United States Patent (19) (11 Patent Number: 4,523,226 Lipton et al. 45 Date of Patent: Jun. 11, 1985 54 STEREOSCOPICTELEVISION SYSTEM 3,818,125 6/1974 Butterfield ............................ 358/92 (75) Inventors: Lenny Lipton, Pt. Richmond; 4,152,724 5/1979 Hunter ................................ 358/901 Michael R. Starks, Fairfax; James D. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Stewart, Oakland; Lawrence D. Meyer, Ross, all of Calif. 34046 7/1956 Switzerland .......................... 352/60 73 Assignee: Stereographics Corporation, San OTHER PUBLICATIONS Rafael, Calif. Masters-Generating a 3D-TV Signal With One TV Camera-IBM Tech. Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 8 #1 Jun. (21) Appl. No.: 459,174 1965, p. 134. 22) Filed: Jan. 19, 1983 Kennedy-Weather Satellite Picture Processor-Wireless World, May 1980-vol. 86, No. 1533, pp. 41-46. Related U.S. Application Data Norling-the Stereoscopic Art-A Reprint-Jour. of Smpte-vol. 60, #53, pp. 268-307. 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 343,124, Jan. 27, 1982, abandoned. Primary Examiner-Joseph A. Orsino, Jr. (51) Int, C. ............................................... H04N 9/54 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-J. William Wigert, Jr. 52) U.S. Cl. ...................... poes no poor wou 358/88; 358/91; 57 ABSTRACT 358/92 An improved stereoscopic television system is dis (58) Field of Search ....................... 358/88, 91, 92,97, closed, having a great deal of compatibility with the 358/146, 237,238,239,901; 352/60 existing commercial television infrastructure. Flicker is 56) References Cited eliminated while preserving the existing bandwidth allowing the stereoscopic video signals to be handled U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS with conventional apparatus such as video tape record 2,099,694 li/1937 Land ....................................
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