ueblo Diocesan Priests· To Elect 7k~~~ . - A ' Board of Consultors Members REGISTEf u -y !ht do.th o# dlul.lolJ' .t tho B ...... ~ on 11M1Ufft fli d1~ pohcy ~ ..... cliacMan -tu.. .,. c:harsied .,u. ,._,,.p..1nl ... I~,, lht ..,._ Three.Year T.-:rm1 lhe dvty ti eledinc a -Viar C.pilu~ .U )l.allf tiftft •S'l*nled diNC"t.I) by 'Ille fow who an elected will tho be '° Uft'1 - .tm!a.I~ ti .... 41--. •PPMas.ed &.o the boud by B.ahop B.-,11 uwl a .... Biahop i. imt.alled. ~"t dw hDarcl Moe fut -~ ta1ethtt w 1llli !Our •hen ud .,th I.be Sh Now Srrv111 .... bufd ,uu hav. 10 •m.btn , .. wxan cmenJ n.. bt.nf wtll tMrl The preMJ'lt ft'llltlllben "' ihe Diomun ,,. ,,nou 1eiwnl old...... 1 hliww 10 ~ Thq Wiii Mne on. lhe -,.bin •ltcud by the ,n.u. and bMtd ror th.rte ,...,. r,,_ thur date al =.~~_.:.=.~~rd!.! :;i .. brRt...dlloft.hit~ for the Pueblo, Waliltnbu.rs, t.. Junta. tlf'4"1d.rd At Board MMtlnr •Pf!Oln..,..nL All memben cl the dMlttUJ'I ~ are ud Alli.mma ck&nnia; ~ill*" J-.ph T!w ...., t'ftl..MJ'ft.1 the boanl b1 .... F. Kan., V,1., Yicar imenl al lhe d_. .1i,,.w. Cor --~.. the- board. t~ff'f'mbtnw-..~•t•,... '° ~for the Grand Jul'ld'an and O,,,ran_.. •• '"'"''I of th• d10tt'M.ft bl»nl el Roh! of Contuhan ~ MMWpar I-tow.rd l- OelaMJ, ~.i!L..,.. 11w d~ll'I pr.... U Wt'f9 ~ft The boud Kt. onlr 111 • <0M11ltiw V.F.. of WalMnburr. Monaic- Francil " IM MW pl.an In • ~Utt fnwtl captclty, 1hfoa °"'"'°na w the e ..hop G. Fa 1tll, V.F., al Al•moN., MoN.i«n« M rh..u~ A Dwwf!ll d•t.td July 11 wh•noff he •H for ad'tiw on 1peei.•I Georp T. Helt.and, al A.umpc.W\ ,.n..h, Tit pr1f'•U .,. bt1nc 1uppll.d "'11h INllWrt ThoNe m11Uen may IMl1.1de the PlJeblo: a nd Mon1lpor Elwood C. VOM, of ' 11J w.a '" t ...lln• '°°'" ,.,,. r.... r e1tabl11hln1 or n•w pu1w.n. fimina•l the Dioo8.an School otrice riests, Sisters, Laity Named 4 Nominated to Ecumenical Unit Committees 'Gelllng To Know You' Uu"K;M llr.n f.('11m1•nlr.1I l'om Tht! Cl.l mtnll1t'1t' mt'mhl'rt1 11 n lO WVUP lo pl1n Ill •h•~ of' thin «uminnk•I ., A toti.I of lU ,,..,-..1fl• h11~t· Jlrlt'l'lll, four Rcllll'.hnill S111.tc-rs, 1.S lay pn>gr11m. The re1ul111 wlll he c111"rled \0 Y..cumenh1m 11 bullt nnt or aJI oo fri't'-ndt hlp • nd ~ a pra cikal exerclH """ .,,,1nrHf'd .,. m• ml"''"' flt 1ht- 10 ·~·m.on and :z•, l"ymt'n the di~ta• n 111;umenieal cammiglon h)' In " lll'U IJ'OOIJI e<:UmenJ1m" wu pu1 Into dTecl al worUhop Ha1ion.11 July 9 1 1 mlfl1I'••· nl 1h1> 1'1,whlo djo()('t...in t'C:U 1· 1\ol l rojt:r11m the th•il'man of emch committre. The ln the Ellubet h Scio n 1>01t u la nt'y. M~mbu• or thr; comrnitt.eet! or tbe I "mm1-t.on The romm~l1"'• •f'r\I! • All o( 1h1·"' rommittt'f' mrmbtni wtore chairmen will be cx.ollic.lo rMmlMin ol l>l!Xflan i::cumtnl4:'.al oomml.ulon had • corree ho ur ,•l.tlt .,.dth Protealant 1 ;&o11 ,'fl 1h•• •('t'k h) f'alhi·t W1ll1•n1 Chl,..n rron\ tht1 1ul'hlo lfln'• hr'tllu.te thlt the rorr.ml1111ion. mlnl1lr.ra end with Father J ohn A. Ha rdon. s.J. Pictured above lilt the r-'" O ~ H , 1K1jn1 ch•hmAn IA 1he 11 • pilM Wfl 1•l•n tu f'ltl"nd It. • II I.he The commit~ thatrml"n. and mem­ Informal con,·en.111tlon •re Mn. Edward L. l'ortcr, communlccadon1 Wm· 0 o,.,,,.., .. dun~nH o( tht' d10C'nt'.' ~ 1d FatbC!r mlllff". f1 th~r Hardon., proreuor o( lhNloay 11 nd ccmpuatlve l"f'licion1 at ,.,..tn1n.1ttl;'Mti.rr •nuW hr CPAllM A -~ ...... V.. 1a llw f.dd J puhlic ...... ~wod Jub' 8 "1 Fat!wr .W.. A u.,.. tduc:9U)n. Fathtt HM'4lnn aaad that Cam. F..h CG81-n.illM • Ill l'nft'l at • ~rai. fTura .. l"• ... ,.• • 1 cel•hrauon ••II ~•Id r.p '' .,._ S.J • pro(-. tbeoloa and a-par· eha· past ~ for paroduaJ .duahon u• r"'f'f'M~ ...... ,,. ,.... roo.. a at1"- "'hPonf ll Wllllttt'ft ~itaLe ~. pn:ilahly nesulted 1a lad of concern ler 11.uw~. andpn.. Kat.a.....,M.ch. tho•• )oungue.n. botb Catholic •11d h• d•' will o~n •1tlli a ,..11~ s,eallftl to • tarwa auiltnm" J C.tb· ...Cat.hebe.,. who attnd puhhc ~ :Y- t-.nn;s ,,_ r-.& ti n Jt.1nt 19 with n.ine otht.r ncmftll at by 1h1 Benet Hill communhy In St. du.ctt'd &turday. July 9. A ,. , w." ~ton with the o( St At.thilOft, Kana. ""' ft'IO\'f'ment •t•t.,.. Scholut1ca ch•pt'I. Anne'• hall al 1he priory. C haril)' Nt"Nled Flr11\ Ounnic the work...hop. Falhf!r H•rdon ., .;t I..:!~ fl' Mt Ca'""'I wilt b:-lfln 111 3 She Ui 1M dlluahter of Mr. and Mra. Jo.e Siater Veronica 11 a craduat1 of •NotMnr I• more needl!!d th.an lo ~arn C'OnC't'ntrated on thrM o( the (our main • >•t~... , Neoal r Mo}'nlhu1, S~ . pA.• Man~M& of P\.!ebla. and the o\dc6l of a .. Sacred Heart Cathedr1I 1rade achool, the pra.cllce or charll;!o amonai ounehn.~ l)(l•nl• of h 11 Fr iday C!\f'ning addttM -. "P'..,,~ that l11•t ~u 11bout 3.000 family ol 14 ch1\dr.n Pufblo, and of M1. & . ScholutJca't acad· P1.ther llArclon Nld ... ~n he 1pok1i the­ Knowl-0d5e, co-opcn1t.Jon, a.nd communi­ :.fl'.iwl'I Pfirt1t'IP11wd th4t ~ion A To Colon~do or ~ 1n St."'• e my. Atchi.on. She It now 1tu.dylna: In nced ot hohntt11 In the Church. ' If 1h111 cation. In d1JCusm1,g pnct1C'al metkoda ol :atth1n, band will ttoMI lhe Pf'O«Wlon A~r com1)letlnjt: MT c:a nonluil )'ffr ol .. the formation pfOiTam which h u befin Mumenlctil mo"tment l.t •t.1CttMrul it will puniuing t"tUmtrn~rn. h<· H~ thf! MN novltl1tin. Shter Veronica prnnoun~ed A rr. ... band roncen •Ill be tPven 111.n.r aet up (or the Junior Slaten ;at Benet\ to go fonh in I.ht' apmt o( Chmt, ra1hcr \'O•·~ 411 1 m41mbcr or Be:net Hill Priol')'. 11 1 .. ~ """"'"'•K>n until 15 p.m 'Mle b1ind • Ill Hiii Priory. th111n t11mply on " t(lt"\1:111 ltvel; ta lie ~ • ruim th• Amerinn t'• d.ratlon or ColM-.dll Sprln•• AtlA!ndin.ic thie cere.mony :~i' 1~,~~u:ho; ~\: f.~P~hl', ~·~~~! .. In."' p:tred to rtte1\·e grllt'e, rui v.·C!ll u t.o fur• lU•<1•n•. l\11f1blo, local No SD ~la In A1ch11110ft wu Mo-.hcr LIJl)Uri Sullivan, 11 .. •lronRly crltkl:tt'd the r.11uni or thrrec:um('n1t.m. .." ~n •111 hf! ronduaor. A 11.000 priae O S H aupe_rior or the Colorado Sprin~.._ .. lhl'H1rdMat 1030pm oommunlty. t'.a1ktt Moyn1hu haa urpd all p11r~ Al noon June :10, Si.11.c!r Veronie11 wu 3 Women .. ~ illtf'll •nd fnend1 ol Mt CartrlCll to do honored a t a dtn~r in Colorado Sprinp .. lw-ir 1'111' In makln1 the retllul • tuc- by htf' parent., brother1 .nd .L.ten. $~ Pueblo Parish Sets Bazaar .. clal auHll were Mon1l1nor Peter Y . Pueblo - 'St. Anrw'• l"ariAh. i-:..t­ ··The p1naMoner1 of SL Anne:'• wi.J.h 10 ~ --~~~~~::--::=:::::=:::-;~~-===:;::::::::;;- Make First woodl - Spanl1h and Amr,ncan foada, UJll"f'U thf!ir than.lea io thole •·ho hne boolht. priiM, and camM wtll be (eetured ht'lped to make put 'buurt • •~ by •• lha SL AttM't pariah buaar Sa1unta1 \heir l'.Upport.. a.nd WI~ lb ~ a heU'­ .1" Vows in ud Sunday, Jt.111 2S 1nd 24, \n the \y • 'tlicoMt lb ell to tome and ha\"\11 &n · P...i.....Soddllloo.t...... ,... ~.able u.me at the bu.ar t.h11 )"ff.r." Th• re11lval ....11 be mnd~ from G~ di.airmen of the (NUHI are Jake Valen&ula and Mn. Ar1 ~... ' .. noon \0 11 p m. bo4.h ..,.. on the paruh - Mn. John: C...... :b and Mn. Fred ~ "' So. Dakota iroundl.- ~ •Ill Co to redut1n1 the ! 1\0" ...... -. att ID ch.up al the kitchen wh.m Wiii l Yankton. S- Oat. - fBaoedictlt1a Sploal pr;.. .,,u im:lwde a H.-p:iwer ~ Si-rush foods. Carb Genni. and M MoihubouMI - 1 hrM yeua,c: womea JCM,. nt\e. -.Ui • tCOPt. • Mar dJftl Mi-t An(ie lloncade art! tll chatp fll ,, and a t p«W pfta and Fn.nk AttnOo will be ~th tiMM, tet (1 m 1he D 10ttlllll ol Pwb'° ..... tbrir mi.ct .U-paece ot lir$l...,.... u 8-tdicilot S&Mn ti Yllnk· met-. lllantt ware buau'llWll~- .. (T'a.,., ~ fl'-ap .,. .. i-1na~.IW11128. Fathtir Robert I Bandt. pMt.Or, .-.4. ... ~1 •itre in a peup of U J'O&llll wome11 toraple\i111 tha u•ltlate 811d t • m1kin1 their totporary pto(ett* .. Juniar SUc.en "' ...... Sister Therese O'Grady, O.S.B., Tbe ceremoa7 took plllN in Ba.hep M.artia Marty .\l«taorial ct..apel of &lend HHn. mn.nint hert. Named Directress at Priory TM lhrff from Sou&Nm Colondo an 54ster lif:_ Ptvl Carda, dauchte:r ol Mr. Colorado Sprlnu - •8.net Hdl ~~ and a t pr8f'ftl ii H.nunc a and MrL John Carda of Pueblo; SU. Priory) - Shter Tht'~ O'Crw:l..r bu tTura M> P-ce Sl Marie n.r.a.. the rormer ,,.,.,... Lope. 'offon named d1rentW11 of °'4' noewly-niab­ daqhtu of. Mn. CalMriM Lofua o/ C.· lw..d poMula~ and no~ltl.ate ., Ben.et - City; 11nd Siner M. Carolyn Oaimlk. , !~~!t.l~;!!rt). ~~o~h::P1~;:::n~i1= the former Carel CillCftik., dat.ath'-tr ol Mr. SullivH. pr.on., end &an~ of Puelo a.tn. Ciac:nik (f'\t. The announttmtnt co1ncidrd with the ture on lnaide ,.,.) - CllkMrd Mc:Cor­ rudl ~;!:: r~~h~ ~$!~::.t7c':;,9i;e in AtchlMln, K.n11., wheN they h.ve bttn atud,ylftlC 1ince AW(uat. School Association N11llY

I [

OCLSO*TC ,.r• lt•lt.•-Coli..1-n...,. .------,1r------,1~ ~.... 1 .'(M..:~~~~--...,-::.! : ...... ,.,...... -..-~.. I ...... _ ...... -Wtllld. ollli ... I •r.Jrr....,,.,_

DELTA '110 ,Tr: \"l"TA .w.... c-..c.r.... 11 ,,,.._..,.., I ll.l..e4.o~t..'••&...,.J~l7J,~ PnHION o a uo \,.,. llfli~1•• 1'1••.. J~!y .. Ill ,. ...t'-• •~•••• --- · Voou hM..-1..,_t"- • ... - ..... 0('tfo'• Wolarrt11A1Jcnc,11 • • ,,,.,._ i., 1o,-..,..1~~"'I-- N v•w• ,,11111t..Y11•u1•11n•o1c11• 110• u11v1t1 ~.. ~... ..~..:~:,.:: !::=.!~ ======-1 "'r~~i..a.;;"~_, Ito~ ... t-llo--.-J-H.~ VALLEY CONCRETE CO . "l'f'"'''r,_..,,..._.+.~ h•~••• N• ot,_ ,_ n,.. _81. DURANGO W1l\i•m Juk1on, Im Jtn..ty Mlu4 l".,_ttlf- l11Wh 1 l .i.th ~ ,.,...... •• ...... -i...... ,.___ ...... _. Mf'dlate i:i.1 \ g r and , .. o.•-··.,... kn1aht ...... tlf'ctf'd to 1Af'.. cn&.UM41HltioS... P11-.fM hwll MORIHARr CHIVROllT jljijfjjBjiliijiii~ii:'iili~·J~_::::~~~ .,-o·e u t hrM )'f!lt tn.ltlft" ~Mar, c.r.. r..._ hf.Im ' " .... """ .._... IP...... ,, -~.... ~ co. M. L CUMMINS -h•-t:.t.'".._*'-­ n~~~r:~~~';' •~r~t t'I: ~=i~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::ql .., , .. Au. CM ;2m If IT' S H.t.•DW.UI WI HAVI IT D.,u,._ C'M REAl ESTATE Cf

THE BURNS NATIONAL BANK OUl A'NCO, COlOlAOO CO)IPLrTlt 1."tii"G ICR\"ltE I n \ ~1 MID l\\l'.\Gl-U1)1Ml:.IO\L-T1l1.:-n - ~-. 0-.. --· ,....,..•• _ MONTROSE ,,r:;z::;~ r-~., .-,....,....si, ;;:..,.0.. --11.ce I w. D. AUSTIN ' ,, • ~ R,u ~. !lf!!E. .• • - 1 1.. -·•O-lt' "• . - ' ~~. ~~·-.. ~- ' Wearing Apparel & Shou the hlirt Family for (Almost) All One Family

Fabrics I Home Atussorits Cf'lt'brating the fint ptttru~Jon nr thf' Ir oldcilt S iater H a De nedicline Shi:tf'r of ColorAdo ~prln1e• Leading the Line Religious Artlclu Dept. ,..,l' h t'r pril'f!l1•, p 111l'f'nt1, 111nd 12 of thr 1:1 hrolhN• Lf'adlnw thr r roe1•<1.,lun inlll llhhofl Marlin and ~:.. 1 eno or tho ne 1o1.• n un. SJ.. trr v .. ronlc • Mut· Int'~. O"t;.6.• or Puekl~. WU honorf'd h)' ,,,fl 1roup Y111nlu nn, i.;, U11k., •~ :-.l~ ll'r M. lll'•rl li11ttia and M1n,y MtmoM"I \;hci1~1 of !'t.11crt•d Ul!"Wl'I C'qn,cnl. i=·····W~N 1 WE GIVE td.9/. GREEN STAMPS :111( a dlnnt"r .June 20 at Benet lt111 l'rlory, ~nl nra· h~r llf*rt:nl... Mr. 11t1d Mr• • John G11rt'1a of Pueblo...... do ~1•rins:~ Whh tht' f111mily 11roup •rf' Montl&nor llf'hlnd l h1•m 111,... s1 ..1rr \1arie Thrrr&e a nd her Pett'r t '. ~1a:tf. and Father .lohn A. Si"rrn, S.t-'., of molhrr, Mn. C1111ht•rlne Luwue. or Canon Cit;·. Pul'blo. (StOI")' on Page Onel l~lor)• o n f'•litt' Ont"I FLORENCE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilFair Booklets Available Now HOUMCI MORTUARY ~"-""0"•l. tu.. .:v . ..1 tt't AMI Ul&NCI StaVfCI Bonus Bingo GRAND JUNCTION En~s July 16 ·············M4·i:1co··s...... ] MARK ET & GROCERY [ Quolity Foods - rroicn roods oruf l

Tom Clark Music Co. UI M• '9 GnH hntUffl St••nw•r "•M• W111rlltHt ,.on.1 PIPS I-COLA S.hm., Plo"•• IOmlNG CO. HOMM•1uf OtlOll•t l'llOHf H2·S872

FURPHY MORTUARY Von W. Lawson, Mortfdi:n~ PHOM!· 731-2123 AMIULANCf Sfl\10 ~-~~-w-~_._.._ b_··~·~· c._i.._.,._~~---- Frld•Y· July 1.S, "" THE SOUTHERN COLORADO REGISTER Page Th.rt1 ..,,,,,.~-"""""~ ICatlwlic Cal enda~ Abbey School Grants St.nday, July '7· PUEBLO, ML Carmel piariah, parl1h (e91tw111I. Scholarship Aid To 12 IT'S ,:o:: ,turdt1y Md Sunday, July 23 and !?4, PUEHl.O. St. 1 ,\nne'• pariah, Eattwood, pariah bau.1.r. brother.1 Totn and 'rim Aaidtmk aranu are g1v· are aw11rckd for a number Topctewtikl. Boulder: Mark e n 1n reco1i:nition of art 18.75 Trinidad. St. JOlll!lph 30.00 for ewer 2..,0 boys, main· tained by the Benedictmo AFTERNOON Grand Junction, lmm•c. Vinel.1nc! , St. The?8e 33.00 Monk• of Holy Ctt11111 Ab­ Heart. 209.95 Wal11enbw-g, St. bey. Tho School offeni 1111 Palisa~. St. Ann 26.715 M11ry 126.2.ft cornpleu~ academic turrieu· Gri.nd J unctton, St. La Veta, Chriat the la to boya in • t t endi1rn:e J THE SUMMIT PRESSED BRICK S &~ CITY Jo.oph 1%.00 King 4.50 rn;im all pam or the coun· PARISllt:S A~-u1la r, St. Anthon)' 36..a-O CunniK>n, St. Pet.er 96.59 \\'tatcl1rre, ll'Y llnd South. Ameriea. SUNDAY and TILE COMPANY Alamou, Sacnxi lie.rt Holly, SL Franci.1 of AMumption 25.00 72.60 INDIVIDUAL Gl.PI'S EVENING IALPH J, WUTE, P1H. ~!'~ 1238.3.s Antonito. SL I.a Junta, C uadalupe 84.24 eoo4 uacatlon Mm1ufntl11rcr1 of Chriu the Kln; 93.SO Auguit.iru!I 60.11 St. I.& Jun&.n., St. Pa lrkk 60.-45 Ho!!pital 10.00 replauments H ..h 0,..S. l'reH•tl arick Holy F• mily 218.00 A'·tmd.ulo, Som.-d Li.t mer, St. Francia de 2 5 2621 MQn•i.rnor A. R. are hard to find Rev1h F•c• lrlclc, Stiff Mull a rlck ~~)' ~:3- 1.6 H~ne, St. s..1- Km ...oo 1..u Animu., ( ••4 IMllow a ulltllftll Tll• "-"'umpuon J88.0G William 14.56 St. llilnv 58.85 131h ond Eti• Pueblo Dlol ll 2·8278 Our Lady of Mr.. Buena Viata. Si. Rtllle32 70 Manroa, St. Ritat. 115.10 JULY I Ool(lrH, Our Lad)' or i"~=== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~C.;nn;:;•'~==~'°~-00~ Cubhchaelnon Ch y, SL 220.17 Victc:wy 9.00 8 rook1:ide, SL Monte Vista, SL Aalhon)' 200 Joeeph 41.60 Capulln, St. JC111eph 114 00 Monll"Ollfl, St. M•ry Center. SL Fnuw;:it Ol•the, Our Lady of po.Ji------!! 17th Right now Jerom11 27.42 Fa tima Corttt. St. Mgt. Mary 39.87 Ord11•ay, SL Peter is the best time Cret1ted Butte, Queen of 11oll Ouray, St. Dan~! DUST FREE S.int.t 41.SO Silv.non, Sl. to sec us about Del Norl.l!I, Uoly NalTM! of Patriidt Z2.50 Festival Grounds Mary P•K4411 Spring•, Jmmac.1 -~jji!--..1!'!!!1 Delta, SL ~tkhael 102.00 lleart 66.•5 II Trust Services Ml. Carmel Church c.dattda:e. SL Paonia~ Sacred Heart. 22.00 Hotchi:iu , S t. Mat. In the Grove For your peace of mind and yovr famlly's An.,. 9.00 100, s top Jn tor a conference with one of Durango, Sacred ~htry 16.00 H ff.rt 47.20 Rocky Ford, St. ~ter 74.02 ovr 11·ust offlcie-n . Wt handle Hfates. bolh Salida, St. Jo.eph 3-42.75 large arid small. Oon't delay! Do It today. Durango, St. M::.\Ni>owEii' FINEST 545 503; RAMBLER MEXICAN MG Ju; 11or Sptl!• JOE T. TEZAK FOODS Tlie PUEBLO, ·BANK~and A1111in·Haolty TRUST CONPANI' ~-: "If You Cnn't ITALIAN FIFTH ANO COURT --~ M Deal With 01cen KING'S Faricv. You Just ROSELAWN CEMETERY L Pl..!l&L.0.C!~~::.., o..-~ i ...... i:--- *•• for GARDIN CtNTll - MONUMENTS PIZZA J Can't Dtal I Anywlieie!" oAii""O; Hi~l'YrN ' "°°'""UIC• -.C 'l•W... AND PASTRY I OWEN FARICY MOTOR CO. SLOVENIAN P11tblo·Colo1odo Sp•i"O' POTICA HAMBURGERS '·• ; I & HOT DOGS FREE RIDES Nationally FOR KIDDIES .. Advertised THE SUMMIT PRESSED BRICK Sl1oes For The and TILE COMPANY 12 i Entire Family u trH J. wnn. , ..... FASCINATING Mmmfnrlurer1 of High GN-tle Preued arlck Roug h Face Brick., Stiff Mud •rick GAMES •nd Hollow Buildlng TH• 32 OZ 13th and Erie Pueblo Dial LI 2·8278 • FOR ALL ~======~THROW-AWAY AGES QUART

GENUINE BAND DRAFT CONCERT BREWED Sunday, 3 p. m. PASTEUf!IZED lo 5 p.m. TO PROTECT FLAVOR $100000 Brewed with SP'!rkrin1 mountain nter MAIN AWARD 1 Cl t::=:~=~~ll.i.!J.lJJL!~ltlW:l:JAfi:l l ~~: ~1=rc CompAn THE SOUTH ERM COlOR... 00 UGI STER Multiplication of the Loaves The Bishop's Letter = More Parish-Family ~------Celebrations I make her profession of vows in a 1im­ By Bhihop ChPrlu A. Bus well i1fl.r r.ituation. ONE SIGNIFICANT change ha.s With re~ord to lhis type of de· ~n noted around the country with \•elopmcnt, n hRPP>' 'fiut' took regard to the ordinllition of young place hut Sunday in th ~ St. men to the priesthood. Whereas form· Ml:lry'• church, Pueblo. Two Uen· erly, it. was permitted tin a special cdictinc Sisten. nath·u of St. occ.uion for a youn~ m a n to be or· Mary's padsh, celebrated in their dained in his home parish, it. h l\8 home church their Golden Jubilee. I now become more and more custo­ Such ceremonies JH''tl;\'lou!!il)' had mary. al\.\'RY• token pltlce in the Mother­ This, 1 think, i1 as il should be. hous e in Chicago. Thr o ugh the For although it. i!I impositible in mRny kind pcrmlu ion of Mother J ean places for a large class of deacons to Marie. th e ceremony 1hi111 Uml? WP.S be ordained in their 5.;>p11u1.te, respec­ permitted in Pueblo. tive parishe11, $Ul'h ()rdmations a re Like the priest, 1he rcligiou1 wom· [ (l.n is a 'siJtn' for the entire people of greatly to be de1i;ired. The ordmotion of a peri;on in his home parish iJ an God. The s ister Is u ~lgn of speciPl authen tic aign for 1he people from dedicatio n to God and to Go d's Four Thousand Were Fed Then, and Now, Millions whom he hu come. Tflken from the hol.)" ~ople. She is a. s ign or holi· community. he is caUro to serve the n ess or life. S he is n si1n of I community through hig life and C hri11tUke charity. She is a witneu and Soapsuds------­ lhrough his ministry for the glory of n o t only 10-the validity of t he God. things of this liJe: but a spedal witness to the vnHdHy of the The Direct Approach. I THlS 'J'flENO rejt:a.rding the place things 'not seen', the things to come. By Jean Kelleher Porter of ordination h RA begun to han• some The Golden Jubilee celebration of little effect regnrding the 11pecinl cer· Sisler M. 1\delaidc (lnd of Sisler M. cmonies for religiOIJS women. Here $cholilStica nt St. Mary's wall o true and there we hear of a Sister making 11ign which oll pre.sent could read I her flno.I vowa in the curren t place clear. years de,•oted loud nnd Finy of 1he ~ mis.'lioned. Thlrs is a good itart; eervice to the ,,.;arid end to its people and hopefully, it will not be impos· for whom Ch.-ist died bears witneu .siblc to imRgine o young wom a n being rcrt"ived into hC!r community by to the value of the world and of it.s means of a. ceremony in her home prople; a nd the ultimate goal - tho parish - or ror a young woman to heavenly Jerusalem.

Our Read~rs 'Write No 'Food' in Register

315 Lincoln ter0 Racial dhdoi:un for the Pueblo, Colorado pu t 18monlha? July 9, 1'966 How about a $I.tu•' column? 'The Be:nedict.i"* Dellt Father Kane: ol YMkt.on. South Dakota, Hoony for Mr. SekeraJ and the Lorettinel are liv· He exprea1ed our aenti· ing examples or Cbriatian men\.I ct•ctly. Jo,·e and ccume.ni1.m.. The Catho\iQI of Soi,,ith· Cuen artk.lea written by crn Colorado dcser,·e 11 our fell~· Chritllian min· pap•r u pra;reAS.ive a nd i•tert and Rflbhil 'fl'ould ronttove.rsial u it.I people. promote s;oodwiU and un· We've been told b)' the derst'1ndlng. Ec1.nncnkal Council to 11:ct /\ l•o t he diocen hn bwy e11.erri1init the intclli· an abundance af conirowr­ gence and free w\11 God aial clergy and laymen to l;Bl\'e \ll aM think for our• keep an7 t.opic li\·ely and Real Estate loans Insurance aelvu. The R e l(ie ter lntere10nc- l,.lturgic•I ls doet.n't. i;:h·e U!I much food reform for thought. analbe r wide open are-a. SACKMAN AGENCY :'\'ew •thool' of thl>u5:ht Whal ill the lat.ctt refonn? have bttn oper>ed by Cath· How does It affei:t the olic theolagiant on mar• Pueblo diocMfl7 Compara· ri~, cehb«cy,civil riJtht.s tively -riu.kina what are and birth control to name. the different pviaheJ. doing a few. J,,f!,f& be (lt:mocratic with the lhurgy7 Den\'B and print. both 1idea o( the lf the di~ hM placed limitations on our subject. p!iper. au.rt one of our Where Willi your artide on the fir•l marnoste in own! We don\. need them Pueblo pretid~d O\'er by lO tell UI what to do. ~h ., priest otnd a rninifl· A paper it only u ltOOd t.er? ilS it's editor and readel'B BREWEO WITH PURE \ Arc you goina: lo WTit.c m.a'kc iL We"re rudy. flow What do you mean anything about Father about .)'OU? ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPR,NG WATE~ Stovik condud.in.g t\ Prot· l est.ant funU"alt Stncerel)', And uy that article on Mr. 11\dMn. "Look for Liquidity? I lhe 11 Jo,'ely woll'Mih from Don•ld L. Dea1.1,·a.is Clevel and wu really .omethlng! We had to read the Star.J ourm•I LO find St. Lcandu'a R«:\ory Well, when you. • &Va your mo·ney you out why thciy \\"ere oomlng Puliblo,.·Colo. want P high Tate of return - BUT here. Remember, You want to be able to gel RAs.'k and Learn• should Dear Father Kane: your money whe.otwer you want It - be re0 named "Befuddled I appreciate Mr. Charles and Behind Times." Sekcra'a compliment in re- principal and~ Did you know tllat Pue• i;:ard t.o my work with the bloam; ;uc e!'ljoyingAgapes, Neighborhood Mau pro-­ Our liquidity - that i1 cub &Vfllilable for Folk Maaae&, (the afore·· p:nm going o n i n St. Immediate wlthdra"·al - ia very high. mntiooed Neijhborhood. Learwler'1 parish. Ho'IA.--C\'CT, Perhaps you'd be.tter be safe and .,,,,e Manl!I). and lhAt M!\"Cr"'l in all fai rneu lO tho5e who v.ilh us. - lay coupln h•ve been hAV· have worked &o hard to in1Judeo-Chriltian, Chr~· make the Mu:1e1 eel.. AcHgiou tian t.o Chris.ti•n. and In· bnted in the homes of ou.r .Artictu CJn1rch Supplits .::;" \ Pueblo's Convenient Bank u,., t. o.. kt .,, .., . ~.... rr.r.;:h ~ ('ARKANSAS VALLEY •ANJ< ~/;,~l~H AHO COU"T • PUCILO, COLOllAOO Mt~ I . F•4Ht l Dt,.,:il ai,_,;ir• M• Ctitpor•"" Life of the Spirit ASK Sc LEARN P.O . BOX 1620 DENVER, COLO. Masculine Influence Existentialism Q. Pie... glTI1 me e simple and .,,...... deuu..ndahle dd.n.11.lon of m.t«DUal· In Spirituality Needed A.. A simple ad t new et.ll, nevllrth4!lf!lll, l.1 to the A Great Gener-11). U used jl.ld.ic!Alb', Lht1 1)'5t.cim men of the timM to enlilt u tAO•chen cl ('!11,uth. Wha t. •ll dOllre DOW la • deepen· lnrw~.fi;f:~ ~1~ :=r:":rlo~ ~I~~: bu value in makln11 n!-Ugi.on, In lbe ca· l•r ('O nvlctlon that. alt who than the namely, •pl.ritual formation. Spiritual fOl'­ nllrlon lo \Mir homct and la c.la.rootNI ii:t.ent.ialilt tum. "meaningfW.'" {'hriJ1h.n VOC"Atfon ~ NCh othtr. matlon couiata in much more than In· a od in • po1l.ollc action cent.ore ol all Mistake ,, tbe root. ahould .., . 1l«ll~ t •m tellectual penu.ulon. It. lndud!lll all tM landt. U .,.., had IO d«ide ln .ome kind r-t • l: 11\d, t doo't btM>ai; 1.o lhe body,' meuia ht which man Ui moved In Int.ell· o( emc.r1eac1 •ht1lber to rec::rult. men Qy Rev. John A. O'Brien, rh.D. How Many Defect? • tbt •lu-t tN fact tMt the ilo4. 1- • Tht1 Unlvenilty o r Notre Dame Q,. A Proletltant. Mend bu Ju.1t re­ ,.,, "u...... ,.,. a c... 12.1&1 The ~1lnnJn1 al the cotlvvt decline turned from $wltx~rland. He Mid that. Love,. Not IC1ttle , cohM:lded -iLh LM lllunchina ol the ec:u· C•tbollc priHt• an l eaTIDI the muical rDOYtment. b1 Jolm xxm ln ChUttb in Europe al lb• nw or J l»O ~~·""...... hmllhlr, ,,,. - •hm"Cbriot lu 1.,. ·1fttft"lbt,..- not ' 19&0. ni. e•uiri1 ~on oe11tertd oo per- year. I• t.hu• any JXM&l.bWty" of l!'t ('el'Jtidend ·~ lllffn UN!'17n• the prHpect of nmo.-ina the CllUM of checldAs OQ lhl.J? tt ?yf, '° ft!Mlhn can lM ,..,..,.,... 1. the uparuloa of ~t. dmomlna­ A. \\'hat ia lf'lhtltoaaJ)< ...uted. cao. i&:.'9 Iii: IUlll tJllt "r:lnlh" II h.fflq ,,..ti. tione, 1temmia1 from the nll1ioua be ,,..,.;.....i, dtlliAd. n...... ,. · ~ir °"at iukllna lM body• Thi• la 11- uplaM•al at U. tim.9 of LIM~ cante filUJ'M OD Lbe number of def'ldld of prielta lhroupog.t the wwld. Stmi.tim La. 1r- -ut.:ie any prtY\oualJ' U9*'-I or Tht t.CHW ctr.m. of • united ChN­ t'Wf'Klawd poup. IO mme •P IWiq...... _. c( oll c( the Nethull.M9 ltadkai. thet \b.e do ....,..oo not numbc 2 prr omt of tlM \otaJ lllllll­ _.,,,_ ivl lhn CUU* make far a hnl~ the Church •nd netted • aplrit o( ,.;, o/Qrloo. be:r of srinte in that mu.ntry. wa.nnttl a.nil tHendMilp toward wr _,.. Let us u.t.e the 1,000 npre. 0i:rt ot rated b,.,h,...., c.tbobc ._.,,. riCid1 I:: ll ... the role " ~t.bn te be lht !70.000 priw.a in Ewvpe, tha. mm:abtt ~ 1•'1 pide of th Md7. There 11 OH out llaat I.be pmp:w poutttd lamadlaw ot l•pHd priest.a for Hf GDI! ,_r ...id ~. ~- ,,_.. i. - 8oW.. 11.. llob" · tho -lf.,.....dJaloc.,.lsco..i.Jeno --.nt to cmlJ' • little ..... tbao. ~ nt ,_.. not c:; Jolla _.., ..W. , a.m pod "1.ll &Del lllvtual ~ ol 011i1 per cart fll the total. Within sis ~» ruW.U.ChU'fth:lam~to 1ft?W otbn'• 1!IVl:lld be ordalAed a,od m&iU' .,t=m. bow tlae I_...,. Spb1t. cv;W. I.bl· Thl.e • ee• • Co have created the ti tbole who dd'ec:ted wocaJd nitw"1I \o the l•prt-11loa t.h.. con•ert ma.kine I• Churdl. I& woald be hard to P'0"9 that S>.... . t ho bltloopo " tho c....dl e.o•plel•l.7 out of •l1le, becaue it the tot.al uumbu ol primta wl» _.,.. mltbt. lmpa.lr •b• eeum.blk:al ~... ;t d1 Y_,.M idMI, • h.. \'a,$ua (I retul'D woWd amoc1 mor-. u.u 2 pw .,...._ Reaee ~ wae an immediate '° la I--.! U.. o <>dopodlo c( amt. at the iotal mmiher rL piem. •laebftla.a of the coaTen apoe:tolate, :!1ehc prob1t.•a. Xow •hb JINCltf\al In th• oriciml Apostolic bud. ~ wbkh haa C!ODtilliued to lhia daJ'. ~.t*. .. cu .tm.. how the &b' tw.lflh. ar a litlle Oft!' S per oect dl&d.­ ;1t11 bu plded tN C11iutt.h la lhllr' cd. We baT9 r-. to t.hin.k tha1 prim.I 70 New Priests for Sooth America ~11~-IAtbe " twi1lsloue ft!UQI OD U. CoaadJ n-. .. toda1pr81!!n.labeu.er-proportlon.. • Th..· hnportaQot ot Latta Amertca .,,... e.mpb.Mhed by PoJll9 Patti u mutt. n. bkbop9 ha,.. llllM how vr - ...... Coll>oUc ...s -­ Hob' 1!;1111• .,._ lho Cb...... 'b.• Ot"d.S.aed 70 JOUD.1' prlMta ht Vatican Qf}t who ..tll work wltlt ~ t.a.nt lhMlosia.ee a..nd Blbllc.al ed:ioWw. pc!Op14o of that contlnmL A.moq the newly ordained. (110m• of •hom .,.. MT drort •t ccm"" maklq i.. m CDW"M. Serve Manldntl abo'"' above) wu ooe Amuicq. Pathu Daniel Corbett. ol Butralo, N.Y. dlflJndlJ OU\ of pl--. Schol&n OD thet. Not on Sentiment Sow In poet VaUcu: JI ..,.. .. •II W..I ..,.. lfltklnr c.o undentand the area r-xh oth.n' help. TIM bllhopt need or •'"'-meat and diucreemeat and not O:~'~t.nt!~·o=~~~= ~netta •Dd t.N fallM\lL All neitd Mith Ecumenical Perspective to con"'1"t one •nothtf. I.ban on ttaison! :.btt b ard«r to lnc:arnete the word• ol UkewlM when Catholic and Protestant A. No. No ON i• eTe:r Nlc:ed to hl\'e Couod: docwMn'- h1 t.t.. 1tr"l'b ol clercmen moet to plan Joint l!UViC111 failh In thti Catholie i'eligioa u the di•· >od. d\lrin; the Chi.iteb Un.It,- Oct.av. and oc.h· inely l'l!'ffa led rellcion -itbout f'O&loDable Great University e r 1uch OccHlon1, t here ml.Ill be no ~ for web conviction.. ttlou1ht or proHlotyilna. Slmltarty lo. And auch reUC>Aabl• gn111ndl couiat in. ecumenical moctlnp of Prot.Ollta.ota and utcirnal ob;ective fa.ctl that. ca.o. be ap­ Far the 1-ymu lllCUlu 1CV.mtnl•m 11 Cathollc:e ln th• homot ot one another, prehended by a penl02) wbo is completely Important. f\tld. Uy MC\llar enamtnl1m Churches: I the purpoee mutt bo '° lncniue mutual l1ck.ina in .enthncnt.. mellt to fu.rtbt'r &ht dlalope bttWMD undtnitandln.a: and ti'lt.ndJhlp. . But. it mW"t ever be n!membtrtd that ht Church u d MC ular 10C"l•t1. Th• faith, in tho Ckriltiari •t11e, ii a I UPllf"" ~n:h ~8 to have an lnrormtd vl1w. On • 11 th~ta lcvt1IJ1 th" ec:umenlc..1 natural gift or God with the help of l IQl an •h•t la occurrln,g In IOdety. Dy Jaro1lav Pelikan pur1>0H1 domlnnt~ a nd cont.rover.,- la " ·hich a man lntellige.nll.1 and wUUn.a:11 tti. 11,)"man ln e<1n\9Ct wlt.h hla find. It. •nlni; up upon him In H"l"Cf'aJ r.1. t.uthcran Theolodan and Profenor 1tape, u.ntil ftoa.111 ~ altu • t the aen· to b e A\'Oided. t'urthe rmore the ecu­ bt1lievn all that he lDOW11 God bu ,.. I can 11.-. thla. of Cburc.b Ull\Or)' a\ Yale Vnh'traUy te:r. with a>mmunicn Ubl• &bo\lt IL aNI D'ltiDIQaJ 1plrh froWM upon lhe pro· '-ealed, 11,nd bo bcl.ic \'Cl on t.b11 aulhorit.r [t i~ not. onlJ the mattc:r ol upl•lntns a n •normou• •nd yet airy b•ldaquln •t!letydn,c of ~non.t • cd\•tily a.mlla~ or God reveall.n;. 0.'Jrth '° l!Odet:y; " mull be at.o Duri"' the nm. w.ekend tn Jtmt It •bcwt it.. uplura one'• ,._ N'athlnc 11 with any Ch..-Jatian Church. But lhe It ii pouible th.at a man muter ht COfto. aocrm.d ~ eode'7 .. bt ..ptatnod .. wH MY pri•lle111 to putldc:i-te In the permitted to di.tntt that. PM ft-om the ml•tH• made by many, If not mo.t. vinced of I.he tnoth.! of the C.tldie NU· Chllfth. Thlt • .., .. n oki the opt"" conunel\cemen.l eurcbe.a o( two IJ'Ut Calhollc.e WH &h talluni to dbtJn­ iion •nd yet not embnre tblt nali;iaa s. or e,..n. tb• lmprff.llon . that 0.. ChriJ;tJ.u1 lnat.ltu.tJONI of l:J.cbflr L!arnina', ~~ :r:. ~t:: ~:= icuhh b etwHn. proHIHyalns and bocataie or the 1.a rL that sped.al mm IQu.tt ._...nq thiU. It t. rt,ht St. John'• uol•enlty la Col111nll11, an lntnided upon tM attention. of the ev•"'relb:t:n1. \\'hUe 1he former le out­ known u the c;ift al" fa(tb. Smca Wth II .. .;..,..u.,"-· Mlnn., and Valpanlm llni1"1ft1U in Val· woreblper, •ho loob •t the: onb' t.h.l.n1 llk'Ciecl. lhe l•tler tnU&:t continue with • em of God. i& ia im~le to u .... 111lnllllHlnC zeal •nd •l\flf'IJ'. faith unlea the "** ol God Ont moor. pua£to, llML · lbeniltito .... 0 f\ LI a ~ptatlolll, 9Dd om to whkh l ltl.9a1 int.al&ea and will · A"°"9 tlilo - _ ... IM!I )'iekl ID _. t\lturo columDI, to ue oil. A..m., £..,,..1im., ...... brl..... u.. 0.0. aaminatkm pel fl ChriA to 11-t &!nliated with DOI 1ht1• pest• ror .a of t.bo -Buedlctinll" lho ho.ta,. - I CUDtlnYllalloa to 8t. "John• ..,• Chriedu Qllfth. Jn lhia mw11t:y ~ HYU&I d"9 beifore pwlu~ lo C. a,.ui: ~tM~e 1:r':. ~ 1bow that more t.ba.a 70 million peopi. (01:1.J'M of thOff d&.JS l HW t.be abbe7 1od•lllJ' bf eadl anlftnltfa • ta... ,.- noCb...i. olllllolloo. udohovt d~pattou.~~" 30 CDJIJIOD IDON rar..b', if ...... , aitcnd. for J em. conlnmd that neither the mu. n. dq 1 6&. ,,•• • mvmi. 111111' the 1111Cu1&r wi.1...-u. u,.. &rd"" ... di'ft.DI....._, pnpara~ry tc.hool t;eld la sndu.tlol. .. clNr u ~ .. ti., ahoold 1lt.ll IDHM that the USA. la - ol of whet the pteeence of 1acb Khool:I ca... I~ U. ~ pra:r the DI"' •h• 1.,,... llll1adm fteldl in tM ..-orW.. la.a omce th.rov1bout ID,J tcq. la. the We an uaift' • dl'fim obl..i,ptkiD to do .... rw t.h!l!m'ltol& mon.lnp U. c:ommanlt;r, ..-.... O¥'m' But in U- •wo ool!Zlmll l pnip:m: alllnoarPo""ll'tobirtn.rt.o&hmallDCl!lllll• by....,.i-.. ~-­ mined m1Wam U.. tun ctaMQ;rt; at I.be loateed to dul whll • madri flAl'l'OWt:r' • lD.the?iMLSinmtt .... u.ead.olU. •ulltd. che:rch. udtl~ nu. Is - C1Lrl1t lao fa.lt1'. Far from het;i.q the o( tbe f1•1cb In wh.lch St.. Johll'• and - ,.., - ""' lho -11w7, ii.... WWII ordinatlona tO miDot' ..... OD tbe ~ ZDO.--.ct, . tail!lnl lo - tJtlt Valpan.lto ba•• kch helped Amcdcan aet••ll1~u.~ ..... ·-c(-t'-1.~ MDt.. WNcb af.1111 to lirtq all 90Q)a hi.io Clulltlul'7 .. mtcb - " ... - ... !'bl J. llallla&O " Allaola ...... the Chriltian ro1c1. nltleo ud _...lltNo. Eocb " ii... a baocalaunal.e M- at 'Thanbcfwba&'­ ~ b• not cmb" ~=ulatecl !t9 ... .And wt had th• St. .'I mmlllllDCleo dente. ,.?"1mnl, and coftldt~ to a mot In lho duuU. 01';.t NaM fJ( lhe role ttl hMutJ lD the ..n-leoe at GIMI, but Nldt ol them hu alto ConP.1atlou of th... 1•lh•rin1e mnbodled that RnM In a bm1dfns. Sha rupd from • f•W dCIMID. (tbt ~ lll I WH • t BL Job'• ftnt. I Wll apuk tba cbolntal1I p11,11 .,..if) to wtll oor.' f\Nt. rL the abheJ dnm:h there. ' · two thounnd. Wbu the "op.It n..• o( ft I.I a cUcM, but. one tlW 11 uttc:tlt ll:ie Divin.• Omc. WM Wq Mid by a un1voldablt ID thll mnl.lllt.. tluit DCilher few, thlJ ... DGl. OTWWbelmld b,. the 1hee.r bulk o( the bul14l.n,r. wbca the ~1: ~Yb!~ ~J~•• io.,;:i: cburcll .... ftli.d, II did ... Imo lta laU· the ch11"Ch WU W)dor Cl0Dlt:ruct1oo and 10 mac;r. ,.,hen it. became, in .rroct. an •ud~ wu 1omewb1t prepared. for. tht a:pcrl­ ltarium far an amdlm!e ....m., It did not enee. DuL to OQrJ)t lbro\:li:h the hilla ol 1-11a...... i.,..~1n1a1.. .,,_ ~11 .-. and u...... , or c.u... ,.111., Ollt by aeci· their practice cl abtoluie hunul1ty ~ oc dent, arid obediently IM!rvcd the cautc or I t w1u the p u blic: •ppeannce sere ne. i.n1ta nt obedie~ of •nt order d• her n• t•"lll Afrim In 111 manner ahe con- Silk? Jo.cphine pttformed all ~ ~ 1idered .., low ma l'tynlom." chore, frank ly arranged 10 take ad· I ,,11nuge of the a Ur•ctJon of audienciH tu ka of ronvenl llfo in a manF!f:r U. .. She may be rerognit.ed by th.e Church m by a 1'ieltr0 nu.o, tha t Slater Jowephi.M appar ently etrned the ordll!'r·1 uni¥tnl[ as a uint eoon, althout:h •he died Je114 support or her bea1lnc.ttoa q i.ne. SQ., dHcribed • • a ma.rtynlom. Her •p• th• n 20 yeart a;o. !-In- bc-atifkation eould ttpedally dia:Lingu.iahed httwelr •& a axt; be an act or major •lt:nificance in tho pc11-ra net1•, however, .-ere eminently bWldin r the r~r t~ amven~ achool, and 00 rem1:t; lii;ht of the Second Vatic::an Councll'1 T6o • ucce.ful in tupport for A friun mlHIOna o f the Cani:Mtlarui 19 1 Nuns' Dance Marlis Centennial newal or t he Peotecosltll mlHiOI\ or ~l9C2ir::·l~vt~ =kf;.:~ ~i:1":!1~ [ preiru;hiRJC the Goe-pcl lo ALL nations. c•me M • 1urprile to htr ck'll(!5t IMod. She made Ol\e iJtAnd In demon&tration Eurythmic d i:rneing by e group of no\·lces and Sl11ter. of Dh·lne Pro\'I· :;:._bectiwie oC her apparuL :roy 1a ~ of her " 'ill. ~rd of ....-bich eon\nllt.9 denc-c w 11.11 pn:1i<'nted in San ;\nt(ln io'11 ~1unidpal auditorium as par l of a n the •harply 111.;th a life of conformity to the hi1nqrlcal drama o b11ct\·in11t 1h e eentenniAI of lhc Siiuers' "''Ork in Te xa. and Th.io:ir liVN abo went markfdly linn \'OWi po\·erty, obedience, a nd chutity the 2001h anniw:r'i-llr\' of 1heir foundation In Prt1nce by the V~n. John or Jar u they drew to a cloee. althouJ:h St so •·ell performed a• to make her a can· TberNll died •t 24 •nd Suter ~ Martin Moye. The 11-~ttp ph.t1fc)rrti Is modeled afte r t he chapel •tel•• at did.ate for the greatest temporal tnbutc. I C< Our I.ad~· of tho Litke com•ent, Sim Antonio. wu 73 at her death In 19<17. Both a:l­ ti She woo that 1ingle fii;hL It retultfld ferecl ult-ndtd and painful fat.al 1J!llllll\ G in the I talian montLn:hy'1 ruling that ahe and. both were model• of end11ra.nc, w At 11 free fr...e woman - to rll!'main in Jlcr bioitraphy, writ~ by >'11.thrr JU. Value of Manuscript the ron,·ent of tho C&n(l6li1m D11uftht.c1"1 I oysiut Roche of the Vl!l'OIUI Falhtn _. or Chari.Ly and ft'l'C to rcl'WMl to ret.um to pub li1hed by lhat INtiM.e. l1U!1- U. the aer,·iec or the ltabtin noblewoman rrut:tratioo that. hu been the fate fl Illa. On Sect Not Certain who fell 1he owned the 21-)ear~ld Negro. siortUJ Kt.ivlty lo tho reJ:ioo of Cmnl lant aa well.'" although tho c:a:isU!nce or Atnu thl.t wu Sister Ja.eph1oe'• ~ Bakhlta. a name meenin1 ..luck y Ry .Jnek Bacon Je.,.,·ish-Chrittian group• it 'lll'ell es.tO:~ place. 'tbe political diuupt10n d ti» •• tlelWet'!n the time of Silt« J Oit!phine Bnkhna'1 ;o1d.en e r a In Al'TI~•· one of Cbrhll&11"• ptndini; publiC'

B"lidn the nnard•l •llootlont, tbu commllloo hu rintl'lbuUd 1176,000 ln labor and rn.ttrl•I• lO help the 1trlckcn churdtC!S. Tho Committee of Co~rn luuL'd tho followlng 1talon1ent lhrm111:h blahop Ed· ward J. Pe nder!'Tdll, M4!tkod1tt Confer­ Sci.tlplor P•thcr T h om•1 lL Mc­ ence. who i• hoe#d or tho «1rnmittt.oe'1 l!Jl• !)nn. OP•• hH prepared a hrlce-Ufi&­ eaitl\·c c»mmlttee:: h,,.~d or Pope John XXlll, whkh "'The commltt~ note-d thal the de­ did. ht hi• word.A, "out or de\•o• alruietion ol SL Jo.:hlm'a by •ppam1t 11"· . ... f'•th(or &tcClynn'• bronze bw:l M>D emph..U.. lhe nf!f'd for 111 d:iurch 1'."Pf! f'iuc XII bi b the Apostolic people to lncreuinaly o:t'rtltie their re­ •ponaibility •tthln the (!Olll.IJ'lWUtJ .o that ~alMHI'• rnkleace ln Wuhln.ctoa. r. auch law'k!M KU miirbl a.M.• f.at:Mr t.• ..w that f'Ontnbvt.iom '° the Co•tnhtee of CoMwn la die pMt Great Day for P~tricia had c-from t.he 60 "'* IUld 20 IOr· "'Here"• Patrida:"" eul&i-.ed Pepe Pav.I VJ wMn PaD"ici.A Callahan Cal ~ muntnes, •ilk ..,. lhll.n haJf lht r i1ho. csipc.alA or the 11-a'rl drUI LH.m or the Cardinal Dou1hft1y h.lth t•t In the •·otld!.. Of Vocations Set WMJJhl111eton EGISTER A thrO-C·)'Ur. St r.10,000 n•honal r111- teal"th program d1!1l•ned to talt• tho Priests' Duty gueuworlt out cl talk about the \OC&tloo11 cri1i1 and ill; 110\1.ttlon I• under "'~ here. Cood~ by the Ctntcr for A ppUed R-.n:h In tbe APOttol•~ 4CAR.A), the N ew Rules, ~wty will llN-k amwtn lo 11uch qu-'iona To Guide Laity, N ew Garb - fty do people w.nt IO become priHla and 11u1na or Co lnio ta, apo9- r I. \finn. - n.. &..<1tn1: "' SL. 'The tmphuSis ln &be ~ it OG l,n. ... , ...... ~ ..TelD iLl&I~ &olat.e .-ork! d.ividul ~bd11y. 1 - \\hy do mo ••ay candidate. rnJ n1!. chaac- adopkd by th. aa- C..ftCllen .,.. alto ~prrilnftl;lill( with Pop~ Reminds drop oa:t Rtlll.n.ariet? 11.-• l'f'WBI rican •rid for· cetec:.hltm. whk.h the knowltd1110 elm. and the uimpll11itlon of • blbU1,_,,.. lli5hop or tht.t (If a put.or." or u llnd pby. Popo Paul emphulud thu tho splrl• @r the Church'• doctrine, • 'htn ope h'• • question or prayer, wouhlp, hails decision Tb.e *X>nd pbato &o Ill.rt In SepLl!M­ ucramental life, •piri1111J dlrec:llon, ber will bta:ln with a full IUf"Vey of the and Initiation into lhtl •upttn11tur&I ffld.I ahoul teminariel and ~ o( for-­ Critic of Coexistence life and lhc lloC!.ttte or lhe Cbunh. mation. Cites Poznan Tragedy "The more "'"'e cfre r.Mh to lay rayer to ·St. Peter Tbe dlrd pb1M wUI cenaia rl an ...ln-drpth analytt.- of nrioua •P«lal Ca.tbolicti &ad the moN • -e kmand of tlalta, M &M. thdr c:ollal;ioratlaft and theil- o..n ~ =r;aa by~ crwJl9 ... iadt­ The l'Will> r.-. r,.i..... -.... thhy, • muir:h the more •-e auume the 10th aADiwnar)' t:I lM ~ rioc:... n.. tiuJ phMI will hi a mntJeviftl", lk• lo be rormect. And fonna1.M>n. a. of Poznan by appt'&liac to U.S. ...._. pnDC'lpalb'" raer'\ed lO the llllinlAry Of Restored by Orthodox "'ope:n-mded""....,. ... ~~ ...... -lo b""at all fle'IOllatJOna alld tarkt fll Ulm ...... =~eaoe with thl Commu.MUe IDU.f'o" """"" .. 8C. - - ..... omlttopWa..... dao ...... our wica rwpt!ded.• h •thae 5-n'l al... ys Yun' in na. vol« ot lhe dtvodoa of th• Oriental Conc.ived &ome t.hne :Je•N asu by I • b1 r1e f•mlly," M.-... Brown uim­ Church, which are like a happy and Father Edward Donovan, chapl•ln, the t 1t.t1, u•ir11\lln1 the fiwe-week illnnm talthrul re.minder of ancient Um... chapel will C'Nt an -etthnallld $100,000 • ck•lh of Tlrn 1&1l yur. Pope Names Committee with ha.tr cl that tum atre&dy contributld. ~on or th1 Apo1tl1 Peter," tho Pope Building Boom i1n 1965 W••hlniton .-. mary Goldle ol Antlr.t.1111, nmith·e 11«· lie noted the new Wl wu compoiM!d Stati.Jticl the lasl four )'t&rl ahow retarr of the Penn.anent Commltt.N for ror by an Orchodu monk ol Mount At.hos, nlig1ou11 ed1.1Cational, bo&pital. and (Ol"o Jnternalio:aal ConsreHet or the Lay .S. Goats To Help Gera1imo Milt.1'11.)'ann.aU.. ~pber Pope Paul VI hH appointed an rKlional hw..ltulioa ~ rreattt Apmt.ola~ and VilOril'IO VtronNe, formtt • or the Orthodo• £c:u1Mnical e.ichtrmember cmnmluee, lnchadJni fou.r lut yeu than in any t:I t.ht P"«*l•nr p~t ~ Italiaa Catholic Artion and Alb...... of C...W.U..,.lo ud pul>­ laJ'mm, io can)' .-at the Semnd v 111.ican ,..,... [)uriq 1965. t'OMtnX\iorn lD t.hlM amine-Stricken India dlrect.oT c enua1 rl the Ueit.f!d N1tlona Uahed with tM .,,ro'l'al ol lhe ucnd Couodfa ftmmineedaU.. (Qr- -..blhh· ~ tot&led $1,407 milltoa. C)t'ftt of • apea.al ~l for the ..,. Education•I. Sdentinc, tnd Cult1i1nl .,....iott?:-..- Orpaitatioft (USESCO). apmtalate and u orpnl.uU.. \o WOfk C1Q The Pepe 1ppoi11c.ed Mc.m ..... SiMo bebaJ( ol llw Jll!Gf"• 1..-i J. the Vitia.ft S«:rttarill ol Sc:.alt Gennan YovtlH To H­ V~tkaa R•dlo uld tht pron.ioaal Presbyterian Wedding commi.UM -will CatTJ' ou.l the RnD •ad '° ~· the a«nt.ari&l - lhe CIOfDoo clear dfflt1 of lmmedlawt, lrallelalinc mluee. He hM bd the •ptci•I mJl(IMI· Set For Catholic Chun:.h Victi11s of HClli Resi11e bility cl dea.lana whh vatiout lnternatloo­ into sdJon ia hvbs W!'ml lht ~ . Balin a.I C.thobc orpniu.tion&. Wayne, Pa. Thi annJ...... ,,. of llD altmipL to u- •:t'Hdy oullioe4.'" • An:hbUbop John J. J\rul ol Ptnla~ Th• procnm1 ouUlmcr are Sll..ldiem Lhl.t. pncedMl \he •ppDint.• 1H•ln1t• Hhlt r 11 Lhl dat. picked by ••lf"dd.1 delphia bb grant4'd pcnnt.ion for two ncommend•tiont ol 1-pedal poup1 tha' mf!D' or 'bl J> P"olmd.. nobeliln.1ovot.,.. CermM.1Komlne&. m~'l'l!lnl wro--ll· r-(mll_..:!n.~~-~-~>~~~:"""~7,r... ~ tho~"°r"'"~":1n:=·::::•:1"':=1oo:1:•':'":uih::•~•:tnda.::::==:::-- 1 By Mich ael Wiiton Olte\lteT Rome Corre.pondcntl :~:, 7:~.:f.'.:!d~,.,.::: r: ....S'!~!.!.!;4.f~~ Su""ose We Sent/ Yi_'OU be Oder 111nd Nieue rivers (rom German,J to n. •• i. a."'...,.,. ...., a.-. u /'I' In tho firlf. meeting ~·cr Gr Lhc Su.· 1 .. pmne Pontiff 'frith a n Epl.-opal pnil• to Pelaltd in - ::..k.::::" .::.:": :!'.: ~ (,Leck !or ti tl11tnt1e? m of Ne" York, Bi.hop HoMtice W, 8 . Dono­ The Archbl1hop'• optl.mism wu re- -•· - 1111· - .... - · II ll 6 ported b y Tygodnik Po•szeehn.y, t.ht ...... -.. w. er gu. wu n!eei~ by Pope Paul VI fo. a =.:_ ..,... &P4'Cl• I •udience a nanged by Canlio.al nation'• foremo8t Catholic review, in an • H•t>tlH WANT&O • we·n do il t\'ery ·ytar ol )·our life lf you n­ tabf1 ~ an E xtcr1i.ton Annuity . ""do Francia Spellman or New York. •rticle t:hAi alt0 prteented his argument. c.n.o- . --'• .-Y . m ••, . ror the j ust.ice of the ~torfeJ chabp W•H•1 tU1flONAL C ...lNOLI C During the 20· minuta mect.ing with 1 I Popo, tho Ep;..,.pol ru.,.,..,.J W~!ynAl~i~!a,!.ien •t the cloao ot :~""f,,::,:i:•v cL m ,.,,.lcll9t. • Sampler returns 0."1 ExltDiion Anr.uitlts: m tho BW.00 1 "tbe eeumenic::al. move ment, and tho c:o1111-cuttt.1MCY mming toge.thu ol all Chn.Uana of the )fan ~ ff'C'thH Fo The wftkly said Archbiabop KomiDe.k ~:':..!!:!.."': u:= "~ wodd.." Bishop Donegan aaid U. an. exclu· Receives Episcopal Bishop )hn 60 rtc:ch'C"s pl thlnb tho blutrneet ol Cc:nnans who ob-- "°1"" u.-. _.. w •ltl!to - ,.,_ ' ,, aive lntuvi.eW'. jcel to &he trana:fer will ebat.e snduall1 w--.- o, c. *"' J.hnll rll'ttl\t1 b< "The Pope ..arnMt11 longs rar clOICI' Epl1eopal Bl•hop Horace W. B. and lhat Gef111&1l1 "would undentao.d U. ' % t i unitJ betwvn eieparated CbwclJca,• tho Doneaan (at riehO or New York 11 ro­ neceuity ol UU. admitk!dly pa.lul\11 ...,;rf. Man 70 rtttiHs i!J"r. [ M•U 'i. -•' 1ur. r• I..,. - g• Bilhop c:onllnued. celved by Pope Pa ul VI at a prtvate li<.t, which on &.heir Pf.rt thould atone for • • , ,.,, lns (,1tiUEll wCltM , . ..-... 1. l~ ~ of ''Jlo r«:01:T1Ire!11 of courte. M all of ~ a udlenco In lhe Vatican. Their mecl· the put and promote peAOa and hedom "9- qr Manso rt<"tlH•s ,, do, tha t there 11n, ne\•crtheleu. difl"er­ in.1 wu arranged b)' Cardin a l Fr• nc l1 for both their and our country.• -~ '"~ w enioe9 th.at do cxil't, ci nd which wiU Ui.ke S pellman, Arch bl.s.hop or New York. w ho alto wu visiting in Ho me. German opposition to the Potadam ac­ C< .,me time to O\'ett*>me.." tion, promoted actively by eome wbo hope Bi1hop Donegan re'i C"'o'Cd the world • D~d:l"ltd u}W::(l;ally for ' Stnior C!tiiens" I co to aee it nullified. hu been cited M • SERRA A SAi HT! ti tlCUmonical mo,·ement ln the lli;ht or prn­ major obt"taclo to tbe Mttc0ncilh111.lon• ol G teot lntn.·fa ith and interfaith talka. the people the two na tion• belna • Tht ldul '11' 3J in t nwrC" life l.ncomt a nd to~.t'.p Women Slate er th• tiom• m1•110M bt-lidH. " Ultimately these h.1ui5. I believe, sought by German a nd Poli&h BilhoJ& wHI rum~ to be aeuled down at tho local I Atthb i.11\op Kominek -.id lbe landa tn level, where Chri• otrtr . .. eoi ' " ...~~- ti : tinued at the int.en""lew. "'If the world'• Org 111ni:uttoa1 here announced thia u ono The cztermina.tion ol tho Poli1h pmple : ...... ? ~h ~1111 4Jlt" ...... M"': ...... : going u:i be ch.Ansed it will be ch• n«ed by or the reoommend.atioru of a l'(!('fnt M-r:: :ra:~·: ~~no~~!~'!, meev WA.!! amonr the a.Ima or the war," ho ..i d...... 1..i.,-.... t'- " ... _..... : J um.dcht1...:l1Jrt.a1l"'hl..i1lfl'l k lll~nctf"ll1.,.•:I- : C"Omruined la ity, the men and women. ing wh~re the Catholic ,-roup wu ~pre­ ...... 1 .D4P,1. 1-. 11-C-fl. : and · ~ 1,,,t1l& M abe1~1 -ot ••1gi11a--. "P" • I~ ...-..r : The Hierarchy cmmot do It alone-" Minted.. at the World Council of Church.et ln a dd.it.ion. the An:hbu hop a.id. the The New Yor k prelate foresaw the lend is MOeU4r}' ror th• •'hfo • nd dcvcl· -· 7'ou'--•~~,-,-,.-,-"~.,~.~, - : SJM.C ...... : opme nt" ~f tho n in,e; m illion. Poleti .,ho .1•11•1~11..• 1968 Lomheth Confereocea o( Anglican nut::~ C::'!r~~rtr=r~n:'~. fMfl ~·-- - ~ll:or Churd1H throughout lbo ,.,"OT]d u dee. te rn:.tiona l Catholic Organlutiol\I aM live thoere "who otherwiae would h.a,·a "'"'• ll•1lu 1r •1 1...,;•• r Vtc• t •.. • ~ ~::' '.'.~ .:::::: :: :::· ·;: .·::::::. ~·:: ~·~;; .: :: ::: ::: :: ::: ~ ~.1V111:- Mo«t1 n. ­ : t ined to play an im~t role in the t he Wa rld Cauncil ot Church-el ~put. nowhere to gv." ,.,, ,.~,,..~.,-~ ...... forward march of ec::umen~ m!.Dt of COOP'!'rtlltion or men and wome:n Jn .....~ ...... c11 .. ...-..­ "For ,.,.hJ\e It ha.I no authority 6\~ ChwdJ, P a.D1fJy and Society, the mcctifll f ft'9l!ll tamt tin'ttlo•llCll'lll is Religious liberty othor Bithops ," h e said, • it doea i;ive agrncd that eeumeniam a furu:fAmental tltOCll9- ni...... • •- ••·1n--1• - ·· guidance eveo while each national church dime!ltion or Christian :ifc. H~tK,A.ITIM.Uft" Thme 1,000 Polhh Catholb Communion, we help PllY fOf'" the gymnasium Ill t'll "He la the •plrltual lnde:r, but doct • That ru11tional a nd l~al groupa marched. agailut Commu.nilt pe:ty head· KhOol w l1 h 6 ~skel·bell 1t1nc:1ardL Yel wo not h ave all power authority ~r the choose OM specific tut.. in common and quar t.era, chantlni "'Wa fotgi\·a, we fof'o •tt -. happy, riot lust emollon1llv but even in OY"r IU. whole Analiean rommunion H the Pope work to apply the principle. of the Deo­ glve.," MUI t.ermed an eurriM in religious Why? Bcct\lse It ts t111M1llh. w e a re m.e dool over Roman Catholicism.• h .rttion or Hum.M rightt in their aru, freedom. by the Re.. }"nnc:is J . ~ea. tit••'• $00 wno lla yeG in ll'Jt i. The Bishop aaid be Intends to diacua during 1968. 63, who lei\ Poland in HMS. the 1pirit o( the new ecumenical mo\-O­ t h e r•s h ouH b\lt • O • "'Taking note or th6 phenomena tr Fath.er IAdowic&, wbo lh·• t.n rel•tivo mise r able . He cc1'­ meut wilh Archbishop MichHI Rtlmley ot 'uprooted.nMI' in IOciety wbk:h le&da to eocludo:n here, laid h i. eecape apparent.J.r in weU pfalned 1nd wcis uni'~ Cuterbury Londoo nut week. the i10l1tioo. ot lndividuala. u u WM tM: dilrorenoe betW"eeD. lifa ud death for two reas.ons: tint, Ill Ho foresaw mlllJ.1 arou of c:oopmi.tion tha t or 1ocla l, etbolc, and r ell1i ou1 He pati or km& impri.anmfmt. bad tabn could not Sto wri1 t'll ft already n i• tiQi bet~ Caaholia and groupa, the mcm:meni. take th!~~ "'We are cooperating with all Church­ for elcht. ,...,.. era ctw;q the perio4.. o1. aide doWn tor t'l!m n and the Catholic. Church giw 110me tbancem in ltrUC'lune foT" lhe relntegn.· es. tO the Nui atrodti• llllod later dwiq C.om.- left It or wer e miMl'~C leade rship in tochtl a ction on ra citl lion ot p@Ople into the life or the modern .-...: ..,.. ___ sinners a n d good·!~· world." mtmlct - iasuet. "What d id t he ma n be rw hope to nothings: s.econc1. bKMt "The1e I think a re aome prlndpal A "'""°"" qulil!lf: wbeo It meett in DrlESS ~~lt~~~1!:mTe:;:d!; ':!::tn1!,~' J;;',':~1 t~~ ';~n~ appea led for "'a n 1tmo1phere ol mutual ficial cornml11lol'I, eatablilbea equality U.S. envor to the UaJted Nation.a. The JtEV. VOCATION DIRECTOR. mlddl• CtHS whO lgl\Ore the CIH11H$. W• •rt ltil among an Spaniah citizens without reli· reapect, " hich lhould ha\-e Its juridicm.l Holy See haa t&1te.a & deep inie:r.t. iD TllN!TY COlltGt Hit ol " '' u r lh, lbut ult that h.n lost us sHor. gioua; dllerlminat.ion. u.pninion In a !a• on relig:ioua freedo~· errorh by the U.N. to btlp r each a It provide. ~m of U90Ciation for Actlon memben also pledged them· pea «f"11l ret0lut.!ooof ~ Vit

"" '"" Illy ~"' ln11nt "" Im eligious Are Reminded l:~c=: :~~~~·,:~!~ ".'.'Pf!S-l\t111i1; hrt~llli 1llll , Att•hl... an, K111 n. I no;: u thfl '"cun11equ~nai" o( the Council llriUIXilu• ltMill,Uc1N1ttmM1tl , 1M ·-·lf!ll\C' ~l•Ht• !rt thc>lr d t'\ltt • lltlrtdl 9iO ~t fatliltf ftr in. ., . " Ii·.. llni: n1'"'"I 1l1t~•t. .:111n "'Thf' rtoH11:iouR rommunlti8 •re obligtd n u. '1 ttrir "1t1Mdr lttttut. .. wtll· f, '•• 111~ t<1 a n•ro·hN: r.r l'"' • •• to llt..-11110 thirm"C'hn r~m e,·ery· 11n Is rrutlf Jtnl!1k•l. , I , 41 r" 1°( pr""''" and Hroth· thln1 whKh I• oot ~11ry for the te.m· 11Qr111l l1f• of thoo,c ""'ho h.v111 mMe VVW1 ol ...... ,,.,. ...~ l'"\ertv - th11t mHnl that the nttemity "rlttoos1-.. .--·· •ho1uld be mt'll!o\n"t'd m ' ~ o( the 1dc-.al s.talllllJ!iu1~ uf ~· •H"t l~ •nd II\ \tt-w of th• i;«1r in the I t•n\tronmenL to whom the Rtohli;10\I& EVEN THOUGH YOUI NEED SElMS HOPELESS Phnuld be ntar. and frir the <'.llfJ)"IDI ov.l PUT IT BEFORE ST. JUDE Wmt CONFIDENCE <' tM •pte1(ic rt'h1tiw• ml••ion of the i n4 ; ...... lk_lt__ ,__...... • Ile n;nl 11...,n~. C.S. IL. ov· 1tt1tuto." r. r•on•.bthlioN ot ~my f,..,r lie Id:~ W.f'd il i& "'•WTly not t'UJ : ,.....,...o.Slir• ...... ,.Ul~il ...... l \r 1u \ 'OW in lh"'9 add"""~' to tktrmnne how ml.ldl LI 1»UU&fY £or • klllibii'llitr~.:tr•ilC•unku•"DtSWill•)Jtft1111C• • ,._.,. h1chh1ht f'>f 1h nh•th , ... mlt•lon ol a tvm.muruty: •nd pid IN YOUR SIZE f t11 hh vi lht C'•>f'I'--- cl 1 ~.. DK1ft ttrta1nlv did not mHn ..to im· =-~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~lif""1'1'11'"1 " ,~.. ,· .. lri•h· 1· ...... lM IDOdni, •Jntk • l.l~ul-­ GIFT BOXED Sl.00 • l'ri. ttod ~, ..,..,._ .,,,...... ,, ... . ,..•• ohW"•th~ t).,.tHa ct • •kins w .....- t.ritMOnt)l!W'l"-bf'.-.fliff<4 l<• 1-1 ol wert..'" dl'"U m •l • 1 51- 8.-~1<1 t On th.. 9M" &idt the •-u..ltlly modirm !"..:~:..::~-:...... =~ •C"..ty of t.Qday ma.\• II fll)"dioaopce.Uy -.-_.i...... l i.1• ...... uh 2. .. ,_...... ~. ~f"!pt"fut. •n.alu•"l lhe u.,~Me \0 live the J)OOC"", lnO!ll aimple .. __.4 ... _...... \ •n (.:CM1nuh DKff.e on Ap- Jiff' at ror iuta.aw Uw MoniU ol the -...... ,._....___...._ ...... nu el t:.oP' or ... H the rthl*'I el lhe __ '''•'" H"ne••I of R.-ttf iouit Uf-. _. l b. 1r ~nc.- ol SI" "'it • 1\• lith ttntv.ry.'" be Atd. ::::--...: ..., ...... -a • - &o U.. -.h.i.~I r ..h\1 """Oa UM olhcr &tde th. modern WOfld. l drft., 1hoeo •1t,... ol..Wl fr,... hu d•olo~ ae• hlN el owriere1p th. " """' ol u.. Uni . ... ot arid parl1upatlon and a mvir:b W:rJl'"t • 1n hum1l1\J'• C'OftKltRU: In. mattl'n ol 900&1 junltt.. \ -~~fl t IO ttahn tl'ltt the \\ h•t, In l he epoch of (.u.ibh:un., wu FIRE: t • N I)' IUrbMh •1in ury. •S(WMIV. OMUM.ltftid normal would N)W pnmde dw ar t 1KTiirnu?•tMilft ol ~.' ln'•t'"""L ..f'IU.t '" FOUR • tu "'H) th1n.1 • hic.h • OUW male f•thr llacrlnr nid. bo~et. "the • ~·f•nc9 ol 1Uth • thlflf,'" ...... 1 .. M'W dtt111Nl-'IX8. do m•lr.e ~ "'• SISTERS 1unp.hc11y In •II Hl4trn.al formt ro\lr•.-eowi rt•u.on of ~ 111111.em ol the llf'"'"'ftaity.• briw(1C1• , f'l-P«••lly i n Europe. ol be>gglng FLEE · r ll11•r1n1 p )lntfd out modtm a im• !by> m111nd1c11nt1 •n.d no"·mu"h· • 1.. 1 n •nd communK•horu h11\e c:o1n\1, 111 pec1ally 1f th.y are not rn lb' Tiil HU U W:l'S NJUllll JUI Tlll PllJIT.ll CllUl:CI ' I .1t1•d th• probl•m Of a~oldlnc pl()f' a nd do nol really appeu to be- poor.· n t'athtt lf•erlnc al.o took up tM q 1.10- ~ d•, '" ..10t. t1nc t ht •~tn.M '° pov· POUC:t rl)Ut n.1tive Sis.ten [n SP'limoca. SOlltherA lftdt., \ \.tM of the 1ndiv1du11I mt'mbrr of rel 11~WI New Cross - 216 Feet Up (ATHOL.IC IOOKSMOP, INC. BU"N Rid for thcfr llvn M.y II wtien P04ke tM;irntd commun\l~o and h1t re11110mib1\i11es ti) lu orlrinMl irtou lopplcid hy an THEIR thl4r conttent to the 1rout1d. ll'll")' -..r111 ..•n· th• Vf1'# O( ponrty, The j\l~rlOnl muMl 1•0. ~· · ~lf!Q so nm "In Pioi•I f'rH il """" 11uMclent to orthquake in April, 100:51, llnly Ito••· ._ l,hll11, tc11n ... l'flt)I CONVENT cro•c.her"I; on public proputy." u w l)Oll(• wkl• Jlhl 1h" whn""" of fKt\' f'rl.)' to the "'""" • 1.1nt, h. Mid, tha' thelr JMmben ry pa riah in Tairoma , W11•h,, wi 11 hl1h· TO Tr.111 Slaters Md com• from K•1•la St.-tc with lllrd1•tr l'n\ l ronmcinl In • hlf'h thf! fully under.la nd t~m. l•P •••I' ·•··•-•-• ..•• tHE 600 tamil1H o ! squ..me rs to protect Ult ctuld1eft II li11:h t h a 15th 1mnh·1:.·r1U1ry celcibr111lon .." ...... C ..OUND ;ind IC'l-Ch tl'lern. • . . Tiie burnln.a., :M)'S Arc.n· int" 11r 1ht1 M"M nd1tl ruuld ''n·r\Yt!," The reli1lou1, Father ltncrina: .-Id, wllh the lni.t•ll111tlon of a nt1w If.fool lltl U•I '"'" II I"•"" 1hould 1trhe to imJ!O"I! on himMI( bistlop P;nac111tl,.,,•s ••m.n:llns".. , •. M••r.· " ...1d. "'roib)' the • •orld ho ('(lme r~ cron on top the 216-foot 111lre on ~~: :::: :::: :::: :::: .. ..1tkUnnt ICfHler th11n tM minim\lm.$ toet wtl.slt, the Sisters (D•11a.Me11 ol Mary l mm.1«1• ,, t h C'lo~H IOICf'thf'r. Wf! are vl11lhle n11110 • •" ll"t•••• Al.It:. JS. Fathrr Willlam Maat. 0.S. 11. ~td Nvln1v.ith1ntl liQ\.llU tB IM ii ttmpoHry th• 1u1rir nation• or Afrlo. and k•llh h)' the rul~ of the order. •r• pHtOr, estlm•tt'll more lhal\ 7,500 per• ump 1.1nt.I uwy l•l f1.1nds tor 1 l)erm..ncnt con· .. "I( the po\ erty of the rMmbtrt doel ,. LL Thf'Y "'"uch u• crhlca11y. iwn' will •llend the two·d111 c:t-lcbta· qnt of th1ir own.•.• Th• ~nv1nt wll! co1t Oflfy oo\ ll'U beoyond 'llllhlllt the nllff flfld lht! 1\1• l ion, lncludln1 Hint Cro1hy, who~ Sl,9SO but tnt 541ters a re j)tl'ltliltH.. , •• Help .. 1i.:t1on lhi).o»e on •II. the w1tMM of pov· "T• J. 10 Mtwitrft llOl'Ull ml'~ntl o( p•nonlll, Harry L. CroMby and Cathe.r­ tht m1 Hi m e ltlc ~n,.. n.'I ("'1th c.hllP':'1 tor your .. t'ft'' "'II be ,.t'f)' ""'·uk," he ..id. "'It be- r.,write n1nt. in your lov.d OMS' 11M1mory, 1f .,. •II~ wtt ctn II'""' • vl1tble wh· ine H1rr-itlft. were mlr'fled In ttoly (lff . • .. • • • 'llllhol.e 'llllOfld °' 1e11n.d11hte en· 1.... ,.. LO the eu.r11el!Cf.I counHI. th.t on.e )'OU ,iv-e it 111 by yourM:ll. Mah today•• much Jtoury churc.h J •n. 4, 189-4. The •lum· as yov •I lent CSIOO. S75. SSO. S2S. . II.I .t'l("nt~'" ah•111),. U")' to do mor• tha.n w-hat ia .m· CJi"· s:o. JOO• .. ,~ hr comMOI\ rule and by pr«'t'pt." inum plate crou wd1h• po.unda. $5, S2J. Fntr, dyunt~ •nd other dlSHltt •r• r • ll"irnn; rr~nll"CI th• rol!...w· .. spru&n1 In the u mp, •1)4f the Sl1tcr1 need )'OUthcJPtschtnow. ".. Authoress Wins Papal Medal olience Urged Dear Mqr., For Book on Hitler's Victims My t-'c:fl1'l!'j'Hr'Old ;r:al'\dMph«W° Nil lit• 11e or no •-c:nt ~ o..... ~. belt. par_,._. God, fter Council ltufT't' - Tl"' l'•pal medal ·in F,c. •w~ 1n the 11rchhw (I( Chu.reh •nd Stale f0'1 it may rittutn. I •mMt &t&t.f" l I Un UKlos· \ PU h.;.\t' nuon..h.1lild a daruftl('nt.. t lOft of in of • t-' .1 ,1 I W.ti(Kt-"" ha._ bttn ~~on TttC I'll 1120 tN"lo;1oCMn1- l•l;• u1• i.he man)' btaluM of thnr llUHD ~Mlt:U child 11'1 Ci.a. Altoo"•• Pa. J\mf>d.i..IA ).hri• Kt-mplM.'T vi l,..a~nr. puu i.. •ho r~h;...._ roantt- h.d to lhe ~ J<.Mog u you live. ne eruhronen'lll!n~ of Bl1hop lfOfAI\, • A remt1mbrtnce In the !)f'•yen tnd Miss.es of our S.V.O. mlnlon. freedom with retvme:,':: M..utl'------h.il hffn I Ua:lllH)' OIJihop of Trtn• 1rte-s throughout the world. -!1~=~ nun•------· NJ., !Or the ~It 1b: ye1n. wH con· Tampax tampons. CQY ____tTA,-rt__.-l"IPCOOL.- M~~1:~,.~l'(hbl1hop John J. Krol or • The cons.ol1flon Of t kling the Apostolic work cf th• Church. Worn internally.

------SMll---W•~M ..~------,..llftlQ91--~L ,_..____.. they're the NtlM A'if-- modern way. NEAR EAST MISSIONS Addreu ~------ntANCISCIJIDINAL:S~...... nt a1y Zone-Stolt--- TAMPAX. MSQR. JOHN C.. NOL.AH, Natloul krN')' ...... Write: Catl'Ol.tc ffu.111 EAU Wt:u-~·· Anoe. 3.lO M~ISOfl All"lll~ ' N"° YOlll. H.Y. 10017 ...,..m..... ~, REV. FATHER RALPH SYD CATHOLIC UNIVIRSITllS ,.,.._, .,_..._....n ,,...•iu. T~ 212/YUkon 6<5MD 3 14 N . M ICHIGAN / CHICAGO, llllNOIS 6 0601 - ** P< m ~:r$...:: -Ti r' ·NEWS ~ Congress to Seek Definition Apocrypha· I I IN BRIEF Of Church's Ecumenism Role Washi.ngton 1he rongrn.11 In Rome lis t• only ~rtid­ An American partidptt!'lt In the lnu r­ p.'Utt& rrum v.-lthln lhe C hurc:h. Re d l e tter OC1y t e a ching in Korea natlon.11.l Coniuea on I~ Theology or the ""There appcan to be 11 good IP"!"d oC I Halllm, Kor t'a C1rnuanchc, l a. ::iecon>d Vatlea n Council. scheduled diis reprC'51t-ntation, with .spokeuncn for. bot'! Patricia .\lcCinn, Paulino La March<'. J1,1!y 3 became 3 red letter day in the full hl Rome, mid a primnry go.ii of Lho of whai we ca.11 llberala ~rtd ron&er\"t1t1tff., nnd John Colhn8. lhttt S..·attlo unfrt'n!I• hii'tOI')' of Co1im1mcl1c, a !mall town with a aeuiont is n definition of the Churth't •"Ather Carrell &a.id. cent1,1 ry-old hlttory t h at iJ u1u1lng to h ' student$, r~cenitl}' 1.'-rtkcd on Ch<>JU l'Jl&et ecumenic.I PoSition. be Ji:row. The date marked the first time i ~tand 'l'l'h"l'I:' they "'ill teach F.n~lith in Ttle Very Rev. t:iamon Cnrroll, ()th~ tbemetl a( the meetil'I!= indudn Masa Wat offere d i n the tow.TI (or the .. local school~. They a ro spon1-0red by a .Cann.., member or th«t Cnthollc Unh-er 4 l'J::umeniam 111 t uch. relhuou• libt'rty. Ca&holic:- populace. lt 1111•a1 held In the SAfE. Srndcnt .r\mba.w.i1dot11 Ft1r f.:.ut, a sity or America r.. cu tty and pretiidcnt of missionary duty and nttitu~ toward ntm· ., J:TVUp formed et. Seattle univen.ity. C.OW'n htill donated by the City Council. lhe U. S. Cat holic Theoloi:ical llOciety, Hid Chri.tt!n.n ""ligions.· t.he t1i•tory or &01\'a· t he Pft11.'Tllm indkatea thrre ,,.,. • , ..not t. t lQn, Holy Saipture 'ond Tniditfon, the ""di Obscenity Bill Hit 'Regret' Vie t Oil Stri ke great concern with moral nuute.rs,. In· 1hroloxiul founda t\Oftfl or Cbul'(:h d1Al· og\le " 'ith the 1111·orld, the ofI'mce al B11bop S an Jo.~. Calir. '"01,·C!'d in IN!lectlon of a~nda topics. I ' :o;ewnrk, S .•J. ll.nd the roUegiality o( Blllhops. the PrH· "With Pope P11ul YI. W t'I continue to Fat her Carroll pointed out, ho1-.·cn~r. An at1ti-ob.~t.·er1i1\' nien~ur<' a5<'n" to ence or t ho l .ord i n t he romm\lnlty of pny a nd work for an t'nd lo violence actual ditcuNion could he ex-peeled to Add Co\·. H1ch;1nl J, ltu.i;iil·~ h.1,. b<.'C'rl called won.hip. M d the m)"ltery of the Church. through negot.iation11,"' 22 prietta of the to the soope of the mttting. H '"prt.ll) riuch inclf.:ctual'" by .\lonioiJtnor Of hit 01111-n topic, f·ather Carroll tmd San t~ranciKO nr~11 uid in a telegram to Fa t h<' r Carr oll W a!I AMiJZncd to t~ pl l'nul J . llCl\'('t;, din-c:IQr of th~ Ke'Aark dt,·otion t.o tho Mother ¢l can ]' resident Joh n.110n, joining "t he VatiC*n Con~·· IK!Ction on "Our tady lUtd tho f'..00 be The. kiMhip and com~titH>ti " b< .\n· hdim:t.•~ ~ale ufob;ccne m1111er. reccnl bombini raids ne ar Hanoi 11.nd t'al <'fTort.a and diffi1.."Ultie. Her \'tl\o lie 1.a.id Vatican Council tta1~nta OD ht'•h h)' ltwr of anlmnls. the "'of Hl'liphong. the On ~ crnhon prete.n t.s to t ho.se outaide t he t he "Mar y-Church- rt!Mlon11hip hl'h'C tloniiry h a111Ja y ou mUr 11ction~ in the cord1111t to the Imm1tr1ulon Depanm€!n~ of rut.her Cal'T'Oll 11ald the 72 theologiMt, Tho 1Hd--Ofl' oon(erence on Our I.ad)' ltate thf' llKU • Jlut in ftPilbtt '­ 1..,m1>1n; of mihtary t:lr~f""t in H:moi and - the :-.:otionnl Cu.t.hohc Wclfan! Conference. who will participate, includmg a number and Church w.'i ll ba prntnt.t.'CI. by Father J1.:111·hon,;: al' wcll ll:i other policin m th~ tloe;i f \"Olutiun te ll you how '° ~ ' Of 26,3:!i C'i'liilN. 12.l rn h,oxc Mlttll'Cl out· American.. wt?m 1U&ignt'd to ona fll t.en C.arl Duhe. \"ittn<1.m cunf11cL.. (Ir tij!e.r tf'a.wna bly - tha t 1, to a~ itid€! the Florida :11'<'3.. themes of the. con~ Eadl the.me is to Othe.r Americ.a.nt with key roln in the hi.. • tri pe• 'llll'h ilc a \'Oldl nx hh l'law, r be develop«! by two "ccnferences,.. llmited congreu include Bi&hop John Wri1:;ht of ~ ou wa nt to trnl a tli;:t'r ru~ I Support Prayer Amendment Labor Leader Honored to 30 minutes each, follov.·cd by three or Pituburgh aod t 'ather John Cour1.ney )OU mm go back lo t hr. Gatdtt , four ""commuoi«itions... Murr• y o( Wood&t.ock colic~• .Md., both Marnwnu. roi.J. Edr.o. PiUtburt:h Vatican Radio billed tho congre111 as AMI~ to tho reUlflout bbeny lhel!lle. A wnmrn'• cru~dc in "u11port of 1111· I. W. Abel, internntional pttaickni of one o( the m ost important t heological n11i~ ~..,natr.or E\erett :\l. D1rkse.n"1 Con· the t;nitcd Stl'Ci\\'Ork e!'$ of America, hu meetings in smoo Va&ka.n II stitut1onal amcndrncnt to permit volun· the Church hcen n11med to TI!('('i\'c the 1966 St. ,Jo.• endt'd Jan I>ece.mber. 1\ •1milnr in~na· -- tnr)· prn~·t·r ID l)UbJic schools (s.J. lttos.. "t'ph tho Worker award to be. pre!i('nled HS• was \qdely pub licized in this locolny tional conference on Vr11kan C.OU ndl t he­ ot the a nnual Labor D:iy Mu.1 here. Vatican, Seeking o~l iuueia w 11.1- held at Notn! Dame wee o~u the J1,1ly 4 w("('kcnd. R1.'C'Ord1ni: t.o a Co·•ponaored by the P1ntbur11:h diocese cittul:H iHued by :\ln. Doroth)' Kicor, univor -1lty, South Be.nd, Ind., in Man::h. and nn-3 1'1boT un1e;04. the a ward will be arl"a residC'nt. to her Mlow inudcnt:11 or The NGtro D l'l: me conf'crencci Included pre.sented by B ishop John J. Wri~ht of t he «hool or rormttt1on held at Bh.ie Pr ot.eat.anl a nd Jewish theologbint., but the Pitubu.rgh. Army hf'adquaners in Fatima. The docu­ Social Action Accord ment u~<'!i C hri~tinn women to write to G ­ mendrd t hat tho Catholic and ot.blr held many eolleg:inte posts. and was M :i.ri:h t philoeophert were told a t. ll dBi uudy and oct.lon prograrnt. Churc:he• combine t heir .cud.JM d dt Phllndel11hla dirtttor or tho rommWion on 1\mt'rtc.n \\'Ork.shop at. the Catholic Uoi,·<'railJ ot 1lio KCOnd f1l the pn:n·ioua mcetinp. thcolos:iul bo.Mrt ol Chri.ut.a.A toCUi • A fede. r:il jucJ:e here hq ref'utcd to dtit::enchi~ ot the Ca1holic Unlv~rsity or America h('J'e. he.Id lo England last }~ebrull.J'}', conclud«! tion._ adding lblit there ~.. DO dai reduce the 5tiff aenwnee impoeed on pub­ Ameru;lll. Pontift(t)I Requiem :l.Iua was Thia wu the view of the Rev. Vincent t.ha& neither t ho member cbUJ"C!:in li1her Ralph Gimburg ror viola.ting polt.a1 wee cfTcred in Sta. Peter flnd Poul'• C•thednt..l Potter. s.J., of Ford.ba.m wUveraity, Now nor I.he Catholic: Cburcll •are today orga· ·=:~~~~\a)b.~ti.. here by Archbishop John Krol Phil· tUl\Het ai;ainst te.ndl n ; ob1ce. nlty York. J. or niml in the mo.\. dfoc:t.lve WA,)' to Id. to t.hroqb the m a i lL Gimbw11: ( BCCS flve Other propotala ClOllllained i.11 the li!rll adelphia. A dialogue between the phlto.lpheni 3ril* wlLb prablt'.!DB fadt1g tho wodd.• years in jail 11.nd nncs up to $42.000 for waa the fint. aucb hi!:ld In lho United Tho same conclu1ion &a.Id deic..tct lndudod f!llN.bUthmenL ol joinJ. r-6 Slow RacioJ Justice Scored hi1 opcTa tions. in mnntttlon with Eros State& Similar dialoguew had been held centers f or rrpreeeo llltive• o( vlnDll aho were not H t l•ned t hat cllhc!r ia mognzino .and otht!r publim tioDL in Au.atria und lbr Kethttlanda. liCholastic diKipUnea a nd orpnimioll ti "Riving t he rieht p-iority to rem«i)i~ Center Ul\rhoT, N.H. The d.la.l~o opened on the iNue of' 1 Christion Convo nationt1 this dcl"l'Ct." an exeha.nge t,..um bct'Wfft\ ~ ci. Slow progres5 in achieving rights (or ~ and a nte.red on the role o( religion llOC:iat lcio.nce rmuu.. Ne~ "'"11.'!i cntichcd by Coadjutor Bl:sh· Bo;iton io l!limilar i Ml.le&. op P1,.."1.f:r I~ Cerely of Portland, Me., at a F~atured 1peaker at the 3Iat biennial Du:ring the dialogue. Dr. J ohn Somt'f'­ The meetinit he:r~. which opt!.ned n.. ..._ or tho nm cloool """"" recent friendship gnthtting. C atholic Osught.en ol America national ,.illt, president of t ho Society for 1he J \llY 12. w at a tte nded by an f'flCht· said it QOr'IQentntcld oa relation..' ~ lie uprcucd ~ly lmpallence" and convention hero J ut)' 17 to 22 -.rill be th.c PM~phiCftl Study o( Di.Al(!Ctical Maier. me mbt!r team or omdal C• tholic ob- rich •nd poor nations and nh1H ur"eJ ProtlStanu. J ew&. and Catholiar. lO Rev. Do1,1gliU Horton, foml(!r dean ol the ial i1m and edHor of S tudict in Soviet problema of tnde, a id, and dM·~ work together (or racial juaticc io the Ha r\•a rd Univen:ily divinity &ehoot He Philosophy, caHed foT "a moral condern­ at embodying ..one of the aai. ~ l:n1tt:d Stl'ltes. w ill 1peak on a pa nel dealing with nalion o( \\·ar in nny manner, 1hape:. or Members included Monsignor Ch.11.rb qU<'alions today.• ~ChriWan Convcrutiona... rorm between armies or ao~·ert'ign na. Moeller, &!Rion t~~-i•n 1'4!a':nt1y ap­ New Fomi1y Mo901:ine tions... pointed u ndetl!iCCn:t111y or the Doet.rlnal Nun Joins State Board ..Pec t!m In T~rri.s and Pore Paul'a Coni:rcgat1on in Rome; Fath.er Edward The 11000nd mttili'ni:. accordinC • Nor walk. Conn. Ne\\·pol"t, flt. vi11it. to tho U.N. have ahown Pf'AO: to he Durr. S.J., a.o;aociat.e pro(t"llllOI' of political A new publica.tion, Lar,ie fitmily 1h e text. concc ntrall':d on tltoolocbl A nt'w member or the SUI.It Bonrd o ( • reliA;io\lt iH u e." the Rev. Geor ire F. teie.nce al Holy Crc. college, Won::etl«, J.J,·in1:. wntten and geared tD t he. lary,:e prohlc 11U1 or aoclal ethka in the 1561 ~urAC Re~inration and Xuraing Educ.a· Mel.een. O.M.L, din.ictor or the dialogue familil'fi in the United Stat.et, ...-ill make !I.I--.; and Mooa.ignor J01Cph Gn!million., or rettnt papal encycllealia ud -.·ex. t1on, Sist<:r :0.1".ry Laet.ar Reai;:m or th.c pt'Ol,"l'Blm, aa1d. iUI d«but with ita August-Septem~r pub· d ir ector ror eoc:io-«m>omie de'~lopmcnt, trtat e.rnen1&. Sah·e Regina colli::i::e {dl\·ision or nuning), In one of the lccturN at the dialogue, lit":it.ion. 1t will be lt.tucd six timN a Co1ithollc Relief Servicea-Nadoual Catholic v;ill now ecn·e as the rrpresentativt or 11.n llev. 3..1. . of ye11 r , lnhially. The editor or the new the Robert O'IJonntll, fo~ Wclfu.m Confer('nce, fhe. wee l-1 an orpnlutitm J. !N 3ecredited ~ic collegiate IKhool or nun­ dham University'• Ch."'1.rdin Releardi ln· publication it John E. Lynge, 153 East A wed: bcl'ore the opening ~'>fl. t he ing. .Utul.o, mlated the "death of God" lheolo­ Protc.1illlot, Anglican, Orthodo:i and "Cll A,•cn1,1e, !\"of"·alk. Conn. It it estlnuu.ed wee publl11hed the rull le:11i. or t ho Ki,.nt to the methodol<>IO' 6f the llcler.ce&. C.tholir'" cbl.ll'Chcl In 90 Mbooa and 1r there are more thon three million large clo~d m~ti n 1:• !H t. February and in School Bus Servie bw. phy ir.'I ill dia logue with tho modem mind Mother of Eleven Proves The fint. Conrorenice of Catholic Gin. 11eo·ice-The Boon! ot Education restored for openins the full reli1iou• aigniftcanc:e Annuity Org:in1uitioru. &eheduled (or Oct. the eco·ice led t h<11J t wo wffk.I an.er it o( modem h1mum and .Oentmc invetU· 4.5 herc, will be (.'Ciol i nstitute for parish prietta P. 1919 The!: IM!\'en boya joined t.bci pa)'T'Oll ~ Family Life Director and ()l)mbined the.in with spen.ocu]ar The Dominic11n C4'ni;re11::1taon of' SL Aug. 22 in t he Sheraton-Lincoln hotel bc.>4 h achool on Salu.rdaya, and durini ~ lU~a for M"arly h111lt a eent ury. 11 C~th(!rine de Riec:i, whic:h bu its moth­ here. w ill hear an addreu by John 0. Named Pastor in Conn. tlon&. One dlllughtr:r, C&t hcrine, ..-orlcd <' rhoul'O in Buburb;iin Medie, has e1Kt.l-d Donovan . prt11i dcnt of tho Amer ics n Wu hlngt.on the. ol!'tce1 untll ahe marrkd. Mother ~l nry Lo1,1 i5 Scherer M ita ~!other Catholic Soc1ological io.;icicty. The i nstitute The dired.or of the Fam.lly Lire bur­ h;;5~u:~:~'t.a~ ~..!: :~ ~0L~:d!: biggest &ruek linu in New Je.n.ey - and General. for the post year sh~ wu au~ will be held In (:Onjunction wit h the 1966 eau . Na tional Catholic We.lrare Conrer· ci:::. r£:~ v*': ~:~t~or~~: ~ nor 11u a pllrith center in Cali, Colombia. Liturgical Week. encc, for the put fh•e yBan., bu been bo~ and railed 11 childttn, filifl or whom oommerti&l ~mov•l.J; Paul P., rice prdl' n a med pu tor of St. Fr..nds' pariah In ~a\-c joined the couple. In CXl"CUUVO poai· dent ror A~ Hefti')' P., Jr•• vict ,.... Torringtan, Conn. tJoftl m the f'amily firm. dent for commercial warehoUllef ia IL»­ Mcaru.ignor John C. Knott, 51. wiU \,. When the colleen from Ireio.ml'• Cow.. e lle nod Port Newark.: Donald .I., # Kin hJt ne.,. assignmenl July 2 1, It wu ty Ma)·~ married, Towrwcnd had bi,cn In president ror thn axrune.rdal ~ a nnounced by Archbbhop Henry J, th.o mov1111: and atorage hwlMU for throe at Port Ellubcth; and Willi.am J., '1L1 11 O'Brien or Hartford. pre.alde nl for tt1ovio1 and 11orait ."' At dil't!CWr of t he NCWC Famil,v Llf'e ~ i:-u1t!:~,~;drro~U: .;u::~ \Ve15tfleld. Son Hobert It an Anr.3 mlfll Bure•u. Montlgnor Knott hu beeo in ~=~ie~dn~ght fn>rn the Ta ilroed to a nd the • ove.nlh, John, hat h.i• Od charge or ft national lef'Vice a.nd educa· truck i.oa: btWnea tiont1 l program In the ficlda of' moniqo Mrt . Townlll'.od stopped riaht into a and family \ilo'ing. He bu written num. nie finn bu wareboulCS in w~ rule, o!T'tCe and Port and er"0\11 acholarly and popular a.rt.ii;:lfs and !:fea:::~neu u ma..aager Pert Ne .,.a.rk, Elizabeth, ~ write• a we ekly "Eve ryman'• i;:olumn, "During th!1 pertod I ant"WNl!d the Family.. " He bu alto rrequl'ntJy aerved .. :~m~:i~~,.!\:::.= ::1;. a Catholie t pokeama.n on public policy telephone, worked with the mUkme:o in l kod Van Llnet, Inc., hauling .,_.., matt.en, including divorce, birth ('OnlfOI, order lo obtain moving lead.I, kept. the company booQ. • .and mu round lime to • bortion, and 1.te:rUiu.Uon u they affect boo;'! ~~e~~~..:;:, ~ fam.llr welrm. rnlao ee~n bo)'t ond (OW' gir... " ahe .-id. Now Jcm, in tolf.I wlJI,• Mn. ,.... ll!ndaald. The busll'lt'IBa w lume lhe fi.rtt )'Mr ot Aid to Converts Restored Now a grandmother (3'.' timea>. i =h~~"~:-d=,*:;:: ~~ llnl.lff her tctive role in ~ Religious Superiori Elect Four Tri\tand.rvm., India Th&! Qo,·ernor of Kerala bu olfMd to ~~::4~:~~ S:":,w!°mpa.!.~ o:; Four n.ew m embers ••ere elecU!d to the 10.mJlln u:ec::utlve committee of ~:::t· :u~at'by~ ~ modify propot&t. o( an oflld.al mmmilmon ~~ payment on a new movl.na: ve lo 14.l~ttall'. lbe Conferen i;::e or Major Religious $upe.rk)n ot Men'• ln.tit u&.l!!s at Ua reetricting • tat.e e.id to conl'C'l'tt to Chrlfo a.nnual anembly io AtchOOn, Ka~ They arc (from kll'U Brother Flavlan tianity ftotn the Hindu baward claum A. a wile and mother. the a~ -; R ena ud or C h tc.. go, Fat.her Giibert Gra ha m. Q.P., or Chlca10, F • thcr ((..-wrtoucbabla.) ~ buA.i"-' grew as •lftclily u the Edward J. Spol)a:a, s.J"., of' Baltimore, and Brolhe.r Bartholomew Varde.n ot ll hod boon ,.._.i IO - O