United States Patent [191 [11] 4,095,775 Hotham [45] Jun
United States Patent [191 [11] 4,095,775 Hotham [45] Jun. 20, 1978 [54] PARTICLE EVALUATOR Primary Examiner-Conrad J. Clark Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Reed C. Lawlor [76] Inventor: Geoffrey A. Hotham, 1130 Channel Dr., Santa Barbara, Calif. 93108 [57] ABSTRACT [21] App1.No.: 642,915 The invention is employed for evaluating particles, such as droplets of aerosol sprays suspended in a gaseous [22] Filed: Dec. 22, 1975 medium. A stream of the particles to be analyzed is [51] Int. Cl.2 ................... .. G01N 21/00; G01N 21/18; ?owed into a narrow sample zone across the optical axis GOZB 21/34 of a beam of light. Scattered radiation from the particles [52] US. Cl. .................................. .. 356/102; 356/ 181; is focused on the image plane in which a photosensitive ' 250/574; 350/95 surface is located. Images of particles formed there are [58] Field of Search ............. 356/102, 103, 246, 181; reproduced on a ?uorescent or phosphorescent display 250/574; 350/63, 89, 95 screen of a cathode ray tube. A scale on the screen is employed for measuring the dimensions of the particles. [56] References Cited The con?nement of the stream of the mixture to about U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the depth of focus of the objective lens of the camera reduces effects of out-of-focus particles and permits 3,609,043 9/1971 Simmons et a1. .................. .. 356/102 evaluation of individual particles. 3,614,231 10/1971 Sham ..................... .. 356/102 3,646,352 2/ 1972 B01 et al. .. 356/ 102 3,720,470 3/ 1973 Berkham ...........................
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