called to Tli" Bark Allem inla. Mnller. Port nn Sna'n.Jones A Loujh. ton*, bottom up ; the hull mi iiunJ ; Bad wme rigging at¬ Bbt'ib, Hupard, Baltimore; Mary Gaza, Hubert, Philadel¬ I rtern oT »p:dan«e, wa« npon respond. Baik Hambler l in Plctou. .v. I'arker. tached. phia. was a. ior a loyal THE COMECTlCtT ELECTION. er, Hepey St I General caul thai It ways pleasant Montis t> A Jons, 9- Arrive I. to t lie Kxecutive oi our l'ri,' Cbrltll, linos, Cayenne unarm, Prynal Brio Atlantic, of Nvuu, NT*, from Port au Prince for Boston. Nn, May ship Tennyson, Atwood, VETERANS.I soldier to pay due respec*. Co. Hamburg, wm wrecked at 32. OUH way A Lan«ulllo, 1JK, April T 26 New I country. but he felt that It peculiarly pleasant Brig Flora (Nil), Hansen, Rio Orande do Sul.Oelrtchi Kchr ' April Raited. Adeline Elwood, Hawkins, when ihe I'.xecut ve wan one of tlielr own comrades Co. 8aM(tri. E Sawtfr, of uioueester. went ashore at York. Bandy Hook, Mn.dalenn v on* wlto done mure than any The Great Readied Brig Clptey, Biirnham, St Croli -P Hanford A Oo. lslan In, on the "Ist nil. slwi'tl af¬ Tiuninah (Cuba\ April 2S -!n put brij MAE Hender- and had, probiblv, Struggle St Mauzanillo.Moil A terward* bilged, and wa* abmdone I. H i and an¬ .on, toward tUe of ihe Hria Mattano, Jarvu, Jayo and chor* U, rigging Henderson, for Boston lu 6 days. (f the oilier one man suppreaalon Ward. ¦aved. She waa bonnd to the Magdalene Island* for a National Convention Giaud Army ret billon. lJe did not think :i w%» at Last. Kn? George, tJraham, 8t John*. NH.Henev A Parker. cargo of *alt herring, and wa* owned byCipt Ja* Cushion, Amerl 'Hit I'orti, . - . .. as a J?, to any oilier sens* Hun Sohr Tre Hosiers ( Nor), Tburten, Stockholm -Funcb, Edyl of Gloneealar. The vessel waa 75 ton*. nnllt at f kkci in I*!#, ALEXANDRIA. May 9. --- . schrs uenw-ai v ... in no a valued at «n i Arrlvol, Albert Mason, AV . . sense po- A Co. $h7«0, I mured for $5315 In the Gloucester Mu¬ bt himo, 1> J . of the in Boston. i>oidt !y Po'nt wuS died April 9. and wai burled at lilin lie felt that Pra May, Andrew*, Falmouth and Klngitsn, lonowlnj. It is reported that the disaster wss oeca- (.ar», sea>, Sourabaya; laudation, and II he rn ion, Itattle Page, piond Schr Chwajer, Peitli, Wlndior, recently changed. . und CW Tne next sentiment was, "Massachusetts. . , All the Candidates Co. 7th for repair*.) Hn'u, 'it-ii'tili &aOTtfrao*»irrea of hti ol-iiots. she will care lor their late comrade^ Republican Fchr F. B Va- Van Brant A aiay. May. Alexan Iria, Sawyer, Cobb, do; Wheaton, Bontel, Richmond, John W Oa on the rock* »» W in arms." Lieutenant Governor Tucker, who, as an 8la»ht. . RRtitT, which struck (;u out and .lame* and D of General John A. oftleer In Ihe Fern-ninth Massachusetts, lost a leg Successful. Schr Daniel Morr s, Manson. Tlaltlmire.Wm Chalmers. mink, iterday pumped Ketchum, Baltimore: Pender, Hudson, Mary Speech H l>r floated by the wrecking iteaiuor John fuller and place! ou Uu iell, Barbour, Philadelphia: Senator, Fan kiln, Ne* at Fort Hudson, responded lu a felicitous manner. Schr Sawver, nko, Boston Simpson A Clapp. rail ivay* at Ked lloof. C W Alice Ida Munroe, Addia ' . M James. thf York Below, echrs May, it, Tli next fcnilinent that came was, Koston. Barge McDouptl, Philadelphia. >1 ut 1 U Al- S'eumer Sarah. .tone*, t'tiila le'ohiv rAT.MOTn, ArrH'i7.T!ie from Baker'* Walton, M 8 Lewis. All la, Webster, Blwmous, Logan. who rocks us to night m the old cradio oi liberty," Hartford, May lu, 1M1. Mathllde, R.tgan«, be-ti Storetr, an l II X Squires. SteBiner Ann Ellz^, Richards. Philadelphia. liland and raikland I*land* (guano), has arrived, making a . . *? «; which was responded to by Mayor Gaston. TUB MtTDDl,B ABOUT THB D Utile water, but will be able to Cleared-Ships Agenor, knowles, Liverpool, K, via St . GOVERNORSHIP Steamer Utley, Davit, Philadelphia. proceed to pjit or discharge our Citizen 1 iieiids. who cared for us and ours Steamer Phlla with assistance of extra men. John, Nil; Fortune, Taylor, do; bar»s Stir Kins, Sanboffc. was finally settled If not to the satisfaction Mars, tirumley, letphla. Goree Maria (Br), We'»st«r, Philadelphia; brig while we fought the battle* of the republic," was to-day, C.refnock, 27.The Eliza Ardrosaan (Afrlo); Lovle. The Objects of the Association Not the next and was to by E. W. of who hal bet his ttic sue- April Everett, from Java ( Br i, Vlrple, Port au Prt nee; sabr Ilene, Cana sentiment, responded everybody pile upon for Philadelphia, which arrived hero 16th ln*i. 1c iky, was liavtien : also bark Mary Rdaon, Howea, Archangel; brlini Kinsley, of Ookiou. cess of least at ARRIVALS. taken Into the new graving dock this for Lavlnia St but Benevolent. English, at to that of the people The Edward morning repair** Astrea (Dutrhl, Kooders, London; (Br>, Curry, Political, The next sentiment was "The Rattle Above the who hail *hip, Ldttlejohn, which arrived here Pierre, Mart; Herbert, Crow-ll, Philadelphia Clouds," and as soon as It was announced tlicve was large, become heartily sick of tlie thing nnd. REPORTED BY TOR IIRRALD STEAM TAOIIT9. 24th inct, from Pe'iiacola, report* that on the Blh Inst, in Sailed. Ships Fortune and Agenor; bark Star King; brig* an le.-a tnau to lat 87 29 N, long tit 43 \V, during a strong tale from Arthur P M Tinker. Java an I Allaretta. involuntary uprising and shouting. Not quite willing accept anybody to rule them Steamship Russia with a Egsleiio. flit con rounds of cheers were and wnen (Rr), Cook, Llveri ool April 29, and WNW, heavy sea, a Swedish hark was seen ldtb.Arrived, barks Burnslde, I'«nler«r>ce. E3T TEUGGjRAPIS. given, they for a year to come, provided he did so gently and Queenstown 30th, with nmsc and pa»nfni> rt to C O Kranclc- making *i.;nals of distress. Bore down to her, but the l'etinliion, Dunertrs; Alexaulrlna, Mitchell,Meulnajand XUE1FOK had died away Ivn. May 4, lat 47 17, Ion 88 ?5, ilgnaltzaa a Union weather wa* to bad could not render assistance. The Zephyrino, I. in the true spirit of Christian self-denial wheu he hound E lat steamer, B M Stt-tson, Simmons. Cienfuegoe; brigs lmma Hall, GENERAL HOOKER ; Hth, 42. Ion 67 3U, exchanged signals with a Cu- wreck was Kept In aurht hy means of an exchange of blue Mlanchard, Rosarlo; Jane, Allen, Port au Prince: Retina, was ao overcome with etnoiion that he with within arm's reach of the funds. Tne nard steamer, bound E ; 10th, ISO tuhti E of Sandy llook, ll"bt* until 111 PM, when, the gain vessel shipping Vail from spoke gut public a North Increasing, Rolenhmer. Clen'.uecos ; Maggie (Br). do; Mary Bos 1871. great He said he had no words (lerman fteamer, bound E. heavy seas, and the lower t'oretopsail being split, waaE com¬ wyman, Tilnidad; Novelty, Havener, and Alba- TOM, May JO, dllMculty. democrats gave up ttto light ai early as yesterday, Steamship Ptolemy (Bri, River La Plata April 4, to keep away and run before the Ladd, do: Aroos¬ the to respond to the gencrons and enthusiastic R!o Jan Iro 18th and Kahla Yeaxley, pelled gale. tro«s, Kurd, Matanzas; A W Goddaru, Johnston, Tnc Natioual Encampment ol unnd Army or welcome. He knew that It came from when it was discovered that the New Iluveu fraud ISth, with coffee and 19 passen- Lttkhpool, May 8, PM.Bark* Grace K Cann, Took, from took, Lord, Oaibarien: schrs Alert, Jones, Arroyo; Whit* gari, to Bulk A Jevons. Had line neither up to liatteras ; Ardrossan via Lamlash Kch Sarah from Nellie the Republic began to-day mo scries of military soldiers, for 11 it did not It would could not bo around then had a from 8\V to WN 28 for New York, and Holland Sea, Tavlor, Flores; B, do; Carr, Lansll, got by any spe¬ heavy gale W, lusting 24 hours ; (Swei, hatteraon. from Antwerp via Plymouth, E, March 17 Mayaguez : Uber, Ilnyt, St Mure; Isaac Obeilon, Acliorn, festivals ami reunions winch are to be held tn Bos¬ not t>c so slno^re. Tt came lroin those who knew cious special or artful I mean tlnce line weather ; crossed the Equator April 23 In Ion 11 W. for Boston, have put into Kayal Darlen;W Abbott Smith, Jacksonville; Florence Rogers, him best, and ho was soir.vthat he hail not been pleading dodging; May H. 280 inilca Sft of Sandy Hook, tpoke thip North urn- lealty. Aew ton (luring the week. W ltti the exception the mass of the democrats who are not brla, from Japan for New Vorlc. May 9.Bark John Spear. Oapt Townsend, from Pens icola Shenpard, Savannah ; Matanzas, i.ragdoit, flew York; present | permuted to do more to make himself worthy of great politi¬ March 17 I or Greenock, ha* been abandoned at *ea. ('the J Zealand, from do. of a refr shower in tlie middle of the after¬ Ins and his the Steamship Missouri, Edwaioa, Tlarana Mav at8 12 M, wa* built at In waa and Also arrived ; Albert siting i comrades country. Concerning cians by profession or bread and butter necessity. with mdie and uaiiengera, to the Atlantic Mall8,Steamahio Thoina«ton, Me, 1849, 694 ton*, 10th, ship Borneo, Paoaroi-ang brigs noon the weather has been almost and battle ot Mountain he said that ne would Co. owned In North Shield*.) Cross, Matanzas; Marshall Dutch, Georgetown, DC ; schrs faultless, TUB LKOISLATUKB Neonta, Cardenas ; Sarah H, Arroyo, not attempt to describe tt, but it was now being Steamship Montgomery, Falrcloth, Savannah May 7, with miaeellanroiiH. Arrived achrs everything has conspired to render the occasion one on canvas andinmecourse of a the met promptly ut two o'clock. The and mdse and re, to K BALTIMORE, May 9. Ontario. Spragne, painted year galleries oassongi Lowden. We are under obligation! to the pnrier of the steamihlp Gardena*; it II Shanuon, llilkn, lloalon M iguet, Smith, vl extraordinary interest aud pleasure to scene would show for itself. The General ended by part of the kitchen- like cnamber Steamship Fanlta, Doane, Philadelphia, with mdie, to the K 8 Providence Morris, every Assembly Lorillard Strainthiu Co. Missouri, from Havana, for the prompt delivery of our die* New York; Potter, Potter, ; Stephen THK LARGE NUMBtltS OF VETERANS returning with a grateful heart ten thousand thaulcs not reserved tor were Keno Seaman, Boston. Below, sclir Shllob. iMm Sa;ua. for the kind welcome which nad l»een awarded him. members crowded to shtp ute, Ilrookt, Liverpool Muri-h 14, and Oueene- and despatches. Cleared. Brig Saml Muir illr). lllckn, Liverpool. NS; sohrs who have been tn attendance. town 24th. with mdtc, to W ill ams A Guion. Came the mid¬ Ba The i>ext sentiment, ol "Tne Army of the Poto¬ an extent that was alarming to fat people, dle bad Mebbaoe from tiif Ska.On the 19lh nit a bottleE waa J Palmer, , New York ; Keokuk, Gatos, do; Fawu, pattape; nioderate wlti'lt and fine weather up to kiT, Boston ; Richd Vaux, Hopkins, Newport, H I. I>uriug the iia.\ the tune was occupied in the mac," was respouded to briefly by Geuernl Fair- who don't generally take crushing as a desirable Marrh 31. since which time have had a iuccei»lon of Hw, picked up on Dog liland beach, 30 mile* from Apalachicola' bark '¦ Governor of orator of tlic W and NW to Sailed Sth l