HELSINKI, STOCKHOLM, AMSTERDAM How to stimulate housing production? An exchange of experience This report is part of the collaboration of the cities of Helisnki, Stockholm and Amsterdam and written by mr Cor de Jong, by the development corporation, city of Amsterdam.
[email protected] Copyright of this research lay with the Development Corporation Amsterdam. This research can be used in other publications with mentioning the name of its owner: The Development Corporation Amsterdam. 1 European cities learn from each other: Helsinki, Amsterdam and Stockholm exchange experiences in order to stimulate housing production. Background Housing production has been a hot topic in a number of European countries for some time. In the Neth- erlands, the concern about achieving the objectives at both national and local levels has led to policy initiatives and to adjustment of the available instruments. Research shows that housing production in various European cities is at the least an area of attention and sometimes also a source of concern. In a joint project, the European cities Helsinki, Amsterdam and Stockholm exchanged knowledge and experience. The aim: can we learn something from each other in the area of promoting housing production? This article examines the interim results of the co- operative efforts. It first offers a brief description of how the exchange came about and what form it took in practice. The exchange in practice This exchange project came about more or less by accident. Representatives of the municipalities of Stockholm and Amsterdam who were attending an international conference in the autumn of 2003 hap- pened to start talking about what was going on in their city.