
Write the names of the players in the boxes 1 to 4 (if there are more, print several times) - Cross out the countries that have not reached the final - Vote with values from 1 to 12, or any others that you agree - Make the sum of votes in the "TOTAL" column - The player who has given the highest score to the winning country will win, and in case of a tie, to the following - Check if summing your votes you’ve given the highest score to the winning country. GOOD LUCK!

1 2 3 4 TOTAL

Anxhela Peristeri “Karma” Albania “ Technicolour” “Amen” Efendi “Mata Hari” Azerbaijan ” Belgium Victoria “Growing Up is Getting Old” Bulgaria Albina “Tick Tock” Croatia Elena Tsagkrinou “El diablo” Cyprus Benny Christo “ “ Czech Fyr & Flamme “Øve os på hinanden” Denmark Uku Suviste “The lucky one” Estonia “Dark Side” Finland “Voilà” France Tornike Kipiani “You” Georgia Jendrick “I Don’t Feel Hate” Germany Stefania “Last Dance” Greece Daði og Gagnamagnið “10 Years” Island Leslie Roy “ Maps ” Irland “Set Me Free” Israel 1 2 3 4 TOTAL

Maneskin “” Italy Samantha Tina “ “Discoteque” Lithuania Destiny “” Malta “ Sugar ” Vasil “Here I Stand” Macedonia “Fallen Angel” Norwey RAFAL “The Ride” Poland The Black Mamba “Love is on my side” Portugal Roxen “ Amnesia “ ” Russia Senhit “ Adrenalina “ San Marino Hurricane “” Serbia Ana Soklic “Amen” Slovenia Blas Cantó “” Spain “ Voices “ Sweden Gjon’s Tears “Tout L’Univers” Switzerland ” The Go_A ‘Shum’ “ Embers “ United Kingdom