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R Epor T Resumes R EPOR TRESUMES. ED 010 934 FL 000 043 NEW YORK CITY FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAMSFORSECONDARY SCHOOLS, FRENCH, LEVELS 1 -5. NEW YORK CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION,BROOKLYN,N.Y. REPORT NUMBER CURR- BULL -2A PUG DATE JAN 66 ERRS 'PRICE MF-$0.27HC-$5.20 130P. DESCRIPTORS'. *CURRICULUM GUIDES, *FRENCH, *LANGUAGEGUIDES, *LANGUAGE LEARNING LEVELS, *SECONDARY SCHOOLS, ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM, ARTICULATION (PROGRAM), AUDIOLINGUAL MCTHOOS, COURSE OBJECTIVES, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS,LANSUAGE INSTRUCTION, LANGUAGE LABORATORY USE, LANGUAGE SKILLS, PATTERN DRILLS (LANGUAGE), TEACHING TECHNIQUES, BROOKLYN A PROGRAM OF CURRICULUM REVISION, BEGUN IN 19629 HAS RESULTED IN A CURRICULUM GUM WHICH DELINEATES THE AIMS, TECHNIQUES, CONTENT, AND SCOPE OF FRENCH INSTRUCTION AT EACH LEVEL OF A FIVE-LEVEL SEQUENCE IN THE_SECONDARY SCHOOLS CF NEW YORK CITY. A MODIFIED AUCIOLINGUAL APPROACH IS STRESSED AND SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES ARE SUGGESTED FOR TEACHING LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING, AND WRITING SKILLS AND FOR PRESENTING CULTURE TOPICS. CHECKLISTS OF MINIMAL VOCABULARY ITEMS AND GRAMMATICAL Si. XTURES ARE GIVEN. FOR EACH LEVEL. OTHER TOPICS EXPANDED ARE THE TAPE RECORDER, THE LANGUAGE LABORATORY, TESTING, AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, THE ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM, PROGRAMED INSTRUCTION, TEAM TEACHING, ANC LANGUAGE TESTS. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL AND SPECFIC REFERENCES FOR TEACHERS IS INCLUDED. THIS DOCUMENT IS ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE BOARD OF EDUCATION CF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, FUSLICATVONS SALES OFFICE, 110 LIVINGSTON ST., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11201! FCR $3.00. (AM) jl U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED TROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE rii EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. New York City E. Foreign LanguageProgram tapo for Secondary Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION President LLOYD K. GARRISON Vice-Pvesident ALFRED A. CIARDINO Members JOSEPH G. BARKAN AARON! BROWN THOMAS C. BURKE MORRIS IUSHEWITZ JOHN H. WIZ CLARENCE SENIOR MRS. ROSE SHAPIRO Superintendent of Schools BERNARD E. DONOVAN Executive Deputy Superintendent of Sceioda 3OHN B. KING Deputy Superintendents of Schools FREDERICK W. HILL Business Affairs THEODORE H. LANG Personnel JOSEPH 0. LORETAN InAruction and Currieultun Executive Director, School Buildings EUGENE E. HULT Copies of this publication may be purchased from: Board of Education of the City of New York, Publi- cations Sales Office, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Checks should be made payable to: Audlior, Board of Education. Price $3.00 41111110.0.10 CURRICULUM BULLETIN 1965-66 SERIES NO. 2a New York City Foreign LanguageProgram for SecondarySchools FRENCH Levels 11 BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF NEW YORK COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS FOR CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION JOSEPH 0. LORETAN, Chairman WILLIAM H. BRISTOW MARTHA R. FINICLER MAURICE D. HOPKINS JACOB LANDERS HELENE M. LLOYD RICHARD M. LUBELL CORMAT K. rvit3HEll CARMELLA NESI SHELLEY UMANS TRUDA T. WEIL FREDERICK H. WILLIAMS HARRY E. WOLFSON 1. WAYNE VVRIGHTSTONE Copy 1006 By the Board of Education of the City of New York Application for permission to reprint any section of this material should be made to the Superintendent of Schools, 110 Livhbgeton &t., Brooklyn. N.Y. 11301. Reprint of any section of this material should carry the line, "Reprinted from (tide of publication) by per- mission of the Board of Education of the City of New York." "PURTISSION TO MOM MS MOOTS MATERIAL HAS RAM TO HOC AIR ONAIREATKOS OPERA= OMER ARMEN WMI IRE H.S. OM OF WANK FRIO 1111110E1011 OMSK ME MK SYSTEM 11101111p POMO. Of TIE COMM OWNER: c, FOREWORD This publication is the outgrowth of a programof curriculum development evaluation and revision initiated in1962, as the New York City Foreign Language Revision Program. In the course of the Revision Program,twenty-three experimental bulletins appeared covering five levels ofinstruction in French and Spanish and four levels in Cermsm, Hebrew,Italian, Latin and Russian. This material was used experimentally,evaluated and revised, and is now being printed in sevenbulletins, one for each language. New York City Foreign LanguageProgturn for Secondary Schools: French. Levels .I-V is intended to serve as aguide to teachers and supervisors in teaching the fundamentallanguage skills, using audio- lingual techniques, and developing anunderstanding of the French people, their culture and their civilization. The bulletins for Spanish, Italian,German, Russian, Latin and Hebrew will be available within theschool years 1965-66 and 1966-67. JOSEPH 0. LORETAN Deputy Superintendent Instruction and Curriculum January, 1966 ttrOMN11114%.11101101.16~61.03 AU' CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purposes and Uses of This Bulletin 2 Levels and Grades 4 Aims of Foreign Language Instruction 4 Part One: The Levels of Foreign Language Instruction LEVELS I AND II Aims for Level I 8 Aims for Level II 8 Guiding Principles, Levels I and II 9 Developing the Language Skills, Levels I and H 10 Ear Training 10 Spealdng 12 Reading 13 Writing 16 Patterns for Drill 20 Constructing and Using Pattern Drills 20 Suggested Dialogue and Drills, Level I 23 Textbook Adaptation 28 Use of he Tape Recorder 29 Homework 30 The Teaching of Culture 33 Content and Scope, Level I 37 Grammatical Structures 37 Topical Vocabulary Lists 36 Idiomatic Expressions 46 Alphabetical Checklist, Level I Vocabulary 47 Culture Topics 53 Content and Scope, Level II 60 Grammatical Structures 60 Topical Vocabulary Lists 61 Idiomatic Expressions 66 Alphabetical Checklist, Level II Vocabulary 68 Culture Topics 72 LEVEL III Articulation 75 Aims 80 Guiding Principles 81 Developing the Language Skills 83 Auditory Comprehension 83 Suggested Procedure for: An Auditory Comprehension Lesson 84 Oral Production 87 Reading 92 Suggested Procedure for: An Intensive Reading Lesson 94 An Extensive Reading Lesson 96 Suggested Lesson Plan: Intensive Reading 98 Writing 102 Content and Scope 108 Grammatical Structures 108 Vocabulary Range 112 Idiomatic Expressions 115 Culture Topics 117 LEVEL IV Motivational Activities 126 Aims 130 Guiding Principles 131 Developing the Language Skills 133 Auditory Comprehension 133 Oral Production 134 Reading 136 Form for Supplementary Reading Report 138 Writing 137 Suggested Procedure for: Teaching Composition 141 sl Content and Scope 142 Grammatical Structures 142 Vocabulary and Idiomatic Expressions 144 Culture Topics 146 LEVEL V Integration of Knowledge and Skills 148 Aims 149 Guiding Principles 149 Developing the Language Skills 151 Auditory Comprehension 151 Oral Production. 152 Reading 156 The Novel and the Short Story 159 Poetry 163 Drama 164 Essay 166 Writing 167 Content and Scope 169 Grammatical Structures 169 Vocabulary and Idiomatic Expressions 171 Reading 176 Writing 177 Culture Topics 177 Part Two: Textbooks and Audio-VisualResources Textbooks 182 Some Criteria kr Selection 182 Audio-Visual Resources 185 The Language Laboratory 196 Part Three: Testing and Evaluation Testing Testing the Four Skills Oral Ability Rating Scale 214 New York State Regents Examinations 217 College Entrance Board Examinations 219 MLA Cooperative Foreign Language Tests 220 Evaluating the Foreign Language Program 221 Teaching Conditions 4 221 Organization 223 The Teacher 224 The Students 224 The Quality of Instruction 225 Part Four: Expanding Horizons In Foreign Languages, The Advanced. Placement Program 228 Team Teaching 230 Programmed Instruction 232 BIBLIOGRAPHY 235 General 235 Language and Linguistics 235 Language Teaching 236 Curriculum Materials 237 Tests and Testing 238 Language Laboratory and Audio-Visual Materials 238 Programmed Instruction 239 Team Teaching 239 Sources 240 Periodicals 240 French 241 Language, Linguistics F..rid Methodology 241 Curriculum Materials 242 Literature 242 Culture 243 Periodicals 244 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The foreign language ievision program of which this publication is a result was initiates' hi 1962 as a cooperative venture involving the Division of High Schools, (Maurice D. Hopkins, Acting Associate Superintendent), the Division of Junior High Schools, (Martha R. Finkler, Acting Associate Superintendent), the Division of Curriculum Development, Jacob H. Shack, Acting Associate Supe ntendent) stud the Bureau of Foreign Languages (Theodore Huebener, Director). At various stages in its development the program has benefited from the guidance and counsel of Joseph 0. Loretan, Deputy Super- intendent of Schools for Instruction and Curriculum. Production was carried out under the supervision of Emilio L. Guerra, Acting Director of Foreign Languages; William H. Bristow, Assistant Superintendent, and David A. Abramson, Assistant Director, Bureau of Curriculum Research. The Coordinator and Editor of the project was Maxim Newmad:, Chairman, Foreign Languages, Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School. The Assistant Coordinator and Editor was Lillian M. tillers, Bureau of CurriculumResearch. A program of this type enlists the cooperation of hundreds of teachers in making suggestions aid it trying out, reviewing and evalu- ating materials. Many staff members devoted all or a substantial block of their time to some phase of the production program. The lists which follow reflect their contributions: THE SYLLABUS REVISION COMMITTEE Emilio L. Guerra, Acting Director of Foreign Languages (Chairman) Maxim Newmark, Chairman, Foreign Languages ( Coordinator and Editor) Lillian M. Gullets, Teacher, Foreign Languages (Assistant Coordinator and Editor) Arthur S. Ackerman Aaron
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