Planning for Wind Energy

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Planning for Wind Energy Planning for Wind Energy Suzanne Rynne, AICP , Larry Flowers, Eric Lantz, and Erica Heller, AICP , Editors American Planning Association Planning Advisory Service Report Number 566 Planning for Wind Energy is the result of a collaborative part- search intern at APA; Kirstin Kuenzi is a research intern at nership among the American Planning Association (APA), APA; Joe MacDonald, aicp, was program development se- the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the nior associate at APA; Ann F. Dillemuth, aicp, is a research American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and Clarion associate and co-editor of PAS Memo at APA. Associates. Funding was provided by the U.S. Department The authors thank the many other individuals who con- of Energy under award number DE-EE0000717, as part of tributed to or supported this project, particularly the plan- the 20% Wind by 2030: Overcoming the Challenges funding ners, elected officials, and other stakeholders from case- opportunity. study communities who participated in interviews, shared The report was developed under the auspices of the Green documents and images, and reviewed drafts of the case Communities Research Center, one of APA’s National studies. Special thanks also goes to the project partners Centers for Planning. The Center engages in research, policy, who reviewed the entire report and provided thoughtful outreach, and education that advance green communities edits and comments, as well as the scoping symposium through planning. For more information, visit www.plan- participants who worked with APA and project partners to APA’s National develop the outline for the report: James Andrews, utilities Centers for Planning conduct policy-relevant research and specialist at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission; education involving community health, natural and man- Jennifer Banks, offshore wind and siting specialist at AWEA; made hazards, and green communities. For more detail, visit Peggy Beltrone, president of Exergy Integrated Systems; James Damon, outreach coordinator at the National Wind Suzanne Rynne, aicp, served as the project manager. She Coordinating Collaborative; Lisa Daniels, executive direc- is the manager of APA’s Green Communities Research tor of Windustry; and Paul Miller, director of planning, Center, a senior research associate, and co-editor of PAS zoning, and building for DeKalb County, Illinois. Memo. Larry Flowers is the deputy director of distributed Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work and community wind at AWEA and was previously the sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. technical director of Wind Powering America at NREL. Neither the United States Government nor any agency He managed NREL and AWEA’s work on this project thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, while at each organization. Eric Lantz is an energy ana- express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or respon- lyst at NREL who took the lead on NREL’s work on this sibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any project following Flowers’s move to AWEA. Erica Heller, information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or aicp, contributed to this report as a consultant to Clarion represents that its use would not infringe privately owned Associates, working with Christopher Duerksen, manag- rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial prod- ing director. uct, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manu- Ruth Baranowski is a technical communications special- facturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or ist at NREL; Kevin Rackstraw is principal at Rackstraw imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring Consulting; Kitty Fahey is a writer for the National Oceanic by the United States Government or any agency thereof. and Atmospheric Administration; Charles Newcomb is sec- The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do tion manager for wind and water development at NREL; not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Jim McElfish is senior attorney at the Environmental Law Government or any agency thereof. The information pro- Institute (ELI); Sara Gersen is a law fellow at ELI; Kevin vided in this report is for informational purposes and does Porter is a senior analyst at Exeter Associates; Sari Fink is not constitute legal advice. Communities should consult an economist at Exeter Associates; Dale Osborn is president local counsel to assist in understanding and adapting wind of Distributed Generation Systems; Anna Papke was a re- energy policies. Cover design by Lisa Barton; this report is printed on recyclable paper. Cover photo: White Oak Wind Farm, McLean County, Illinois; Brad Adams. Used with permission of the McLean County Department of Building and Zoning The Planning Advisory Service is a subscription service offered by the Research Department of the American Planning Association. Four reports are produced each year. Subscribers also receive PAS Memo and PAS QuickNotes, and they have access to the Inquiry Answering Service and other valuable benefits. To learn more, visit W. Paul Farmer, faicp, Chief Executive Officer; Sylvia Lewis, Director of Publications; William R. Klein, aicp, Director of Research. Planning Advisory Service Reports are produced in the Research Department of APA. Timothy Mennel, Editor; Lisa Barton, Design Associate. Missing and damaged print issues: Contact Customer Service, American Planning Association, 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60601 (312-431-9100 or [email protected]) within 90 days of the publication date. Include the name of the publication, year, volume and issue number or month, and your name, mailing address, and membership number if applicable. © November 2011 by the American Planning Association. APA’s publications office is at 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60601–5927. APA headquarters office is at 1030 15th St., NW, Suite 750 West, Washington, DC 20005–1503. E-mail: [email protected] PLANNING FOR WIND ENERGY Suzanne Rynne, AICP , Larry Flowers, Eric Lantz, and Erica Heller, AICP , editors TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................1 The Benefits of Wind ........................................................................................................... 3 The Role of Planning ........................................................................................................... 4 State Policy and Goals ........................................................................................................ 8 The Future of Wind and the Need for Stronger Local Policy ......................................9 Chapter 2: Industry Overview .....................................................................................................11 Distributed (Small) Wind .......................................................................................................12 Midsized Wind Turbines .................................................................................................. 15 Utility-Scale Turbines ........................................................................................................ 16 Community Wind .............................................................................................................. 20 Locations .............................................................................................................................. 22 Utility-Scale Wind Project Costs and Economics ........................................................ 26 Chapter 3: Addressing Concerns ............................................................................................. 35 Environmental and Ecological Concerns ..................................................................... 36 Quality of Life Concerns .................................................................................................. 42 Chapter 4: Regulatory Environment ......................................................................................... 53 State and Local Government Authority over Wind Facility Siting ......................... 54 Transmission and Interconnection .............................................................................. 62 Chapter 5: Considering Wind Energy in the Planning Process ................................................ 69 Strategic Points of Intervention ...................................................................................... 70 Chapter 6: Regulating Small-Scale Wind Energy Systems at the Local Level ........................ 75 Checklist for Ordinances .................................................................................................. 76 Permit Processing .............................................................................................................. 78 Elements of a Small Wind Energy Ordinance ............................................................. 79 Chapter 7: Permitting Utility-Scale Wind Energy Systems at the Local Level ......................... 89 Checklist for Ordinances .................................................................................................. 90 Permit Processing .............................................................................................................. 91 Elements of a Utility-Scale
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