The World of Mathematics Volume 4
THE WORLD OF MATHEMATICS VOLUME IV Volume Four of THE WORLD OF MATHEMATICS A small library of the literature of mathematics from. A'h-mose the Scribe to Albert Einstein, presented with commentaries and notes by JAMES R. NEWMAN LONDON GEORGE ALLEN AND UNWIN LTD First Published in Great Britain in I960 This book is copyright under the Berne Convention, Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, atticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, 1956, no portion maybe reproduced by any process without writ fen permission. Enquiry should be made to the publisher. © James R. Newman 1956 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Editor wishes to express his gratitude for Mahomet", from What h Mathematics? by Richard permission to reprint ma le rial from the following Courant and Herbert Rabbins. sources: Philosophy of Sciertce, for "The Locus of Mathe- Messrs. John Lane. Ths Bodiey Head Ltd,, Tor matical Reality: An Anthropologics! Footnote", by "Common Sense and the Universe", by Stephen Leslie A. White, issue of October, 1947. Le acock. The Science Press for "Mathematical Creation", Professor R. L. Goodslein, and The Mathematics! from Foundations of Science, hy Henri Poincarc, Association for "Easy Mathematics and Lawn translated by George Bruce Haisted. Tennis" by T, J. LA. Bromwich, from Mathematical Scientific American, for "A Chess- Playing Gateite XI If, October, I92S, Machine", by Claude Shannon. Cambridge University Press for "Mathematics of Messrs. G. Bell & Sons Ltd., for "Pastimes of Music", from Science and Music, by Sir James Past and Present Times", from Mathematics and the Jeans; and for excerpt from A Mathematician's Imagination, by Edward Kasner and James R, Apology, by G.
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