Solar Paces Annual Report 2008
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International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems Annual Report 2008 Edited by C. Richter in cooperation with J. Blanco, P. Heller, M. Mehos A. Meier, R. Meyer, W. Weiss Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Then: SolarPACES Annual Report cover picture in 1999 Cover picture 2008 Now: The dawning of concentrating solar power in Kuraymat, Egypt. Photo courtesy Solar Millennium AG. International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems SolarPACES Annual Report 2008 Edited by C. Richter in cooperation with J. Blanco P. Heller M. Mehos A. Meier R. Meyer W. Weiss May, 2009 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Köln/Germany ii ANNUAL REPORT 2008 SOLARPACES Further information on the IEA-SolarPACES Program can be obtained from the Secretary, from the Operating Agents or from the SolarPACES web site on the Internet The opinions and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors and not of DLR. Editors Dr. Christoph Richter Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Tel.:+34 950 387948 Executive Secretary Institut für Technische Thermodynamik Fax: +34 950 365313 SolarPACES Aptdo. 39 e-mail: [email protected] 04200 Tabernas (Almería) Spain Mark Mehos National Renewable Energy Laboratory Tel: +1 303 3847458 Operating Agent Task I (NREL) Fax: +1 303 3847495 1617 Cole Blvd. e-mail: [email protected] Golden, CO 80401-3393 Dr. Anton Meier Paul Scherrer Institute Tel.:+41-56-3102788 Operating Agent Task II CH-5232 Villigen-PSI Fax: +41-56-3103160 Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] Peter Heller Leiter Fachgebiet Qualifizierung, Solarforschung Tel: +34 950 362817 (NEU!) Operating Agent Task III Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Mobil: +34 629541729 Institut für Technische Thermodynamik Fax: +34 950 365313 Apartado 39 email: [email protected] 04200 Tabernas, Spain AEE INTEC Dr. Werner Weiss e-mail: [email protected] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erneuerbare Energie Operating Agent Task IV Institute for Sustainable Technologies Feldgasse 19 A-8200 Gleisdorf Austria Dr. Richard Meyer Dr. Richard Meyer Tel: +49 - 40 - 27142 - 3236 EPURON GmbH Task Representative Task V Mobile: +49-160-96379446 Anckelmannsplatz 1 Fax +49 40 27142 - 3300 20537 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] Germany Dr. Julián Blanco Galvez Dr. Julián Blanco Gálvez Tel.: +34 950 387939 Operating Agent Task VI Plataforma Solar de Almería Fax: +34 950 365015 Aptdo. 22 e-mail: [email protected] 04200 Tabernas Spain SOLARPACES FOREWORD iii Foreword Hello All, It has been reported that a series of Chinese (or maybe Western European) curses, each more severe than the previous one, reads…… May you live in interesting times. May you come to the attention of those in authority. May you find what you are looking for. From the development of CSP projects and markets over the past year, we might interpret these curses in any number of ways. One way to look at the situation is that the times are indeed interesting – Andasol 1 came on line and more than 12 GWs of CSP capacity are under purchase power agreements around the world but, with the current economic situation, financing is difficult to secure. Those in authority seem to recognize the value of electricity generated by CSP technologies and are trying to place an economic value on the emission of carbon into the atmosphere. We are looking for projects to be financed, break ground, complete construction and start producing carbon-free electrical power. All in Tom Mancini all, if we can break the log jam of project finance, this isn’t an awful situation at Chairman, SolarPACES all. In fact, it is an encouraging one. Executive Committee With the additions of the Republic of Korea, the UAE, and soon Italy and Austria, SolarPACES’ membership will grow to 16 countries. At our last Executive Committee meeting, we also authorized the admission of CSP companies as members of Task Working Groups. As an international organization, we are in a unique position to support CSP projects and influence decision makers around the world. Our activities are evolving and we continue to find and support new ones. I invite each of you to become more involved in the organization by participating in our Task Groups and Symposia. Please let us know what we can do to help promote projects and/or provide R&D or test support for the CSP industry. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Michael Geyer for his efforts as SolarPACES Executive Secretary from 2000 through 2008. Michael was instrumental in getting the Global Market Initiative started and represented SolarPACES very effectively at a number of meetings and conferences. He is a special individual and a great friend to us all; he will be missed. Please join me in wishing Michael the best of luck in his new position as Director of International Business Development for Abengoa Solar. With every rain shower comes the sunshine and rainbow on the other side. We are extremely fortunate to have as our incoming Executive Secretary Dr. Christoph Richter of the DLR. Many of you know Christoph very well and have worked with him over the years in his position as the Operating Agent for Task III. Dr. Richter joined the DLR (German Aerospace Center) at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria after obtaining his Ph. D. in Physical Chemistry at the University of Cologne. Having worked in the areas of photochemical applications of solar energy for water purification and solar thermal power plant operation, Christoph is an experienced researcher. Since July 2001, he has managed the DLR’s Solar Research Group at the PSA. My personal experience working with Christoph is totally positive – he is conscientious, forward thinking, and willing to help solve problems and take on assignments. We are very fortunate to have him working with us. Last, I want to thank the Executive Committee and Operating Agents for your support and good work during this past year. Best Regards, SolarPACES Chair iv ANNUAL REPORT 2008 SOLARPACES SOLARPACES TABLE OF CONTENTS v Table of Contents Page FOREWORD T. Mancini .......................................................................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................... ix 1 REPORT OF THE SolarPACES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR 2008 C. Richter ................................................................................................................................................................... 1.1 1.1 Objectives, Strategy and Scope ....................................................................................................................... 1.1 1.2 Participation of Countries, R&D Institutions, Utilities and Industry .............................................................. 1.3 1.3 The SolarPACES Work Program .................................................................................................................... 1.4 1.4 Coordination with Other Bodies ..................................................................................................................... 1.5 1.5 Information Dissemination .............................................................................................................................. 1.5 1.6 Scale of Activities in 2008 .............................................................................................................................. 1.6 2 SPECIAL REPORT ON SOLAR FUELS A. Meier, C. Sattler, C. Richter .................................................................................................................................. 2.1 2.1 Solar fuel production ....................................................................................................................................... 2.1 2.2 Concentrating solar technologies .................................................................................................................... 2.2 2.3 Solar hydrogen ................................................................................................................................................ 2.2 2.4 Economic solar hydrogen ................................................................................................................................ 2.3 2.5 Recommended strategy ................................................................................................................................... 2.3 2.6 The future for solar fuels ................................................................................................................................. 2.3 2.7 References ....................................................................................................................................................... 2.4 3 TASK I: SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRIC SYSTEMS M. Mehos ................................................................................................................................................................... 3.1 3.1 Nature of Work & Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 3.1 3.2 Organization and structure .............................................................................................................................. 3.1 3.3 Status of the Technology ................................................................................................................................