X X 68 NCR01116 Louisiana Energy & Power Authority (LEPA) X X X The Louisiana Energy Power Authority (LEPA) is a joint action agency serving the power supply needs for seventeen municipal member. LEPA does not have any retail customers. CFR00001 with MISO for BA function. 69 NCR06048 Lubbock Power And Light (LPLTX) X X X TOP CFR with Southwestern Public Service Co. (JRO00055) 70 NCR03044 MISO-MBHydro Contingency Reserve Sharing X Group (MRSG) Page 4 of 7 06/12/2017 Public Compliance Registry DPUF GOP RRO RSG TOP PSE TSP Entity LSE GO RC DP RP TO BA PA TP IA NERC ID Name Region Comment 71 NCR00826 Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. X X X X X X X MRRE- RF is lead region. (MISO) CFR00001 covers the BA function. CFR00130(LSE), CFR00131(RP), CFR00132(TOP), and CFR00133(TP) cover the MOD standards only. MISO is not responsible for TOP, LSE, RP, TP requirements for any other standard. 72 NCR01118 Midwest Energy, Inc. (MIDW) X X X X 73 NCR06050 Mississippi Delta Energy Agency (MISSDEA) X X 74 NCR06054 NAES Corporation - Dogwood (NAESDOGW) X 75 NCR11236 NAES Corporation - Goodman Energy Center X X (NAESGEC) 76 NCR11451 NAES Corporation - Oklahoma Cogeneration, LLC X X (NAESOKC) 77 NCR11642 NRG Energy Services - Golden Spread (NRGGS) X GOP for two wind farms. 78 NCR11730 NRG Energy Services-Panhandle Wind Ranch X (GOP) (NRGPWR) 79 NCR10019 NextEra Energy Resources, LLC (NEER) X X 80 NCR11070 Noble Great Plains Windpark, LLC (NOBLEGP) X X 81 NCR11607 Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative - HCPP X X (NTEC-HCPP) 82 NCR01124 Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc (NTEC) X X 83 NCR01130 Oklahoma Gas And Electric Co. (OKGE) X X X X X X X 84 NCR04108 Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (OMPA) X X X X 85 NCR11485 Oneta Power, LLC (ONETA) X X 86 NCR11496 Origin Wind Energy, LLC (ORGNWE) X X 87 NCR01135 Paragould Light & Water Commission X (PARAGOULD) 88 NCR01137 Poplar Bluff (POPBLUFFMO) X 89 NCR11264 Post Rock Wind Power Project, LLC (PRWP) X X 90 NCR01139 Public Service Commission Of Yazoo City (YAZO) X UFLS-only DP as of March 19, 2015. 91 NCR06010 Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative, Inc. (RCEC) X X Page 5 of 7 06/12/2017 Public Compliance Registry DPUF GOP RRO RSG TOP PSE TSP Entity LSE GO RC DP RP TO BA PA TP IA NERC ID Name Region Comment 92 NCR10304 Red Hills Wind Project, LLC. (RHWP) X X 93 NCR11234 Rocky Ridge Wind Project, LLC (ROCKY) X X 94 NCR11560 Roosevelt Wind Project, LLC (RWP) X X 95 NCR01142 Sikeston Board Of Municipal Utilities X X X X (SIKESTONMO) 96 NCR11586 Slate Creek Wind, LLC (SLATE) X X 97 NCR11049 Smoky Hills Wind Farm, LLC (SMOKY) X X 98 NCR10316 Smoky Hills Wind Project II, LLC (SMOKY2) X X 99 NCR11616 Southern Power Company (SPC) X X SPC entered into the Coordinated Oversight program with SERC as the LRE 100 NCR01143 Southwest Power Pool (SPP) X X X X X X SERC is Compliance Enforcement Authority. 101 NCR01144 Southwestern Power Administration (SPA) X X X X X 102 NCR01145 Southwestern Public Service Co. (Xcel Energy) X X X X X X X Xcel Energy entered into a (SPS) MRRE 9/2/15 with MRO as the lead region for all compliance monitoring activities. 103 NCR11322 Spearville 3, LLC (SPEAR3) X X 104 NCR11323 Spinning Spur Wind, LLC (SPINSPUR) X X 105 NCR01148 Sunflower Electric Power Corporation (SECI) X X X X X X X 106 NCR00633 Tenaska Gateway Partners Ltd (TENASGATEW) X X 107 NCR01152 Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government X (TERREBONNE) 108 NCR01342 Tex-La Electric Cooperative Of Texas, Inc.
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