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ueblo Diocesan Priests· To Elect 7k~~~ . - A ' Board of Consultors Members REGISTEf u -<It... .. THE OfFIOAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE Of Pl. 181..twp'• ltOUN) - Tbe di· ,........ In • ;'lf'lmlf7 et.ctioa. ThMe bal policy (or lhl .noc-, and ...,. dero • pn..u th11t men1h will •l«t fMn' Ma will ht clue Aq 1. 'l1Je 12 ,...,_.. appointlnlnt.. i.e tM ~ bollnl ol contul· An'1•ln• the ..-. 'fUt8 will be nomi· H the ...... ti Bllhop ~ YM'&ftl Friday, July u . 1'U VOL XXI n.r- sNJYP """""" rtfU\atlJ \e ad\'I• nalfill fiar • fhlll,c 10 AuJUll and l>y !ht o# dlul.lolJ' .t tho B ...... ~ on 11M1Ufft fli d1~ pohcy ~ ..... cliacMan -tu.. .,. c:harsied .,u. ,._,,.p..1nl ... I~,, lht ..,._ Three.Year T.-:rm1 lhe dvty ti eledinc a -Viar C.pilu~ .U )l.allf tiftft •S'l*nled diNC"t.I) by 'Ille fow who an elected will tho be '° Uft'1 - .tm!a.I~ ti .... 41--. •PPMas.ed &.o the boud by B.ahop B.-,11 uwl a .... Biahop i. imt.alled. ~"t dw hDarcl Moe fut -~ ta1ethtt w 1llli !Our •hen ud .,th Sh Now Srrv111 .... bufd ,uu hav. 10 •m.btn , .. wxan cmenJ n.. wtll tMrl The preMJ'lt ft'llltlllben "' ihe Diomun ,,. ,,nou 1eiwnl old........ 1 hliww 10 ~ Thq Wiii Mne on. lhe -,.bin •ltcud by the ,n.u. and bMtd ror th.rte ,...,. r,,_ thur date al =.~~_.:.=.~~rd!.! :;i .. brRt...dlloft.hit~ for the Pueblo,, t.
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