ueblo Diocesan Priests· To Elect 7k~~~ . - A ' Board of Consultors Members REGISTEf u -<It... .. THE OfFIOAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE Of Pl. rwt-1.et 181..twp'• ltOUN) - Tbe di· ,........ In • ;'lf'lmlf7 et.ctioa. ThMe bal­ policy (or lhl .noc-, and ...,. dero • pn..u th11t men1h will •l«t fMn' Ma will ht clue Aq 1. 'l1Je 12 ,...,_.. appointlnlnt.. i.e tM ~ bollnl ol contul· An'1•ln• the ..-. 'fUt8 will be nomi· H the ...... ti Bllhop ~ YM'&ftl Friday, July u . 1'U VOL XXI n.r- sNJYP """""" rtfU\atlJ \e ad\'I• nalfill fiar • fhlll i.llDt.in,c 10 AuJUll and l>y !ht do.th o# dlul.lolJ' .t tho B ...... ~ on 11M1Ufft fli d1~ pohcy ~ ..... cliacMan -tu.. .,. c:harsied .,u. ,._,,.p..1nl ... I~,, lht ..,._ Three.Year T.-:rm1 lhe dvty ti eledinc a -Viar C.pilu~ .U )l.allf tiftft •S'l*nled diNC"t.I) by 'Ille fow who an elected will tho be '° Uft'1 - .tm!a.I~ ti .... 41--. •PPMas.ed &.o the boud by B.ahop B.-,11 uwl a .... Biahop i. imt.alled. ~"t dw hDarcl Moe fut -~ ta1ethtt w 1llli !Our •hen ud .,th I.be Sh Now Srrv111 .... bufd ,uu hav. 10 •m.btn , .. wxan cmenJ n.. bt.nf wtll tMrl The preMJ'lt ft'llltlllben "' ihe Diomun ,,. ,,nou 1eiwnl old........ 1 hliww 10 ~ Thq Wiii Mne on. lhe -,.bin •ltcud by the ,n.u. and bMtd ror th.rte ,...,. r,,_ thur date al =.~~_.:.=.~~rd!.! :;i .. brRt...dlloft.hit~ for the Pueblo, Waliltnbu.rs, t.. Junta. tlf'4"1d.rd At Board MMtlnr •Pf!Oln..,..nL All memben cl the dMlttUJ'I ~ are ud Alli.mma ck&nnia; ~ill*" J-.ph T!w ...., t'ftl..MJ'ft.1 the boanl b1 .... F. Kan., V,1., Yicar imenl al lhe d_. .1i,,.w. Cor --~.. the- board. t~ff'f'mbtnw-..~•t•,... '° ~for the Grand Jul'ld'an and O,,,ran_.. •• '"'"''I of th• d10tt'M.ft bl»nl el Roh! of Contuhan ~ MMWpar I-tow.rd l- OelaMJ, ~.i!L..,.. 11w d~ll'I pr.... U Wt'f9 ~ft The boud Kt. onlr 111 • <0M11ltiw V.F.. of WalMnburr. Monaic- Francil " IM MW pl.an In • ~Utt fnwtl captclty, 1hfoa °"'"'°na w the e ..hop G. Fa 1tll, V.F., al Al•moN., MoN.i«n« M rh..u~ A Dwwf!ll d•t.td July 11 wh•noff he •H for ad'tiw on 1peei.•I Georp T. Helt.and, al A.umpc.W\ ,.n..h, Tit pr1f'•U .,. bt1nc 1uppll.d "'11h INllWrt ThoNe m11Uen may IMl1.1de the PlJeblo: a nd Mon1lpor Elwood C. VOM, of ' 11<! t>J w.a '" t ...lln• '°°'" ,.,,. r.... r e1tabl11hln1 or n•w pu1w.n. fimina•l the Dioo8.an School otrice riests, Sisters, Laity Named 4 Nominated to Ecumenical Unit Committees 'Gelllng To Know You' Uu"K;M llr.n f.('11m1•nlr.1I l'om Tht! Cl.l mtnll1t'1t' mt'mhl'rt1 11 n lO WVUP lo pl1n Ill •h•~ of' thin «uminnk•I ., A toti.I of lU ,,..,-..1fl• h11~t· Jlrlt'l'lll, four Rcllll'.hnill S111.tc-rs, 1.S lay pn>gr11m. The re1ul111 wlll he c111"rled \0 Y..cumenh1m 11 bullt nnt or aJI oo fri't'-ndt hlp • nd ~ a pra cikal exerclH """ .,,,1nrHf'd .,. m• ml"''"' flt 1ht- 10 ·~·m.on and :z•, l"ymt'n the di~ta• n 111;umenieal cammiglon h)' In " lll'U IJ'OOIJI e<:UmenJ1m" wu pu1 Into dTecl al worUhop Ha1ion.11 July 9 1 1 mlfl1I'••· nl 1h1> 1'1,whlo djo()('t...in t'C:U 1· 1\ol l rojt:r11m the th•il'man of emch committre. The ln the Ellubet h Scio n 1>01t u la nt'y. M~mbu• or thr; comrnitt.eet! or tbe I "mm1-t.on The romm~l1"'• •f'r\I! • All o( 1h1·"' rommittt'f' mrmbtni wtore chairmen will be cx.ollic.lo rMmlMin ol l>l!Xflan i::cumtnl4:'.al oomml.ulon had • corree ho ur ,•l.tlt .,.dth Protealant 1 ;&o11 ,'fl 1h•• •('t'k h) f'alhi·t W1ll1•n1 Chl,..n rron\ tht1 1ul'hlo lfln'• hr'tllu.te thlt the rorr.ml1111ion. mlnl1lr.ra end with Father J ohn A. Ha rdon. s.J. Pictured above lilt the r-'" O ~ H , 1K1jn1 ch•hmAn IA 1he 11 • pilM Wfl 1•l•n tu f'ltl"nd It. • II I.he The commit~ thatrml"n. and mem­ Informal con,·en.111tlon •re Mn. Edward L. l'ortcr, communlccadon1 Wm· 0 o,.,,,.., .. dun~nH o( tht' d10C'nt'.' ~ 1d FatbC!r mlllff". f1 th~r Hardon., proreuor o( lhNloay 11 nd ccmpuatlve l"f'licion1 at ,.,..tn1n.1tt<ln-. ha!\• l~n •rprotffl " 111101 ' On thio k.•1• o( our n~nence Dtoteun pro1r1m, Pather Jf'toma WeMtern S taie oolle«e, K•lama:ioo, M kh.: Si.1tt'r Marie Edgar, S.C., •dmlnlJ,. l'~rl• A Ht.1••·•11 l:wt't! In P~hlo, Wf' 'Wlll hf. &bl.• t.o tel Up Kiefer, c:h1irman , and Mr. and Mn, tnl.Or al Sl. Mar)o.Cctrwln ho.pllal: and Dave C.rdinal. ••Milar t'nlmtnic•I mmml•WJon• a nd com· R1lpk Wei~. Mn. v._m Man.IM"1~ Mn1 m11t~ '" all para of 1M d~ .~ Fnncd Gradiur, Father Ccnmiro lnaea· Tht' <r.rl\m1ulflln Jn('m~ !rlt 1h1t a no. and Judge S. Philip Cab1bt.. pilot pr• 1tnm -.ould hfi h•m~red by Apo1lolic pr ornm1. Rar M.oroner. Key to Ecumenism: lr•~•J-W'lht1on pr.,hl•m• tf ('(•mm1tlre ,haitmu, &Dd Mn. Ray M.iOtr, Ctorp mtmhro •1 rP apt~ntfod from a:I Pl'r1.I ol Boyd. Tom Farley, ~& Rute.e. and Sam t~ d~ •nd 1h.11 pnbkm• d lnl"l!lll\IC tr>l;'Mti.rr •nuW hr CPAll<d 1t...t •'111 Mt """"'"'Kelat1on1 .•Ith not1.Chr.i11an (f'OUJl9 Holiness Necessary rt.1•1 wht-n ~ dr<.antty ha• 1lJ; --,,i com· C"Omantttt, Jack Gomtt:k. Jr. c:h.unnan, ftllUtoi:•,.•ftllit'l'"'lftlllt.fotC and Mra. Fn.n.k 'A'1lmM, Mr and Mt9. II 1hfo torUln4'nkal "'°' ~nwnt i!J to Chr11t1an• to w1UMIA °""r c:onetm for '""' \'•rir-• ~ Com.t.a:b7. o..,.. CarJ1nal, and Jo­ ..,.. A \ 'mlo. M"hlorn1 lb l'.Mll of C"hn'!Ulln unit), • -oa.al C'Ol)drt.iofll. ~·'."with~ t.o \It C'&n1WI J'arl/lh n. TM ,.. ft~ ittt. '&l'J 1n ..- fA1m thrft. dedkalf!CI t'lttcy aftd laity mu.!t k.arn C-n-ti9m -1Utt. f•Llwr Al· fataily hfe and puhllC' <rducat.oa. _. '11 Our Udy el Mt c;.,.. lit f'1'hl IM'll'lbtt• Thi' ,S-1 --ind• 10 llu holy and MUIM'"ft.kal ll'"'- l"i~lttl dan Collo1t1. cha.ir·mu. and To. 0.tt)'. CharcH • ..~*I S...n.l.1, J•f.r 11, at ML th• nl"\Jmlteoe ch.a1naaa u.oounatd a...t S.m Path, Bill Bec:t.•• hm lokCrudcr. a .. n.11 wa• the lhnme ol ttw eddtt>M A -~ ......V.. 1a llw f.dd J puhlic ........... .... ~wod Jub' 8 "1 Fat!wr .W.. A u.,.. tduc:9U)n. Fathtt HM'4lnn aaad that Cam. F..h CG81-n.illM • Ill l'nft'l at • ~rai. fTura .. l"• ... ,. •• 1 cel•hrauon ••II ~•Id r.p '' .,._ S.J • pro(-. tbeoloa and a-par· eha· past ~ for paroduaJ .duahon u• r"'f'f'M~ . .....,,. ,.... roo.. a at1"- "'hPonf ll Wllllttt'ft ~itaLe ~. pn:ilahly nesulted 1a lad of concern ler 11.uw~. andpn.. Kat.a.....,M.ch. tho•• )oungue.n. botb Catholic •11d h• d•' will o~n •1tlli a ,..11~ s,eallftl to • tarwa auiltnm" J C.tb· ...Cat.hebe.,. who attnd puhhc ~ :Y- t-.nn;s ,,_ r-.& ti <Mr l..ad, Family Celebrates obel and Owlr lnril.ld .,.... rrom other adJooi. 1.nd wl~ \l:. t•tl"llrl A Nrtit: M- .,,fl baot... clliiarch-. f"alhtr Hardon .,.-nled bu lit pcl'nlt'd out tM.t the aud,. J COM­ bHlc fac\Of't u an oulhne lor pnitlacal •l ""' • • In the t'hUKh puativt n,lipou ud the Bible • htnn· at'llO*'ilm- R1t&H. F ood At .Soon Sister's Profession .........."'°"' .. tu"" ls an - cl acumen1'!'1l wbldl. caa ~ ti Knv..,.~1~ ti holi.MM: Et.~"'11111 ..... MiCaa1 -.•• ...._ . ... ano:. be punued in publie educal-. of 31 co-operation: 41 coma:nuft&c.lfon. "' •l l'llMM - lha p&nlh Colorado Sprias• - <Buel Hall MaH, admialatra Lor tha C•tb.dra.I r.. ,..... fiW \ht fttimtl.r. '""o--• n.t Prior)'• - "Our ..._ titter '-a SUtt'r,'" pariah in Pueblo and Ftth« J oha A. U1 urpd Cathohca to ttudy ttw wwd!i 75 at M"ork.;holll' U. duldren, and the Mn'll\I of It.al· Siena. 5.F., pwar al Holy ~ jl6riah, O( ti•• &tumHlcal Couoal ln ordfr to C.'DUIJd .. Mid tnab' by the 13 --·~ • niil k!arn the Cht.1rth'• outlook on ecumeni!m. .Appro:umately 75 ml'mb.ra of th• !il;i11\11h, SlovHuan. a~ Amtrkan brothu• of Shter Vuon11:a M•rtlntt. Pueblo. cttrsy ud the OJOCH.an F..cwni!orual Com­ TN- f,.ll~al • Ill ('Ofl\lnue un11I 11 0 8 B 18" piduf'll hw•t to ttLld,r the bfht'(1 '11 noo-C1lhol1CJ and CVKMI at Dl&Nf' non·Chrltilan1: and to undrntand thiiit m11!'•1on comm1ttC'H atl.t'ndfd •vrk•hof* S1.1Ler Veronk9 madt Mr fint prof'~ 'Jbl!7 wen pt*ta at a dinner ~ the eatrM.nlc:•I mo<remc: nl 1, not a ron- on ecutMn.i.sm •~ch father llardon con­ Solemri PrOtt•h~l'I 1k>n Jt.1nt 19 with n.ine otht.r ncmftll at by 1h1 Benet Hill communhy In St.
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