Pre-Application Consultation Report Parc y Delyn

5th November 2018

Contents 1. Notices 2. Responses and Correspondence 3. Open Morning 4. Schedules 5. Conclusions


1. Notices Form 1B (See Appendices) was advertised on the main gate of the proposed site from Friday 28 th September to 31 st October 2018. The site has 3 direct neighbours. Copies of form 1B (English and Welsh) were posted to these people:

a) Justine Rees (from Fachongle Isaf) b) Simon (and Lee) Barnes (who own the fields on the other side of the road, they live near ) c) Nick McIlvenna (who owns the land below us)

Copies of form 1B (English and Welsh) were also posted to the following people who live in the locality:

d) Philippa and Roger Morrall (at Constantinople) e) Soo Hutchinson (Fachongle Isaf) f) Vicky Moller (Fachongle Isaf) g) Brian and Sue Phillips (Dolbont) h) Steven Watkins (Trewern) i) Matthew and Gwenda Watkins (Trewern) j) Suleman and Aisha Mowatt (Ty Rhos)

Copies of form 1B were posted and emailed to the following elected representatives: k) Paul Harries (County Councillor)

l) Elizabeth Balchin (Nevern Council ) m) Newport Town Council

Copies of form 1C (English and Welsh) were emailed and posted to the following specialist consultees:

n) Local Highways Authority ( County Council) o) Natural Resources

The application was also advertised online, with links to all the documentation provided: And an open morning was held on the site on Saturday 20th October 10am – 12.30pm


2. Communication with Consultees

Written feedback from consultees is reproduced below. There has been no response from neighbouring consultees (b), (c) There has been no response from local consultees (e) and (j) There has been no response from the elected representatives (k) and (l). Members from (m) attended the open day, and have not given any feedback


Neighbour (a) responded:



Local Consultee (d) responded:

From: Roger Morrall Sent: 06 October 2018 17:33 To: John Powell Subject: One Planet Development

Philly and I are very pleased to confirm that we wholeheartedly support your planning application in relation to your land, Parc Y Delyn, adjacent to Fachongle Isaf.

We consider that productive small scale agriculture, a practise which developed and underpinned the local landscape in what is now part of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, is absolutely essential if the character of this very special landscape is to be retained.

We believe that this is also key to the retention of the vital feeling of community that is so characteristic to the Clydach valley.

The land and the community are not static resources and it is essential that both be nurtured for the good of future generations.

Your proposals fit the bill in all these respects. We have seen how much you and Emma have already achieved. We know how sensitive you both are to the landscape and we believe that your proposals will enable you to widen your horizons to the benefit of the local environment

We very much look forward to watching and benefitting from the development of your plans.

Philly & Roger Morrall Constant Cilgwyn SA 42 0QR

Roger - [email protected]


Local consultee (f) responded:

From: vicky moller Sent: 02 October 2018 12:09 To: John Powell; Tao Wimbush Subject: Support for Emma and John Powell's OPD application

I would like to offer my personal support to Emma and John's application for a home on their land for themselves and their children. I have known the Powells as close neighbours since they first arrived here. They live opposite me! They are perfect neighbours. Emma offered to care for my mother when she had a stroke about ten years ago, and was an invaluable help. This is just one example of their kindness and support for their neighbours. I have enjoyed produce for them over the years, whenever they have a surplus a pile of produce appears on my kitchen table. They are extremely hard working and earn a living from the land which is not easy! If anyone deserves a home to call their own on the land that sustains them, it would be them.

I hope you will give them permission to remain living amongst us.

Vicky Moller 01239 820971 / 07791 809 810


Local consultee (g) responded:


Re: Proposed development to the Land adjacent to Fachongle Isaf, Cilwyn Pembrokeshire SA41 3XD As neighbours to John and Emma Powell for the past seven years Brian and I appreciate their sense of community and their sensitivity to land use and management. We both believe that this development is an excellent idea and will bring a family and the land back into use in a sympathetic and meaningful way. Both Emma and John with their young family, need a dwelling in which to run their enterprising business of growing flowers and vegetable produce for sale to locals, Emma’s flowers have enabled young couples from the area on their wedding day to decorate their special time with flowers that are grown locally causing no air miles and helping the economy of West Wales. This development will allow this business to grow and give much needed stability to a young family and enhance the local area. Rural West Wales should applaud and encourage these local enterprises as they are much needed to keep the young working on the land. Brian and Susanne Phillips of Dolbont, Farchog, Pembrokeshire SA41 3XD have absolutely no objections to this project and would like to urge the planning department to accept this proposal.

If any further information is required please do not hesitate to contact us on 01239 820 483 or by email [email protected]


Local consultee (h) responded:

----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "[email protected]" To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 18:38 Subject: Re: request for support emails for an OPD - One Planet Development

Dear Vicky

As near neighbours we fully support Emma and John in this venture. We have followed their progress with interest and admiration and believe they deserve a home on this site. I'm sure Matthew and Gwenda would endorse this.

Steve Watkins SA41 3XE


Local consultee (i) responded:


Other Responses from local people: ………………………………………………………………..

Ty Newydd Felindre Farchog Crymych SA41 3XF

John came to us highly recommended as someone who, in his work, shares our attitude to caring for the environment. He has worked on our 20 acres for the last eight years and we have come to accept with confidence his professionalism, reliability, enthusiasm and invaluable suggestions. He works hard and the results are always an obvious improvement. His reputation has spread from recommendations based on the knowledge that he is an asset to whoever employs him.

His concerns and values are shared by his wife Emma. His commitment to the community, his interest in its history and culture, including the Welsh language and the local environment, are readily apparent. We have visited the work John and Emma are doing and we have looked at their plans for future development. The development will be an outstanding environmental asset, clearly planned with care and imagination, for the land, as well as providing encouragement for those of us with similar interests.

We have no hesitation in supporting John and Emma's application.

Dr Daphne L. Watkins Denis Watkins ………………………………………………………………..

From: David and Anne Sears Sent: 19 October 2018 09:57 To: [email protected] Subject: Letter of support for planning aplication

To whom it may concern.

I am a neighbour of John and Emma Powell, and I am writing in support of their application for a One Planet Development on their land next to Fachongle Isaf. Since they have had Parc-y- Delyn I have seen them develop a wonderful local flower business and produce an abundance of vegetables for their family and neighbours. They have increased the field's biodiversity and have transformed poached, overstocked land into a productive and beautiful place.

They are a hard working family with all the skills needed to make a good living from their land and are important members of our community. I can think of no others more qualified or deserving to live on the land that they work.

Anne Sears

Pantry Fields, Cilgwyn, Newport, Pembrokeshire, SA42 0QS


Robin & Tricia Heath Glanrhyd House Glanrhyd Cardigan Pembrokeshire SA43 3PA

Tel: 01239 881754 email : [email protected]

Dear John and Emma,

Trish and I are delighted that you have finally got all the paperwork submitted for this planned development. For a start I will immediately stop nagging you to complete the magnus opus , and secondly, because your growing family is rapidly outgrowing their existing home!

I cannot think of any other couple who I have met, in the 33 years since I arrived in Pembrokeshire, are so suited to undertake such a project. You already have much of the experience to understand and practice the various functions that your land demands you get right if your are to be successful, and you already have much of the infrastructure, bar a dwelling, largely in place. The business that you and Emma run together, with admirable energy and motivation, is already up and running, as also are the required beliefs and lifestyle choices that are required under the One Planet Development scheme.

So, having studied the plans, we have no doubt whatever that you both are supremely qualified to undertake whatever the OPD scheme requires of you, and we fully support this application, in the knowledge that you will successfully conclude whatever is asked of you in the course of implementing it and meeting the various requirements required of you.

Our one disappointment is that this will keep you both far too busy to the point where we will not be able to call on you for an odd day's work on our holding here in Glanrhyd!

Good luck with it. I hope it goes ahead, for you both deserve any chance to expand your working lives by having everything on hand. In my experience this would make your working life a lot more efficient. And this region really does need your worthy input into what can become a long overdue green revolution.

Best wishes

Robin and (pp)Trish Heath



From: Philippa Ward Sent: 04 October 2018 20:53 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Planning application

John, we are happy to hear that you are planning to build a sustainable wooden cabin on your land. John and I fully support your application and hope that all goes well and that you will be able to build it. Our postcode for the application is SA42 0QR.


----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Siobhan Wooster To: vicky moller Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 15:55 Subject: Re: request for support emails for an OPD - One Planet Development

To whom it may concern, I full support this application for an OPD Siobhan Wooster Sa413tl


Forwarded Message ----- From: Babs Guard To: vicky moller Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 13:35 Subject: Re: request for support emails for an OPD - One Planet Development

We would be delighted to support Emma and John to gain consent for a home on their land. Their dedication to growing and preserving nature on their land has proved that they are well-deserving of having a family home on the place they love. Matt and Babs Guard SA41 3SE

Babs 07786 492216



----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Atinuke To: vicky moller Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 13:08 Subject: Re:

Emailing with my support for John and Emma Powell. Both contribute greatly to the local produce of Newport, Pembrokeshire. It's great to have such consistent quality local flowers which are so appreciated by both locals and tourists alike and feature in so many weddings. I understand that they have made a very modest request for accommodation on their land. I wholeheartedly support them. SA42 0QG



Communications with Specialist Consultee (n), Local Highway Authority: (by email)

From: Harris, Mike Sent: 01 October 2018 12:28 To: '[email protected]' Subject: Proposed One Planet Development at Fachongle Isaf, Cilgwyn

Hello John,

I refer to the pre-application on the above.

I can confirm that there will not be any Highways objections to the application.

You are proposing to use the northern field access, off the back of a lay-by to get through to the parking areas and barn. It has fairly good visibility due to the wide verge, and is acceptable as it is just far enough from the bend in the road to the north. 10 metres of hedgebank to the south should however be set back to improve visibility of vehicles pulling over to use the bay for passing; and another planning condition will state that any access gates should be set back 6 metres to open inwards only. There will also be consideration from this office to having the field access closer to the cabin permanently stopped up.

Incidentally the documents on the web site are very difficult to focus onto or to take prints from.

Mike Harris, Highways Planning Liaison Officer / Swyddog Gorfodaeth Cynllunio Highways Development Control, Highways & Construction, Transportation & Environment, Tel/Ffon:- 01437 775437 ……………………………………………………………………………

From: john powell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 03 October 2018 18:23 To: Harris, Mike Subject: Re: Proposed One Planet Development at Fachongle Isaf, Cilgwyn

Hello Mike

Thank you for your reply and also for you feedback; I'm sorry that you had problems with focussing on the documents. I'm in the process of having this looked into and improved.

I've attached a diagram highlighting the recommendations/conditions that you've made; does it look reasonable to you?


The old field access that you mentioned, nearer to the cabin, has grown over and been unused for many years. We have no intention of reinstating it and would be happy to stop it up if deemed necessary.

Many thanks

John Powell



From: Harris, Mike Sent: 04 October 2018 06:28 To: john powell Subject: RE: Proposed One Planet Development at Fachongle Isaf, Cilgwyn

Thanks John,

If this diagram were included with the planning application then it will explain the works for all those looking, and could be able to be referred to by condition.

Mike Harris, Highways Planning Liaison Officer / Swyddog Gorfodaeth Cynllunio Highways Development Control, Highways & Construction, Transportation & Environment, Tel/Ffon:- 01437 775437


Specialist Consultee (o), Natural Resources Wales


3. Open morning at Parc Y Delyn, Saturday 20 th October 10am-12.30pm

Persons in attendance:

John and Emma Powell, with children

Roger and Philippa Morrall (close neighbours) David and Annie Sears (close neighbours) Denis and Daphne Watkins (neighbours) Justin George (friend and former work collegue of John’s)

The above are all friends of ours who wanted to come to our open day to show their support and to see our garden and the proposed developments therein.

John Harris (with wife Geraldine) Jano Williams Another Newport town councilor, whose name we didn’t catch, arrived with Jano Williams

The above people came to visit as representatives of Newport Town Council. We have had previous contact with them as wedding flower customers (in the case of John and Geraldine Harris) and a landscaping customer (Jano Williams). They were all very complimentary of our project to-date, and were forthcoming with their support for our proposed development. There seemed a general lack of understanding of the extensive criteria that had to be met in order for a One Planet Development to be deemed appropriate for approval, which we attempted to explain within the time we spent together.

There were no other persons in attendance.


4. Schedules 1B and 1C





5. Conclusions

We have had written feedback from 14 local people. We have had written feedback from the 2 specialist consultees (Highways Dept. and NRW). We have met and talked with many local people. All the feedback we have received to date has been positive.