From: marsha yates [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2017 2:27 PM To: Crystal Geyser <
[email protected]> Subject: Ryan Sawyer CG Draft EIR To: Ryan Sawyer, AICP Analytical Environmental Services [AES] 1801 7th Street Sacramento, CA 95811
[email protected] RE: Trucking issues/ Traffic & Safety concerns, Sewage issues Mr. Sawyer: Many of the Siskiyou County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors live within 45 miles. Many of them do not even come up on this side of Mt. Shasta once a year: Their lives are in Yreka. I will feel the repercussions of this project in a way that they will not, because I live, sleep, exercise and breathe on Mt. Shasta within 0.5 miles of this project. The town of Mt. Shasta is surrounded by National Forest, and I live here because of my deep connection to Nature. The silence I hear here, and the fresh mountain air is necessary to my connection with God. I founded Jefferson State Forest Bathing Association to spread the word about the physical and emotional healing nature of the forest, which includes enhanced immune system activity, lower blood pressure, faster healing after operations, better ability to focus, lowering of stress levels. Tourists travel to forests for the healing properties given off by the sounds of water and silence. Many studies have been done to prove the benefits of forest bathing. "The most provocative of these studies conclude that exposure to phytoncides, the airborne, aromatic chemicals/oils emitted by many trees, have a long-lasting impact on people’s immune system markers, boosting natural killer (NK) cells and anticancer proteins by 40 percent." [] [. report1.pdf?_ga=1.65317038.1408439616.1488060569].