National Report on the Situation of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) – Mongolia Report development team leaded by Batchuluun Yembuu National Centre for Non Formal and Distance Education Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Government Building-10 Barilgachdiin Talbai-2 Ulaanbaatar-44 Mongolia Tel:+976-11-324344 Fax:+976-11-324344 e-mail:
[email protected] Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia April 2008 CONTENT I. GENERAL OVERVIEW 5 II. ADULT LEARNING AND EDUCATION MONGOLIA 1. POLICY, LEGISLATION AND FINANCING 8 1.1. Legislative and policy frameworks of ALE 8 1.2. Financing of ALE 12 2. QUALITY OF ADULT LEARNING AND EDUCATION: PROVISION, PARTICIPATION AND ACHIEVEMENT 2.1. Provision of ALE and institutional frameworks 14 2.2. Participation in ALE 18 2.3. Monitoring & evaluating programmes and assessing learning outcomes 19 2.4. Adult educators/facilitators’ status and training 19 3. RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND GOOD PRACTICE 3.1. Research studies in the field of adult learning 22 3.2. Innovations and examples of good practice 22 4. ADULT LITERACY 4.1. Definition of literacy in Mongolia. Changes since 1997 CONFINTEA V 23 4.2. New policies and implementation 24 4.3. Effective practice and innovative literacy programmes 26 4.4. Policies and programmes’ focus on gender 28 4.5. Policies and programmes for literate environments and progress of achievement 28 5. EXPECTATIONS OF CONFINTEA VI AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES FOR ALE 5.1. Expected outcomes from CONFINTEA VI 28 5.2. The main issues of adult education of future perspectives for the development of policies and practices in adult education and adult learning 28 REFERENCE 30 2 | P a g e List of Figures Figure 1.