09/27/21 Spanish American Narrative R43147 | University of Nottingham

Spanish American Narrative R43147 View Online

Spanish American Narrative


Alazraki, Jaime 1988. Borges and the Kabbalah, and other essays on his fiction and poetry. Cambridge University Press.


Alazraki, Jaime 1976. Jorge Luis Borges. Taurus Ediciones.


Alejo Carpentier 1966. ‘De lo real maravillosamanete americano’. Tientos y diferencias. Ediciones Unión.


Alejo Carpentier 1995. The Baroque and the Marvelous Real. Magical realism : theory, history, community. Duke University Press.


Balderston, D. 1994. Introduction and Notes. Artificial respiration. Duke University Press.


Boldy, Steven 2009. A Companion to Jorge Luis Borges. Tamesis.

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Colas, Santiago 1994. Postmodernity in : The Argentine paradigm. Duke University Press.


Donoso, José 1972. Historia personal del ‘boom’. Anagrama.


Doris Sommer 1995. Grammar Trouble: Cortázar’s critique of competence. Diacritics. 25, 1 (1995).


Eliot, T. S. 1979. The Dry Salvages (II), Four Quartets. Faber.


Entrevista a Juan Rulfo: 1973. http://conversacionesperiodisticas.blogspot.co.uk/2009/01/entrevista-juan-rulfo.html.


Fishburn, Evelyn and Hughes, Psiche 1990. A Dictionary of Borges. Duckworth.


Fornet, Jorge 2007. El escritor y la tradición: Ricardo Piglia y la literatura . Fondo de Cultura Económica de Argentina.


Franco, Jean 1967. The Modern Culture of Latin America: society and the artist. Pall Mall Press.

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Fuentes, Carlos 1969. La nueva novela hispanoamericana. Mortiz.


Gallagher, D. P. 1973. Modern Latin American Literature. Oxford University Press.


Gallagher, D. P. 1973. Modern Latin American Literature. Oxford University Press.


García Márquez, Gabriel and Mendoza, Plinio Apuleyo 1993. El olor de la guayaba: conversaciones con Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza. Editorial Sudamericana.


González Echevarría, Roberto 1990. Alejo Carpentier: the pilgrim at home. University of Texas Press.


González Echevarría, Roberto 1990. Myth and Archive: a theory of Latin American narrative. Cambridge University Press.


González Echevarría, Roberto and Pupo-Walker, Enrique 1996. The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature. Cambridge University Press.


Guibert, Rita et al. 1973. Seven Voices: seven Latin American writers talk to Rita Guibert. Knopf.

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Hampson, Norman 1968. The Enlightenment. Penguin.


Harss, Luis and Dohmann, Barbara 1967. Into the Mainstream: conversations with Latin-American writers. Harper & Row.


Harss, Luis and Dohmann, Barbara 1968. Los nuestros. Sudamericana.


Henighan, S. 2000. Caribbean Masks: Frantz Fanon and Alejo Carpentier. Postcolonial perspectives on the cultures of Latin America and Lusophone Africa. Liverpool University Press. 169–190.


Henighan, S. 2000. Caribbean Masks: Frantz Fanon and Alejo Carpentier. Postcolonial perspectives on the cultures of Latin America and Lusophone Africa. Liverpool University Press.


Kant, Immanuel and Beck, Lewis White Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, and: What is Enlightenment?. Liberal Arts Press.


King, John 1987. Modern Latin American Fiction: a survey. Faber.


King, John 1987. Modern Latin American Fiction: a survey. Faber.

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Labanyi, J. 1980. Nature and the Historical Process in Carpentier’s El siglo de las luces. Bulletin of Hispanic studies. LVII, (1980), 55–66.


Larsen, Neil and ebrary, Inc 1995. Reading North by South: On Latin American literature, culture, and politics. University of Minnesota Press.


Lucille Kerr, Julio Cortázar, Roberto González Echevarría, David I. Grossvogel and Jonathan Tittler 1974. Interview: Julio Cortázar. Diacritics. 4, 4 (1974).


Ludmer, Josefina 1985. Cien años de soledad: una interpretaccion. Bibliotecas Universitarias, Centro Editor de América Latina.


Ludmer, Josefina 1988. El género gauchesco: un tratado sobre la patria. Editorial Sudamericana.


Ludmer, Josefina 2002. The Gaucho Genre: a treatise on the motherland. Duke University Press.


Manuel Puig Cinema and the Novel. Modern Latin American Fiction: a survey. John King, ed.


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Martin, G. 1987. On ‘Magical’ and Social Realism. Gabriel García Márquez: new readings. Cambridge University Press. 95–116.


Martin, Gerald 2008. Gabriel García Márquez: a life. Bloomsbury.


Martin, Gerald 1989. Journeys through the Labyrinth: Latin American fiction in the twentieth century. Verso.


McGuirk, Bernard and Cardwell, Richard Andrew 1987. Gabriel García Márquez: new readings. Cambridge University Press.


Molloy, Sylvia 1979. Las letras de Borges. Editorial Sudamericana.


Moran, Dominic 2000. Questions of the Liminal in the Fiction of Julio Cortázar. European Humanities Research Centre.


Piglia, Ricardo 1994. Artificial respiration. Duke University Press.


Rama, A. 1997. Processes of transculturation in Latin American narrative. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. 6, 2 (Nov. 1997), 155–171. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/13569329709361909.

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Ricardo Piglia 1986. Critica y Ficcion. Planeta Argentina.


Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith 1983. Narrative Fiction: contemporary poetics. Methuen.


Rowe, W. 1987. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Modern Latin American fiction: a survey. (1987).


Rowe, William and Schelling, Vivian 1991. Memory and Modernity: popular culture in Latin America. Verso.


Rutherford, John 1971. Mexican Society during the Revolution: a literary approach. Clarendon Press.


Sarlo, Beatriz 1988. Una modernidad periférica: 1920 y 1930. Ediciones Nueva Visión.


Sarlo, Beatriz and King, John 2006. Jorge Luis Borges: a writer on the edge. Verso.


Sharman, Adam and ebrary, Inc 2006. Tradition and Modernity in Spanish-American Literature: from Darío to Carpentier. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Shaw, Donald Leslie 1992. Borges’ Narrative Strategy. Cairns.


Smith, Paul Julian 1989. The Body Hispanic: gender and sexuality in Spanish and Spanish American literature. Clarendon.


Sommers, Joseph 1968. After the Storm: landmarks of the modern Mexican novel. University of New Mexico Press.


Stephanie Merriam 1987. Bridging the Gap: Freud and Film in Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s Three Trapped Tigers and Manuel Puig's El beso de la mujer araña. Modern Latin American Fiction. John King, ed. Faber.


Sturrock, John 1977. Paper Tigers: the ideal fictions of Jorge Luis Borges. Clarendon Press.


Swanson, Philip 1995. The New Novel in Latin America: politics and popular culture after the boom. Manchester University Press.


Swanson, Philip 1995. The New Novel in Latin America: politics and popular culture after the boom. Manchester University Press.


Vargas Llosa, Mario 1971. García Márquez: historia de un deicidio. Barral.

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Williamson, E. 1987. ‘Magical Realism and the Theme of Incest in One Hundred Years of Solitude’. Gabriel García Márquez: new readings. Cambridge University Press. 45–63.


Williamson, Edwin 2004. Borges: a life. Viking.


Zamora, Lois Parkinson 1989. Writing the Apocalypse: historical vision in contemporary U.S. and Latin American fiction. Cambridge University Press.


