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State Herbarium of South Australia PO Box 2732 Kent Town SA 5071 Australia

J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 18(1): 21-103 (2002)


State Herbarium of South Australia, Plant Biodiversity Centre PO Box 2732, Kent Town, South Australia, 5071

Abstract A taxonomic revision of Verbena in Australia is presented. The following seven species are recognized: V aristigera, V bonariensis,V. hispida, V.litoralis,V. officinalis,V. rigidaand V.supina.Besides the typical varieties, the following are confirmed: V.litoralisvar.brasiliensis, V. officinalisvar.africana, V. officinalisvar. gaudichaudii, V. officinalisvar.macrostachyaand V.supinavar.erecta.In addition V.officinalisvar.eremicola (from South Australia) and V. officinalis var. monticola (from Victoria) are described as new and V. bonariensis var.conglomerataand V.officinahsvar.haleiare recorded from Australia for the first time. V.officinalisvar. africanawas reduced from the level of a subspecies, and Vsupina f. erectais upgraded to var.erecta.The following are reduced to synonymy: V.africanasynonym of V.officinalisvar.africana, V. gaudichaudiisynonym of V.officinalisvar.gaudichaudii,V. incomptasynonym of V.bonarisiensisvar.bonariensis, V supina f. petiolulatasynonym of V.supinavar.supina, V. litoralisvar.portoricensissynonym of V.litoralisvar.litoralis, V.isabelleiand V.chacensissynonym of V.litoralisvar.brasilensis.Three species names typified here are V. hispida, V. rigidaand V.scaberrima. Affinities and distribution are considered for the genus and each species. A key to the species and infraspecific taxa is provided, and a detailed description of each species is supplemented by a habit sketch of a flowering branch and analytical drawings of the flower.

Taxonomic history of the genus The genus Verbena was described by Linnaeus (1753) with fourteen species of which eight have since been removed to other genera and one placed in synonymy (Moldenke 1971a, 1980). The Linnaean concept was too inclusive as he "included within it species with two stamens and species with four stamens, among the latter being V. officinalis, the historic type of the genus" (Stearn 1961). The type (lectotype) of the genus came from Mediterranean Region and is now preserved in the Clifford Herbarium at the British Museum (Nat.Hist.). The genus was placed in the class "Diandria Monogynia" where it was retained by Reichard (1778), Murray (1784), Schreber (1791), Loureiro (1790), Gmelin (1791), Persoon (1797), Willdenow (1797), Hedwig (1806), Velloso (1829) and a few others. Jussieu (1759) placed it in "Verbenae" which was accepted by Adanson (1763) and Reichenbach (1828). The latter, however, referred Verbena and other related genera to the Labiatae. In 1764, Gleditsch recorded it in section "Petalostemonum" and Linnaeus in the tribe "Personatae". The latter was accepted by Scopoli (1777) and Giseke (1792). Scopoli (1772) and Walter (1788) placed it in "Didinamia Gymnospermia", Rueling (1774) in "RingentesVerticillates",deJussieu (1789)in"Vitices",Necker (1790)inhis "Coryphytorum" and Ventenat (1799) under "Pyrenaceae". Ventenat's proposed family was later accepted for the genus by Gray (1821) and Dumortier (1822). Raeuschel (1797) divided the genus Verbena into two sections: Diandrae and Tetrandrae, with true Verbena species in the section Tetrandrae. In 1803, Michaux placed it in "Didynamia Angiospermia" where it was retained by Persoon (1807), Willdenow 1809), Nuttall (1818), Link (1822), Sprengel (1825) and Dietrich (1842). In 1805, Jaume Saint-Hilaire proposed the family

The present treatment of the genus Verbena is the sixteenth in the series of taxonomic revisions in the family Verbenaceae in Australia. (See Munir 1982, 1984a, 1984b, 1985, 1987a, 1987b, 1989, 1990a, 1990b, 1991, 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1995, 1996).

21 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Verbenaceae for Verbena and other related genera. The family Verbenaceae was accepted for the genus by de Jussieu (1806), Robert Brown (1810), Kunth (1818, 1823), D. Don (1825), Dumortier (1829), Baffling (1830), Endlicher (1838), Bentham (1839, 1870, 1876), Mueller (1882), 1889), Bailey (1883, 1901, 1913), Lam (1919) and by the majority of other botanists. Dumortier (1829) divided the family Verbenaceae into two tribes, Verbeneae and Viticeae. The tribe Verbeneae was accepted by Bartling (1830), Chamisso (1832), Bentham (1839, 1870, 1876), Schauer (1847), Walpers (1852), Miguel (1858), Grisebach (1862), Harvey (1868), Clarke (1885), Gray (1886), Durand (1888), Bailey (1883, 1901, 1913), King & Gamble (1909), Lem& (1843) and others. In 1838, Endlicher divided the family Verbenaceae into three tribes Lippieae, Lantaneae and Aegiphileae, with Verbena in the tribe Lippieae. This was accepted by Meisner (1840), Dietrich (1843) and Walpers (1845, 1847). Schauer (1847) reclassified the Verbenaceae into three tribes: Verbeneae, Viteae and Avicennieae.He subdividedthetribeVerbeneaeintosevensubtribesnamely Spielmannieae, Monochileae, Casselieae, Verbeneae, Lantaneae, Duranteae and Petreae. Schauer (1847) also split the genus into two sections: Verbenaca and Glandularia, based chiefly on the presence or absence of glandular appendages on anther connectives. These sections were accepted by Briquet (1895) and Perry (1933). Subsequently, these sections were given subgeneric rank by Lewis & Oliver (1961) and generic rank by Small (1933), Schnack (1944, 1964), Schnack & Coyas (1944, 1946) and Umber (1979), based on morphological, anatomical and cytological evidences. In 1895, Briquet reclassified the Verbenaceae and upgraded the tribe Verbeneae to a subfamily Verbenoideae. The latter consisted of six tribes: Verbeneae ("Euverbeneae"), Lantaneae, Priveae, Monochileae, Petraeae and Citharexyleae. This classification was adopted by Dalla Torre & Harms (1904), Lam (1919), Gardner (1931), Junell (1934), Moldenke (1959, 1971), Melchior (1964), Lopez-Palacios (1977), Verdcourt (1992) and several other botanists. Briquet further subdivided the section Verbenaca into seven subsections: Pungentes, Nobi les, Pachystachyae, Junciformes, Acerosae, Verticilliflorae and Leptostachyae. These sections and subsections were adopted by Dalla Torre & Harms (1904). The majority of botanists, however, have not divided the genus into sections and subsections, but have retained it in the Verbenaceae without reference to any subfamily or a tribe. In the present revision, Briquet's (1895) classification of the Verbenaceae is followed in retaining Verbena in the tribe Verbeneae. The subgeneric section proposed for the genus may be useful, but not used here because too few species have been studied. Australian history of the genus The first Australian record of Verbena was made by Robert Brown (1810) during 1802- 1805 from Port Jackson in New South Wales, when he recognized one species,V. officinalis L. Later, the existence of Verbena in Australia was reported by Sprengel (1825) and Schauer (1847) without citing any collections. From 1848 onwards, records of Verbena in Australia gradually increased with further collecting from different parts of Australia. In 1858, Mueller described one of his own collections from Peak Down Queensland, as a new species V. macrostachya. Hooker (1859) and Mueller (1868) each recorded V. bonariensis and V. officinalis from mainland Australia, and Woolls (1869) reported V. bonariensis as an introduced plant in the neighbourhood of Sydney. In 1870 Bentham published a complete account of the Australian Verbenaceae and listed two Verbena species viz.V.bonariensis and V.officinalis. In the same publication, Bentham reduced V. rnacrostachya to a variety of V. officinalis. Later, Mueller (1875) recorded two Verbena species, V. venosa Gillies & Hook. and V. macrostachya. V. venosa is here placed under V. rigida Spreng. and V. macrostachya is recognized as a variety of V.

22 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae:Verbena officinalis. In 1879, Bailey and Tenison-Woods recorded three Verbena species from Queensland: V. bonariensis, V. officinalis and V. venosa. In the Census of Vascular Plants of Australia, Mueller (1882, 1889) recorded only two Verbena species: V. officinalis and V. macrostachya. Bailey (1883, 1890) listed four Verbena species from Queensland namely V officinalis, V. macrostachya, V. bonariensis and V. venosa. Subsequently, Bailey (1901, 1913) followed Bentham (1870) in accepting V. macrostachya as a variety of V. officinalis. Dixon (1906) recorded from New South Wales respectively, V. venosa and V. officinalis. In 1904, Briquet described one of Gaudichaud's collections (no. 144) from Port Jackson as var. gaudichaudii under V. officinalis. Black (1909, 1917) for the first time recorded V. supina L. as a naturalised species in South Australia. A few years later, Domin (1828) listed from Queensland two Verbena species: V.officinalis and V. venosa. In 1929, Black reported V. tenera Spreng. from temperate South Australia which was later found to be a misidentification of naturalised V. aristigera S. Moore. Subsequently, Robertson (1957) published an account of South Australian Verbenaceae and listed four Verbena species: V. bonariensis, V.officinalis,V. supina and V.rigida. Moldenke (1959) enumerated for Australia four Verbena species and a variety viz. V bonariensis,V. litoralis Kunth, V officinalis,V.officinalis var. gaudichaudii Brig. and V.rigida. To the above named Verbena taxa in Australia, Moldenke (1971) added V. officinalis var. macrostachya (F.. Muell.) Benth., V. supina L. and V. tenuisecta Brig. Later, Moldenke (1973a, 1980) updated Australian Verbena list by including V. supina f. erecta Moldenke. This form is now upgraded to the rank of a variety. Beadle et al. (1962) recorded five Verbena species from Sydney district and Blue Mountains namely V. rigida, V. bonariensis, V. hispida Ruiz & Pav., V. officinalis and V. erinoides Lam. The naturalised V. hispida in Australia was reported here for the first time. The record of V. erinoides Lam., however, was a misidentification of V. aristigera S. Moore. The first comprehensive account of Verbenaceae for the State of Victoria was published by Willis (1973), who recorded four Verbena species: V.bonariensis, V. officinalis,V. rigida and V. supina. In 1981, Munir recorded three Verbena species for Central Australia: V hispida, V. officinalis and V. supina, but V hispida was later found to be V. rigida Spreng. Jacobs & Pickard (1981) were the first to report V. brasiliensis Vell. from New South Wales. This taxon was previously regarded by Briquet (1904) as a variety of V. litoralis Kunth. In the revised new flora of South Australia, Munir (1986) recorded five Verbena species: V. bonariensis, V. officinalis, V rigida, V. supina and V. tenuisecta. In the flora of south-eastern Queensland, Stanley (1986) also reported five Verbena species viz. V. bonariensis, V litoralis, V. officinalis, V. rigida and V. tenuisecta. A few years later, Carolin & Tindale (1991) recorded in "Flora of the Sydney Region" seven Verbena species: V. bonariensis,V. brasiliensis, V.hispida,V.litoralis,V.officinalis,V. rigida and V. tenuisecta. Besides these seven species Conn (1992) reported V. supina from New South Wales. This raised the number of Verbena species in the State to eight. Previously, V. supina had been known only from South Australia and Victoria. Pedley (1994) recorded seven Verbena species and a subspecies from Queensland namely V. bonariensis, V brasiliensis,V. litoralis,V. macrostachya, V. officinalis,V. officinalis subsp. africana R. Fern & Verdc. V. rigida and V. tenuisecta. Pedley seems to have been the first to record V. officinalis subsp. africana from Australia. In 1995, Michael described V. incompta as a new species from Victoria. A year later, Michael (1997a) elevated three infraspecific taxa of V officinalis to species namely V. africana, V. gaudichaudii and V. macrostachya. In the "Workshop Manual" of the Weed Society of New South Wales, Michael(1997b)recordedeightVerbenaspeciesincluding V. caracasana, V. quadrangularis Vell. and V brasiliensis. These taxa were resun-ected from synonymy or elevated from infraspecific to species level. Most of Michael's (1996, 1997a, 1997b) new,

23 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

reinstated or resurrected taxa were later accepted by Conn (1999) as valid species. In all, Conn (1999) recorded nine species from Victoria. According to the present investigation, the known Verbena species in Australia are only seven with thirteen infraspecific taxa. Chromosome numbers Chromosome counts of at least seventy Verbena species have been located. Almost all counts are based on material from outside Australia. According to various investigations, the basic, i.e. haploid chromosome number in the genus Verbena (including Glandularia) is 5 or 7. Lewis & Oliver (1961) state that, "the [Verbena] species fall into 2 basic groups of x=5 and x=7, which, without exception, correspond to their classification in the sections Glandularia and Verbenaca as anticipated on the basis of earlier cytological studies". Schnack (1944, 1964), Schnack & Coves (1944) and Umber (1979) separated Glandularia from Verbena using cytological, morphological and anatomical features. In their opinion, "Glandularia has a basic [haploid] chromosome number of x=5 with polyploids at 4n=20, 6n=30, and 8n=40. Diploids are only present in South America, where they predominate, while North America has only polyploids. In contrast, Verbena has a basic, said as above, chromosome number of x=7 with known polyploids at 3n=21, 4n=28, 5n=35, 6n=42, 8n=56 and aneuploids 4n+1=29,1 On+2=72. Diploids are primarily present in North America, whereas, South America has mostly polyploids many of which are apomictic (Schnack et al.,1959)". The chromosome number of naturalised Verbena species in Australia has been recorded by Junell (1934), Darlington & Wylie (1955), Fedorov (1975), Moldenke (1972c, 1983) and several others. The above records indicate that the líásic chromosome number of x=7 is found in the majority of Australian Verbena species. Only in V. aristigera the chromosome number of x=5 is found. The latter is the only 1(nown naturalised representative of the section or "genus" Glandularia in Australia.

VERBENA L. Verbena L., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 18; Willd., Sp. Pl. 1 (1797) 115; J. St.-Hil., Expos. Fam. Nat. 1 (1805) 250; Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 535; Miq., Fi. Ind. Bat. 2 (1858) 908; Benth., Fi. Aust. 5 (1870) 35; Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 2 (1876) 1146; F.Muell., Syst. Cens. Aust. Vasc. PI. 1 (1882) 102; F.M.Bailey, Synop. Qld Fl. (1883) 376; F.Muell., Sec. Syst. Cens. Aust.Pl. 1 Vasc. (1889) 171; Brig. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. 4, 3a (1895) 146; F.M.Bailey, Qld Fl. 4 (1901) 1172; F.M.Bailey, Weeds & Suspec. Pois. Pl. Qld (1906) 141; L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20, No. 2 (1933) 25 1 ; Tronc., Darwiniana 3, No. 1 (1937) 53; E.L.Robertson in J.M.Black, FI. S. Aust. Edn 2 (1957) 720; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 405, 470; Moldenke, Phytologia 9, No. 4 (1963) 189; ibid. 10, No. 2 (1964) 89; D.N.Gibson in Standl. & L.O.Williams (eds), FI. Guatemala, Fieldiana 24, 9, No. 1 & 2 (1970) 230; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc.1 & 2 (1971) 752, 912; J.H.Willis, Handb. Pl. Vic. 2 (1973) 580; Moldenke, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 60, No. 1. Fl. Panama (1973) 43; Lopez-Pal., FI. Venezuela, Verbenac. (1977) 558; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 574; Munir in Jessop (ed.), Fi. Centr. Aust. (1981) 295; Moldenke in Dassan & Fosberg (eds), FI. Ceylon 4 (1983) 198; Munir in Jessop & Toelken (eds), FI. S. Aust. 3 (1986) 1175; Stanley in Stanley & Ross (eds), FI. S.E. Qld 2 (1986) 367; B.J.Conn in G. Harden (ed.), FI. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 611; Verdc. in Polhill (ed.), FI. Trop. E. Afr. Verbenac. (1992) 6; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 413. Type: Verbena officinalis L., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 20, lectotype, chosen by Britton & A.Brown, Ill. FI. N.U.S. Canada etc. edn 2, 3 (1913) 94! fide R.C.Farr et al., Index Nom. Gen. (Pl.) Vol. 3 Peg.-Zyz. (1979) 1842 ; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950.

24 J. Adelaide Bot, Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae:Verbena

ObletiaLe Monn. ex Rozier, lntrod. Obs. Phys. Hist. Nat. I (1771) 367-fideMoldenke (1959, I 973b, 1971a, 1983), Perry (1933), Lopez-PI. (1977).

Type: O. verbenalacaeaLe Monn. ex Rozier, loc.cit. 1(1771) 367. GlandulariaJ.F.Gmel., Syst. Veg. 2, 2 (1791) 886, 920-fideMoldenke (1959, 1971a, 1980, 1983); Lopez-Pal. (1977). Type: G. caroliniensisJ.F.Gmel., loc.cit,.(1791) 920.

PaoraNeck., Elem. Bot. 1 (1790) 296-fideMoldenke (1959, 1971a, 1983), Lopez. Pal. (1977)

Type: non designatus. BillardieraMoench, Meth. Pl. (1794) 369 [notBillardieraSm., 1793, nor Vahl, 17961 -fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1980, 1983), Lopez.-Pal. (1977).

Type: B. explanataMoench., loc.cit, nom. illeg. ShuttleworthiaMeisn., Pl. Vase. Gen. 1. Tab. Diag. (1839) 290; 2 Commentarius (1840) 198.

Type: non designatus.Pfeiffer (1874) designatedVerbena dicerasBert. as the lectotype but this apparently has not been validly published-fideFarrel al.(eds), Index nom. Generic. III Peg-Zyz (1797) 1611. UwarowiaBunge, Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. 7 (1840) 278. Type: U. chrysanthemifoliaBunge, loc.cit., nom. illeg. -fideFarret al.(1979) 1832. VerbenellaSpach, Hist. Nat. Veg. Phan. 9 (1840) 237-fideMoldenke (1977a, 1983). Type: V. chamaedryfolia(Juss.) Spach,loc.cit.,based onVerbena chamaedryfoliaJuss., species lectotypified here. flelleranthusSmall, Fi. Southeast. U.S. edn 1 (1903) 1011 & 1137-fideMoldenke (1959, 1971a, 1980, 1983), Lopez.Pal. (1977). Type: H. quadrangulatus(Heller) Small, loc.cit. JunelliaMoldenke, Lilloa 5(1940) 392-fideJ.F.Macbr., FI. Peru. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. Vol. 13, Part 5, No. 2 (1960) 611.

Type: non designatus. Annual or perennial herbs or undershrubs. Stem and branches procumbent, ascending or erect, more or less quadrangular, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leaves simple, mostly decussate-opposite,rarely whorled,dentateor variously divided orpinnatipartite- pinnatisect, rarely entire. Inflorescence2 spicate; spikes terminal, simple or branched, usually many flowered, often flat-topped and pseudo-umbellate or fasciculate-capitate, usually arranged in panicles or corymbs. Flowers sessile (sometimes a few flowers with short pedicels 0.5 - 1.5 mm in V. officinalis var. monticola), bracteate, solitary in axil of a bract, zygomorphic, bisexual, hypogynous. Calyx tubular, 5-angled, 5-ribbed, unequally 5- toothed (4-toothed & 4-angled in V. supina). Corolla funnel-shaped, or hypocrateriform; tube cylindric, straight or slightly curved, more or less villous inside; limb 5-lobed, the lobes more or less unequal, spreading, obtuse, rounded or emarginate. Stamens 4, didynamous, epipetalous, included, usually inserted near the middle of the corolla-tube; anthers ovate, the thecae (lobes) with or more often without appendages, dehiscing longitudinally; filaments minute or absent. Ovary superior, entire or 4-lobed, bicarpellary, syncarpous, 4-locular, with one ovule in each cell, attached laterally at or near the base, erect, anatropous; style short, thickened upwards, with stigma notched or usually 2-lobed,

2 Defining terms to describe the parts of the inflorescence and related structures has proved difficult. Peduncle, for the purposes of this paper, is defined as the first readily distinguishable intemode of a main stem below its terminal spike.

25 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) with the anterior lobe knob-shaped, papillose, the posterior one tooth-like, smooth. Fruit dry, a schizocarp enclosed by the persistent calyx, separating into four 1-seeded mericarps, the mericarps subcylindrical or subtrigonous with inner (commissural) facesoften scabridulous, granulate or muricate, sometimes smooth as inV. supina. Seeds without endosperm. Number of species: World ± 450 specific, infraspecific and hybrid taxa (Moldenke, 1983); Australia 7 species and 13 varieties.

Derivation of name Derivation of the name Verbena is obscure. It is ancient Latin name of the common European vervain,V.officinalis, which appears to have been much used in religious ceremonies and also in medicine. According to L.M. Perry (1933), "the name [Verbena] has been handed down to us as representing certain herbs used in sacred rites by the ancients". Moldenke (1977a) reported that "Swift (1974) tells us that 'Verbena is an ancient Latin term for ceremonial foliage rather than a name for a specific class of plants. In post- classical times the name became applied to vervain; probably in connection with medicinal uses". Distribution (Map I) ThegenusVerbenaisdistributed 120° mainlyintemperate,subtropicaland le 10° tropical America witha few species Mk respectively in Europe, Asia and North EMU' Africa. There are many cultivated forms 47.1.14, andnumerousnaturalandartificial 20° 20 hybrids. Of the seven Verbena species recognised inAustralia, fivewere 11:7111116111 17:7:::::1161MTPO:i introduced from South America and two 30° from the Mediterranean and Near East !!!!!!!!!!!::::!"!2"nallianna 30- 411111111111"" 411N, region. All of them are found on mainland ,,1* 'in MOP Australia with the typical V.officinalis and its var. africana also in Tasmania. -40° o The following four infraspecific taxa of V. tag officinalisareendemictomainland Australia: var. eremicola is restricted to 130° thefarnorth-eastern comer of South Map I. Distribulion ofthe genus Verbena L. in Australia and the far north-western comer Australia of New South Wales, var. gaudichaudii is widely distributed in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, var. macrostachya is endemic to southern Queensland and var. monticola occurs chiefly around Mount Buffalo in Victoria.

Comments Regarding the validity of Junellia Moldenke and Glandularia J.F.Gmel. as distinct genera, Macbride (1960) states, "that Junellia Mold., a group name for several small alpine more or less depressed ligneous species, is correctly a part of Verbena, representing merely an ecological condition, see Troncoso [Darwiniana 8: 487.1949], who showed that habit varies and that anthers here may be appendaged; compare, too, Phyla under Lippia. On the other hand there may be a natural relationship within the scope of Glandularia as defined

26 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena by Schnack and Coyas [Darwiniana 6: 469-476.19441, but since their conclusion was based on relatively few species and neither they nor apparently other students have followed up their work after more than a decade the soundness of the segregation is certainly open to question; Schauer [1847] was probably right in grouping the glandular-tipped anthered species as a section [Glandularia]. However, here may be recorded Schnack and Coyas observations: "Verbena restricted to species with funnelform corollas, various tones of purple, rarely white; style at most three times longer than ovary; anther cells equal to or smaller than connective, the appendages glandular; inflorescence nearly always a terminal panicle of spikes; stem parenchyma in 4 interrupted bands; chromosomes small with basic number 7 or multiple. Glandularia was defined: corollas salverform, colors various; style much longer than ovary; anther cells exceeding connective, the 2 upper anthers with prominent, vestigial gland or none; inflorescence simple or branched generally once; cortical parenchyma continuous, not interrupted at the angles (below inflorescence); Chromosome large with basic number n=5, yn=15. These characters were illustrated 1.c. for V. officinalis L. and for G. laciniata (L.) Schnack & Coyas". In the same publication, Macbride (1960) further states that, "in other families as in the related Boraginaceae chromosome count alone may not be taxonomically conclusive. Incidentally, Schnack and Coyas have merely implied transfers to Glandularia, as source of specific publication has not been indicated". A few American botanists have recognised Glandularia as a distinct genus. It differs from Verbena chiefly by its stem being somtwhat cylindrical; spikes flat-topped or depressed capitate at anthesis, elongating in fruit; calyx at least twice as long as mericarps and at maturity the teeth and lobes are more or less contorted; mericarps ± prolonged at the base; anthers sometimes with a gland-like appendage on the connective; style up to 6 times longer than ovary. In the present treatment, however, Glandularia is regarded as a section of the genus Verbena as proposed by Schauer (1847). Within Australia, therefore, sect. Glandularia is represented only by one naturalised species V. aristigera S. Moore. Moldenke (1973b) remarked that, "Glandularia is perhaps worthy of generic segregation", though he himself always treated it as a synonym of Verbena. Stearn (1961) noted that "although Linnaeus placed his genus Verbena in the class Diandria, having two stamens, he deliberately included within it species with two stamens and species with four, among the latter being V. officinalis, the historic type of the genus". According to Everist (1981), "about 5 [Verbena] species are naturalized in Australia. Four of them have been suspected of poisoning livestock, although positive evidence of toxicity is lacking". The occurrence of V. urticifolia L. in Australia was doubtfully cited by Moldenke (1975). So far, the naturalisation of this species in Australia has not been confirmed. Airy Shaw (1973) regarded Burseria Loefl. as a synonym of Verbena when actually it is a synonym of Priva Adans.

Affinities Verbena is closely related to Lantana, Lippia, Phyla and Stachytarpheta in its flowers being arranged into a spike, solitary within each bract, without bracteoles; ovules anatropous, ascending from the base of the ovary cells. However, Lantana, Lippia and Phyla may easily be distinguished by their spikes being dense, usually contracted into heads; ovary 2-celled, with 1 ovule in each cell; fruit with 2 mericarps. The spikes in Verbena are mostly but not all elongated; ovary 4-celled, with 1 ovule in each cell; fruit composed of four 1-seeded mericarps. The elongated spike in Stachytarpheta has sometimes resulted in its being mistaken for Verbena. The former may readily be identified

27 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) by its only 2 perfect stamens, with a posterior pair of staminodes; ovary 2-locular, each locule with 1 ovule; fruit composed of 2 mericarps.

Key to species and infraspecific taxa (Names with an asterisk * are new taxa) la. Leaves petiolate or narrowly tapering into a cuneate-attenuate subsessile base 5 b. Leaves sessile, amplexicaul to semi-amplexicaul and somewhat cordate at the base 2

2a. Bracts distinctly longer than the calyx; corolla-tube at least twice as long as the calyx 4 b. Bracts as long as or slightly longer than the calyx; corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx 1. V bonariensis 3

3a. Spikes sub-cylindrical, aggregate but not contracted into capitate or sub- capitate clusters; peduncles not glandular; corolla-tube rarely twice as long as the calyx la. V. bonariensis var. bonariensis b. Spikes contracted into capitate or sub-capitate clusters; peduncles with minute sparse glands intermixed with hairs; corolla-tube mostly twice as long as the calyx lb. V. bonariensis var. conglomerata

4a. Peduncles and bracts not glandular; leaves not cuneateattenuate towards the base; calyx 3-3.5 mm long; corolla-tube 5-10(-12) mm long, showy; plant rhizomatous 2. V. rigida b. Peduncles and bracts glandular; leaves somewhat cuneateattenuate towards the base; calyx 2-2.5 mm long; corolla-tube 3.5-4 mm long, not showy; plant not rhizomatous 3. V. hispida

5a. Erect or ascending perennial herbs; leaves variously incised or irregularly serratedentate, sometimes pinnatipartite or pinnatisect in V.officinalis var. gaudichaudii 8 b. Procumbentdecumbent annual herbs; leaves pinnatipartite or pinnatisect 6

6a. Leaves tripartite-pinnatisect with lobes linearsubulate; spikes somewhat contracted and subglobose during anthesis; flowers large and showy; calyx 5-toothed, 6-7 mm long; corolla-tube 10-11(-14) mm long, glabrous outside; mericarp muricate on commissural faces 4. V. aristigera b. Leaves pinnatifidpinnatipartite with lobes lanceolate to broadly oblong; spikes cylindrical during and after anthesis; flowers small, not showy; calyx 4-toothed, 2-3 mm long; corolla-tube 3-4 mm long, puberulous outside; mericarp smooth on commissural faces 5. V. supina...... 7

7a. Procumbeni herb; stem prostrate, pubescent-canescent, not purplish; leaves hispidcanesc,ent on both surfaces, lobes narrow, oblong; peduncles canescent-strigose, not purple 5a. V. supina var. supina b. Decumbent herb; stem erect or suberect, glabrous, shiny and purplish; leaves glabrous adaxially, puberulous on the veins below,lobes obtuse or rounded at the apex 5b. V. supina var. erecta

8a. Lower leaves deeply pinnately lobed, pinnatifid or pinnatisect; spikes 10-35(-40) cm long, not contracted 7. V. officinalis 11 b. Lower leaves serratedentate, neither pinnatifid nor pinnatisect; spikes (1)2-8(-10) cm long, somewhat contracted 9 9a. Spikes and peduncles hispid, glandular; bracts glandular, distinctly longer than the calyx; calyx

28 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

glandular outside, 2-2.5 mm long; corolla 3.5-4 mm long, limb 1-1.5 mm diam., deeply lobed

3. V. hispida b. Spikes and peduncles pubescent glabrascent, not glandular; bracts not glandular, shorter than or equalling the calyx, sometimes slightly surpassing the calyx in V. litoralis var. brasiliensis; calyx not glandular, 1.5-2 mm long; corolla 2-2.5(-3) mm long, limb 1.5-2 mm diam., not deeply lobed

6. V. litoralis 10

10a.Spikes, slender, lax; flowers distant in the lower half of the rachis; hairs on rachis, bracts and calyx minute and closely appressed; bracts ovate, often shorter than the calyx; lamina with both blunt (rounded) and sharp teeth 6a. V. litoralis var. litoralis b. Spikes somewhat compact; flowers close to each other along the rachis; hairs on rachis, bracts and calyx spreading; bracts narrow lanceolate, equalling the calyx, strongly keeled; lamina serrate 613. V. Nora& var. brasiliensis

1 la.Inflorescence neither glandular nor viscid, pubescent to puberulous; floral bracts puberulous abaxially during anthesis, glabrous after anthesis; upper leaves narrow-linear, entire or divided into long narrow lobes or long teeth; lamina of lower and mid-stem leaves often divided almost to the central midrib or coarsely toothed or incised to lobe 16 b. Inflorescence glandular or viscid, hirsute or pubescent; floral bracts hirsute or pubescent to puberulous abaxially; leaves variously incised, lobed, dentate or serrate; lamina of lower and mid-stem and upper leaves not divided to the midrib except var.monticola &var.africana 12

12a.Flowers usually crowded along the rachis; spikes densely hirsute; floral bracts as long as the calyx or longer; plants hirsute, becoming pubescent to puberulous when old 15 b. Flowers distant at least in the lower two-thirds of the rachis; spikes pubescent; floral bracts usually half to two-thirds the length of the calyx, rarely longer; plants pubescent, becoming glabrescent when old 13

I3a.Leaves not deeply divided, the lobes ('segments') short, obtuse, ± dentate; floral bracts usually up to half the length of the calyx, rarely equalling the calyx 7a. V. officinalis var. officinalis b. Leaves deeply divided into long, narrow, acute or serrate lobes ('segments'); floral bracts usually a half to two-thirds the length of the calyx 14

14a.Flowers sessile; rhachis with glandular and non-glandular hairs; calyx-teeth distinct; corolla-tube cylindric, constricted below the limb, puberulous in the upper half outside; floral bracts narrowly ovate - lanceolate, usually up to two-thirds the length of the calyx, rarely longer 7b. V. officinalis var. africana b. Flowers both sessile and with short pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm long; rachis with glandular hairs only; calyx- teeth minute or indistinct; corolla-tube somewhat broader near the top, not constricted below the limb, glabrous to glabrescent outside; floral bracts ovate, up to half the length of the calyx 7c. V. officinalis var. monticola*

15a.Spikes rather thick, (4)5-8(-10) mm diam.; floral bracts (3.5)4-5 mm long; corolla-tube exserted above the calyx, puberulous in the upper half outside; corolla-limb (3)3.5-5 mm broad; lamina with sharp long teeth in the distal two-thirds 7d. V. officinalis var. macrostachya b. Spikes not very thick, 3-4 (-5) mm diam.; floral bracts 2-3 mm long, not exserted above the calyx; corolla-tube scarcely exserted, glabrous or sparingly puberulous in the upper half outside; corolla-limb

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1-2.5 mm broad; lamina shortly toothed in the distal half

7e. V.officinalisvar.erenticola*

16a.Lower and mid-stem leaves divided, incised, or dentate-serrate almost to the midrib; floral bracts usually as long as the calyx, occasionally two-thirds the length of the calyx 7f. V. officinalis var. gaudichaudii

b. Lower and often mid-stem leaves coarsely toothed or incised to lobed, not deeply divided; floral bracts about half the length of the calyx 7g. V. officinalis var. halei

1. Verbena bonariensis L. Sp. Pl.I (1753) 20; Hook., Bot. Misc. 1 (1829) 166, excl. syn. V. littoralis Kunth; Walp., Rep. Bot. Syst. 4 (1845) 19, excl. synonyms cited; Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 541, excl. syn.V. quadrangularis Vell. & V. capensis Thunb.; F.M.Bailey, Synop. Qld Fl. (1883) 877; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3 (1898) 254, excl. syn. f. ("y') rigida Spreng.; F.M.Bailey, Qld FI. 4 (1901) 1178; F.M.Bailey, Weeds & Susp. Poison Pl. Qld (1906) 142, 143; H.Pearson in Dyer, FI. Cap. 5 (1910) 209, excl. syn. V. capensis Thunb. & V. quadrangularis Ve!!.; L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20, 2 (1933) 254; L.J.Webb, Bull. Council, Sci. Industr. Res. No. 232 (1948) 169; Everist, Common Weeds of Farm & Pastur. (1957) 108, t. 89; E.L.Robertson in J.M.Black, FI. S. Aust. edn 2, 4 (1957) 720; Moldenke, Rdsumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 109, 115, 121, 126, 149, 154, 181, 191, 202-212, 276, 359, 363, 376, 470; J.F.Macbr., Field Mus. Nat. Hist. (Bot. Ser.) 13, 4 [FI. Peru] (1960) 616; Moldenke, Phytologia 8, 5 (1962) 246, excl. syn. V. quadrangularis Ve!!.; Fronc. in Cabrera, FI. Prov. Buenos Aires 5 (1965) 128-131, fig. 45; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 177, 184, 192, 200, 252, 257, 278, 328, 343, 349-353, 473, 664, 667, 703, 912; Franco in Tutin et al., FI. Europ. 3 (1972) 123; Moldenke, Phytologia 22, 6 (1972) 474; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 67, 135, 169, 183, 190, 256, 265, 327, 332, 339, 579; Everist, Poison. Pl. Aust. (1981) 749; Moldenke in Dassan. & Fosberg (eds), Fl. Ceylon 4 (1983) 201, excl. syn. V. quadrangularis Vell.; N.C.W.Beadle, Student FI. NE N.S.W. 5 (1984) 852; Munir in Jessop & Toelken (eds), Fl. S. Aust. 3 (1986) 1176, excl. syn. V. quadrangularis Vell.; Stanley in Stanley & E.M.Ross (eds), Fi. SE Qld 2 (1986) 368; Yeo, Kew Bull. 45, 1 (1990) 102, 103; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950; B.J.Conn in G.J.Harden (ed.), Fl. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 612; Verdc. in Polhill (ed.), Fi. Trop. E. Afr. (1992) 9; Carolin & Tindale, FI. Syd. Reg. edn 4 (1994) 596; J.-P.Lebrun & Stork, Enum. Pl. Afr. Trop. 4 (1997) 523; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds) FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 414, fig. 80d. Type: Herb. Linn 35.11, Buenos Aires, Argentine (LINN, lectotype!, chosen by Yeo (1990). See typification.

V. elongata Salisb., Prod. (1796) 71 -fide L.M.Perry (1933), Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1983), J.-P.Lebrun & Stork (1997).

V.trichotomaMoench, Suppl. Meth. (1802) 131,nom. illeg.- fideMoldenke (1983), J.-P.Lebrun & Stork (1997).

V.cotymbosa sensuHort.: Walp., Rep. Bot. 4 (1845) 19, inval. only in syn., non V.corymbosa Ruiz & Pav. (1798), Cham. (1832), Relh (1947). -fideMoldenke (1962a, 1971a, 1983).

V.bonariensis L.var.("r '9 longibracteata sensuWalp., Repert. Bot. 4 (1845) 20, non V.bonariensisvar. longibracteataKuntze (1898).-fideMoldenke (1983). V. hasta L. sensu Moldenke, Alph.-List Invalid Names Suppl. 1 (1947) 24, inval. only in syn. -fide Moldenke (1971a, 1983).

V. littoralis sensu H.Betch: Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 368, inval. only in syn., non V. 1itoralis Kunth (1818).-.fideMoldenke (1983).

30 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae:Verbena

Cymaria icljenensisKoord.; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 276, inval. only in syn.fideMoldenke (1962a, 1983).

V.bonariensisL. f.umbrosaOsten; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 359, inval. only in syn.fide Moldenke (1983).

V.incomptaP.W.Michael, Telopea 6 (1995) 181, syn. nov.; P.W. Michael, Weeds-Wet & Wild (1997) 9, 11 p.p. top fig.; Pedley in R.J.F.Hend. (ed.), Qld Pl. New edn (1997) 206; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 416, fig. 80e. Type: R.VSmith 64/64,Bright Tawonga Road, 6 miles (9.7 km) ESE of Bright, c. 2 miles (3.2 km) E of Tawonga- Harrietville road fork, Victoria, Australia, 25. iii.1964 (MEL, holotype!, NSW, isotype!).

Typification There is some confusion as to who actually lecto-typified V. bonariensis, Moldenke (1962a) or Yeo (1990). Apparently both chose LINN 35.11 as the type but Yeo (1990) clearly lectotypified it with explanation while Moldenke (1962a) merely named the type and its whereabouts. The present author follows Yeo (1990).

Description (Fig. 1) An erect perennial or annual herb, 0.5-2 m high. Stem sharply 4-angled, scabrous- pubescent or hispidulous especially on the angles. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, ovate- lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, cordate and sub-auriculate to adnate-semiamplexicaul (3-) 5-15 (-18) cm long, (0.5-)1-3.5 (-5) cm wide, acute, sharply and unequally serrate, entire towards the base, rugosescabrous or harshly rough bullate-rugose adaxially, pubescent- tomentose abaxially, particularly along the prominent reticulate veins, or hirsute and scabrous on both surfaces. Spikes subcylindrical, compact and aggregate, or much reduced and more or less capitate or subcapitate, mostly sessile or subsessile and crowded in dense fasciculate long-pedunculate clusters, (8-) 15-50 (-60) mm long, 5-7 mm diam.; peduncle (0.5-) 1-6 (-7) cm long, pubescent, glandular and pubescent in var. conglomerata. Flowers small, sessile, bracteate; bract sessile, barely equalling or slightly surpassing the calyx, lanceolate-acuminate, pubescent or hirtellous abaxially, glabrous adaxially, ciliate along the margin, non-glandular, 2-3 (-4) mm long, ) 0.5-1 mm wide near the base. Calyx 5-angled, 5-toothed at the top, pubescenthispidulous on the angles outside, glabrous inside, non- glandular, persistent; tube 2-3 (-4) mm long, 0.5-1 mm wide; teeth (lobes) acute with short subulate tips,c. 0.5 mm long. Corolla varying from blue, bright-blue, dark-purple, lavender-pinkish, lilac or mauve; tube slender, cylindrical, as long as or up to twice the length of the calyx, pubescent outside above the calyx-tube, villous inside the throat, 3-5 (- 6) mm long, c. 0.5 mm diam.; limb small and inconspicuous, nearly regular, 2-3 mm wide; lobes broad-oblong to orbicular, retuse and spreading c.1 mm long, 0.5-1 mm wide. Stamens didynamous, included, inserted above the middle of corolla-tube. Oval); oval globose, glabrous, faintly 4-lobed, c. 0.5 mm diam.; style short, about half the length of corolla-tube, (1-)1.5-2.5 (-3) mm long; stigma unequally 2-lobed. Fruit subglobose-oblong, glabrous, 4-lobed, splitting into 4 cylindric-oblong brown mericarps. 1-2 mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam; mericarps trigonous, slightly raised-reticulate at the apex, the dorsal side usually striate, muricate-scabrous on commissural faces, the commissural face scarcely reaching the tip of the mericarp.

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0.25 mm Fig. I. V bonariensis L. var. bonariensis (AN, J.Cullimore 259: MEL). A, habit sketch ofa flowering branch; B, transverse section of stem showing 4-angles; C, abaxial view of a leaf showing venation and hairs; D, spike; E, flower with bract; F, calyx with bract; G, calyx cut opened vertically showing glabrous inside; H, bract showing adaxial glabrous surface; I, corolla cut open showing inside hairs, androecium and gynoecium; J, stamens; K, ovary; L, transverse section of ovary; M, fruit; N, mericarp showing muricate commissural face.

32 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Distribution A native to the area from Brasil and Bolivia south through and Uraguay to Argentine and west to Chile. Introduced into and now rather widespread in other parts of South America, the United States, Bermuda, Jamaica, parts of Europe and Africa, tropical Asia, Pacific Oceanica and Australia.

la. Verbena bonariensis L. var. bonariensis Perennial or annual herb. Stem scabrous-pubescent especially on the angles. Leaves ovate- lanceolate, cordate to sub-auriculate, semiamplexicaul, sharply and unequally serrate towards the base. Spikes subsessile, sub-cylindrical, aggregate but not contracted into capitate or globose clusters or heads; peduncles not-glandular. Bracts barely equalling the calyx or slightly surpassing it. Corolla tube rarely twice as long as the calyx.

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 175; non-Australian 202) WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Bentley s.n., Donnybrook, 3.iii. 1963, (PERTH 03658678); Lepschi & Lally 2491, at Junction of Sussex Street and Albany Highway, East Victoria, Perth, 4.ii.1996 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH). NORTHERN TERRITORY: Holtze s.n. Port Darwin, -.1888 (MEL 583783). QUEENSLAND: Batianoff 860408, Noosa National Park, 2.iv.1986 (BRI); Eves s.n., Moreton Bay, - 1872 (MEL 583754); Francis s.n., Rockhampton, 7.xi.1943 (US); Hartman 436, Lockyer River, - 1875 (MEL 583781); Hood s.n., Toowoomba, - 1886 (MEL 583868); F. Mueller s.n., Brisbane River, - 1856 (MEL 583780); Pedley 5637, Tanduringie, 12 km NNW of Cooyar, 21.i.1992 (AD, BRI, DNA, K, MEL, NSW); Sayer s.n., Russell-River, - 1886 (MEL 583777); Smith 3076, Kingaroy, Burnnett District, 16.iv.1947 (BRI, CANB, GH, NY); Stanley 80280, West Mackay near Water Treatment Works, 16.ii.1980 (BRI); White 7222, Wondai, South Burnett District, 10.ii.1931 (BRI). NEW SOUTH WALES: Carne 57, Beecroft Head, 3.v.1914 (NSW); Conn 4106 & Whalen s.n., N side of Prospect Reservoir, off Reservoir Road between Cricketers Arms Road and Manning St junction, Prospect, 30.xi.1995 (AD, MEL, NSW); Coveny 12851, Bishop s.n. & Dalby s.n., 24.5 km NE of Blayney P.O.; 14.iv.1988 (CBG, DAO, HO, MEL, NSW, PE, PRE); Coveny 11578 & Hind s.n., Coffins Crossing on Molonglo River, 3.6 km SSW of Cook P.O., 22.i.1983(CANB, DAO, K, MO, NSW); Gray 4854, Uriorra Crossing, Murrumbidgee River, 19.iv.1960 (CANB); Hamilton s.n., Cooks River, 25.iii.1911 (NSW 392601, NSW 122208); S. Johnson s.n., hills near Bulli, - 1875 (MEL 583865 & MEL 583771); Macpherson s.n., Wollongong, - 1889 (MEL 583767); Maiden s.n., Lord Howe Island, -iv.1898 (NSW 245488); Michael s.n., flat between Muttama Creek and Coolac, 21.iv.1995 (NSW 397615); Miller 18 & Whaite s.n., Portion 147, Parish of Cogo, Cowal Creek Rd, Bellangry, 29.xii.1983 (MEL, NSW). VICTORIA: Aston 2014, Gippsland, c. 18 km N of Maffra, 2.5 km NNE of Valencia Creek, 10.v.1979 (MEL); Beauglehole 4966, far SW D47 Lower Glenelg River, Dartmoor, 11.i.1959 (CANB, K, MEL 2 spec.); Cullimore 259, c. 52.7 km SSE of Omeo, on road to Bairnsdale, 18.i.1968 (MEL, NSW); Kaspiew 579, 841, Bright, 3.iii.1953 (F, M, Z); R. V. Smith 64/64, Bright Tawonga Road, 6 miles (9.7 km) ESE of Bright, c. 2 miles (3.2 km) E of Tawonga-Harrietville road fork, 25.iii.1964 (MEL 525700 holotype of V. incompta

33 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Michael,; Willis s.n., Dandenong Ranges, roadside between Ferntree Gully and Upwey, - .xii.1932 (MEL 583790). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Black s.n., Woodside, -.i.1904 (AD 97621093); Black s.n., Belair National Park, 23.i.1908 (AD 97621093); Kaspiew 99 & 1231, Adelaide 9.i.? (BR, S).

Distribution and ecology (Map 2)

V. bonariensisvar.bonariensis has IZo° do' 14o° ;6o° been recorded from central and southern Io coastal areas of Queensland, throughout MI an . central and coastal parts of New South . 1.11. WalesandVictoria,southernLofty Ali lightAlt N 3 purirLk.i i mlil - Region in South Australia and in the far 26 ...autund HMO i 3 26- south-western corner of Western an....mmmmm Australia.InNorthernTerritoryitis rompliHEM gonnuminnew known only from an old record from lrore.r.0 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll illde, Darwin. -36 ,...... L.,...... ,. WIPML. MP !NM ' Collections fi-om outside Australia have aill rIVICS1 k 1. Mi ha h.... been examined fi-om almost throughout its 1.745/15: distributionrange,namely North and South America,partsof Europe and Africa, tropical Asia and Pacific Oceania. Ir Collectors'fieldnotesagreewith izo° 136 146 ecologicalnotesbyBailey(1879), Bentham (1870), Conn (1992), MoldenkeMap 2. Distribution of V.bonariensis L. var. bonariensis. (1972a, 1977a, 1983) and Kleinschmidt & Johnson (1977). They found it as an aggressive weed in cultivated and otherwise disturbed or neglected waste land and in run-down pastures. It spreads to a great extent along creeks, river banks and everywhere where the land is moist and rich.

Comments In the protologue, Michael (1995) regarded V. incompta as "a species of presumed South American origin now widespread in sub-tropical and warm-temperate parts of the world". He based this taxon on a collection from Victoria though he believed it to be "most prominent in eastern New South Wales". While describing it as a new species, Michael (1995) rnistook some of Yeo's (1990) remarks that certain cultivated Verbena plants at Cambridge Botanic Garden belonged to a new species. Before describing them as a new species Yeo (1990) discovered no difference between those plants and V. brasiliensis and thus included them in that species. Michael (1995), nevertheless, described these plants as a new species without providing any key to distinguish it from V. bonariensis or V. biasiliensis. In response to the present author's query, the following comments were made by Yeo about V. incompta [letter dated 15 January, 1996]. -- "What I said in my 1990 paper about this was that certain accessions cultivated at Cambridge Botanic Garden under the name V. bonariensis were clearly not that species and I had contemplated describing them as a new species. Later, when studying herbarium material, I could find no difference between this plant and V. brasiliensis apart from the form of the leaf-bases, and I said they should be included in that species. It is these plants that Michael has set up as his new species V. incompta. V. incompta is thus similar to V. brasiliensis rather than V. bonariensis.

34 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

I always felt it to be rather curious that the two variants of V. brasiliensis seemed not to integrade, yet there was no other character correlated with the leaf character. Peter Michael claimed that the spikes are thicker in the form with amplexicaul leaves, and he seems to be saying that the upper anthers are positioned higher in the tube than in V. bonariensis but less high than in V. brasiliensis. In addition, the plant does not attain the same height as `subpetiolate', V. brasiliensis. I had not noticed the first character, while the second seems to me to be an impractically fine distinction. The third may well be valid, but since it refers to maximum height it may not often be of practical value". According to Michael `(1995, 1997a), V. incompta differs from V. bonariensis by its flowers and nutlets being "smaller", and "bracts, calyces and peduncles not generously sprinkled with stalked glands". These are not consistent characters, therefore, unreliable and of little practical use. In fact, V. brasiliensis, V. incompta and typical V. bonariensis lack glands, and the size of their flowers and nutlets are not uniform within these taxa. The only character that could distinguish between these species is the form of the leaf-bases. Both V. bonariensis and V. incompta have sessile amplexicaul leaf-bases and fairly identical thick spikes, whereas V. brasiliensis has somewhat petiolate or cuneate attenuate to subpetiolar based leaves and comparatively slender spikes. In all major characters,V. incompta is closer to V.bonariensis than toV.brasiliensis. In the present treatment, therefore,V. incompta is regarded conspecific with V. bonariensis. Yeo's (1990) list of specimens cited under V. brasiliensis includes R.V.Smith 64/64 (the type of V. incompta) from Victoria, L.S.Smith 3076 from Queensland, R.E.Perdue & S.P.Kibuwa 8245 from Kenya (Africa) and a few others. All these specimens are found to be identical with V. bonariensis because their leaves are sessile with amplexicaul bases and not tapering towards their base. Moreover, their habit, shape and size of inflorescence, and flower characters are also similar to this species. On the basis of Yeo's (1990) cultivation experience, he states that "the significant characters of V.bonariensis that distinguish it from V. brasiliensis are the darker green, more rigid leaves, the greater plant height and flatter-topped inflorescence, the curvature of the branches so that the pair forms of a wide parabola, the shorter and denser spikes, the larger corolla with the tube strongly exserted from the calyx and the position of the anthers just above the middle of the corolla tube. As a consequence of the density of the spikes and the length of the corolla tube, the corolla limbs are borne above the apices of the spikes. Because of its stately habit and the size and crowding of its flowers, V bonariensis has some ornamental value, whereas V. brasiliensis, with its smaller, inconspicuously arranged flowers, has none". These characters being somewhat vague with no defined limit are of little practical value. Moldenke (1962a) stated that "the original place of publication of the binomial was inaccurately given as page "28" in Lilloa 6:322 (1941), as well as by Schauer (1847, 1851) and other writers, while Moench (1794) gave the page as "117", also erroneously". Schauer (1847, 1851), Moldenke (1962a) and a few others erroneously reduced V. quadrangularis Vell, to synonymy under V.bonariensis. In the present treatment,V. quadrangularis has been found synonymous with V. litoralis var. brasiliensis. Michael (1995) included in the synonymy of V. incompta the photograph and account of V. bonariensis by Auld & Medd (1987) p. 236. This clearly shows that both taxa are identical and inseparable. Material of V. bonariensis has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as V. rigida. or V. litoralis. In Australia, there appears to be an intermediate form between the typical var. bonariensis and var. conglomerata. According to Webb (1948) this plant was "suspected of causing abortion in cows at Larcom in 1938". Everist (1981) states that, "V. bonariensis has been suspected on rather

35 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) vague field evidence of causing sickness, death and occasionally abortion in cattle in New South Wales and Queensland". Pellett (1923) wrote that V. bonariensis "appears to be [the] most important in many places as a source of honey". Likewise, Chaw et al. (1986) wrote that "V. bonariensis is reported as a nectary-plant for honey-making and is useful in curing intermittent fevers and catarrh in Brazil. It appears to be self-compatible, setting abundant seeds in cultivation in the experiment greenhouse of the Academia Sinica". Among the many vernacular names recorded in various parts of its range, some of the common names used forV.bonariensis are "purple-top Verbena", "South American vervain", "tall verbena", "blue vervain", "blue-top verbena", "cluster-flowered verbena", "Buenos Ayres verbena", "pretty verbena", ''roadside weed", "wild verbena", "weed verbena" and "South American vervain".

Affinities V. bonariensis var. bonariensis is closely related to V. rigida, V. hispida and V. litoralis var.brasiliensis. For similarities and differences see"affinities" under thesetaxa. Regarding affinities of V. bonariensis, Perry (1933) states that it "is another introduced South American species evidently related to V. rigida, but it is a larger and coarser plant with smaller flowers as well as less harsh and somewhat viscid pubescence" Moldenke (1983) mentioned close relationship between V.bonariensis and V.brasiliensis and distinguished V. brasiliensis by "its leaves being narrowed to the base and sessile but not at allcordate-auriculate or amplexicaul". In the Flora of Taiwan (Hsiao,1978) and Illustrations of Common Plants of Taiwan (Hsu, 1975) V. officinalis was the only species of the genus recorded. After the naturalisation of V. bonariensis in Taiwan, Chaw et al. (1986) "distinguished [it] from the former species by its leaves that are cordate-auriculate to semi- amplexicaul but not at all pinnatifid, and by its inflorescence that is corymbose-spicate (rather than simple spicate) with aggregate flowers". lb. Verbena bonariensis L. var. conglomerata Brig., Ark. Bot. Stockh. 2, 10 (1904) 2, t.3 b; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 109, 118, 119, 126, 223 & 471; Moldenke, Phytologia 8, 5 (1962) 265; ibid. 8 (1963) 463; ibid 9 (1963) 375, 382; ibid. 10, 2 (1964) 95; ibid.15 (1968) 488; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac.etc. Suppl. 16 (1968)1, 6; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc.1 & 2 (1971) 177, 187, 189, 200, 350, 369, 912; Moldenke, Phytologia 22, 6 (1972) 479; ibid 23, 2 (1972) 217; ibid. 23, 3 (1972) 259; ibid. 28, 1 (1974) 116; ibid. 28, 2 (1974)196; ibid. 28, 4 (1974) 346; ibid. 36, 2 (1977) 132; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem.11. Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 169, 179, 181, 340, 36], 579. Type: C.A.Lindman A. 473, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 12.x.1892 (S, lectotype designated here!; S, 2 iso-lectotypes!).

Typification The var. conglomerata is based on C.A.M. Lindman's collection no. A.473 from Brazil, consisting of at least two duplicates, now preserved in Herb. S. Since the author of this variety did not select one of them as a type, it is necessary to designate a lectotype for this name. Both specimens are complete, well preserved and with similar herbarium labels bearing identical information. One of them, however, was annotated "Verbena bonariensis L. var. conglomerata v. nov." by Briquet and almost certainly used by him in preparing the

36 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena original description of this variety. This specimen is selected here as the lectotype for this name. Moldenke (1962a) stated that the type of this variety "is deposited in the Delessert Herbarium at the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques in Geneva". In his publication, Moldenke neither cited the type in Herb. G-DEL nor mentioned seeing it in that herbarium. He cited two "isotypes" in Herb. S only, and their (type's) photographs in Herb. F, N, SI and Z. During his current investigation, the present author examined almost all Verbena collections in Herb. G including G-DC and G-DEL and did not find the type. In response to his latest query about the type of this taxon, the Head Curator of Herb. G, Dr Jacquemoud, also could not locate the type in that herbarium. As stated in the protologue of var. conglomerata, the author (J. Briquet) wrote, [Ark. Bot. Stocich. 2, 10 (1904) 2] "Tautes les plantes mentionnées dans ce memoire sont déposées dans l'Herbier Regnellien de la division botanique du Musée royal de Stockholm", i.e. [All plants mentioned in the present paper are deposited in the botanical division of the Royal Museum at Stockholm]. Therefore, as mentioned in this treatment, the types (lectotype and isolectotype) of this variety are now preserved in Herb. S.

Diagnosis The var. conglomerata differs from the typical form of the species chiefly by its spikes being much crowded, reduced and more or less capitate or subcapitate in outline; corolla- tube much protruding beyond the calyx and about one and a half to twice the length of the calyx; peduncle with minute glands sparsely intermixed with hairs. According to Moldenke (1962a), "This variety differs from the typical form of the species in its very harshly rough bullate-rugose leaves, much reduced and more or less capitate or subcapitate spikes, and elongated well-developed corollas, twice as long as the typical form, whose tube surpasses the calyx by 2-3 mm and whose limb is to 3 mm wide".

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 154; non-Australian 70). QUEENSLAND: Batianoff 940934, Slade Point, Mackay, 29.ix.1994(BRI); Carrick 3915, Mt Tamborine, 5.xi.1974 (AD, CANB); Foot s.n., Nangar Creek, -.1890 (MEL 583760); Lea s.n., Toowoomba, (BM); Sherrin s.n., Mundubbera, -.ii.1922 (BM). NEW SOUTH WALES: Betche 104, Raymond Terrace, -.i.1882 (MEL); Bryant 013, Goolloinboin, on Glen David Road, Capertee, 11.i.1975 (B, CANB, GH, MO, NSW); Cleland s.n., Hawkesbury River, Milson Island, 14.x.1911 (AD 97940066); Coveny 8914 & Roy s.n., 0.8 km ENE of Green Camp, Mt Kaputar National Park, 31 km ENE of Narrabri, 21.xi.1976 (NSW); Coveny 16707, opposite the property "The Big Rock" at the base of the Gloucester Buckets, c. 2 km W of Gloucester, 1.i.1994 (BRI, CANB, MEL, NSW); Darbyshire 534, Burbong village, Molonglo River, Kowen District, 21.xii.1961 (CANB, E, G, GH, NSW); Donner 1590, 6 km SE of Campbelltown on banks of George River, 3.i.1966 (AD); Everist & Webb 1385, 56.32 km SW of Woodenbong on Stanthorpe road, 23.xi.1946 (BRI, CANB); Hosking 341, Oxley Park, Tamworth, 21.xii.1985 (NE, NSW); Lally 191, 0.5 km along Jamberoo Mountain Road from Jamberoo-Albion Park road, 30.x.1993 (CANB, MEL); Medd 160019, c.5 km from Singleton on New England Highway to Maitland, undated (NSW); Michael s.n.,Hasting River Crossing near Kempsey, 22.xi.1993 (NSW 397599); Michael s.n., 20 km from Forbes on Cowra Road, .1.1994 (NSW 390619); Musser 33, Hawkesbury Agric. College, -.x.1916 (NSW 398658); Murray s.n., Clarence River, -.1894 (MEL 560562; White s.n., Tweed River, 4.xi.1907 (AD); Plat, Coveny & Dunn s.n., Sinclair Lookout, 14.4 km W of Glen Innes, 26.iii..1987

37 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

(MEL, MO 4342261, NSW 392644); Rodway 12219, Coolangatta Hill, (NSW 392641); Stewart 273A & Whigham s.n., Tinderry Mountains, 2 km along Sunnybrae Trail from turnoff Urila Big Tinderry road, 13.ix.1984 (AD, CANB); Wenholz 1671/14, Grafton, -.iii.1914 (NSW 392399, NSW 392414). VICTORIA: Beauglehole 4966, Lower Glenelg River, Dartmoor, 11.i.1959 (AD, ACB); Beauglehole 81516, 11 km SW of Wangaratta, 9.xi.1985 (MEL); Morrison s.n., Bank of Yarra River, Kew, 21.xi.1888 (E). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Cleland s.n.,Fulham, Adelaide, 22.ii.1933 (AD); Ising s.n., Balhannah, c. 22 km SE of Adelaide, 4.iii.1922 (AD 2 spec.); Vonow 989, Morialta Conservation Park, 21.v.1989 (AD, CANB).

Distribution and ecology (Map 3) go° -10° Io In Australia, var. conglomerata occurs AL IML in the south-eastern part of Queensland, AMtoil_ 1 ini with a few scattered localities along the M ....alinin.:MMMiM eastern coast. In New South Wales, it 200 ...firdionimmapinkman 20- .... 1 occurs all over in the eastern-half of the ....5 State whileinVictoriaitissparsely ttliallimminununnovit distributed in East Gippsland and around I.T.I...... m.purindurne:un -30° m 'ILI iirdrihran------p.;..30- Melbourne.InSouthAustralia,itis orffie:- -N....mow known fi-om around Adelaide andits al. 1,,, ------dig adjascent areas only. So farit has not .-.._111111110.MIRSJ been recorded from Northern Territory ler` -40° and Western Australia. 4640 Collections from outside Australia have km been examined from several countries in 120° 130° 140° 150° theAmericasandAfrica. Limited Map 3.DistributionofV. bonariensis L.var. collections were also seen from England, conglomerata Mauritius, India and New Zealand. Collectors' ecological notes agree with Moldenke (1962a) who reported it growing in marshes, swampy places, wet field and wet fertile meadows, shrubby fields and compos, river banks, high grassy rather wet soil along railroad embankments and dry sandy pastures.


In Australia, var. conglomerata had been identified and distributed mostly as V. bonariensis. A few collections, however, were named and distributed as V. rigida. Some forms of overseas var. conglomerata have the aspect of V. litoralis var. brasiliensis. Such collections were sometimes misidentified and distributed as "Verbena litoralis Kunth" and "Verbena brasiliensis Vell.". According to Moldenke (1962a) "Specimens of the variety have been misidentified and distributedin herbaria as V. bonariensis L., V. bonariensis var.brevibracteata f brevibracteata, V. brevibracteata var. longibracteata, V. inamoena, V. montevidensis, and var. rigida Spreng". In the collections by Hj. Eichler 13089 (AD), both four and five calyx- and corolla-lobes were in flowers of the same spike. The occurrence of this taxon in Australia is recorded here for the first time.

38 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Affinities The var. conglomerata is nearest to the typical form of the species in having similar shapedsessileand amplexicaulto semiamplexicaulleaves,and basicallysimilar inflorescence. Nevertheless, its spikes being much crowded and more or less capitate or subcapitate in outline and corolla-tube much protruding beyond the calyx may easily distinguish var. conglomerata. For more detail see "Diagnosis" of this taxon. There are several characters common between var. conglomerata,V. rigida and V.litoralis var. brasiliensis. For similarities and differences see "Affinities" under V. rigida Spreng.

2. Verbena rigida Spreng., Syst. Veg. edn 16, 4 (1827) 230; L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20, 2 (1933) 253; Small, Man. FI. SE. U.S.A. (1933) 1138; E.L.Robertson in J.M.Black, FI. S. Aust. edn 2, 4 (1957) 721, fig. 1030; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 120, 121, 378, 473; Moldenke, Phytologia 11, 2 (1964) 80; Backer & Bakh.f., FI. Java 2 (1965) 596; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1971)190, 349, 351, 705, 919; Franco in Tutin et al., FI. Europ. 3 (1972) 123; Moldenke, Phytologia 24, 2 (1972) 128; J.H.Willis, Handbook Pl. Vic. 2 (1973) 581; Lopez-Pal., Revista Fac. Farm. Univ. Los Andes. Menda 15 (1974) 93; Moldenke, Phytologia 28, 4 (1974) 378; Lopez-Pal., FI. Venezuela Verbenac. (1975) 573; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 4 (1977) 290; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980)170, 179, 181, 184, 192, 339, 585; Everist, Poison. Pl. Aust. (1981) 749; Sastri et al., Wealth Ind. 10, repr. edn (1982) 445; Moldenke in Dassan & Fosberg (eds), FI. Ceylon 4 (1983) 203; N.C.W.Beadle, Students FI. NE N.S.W. 5 (1984) 852, fig. 374A labelled "V. bonariensis; Munir in Jessop & Toelken (eds), FI. S. Aust. 3 (1986) 1176, fig. 545C; Stanley in Stanley & E.M.Ross (eds), FI. SE. Qld 2 (1986) 368;W.L.Wagner et al., Man. FI. Pl. Hawaii 2 (1990) 1325; Carotin & Tindale, FI. Syd. Reg. Repr. edn 4 (1991) 596; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Ind. (1991) 2950; Verde. in Polhill, Fi. Trop. E. Afr. Verbenac. (1992) 8; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 414, fig. 80b. Type: Sello ("SeHow") 428, Rio Grande, Brazil, undated (B -holotype, destroyed during the war; VT - lectotype designated here, P? isolectotype). See typification. V. venosa Gillies & Hook. in Hook., Bot. Misc. 1 (1829) 167; Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 541; F.Muell., Fragm. 9 (1875) 5; F.M.Bailey, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 4 (1879) 30; F.M.Bailey & Ten.-Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 4 (1879) 174; F.M.Bailey, Synop. Qld Fl. (1883) 377; Brig., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve 3 (1899) 104; Small, FI. SE. U.S.A. (1903) 1010; F.M.Bailey, Weeds & Suspect Poison. Pl. Qld (1906) 142, fig. 245; Dyer, FI. Cape 5 (1912) 208; F.M.Bailey, Compr. Cat. Qld Pl. (1913) 382; Knuth, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 43 (1927) 599; Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 89 (1928) 1106; Hook., Curtis's Bot. Mag. 49, New Ser. 6(1932) t. 3127; Webb, Bull. Council Sec. Industr. Res. Bull. 232 (1948) 169; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Ind. (1991) 2950. Type: Gillies s.n., Buenos Aires, "inter Pampas prov." Argentina, undated (K, holotype! -fide Verdcourt 1992). See comments. V. seaberrima Cham., Linnaea 7 (1832) 267 -fide Walpers (1845), Moldenke (1983). Type: Sello ("Sellow") s.n., 'Brasilia merid'., undated (P - neotype designated here; K, P 2 spec. - isoneotypes). See typification. V. rugosa D.Don in Sweet, Brit. FI. Gard.7, Ser. 2, 4 (1836) t. 318 non V. rugosa Mill. (1786), Muhl ex Willd (1809)-fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1983). Type: Plate 318 in Sweet's Brit. FI. Gard. 7, Ser., 2, 4 (1836). The plate is based on a plant raised at the Birmingham Botanic Garden from seeds received from Buenos Aires,Argentina. The specimen was communicated by Mr Cameron in July 1836. The existence and whereabouts of the specimen is not known.

39 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

scabra Marnock, Floric. Mag. & Misc. Gard. 5 (1840) 87, t. 54, fig. 3 (not V. scabra Vahl 1798, nor Muhl 1825, nor Gray 1959) fide Moldenke (1971a, 1983). Type: No type specimen was cited with the original description, therefore, Fig. 3 (erroneously labelled "fig. 2" in the text) of plate 54 in the protologue seems to be the type. It was drawn from a plant grown in the nursery. doniana Steud., Nom. Bot. edn 2, 2 (1841) 750 fide Moldenke (1959, 1971 a, 1983). Type: Collector unknown, Buenos Aires, Argentina (P. n.v.). V. bonariensis sensu Walp., Repert. Bot. 4 (1845) 19, excl. syn. Buchneria montevidensis Spreng. ex Walp., Repert. Bot. 4 (1845) 27. fide Moldenke (1971, 1983). Type: ? Sello ("Sellow") s.n., Montevideo, Uruguay ? (HBG, n.v. ). bonariensis L. var. venosa (Gillies & Hook.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. P1.2 (1891) 510. Type: As for V. venosa. V. bonariensis L. f. venosa (Gillies & Hook.) Voss. in Vilm., Blumengart., edn 3, 1 (1895) 826. Type: As for V. venosa. V. bonariensis L. var. rigida (Spreng.)Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3 (1898) 255; Brig., Ark. Bot. 2, 10 (1904) 10. Type: As for V. rigida. bonariensis L. var. venosa (Gillies & Hook.) Chodat, Bull. Herb. Boissier, Ser.2, 2 (1902) 817 f. robustior Chodat, loc. cit. (1902) 817 fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1980, 1983). Type: Hassler 3324, "in campis humidis Caraguatay [Paruguay,], Oct." ... (G, n.v.); Hassler 4695, "in palude pr. 1gatimi [Paraguay) Sept." ...(G, n.v.); Hassler 3852, "in uliginosis Tucangua Paraguay], Febr." (G, n.v..). These syntypes were collected between 1885 1895 & 1895 & 1898 1900. Exact collecting dates are not given in the protologue of this taxon. venosa Gillies & Hook. var. parviflora Thell. & Zimmerm.; Hegi, Illustr. FI. Mittel-Eur. 5 (1927) 2240, nom. nud. fide Moldenke(1971a, 1983). V. venusta Hort.; Moldenke, Alph. List Invalid Names (1942) 51, nom. nud., in syn. fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1983). Type: "Based on a collection made by C.J.Meyer [s.n.1 in July 1897, at Munich, Germany and deposited in the herbarium of the University of Michigan", U.S.A.n.v. fide Moldenke (1964e). V. nervosa Link; Modenke, Alph. List Invalid Names Suppl. 1 (1947) 25, nom. nud., in syn.fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1983). Type: "Based on herb. Hort. Marit. 33, collected from cultivated material in Spain and deposited in the herbarium of the Jardin Botanico at Madrid", n.v., -fide Moldenke, (1964e). V. rigida Spreng. var. glandulifera Moldenke, Phytologia 6 (1958) 331, syn. nov. Type: Hatschbach 4212, at Laranjeiras do Sul. In the municipality of Guarapuava, Parana, Brazil, 15.xi.1957 (Herb. Moldenke, Yonkers, New York). V. hispida: sensu Munir in Jessop, FI. Cent. Aust. edn 1 (1981)296. auct non Ruiz & Pav., 1798.

Typification of V. rigida Spreng. The type of V. rigida was collected by Friedrich Sello (sphalm. "Sellow") fi-om Rio Grande, Brazil, and was deposited in the herbarium at Berlin (B). Schauer (1847) saw the type in Berlin Herbarium and Lopez-Palacios (1977) also recorded it as being in Herb. B. According to Verdcourt (1992), however, the holotype of V. rigida in Herb. B has been destroyed. Recently, A.J.Scott (1994) recorded with a question mark the existence of the `holotype' in the herbarium at Heidelberg (HEID). He seems to have based his opinion on

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Stafleu & Cowan's (1985) notes who state that "after Sprengel's death his herbarium [including Sello's collections from Brazil] went to his son Anton. After the latter's death in 1851,it was sold in parts. The Labiatae and Verbenaceae went to J.A.Schmidt in Heidelberg(HEID)."Accordingtolatest(8ffi)editionof 'IndexHerbariorum', J.A.Schmidt's Herbarium has lately moved from Heidelberg (HEID) to Hamburg (HBG). In response to present author's inquiry, the curator of phanerogam at HBG (Dr Poppendieck) acknowledged the transfer of J.A.Schmidt's Herbarium from Heidelberg (HEID) to Hamburg (HBG) but states that they do not have the type of V. rigida Spreng. Recently, the present author visited Hamburg Herbarium but could not find the type of this taxon in that institution. During the present investigation, one of Sello's collections of this species from Brazil was found in the Pringle Herbarium at Burlington (VT) and another at Paris (P). Both had been annotated as "Verbena venosa Gill. & Hook." which is now a synonym of V. rigida Spreng. The above mentioned specimen in the herbarium at Paris (P) is also labelled "lectotype". In fact, neither of these two specimens is a type of V. venosa because this name is based on Galles 's s.n. collected from Buenos Aires, Argentine. The herbarium label of the specimen at Paris (P) reads; "Verbena venosa Hooklscaberrima Cham./Brasil/Sellow, Brasil Prov. De Rio- Grando" The herbarium label of the specimen at Burlington (VT) reads: "Ex Museo botanico Berolinensi/Brasilia/S 428/leg. Sellow" Of the above mentioned two specimens, the one in Burlington (VT) was recorded to be distributed from Berlin Herbarium (B) were Sprengel was in possession of Sello's collections from Brazil, and where he described V. rigida as a new species. The specimen in Herb. VT is most likely a duplicate of the type of V. rigida Spreng. Since the type in Herb. B was destroyed during the war this well preserved and a good representative of this taxon is being selected here as the lectotype for this species.

Typification of V. scaberrima Cham. The type collection of V. scaberrima Cham. came from plants cultivated at the Botanic Gardens where they were grown in 1815 from material collected in Brazil by Sello. In the protologue of this taxon, the information about the type is "E. Brasilia extratropica et aequinoctiali misit Sellow hospitemque in hortum regium introduxit, quo an.1825 colchatur" or "colchatur". The type in Herb. B was destroyed during the war and no type- duplicate is known to exist. Therefore, it seems most appropriate to select a neotype from Sello's Brazilian collections of this species. During present investigation, one specimen of Sello's collection of this species from Brazil has been found in the herbarium at Kew (K) and three at Paris (P). All four specimens are in type folders and identified as "Verbena scaberrima Cham." Besides the name, the label of Kew specimen reads: "Sellow Brasilia". The three specimens in Herb. P are in two folders, one containing one specimen and the other two, all three "ex Herb. Reg. Berolinense". Of the two specimens in one folder, one is annotated "lectotype" and the other "isotype". The third specimen in a separate folder is also annotated "lectotype". There is no indication of their coming from cultivation or distributed by Herb. B as type duplicates. Of all the above mentioned four specimens, the one alone in a type folder in Herb. P seems a better representative of this species. The specimen is particularly complete and well preserved and is selected here as the neotype for this species. The remaining two at Paris (P) and one at Kew (K) are isoneotypes.

4.1 AA Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Typification of V. venosa Gillies & Hook. In the protologue of V. venosa, the author did not designate any type. A specimen of V. venosa was collected by Dr John Gillies (s.n.) from Buenos Aires, Argentine, and was deposited in Herb. K. Verdcourt (1992) believed it to be the holotype. In 1991, however, it was annotated by Silvia Margarita of Botta of Herb. SI as a "lectotype". The present author has not come across any Verbena publication by Ms Botta explaining her typification nor were any duplicate of the type seen by the present author.

Description (Fig. 2) A rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennial herb of erect-spreading habit, sometimes robust or suffrutescent. Stem simple or branched from the base, sharply 4-angled in cross-section, (15-) 20-60 (-95) cm long, scabrous-pubescent or very densely hirtellous-pubescent. Leaves sessile, more or less semi-amplexicaul or subcordate, oblong-lanceolate, narrowly or quite decidedly obovate or broadly-elliptic, acute or obtuse at the apex, sharply and coarsely serrate with rather distinct teeth, widest at or above the middle, somewhat narrowly cuneate to the abruptly rounded base, midrib and veins impressed above, prominently or less prominently reticulate beneath, scabrous and more or less hispidulous on both surfaces or lower leaf-surfaces much more conspicuously hirtellous-pubescent throughout, coriaceous and rigid or thinner in texture and much less firm and rigid, (2-) 3-8 (-11) cm long, (1-) 1.5-2.5 (-3.5) cm wide. Inflorescence spicate, pedunculate; spikes terminal, disposed in subternate groups with terminal usually sessile and the lateral pedunculate, fastigiate, usually dense-flowered and congested at first, eventually cylindric and elongating, (1 -) 2-7 (-10) cm long, (5-) 10-15 (-20) mm diam.; peduncles opposite, 2 4 pairs, (1.5-) 2-8 (-10) cm long, scabrous-pubescent or densely glandular-pubescent. Flowers sessile, bracteate, very showy when aggregated in spikes; bracts lanceolate, acuminate-subulate, usually closely imbricate, one and a half to almost twice as long as the calyx, glandular-pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially, distinctly or very shortly and sparsely ciliate along the margins, purple when fi-esh, 4.5-6 mm long, 0.5-1 mm wide towards the base. Calyx reddish-purple or green, cylindric, 5-ribbed, 5-toothed or lobed at the top, shorter than the subtending bract and somewhat hidden by it, glandular-pubescent or hirsute outside, glabrous inside; tube 5-angled, 3-3.5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide; teeth (lobes) nearly equal, oblique, acute, with short mucronate-subulate tips, 0.5-1 mm long. Corolla purple, reddish-purple, violet, blue-violet, pink-mauve, lavender-blue, very pale lavender-lilac, rosy-lilac nearly sky-blue, mineral violet or sometimes almost white; tube slender, slightly curved, somewhat inflated towards the middle, mostly surpassing the calyx, downy-pubescent on the upper part outside, villous inside excepting the basal part around the ovary, (5-) 8-10 (-12) mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam.; limbs (5-) 6-8 mm wide; lobes spreading, emarginate or almost bifid, glabrous, 2-3 (-4) mm long, 1.5-2.5(-3) mm broad. Stamens inserted below the middle of the corolla tube; filaments short, glabrous, 0.5-1 mm long; anthers ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-0.8 mm long. Ovary ovoid-globose, glabrous, somewhat 4-lobed, 0.5-1 mm long; style about half as long as the corolla-tube, filiform, glabrous, 3-3.5 mm long; stigma subcapitate,bilobed, with one lobelarger and stigmatiferouswithin.Fruit enclosed by persistent calyx, globose-oblong, 4-lobed,

Fig. 2. V. rigida Spreng. var. rigida (AI, C.Burgess s.n.: CANB/ CBG 005992). A, habit sketch of a branch with flowers and fruit; B, flower with bract; C, calyx and bract; D, corolla cut open showing androecium and gynoecium; E, stigma showing unequal lobes; F, ovary; G, transverse section of ovary; H, fruit; I, mericarp showing muricately scabrous commissural face.

42 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard.20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

43 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) glabrous, separating into 4 oblong mericarps 1.5-2 mm long, 1-1.5(-2) mm diam.; mericarps trigonous, slightly broader at the base than at the apex, raised-reticulate on the upper half, striate towards the base, bright fuscous outside, smooth and fuscous on commissural faces when young, white and muricately scabrous when mature.

Distribution Native from centralBrazil south and northern Argentina; widely cultivated and naturalised in many parts of North, Central, and South America, the West Indies, Europe, South Africa, Micronesia, India, the Pacifif Islands, and Australia.

2a.Verbena rigida Spreng. var. rigida (Fig.2) Type: As for V. rigida Spreng. An erect spreading rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennial herb, sometimes robust or suffrutescent. Stem scabrous-pubescent. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, sharply and coarsely serrate with rather distant teeth, acute at the apex, widest about the middle, somewhat narrowly cuneate towards the base, midrib and veins impressed above, prominently reticulate beneath, scabrous and more or less hispidulous on both surfaces, coriaceous and rigid. Peduncles opposite, 2-4 pairs, scabrous-pubescent. Bracts distinctly ciliate along the margins. Calyx glandular-pubescent or hirsute outside. Corolla purple, reddish-purple, violet, blue-violet or pink-mauve.

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 171; non-Australian 265). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Royce 8415, Olive Hill, E of Brunswick, 27.iii.1968 (PERTH). QUEENSLAND: Allen s.n., east of Gatton, -.iv.1938 (CANB 00479587); Bean 6697, Pig Creek, 13 km N of Gympie, 5.x.1993 (BRI); Dillewaard 196 & Olsen s.n., Indooroopilly, Brisbane, 5.xi.1980 (BRI); Everist & Webb 1207, Main Range near Toowoomba, 19.xi.1946 (CANB); Pedley 720, Booval near Ipswich, 21.x.1960 (BRI); Roe 7719, Warwick, -.iv.1937 (AD, BRI, CANB, NSW); Smith 3068, Kingaroy 16.iv.1947 (BRI, CANB, K, L, NY); White 6663, Toowoomba, 28.ii.1930 (BRI 268798); White s.n., Gayndah, 13.v.1917 (BRI 268732, BRI 258299, NSW). NEW SOUTH WALES & A.C.T. Albrecht 2942, Bega Valley, near the junction of Wents Road and the Snowy Mt Highway, 3.xi.1986 (AD,MEL); Burrow I, Nandewar Range between Nangarah & Bundarra, 29.i.1916 (NSW); Coveny 7618 & Hind, Fairlight road, Mulgoa, 2.v.1976 (GH, HY, K, L, LE, MO, NSW); Coveny 16706, 2 km W of Gloucester, 1.i.1994 (BRI, CANB, CTES, MEL, NSW); Donabauer 15, Dunn & Coveny, in disused paddock below South Obelisk Mountain, 21.xi.1987 (AD, NSW); Danabauer 33, Coveny & Tame, Hillside overlooking the old water supply dam to Morisset Hospital, Morisset, 24.iii.1993 (AD, CHR, NSW, PERTH); Evans 2710, c.1 km N of main bridge over Araluen Creek, 8.xi.I967 (AD, BISH, BO, CANB, CHR, E, K, L, LE, MEL, NSW, US); Hadley 108, Bingara, -.1.1910 (NSW); Lally 190, 0.5 km along Jamberro Mountain Road from Jamberoo Albion Park Road, 30.x.1993 (CANB, MEL, NSW); Lepschi 99, Williamsdale, S of Canberra, 2711989 (AD, BR1, CANB 2 sp;ec., K, MEL, NSW); Lyne 1282, c.1 km by road from Sofale towards Mudgee, 7.iii.1994 (AD, CBG, MEL, NSW); Muir 2424, 1.6 km S of Bemboka, Snowy Mountains, 26.x.1961 (AD, MEL, NSW); Rodway 11480, Armidale, 2.iii.1940 (NSW); Tilden 610, Kiama, -.ix.1912 (BISH, BM, E,

44 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

F, G, GH 2 spec., K, MO, PH, S, UC, US); White s.n., Tweed Heads, 14.xii.1907 (BRI 268735) VICTORIA: Black s.n.,Greta, 28.xi.1935 (MEL 583911); Ca!lister s.n.,Mansfield, undated (MEL 583915); Cozens s.n., Oxley Shire, 3.i.1916 (MEL 583917); Mueller s.n., Lake Wellington, i.iv.1878 (MEL 583913); Smith 47/203, Deepdene, east side of old outer Circle Railway Line, just off Whitehouse Road, near Melbourne, 6.iv.1947 (KUN, MEL); Williamson s.n., Pakenham Rlway line, undated (MEL1503938). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Bates 5406, 5 km S of Hahndorf, Southern Lofty, 25.iv.1985 (AD); Griffith s.n., Waterfall Gully, c. 10 km ESE of Adelaide, xi.1908 (AD); Smith 5, near Bull Creek township, -.ii.1916 (AD, CBG).

Distribution and ecology (Map 4)

In Australia, the var. rigida is found do° vie mainly in the eastern coastal regions of Io Queensland and New South Wales. Few Mi specimens with scatteredlocalities are MINEWMh. known from Victoria, a few from the 1.....IIIIIIIIIIII, Southern Lofty region in South Australia 26- ....11- ilmilimi...ll1 MMMMM.1 andatleast one from near Perthin 1111411.... MMM . MMMMM Western Australia. Collections from outside Australia have MMUSISER 30"- been examined from North, Central and mumpA, Mmm:;;: South America, the West Indies,the 1111111V 1111111:

Hawaiian Islands, New Caledonia, New MMMM -17:711."1 Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, 40' Portugal, India, Sri Lanka and Reunion. bd The ecological notes by Australian and km overseas collectors agree with Moldenke 120' 130' 1400 1500 (1964e) in recording it from both moist Map 4. Distribution of V. rigida Spreng. var. rigida and dry soil, sandy waste ground, sandy or calcareous soil, weedy rich open soil, formerly cultivatedor grazed paddocks and open dry sandy soil.

Comments Schauer (1847) recognised V. venosa as the correct name for this taxon and recorded V. rig ida as a synonym. However, as V. rigida was published in 1827, two years prior to V. venosa (1829), the name V. rigida has priority over V. venosa. Kuntze (1891) was the first to relegate V. venosa to the status of a variety under V. bonariensis L. Moldenke (1983) erroneously attributed this combination to Chodat (1902) who 10 years later published V. venosa as a variety of V. bonariensis. In the "Manual of the Southeastern Flora" of the United States of America, Small (1933) erroneously recorded this species as "V. rigida (L.) Spreng.", giving the impression that Sprengel based this name on one of Linnaeus's previously published taxa. Small (1933) did not cite basionym and the present author believes it to be an error as no one else has ever attributed this name to Linnaeus In Beadle (1984), the fig. 374A is labelled "Verbena bonariensis". This figure, however, matches well with V. rigida in every detail. These species are closely allied and can easily

45 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) be confused. In view of its close resemblance to V. bonariensis and in some aspects with other Verbena species, Moldenke (1964e) stated that "material of V. rigida has been misidentified and distributed in herbaria under the names V.angustifolia Michx.,V. aubletia Jacq., V. bonariensis L.,V. bracteata Lag. & Rodr., V. brasiliensis Vell.,V. hispida Ruiz & Pav., V. littoralis Kunth., V. officinalis L...." etc. Alston (1931) recorded from Ceylon only two Verbena species, namely V. rigida (which he calledV. venosa) and V. bonariensis. In his key to the species and their text, the characters used for V. rigida (= V. venosa are in fact that of V. bonariensis and vice versa. Moldenke (1983) recorded the length of calyx and floral-bracts respectively "4-6 mm long" and "2 3 times as long as the calyx". In all Australian collections examined here, the calyx is 3-3.5 mm long and the floral-bracts one and a half to twice as long as the calyx. In fruit, the commissural faces of young mericarps are often smooth or very sparsely muricate along the margins. The commissural faces of fully mature mericarps are always muricate or muricately scabrous. In view of the spectacular look of V. rigida when in flower, Bailey (1879) stated that a "few of the garden species surpass it in beauty, and should it get a fair start few will surpass it as a weed on account of its running wiry roots, very small pieces of which if left in the ground infallibly produces a plant". In a subsequent publication, Bailey (1906) remarked that "this in some of the pastures near Brisbane forms quite a dense sword of some beauty, but useless to stock, hence a weed to be got rid of'. Regarding the ornamental value of this plant, Moldenke (1964e) also admires it as showy plant, especially when forming large patches of brilliant purple". Webb (1948) states that this species is "suspected of causing sicicness in stock. The animals become constipated, feverish, swelling at throat and neck". On the same subject, Moldenke (1983) reportsd that "Verbena rigida contains an irritant principle and is said to cause a form of dermatitis in people allergic to it. In Africa some natives use a decotion of the roots in the treatment of heartburn and colic. The leaves and stems contain the enzyme, urease, and give a negative antibiotic test". In view of its wide cultivation and introduction in various parts of the World, it is known by numerous common names. Some of the popular names are: "hardy garden verbena", "hardy garden verbain", "hardy verbena", hardy verbena", "veined Verbena, "large veined verbena", "purple verbain", "stiffy verbena", "strong veined verbain", "veiny verbena", "wrinkled vervain" and "tuber verbena". According to Moldenke (1964a), however, the vernacular name recommended by Standardized Plant Names is "tuber verbena".

Affinities V. rigida is closely related to V. bonariensis in its stem being sharply 4-angled, scabrous- pubescent; leaves sessile, oblong-lanceolate, semi-amplexicaul and subcordate at the base, distinctly toothed but not deeply divided; inflorescence pedunculate, spicate,spikes terminal; calyx and corolla more or less of similar shape and colours; corolla-tube surpassing the calyx, villous inside; fruit more or less similar shaped with mature mericarps muricate on commissural faces. Nevertheless,V. rigida can easily be distinguished by being rhizomatous and stoloniferous; leaves more rigid; spikes solitary or disposed in subternate groups, thicker at anthesis, (5-) 10-15 (-20) mm diameter, glandular; flower- bracts conspicuously one and a half to twice as long as the calyx; corolla-tube at least 2-3 times as long as the calyx. In V. bonariensis, the inflorescence is much-branched; spikes comparatively slender at anthesis, not glandular; flower-bracts barely equalling or slightly exceeding the calyx; corolla-tube scarcely twice as long as the calyx. There are some characters cornmon to V. rigida and V. litoralis var. brasiliensis. In both taxa the stems are 4-angled, leaves with serrate or toothed margins, inflorescence spicate

46 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae:Verbena

and mericarps ("nutlets") with commissural faces muricate-scabrous. Nevertheless, V. brasiliensis may readily be identified by its stem being practically glabrous excepting the pubescence on young parts; leaves tapering into a cuneate-attenuate subsessile or petiolate base, not semi-amplexicaul or subcordate; spikes compact, mostly short and strict, usually sessile in open cymes; flower-bracts scarcely as long as the calyx; corolla-tube little longer than the calyx and limbs inconspicuous.

3. Verbena hispida Ruiz & Pav., FI. Peruv. & Chil. 1 (1798) 22, t. 34, fig. A; Pers., Synop. PI 2 (1807) 138; Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2 (1825) 749; D.Dietr., Synop. Pl. 3 (1842) 604; Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 3, 2 (1898) 256; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 80, 85, 110, 115, 118, 121, 127, 472; J.F.Macbr., Fi. Peru. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. (Bot.) Ser. 13, 5,2 (1960) 622; N.C.W.Beadle et al., Handb. Vasc. Pl. Syd. Dist. edn 1 (1963) 414; June11, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 4 (1934) 12, 164, fig. 1-6; Moldenke, Phytologia 9, 5 (1963) 292; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 137, 143, 177, 184, 187, 193, 201, 915; Phytologia 28, 2 (1974) 219; ibid. 28,3 (1974) 352; Tronc., Darwinia 18, 3-4 (1974) 320, 311; Phytologia Mem. II Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc.(1980) 130, 136, 169, 176, 179, 183, 191, 363, 448; Moldenke in Dassan & Fosberg, FI. Ceylon 4 (1983) 206; Munir in Jessop (ed.), FI. Cent. Aust. repr. edn (1985) 296; Carolin & Tindale, Fi. Syd. Reg. edn 4 (1991) 596; A.D.Chapm,., Aust. Pl. Name Ind. Q-Z (1991) 2950; B.J.Conn in G.J.Harden (ed.), FI. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 613; Lazarides et al., Handb. Aust. Weeds (1997) 191. Type.- H.Ruiz 1/34, "HABITAT in arenosis et cretaceis Huanuci", Peru, 1777 - 1788 (MA, lectotype designated here; BM, G, MA 2 spec., P - isolectotypes). See typification. VglandulosaMoris in Ann. Storia Nat. 4 (1830) 59-fideWalpers (1845), Schauer (1847), Moldenke (1971a, 1980, 1983). Type:Grown in Turin Botanic Garden from seeds sent from Chile by Mr Bertero (s.n.), undated (?TO, n.v.). VglandulosaMorren; Steud., Nom. Bot. edn. 2,2 (1841) 750,nom. nud. -fideMoldlenke (1959, 1964b).

V.cuneifoliaHorst; Walp., Rep. Bot. Syst. 4 (1845) 22,nom. nud -fideMoldenke (1971a, 1980, 1983).

V.clandestinaMart.; Moldenke, Alph. List Invalid Name. Suppl. 1(1947) 23,nom. nud.,in syn.-fideMoldenke (1959, 1971a, 1983). Type:"Herb.Merlins s.n.,collected from material grown in the botanical garden at Munich, Germany, in 1839, and deposited in the herbarium of the Jardin Botanique de l'Etat at Brussells"-fideMoldenke (1963c).

Typification The type of V. hispida Ruiz & Pav, was collected in Peru by one of the two authors of this species. In the protologue, the information about the type and its locality is "HABITAT in arenosis et cetaceis Huanuci". Moldenke (1983) recorded the type as "Ruiz 1/34 from sandy soil along torrents, Huanuco, Peru (MA)". Neither the original authors nor Moldenke (1983) mentioned the existence of any type-duplicates. According to Stafleu & Cowan (1983), the herbarium and types of Ruiz and Pavon are at MA and their duplicates were dispersed to several other herbaria including BM, G and P. During present investigation, two syntypes were discovered among general collections of this species one each in the herbaria at BM and G. Also, three 'type' specimens were found in Herb. P, each in a type- folder labelled `isotype'. Besides, there are three syntypes in Herb. MA of which the present author has seen photographs. Since no holotype was designated in the protologue, it is necessary to choose a lectotype. Those at BM, G, MA, and one "ex herbario Lamberti' "at P are annotated in the author's own handwriting and are accepted here as types. Of the

47 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) remaining two in Herb. P, the one with two labels dated '1827' and '1868' respectively seems to be a later addition to the type collection, therefore, may not be types. The other ord,) pecimens in Herb. P is Dombey's collection which are not included in the protologue of this species and, therefore, can not be taken as a type. As mentioned earlier, Moldenke chose 'Ruiz 1/34' in Herb. MA as the 'type'. In fact there are three syntype sheets at MA each bearing the number '1/34' and identified as Verbena hispida Ruiz & Pay. Moldenke (1983) did not mention which one of these three he had chosen as the type. Of these three syntypes, the plants of two appear to be of somewhat stunted growth with not fully developed stem, leaves or inflorescence. Moreover, the information on their labels is restricted only to the name of this taxon. The third syntype has fully developed stem, leaves and inflorescence, and its label contains it name and some additional annotations. The specimen is particularly complete and well preserved. It has been chosen here as the lectotype.

Description (Fig. 3) Erect, ascending or decumbent perennial herb, rarely suffrutescent, 25-70 (-100) cm tall. Stem branched; branches more or less spreading, rigid, sharply 4-angled, hispid. Leaves sessile, semi-amplexicaul, varying from oblong to narrow-ovate, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, cuneate-attenuate to the cordate-clasping base, coarsely and unevenly dentate-sen-ate or incised, (2.5-) 3-5 (-6) cm long, (0.8-) 1-15 (-25) cm wide, somewhat rugose above, strigose-hispidulous and glandular on both surfaces, the venations impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially. Spikes terminal, pedunculate, often ternate, cylindrical, densely flowered, (1.5-) 2.5-8 (-13.5) cm long, 5-10 mm diam., glandular, hispid or hirsute throughout; peduncle glandular, (2-) 3.5-6.5 (-9) cm long; bracts sessile, linear-lanceolate, becoming elliptic-lanlceolate in fructescence, subulate at the ap;ex, usually longer than the calyx, conspicuously surpassing the calyx, glandular and hispidulous abaxially, glabrous adaxially, 3-4.5 mm long, (0.5-) 1-1.5 mm wide. Flowers congested, sessile, bracteate, glandular-hirtellous. Calyx greenish when fresh, glandular and hispidulous outside, glabrous inside; tube distinctly 5-angled or S-ribbed, translucent between the ribs, 2-2.5 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm diam., the rim minutely toothed or subtruncate; teeth short, acute or subacute to subulate, hairy. Corolla varying from blue or purplish-blue to purple, lilac, lavender, violet or pinkish-mauve; tube 1-5-2 times as long as the calyx, slightly curved, puberulous outside above the calyx, villous inside in the upper half, glabrous outside and inside in the lower half, 3.5-4 mm long, 0.5-0.7 mm diam.; limb deeply 5-lobed, 1-1.5 mm diam; lobes small and inconspicuous, subequal, ovate-orbicular to elliptic-orbicular, obtuse, the middle lobe of the lower lip slightly larger than the others, all lobes glabrous inside, puberulous outside, 0.5-0.8 mm long, 0.5-0.7 mm broad. Stamens 4, inserted at or more often just below the middle of corolla-tube; filament very short, scarcely visible; anthers yellowish, broadly ellipticorbicular c. 0.3 mm long. °vat)) ovoid- obovoid or globose, glabrous, faintly 4-lobed, c.0.5 diam.; style filiform, glabrous, not extending up to the middle of corolla tube, 1-1.5 (-1.5) mm long; stigma bilobed, the upper lobe larger, obtuse and stigmastose on the inside surface. Fruit enclosed by persistent calyx, elliptic-globose to oblong-globose, glabrous, somewhat reticulate,separating into 4 mericarps,.5(-2) mm long, 1-1.3 (-1.5) mm diam.; mericarps oblong, trigonous, convex and sulcate on the outside, concave and muricate on commissural surface.

48 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Fig. 3. V. hispida Ruiz & Pav. (AL, R.G.Coveny 16708: AD). A, habit sketch of a flowering branch; B, transverse section of stem showing 4 angles; C, mature leaf; D, bract showing glandular and hairy abaxial surface; E, bract showing glabrous adaxial surface; F, calyx; G, calyx cut open; H, flower; I, corolla cut open showing androecium, gynoecium and hairy inside; J, fruit; K, mericarp, L, mericarp showing muricate commissural face.

49 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Specimens examined (collections seen: Australian 20; non Australian 100) QUEENSLAND: Thompson MOR201, Neville Laurie Reserve, Logan City, 12.ii.1993 (BRI). NEW SOUTH WALES: Black 765.002, Wollongong, 18.xii. 1929 (MEL 583788); Carne s.n., Singleton, -.ii.1913 (NSW 389694); Coveny 665, Gloucester, 22.xii.1968 (NSW); Coveny 744, near Gunderman, N. bank of Hawksbury River, c. 14.48 km by road SE of Wiseman's Ferry, 9.i.1969 (NSW); Coveny 16708, opposite the property "The Big Rock" at the base of the Gloucester Buckets, c. 2 km W of Gloucester, 1.i.1994 (AD, BRI, CANB, HO, K, MEL, MO, NSW); Cunningham & Milthorpe s.n., Hartwood, Nyumagee, along Station track 4 km N. of 1-115, 25.iii.1976 (NSW 389686); Evans s.n., Artunga, 18.iv.1955 (NSW 389689); Green s.n., 22.iv.1952 (NSW 389693 ); Hamilton s.n., Emu Plains, 26.xi.1912 (NSW 389699, SYD); Johnson s.n., & Briggs 3040, Coonabarabran, 16.xi.1969 (NSW 389688); Killin s.n., Jerrys Plains near Singleton, -.ii.1958 (NSW38969I); King s.n., Homebush Sale Yards, -.iii.1989 (NSW); Kirk s.n., Barraba, 22.v.1976 (NSW): McAllan s. n., Purlewaugh, 22.xii.1979 (NSW); Michael s.n., Goolgowi township, 2011994 (AD, NSW); Michael & Gray s.n., Flemington Saleyard, Sydney, 6.x.1970 (CANB 289655, NSW 389696); Morris s.n., Mudgee, (NSW 389687); Salasoo 2192, Binnaway, 3.i.1962 (NSW).

Distribution and ecology (Map 5) 120° iio° 140° ige io° In Australia, V. hispida occurs mainly Ilk in New South Wales with only one t.. ..i MI locality near Brisbane in Queensland. In Ann moo.. AL . 1:IIIIIIIMIAL New South Wales, it occurs in the coastal 20* a_riirmuszsditillioninhimmil areas between Newcaslte and Wollongong with several localities in the north-eastern !gal*minim mbacip::: and central parts of the State. loommullneurnouneni.:::-, -30* .. , MIMS -WWI 30* Collections from outside Australia have MU= IMF iHU NNW 11111P been examined from Argentina, Chile, !P"al 1/ ,IIIMM morn MMMMM Bolivia and Peru.Besides, Moldenke (1965) recorded it from Paraguay, Brazil rptiiii and Ecuador. Ecological notes by collectors agree with Moldenke (1963c) asithas been 120* KO* recorded as a weed of disturbed soil by roadsides, on railway embanlcments, at Map 5. Distribution ofV. hispida Ruiz& Pav. quarry sites, along river banks and sometimes in backyards of residential areas. Recent collectors have found this species growingin beds of dry brooks.

Comments According to Moldenke (1983) the corolla lobes are emarginate and fruiting calyx ventricose. During present examination, the corolla-lobes are found to be rounded or broadly obtuse at the tip and the fruiting calyx not ventricose in Australian collections of this species. In two different publications, Moldenke (1971a, 1983) recorded V. clandestina Marti. ex Moldenke and V. cuneifolia Hort. ex Walp. in the synonymy of V. hispa Ruiz & Pav. According to present investigation, both above named synonyms have not been validly published.

50 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Conn (1992) believed that the flower bracts of this taxon were "as longas calyx" and he extended its distribution limits to the Botanical Division "North Far Western Plains: and "South Western Plains". During present studies, the flower bracts examined in several different specimens were found to be mostly longer than calyx. It is only at fi-uitingstage that the bracts sometimes appear not quite surpassing the calyx. As for theoccurrence of V. hispida in "North Far Western Plains" and "South Western Plains",it has not been confirmed by any collection on loan from Herb. NSW. Moldenke (1972e, 1974a) stated that "the material of V. hispida has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria as V. officinalis L.; V. rigida Spreng." and "JuneIlia sp." In various parts of its range, V. hispida is known by several vernacular names of which some popular ones are: "hispid vervain", "hairy vervain", "hairy vervena", "rough vervena", "hispid mock vervain" and "bristly vervain". According to collectors' field notes, it appears to flower throughout the year.

Affinities V. hispida is closely related to V. rigida Spreng. in its leaves being sessile, stem-clasping, coarsely serrate-dentate; spikes disposed in ternate groups, cylindrical, dense both in flower and fruit; bract longer than calyx; peduncle, calyx and bracts glandular-hispidulous or glandular-pubescent; stamens inserted below the middle of corolla-tube. Nevertheless, V. rigida may easily be distinguished by its flowers being larger and much more bright and conspicuous; bracts one and a half to twice as long as the calyx; corolla limb 6-8 mm diam.; corolla-tube nearly 3 times as long as the calyx with lobes emarginate or somewhat bifid. There are some characters in common to V. hispida and V. bonariensis L. In both species, the leaves are sessile, stem-clasping, coarsely serrate-dentate; spikes disposed in temate groups, cylindric, dense both in flower and fruit. However, V. bonariensis can easily be identified by its inflorescence being not glandular; bracts not surpassing the calyx; calyx c. 4 mm long; corolla tube scarcely twice as long as the calyx, the limb 4-5.5 mm diam.; stamens inserted at or just above the middle of the corolla-tube.

4. Verbena aristigera S.Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. Ser. 2, 4 (1895) 439; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 109, 115, 117, 119, 126, 470; Moldenke, Phytologia 8 (1962) 189; ibid. 9 (1963) 122, 192, 394, 397; ibid. 10, 2 (1964) 93; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc.1 & 2 (1971) 177, 184, 187, 189, 200, 369, 520, 912, 973; Moldenke, Phytologia 22, 6 (1972) 463; ibid. 30, 3 (1975) 133; ibid. 36, 2 (1977) 125; Malaise in Troupin, Fi. Rwanda 3 (1985) 290, fig. 94-1A & 1B; Meikle, Fi. Cyprus 2 (1985) 1252; Verdc. in Polhill (ed.), FI. Trop. E. Afr. Verbenaceae (1992) 10; J.-P.Leburn & Stork, Enum. Pl. Afr. Trop. (1997) 523. Type: S.Moore 1083, near Mt Pao d'Assucar, between Coimbra and River Apa, Matto Grosso, Brazil, 4.ii.1891-92 (BM, holotype!). V. tenuisecta Briq., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve 7-8 (1904) 294; Moldenke, Publ. Camegie Inst. Wash. 522 [Bot. Maya Area] (1940) 150; Neal, Gard. Hawaii (1948)636; Gleason, III. FI. NE U.S. & Adj. Canada (1952) 133; Moldenke, Resume Verbenac. etc. (1959) 111, 115, 128, 154, 164, 224, 296, 362-364, 376, 474; J.F.Macbr., Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 13, 5, 2 (1960) 629; Hepper in Hutchins & Dalz., FI. W.Trop. Afr. edn 2, 2 (1963) 434; Moldenke, Phytologia 11, 4 (1965) 280; ibid. 11, 5 (1965) 290; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 77, 86, 128, 144, 179, 184, 190, 203-205, 257, 279, 328, 349, 372, 522, 921; Moldenke, Phytologia 24, no. 3 (1972) 234; Lopez-Pal., Revista Fac. Farm. Univ. Los Andes. Menda, no. 15 (1974) 93; Moldenke, Phytologia 28, 4 (1974) 395; Rickett, Wild. FI. U.S. 2, 2 (1975) 462, t.170,top right-hand; Lopez-Pal., FI. Venezuela Verbenaceae (1977) 576, fig.135; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, no. 5 (1977) 454; C.C.Towns. in C.C.Towns. & Guest (eds), FI. Iraq 4, 2 (1980) 655; Everist, Poison. Pl. Aust. (1981) 749; N.C.W. Beadle et al., FI. Syd. Reg. edn 3 (1982) 509; Moldenke in Dassan. & Fosberg (eds), FI. Ceylon 4 (1983) 208; Raj, Rev.

51 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Palaeobot. Palynol. 39 (1983) 361, t. v2; N.C.W.Beadle, Stud. FI. NE N.S.W. 5 (1984) 852; Munir in Jessop & Toelken (eds), FI. S. Aust. 3 (1986) 1178, fig. 545E; Stanley in Stanley & E.M.Ross (eds), FI. SE Qld 2 (1986) 268; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Ind. QZ (1991) 2950; B.J.Conn in G.J.Harden (ed.), FI. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 613; Carolin & Tindale, FI. Syd. Reg. edn 4 (1994) 596; B.J.Conn in N.G. Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 414, fig. 80e. Type: B.Balansa 1025, from La Trinidad, Paraguay, 4.x.1875 (G, holotype!). Glandularia aristigera (S.Moore) Tronc., Darwiniana 14, no. 4 (1968) 636; ibid. 18, no. 3-4 (1974) 317, 318; S.Martinez et al., Darwiniana 34 (1996) 15. Type: As for Verbena aristigera S.Moore. Verbena erinoides auct. non Lam. 1791: Chodat, Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2,2 (1902) 818; Chodat & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2, 4 (1904) 1059, in syn.; N.C.W.Beadle et al., FI. Syd. Reg. (1962) 415. V. dissecta Morong in Brig., Annuire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genéve 7-8 (1904) 294, in syn. fide Moldenke (1965, 1983). V. tenera auctt. non Spreng., 1825; J. Black. FI. S. Aust. (1929) 698; Everist, Common Weeds of Farm & Pasture (1957) 77; Yotaro, Gard. Pl. World 3 (1966) t. 64, fig. 4; Kloot, Checklist Intr. Sp. Natur. S. Aust. (1986) 93; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Index QZ (1991) 2950. V. bipinnatifida auctt. non Schauer, 1847; Nasir & Ali, FI. W. Pak. (1972) 608; R.J.Hnatiuk, Cens. Aust. Vasc. Pl. (1990) 629. Glandularia tenera auct. non (Spreng.) Cabrera: S.Martinez et al., Darwiniana 34, 1-4 (1996) fig. 4A & B.

Description (Fig. 4) Annual or perennial herb, varying from prostrate, procumbent to decumbent- ascending, (10-) 20-50 (-60) cm tall. Stem branched at the base, tetragonal, sparsely pubescent but soon glabrescent. Leaves ± triangular in outline, tripartite -pinnatisect, shortly substrigose- pubescent especially on the midrib and veins beneath, glabrescent with age, (1.5-) 2-6 (-8) cm long, (1-) 2-4 (-5.5) cm wide; primary segments pinnatisect with ultimate segments uniformly linear to subulate, 5-10 (-14) mm long, (0.5-) 1-2 (-3) mm wide, acute or obtuse at the apex, entire or minutely dentate with margins recurved. Inflorescence terminal, pedunculate, spicate, showy; spikes solitary or with several spikes forming a corymb, dense,ovate-capitatetosubgloboseduringanthesis,elongatingandlaxduring infructescence, (1.5-) 2-6 cm long during anthesis; later elongating to 9 (-10) cm, 1.5-2 (- 2.5) cm diam.; peduncles (1.5-) 2.5-5 (-6) cm long, elongating to 10cm or more in fi-uit. Flowers sessile, bracteate, at first dense and ascending, later lax and spreading; bracts much shorter than the calyx, varying from elliptic-ovate, ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 2 4 (-5) mm long, 1-2 mm wide near the base, canescent-puberulous abaxially, glabrous adaxially. Calyx long tubular, 5-toothed, 7-9 mm long; tube 6-7 (-7.5) mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam., densely adpressed strigose-pubescent outside, glabrous inside; teeth unequal, filiform-setose, 0.5-2 mm long. Corolla hypocrateriform, showy, varying from blue to bluish-purple, violet or mauve, c. one and a half times as long as the calyx; tube cylindrical, 10-12 (-14) mm long, 1-2 mm diam., glabrous outside, vinous inside at throat; limb 5- lobed, asymetrical, (5-) 6-10 (-12) mm diam., the lobes ± broadly spreading, obovate- obcordate, deeply emarginate, 3-5 mm long, (2.5-) 3-4.5 mm wide above the middle. Stamens included; anthers oblong, the anther connectives appendaged, the appendages glandular, partly or almost fully exserted, 1-1.5 mm long. Ovary obovoid-oblong, faintly 4- lobed, glabrous, 0.5-1 mm diam.; style included, filiform 10-13 mm long, surpassing the calyx, glabrous; stigma unequally 2-fid. Fruit about half as long as the calyx, oblong, 4- lobed, reticulately ribbed or pitted above the middle, (1.5-) 2.5-3.5 (-4) mm long, (1-) 1.5 2 mm diam.; mericarps linear-oblong, ± trigonal, white muricate on commissural faces.

52 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Fig. 4.V. aristigera S.Moore (AN, V.K.Moriarty 499: CANB; OQ, R.Coveny 11680 & P Wilson: BRI). A, habit sketch of a flowering branch; B, enlarged leaf; C & D, magnified portions of a leaf; E, magnified portion of stem; F, flower; G, flower bract; H, calyx; I, calyx cut open showing glabrous inside; J, corolla cut opened showing inside hairs, androecium and gynoecium; K, upper anther showing protruded gland-tipped connective; L, lower anther s.vithout protruded connective; M, ovary; N, transverse section of ovary; 0, fruit; P, mericarp showing muricate commissural face; Q, magnified commissural portion of a mericarp.

53 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 140; non Australian 225). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Andrews s.n., Coolgardie, -.ix.1915 (PERTH, 2 spec.); Boylen s.n., Merredin, 9.xi.1971 (PERTH). NORTHERN TERRITORY: Latz 13019 & Gibson s.n., Alice Springs, Old East Side, 15.xii.1992 (AD, AREF, DNA, NT). QUEENSLAND: Akock 8585, Yelarbon, 60 km E of Goondiwindi, 15.viii.1981 (BRI); Aston 2440, 10 km W of St George, along Balonne Highway toward Bollen, 31.viii.1983 (BRI, CANB, MEL); Blake 19937, Rockhampton on level of Fitzroy River, 12.v.1956 (BRI): Blake 7180, Goodna, Brisbane, 29.xii .1934 (BR1, CANB); Dillewaard 1042 & Dowling s.n., near Glenlyon Dam, 12.x.I984 (BRI, NSW, SP, US); Jobson 1231, junction of Leichhardt Highway and Fitzroy Development Road near Palm Tree Creek Crossing, 18 km N of Taroom, 10.xii.1990 (MEL); Johnson 1471, S of Dawson River, 2.iii.1960 (AD, BRI, CANB); McKee 10232, Jambin, near Biloela, 4.iv.1963 (BRI, CANB, L, NSW); Pedley 534, c. 48.3 km S of Meandarra, 3.xi.1959 (BRI, CANB, NY); Phillips s.n., 4.8 km fi-om Amby towards Mitchell, 21.ix.1963 (BRI, CANB, CBG 023403); Smith & Everist 902A, Blackall, Mitchell District, 21.x.1940 (BR1, CANB, MEL); Stanley & Ross 78249, Mackay, 18.xi.1978 (BRI); White 12977, Port Curtis District, Mount Morgan, 30.viii.1938 (BRI); Wilson 1378, c. 3 km SW of Cecil Plains on Dunmore S.F. road, 11.x.1975 (BRI, L, NSW). NEW SOUTH WALES: Burbidge 2851, Moonbi, 5.x.1948 (CANB, MEL); Canning 6416, just N of Murrumbateman, 8.i.I987 (AD, CANB); Coveny 9971 & Haegi s.n., 3 km S of Wallangarra on New England Highway towards Tenterfield, 6.xii.1977 (BRI, L, NSW); Cunningham 5194 & Milthorpe s.n., 8 km of Weethale, 7.iii.1977 (NSW); Gorton 4927, Clarence Town, -.ii.1948 (NSW 4927); Lepschi 283, 5 km N of ACT/NSW border, (CANB, NSW); Parris 9118, 40 km S of Narrabri along Newell Highway, 2.5.1986 (CANB). VICTORIA: Kissane 1808, Flemington Saleyards, Melbourne, 18.iii.1991 (MEL); Lyon s. n., at the foot of the You Yangs, on the eastern flank, ± east of Station Peak, 13.v.1986 (MEL 1546836). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Bates 17467, between Hawker and Wilpena, 24.i.1989 (AD); Bates 43446, Eden Hill, Southern Lofty Region, 19.v.1996 (AD); Erkelenz 48, Port Augusta West, 17.i.1990 (AD); Jackson 3778, 2.5 km S of Cambrae, 6.viii.1980 (AD, BR, BRI, CANB, CORD, GZU, MEL, NY, RSA); Symon 12838, lower slopes of Hummock Hill, Whyalla, 4. iv.1981 (AD).

Distribution and ecology (Map 6) V. aristigera has been found naturalised in all Australian mainland States with major distribution in the eastern halves of Queensland and New South Wales, and southern parts of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. In Northern Territory It has been recorded only from near Alice Springs. Collections from outside Australia have been examined from several countries of North and South America, East and South Africa, the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East. According to ecological notes by collectors, this taxon occurs in Australia mainly on Eucalyptus dominated woodland and in a variety of soil types. Most collections have come from sandy loam, clayey or gravelly type of soils or their combination. It has been recorded as a weed along roadsides, on footpaths, vacant allotments, back yards, disturbed soil,

54 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena paddock, open woodland, open grassland lìo° 6o° kicf Igo° and wastelands. Within the above soil - to° types, it is reportedly common along river Ma. INUM banks, lakes, creeks and water courses. It =Al AIL hasbeenrecordedasa"weedof -20° cultivation and pastures in north-eastern ..iallumill11111.111111111:1 and western NSW and southern Qld". 11119.1111.0.1:11 , .11,....1111..5511111111111'111411116: Moldenke(1983)statesthat, "In AMENIIME9UM MUMMMARIMB subtropical and warm temperate areas it -3e inwswEll MMMMMM MAP tends to escape very rapidly and becomes ' EMU romiMMMMM Miming naturalisedalongroadsidesand in otherwise disturbed ground where it may MUMM.IME.: produce a spectacularly beautiful display 400 of colour".

1300 140° 1500 Map 6. Distribution of V. aristigera S. Moore. Comments In Australia, V. aristigera was introduced from South America and is now naturalised in all mainland States. Perry (1933) recognised it as "V. erinoides Lam.", a name also widely used for it by horticulturists and gardeners. It is now widely cultivated in many countries of the world, mostly under the names "V. tenera", "V. dissecta" or "V. erinoides". Herbarium material of this taxon has been misidentified and distributed in some herbaria under the names "V. ambrosifolia Rydle.", V. aubletia L.", "V. bipinnatifida Nutt.", "V canadensis (L.) Britton", "V. dissecta Willd.", "V. erinoides Lam.", "V. incisa Hook. or "V. tenera Spreng". According to Moldenke (1974b), "the 'V. tenera' of Williams (1949) the "V. tenera' and 'V. erinoides' of Burkill (1966), the 'V. bipinnatifide' of Drar (1970)), the'V. bipinnatifida" of the Park (1972), the 'V. tenera' of Hepper (1963), and the 'V. pinnatifida' of Nair & Rehman (1962) are all actually V. tenuisecta, a species far more widespread in cultivation and escaped from cultivation than the species named by these authors". The type of V. aristigera was collected by S.Moore (no. 1083) in Brazil in February 1891-92, and in 1895 he described it as a new species. The type specimen is preserved in Herb. BM where it is mounted on the right side of the herbarium sheet with another conspecific collection by A.Robert 849 mounted on the left side. The A.Robert 849 should not be mistaken for the type as it was collected in 1903 from Paraguay, nearly 8 years after the publication of this taxon. A duplicate of this collection is in Herb. K. In this respect, Moldenke (1964b) also states that, "the A.Robert 8491 distributed as 'TYPE SPECIMEN' of this species is not the type collection at all, nor does it even represent this species [i.e.V. aristigera S.Moore], itisV. tenuisecta Brig.". In his several treatments of the genus Verbena, Moldenke (1959, 1964b, 1965, 1971a, 1972a & d), 1980, 1983) treatedV. aristigera S. Moore and V. tenuisecta Briq. as two distinct species. Nevertheless, Moldenke (1965) did acicnowledge that "further studies may show that Briquet's name may have to be supplanted by one of several older names for South American plants which may possibly prove to be conspecific with this taxon, for instance, V.aristigera S. Moore or V. mendocina R.A. Phil., both of which I am at present regarding as distinct taxa". In a subsequent publication, Moldenke (1972e) states, "that these taxa are sufficiently distinct to deserve separate designation", and according to him, "details of leaf character are sufficient to distinguish them". The present author has examined the types of both V. aristigera S.Moore and V. tenuisecta Briq. and have found them conspecific. Of the two names, V. tenuisecta is 'placed in synonymy under V. aristigera.

55 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Small (1933) and Troncoso (1968) referred this taxon to the segregate genus Glandularia Grnel which was previously regarded by Schauer (1847) as a section of the genus Verbena. The majority of botanists, however, have kept V. aristigera (= V. tenuisecta) in the genus Verbena without reference to any section or a subgenus. Moldenke (1965) describesit "rooting at the nodes". During present investigation, however, this character has not been observed in any Australian collection of this species. This plant is considered as a weed of cultivation and pastures in southern Queensland and north-eastern and western New South Wales. Besides,it has also been suspected of poisoning livestock. In view of its wide cultivation and introduction in various parts of the world, it is known by many vernacular names. Some of the popular names are: "moss verbena", "Margarita morada", "Burkitt"s blue", "Maynes pest", "Wild verbena", "small flowered verbena" or "verbena americana".

Affinities V. aristigera is closely related to V. bipinnatifida Nutt., V. dissecta Willd., V. laciniata (L.) Brig. and V. tenera Spreng. in their overall habit of being diffuse decumbent-ascending herbs branching at the base; leaves tripartite-pinnatisect with ultimate segments (lobes) uniformly linear, oblong or subulate and spikes more or less fascicle-like during anthesis. Nevertheless, V. bipinnatifida may easily be distinguished by its leaves being appressed- hirsute on both surfaces and bracts mostly longer than calyx. There are a few characters common between V. aristigera and V. sulphurea D. Don, In both taxa the leaves are tripartite-pinnatisect and spikes capitate to subglobose during anthesis. Nevertheless, V. sulphurea differs in having yellow instead of purple, bluish- purple, violet or mauve corollas and more particularly in the lower lobes of its leaves originating from the very base of the leaf, and not away from the base. Rickett (1969) compared V. tenuisecta (now synonym under V. aristigera) with V. bipinnatifida Nutt. saying "V. tenuisecta has leaves similarly divided or cleft, the final parts being even narrower, almost hair-like. It is sparsely hairy, then finally becoming smooth. The corolla is large and handsome, purple, lilac or rose. The bracts are much shorter than the calyx". According to Macbride, FI. Peru (1960), V. aristigera "differs from V. tenera Spreng. of Brazil in its larger leaves, pubescent calyx and evenly puberulent bract, from V. dissecta Willd. in its merely fastigiate inflorescence as well as by the strigose calyx; these differences are the sort, one can imagine, that may exist in varying degrees. The naturalised plant has been referred to V. tenera Spreng. and to V. laciniata (L.) Briq. (= V. erinoides Lam.)". Moldenke (1965) stated that V. tenera Spreng. and V. tenuisecta Brig. closely resemble each other, but the former "differs in its bractlets being about half (instead of a quarter) as long as the calyx and densely long-ciliate on the margins and in the short but spreading often hirsutulous pubescence on the calyx (instead of the closely appressed-strigose pubescence seen in V. tenuisecta) '

5. Verbena supina L., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 21; Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 548; Baker in Dyer, Fi. Trop. Afr. 5 (1900) 286; J.M.Black, Fl. S. Aust. Part 3 (1926) 478, fig. 199; E.L.Robertson in J.M.Black, FI. S. Aust. edn 2, 4 (1957) 720, fig. 1028; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 474; Moldenke, Phytologia 11, 4 (1965) 251; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 349, 372, 594, 668, 921; Franco in Tutin et al. (eds), FI. Europ. 3 (1972) 123; Moldenke, Phytologia 24 (1972) 228; J.H.Willis, Handb. Pl. Vic. 2 (1972) 850; Moldenke, Phytologia 36 (1977) 451; C.C.Towns. in C.C.Towns. & Guest

56 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

(eds), FI. Iraq 4, Part 2 (1980) 652, t. 117, figs 1 7 p.p. exclud. Robertson S/1 03I (K!); Munir in Jessop (ed), FI. Centr. Aust. (1981) 296, fig. 391; N.C.W.Beadle, Stud. FI. N.E. N.S.W. 5 (1984) 852; Meikle, FI. Cyprus 2 (1985) 1251 & 1252, p.p. explud. Meikle 2615, (E!, K!); Munir in Jessop & Toelken (eds), FI.S. Aust. 3 (1986) 1178, fig. 545D; A.D.Chapm., Aust. Pl. Name Index QZ (1991) 2950; B.J.Conn in G.J.Harden (ed), FI. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 613; Lazarides, Cowley & Hohnen, Aust. Weeds (1997) 192; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds), Fi. Vic. 4 (1999) 416, fig. 80f. Type: Linnaean Herbarium Stockholm S9.1, Loefling 16, collected from "Hispania" (S, lectotype, designated by Moldenke (1965), microfiche!). See typification. V. tenuifolia C.Bauhin, Pinax Theat. Bot, edn 2 (1671) 269 fide Moldenke (1971a), nom. invalid. V. procumbens Forssk., FI. Aegypt Arab. (1775) 10 fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1980) Type: "Ad margines agronum Aegypti", n.v. V. radicans Moench, Meth. Pl. Hort. Bot. Agric. Marbury (1794) 369 fide Moldenke (1971a), nom. illeg.

Typification In the protologue of this species Linnaeus did not record any specimen but cited "Habitat in Hispania" and a Clusius Plate ("Clus. hist. 2 p. 46"). Two specimens were found in Linnaean Herbaria. One in the Linnaean Herbarium in London (No. 35.16) and another in the Linnaean Herbarium in Stockholm (No. S9.1) According to C.Jarvis, Hon. Curator, Linnean Society Herbaria [pers. comm. 2 Oct. 1997], "V. supina L., 35.16 LINN appears to be a post-1753 addition to the collection; original elements for the name appears to be a sheet in the Linnaean Herbarium in Stockholm (fiche no. 9.1), and the cited Clusius plate". He did not cite a lectotypification of this species by himself or by any one else.It appears that the lectotypification of this species was done by Moldenke (1965) who stated: "There is some question about the typification of this species. The original specimen of Linnaeus, preserved as sheet G. 834, S.7, in the Linnean Herbarium at London, was collected by him in the George Clifford garden in England [Holland] and shows erect stems and thus does not agree well with his description of either 1737 or 1753. In the Stockholm herbarium, however, there is a specimen of Loefling 16 which, in my opinion, should be regarded as the type. On the reverse side of the sheet there is written "VERBENA" in ink, and then near the bottom in pencil "cfr. Verbena 14 Supina L. sp. pl. 21", and then at the very bottom in ink in Linnaeus' own handwriting "14 supina". On the reverse side of the sheet there is written in pencil "Linné herb" and in ink "Verbena tetrandra, spicis filiformibus solitariis, foliis pinnatifidis Linn. Spec. Plant. 21. 14" and in ink in Linnaeus' own handwriting "Hispania 16 Loefl". The specimen is apparently of the supine form and thus agrees with the description of Linnaeus in 1753: "14. VERBENA tetrandra, spicis filiformibus solitariis, foliis bipinnatifidis. Verbena tenuifolia. Bauh. pin. 269. Verbena supina. Clus. Hist. 2 p. 46. Habitat in Hispania". In a subsequent publication, Moldenke (1972d) stated that "According to Savage (1945), sheet number 16 under genus, 35, VERBENA, in the Linnean Herbarium [London], is inscribed "supina" in Linnaeus' own handwriting and may thus be considered the type". Nevertheless, Moldenke neither agreed with Savage's opinion nor repudiate his earlier typification of 1965. In the light of above information, Loefling 16 in Herb. S has been accepted as the lectotype of this species. In the Linnaean Herbarium in London, the present author has seen sheet 35.16 of Verbenas supina L. which matches well with the typical variety of this

57 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) species. It does not seem to show "erect" stems, and being pubescent on both stem and leaves it should not be confused with var. erecta (Moldenke) Munir which has erect shiny stems and is glabrous both on stem and adaxial leaf surfaces.

Description A procumbent-decumbent erect or suberect annual herb, branched from the base upwards. Stem slender or robust, bluntly quadrangular with rounded angles separated by narrow grooves, (10-) 15-35 (-50) cm long, hispid-canescent, strigose or puberulous or almost glabrous, shiny and purplish. Leaves more or less deltoid or broadly rhomboid in outline, tapering basally to a short, flattish canaliculate petiole, (1-) 1.5-3 (-4) cm long, (0.8-) 1.5-3 (-3.5) cm wide, more or less canescent-strigillose on both surfaces or glabrous adaxially, puberulous on the veins below, 1- to 2- pinnatisect or pinnatipartite with lanceolate, broadly oblong, obovate, obtuse to subacute or bluntly toothed lobes; veins usually prominent below; petioles 5-13 mm long. Inflorescence a simple or sparingly branched spike, terminal on stem and branches; spikes often solitary, shortly pedunculate, cylindrical, slender, dense at first but elongating and becoming lax in fruit, (2.5-) 5-10 (- 15) cm long. Flowers sessile, bracteate; bracts linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblong, usually about half as long as the calyx; somewhat strigillose or canescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially, 1-1.7 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm wide. Calyx ± campanulate, 4-toothed with four prominent green ribs or angles, membranous between the ribs, strigillose or canescent outside, glabrous inside, non-glandular, 2-3 mm long, 1 mm diameter. Corolla lilac, mauve, pink or purple-blue, 4-5.5 mm long, usually one and a half to twice the length of calyx; limbs (2-) 2.5-3 mm diameter; tube cylindric, glabrous or thinly pubescent outside, with a dense ring of hairs in the throat, 3-4 mm long, ± 1 mm diameter; lobes obtuse or truncate, obovate-oblong, 1-1.5 mm long, nearly as wide. Stamens included, inserted at about the middle of corolla-tube just below the ring of hairs; anthers ± orbicular-oblong in outline, 0.3-0.5 mm long. Ovary obovoid-globose, glabrous, obscurely 4-lobed, 0.5-1 mm diameter; style included, filiform, glabrous, reaching to the stamens, ± 1 mm long; stigma subclavate, obscurely 2-lobed with one lobe stigmatose within. Fruit globose or narrowly oblong in outline, tetragonal, almost as long as the calyx or included by the fi-uiting calyx, composed of 4 mericarps, dull brown, obscurely veined-reticulate dorsally, 2-2.5 mm long, 1.5-2 mm diameter, the mericarps smooth (i.e. non-muricate) on the commissural faces.

Distribution A native to the Mediterranean region, now introduced and naturalised in parts of southern and eastern Europe, northern and eastern tropical Africa, Middle East, Pakistan, Malaysia and Australia.

5a. Verbena supina L. var. supina (Fig. 5) Type: As for V. supina L. V. supina L. f. petiolulata 1-1.Lindb., Iter Cypr. Acta Soc. Sci. Ser. B. Vol. 2, No. 7 (1946) 28, syn. nov.; Meikle, Fi. Cyprus 2 (1985) 1252. Type: Harald Lindberg s.n.,"in arenosis juxta opp. Larnaca", Cyprus, (H, holotype n.v., K, isotype!). See comments. Prostrate or procumbent herb, usually densely pubescent-canescent throughout. Stem usually not purplish, much branched from the base, strigose-hispid or more or less canescent, the tips and branches suberect. Leaves usually hispid-canescent on both surfaces;

58 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae:Verbena

Fig. 5. V. supina L. var. supina (A-1, J.Z.Weber 3414: AD). A, habit sketch; B, magnified leaf; C, inflorescence with flowers and fruit; D, flower; E, calyx showing ribs; F, corolla cut open showing androecium and gynoecium; G, transverse section of ovary; H, fruit; I, two mericarps showing smooth commissural faces.

59 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) segments usually narrow, oblong. Calyx and bracts strigose-canescent outside, glabrous inside. Peduncle always strigose.

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 93; non-Australian 75) NEW SOUTH WALES: Canning 3451, Woorandara Station, near Booligal, 27.v.1973 (CBG, GH, L); Constable 5199, Byrnedale, 15.xi.1947 (MO, NSW); Jacobs 454, Tandou Lake, S end, 20.x.1972 (NSW); Milthorpe 579, Lake Mucha near Mootwingee, 1.xii.1971 (AD); Paijmans 2767, Billabong of Darling River, 10 km SW of Wilcannia, 16.v.1979 (CANB); Pickard 1974, 19 km WNW of Ivanhoe, adjacent to Menindee road, 19.iii.1973 (NSW). VICTORIA: Beauglehole 33436 & Henshall, Red Cliffs, far N.W., 27.iii.1970 (MEL); Beauglehole 55534, 5 km SW of Chinkapook, c. 18 km S of Manangatang P.O., 17.iv.1977 (MEL); Beauglehole 56007 & Macfarlane s.n., 17 km SSW of Swan Hill P.O., 1.v.1977 (MEL); Ernmerson s.n., Wimmera River Murtoa area, 4.iii.1983 (MEL); Morgan s.n., Winlaton near Tresco, 15.iv.1939 (MEL 583920); Muir ACB 4318, Dimboola, -.i.1948 (MEL): Smith 69/111, town of Hopetoun, c. 60 km N of Warracicnabeal, 18.xi.1969 (CANB., MEL). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Aitken 89, 70 km W of Central Lake Torrens, Gairdner-Torrens Basin, 15.v.1981 (AD); Akock 156, Tatiara Creek c. 8 km NE of Walseley, Summer 1966 (AD); Badman 3378, Stuart Creek Station, Gairdner-Torrens Basin, 7.viii.1989 (AD, BR); Badman 3941, 10 km E of White Dam, Andamooka Station, 13.x.1989 (AD, BRI, NY); S. Barker 114, Quandong Vale, c. 140 km E of Peterborough, 21.iv.1967 (AD); W.R. Barker 404, Canegrass Dam, c. 8 km E of Frome Downs Station, 13.iv.1968 (AD); Bates 924, Jupiter Creek near Mt Bold Reservoir, 10.xi.1981 (AD); Burbidge 5181, Winnie Pinnie Dam, 6.iii.1945 (AD); Cleland s.n., Swan Reach, River Murray, 19.iii.1927 (AD); Cleland s.n., Frome Road, Adelaide, 11.ii.1946 (AD); Cleland s.n., Mannum, 20.iii.1958 (AD); Eichler 18896, between Lake Torrens and Lake Gairdner, 24.x.1966 (AD, -CANB); Ising s.n., Watervale, N Lofty, undated (AD); B. Lay 230, Northern Lake Gairdner, North Swamp Well, c. 8 km N.N.W. of Coondambo Homestead on Stuart Highway, (AD, K, W).; Lothian 1198, Cusacks Dam, Lagoon (2 Tank Mill), c.11 km N of Koonamore Homestead, 5.xi.1962 (AD, W); Osborn s.n., Lake Margin, Finnis Swamp, Koonamore, 5.iii.1931 (AD); Symon 14954, Moralana Station, Flinders Ranges, 4.xi.1989 (AD, HO, NSW); Weber 3414, c. 6 km S of Blanchetown, 19.iii.1973 (AD); White s.n., Ooldea, on transcontinental railway, -.i.1917 (AD); Williams 10274, 8.5 km W of H.S. on road to New Strathearn, 14.iv.1979 (AD).

Distribution and ecology (Map 7) In Australia, V. supina var. supina is found chiefly in the eastern half of South Australia, western New South Wales and north-western Victoria. So far, it has not been recorded from any other Australian State or Territory. Collections from outside Australia have been examined from Algeria, Argentina and several countries in Southern and Central Europe, Mediterranean region and the Middle East. In addition to this, Townsend (1980) reported it from S. Russia, Caucasus, C. Asia and N.E. tropical Africa. The above distribution range has been expanded by Jafri & El- Gadi (1980) by recording it from Iran and India (Himalayas). Ecological notes by collectors agree with Moldenke (1965) who reported it growing in dry as well as moist places, lowlands and arid deserts, parklands and plains, and on seaport ballast, at altitude from sea level to 90 metres.

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Comments Meikle (1985) cited under f petiolulata H.Lindb. only the type specimen and stated that this type is "perhaps no more than a starved and desiccated condition of V. supina", i.e. the typifical form of this species. During present investigation, the type of f petiolulata was found to be similar to young plants of the typical form. The type of f petiolulata is very young without flowers orfruits.Itis densely strigose with leaves divided into narrowly oblanceolate-petiolulatelobes. Such morphological characters at a very young age seem to be due to the habitat and other ecological conditions under Map 7. Distribution of V. supina L. var. supina. which this type was growing. Similar leaf-form and dense- strigose canescence have been noticed in a few young collections of this taxon. In the present treatment, therefore, f. petiolulata is regarded as a synonym of the typical variety. According to Townsend (1980) the vegetative parts are "densely furnished with white strigose hairs with an admixture of stalked glands", and the inner face of mericarps "whitish-granulate". The stalked glands have not been found in any Australian collection of this species, and the inner face of mericarps is always smooth. In fact, V. supina seems to be the only Australian species with the inner face of the mericarps ("nutlets") smooth. Regarding the calyx of this variety, Meikle (1985) reported it to be "with 5 minute, purplish, deltoid apical teeth". The present author has not seen the 5± tooth of the calyx, and according to Townsend (1980) the calyx is "with 4 prominent green ribs, fifth very slender and scarcely green, the fifth tooth ill-defined". In his comments on the life-form of V. supina, Meikle (1985) stated that Verbena supina is commonly said to be an annual, but specimens from Kouklia [town in Cyprus] are clearly perennial, with a horizontal, rooting rhizome. Similar plants are found throughout the range of the species, and one may conclude that the duration of the species is tied to habitat, annual plants grow in dry, sandy places, perennials in seasonally inundated pastures and meadows". Franco (1972) states that the corolla in this variety is "about as long as calyx". However, the corolla in this taxon has been found to be at least one and a half times the length of the calyx. According to field notes by R.Emmerson s.n. (MEL 641173) this taxon has been "suspected of poisoning sheep". A note by another collector suggests that itis "much grazed by rabbits, more than all other plants in area". Yet another collector reports that it is often "heavily grazed down" by sheep or cattle. In the specimens examined, flowering and fruiting seem to occur almost all the year round. According to Moldenke (1965), however, flowering in this taxon takes place in the Northern Hemisphere "in March and from May to September, [and] fruiting in March, August and September". This taxon is known by several English vernacular or common names of which the most popular ones are:"carpet vervain", "hairy vervain", "trailing vervain" and "trailing verbena".

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Affinities V. supina var. supina is closely related to V. aristigera in being a procumbent-decumbent annual herb; leaves deeply divided into lobes, cunneate-attenuate towards the base. Nevertheless,V. aristigera may easily be distinguished by its leaves being tripartite- pinnatisect with linear-subulate lobes; spikes somewhat contracted and subglobose during anthesis; flowers large and showy; calyx 5-toothed, 6-7 mm long; corolla-tube 10-11 (-14) mm long, glabrous outside; anther connectives appendaged and mericarps muricate on commissural faces. In V. supina, the leaf-lobes are lanceolate, broadly oblong, obovate; spikes slender, flowers small, non-showy; calyx 4-toothed, 2-3 mm long; corolla-tube 3-4 mm long, puberulous outside; anther-connectives without appendages and mericarps smooth on commissural faces. There are several characters in common to V. supina, V bracteosa Michx. and V. prostrata R.Br. All three species are decumbent in habit with very similarly shaped dissected leaves covered throughout with hispidulous pubescence. V. bracteosa, however, differs by its bracts exceeding the calyx and mericarps being muricate on commissural faces. There are several characters in common to V. supina, V. bracteosa Michx. And V. prostrata R.Br. All three species are decumbent in habit with very similarly shaped dissected leaves covered throughout with hispidulous pubescence. V. bracteosa, however, differs by its bracts exceeding the calyx and mericarps being muricate on commissural faces. V. prostrata seems much closer to V. supina but the former differs by its finely glandular bracts, glandular-hirsute calyx and in the commissural faces of the mericarp being muricate.

5b. Verbena supina L. var. erecta (Moldenke) Munir, stat.nov.

V.supina L.f.erecta Moldenke, Phytologia 11 (1965) 259, basionym; Moldenke, Phytologia 16 (1968) 207; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac.2 (1971) 205, 206, 209, 211, 266, 699, 921; Moldenke, Phytologia 24 (1972) 23; Moldenke, Phytologia 26 (1973) 367; Moldenke, Phytologia 28 (1974) 393; Moldenke, Phytologia 34 (1976) 268; Moldenke, Phytologia 36 (1977) 452: Moldenke, Phytologia Mém. 2. Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 195-200, 202, 254, 255, 339, 365, 586; A.D.Chapm., Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950. Type: Elisée Reverchon 81, in waste places at Algeciras in south-western Spain, (GB, holotype!; BR, S-isotypes!; NY, Z and Herb. H.N.Moldenke, Plainfield, New Jersey Photos of type fide Moldenke (1965), n.v). This form differs from the typical form of the species in having its stems usually erect or suberect from the beginning, usually robust and purplish, almost glabrous and shiny or very sparsely puberulous. Leaves usually glabrous adaxially, puberulous on the veins abaxially; lobes obtuse or rounded at the apex.

Representative specimens: (collections seen: Australian 74, non-Australian 30). NEW SOUTH WALES: Broolcs s.n., Moree district, 4.xi.1950 (NSW 389673); Canning 3583, near Booligal, 30.ix.1973 (CANB); Carolin 4329, Double Tanks, S of Milparinka, 25.viii.1964 (SYD); Constable sm., Kudgee Homestead, c. 100 km S of Broken Hill, 21.vii.1955 (NSW 389586); Cunningham & Milthorpe 2856, 12 km NE of Bourke on Brewarrina road, 1.ix.1974 (NSW); Fox 7910106, bank of Ana Branch just S of Wyndham Homestead,10.x.1979 (NSW); Milthorpe & Cunningham 2625,"Yelty"Ivanhoe, 18.viii.1974 (NSW); Moore 6741, Mt Mulyah, c. 96.5 km NW of Louth, 27.ix.1974

62 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

(CANB, 2 spec.); Whaite 1404, near Lake Sandy, 18.5 km E of Ivanhoe, 19.iv.1953 (NSW); White s.n., New Tank area, Mootwingee Nat. Park, 18.ix.1990 (NSW). VICTORIA: Beauglehole 40603, Lindsay River, 16.09 km N of Sturt Highway, c. 80.47 km W of Mildura, 19.x.1972 (MEL); Beauglehole 40664, Kulkyne Forest, far SE corner, c. 24 lcm E of Hattah P.O., 31.x.1972 (MEL); Beauglehole 79860A, Lake Lyndger Wildlife Reserve, 2.ix.1985 (MEL); Hanshall s.n., Kings Billabong, beside the Murray River, between Mildura and Red Cliffs, -.xi.1965 (MEL 583918); Parkes & illenkhorst s.n., NW Lake Wallawalla, on Lindsay Point Track, 16.x.1985 (MEL 1556652). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Badman 3378, Canegrass Dam, Sturt Creek Station, 7.viii.1989 (AD, AK, BA, BR, CANB, COLO n.v.); Badman 4630, Four Mile Dam, Carriewerloo Station, 24.ix.1990 (AD, TUR n.v.); Bates 18630, Manunda Station, (AD); Beck s.n., Morgan c. 140 km NE of Adelaide, -.xi.1929 (AD); Chorney 1074, Less Hill, c. 25 km S of Stuart Creek H.S., 7.x.1978 (AD, G, NSW); Cleland s.n., Wellington, near Lake Alexandrina, 13.xi.1957 (AD); Crisp 484, near Southern Cross Bore, Koonamore Station, (AD, CBG); Eichler 19597, c. 6.5 km W of Blanchetown, 22.x.1967 (AD); Geytenbeek s.n., near Mintaro, Mortlock Experimental Station, 1.xi.1985 (AD, MEL); Jackson 2106, Lake Everard, near Mordinyabee Hill, 30.ix.1972 (AD, SI n.v., TI n.v.); Spooner 10915, NE of Koonamore Station, 11.x.1987 (AD); Lothian 1123, 9.65 km S of Iron Baron, Whyalla, 24.x.1966 (AD); Symon 3702, Bulls Head Dam, ± 45 km N of Overland Corner, 10.x.1965 (AD, DAV N.V., SPN n.v.); Symon 8192B, Punky Plains Dam, ± 16 km SE of Hiltaba H.S., 6.x.1972 (AD, B n.v., CANB); Symon 14008, Moralana Station, Whim Paddock, 9.x.1984 (AD, B, CANB, F, LO n.v., MO); Toelken 7455, Kolendo, Dawes Dam, 30 km W of H.S., 17.x.1983 (AD, CBG, NT, NY); Weber 2294, 5 lcm W of vermin fence near Brougham's Cootage, 6.viii.1971 (AAU n.v., AD, AK n.v., CANB, PH); Weber 3655, 13 km W of Blanchetown, Brookfield Zoo Wombat Reserve, 3.x.1973 (AD!, PH, W n.v.);Williams 10043, on wall of Kalabity Auxiliary Dam, 31.viii.1978 (AD).

Distribution and ecology (Map 8) Mk In Australia, V. supina var. erecta has ti !Mt11 ANINk been recorded from southem and south- M"Br hhilINEL easternregionsofSouthAustralia, idtigM MU ilinlinnlinn western New South Wales and far north- western Victoria. As in the case of the ;;;Lhilligannumullingligh typical form, var. erecta has not been o 36 reported from any other State or Territory N E EE No_ dit in Australia. "111.r,1 war .111111,31NIONIII' Collections from outside Australia have MLINkaraLIN been examined from Algeria, Argentine, -.Mir NW Cyprus, Egypt,Iraq,Libya, Morocco, :is Spain and Tunisia. In addition to these countries, Moldenke (1965, 1971a, 126 136 1400 1500 1972d)recorded it fromPortugal, Map8.Distribution of V. supina L. var . erecta Hungary,Italy,Azerbaijan, Cyrenaica, (Moldenke)Munir Sudan, Sicily, Turkey and Jordan. According to collectors' field notes, var. erecta grows chiefly in sandy-loam, reddish- brown fine sand or heavy texture clayeysoil. It is generally found in wet places on river

63 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) banks, near edge of ditches, lakes and swamps. Also found in open community on plains, flood plains and disturbed soil.

Comments The var. erecta was first published by Moldenke (1947) as f.erecta without any description, and subsequently it appeared as such in his several other publications. In 1965 Moldenke validated this name by providing it with a short Latin diagnosis, its English translation and details of its type. The five names included in the synonymy of this taxon by Moldenke (1965) seem to have been never validly published. In the protologue of this taxon, Moldenke (1965) remarked that "more study is needed to determine the actual taxonomic status of this form, which seems at times to intergrade with the typical form or perhaps to hyberidize with it". In a subsequent publication, Moldenke (1972d) clearly mentioned that "I do not believe that it is hybrid in nature". The present author has found sufficient characters to distinguish var. erecta from the typical form. Keeping in view these characters, the possibility of mistaking this taxon with the typifical form would be minimal. There may be a need of more study, however, to determine the likelihood of its hybridisation with the typical form. The occurrence of var. erecta in Australia was first recorded by Moldenke (1973a) from New South Wales. So far,it has not been included in any Australian flora though its presence in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia has been confirmed by several collections. It is lcnown to occur in several countries of Eastern Europe, North Afi-ica and the Middle East, but the recently published of some of these countries have not recorded it. For instance, the present author has seen several collections of var. erecta from Iraq and Cyprus, but in the "Flora of Iraq" by Townsend & Guest (1980) and "Flora of Cyprus" by Meikle (1985) there is no mention of this taxon. It seems that the author of these floras mistook var. erecta for the typical form. For example, a collection by V.C.Robertson S/1031 (K.9 from Iraq and one by R.D.Meikle 2615 (C!, K!) fi-om Cyprus belong to var. erecta, but both collections are respectively recorded in the floras of Iraq (1980) and Cyprus (1985) under the typical variety of this species. The common names for this species are "procumbent vervain" and "trailing vervain".

Affinities The var. erecta is closely related to the typical variety in having almost similar shaped leaves, inflorescence, calyx, corolla and mericarps. It may, however, be easily distinguished by its stem being always erect or suberect, glabrous, shiny and purplish; leaves glabrous adaxially, puberulous on the veins abaxially and lobes obtuse or rounded at the apex. There are a few characters in common between var. erecta, V. bracteosa Michx. V. prostrata. For simi/arities and difference, see "affinities" under var. supina.

6. Verbena litoralis Kunth. in Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth, Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 2 (1818) 276 & t. 137 (1817); Spreng., Linn. Syst. Veg. 2 (1825) 748; Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 542, excl. V. brasiliensis Vell.; A. Gray, FI. N. Amer. edn 2 (1888) 458; Small, FI. SE U.S.A,. (1903) 1010; L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20 no. 2 (1933) 257; Small, Man. S.E. Fl. (1933) 1136; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 203, 210, 212, 223, 359, 365, 368, 371, 472; J.F.Macbr., Fi. Peru, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 13, 5, 2 (1960) 624; Moldenke, Phytologia 9 (1964) 501-505; Moldenke, Phytologia 10 (1964) 56- 88, 114; D.N.Gibson in Stand!. & L.O.Williams (eds), FI. Guatemala Verbenac. Fieldiana Bot. 24, 9, 1 & 2 (1970) 232; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 349- 351, 353, 649, 655, 672, 679-682, 686, 916; Moldenke, FI. Panama Verbenac. Ann.

64 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Missouri Bot. Gard. 60, 1(1973) 45, fig. 1; Moldenke, Phytologia; 28, 3 & 4 (1974) 250; 354; Lopez-Pal., FI. Venezuela Verbenac. (1977) 563, figs 132, 133; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 3 (1977) 233; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2, Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 339-341, 343, 344, 363, 447, 448, 45E 582; N.C.W.Beadle et al., Fi. Syd. Reg. edn 3 (1982) 509; Stanley in Stanley & E.M.Ross (eds), FI. SE. Qld 2 (1986) 368, fig. 51E; W.L.Wagner et al., Man. Fi. Pl. Hawaii 2 (1990) 1325; A.D.Chapm., Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950; B.J.Conn in G.J.Harden (ed), Fi. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 613; P.S.Green, FI. Aust. Oceanic ¡si.1, Verbenac. 49 (1994) 315; Carolin & Tindale, FI. Syd. Reg. edn 4 (1994) 597; Lazarides, Cowley & Hohnen, Aust. Weeds (1997) 191. Type: F.W.H.A.Humboldt & A.J.A.Bonpland s.n., "in Salsis maritimis Oceani Pacific prope Truxillo, Santa et Lima", Peru, undated (P lectotype!, designated by J.F. Macbride, 1960). See "typification". V. caracasana Kunth. in Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth, Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 2 (1818) 275; Spreng., Linn. Syst. Veg. 2 (1825) 748; Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 4 (1845) 19 -fide Schauer (1847), Perry (1933), Lopez-Palacios (1977), Yeo (1990); P.W.Michael, Weeds-Wet & Wild (1997)9; Pedley in R.J.F. Fiend. (ed), Qld Pl. new edn (1997) 205. Type: F.W.H.A.Humboldt & A.J.A.Bonpland 658, "rarissime in sylvaticis prope ", Venezuela, undated (B- Willd. 11134!, P, "isotype" - photograph!). V. lanceolata Willd. ex Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2 edn 16 (1825) 748, nom, illeg., apparently based on the type of V. caracasama Kunth -fide Moldenke (1971 b, 19736), pro syn. V. caracasana Kunth. Type: Based on Humboldt 658, Caracas, Venezuela, undated (B-Willd. 11134!). V. bonariensis L. var. litoralis (Kunth)Hook., Bot. Misc. 1 (I 829) 166; Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 4 (1845) 20 -fide Perry (1933), Macbride (1960), Moldenke (1973b), Lopez-Palacios (1977). Type: As for V. litoralis Kunth. V. litoralis Kunth var. glabrior Benth., Bot. Voy. Sulphur (1846) 153 -fide Lopez-Palacios (1977), Moldenke (1971b, 1973b). Type: Sinclair s.n., Paita, Peru, 1936-1939 (Herb. Hook., K, n.v.). V. affinis Mart. & Gal., Bull. Acad. Brux.1 1, no. 2 (1844) 322 -fide Perry (1933), Gibson (1970), Moldenke (197 1 b, I973b), Lopez-Palacios (1977). Type: n.v.- fide Perry (1933), Gibson (1970), Moldenke (1971a, 1973b), Lopez-Palacios (1977). V. bonariensis auct. non L.: Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 4 (1845) 19 p.p. quoad syn. V. litoralis Kunth. V. litoralis Kunth [var.] a pycnostachya Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 542 exclud. syn. V. brasiliensis Vell.; Hochr., Candollea 5 (1934) 188 -fide - Perry(1933), Moldenke, (1959, 1971b), Yeo 1990. Type: "that of V. &omits" Kunth -fide Yeo (1990). V. litoralis Kunth [var.] B leptostachya Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 542; R.Knuth, Repert. Sp. Nov. Reg. Beih. 43 (1927) 598 -fide Perry (1933), Moldenke (1959, 1971b, 1973b), Lopez-Palacios (1977), Yeo (1990). Type: C.J.W.Schiede 1168, "ad Jalapam et Papantlam, Mexico", - vii.1828 (HAL 076812 - lectotype!, selected here); F.Sellow s.n., "Brasilia meridionalis", undated (HAL 076814, K- syntype!); F.Phillippi s.n., Chile, undated (SGO - syntype!). V nudtflora Nutt. ex Turcz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscow 36, no. 2 (1863) 195 -fide Moldenke (1971 b, 1973b) Type: "Funk 325, Galipan, Prov. Caracasanae", Venezuela, n.v.; "Funk 54 and Galeoti. 359, Cumana near Cumanacoa", Venezuela, - n.v.. Note: In the protologue, there is no mention of the whereabouts of the types. Turczaninow's types are mainly in Herb. KW & LE. V. hansenii Greene, Pittonia 3 (1898) 308 -fide Perry (1933), Moldenke (197 lb, 1973b). Type: G.Hansen 2025, foothills of the Sierra Nevada, in Amador Co., California, U.S.A., 1889 (K!, ND - G, n.v.).

65 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

V. litoralis Kunth var. caracasana (Kunth) Briq., Ann. Conserv, Jard. Bot. Genéve 7-8 (1904) 292; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 69, 127, 361, 369, 472; Moldenke, Phytologia 10, no. 1 (1964) 76; Moldenke, Phytologia 16 (1968) 99; Moldenke, Phytologia 23, no. 3 (1972) 294; Moldenke, Phytologia 28, no. 3 (1974) 252; Moldenke, Phytologia 28, no. 4(1974) 355 fide Perry (1933), Lopez-Palacios (1977). Type: As for V. caracasana Kunth. V. officinalis auct. non L.: Maiden, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 28 (1904) 712 fide P.S. Green (1994). V. parviflora Larrafi , Escritos D.A.Larrail 2 (1923) 9 fide Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 19736). Type: n.v..not cited in the protologue. V. litoralis Kunth var. albiflora Moldenke, Phytologia 1 (1940) 432; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 3 (1977) 237; Moldenke, Phytologia 41, 3 (1979) 180 fide Gibson (1970). Type: G.B.Hinton 13965, in a Ilano at an altitude of 1000m, Coalcoma, district of Coalcoma, Michoacan, Mexico, 20.vii.1939 (LA, n.v.)fide Moldenke (1940a). V. litoralis Kunth f. albiflora (Moldenke) Moldenke, Phytologia 44, 5 (1979) 329; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 68, 76, 112, 136, 451, 583. Type: As for V. litoralis Kunth var. albiflora Moldenke V. litoralis Kunth var. portoricensis Moldenke, Phytologia 50, 5 (1982) 310, syn. nov.based on description. Type: Alain H., Perfa Liogier & L.F.Martorell 28417, along the Panoramic Highway south of Cayey, Puerto Rico, at 640m altitude, 14.iii.1979 (NY, n.v.).

Typification V. litoralis Kunth is based on Humboldt and Bonpland's collections from three different localities namely Truxillo, Santa and Lima in Peru. The author did not choose a specimen as a type fi-om these syntypes. The syntype from Truxillo in Herb. P is labelled "Isotype" but the whereabouts of any possible duplicate and the collections from Santa and Lima are not lcnown. Macbride (1960) noted all three above-named collections by Humbaldt and Bonpland and chose the Truxillo specimen as the "type". This is accepted here as the lectotype for this species. Green (1994) recorded the "holotype" as probably in Paris, but as explained above, Macbride (1960) had already correctly provided a lectotype.

Description Erect or ascending perennial herb, (20-) 50-150 (-210) cm tall. Stem rather sparingly branched, 4-angled, faintly sulcate between nodes, finely pubescent strigillose when young, becoming glabrous and smooth with age, hairs minute, stiff and closely appressed, not spreading. Leczves subsessile or shortly petiolate, the lamina elliptic-lanceoloate to oblanceolate-spathulate, gradually tapering into a short petiole of indeterminate length or semi-amplexicaul in var. brasiliensis, (2-) 4-10 (-15) cm long, (5-) 15-30 (-80) mm wide, apexobtusetoacute,marginscoarsely or somewhatirregularlyserrate-dentate, occasionally some of the larger teeth bidentate, sometimes shortly lobed, finely scabrous- strigillose with closely appressed hairs above the venations impressed above and prominent beneath, upper leaves with lamina narrowly lanceolate, entire or sparsely toothed. Spikes terminal, pedunculate, slender, not glandular dense atfirst but soon elongating and cylindrical with flowers congested near the top of the rachis and becoming lax in the lower part, (1-) 2-8 (-10) cm long, (3-) 4-5 (-6) mm diam.; rhachis slender, eglandular-pubescent, the hairs closely appressed; peduncle somewhat tetragonal, sparsely puberulous when young, becoming glabrous with age, 5-10 (-12) cm long; floral-bracts ovate-lanceolate, marcescent, rigid, acuminate, ciliate, usually subequalling or somewhat shorter than the

66 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena calyx, sometimes surpassing the calyx or upper young flowers in var. brasiliensis, glabrous adaxially,pubescentpuberulous abaxiallywith minuteappressedhairs,becoming glabrescent with age, 1.5-2 (2.5) mm long, 0.5-1 mm wide towards the base. Flowers sessile, bracteate, not showy. Calyx purple when fresh, later discoloured, pubescent or finely strigillose-pilose outside, glabrous inside; tube 5-angled or -ribbed, translucent between the ribs, 1.5-2 mm long, 0.5-1 mm diam., the rim subtruncate; teeth equal, minute, subulate,ciliate.Corolla bluish-purple, mauve, violet or occasionally white; tube cylindrical, somewhat longer than the calyx, puberulous in the upper part outside, densely villous in the throat, sparsely so inside the tube, 2-2.5 (-3) mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm diam.; limbs not very conspicuous, 1.5-2 mm diam.; lobes subequal, broadly elliptic oblong or almost orbicular in outline, glabrous, somewhat retuse or emarginate, 0.3-7 (-1) mm long, 0.3-06. (-1) mm broad. Stamens inserted just below the corolla-throat; filaments short, scarcely visible; anthers yellowish, broadly elliptic-orbicular in outline, 0.2-0.3 mm long. Ovary obovoid, obovoid-glabose, glabrous, faintly 4-lobed, 0.5-08 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm diam.; style filiform, glabrous, extending up to the middle of corolla tube, c.1 mm long; stigma subcapitate, 2-lobed with one lobe larger and stigmatose on the inside surface. Fruit enclosed by persistent calyx, broadly elliptic-globosetooblong-globose, glabrous, somewhat reticulate, separating into 4 linear-oblong mericarps of which sometimes one or two abort, ± 1.5 mm long, ± 1 mm diam.; mericarps trigonous, muricate on commissural face, 2-3 times as long as broad.


V. litoralis occurs in North and South America, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Japan (Okinawa Island), Pacific Islands, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaiian Islands.

6a. Verbena litoralis Kunth var. litoralis (Fig. 6) Erect perennial herb. Stem branched, 4-angled, puberulous or almost glabrous. Leaves subsessile, elliptic-lanceolate or somewhat spathulate, gradually tapering towards the base, not clasping, serrate-dentate, or sometimes lobed, up to 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. Spikes dense at first, later elongating with flowers lax in the lower part of the rhachis, usually 3-8 (-12) cm long, 2-3 mm diam. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, subequal or somewhat shorter than the calyx. Flowers not showy. Calyx tubular, 5-ribbed, translucent between the ribs, finely strigillose-pilose outside, glabrous inside; teeth minute, ciliate. Corolla bluish-purple, mauve or lilac, villous inside the tube. Stamens inserted just below the throat. Ovary obovoid, glabrous, less than 1 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm diam. Fruit elliptic-globose, glabrous, 4-lobed; mericarps ("nutlets") muricatescabrous on commissural faces.

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 67; non-Australian 232) WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Keighery s.n., Lechenault Inlet, Bunbury, 20.x.1984 (PERTH 3658600). NORTHERN TERRITORY: Morrison s. n., Standley Chasm road near turn-off from Jay Creek, c. 35 km W of Alice Springs, (MEL 583803). QUEENSLAND: Cribb s.n., Brisbane, -.x.1947 (BRI 470111); Durrington 565, Serpentine Creek, c. 11 km NE of Brisbane, -.x.1972 (BRI); Johnson 3736, 10 km NE of Yungaburra on Gordonvale Road, (BRI); R. Jones 378, rubbish tip off Carmody Rd, St. Lucia, 22.x.1963 (BRI); McDonald 3278,Bulburin State Forest, S.F. 67 Bulburin,

67 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

N Fig. 6. V. litoralis Kunth var. &omits (A-0, MGray 5200: CANB). A, habit sketch of a flowering branch; B, transverse section of stem showing 4-angles; C, inflorescence showing lax (non-congested) flowers in the lower part; D, flower; E, calyx with bract; F, calyx cut open showing glabrous inside; G, bract showing abaxial surface; H, bract showing adaxial glabrous surface; 1, transverse section of peduncle; J, corolla cut open showing androecium, gynoecium, and hairy inside; K, ovary; L, transverse section of ovary; M, fruit enclosed by persistent calyx; N, fruit; 0, mericarp showing muricate commissural face.

68 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

17.iv.1980 (BRI); Meebold 7818, Beerwah, -.i.1930 (BR 2 spec., M); Pedley 4181, St. Lucia, Brisbane, 5.iii.1975 (BRI, CANB, MO); Sharpe 820, Griffith University Site, Kessels Road, Mt Gravatt, 18.x.1973 (BRI); Stanley 931, Bundaberg, 17.iii.1980 (BRI); White s.n., Brisbane River, -.iii.1915 (BRI 268458). NEW SOUTH WALES: Black 765.000, Ryde, 30.xii.1927 (MEL); Carolin s.n.,Big Gibber Headland, Myall Lake, -.ii.1972 (SYD); Coveny 11420 & Dunn s.n., Devlin's Creek in Pennant Hills Park, Cheltenham, 6.xii.1982 (K, L, MO, NSW); Gray 5734, Sydney, Lane Cove National Park, 25.ix.1965 (AD, CNB, NSW); Michael s.n., Bedlam Point, 10.iii.1994 (NSW 397353, NSW 397355); Michael sm., Concord Foreshore Walk, 6.v.1994 (NSW 397652, NSW 397653); Michael s.n., creek near Whale Rock, 4.xi.1994 (NSW 397349, NSW 397350, NSW 397655, NSW 397656, NSW 397352, NSW 397351); Pendered s.n., 2 km E of Glendon Brook, 17.v.1988 (BRI 44332, MEL, PRC); Valentin s.n., Baldrock Wharf, Sydney, 13.iii.1928 (S). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Smyth 83, Cooper Creek, Innamincka, 13.v.1966 (AD); N.P. & W.S. Survey & Research 3857, Tirrawarra Waterhole, Site15, Lake Eyre Region, 21.ix.1983 (AD).

6o° 400 iSo° Distribution and ecology (Map 9) o° io° al, In Australia, the main distribution of Ilk . 1 MI . var. litoralis isin the coastal areas of Nun .....111:11111"". ..1111: easternQueenslandand New South r IIIIIIiiIIAL 20* ml 11111111.111.....4_ Wales,north-eastemcorner of South .,ligumh Nunn.2111111,111 Australia, near Alice Springs in Northern MUMMA:In: Territory and around Bunbury in Western munemeil uningptuirinutpi. itrinnej1.1p1.:umlitlilliiiPorr..._MNIll MM Australia. o° IMIELAINEL:r-pwl3e Collections from outside Australia have BITHIM..- 111P ...1111 - ' o been examined from several States in the ".11.18P- I Ism ihollillErm. ,I111 1111: %%%%% U.S.A., most major countries of Central .11, andSouthAmerica,SouthAfrica, -40° ad

Zimbabwe,severalcountriesofthe k Pacific Islands and from Okinawa Island 120° 130° 140° 150° in orlesssimilar Japan. A more Map 9. Distribution of V. litoralis Kunth var. litoralis distribution pattern has been recorded by other botanists. According to field notes by Australian collectors, this taxon occurs mainly near river banks, creeks, wet or damp shady areas, edges of mangroves and as a weed of pasture. It has been reported as a roadside weed of disturbed soil occurring chiefly in sandy as well as gravelly loam or sandy-alluvial soil, roadside waste grounds and rubbish tips. A more or less similar habitat has been recorded by Gibson (1970) and Yeo (1990).

Comments According to the protologue of V. litoralis var. portoricensis, "this variety differs from the typical form of this highly variable species in having its leaves with their blades marginally very coarsely serrate-dentate with conspicuously antrorsely spreading broad- based teeth". The present author has examined var. litoralis collections from almost throughout its distribution range and believes that the above mentioned distinguishing

69 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) characters of var. portoricensis are commonly found in the typical form of this species. The var. portoricensis is, therefore, relegated here to synonymy. In the original description of V. litoralis var. glabrior, the author did not provide a type or cite any specimen. On page 182 of his publication, however, Bentham (1846) stated that, "A considerable portion of the specimens described from Western Tropical America, were gathered by Dr Sinclair, and presented by him to Sir William Hooker, in whose herbarium the originals of these species will be found, and many of them likewise in the subscriber's collection, who owes a very valuable set of them to Sir William's liberty". The type of var. glabrior, therefore, was collected by Dr Sinclair from Paita in Peru and is presumably preserved with other collections of this species in Herb. K. Prior to the year 1942, Moldenke treated V. litoralis var. caracasana as a synonym of the typical form. From 1942 to 1974 he "tentatively" kept var. caracasana as a distinct variety. In 1974, Lopez-Palacios published the result of his extensive field and herbarium studies, including an examination of the type collection, and showed that var. caracasana cannot be distinguished from the typical V. litoralis. This was accepted by Moldenke (1977b) who from then on placed var. caracasana in the synonymy of the typical form. In this respect, Moldenke (1977b) clearly remarked that "all my previous notes in this series [i.e. "Material towards a monograph of the genus Verbena"] under this heading should therefore be transferred to typical V. litoralis. It has been noticed that without careful examination the distinction between V. litoralis and V. officinalis is difficult at times. Many Australian collections of V. litoralis are found misidentified by others as V. officinalis. According to Moldenke (1964a), the "herbarium material of V. litoralis has been misidentified abundantly and distributed under such names as V. angustifolia, V. bonariensis, V. brasiliensis, V. caracasana, V. hispida, V. officindlis. Similarly, Yeo (1990) states that, "specimens [of V.litoralis] from Polynesia and Australasia are often determined as V. officinalis while some African material has been treated as belonging to V. brasiliensis by C.H.Stirton". In the account of the genus Verbena, Macbride (1960) states under V. litoralis that "most material referred here seems doubtfully distinct from V. carolina L." On the contrary, Moldenke (1972c) reports that "the Mexican and Central American V. carolina really has very little resemblance to V. litoralis". According to Moldenke (1964a, 1971b, 1973b) this species is "a widely distributed and extremely polymorphic subtropical and tropical weed". Perry (1933) says that, "this is a widely distributed species with very distinctive habit and somewhat variable inflorescence. In some specimens the spikes appear to remain compact, in others they tend to elongate. Schauer (1847) used this difference to separate the forms pycnostachya and leptostachya, although he frankly admitted the difficulty of distinguishing the two owing to the intermediate phases". In the `var.'a. pycnostachya, Schauer (1847) included the typical V. litoralis as well as V. brasdiensis, V. bonariensis B littoralis and V. glabrata. Under the 'form' B leptostachya, he included V. caracasana, V. lanceo/ata and V. affinis. All above ndmed taxa except V. brasiliensis are included here in the synonymy of the typical V. litoralis. Hooker (1829), Benthain (1846) and Schauer (1847) added a "t" to the original specific epithet of this species which was subsequently retained by several botanists. In the protologuesfthis taxon, however, Kunth (1818) used a single "t" in the specific epithet and that has been adopted lately in the majority of recently published floras. Wagner et al. (1990) reported that "Verbena litoralis has been used medicinally in Hawaii especially as a mash applied to cuts and bruises and also to sprained and fi-actured areas".

70 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

According to field notes by 'Baumgartner (NSW 397662), this species is "sparingly grazed by stock and suspected of causing sicicness, abortion and death in cattle". This taxon is popularly known as "seashore vervain".

Affinities The var. litoralis is closely related to V. qfficinalis in its leaves being cuneate-attenuate towards base; inflorescence spicate; spikes slender and lax; flowers not congested in the lower half and flower-bracts almost as long as calyx or slightly shorter infruit. Nevertheless, V. officinalis may readily be distinguished by its leaves being pinnately incised, cleft or lobulate; mature spikes generally 10-5 cm long, slender; flowers lax when mature; corolla more or less twice as long as calyx, c. 3-5 mm long. According to Yeo (1990), "Verbena litoralis is distinguished from V. bonariensis and V. brasiliensis by its relatively small leaves, loose, freely branched inflorescence and lax slender spikes". In Hooks's (1829) veiw, V.Iitoralis is a variety of V. bonariensis "with a shorter spike than usual". Wagner et al. (1990) refer to Moldenke (1962b) who, according to them, believes that "Verbena brasiliensis is very closely related toV.litoralis and differs only in the inflorescence being densely flowered and the rhachis pubescent. It probably should be reduced to synonymy of V. litoralis". In fact, Moldenke (1962b, 1964a, 1971a, 1980) not only retained V. brasiliensis as a distinct species but in his publications of 1962b and I964a he proposed a brief key to distinguishV.brasiliensis from its immediate relativesV. bonariensis, V. rigida, V. litoralis and V. sphaerocarpa.

6b. Verbena litoralis Kunth. var. brasiliensis (Vell.) Brig., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot., Genéve 7- 8 (1904) 292. TyPe: As for V. brasiliensis Vell. V. brasiliensis Vell., FI. Flumin. (1829) 17; I.c. Icon. 1 (1831) t.40; Small, Man. S.E. Fl. (1933) 1137; L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20, no. 2 (1933) 255; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 69, 84, 109, 115, 121, 126, 154, 157-160, 362, 368, 369, 471; J.F. Macbr., FI. Peru. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 13, 5, 2 (1960) 617; Moldenke, Phytologia 8 (1961) 124, 148; 1.c. 8, no. 6 (1962) 309; 1.c. 8 (1963) 463; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 137, 143, 177, 184, 200, 257, 262, 351, 652, 654, 657, 664, 680, 681, 687, 913; Moldenke, Phytologia 22, 6 (1972) 488; I.c. 23,2 (1972) 217; I.c. 23, 3 (1972) 259; I.c. 24, 1 (1972) 21; I.c. 24, 3 (1972) 217; 1.c. 28, 1 (1974) 119; I.c. 28, 2 (1974) 196; I.c. 28, 4 (1974) 346; I.c. 36, 2 (1977) 136; S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Pickard, Pl. New South Wales (1981) 209; Yeo, Kew Bull. 45 (1990) 111, fig. 3 excl. Constable 19183 from Kenebri, N.S.W. Aust.; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950; A.C.Sm., Fi. Viti. Nova 5 (1991) 167; B.J.Conn in G.J.Harden (ed), FI. N S W 3 (1992) 613; Carotin & Tindale, FI. Syd. Reg. edn 4 (1994) 597; P.S.Green, FI. Aust. 49 (1994) 314; Pedley in R.J.F. Hend. (ed), Qld Vasc. Pl. (1994) 337. Lectotype: In view of the non-existence of a type specimen of this taxon, [plate 40 in] Vellozo's Flora Fluminensis lc. 1(1831) t. 40 has been chosen by Verdcourt (1992) as the lectotype. See typification. V. quadrangularis Vell., FI. Flumin (1829) 16; I.c. Icon 1(1831) t. 39; P.W. Michael Weeds - Wet & Wild (1997) 10, 17; P.W.Michael, Telopea 7 (3) (1997) 299, 300; Pedley in R.J.F. Hend. (ed), Qld Pl. New edn (1997) 206; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 413, 415 -fide Yeo (1990). Lectotype: The whereabouts of the type is unlcnown, therefore, plate 39 in Vellozo's Flora Fluminensis lc 1 (1831) t. 39 has been selected by Verdcourt (1992) as the lectotype. For further information, see typification. V. isabellei Brig., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot., Geneve (1900) 234, syn. nov. Type: MIsabelle s.n., province de Rio-Grande do Sul, Brasil Meridional, 1835 (G, 2 syntypes!). V. litoralis Kunth f. angustifolia Chodat, Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2, 2 (1902) 818, "hyponym" - fide Moldenke (1962b).

71 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Type: Emil Hassler 3853, in a swamp near Tucangua, Paraguay, in February 1897 (BM!, GDeless., n.v.) fide Moldenke (1962b). V. approximata Briq., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve 7-8 (1904) 293 fide Moldenke (1964a). Type: Benedict Balansa IO27C, "Grand-Chaco en face de l'Assomption", Paraguay, 5.i.1875 (P, holotype!, G, P isotypes!). V. cordobensis Brig., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve 10 (1907) 100-102 fide Moldenke (1962b). Type: Lortentz 131,at Entrancia Germania, Córdoba, Argentina, between June and December, 1874 (G, holotype!). V. boliviana Brig.: Moldenke, Suppl. List Invalid Names (1941) 8, involv. in syn. fide Moldenke (1962b).

V. chacensis Moldenke, Phytologia 5, no. 6 (1955) 228, syn. nov.; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 (1971) 187; Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 179. Type: Rojas [Hassler 2459] ,at Loma! Clavel, latitude S. 23° 20°, in the Gran Chaco, Paraguay, -.xi.1903 (UC, holotype, n.v.; P, isotype!). V. litoralis Kunth [var.] a pycnostachya auct. non Schauer (1847), p.p. quoad syn. V. brasiliensis Vell. V. bonariensis aucti. non L.: Maiden, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Ser. 2,23 (1898) 150 fide P.S. Green (1994); W.R.B.Oliv., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 49 (1917) 157 fide P.S.Green (1994); L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20, no. 2 (1933) 254, p.p. quoad syn. V. quadrangularis Vell.; E.W.Greenw., Proc. Linn. Soc., London 154 (1943) 94fide A.C.Smith & S.P.Darwin (1991); Parham, Pl. Fiji Isl. edn 2 (1972) 302 fide A.C.Smith & S.P.Darwin (1991); A.N.Rodd & J.Pickard, Cunninghamia 1 (1983) 278 fide P.S. Green (1994); Stanley in Stanley & E.M.Ross (eds), FI. S.-E. Qld 2 (1986) 268, p.p. fide A.C.Smith & S.P.Darwin (1991)). V. officinalis auca non. L.: W.G.Wright, Wild Fls S. Afr. (1963) 156, 157 fide Moldenke (1972d); Munir in Jessop and Toelken (eds), FI. S. Aust. edn 4, 3 (1986) 1177, fig. 545A fide P.S.Green (1994); Auld & R.W. Medd, Weeds (1987) 236, p.p. quoad Illust. fide P.S.Green (1994).

Typifications V. quadrangularis and V. brasiliensis were simultaneously described by Vellozo (1829) without citing any type specimen in their protologues. In the original descriptions of these taxa, however, Vellozo did mention "Tab. 39. TA " under V. quadrangularis and "Tab. 40 TA" under V.brasiliensis. It appears that both these plates (drawings)' were possibly prepared, seen and used by the author in preparing the protologues of these taxa, though these plates (Vellozo 1831) were published separate from the texts (Vellozo 1829). Since no specimen could be located in Herb. R, LISU and P (Moldenke 1962b, Yeo 1990, Green 1994) Verdcourt (1992) choose these plates as lectotypes.

Diagnosis Var. brasiliensis differs from the typical variety by its stem being more sharply angled; leavesserrate-dentate,cuneatetowardsthebase,somewhathalfclaspingor semiamplexicaul, not narrowing into a petiole; spikes dense, contracted, (1-) 2-6 (-8) cm long, 3-5 mm diam., rarely up to 15 cm long, almost uniformly cylindrical; flowers mostly closely congested along the rhachis, not lax or open in the lower (proximal) part of spike when in fruit; floral bracts narrow-lanceolate, equalling the calyx or surpassing in the upper young flowers of the spike; peduncle pubescent; pubescence on rhachis, bracts and calyx spreading; stamens inserted just below the corolla-throat.

72 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 50; non-Australian 165) QUEENSLAND: Dillewaard 192 & Olsen s.n., Indooroopilly, Brisbane, 5.xi.1980 (BRI, NSW); Fensham 1398, 2 km N of Knobby, 28.iv.1994 (BR1); Forster 9213, Walkers Creek, Burgess Avenue, Maleny area, 15.xii.1991 (AD, BRL K, MEL); Halford Q2480, 4 km N of Nobby Clifton Greenmount road, Toowoomba verge, 13.ii.1995 (BRI); Hubbard 2110, between Calvert & Lanefield, 12.iv.1930 (BRI, K); Pedley 4047, 15 km NE of Oakey, 17.i.1973 (BRI, L, MEL); Pedley s.n., Grantham, -.xi.1974 (BRI 33359, CANB 36928, K, MO 404338815, NSW 274505, US 3233281, US 3113900); Pedley 4564, Long Pocket, Brisbane, 10.iv.1979 (BRI, K, MO, NSW); Pedley 5660, 6 km W of Yarraman, Yarraman State Forest, 1.iv.1992 (AD, BRI); Schefe CMW 675,"Autumnvale", Bungil Shire, 23.ii.1991 (BRI, L); Stanley 590, Mt Archer, near Rockhampton, 18.ii.1980 (BRI). NEW SOUTH WALES; Albrecht 4684, Burra Creek, c. 300 m downstream of the junction of Oulla Creek, W of Moruya, 4.i.1991 (MEL); Carolin 10911, Casino, Richmond River, 9.xi.1978 (SYD); Conn 4097, c. 100 m E of eastern end of McClean Street, Bass Hill, near Crest Park, Sydney, 14.xi.1995 (AD, K, MEL, NSW); Coveny 16391 & Whalen, Dumaresq Creek near swimming pool, Armidale, 21.i.1993 (BRI, NE, NSW); Coveny 16718, Gloucester River, Gloucester, 2.i.1994 (AD, BRI, CANB, HO, MEL, NSW); Crawford & Graham 1387, Singleton Army Area & Minibah Creek, 0.7 km at 32° degrees from centre of landing ground, 27.xi.1991 (CANB); Gray 5200, Lane Cove National Park, 3.iii.1962 (CANB 2 spec.); Gray 5991 & Michael, Tahlmoor, 28.xi.1966 (BRI, CANB, MEL, NSW); Gray 6906, Stirling Park, Canberra, 28.xi.1980 (CANB, NSW); Gray 6905, Yarralumla, near comer of Moonah Place and Perth Avenue, 6.iii.1980 (CANB, NSW); Lepschi 535, 10 km E of Gundaroo on W. shore of Lake George, Federal Highway, 23.iii.1991 (CANB); Lepschi 673, Norton Road, 900 m E of its junction with the Sutton Road, Wamboin, 13.xii.1991 (AD, CANB, NSW); Lepschi 520, Mt Stromlo settlement, Mt Stromlo, 3.ii.1991 (CANB, NSW); Lepschi 810, c. 500 m S of Casuarina Sands turnoff in Cotter Road, 19.iv.I992 (CANB) Lepschi 763, 7.5 km W of Gunning, 9.iii.1992 (CANB); Lyne 1809, 80 km along the Barrier Highway from Wilcania towards Broken Hill, 9.xii.1995 (AD, BRI, CANB, MEL, NSW); Michael s.n., 20 km from Forbes on Cowra Road, between roadside and Lachlan River, -.i.1994 (NSW 397393); Michael s.n., Devlins Creek, under footbridge at N end of Kent Street, Epping, 26.iii.1994 (AD, NSW 397327, NSW 397328, NSW 397329, UB); Michael s.n., Arcadia Downs, Maraylya, 7.v.1995 (NSW 397582, NSW 397583); Coveny & Dunn s.n., Macintyre River, Inverell, 26.iii.1987 (NSW 204626). VICTORIA: Cheers 192, Hamilton Crossing (Loddon River) on the Baringhup West- Eastville Road, 1.xii.1990 (MEL).

Distribution and ecology (Map 10) In Australia, there is considerable overlap in the distribution of var. litoralis and var. brasiliensis. Like var. litoralis, var. brasiliensis is restricted chiefly to the areas along the east-coast of Queensland and New South Wales. In Queensland, the main distribution is from Rockhampton southwards to the New South Wales border and in New South Wales, it occurs in the coastal areas from the Queensland border southwards to Moruya township. Further inland, it occurs between Forbes and Cowra. In Victoria, this taxon is known to grow only near Maryborough along the Loddon River. Collections from outside Australia have been examined from the U.S.A., several major countries of South America, South Africa, New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands.

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Ecological notes by Smith & Darwin (1991) and Moldenke (1962b) agree with collectors' field notes who recorded it as a weed on roadsides, near railway tracks, in grassland, on river banks and near creeks. Moreover, it has been collected fi-om disturbed areas of clayey, clay-loam, silt- sandy-loam and with a mixture of somewhat gravelly type of soils, fringes of forest, open woodland and cultivated fallow land. do' vie Igo° Comments id' After careful examination of the types of V. isabellei (Herb. G!) and V. chacensis mulir% .4m1.sa1911 punt (Herb. P!), both taxa were found to be 200 20*- 4.nountorm- .110.....,3 conspecific with V. litoralis var. brasiliensis. They are included here in the atifirene synonymy of this taxon because their -30° stems are sharply angled; leaves sharply 'ulran mom PINLILmmmmm 30° sen-ate-dentate, semiamplexicaul and not cm. "'"ismor narrowing into a petiole; spikes dense and 41111111E.'1- contracted; flowers congested along the RIP I/ pubescent rhachis;the pubescence on rhachis,bractsandcalyxsomewhat o spreading. 1?0° 136

Perry (1933) maintained V. brasiliensis Map 10.DistributionofV. Moral& Kunth var. Vell. and V. litoralis Kunth as two distinct brasiliensis (Vell.)Briq. species. However, under V. brasiliensis she stated that it is "a species very similar in habit to V. litoralis but readily distinguished by the difference in inflorescence. The spikes of V. brasiliensis are short, compact, sessile, and regularly arranged in open cymes; whereas those of V. litoralis are longer, compact or somewhat elongate, peduncled, and arranged in more or less paniculate cymes". Regarding V. litoralis she further states that "this is a widely distributed species with very distinctive habit and somewhat variable inflorescence. In some specimens the spikes appear to remain compact, in others they tend to elongate. Schauer used this difference to separate the forms [varieties] pycnostachya and leptostachya, although he frankly admits the difficulty of distinguishing the two owing to the "intermediate phases". It is important to note here that Schauer (1847) recorded the typical form of V. litoralis and V. brasiliensis under the form [variety] pycnostachya. Subsequently, Hooker & Jackson (1895) also reduced V. brasiliensis to synonymy under V. litoralis and later Sampaio & Peckolt (1943) did the same. In 1904, Briquet relegated V. brasiliensis to the rank of a variety under V. litoralis. Recently Wagner et al. (1990) stated that, "According to Moldenke (1962b) Verbena brasiliensis is very closely related to V. litoralis and differs only in the inflorescence being densely flowered and the rachis pubescent. It probably should be reduced to synonym of V. litoralis". Considering the close relationship between V. brasiliensis and V. litoralis, Yeo (1990) states that, "V. brasiliensis occupies a middle position between V. bonariensis and V. litoralis Kunth". In his opinion, both V. bonariensis and V. brasiliensis are rather variable and overlap in several characters of leaf, corolla, and mericarp. He further states: "I do not feel it would be justified to unite V. litoralis with V. brasiliensis, unless they were retained as distinct at infraspecific rank". At the end of his comments under V. brasiliensis, Yeo (1990) clearly mentions that "a case might be made for combining V. brasiliensis and V. litoralis at infraspecific rank". In spite of the above mentioned statements by Perry (1933), Moldenke (1962b) and Yeo (1990), each one of them retained V. brasiliensis and V. litoralis as two distinct species, and each one of them provided a key to these and other related species. Their key characters,

74 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena however, not only differ from each other but in places contradict one another. The characters suggested in these keys could not be applied throughout the range of these extremely polymorphic taxa. None of these keys has been found to work satisfactorily. Recently, Michael (1997a, 1997b) on the basis of limited overseas material recognised V. brasiliensis, V. caracasana, V. litoralis and V. quadrangularis as four distinct species. He did not comment on the doubts expressed by Yeo (1990) and Verdcourt (1992) about the status of these taxa. Michael's only key (1997b) does not provide distinct, reliable and contrasting characters for distinguishing these species. The present author has found no character(s) to maintain V. litoralis and V. brasiliensis as distinct species. Both are extremely variable in the shape and size of their leaves, length and diameter of spikes, congestion and laxity of flowers particularly in the lower part of their spikes. For each character there seems to be intermediates between the two taxa although there are some extreme cases where these taxa look different from each other in the size and shape of their leaves and spikes. Due to the presence of these intermediates, it has been difficult to draw a line between the two. Nevertheless, there are some characters in the leaves and inflorescence that seem sufficient to follow Briquet (1904) in retainingV. brasiliensis as a variety of V. litoralis. Schauer (1847), Perry (1933) and Moldenke (1959, 1962a, 1971a) have erroneously included V. quadrangularis in the synonymy of V. bonariensis. While doing so, Perry and Moldenke placed a question mark against the name V. quadrangularis, expressing their doubts about its synonymous status under V. bonariensis. On the other hand, Schauer placed an exclamation mark against the name V. quadrangularis, suggesting that he had seen the type. In fact, as mentioned here under the typification of V. quadrangularis and V. brasiliensis, the whereabouts of their type specimens is unknown (Stafleu & Cowan 1986). As a result, the confusion about their identity and relationship with other taxa has persisted. The present author has seen the protologues and original drawings (plates 39 & 40) of these.taxa published respectively in 1829 and 1831. There is about 2 years gap between the publication of their text and drawings (plates), but the mention of these plates in the protologues shows that these plates were ready during the preparation of original descriptions. Therefore, these plates are regarded as part of the protologues. If these taxa are judged by the drawings, they undoubtedly seem very similar to each other though a few characters in both illustrations suggest an affinity with V.bonariensis. Yeo (1990) recognised V. quadrangularis and V. brasiliensis as one and the same species and for the first time correctly placed the former in the synonymy of the latter. Michael's (s.n.) collections of this taxon from Sydney, with spikes somewhat larger than usual, have been annotated by him as "putative hybrids between V. quadrangularis Vell. and V,. litoralis H.B.K.". Some of the common names recorded for this taxon include "Brazilian vervain", "Camaradinha", "kudii penkel" and "verbena morada".

Affinities Among the infraspecific taxa of V. litoralis, var. brasiliensis is nearest to the typical form in its leaves being tapering, narrow or cuneate towards the base, coarsely toothed or serrate along the margins; inflorescence of several spikes arranged in subpanicles or corymbose cymes; peduncle usually naked for some distance below the spike; corolla-tube less than one-third exserted above the calyx and stamens attached just below the corolla-throat. Nevertheless, var. brasiliensis may readily be identified by its stem being very sharply angled; leaves serrate-dentate, often semi-amplexicaul, not narrowing into a petiole; spikes thick, uniformly cylindrical, 3-5 mm diam.; flowers congested, not lax in the lower part of the spike when in fruit and bracts equalling the calyx or surpassing in the upper young

75 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) flowers. There are some characters in common to var. brasiliensis and V. bonariensis L. In both taxa, the spikes are thick and uniformly cylindrical and flowers not lax in the lower part of the spike during fruiting stage. V. bonariensis, however, may easily be distinguished by its hairs on stem and leaves being stiff and scabrous; leaves always amplexicaul, not tapering or cuneate towards the base; spikes shorter, 5-15 mm long, 5-7 mm diam.; flowers very congested; corolla-tube up to 2 times longer than calyx and stamens inserted just above the middle of corolla tube.

7. Verbena officinalis L., Sp. Pl.1 (1753) 20; Willd., Sp. Pl. 1 (1797) 120; R.Br., Prod. Fi. Nov. Holl. (1810) 514; Kunth in Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth (eds), Nov. Gen. & Sp. Pl. 2 (1818) 274; Spreng., Syst. Veg. edn 16, 2 (1825) 750; Schauer in A.DC., Prod. 11 (1847) 547, excl. syn. V. setosa Mart. & Gal.; Miq., Fi. Ned. Ind. 2 (1858) 908, excl. syn. V. setosa Mart. & Gal.; Hook. f., Fi. Tasman. (1859) xlvi; F.Muell., Fragm. 6 (1868) 153; Benth., FI. Aust. 5 (1870) 36; F.M.Bailey & Ten.-Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 4 (1880) 174; F.Muell., Syst. Cens. Aust. Pl. (1882) 102; F.M.Bailey, Synop. Qld Fl. (1883) 876; C.B.Clarke in Hook. f. (ed.), Fi. Brit. Ind. 4 (1885) 565; A.Gray, Synop. Fi. N. Amer. 2, 1 (1886) 335; F.Muell., Sec. Syst. Cens. Aust. Pl. 1, Vasc. (1889) 171; Baker in Dyer, FI., Trop. Afr. 5 (1900) 286; F.M.Bailey,Q1d Fi. 4 (1901) 1178; Small, FI. South U.S. (1903) 1008; Payne in F.M.Bailey, Weeds & Susp. Poison. Pl. Qld (1906) 141, fig, 243; F.M.Bailey, Weeds & Poison. Pl. Qld (1906) 137; Ewart & 0.B.Davies, FI. N. Terr. (1917) 236; H.J.Lam, Verbenac. Malay. Archip. (1919) 10, excl. syn.V. menthaefolia Benth.; Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 89 (1928) 552; L.M. Perry, Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 20, 2 (1933) 262; Small, Man. S.E. Fl. (1933) 1137; L.J.Webb, Guide Medic. & Pois. Pl. Qld Bull. Council Sci. Industr. Res. Bull. 232 (1948) 169; Everist, Common Weeds Farms & Past. (1957) 107, fig. 88; E.L.Robertson in J.M.Black, FI. S. Aust. 4 (1957) 720; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 185, 202, 210, 224, 371, 473; J.F.Macbr., FI. Peru .Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 13, 5, 2 (1960) 627; N.C.W.Beadle, Handb. Vasc. Pl. Syd. Dist., edn 1 (1963) 415; Moldenke, Phytologia 10, 3 (1964) 194 & ib. 4 (1964) 271; W.M.Curtis, Stud. FI. Tasm. 3 (1967) 541; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 318, 328, 337, 349, 350, 371, 376; Moldenke, Phytologia 24, 1 (1972) 22 & ib. No. 3 (1972) 219; Franco in Tutin et al. (eds), FI. Europ. 3 (1972) 123; Moldenke, Phytologia 23, 2 (1972) 377-389, 414, 419, 421-423, 435-437, 460-473, 511; J.H.Willis, Handb. Pl. Vic. 2 (1972) 580; Moldenke, Phytologia 30, 3 (1975) 156; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 3 (1977) 247; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 4 (1977) 274; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2, Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 193-204, 318, 327, 339, 340, 383; Munir in Jessop (ed), FI. Centr. Aust. (1981) 296; Everist, Poison. Pl. Aust. rev. edn (1981) 749; N.C.W.Beadle et al., FI. Syd. Reg. edn 3 (1982) 509; Meikle, FI. Cyprus 2 (1985) 1251; Munir in Jessop & Toelken (eds), FI. S.Aust. Part 3 (1986) 1176, fig. 545B; Stanley in Stanley & E.M. Ross (eds), FI. SE Qld 2 (1989) 368; A.D. Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950; B.J. Conn in G.J. Harden (ed), FI. N.S.W. 3 (1992) 613; Carolin & Tindale, Fi. Syd. Reg. edn 4 (1994) 597; J.-P. Leburn & Stork, Enum. Pl. Fleurs Afr. Trop. (1997) 523; W.Zeng & Raven, Fi. China Illust. 17 (1998) fig. 5; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwistle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1989) 416, fig. 80g. Type: Mediterranean specimens collected from Clifford's Gardens in the Netherlands-and preserved in the Clifford Herbarium at the British Museum (N.H.) London (HC. 11, Verbena No. 6, fol. 6: BM, lectotype! designated by Verdcourt (1993); Verbena No. 6, fol. 5: BM "lectoparatype"!; Verbena No. 6, fol. A: BM, "lectoparatype"!). V. spuria L., Sp. Pl. 1 (1753) 20; Willd., Sp. Pl. 1 (1797) 119; Pers., Synop. Pl. 2 (1807) 133; Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2 (1825) 750 -fide Hooker (1836), Schauer (1847), Miguel (1858), H.J. Lam (1919), L.M.Perry (1933), Moldenke (1964c).

76 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Type: "Habitat canada, Virginia", n.v. The types of this taxon have not been found in the Linnaean Herbarium in London (LINN) or Stockholm (S-Linn.). V. spicata Gilib., FI. Lithuan 1 (1782) 92 fide Moldenke (1964c). Type: (KW, n.v.). V. officinalis L. var. spuria (L.) Hook., Comp. Bot. Mag. I (1836) 176 fide Moldenke (1964c) Type: As for V. spuria L. sororia D.Don, Prod. FI. Nepal. (1825) 104 fide Schauer (1847), Miguel (1858), Moldenke (1959, 1964c, 1971a, 1980). Type: Hamilton s.n., "ad Bassaria Nepaliae" (BM!). V. rumelica Velen., FI. Bulg. (1891) 441 fide Moldenke (1964c). Type: ?PRM, n.v. V. domingensis Urb., Symb. Ant. 5 (1908) 484; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 53, 57, 371; Moldenke, Phytologia 11 (1965) 455; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc. 1 & 2 (1971) 98, 370, 666, 686, 914; Moldenke, Phytologia 23, 2 (1972) 224, 260; ib. 30,3 (1975) 140; ib. 34 (1976) 19, 20, 254; ib. 36,2 (1977)151; ib. 41, 3 (1979) 165; Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 91, 96, 362; Alain, FI. Espan 6 (1994) 249 Jude L.M Perry (1933). Type: Eggers 1828 & Bertero 735, in Santo Domingo near Angostura in limestone rocks on the bank of the Yaqui River, Mexico (?B n.v., possibly destroyed during the war.

Description Annual or perennial herb, 30-100 (-150) cm high. Stem erect, branched, 4-angled, longitudinally striate-sulcate, with or without glands, scabrous or pubescent when young, glabrescent to glabrous and smooth when old. Leaves sessile to subsessile, narrowed towards the base or cuneate into a short winged petiole, (1.5-) 2-8 (-12) cm long excluding petiole, (0.5-) 1-4(-5) cm wide, the lower and mid-stem ones more or less ovate, ovate- oblong, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, oblanceolate or rhomboid-ovate in general outline, variously incised, lobed, dentate or serrate,1- or 2- pinnatifid or pinnatisect, the upper ones narrow-linear, smaller and less divided, the upper-most entire or shortly toothed to serrate, the various lobes, teeth or segments acute or obtuse, often again incised or crenate-serrate, hispid, strigose-scabrous or roughly pubescent to sparsely strigillose, with or without glands, the pirmary and secondary veins impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially; petiole winged, (0.5-) 1-2 (-3) cm long. Spikes terminal, pedunculate, bracteate, solitary or ternate and in a lax panicle, slender or somevvhat thick in var. macrostachya, with or without glands, pubescent to puberulous or pubescent-hirsute, open and remotely flowered or compact during anthesis, greatly elongating after anthesis, (5-) 10-35 (-40) cm long in fruiting, 3-8 (-10) mm diam.; peduncle puberulous to glabrescent, striate; rhachis pubescent, hirsute or puberous, with or without glands. Flowers bracteate, sessile, sometimes with minute pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm in var. monticola, usually distant in the lower part of the rhachis, crowded above, almost uniformly crowded invar. macrostachya and var. eremicola; bracts ovate to lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, hirtellous, pubescent to puberulous or hirsute abaxially, glabrous adaxially, ciliate along the margins, with or without glands, shorter than or as long as the calyx, (1-) 2-3.5 (- 5) mm long, 1-2 mm broad near the base, somewhat keeled. Calyx cylindric, 5-toothed, or subtrunceate, 5-ribbed, 2-3.5 (-4) mm long, 1-1.5 mm diam. glabrous inside, pubescent- hirsute on the ribs outside, sometimes puberulous to glabrescent in fruit, with or without glands. Corolla light blue, purple, bluish-purple, mauve, pale pink to lilac, violet or lavender, hypocrateriform; tube cylindric, a little longer than the calyx, 3-4 (-5) mm long,

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0.8-1.5 mm diam., puberulous to glabrescent outside, villous inside in the upper third; limb subequally 5-lobed, 1-4 mm broad; lobes more or less rounded. Stamens inserted just above the middle of the corolla-tube; filaments very short; anthers ovate, ± 0.4-0.5 mm long. Ovary globose to ovoid, glabrous, faintly 4-lobed, 0.8-1 mm long, ± 0.5 mm diam.; style short, glabrous; 0.4-0.5 mm long; stigma minute, subcapitate, shortly bilobed, with one lobe larger and stigmatose on the inner face. Fruit globose to broadly oblong, glabrous, brownish, 1.5-3.5 mm long, 1-1.5 (-2) mm diam., the 4 mericarps easily separating at maturity; mericarps trigonous narrowly, oblong, strongly striate and areolate-reticulate on the back, muricate on commissural faces.

Distribution Verbena officinalis is one of the most widely distributed species in the genus. It is native to Mediterranean region but has naturalised in several countries of Europe, central and southern America, Africa, Asia, Australia and Polynesia. Some varieties are considered to be native in Australia.

7a. Verbena officinalis var. officinalis (Fig. 7) Annual or perennial erect herb. Stem and branches scabrous-pubescent, glandular. Leaves not deeply divided, the lobes short, obtuse, scabrous and glandular. Inflorescence glandular or viscid, scabrous or hirsute. Flowers distant in lower part of the rhachis, sessile; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, hirsute and glandular abaxially, glabrous adaxially, usually up to half the length of calyx, sometimes almost equally the calyx. Calyx cylindric, 5-toothed, pubescent-hirsute and glandular on the ribs outside, glabrous inside. Corolla tube exserted, puberulous outside above the calyx, cylindrical, villous in the throat. Stamens inserted almost in the corolla throat. Ovary glabrous, faintly 4-lobed. Fruit areolate-reticulate, dark brown, the mericarps muricate on the inner face.

Representative specimens (Collections seen: Australian 17; non-Australian ± 300). NORTHERN TERRITORY: Tate s.n., Horn Exped., Central Aust. loc. incert., 1894 (NSW 387502); Willis s.n., Finke River below Mt Sonder, 20.viii.1966 (MEL 236982). QUEENSLAND: Noble 55, Rock Tank, Lake Machattie, 5.x.1977 (CANB); Spencer s.n., Elmina Springs, S. Queensland, 1885 (MEL 583926). NEW SOUTH WALES: Carolin 11040, Fort Grey, Sturt National Park Rest Area, 14.xi.1978 (SYD); Costins.n.,Cooma,12.i.1949 (NSW 387514); Jackson 2834, Yarriarraburra Swamp, 8.v.1977 (AD, PE); Jacobs 3085, Lake Stewart, Old Woolshed, 8.v.1977 (AD, NSW); Macicay 20, Clover Creek, Bourke 1890 (MEL); Moore 6078, Bidura, c. 64.37 km N of Balranald, 14.x.1971 (CANB). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Badman 987, 6 km SSW of Narrawalpinna Waterhole, Coopers Creek, Lake Eyre Basin, 23.iv.1984 (AD); Badman 1019, Waukatana Waterhole, Coopers Creek, Lake Eyre Basin, 23.iv.1984 (AD); Badman 5168, Waukatana Waterhole, Mungeranie Station, Coopers Creek, Lake Eyre Basin, 24.iv.1992 (AD, PTBG); Barratt & Fleming s.n., Mulligan paddock, 1.6 km NW of the old Alton Downs Homestead and Well, site 4473, Lake Eyre Basin, 23.x.1995 (AD); Donner 5264, near the north-west branch of Coopers Creek, S of Coongie Lake, far NE, Lake Eyre Basin, 21.xii.1975 (AD); Hosking 1521, Roseworthy Campus, University of Adelaide, 3.xi.1997 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, NE); Spooner 1795, Pitman Farm, Windsor Gardens, Adelaide, 20.ii.1972 (AD).

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Fig. 7. V. officinalis L. var. officinalis (AG, N.N.Donner 5264: AD). A, habit sketch of a flowering branch; B, magnified portion of stem showing glandular hairs; C, part of inflorescence magnified; D, flower; E, corolla cut open showing androecium, gynoecium and hairy inside; F, fruit with persistent calyx; G, mericarp showing muricate commissural face.

79 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Distribution and ecology (Map 11) In Australia, the var. officinalis occurs do° do° 140° 160° sparselyintheinteriordrypartsof 10° NorthernTerritory,Queensland, New IIMM.AMINM L Ea South Wales and South Australia. The AIM'PiI'IL only specimen (Rodway 604a: HO) fi-om -MUM 20° 11 gill 20° outside mainland Australia was collected _mipmeli:Ip .10...... 91111111.116. fi-om near Hobart in Tasmania. ..201trogrummtufma wilimmuird: Collection from outside Australia have i....11-01,31ea-mil.1937o, -30°ImenILImarass EN 11.19m1Am: r beenexaminedfromthroughoutits millimmumammsg. 30° distribution range. 1.I.54-irow 1...... 1 Ecological notes by collectors' agree EMING.N1_ with Small (1933) and Moldenke (1964c) -40° . whoreporteditsoccurrencealong UiD roadsides and ditches, in fields, wheatfields, pastures, roadside meadows, 120° 130° KO° waste places, grassy ground, damp or moist Map 11. Distributionof V. officinalisL.var. places, vacantlots, railroad officinalis. grounds, and very dry pastures, on dry gentle slopes, grassy hillsides, village commons, and mountainsides, along village streets, rocky paths, sandy roadsides, and canal-banks, at the border of rice fields and the edges of barnyards, in moist or sandy soil, in damp, grassy, or cultivated ground, on old ballast in shipyards, in dry land under trees, lowlands, cleared areas, and the lawns of old houses.

Comments Michael (1997a) stated that,"V. officinalis L. sensu stricto, which occurs widely throughout Europe and Asia, appears to be quite uncommon in Australia where it is certainlyintroduced".In the same publication, he regarded previously recognised infraspecific taxa of V.officinalis namely subsp. africana, var. gaudichaudii and var. macrostachya as "native to eastern Australia". He also stated that "comments by Kloot (1984) on the introduced status of V. officinalis in Australia are misleading because he did not consider it as a variable complex". After examination of a range of material of this species held in Australian and major European and American herbaria, the present author agrees with Michael's view on the 'variable complexity' of V. officinalis. However, the above infraspecific taxa are accepted here only as variants of V. officinalis. Michael (1997a) raised these infraspecific taxa to species level without giving any sound reason or providing a key for their identification. The present author believes that the above-named infraspecific taxa do not merit the status of species because they differ from the typical form chiefly by the size of their spikes and flower parts and dentation of leaf blades. These characters are very variable and there are intermediates between these taxa. Apparently, Michael's judgement seems to have been based chiefly on his interpretation of other people's publications and examination of limited collections in Australian herbaria only. One such example is a labelled drawing of V.officinalis in "Flora of Central Australia" which Michael interprets as "V. macrostachya F. Muell." The three figures accompanying Michael's publication (1997a) seem a fair representation of leaf forms of these taxa.

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Michael (1997a) also stated that, "V. officinalis L. s. str. has been collected occasionally in central and eastern Victoria and rarely in New South Wales". The occurrence of the typical variety in Victoria has not been confirmed. Its distribution in dry interior parts of Australia has been confirmed by six collections from New South Wales, six from South Australia, two from Northern Territory, two from Queensland and one poor and somewhat doubtful from Tasmania. The V. officinalis complex in Australia comprises seven infraspecific taxa. After detailed examination of many collections of this species, a key to these taxa has been provided. The characters distinguishing these taxa are such that each unit has been recognised here as a variety. Verdcourt (1992) regarded Linnaean Herbarium 35.15 as a syntype of V. officinalis L. It is now known that this specimen is not original material because it appears to be a post 1753 addition to the collection at LINN. (Personal commun. & discussion in 1997 with C.Jarvis, Hon. Curator, Linn. Soc. Herb.). The specimen LINN 35.15, however, matches well with the actual types in Clifford's herbarium at the BM. Schauer (1847) included V. set osa Mart & Gal. in the synonymy of V. officinalis, but after examining the type of V. setosa it appears to belong to V. menthaefolia Benth. H.J. Lam (1919) placed V. macrostachya F.Muell. and V. menthaefolia Benth. in the synonymy of V. officinalis. Small (1903, 1913, 1933) also discussed V. menthaefolia under the name V. officinalis, while Walpers (1845) listed it among doubtful species. In the present treatment,V. macrostachya is regarded as a variety of V.officinalis and V. menthaefolia as a distinct species. While dealing with North American Verbena species,Perry (1933) reduced V. domingensis Urb. to synonymy under V. officinalis. To justify this reduction, she stated that, "On the whole, the specimens from Santo Domingo and Cuba differ from the typical V.officinalis in their slender and more elongate habit; the inflorescence is scarcely as glandular, the flowers are smaller, and the nutlets often do not exceed 1.5 mm in length. Nevertheless, the Cuban specimens vary greatly in size, and Curtis 677 is hardly separable from typical V officinalis. Since many of the specimens are rather poor, it appears probably that they may very well represent an impoverished condition. Urban himself was somewhat uncertain of the status of his species as he appended the following note in a later publication: "An re vera a formis V.officinalis L. separanda?". Apparently, the above arguments by Perry and Urban's remark were not accepted by Moldenke (1959, 1971a, 1980) who retained V. domingensis as a distinct species. Hamilton (1888) erroneously included V officinalis in his list of "Indigenous plants of the Mudgee District in New South Wales". In fact, the typical variety is a native of Mediterranean region and now naturalised in many countries of the world including Australia. Herbarium material of V. officinalis has been misidentified and distributed under the names V. litoralis, V riparia, V xutha, V. supina, Bouchea sp., and Stachytarpheta sp. Curtis (1967) described the inner faces of mericarps as "hoary with papillose hairs". Actually, the inner or commissural faces of mericarps of this species are muricate or somewhat papillose, not hoary. In general, the mericarps of all naturalised Verbena species in Australia are non-hoary on their inner faces. In Beadle's (1984) Flora of North Eastern New South Wales, the leaves in figure 374B1 of V. officinalis seem to be that of var. gaudichaudii Brig. Regarding V. officinalis, Sastri et al. (1982) stated that, "the plant is used in many parts of Europe in the early stages of fevers and colds and in nervous disorders. In Africa, it is employed for the treatment of chronic eczema and bronchitis and menstrual disorders". Everist (1982) reports that, "This species and V. bonariensis have been suspected on rather

81 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) vague field evidence of causing sickness, death and occasionally abortion in cattle in New South Wales and Queensland". Similarly, Webb (1948) 'suspected it' of causing death of cattle in N.S. Wales". Moldenke recorded medicinal use of this plant in several issues of his "Phytologia" journal. In some countries, the plant has been reportedly used in sacred ceremonies. Throughout its distribution range, this species is known by numerous common or vernacular names. Some of the popular names are: "official varvain", European vervain", "sister vervain", "spurious vervain", "spike verbain", "horse whip", "devil's hate", "herba sacra", "holy plant", "holy herb", "Wild verbena", "pamukh", "Colombaria" and "pigeon's grass".

Affinities V. officinalis var. officinalis is closely related to V. litoralis var. litoralis Kunth in its leaves being subsessile or attenuate towards the base, neither sessile nor amplexicaule; spikes elongating in the fruiting stage; bracts ovate-lanceolate, usually shorter than or as long as the calyx. Nevertheless, V. litoralis var. litoralis can easily be distinguished by its stem and inflorescence being not glandular; leaves coarsely toothed, neither pinnatifid nor pinnately incised or lobed; calyx up to 2 mm long and corolla-limbs 1.5-2 mm diam., not very conspicuous. According to Perry (1933), some species within the section Verbenaca appear to be more closely related than others.In her opinion, "V.officinalis, V. menthaefolia, V. halei and V. rtparia form a natural group possessing the same general habit, type of pubescence and of nutlets. These are species of more or less adjacent regions except V. officinalis, which has been introduced from Europe". Within the infraspecific taxa of this species, the typical var. officinalis seems nearest to var. africana and var. monticola in its spikes being of somewhat similar aspect, glandular or viscid, pubescent-hirsute; flowers distant in the lower two-thirds of the rhachis; floral bracts usually half to two-thirds the length of the calyx. Despite that, var. officinalis may readily be identified by its leaves being not deeply divided, the lobes short, obtuse, more or less dentate and floral bracts usually half the length of the calyx, rarely longer.

7b. Verbena officinalis L. var. africana (R.Fernandes & Verdc.) Munir, stat. nov. et var. nov. Type: As for V. officinalis L. subsp. africana R.Fernandes & Verdc. V. officinalis L. subsp. africana R.Femandes & Verdc. in Bol. Soc. Brot. Ser. 2, 62 (1989) 305, Tab. 1, basionym;Verdc. in Polhill (ed.), FI. Trop. E. Afr. Verbenaceae (1992) 8, fig. 1; Pedley in R.J.F.Hend. (ed.), Qld Vasc. Pl. (1994) 337; J.-P.Leburn & Stork, Enum. Pl. Fleurs Afr. Trop. (1997) 523; P.W.Michael in Telopea 7, No. 3 (1997) 296, fig. 3. Type.. R.B.Drummond 4858, between Avondale West and Mabelreign, Salisbury [Harare], Southern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe], 21.viii.1955 (K holotype!, B, BR!, LISC, S, SRGH isotypes).

V. officinalis L. var. natalensis Hochst. ex C.Krauss, Flora 28 (1845) 68, nom. nud.; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, No. 4 (1977) 279 fide Moldenke (1964c, 1971a, 1980), Femandes & Verdcourt (1989), Verdcourt (1992), Type: In the protofogue, the only information about the type is "ad fluv. Umlaas, Natal, Dec." In this respect, Moldenke (1977c) states that, "Although unaccompanied by a formal description, this variety is clearly based on Krauss 151 from 'ad fluv. Umlaas, Natal, Dec.' The unnumbered Krauss collection in the Munich herbarium is probably a part of the type collection".

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V. africana (R. Fernandes & Verde.) P.W. Michael in Telopea 7, No. 3 (1997) 296, fig. 3; B.J. Conn in N.G. Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 417, fig. 80i. Type: As for V. officinalis L. subsp. africana R. Fernandes & Verde. V. officinalis L. sensu M.D.Hend. & J.G. Anderson, Mem. Bot. Surv. S. Africa No. 37, Common Weeds S. Africa (1966) 258, fig. 128, quoad descrip. & fig.

Diagnosis (Fig. 8) The var. africana differs from the typical variety of this species by its leaves being deeply divided into long, narrow, acute or serrate lobes; floral bracts usually half to two- thirds the length of the calyx, rarely equalling the calyx; corolla-tube somewhat constricted below the limb. From var. monticola, it differs by its flowers being always sessile; rhachis with both glandular and non-glandular hairs;calyxdistinctly toothed; corolla-tube somewhat constricted below the limb; floral bracts narrowly ovate-lanceolate and in habitat non-mountainous.It may be distinguished from glandular var. eremicola and var. macrostachya by its flowers being distant at least in the lower two-thirds of the rhachis; spikes pubescent, not hirsute; floral bracts shorter than the calyx and becoming glabrescent when old. From eglandular var. gaudichaudii and var. ha/el, var. africana differs by its stem and inflorescence being glandular, and floral bracts not glabrous abaxially after anthesis.

Fig. 8. V officinalis L. var. africana (R.Fernandes & Verdc.) Munir (AD, C.W.E.Moore 6656: CANB; E, J.Z.Weber 743: AD; F, R.J.Chinnock 3437: AD; G, P.K.Latz 4366: AD). A, portion of spike showing glands; B, calyx with floral bract + two-third the length of the calyx; C, corolla-tube constricted below the limb; DG, range of variation in leaf form each with acute lobes.

83 A.A Munir .1. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 77; non-Australian 65) NORTHERN TERRITORY: Latz 4366, Little Palm Valley, 21.ix.1973 (AD, CANB, DNA, NT); Tate s.n., Upper Fink by Mt Sonder, c. 130 km W of Alice Springs, 2.viii.1894 (AD 95836015). QUEENSLAND: Allen 340, Noondoo Dirranbandi, 19.iv.1947 (CANB 2 spec.); Everist 4335, Orion Downs, (BRI, CANB); Everist 6101, Buckinbah, c. 22 km SE of St. George, 12.ix.1959 (BRI, L, NY); 0 'Shanasey 125, Rockhampton, 16.iv.1867 (MEL 583883). Speck 1888, 1.6 km E of Chauvel Homestead, N of Theodore, Leichhardt District, 18.x.1963 (BRI, CANB, L, NSW); Stanley & Ross 78469, along road between Springsure and Rolleston, c. 30 km from Springsure, 22.xi.I978 (BRI). NEW SOUTH WALES: H. Beckler s.n.,River Darling, Victoria Exped., 31.x.1860 (MEL583891); Boorman s.n., Euabalong, -.v.1908 (G, NSW); Boorman s.n., ArraraLake Eliza, -.x.1912 (NSW); R. Brown s.n., Port Jackson, 1800-1805 (BM); Chinnock 3437, western side of Yantara Lake, 5.v.1977 (AD, HO). Constable 11633, Bundy-Coola, Cobar, 17.x.1947 (L, NSW, US); Coveny 8757 & Roy s.n., Green Camp, Mt Kaputer National Park, c. 29 km ENE of Narrabri, 18.xi.1976 (NSW); Eichler 22763, Lake Cargelligo, Boomberoi Creek, below the bridge of road from Mount Hope to Lake Cargelligo, 12.xi.1979 (AD 2 spec., CANB); Jacobs 3847, Fort Grey, (AD, NSW); Moore 8937, "Yathonga", at Coaker's Tank, 52 km SW of Louth, 16.x.1988 (AD, CANB 2 spec., G); Richley 1203, Wilcannia, c. 200 km ENE of Broken Hill, 19.ix.1973 (AD); Waterhouse s n., "Birrabirramah", Pokataroo, -.i.1948 (SYD). VICTORIA: Beauglehole 39291, far NW of Hattah Lakes National Park, E side of Lake Hattah, 11.ix.1960 (MEL); Beauglehole 56152, Lake Powell, c. 16 km SE of Robinvale P.O., Wildlife Reserve, 4.v.1977 (MEL); Clarke 2438, c. 10 km SE of Myrtleford beside Ovens River just NW of Fernydale Lane, 21.i.1994 (MEL); Macicay 85, Clover Creek, - x.1890 (MEL); Sullivan 27, Yarra, iii.1872 (MEL583863). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Cleland s.n., Cordillo Downs, -.v.1924 (AD 97621089); Donner 5246, NW branch of Coopers Creek, S of Coongie Lake, 21.viii.1975 (AD); Hunt 1745, S of Naracoorte, c. 95 km N of Mt Gambier, 24.xii.1965 (AD); Symon 15062, Manunda Creek, c. 15 km NE of Faraway Hill, 23.vii.1991 (AD); Weber 743, Mernmerna, c. 150 km NE of Port Augusta on road to Maree, 24.x.1968 (AD 2 spec., NSW). TASMANIA: Somerville 19, Royal Park, Launceston, across road from Han-ops wool store, 11.iii.1961 (HO).

Distribution and ecology (Map 12) In Australia, var. africana has been recorded from all States with major distribution on mainland. The mainland localities are chiefly in the south-eastern part of Queensland, the western half of New South Wales, along northern border of Victoria and in the eastem half of South Australia. Two localities are in the southern part of of Northern Territory and one in the far south-western corner of Western Australia. Besides, one collection has come from near Launceston in Tasmania. Collections from outside Australia have been seen from New Zealand, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Japan, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo and Zimbabwe.

84 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

iZo° 6o° vie 160° AccordingtoAustraliancollectors' le-loo field notes, var. africana occurs chiefly in . riL ti. v 111 . grassland, on flood-plains, along river and I NE IMI 4wIn ..Ink creek banks, sides of lakes, near drainage 4 -20° Iliiiillib. areas and margins of water holes. The 401PRW!atalillial 26 generalhabitatisdeep redor black 12411111111118 Ajarrommemil. Ilm IIIHM cracking-clay soil, pale brown loam or ,4NENE 11111111U11111111411p: NlimmENVEINNENV MMENENMEMPI! deep yellow brown sandy soil. In several mumumwramenunorme cases,ithas been found growingin-36immum...MOH99 TAM30' 1111:11111"1"" VERNE REid" . associationwithdifferentEucalyptus 4iNsp irall:RU- speciesandamongstMuehlenbeckia lc mineu_Lig.t. ...W.VP florulenta. 46 . k 161 Comments 111' qe 130' 140' 150° Thevar.africanawasoriginally Map 12. Distribution of V officinalis L. var. africana described by Fernandes & Verdcourt (R. Fernandes & Verdc.)Munir. (1989) as a subspecies of V. officinalis L. In 1997a, Michael raised its status to a species and remarked, "thatit is sufficiently distinct from V. officinalis L. sensu stricto and other native Australian Verbena species to give it specific status also". He did not give any distinguishing character other than those mentioned by Fernandes & Verdcourt (1989), nor provided any key to identity it from its nearest allies. Regarding var. africanca, Michael (1997a) also stated that, "it also occurs in the Indian sub-continent and, I think, is native in Australia'. The present author has seen a range of material of this taxon in major European herbaria and has also examined borrowed specimens from several other European and American herbaria. So far, the occurrence of var. africana in the Indian sub-continent has not been confirmed by any collection. Only the typical var. officinalis occurs in the Indian sub-continent. All taxa of Verbena were introduced from the Americas, Europe and the Mediterranean regions, except those varieties of V. officinalis which have been described for Australia. Previously, some collections of var. africana from South Africa were determined as V. officinalis var. natalensis Krauss, a name not published validly. Moldenke (1964c, 1971a) regarded it as a synonym of V. officinalis but in 1977c, he published it as a valid variety. Subsequently, Moldenke (1980) again relegated it to the synonymy of V. officinalis.

Affinities Amongst the infraspecific taxa of V. officinalis, var. africana seems most closely related to var. monticola in its leaves being deeply divided into long, narrow, acute or serrate lobes, inflorescence glandular and floral bracts usually half to two-thirds the length of the calyx. Nevertheless, var. africana may easily be distinguished by its flowers being always sessile; rhachis with both glandular and non-glandular hairs; calyx-teeth distinct; corolla-tube cylindric, constricted below the limb, pubescent in the upper half outside; floral bracts narrowly ovate-lanceolate, usually up to two-thirds the length of the calyx. There are characters common betweeen var. africana and the typical var. oilicinalis. Both taxa have inflorescence glandular, pubescent; flowers sessile; calyx-teeth distinct and floral bracts pubescent abaxially. The typical variety, however, can readily be distinguished by its leaves being not deeply divided, the lobes short, obtuse, somewhat dentate, corolla tube not constricted below the limb and floral bracts usually up to half the length of the calyx.

85 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

According to Fernandes & Verdcourt (1989), this taxon "Affinis etiam V. riparia Rafin. ex Small & Heller, V. ehrenbergianae Schau. et V. hallei Small. An species propria?".

7c. V. officinalis L. var. monticola Munir, var. nov. Herba ca. 60 cm alta. Caulis puberules vel ubi vetus fere glaber. Folia profunde lobata, sparsim pubescentia et adaxialiter glabrescentia. Inflorescentia dense glandulosa rachispilis solum glandulosis. Flores sessiles et pedicellis brevibus, pedicelli 0.5-1.5 mm longi, glandulosi; bractae ovatae, longae usque ad dimidium calycis, glandulosae et extra puberulae, secus margines ciliatae. Corolla roseo-malvina, extra glabrescens-glabra; tubus super calycem exsertus, prope apicem parum latior. Fructus: pyrenae in superficies commisurales muricatae. Type: D.E.Albrecht 2474, Mount Buffalo, in the vicinity of the Chalet, Victoria, Australia, 19. ii.1986 (MEL I560636-holotype, MEL1560637-isotype). Herb c 60 cm high. Stem puberulous or almost glabrous when old, somewhat purplish. Leaves deeply lobed, sparsely pubescent and becoming glabrescent adaxially. Inflorescence with glandular hairs only. Flowers both sessile and with short pedicels; pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm long, glandular; bracts ovate, up to half the length of the calyx, glandular and puberulousabaxially,glabrous adaxially,ciliatealong themargins.Calyx green, campanulate, truncate or minutely toothed, glandular and pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Corolla pink-mauve, glabrous to glabrescent outside; tube exserted above the calyx, somewhat broader near the top. Fruit mericarps muricate on commissural faces.

Specimens examined VICTORIA: Albrecht 2474, Mt Buffalo,inthe vicinity of the Chalet,19.ii.1986 (MEL1560636, holotype; MEL1560637, isotype); R.A. Black 765, Milawa, 29.xl1935 (MEL); Canning 1411, 22.5 km from Corryong, towards Omeo, 4.i.1969 (CBG, L); Smith 5913, near Mt Evelyn Recreation Reserve, near York Road, c. 35 km E of Melbourne, 21.i.1959 (MEL); Miss Handley s.n., ex Herb. H.B. Williamson, Gippsland, loc. incert, undated (MEL583871, p.p. exclud. middle spec. of the three).

Distribution and ecology (Map 13) Var. monticola seems to be endemic in *al Victoria where itisrestricted between AEU 11111 latitude36° and 38°S,and between anik longitude 145° and148°E. The main Aida. distribution is at and around Mt Buffalo lui with only one locality near Mt Evelyn silumSli ..11111/11111188111111ti Recreation Reserve, about 35 km east of 12.11111115:11121 Melbourne. 111.1210 NA: According to collector's field notes, it MP" 1,"NEINUM grows in mountain forest on granitic slope !'2111410;;;Spli in association mainly with Eucalyptus, Kunzea and Juncus species.

Map 13. Distribution of V.officinalis L. eremicola Munir A; - var. macrostachya (F.Muell.)Benth.*; - var.monticolaMunir E.

86 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Comments The leaves in R.A.Black 765 (MEL) are not deeply divided. Its inflorescence, however, is glandular and other flower characters are similar to that of var. monticola.

Affinities For similarities and differences, see "affinities" under var. africana.

7d. V. officinalis L. var. macrostachya (F.Muell.) Benth., FI. Aust. 5 (1870) 36, excl. Bowman s.n. from Rockhampton; F.M.Bailey, Qld. Part 4 (1901) 1178; Moldenke, Phytologia 2 (1947) 339; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 132, 224, 369, 473; Moldenke, Phytologia 10, No. 4 (1964) 280; Moldenke, Phytologia 11 (1965) 475; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc.1 & 2 (1971) 208, 349, 371, 682, 687, 918; Moldenke, Phytologia 24, No. 1 (1972) 27; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, No. 4 (1977) 278; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2 Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 199, 339, 364; A.D.Chapm., Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950. Type: As for V. macrostachya F.Muell., Fragm. 1 (1858) 60. V. macrostachya F.Muell., Fragm. 1(1858) 60; F.Muell., Fragm. 9 (1875) 5; F.Muell., Syst. Cens. Aust. Pl. (1882) 102; F.Muell., Sec. Syst. Cens. Aust. Pl. 1 (1889) 171; F.M.Bailey, Cat. Indig. & Natur. Pl. Qld (1890) 35; A.D.Chapm., Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950; Pedley in R.J.F.Hend. (ed.), Qld Pl. new edn (1997) 206; Pedley in R.J.F.Hend., Qld Vasc. PI, (1994) 337; P.W. Michael in Telopea 7, 3 (1997) 293, 294. Lectotype: F.Mueller s.n., Peak Downs, Queensland, Australia, undated (MEL 583551, lectotype chosen by P.W.Michael (1997a); GH, K, M isolectotypes!).

Diagnosis Amongst V. officinalis complex in Australia, var. macrostachya may be distinguished by its comparatively robust habit, stout stems and dense covering of glands and hirsute indumentum. Leaves large, dentate-serrate in the distal two-thirds; lobes neither obtuse nor divided to the midrib. Inflorescence (spikes) rather thick, glandular and hirsute, up to 4.5-5 cm long, (4-) 5-8 (-10) mm diam. Flowers sessile, rather large, usually crowded along the rhachis; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, as long as the calyx or slightly longer, glandular and hirsute abaxially, glabrous adaxially, (3.5-) 4-5 mm long. Calyx tube ribbed, almost truncate or minutely toothed, glandular and hirsute outside, glabrous inside. Corolla tube pale lilac, exserted above the calyx, + cylindrical, pubescent in the upper-half outside, villous inside the tube, limb (3-) 3.5-5 mm broad.

Specimens examined QUEENSLAND: Bisset s.n., c. 48.28 km N of Clermont, 7.xi.1964 (BRI 057285); Everist 4384, Peak Downs, (BRI, MO); Francis s.n., State Farm Gindi, near Emerald, - .iii.1920 (AD, NSW 387503); Jarvis s.n., Longreach, -.x.1913 (BRI 1057131); F. Mueller s.n., Peak Downs, undated (GH, K, M - isolectotypes, MEL 583551 lectotype); Saclier s.n., Kilcummin airstrip, Clermont, undated (BRI 061237, K, L); Spencely s.n., Kilcummin, Clermont, 9.xi.1934 (BRI 1057130).

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Distribution and ecology (Map 13) The var. macrostachya is endemic to Australia where it has been found only in the pastoral district Mitchell in Queensland. The main distribution seems restricted between latitude 22° and 24 °S, and longitude 147° and 149°E. Within this limit, the main distribution is near the townships Clermont and Emerald, and the homesteads Kilcummin and Peak Downs. The only outside locality is near the township Longreach.

Comments In the protologue of V. macrostachya, the author mentioned tvvo collectors, Leichhardt and Mueller. The collection by Leichhardt has not been cited by any subsequent botanist nor seen by the present author. Bentham (1870) cited also a Bowman s.n. collection from Rockhampton, Queensland. This collection has not been seen butitis regarded as unlikely to belong to var. macrostachya because so far this taxon has been recorded only from central Queensland and its occurrence in the coastal areas has not been confirmed. Lam (1919) included V. macrostachya in the synonymy of V. officinalis s. lat.

Affinities The var. macrostachya is nearest to the typical form in its lamina not being divided to the central midrib; inflorescence densely glandular and corolla-tube exserted above the calyx. Nevertheless, var. macrostachya differs from the typical form of the species inits comparatively robust habit with stout stem, the lamina-lobes with sharp teeth; indumentum hirsute; spikes rather thick, (4-) 5-8 (-10) mm diam.; flowers large, usually crowded along the rhachis; floral bracts as long as the calyx or longer, (3.5-) 4-5 mm long. This taxon is also close to var. africana in having the lamina sharply toothed and inflorescence densely glandular. However, var. africana may easily be distinguished by its lamina-lobes being deeply divided; spikes somewhat slender, up to 5 mm diam. and floral bracts usually up to two-thirds the length of the calyx. There are several characters in common between var. macrostachya and var. eremicola. In both varieties the inflorescence are glandular; spikes densely hirsute; flowers usually crowded along the rhachis; floral bracts equalling the calyx or slightly longer. Nevertheless, var. eremicola can be identified by its spikes being not very thick, 3-4 (-5) mm diam.; floral bracts 2-3 mm long; corolla-tube scarcely exserted, glabrous or sparingly puberulous in the upper half outside and corolla-limb 1-2.5 mm broad

7e. V. officinalis L. var. eremicola Munir, var. nov. Herba erecta, (30-) 50-70 (-100) cm alta. Caulis ramosus, glanduloso-pubescens. Folia oblongo-oblanceolata, in dimidio distali breviter dentata, glanduloso-pubescentia. lnflorescentia pilis glandulosis et eglandulatis; spicae 3-4 (-5) mm diametro. Flores sessiles; bractae florales ovata-lanceolatae, fere calycem aequantes, abaxialiter glandulosae et pubescentes, adaxialiter glabrae secus margines ciliatae. Calyx: tubo ± campanulato, minute denticulato, extra glanduloso-pubescenti, intra glabri. Corolla: tubo vix exserto, subcylindricio, extra glabri vel parce puberulo; limbo 1-2.5 mm lato. Frucius: mericarpia ("nuculae") extra brunnea vel atrobrunnea, in superficiebus commisuralibus muricata. Type: J.Z.Weber 4543, c. 120 km west-north-west of Innamincka near waterhole, c. 5 km east-north-east of Karawinni Waterhole, far North-East of South Australia, 17.viii.1975 (AD holotype; BR, HBG - isotypes).

88 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Erect herb (30-) 50-70 (-100) cm high. Stem branched, glandular-pubescent. Leaves oblong-oblanceolate, shortly toothed in the distal half, glandular-pubescent. Inflorescence with glandular and eglandular hairs; spikes 3-4 (-5) mm diam. Flowers sessile; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, almost as long as the calyx, glandular and pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially,ciliate along the margins. Calyx: tube ± campanulate, minutely toothed, glandular-pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Corolla: tube scarcely exserted, almost cylindrical, glabrous or sparingly puberulous outside; limb 1-2.5 mm broad. Fuit: mericarps ("nutlets") brown to dark-brown outside, muricate on commisural faces.

Specimens examined NEW SOUTH WALES: Jacobs 3085, Lake Stewart, 8.v.1977 (NSW). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Andrewartha 8283, Purple Downs Station, -v.1938 (AD); Cleland s.n., S of Cordillo Downs, c. 40 km west and 80 km S of Queensland border, 29.v.1924 (AD); Conrick 188, Coongie Lake, 14.x.1986 (AD, MEL); Gil/en 27, on shore of Coongie Lake, 9.xi.1986 (AD); Gil/en 557, W of Lake Apachirie, Coongie, 16.iii.1987 (AD); Mueller s.n., Lake Eyre, loc. incert., undated (AD 97113009); Osborn s.n., flood plain of Cooper's Creek near Killalpaninna Lake, 28.v.1920 (AD 97744363); S.A. Pastoral Board, Innamincka, (AD 3 spec).; Weber 4543, 5 km ENE of Karawinnie Waterhole, ca. 120 km WNW of Innamincka, 17.viii.1975 (AD holotype; BR, HBGisotypes).

Distribution and ecology (Map 13) The var. eremicola has been recorded chiefly from the far north-eastern part of South Australia and adjacent border area of New South Wales The above distribution is in a low rainfall area. According to collector's field notes, this taxon has been collected from near waterholes, swamp margins, along creeks and near Lake Shores.


Material of var. eremicola has generally been identified in herbaria as typical V. officinalis L. At least two collections, namely Andrewartha 8283 and Weber 4543 have been misidentified and distributed as V. bonariensis L.

Affinities Amongst the infraspecific taxa of V.officinalis, var. eremicola seems nearest to var. macrostachya. For similarities and differences see "Affinities" under var. macrostachya. There are some characters in common between var. eremicola, var. officinalis, var. africana and var. monticola. In all these taxa, inflorescences are glandular, hirsute or pubescent; floralbracts always hairyabaxially;leavesvariouslyincised,serrateor dentate. Nevertheless, var. eremicola may readily be distinguished by its flowers being usually crowded along the rhachis; spikes densely hirsute; floral bracts as long as the calyx.

7f. V. officinalis L. var. gaudichaudii Brig., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genéve 10 (1907) 105; Moldenke, Known Geog. Distrib. Verbenac. edn 1 (1942) 70, 101; Moldenke in Chitt., Roy. Hort. Soc. Dict. Gard. 4 (1951) 2209, 2211; Moldenke, Résumé Verbenac. etc. (1959) 210, 224; Moldenke, Phytologia 10, 4 (1964) 279; Moldenke, Phytologia 11 (1965) 475; Moldenke, Fifth Summary Verbenac. etc.1 & 2 (1971) 349, 371, 687, 917;

89 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Moldenke, Phytologia 24, 1 (1972) 26; Moldenke, Phytologia 28, 4 (1974) 364, 443; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 4 (1977) 278; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2. Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 339, 364; A.D.Chapman, Aust. Pl. Name Index Q-Z (1991) 2950; P.W.Michael, Telopea 7, 3 (1997) 295. Type: Charles Gaudichaud Beauprd 144, Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, undated (G holotype!). V. gaudichaudii(Brig.) P.W.Michael, Telopea 7, No. 3 (1997) 295; B.J.Conn in N.G.Walsh & Entwisle (eds), FI. Vic. 4 (1999) 417, fig. 80h. Type: As for V. officinalis L. var. gaudichaudii Brig.

Description (Fig. 9) Erect herb to1 m tall. Stems branched, several from a somewhat woody rootstock, eglandular, pubescent-puberulous. Leaves dull-green adaxially, slightly paler abaxially, the upper leaves narrow-linear or narrow-lanceolate, almost entire or sparsely and superficially dentate, the lower and mid-stem leaves oblong-lanceolate in outline, 5-7 (-12) cm long, (3-) 4-8 (-15) mm wide, the lamina deeply incised-dentate almost to the central midrib, the segments (lobes) 2-5 (-10) mm long. Inflorescence (spikes) neither glandular nor viscid, pubescent-puberulous. Flowers (corolla) deep-blue, bluish or lilac; floral bracts ovate- lanceolate usually as long as the calyx, occasionally two-thirds the length of the calyx, puberulous abaxially during anthesis, glabrous after anthesis.

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 168, non-Australian 1). NORTHERN TERRITORY: Latz 4366, Little Palm Valley, 21.ix.1973 (AD, CANB, DNA, NT). QUEENSLAND: Anderson 3832, 7 km SW of Aramac, 11.ix.1984 (BRI); Chinnock 6173, Ravensbourne Creek, 29 km S of Blackall-Emmet road junction on road to Adavale, 21.ix.1984 (AD, BRI); Dallachy s.n., Herbert River, (MEL 583875); Jobson 587, base of Mt Fox, 70 km SW of Ingham, (BRI, CANB, MEL); Leichhardt 402, Jimbour Plain of Condamine, 1842-1848 (AD, MEL 583839, NSW 387511); Pedley 377, Hannaford, 15.i.I959 (BRI, CANB); Pedley 5387, Southbrook, 30.xi.1987 (BISH, BRI, LAE, MO, NSW); Webb 5300, between Oakey and Dalby, 15.ii.1951 (BRI, CANB). NEW SOUTH WALES: Beckler 1574, New England 1884 (M); Boorman s.n., Euabalong, -.v.1906 (AD 97940062, BRI 268737, E, NSW, SYD, Z); R. Brown 2336, Port Jackson & Parramatta, (BM, BR); Constable s.n., Mount Hanis Station, 64.37 km NNW of Warren, 30.iv.1952 (BRI, NSW 20496); Dunn 33, Plat & Coveny s.n., Sinclairs Lookout, 14.4 km W of Glen Innes, 26.iii.1987 (AD, NSW); Jacobs s.n. & Lapinpuro 44, 13 km S of Graman on Delungra road, 27.xi.1982 (AD, NSW); Jobson 264, 29 km N of Narrabri, E of Newell Hwy 16.iv.1988 (MEL, NSW); MacGillivray s.n., Morton Boollca, - .1912 (AD, ADW 14600); Mueller s.n., junction of Darling and Murray Rivers, -.iii.1888

Fig. 9. V. officinalis L. var. gaudichaudii Brig. (A & B, L.Richley 1069: AD; C, A.C.Beauglehole 37377: MEL; D, A.C.Beauglehole 79518: CANB; E, C.R.Alcock 10082: AD; F, A.Dietrich 1500: AD; G, A.C.Beauglehole 37633: MEL; H, A.Morrison s.n.: B; I, E.Chesterfield 2537: MEL; J, A.Morrison 1257: E; K, R.Bates 20136: AD; L, W.Greuter 21215: B; M, &Jacobs s.n. & L.Lapinpuro 44: AD; N, R.Cheffins 231: BRI; 0, J.L.Boorman s.n.: E; P, A.B.Oldfield s.n.: US; Q, D.E.Symon 5731: AD; R, S, D.E.Symon 5731: AD). AQ, showing range of leaf form; RS, magnified flowers showing relative length of bracts.

90 J. Adelaide Bat Gard.20: (2002) Verbenaceae:Verbena


Q 1//acha,/i-/928

91 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

583845); Lindley s.n.,.Upper Murray, -.1883 (MEL 560559); Wallace 159, Daylesford, - .1878 (MEL 583860). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Badman 1540, Mundibarcoola Waterhole, Strzelecki Creek, 13.ix.1984 (AD, LSU, OSA); Carrick 1981, Innamincka crossing, Coopers Creek, 17.viii.1968 (AD, AK, CANB, H); Eardley 2546, Koonamore Head Station, (AD); Symon 5731, drying flats about the Coopers Creek at Innamincka, 18.viii.1968 (AD, CANB, K, SPN); Tepper 501, St Vincent Gulf, (MEL 583807); Weber 743, Mernmerna, c. 150 km NE of Port Augusta on road to Marree, 24.x.1968 (AD, HBG).

lio° lie Distribution and ecology (Map 14) 1400 16°0 id -Kr . The var. gaudichaudii seems to be 311b, . native of Australia where ithas been IMO:ANMINIMiiimb..MUM nruit..d. recorded chiefly from the eastern halves ImonlimOUrilkhi"a-b. 2d of Queensland and South Australia, and 200 AldUOBRIbilhibil0 throughoutNewSouthWalesand atirlinqpfiblEMMANK Victoria. Besides the above mentioned .13nalIL ._,11. distribution range, this taxon has been 111111.1"" firlppriShdintfv 300 -30 NI collected only once from the Northern lillididdiNSWIEV Territory at Little Palm Valley. So far, it = 51""'91rso maire .?..itdat -1- has not been found in Western Australia rrarr54 and Tasmania. -40" 40" According to collectors' field notes, this 1r 'Id taxonoccurschieflyinheavyclay, 1r alluvial clay loam and sandy loam types 120* 130' 140' 150' of soils. Generally, it grows in Eucalyptus Map 14. Distributionof V. officinal& L. var woodland, AcaciaCasuarina woodland, gaudichaudii Brig. grassland, open forested bank of rivers, creeks, margin of swamps, flood-plains, roadside disturbed soil and as a weed of cultivated and fallow land.

Comments Michael (1997a) recorded the original Latin description of var. gaudichaudii and remarked, "that plants like this described by Briquet occur throughout a large part of eastern Australia; that they are definitely native and that they are sufficiently distinct to raise to the specific level". He illustrated a limited range of variation in leaf form but did not mention any other character that could justify its elevation to specific level. Due to lack of any other distinguishing character, this taxon is retained here as a variety of V. officinalis. Collection of L.J.Boorman s.n. from Euabalong, New South Wales, seems to consist of two different specimens. Both specimens are not glandular but with a somewhat similar type of leaves and spikes. In the left-hand specimen, however, the lower flowers have short pedicels 0.5-1 mm long. Similarly, the collection by Everist 3458 from St George, Queensland, has a few flowers with short pedicels and a few with puberulous overy and style. These abnormal flower characters may have developed due to spraying of some herbicide because these specimens were found growing on edge of cultivation. According to Moldenke (1964d), "the E.F.Constable 11633, Pedley 377 and Smith 3045 are actually var. gaudichaudii". E.F.Constable 11633 is here identified as V. officinalis L. var. africana, Pedley 377 as V.officinalis L. var. gaudichaudii and Smith 3045 as V. litoralis Kunth var. brasiliensis.

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Herbarium specimens of var. gaudichaudii have been misidentified and distributed under the name V. litoralis Kunth which is also pubescent and non-glandular. Walker's collection no. ANU439 (CANB) from Western Highlands, New Guinea, is V. officinalis.It is pubescent but without glands and its lower and mid-stem leaves are dissected almost to the central midrib. In every respectit matches well with var. gaudichaudii, and so far itis the only collection of this variety known from outside Australia.

Affinities Within the V. officinalis L. complex in Australia, var. gaudichaudii is closely related to var. halei (Small) Munir in its inflorescence being pubescent to puberulous, not glandular or viscid; floral bracts puberulous abaxially, glabrous after anthesis; upper leaves narrow- linear, entire or divided into long narrow lobes or teeth. Nevertheless, var. halei may easily be distinguished by its lower and often mid-stem leaves coarsely toothed, not deeply divided, and floral bracts about half the length of the calyx. In var. gaudichaudii, the floral bracts are usually as long as the calyx or occasionally two-thirds the length of the calyx. There are some characters in common between var. gaudichaudii and V. litoralis Kunth. Both taxa are pubescent, non-glandular, non-viscid; floral bracts usually subequalling the calyx or somewhat shorter; uppermost leaves linear-lanceolate with margins almost entire. V. litoralis, however, can readily be identified by its leaves being subsessile or shortly petiolate, cuneate towards the base, semiamplexicaul inV.litoralis var. brasiliensis, elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate-spathulate; flowers congested near the top of the spikes; floral bracts marcescent, rigid.

7g. V. officinalis L. var. halei (Small) Munir, var. et stat. nov. Type: Dr Josiah Hale 245, loc. incert, Louisiana, U.S.A., undated (NY, lectotype!, chosen by Moldenke (1963); GH, isolectotype, n.v. - fide Barber, 1982); MB.Croft 119, San Diego, Texas, U.S.A., 1885-1886 (NY, syntype!); A. Arthur Heller 1419, Corpus Christi, 5- 12.iii.1894 (K, NY, syntypes!); Dr Edward Palmer 242, in the Indian Territory, chiefly on the Washita, between Fort Cobb and Fort Arbuckle, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 1868 (NY, syntype!). V. halei Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25 (1898) 617, basionym; Small, Fi. SE U.S. edn 1 (1903) 1009; L.M.Perry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20, No. 2 (1933) 265; Small, Man. S.E. Fi. (1933) 1137; Lewis & Oliv., Ann. J. Bot. 48 (1961) 641, fig. 16; Moldenke, Phytologia 8 (1961) 120, 121, 124 & 145; Moldenke, Phytologia 8 (1962) 212, 231, 435; Moldenke, Phytologia 8 (1963) 472, 477, 478, 487 & 488; Rickett, Wildfls U.S. 3, 2 (1963) 364; Moldenke, Phytologia 9 (1963) 38, 39, 78, 147, 160-175, 199, 205 & fig. 9; Moldenke, Phytologia10, 2 (1964) 108; Moldenke, Phytologia 23, 2 (1972) 240; Moldenke, Phytologia 28 (1974) 251, 362, 432; Moldenke, Phytologia 30, 3 (1975) 142; Moldenke, Phytologia 31 (1975) 375, 377, 378; Moldenke, Phytologia 36, 3 (1977) 216; Moldenke, Phytologia 41, 3 (1979) 171; Moldenke, Phytologia Mem. 2, Sixth Summary Verbenac. etc. (1980) 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 38, 40, 42, 46, 56, 68, 581. Type: As for V. officinalis L. var. halei (Small) Munir. V. leueanthemifolia Greene, Pittonia 5 (1903) 135 -fide L.M.Perry (1933), Moldenke (1959, 1971a). Type: Samuel Mills Tracy 7996, Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, U.S.A., 19.v.1902 (F, G, MBG, NY - n.v.) -fide L.M.Perry (1933).

93 A.A Munir J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

V.officinalis L.subsp.halei(Small) S.C.Barber, Syst. Bot. 7, No. 4 (1982) 454. Type:As for V.officinalis L.var.halei (Small) Munir.

Typification In the protologue of V. halei Small, the author cited the following four specimens: Hale 245 from Louisiana, Croft 119 and Heller 1419 from Texas and Palmer 242 from Oklahoma. The author did not choose any of them as a type, and they are, therefore, syntypes. Moldenke (1963a) recorded Hale's collection from Louisiana as the type without mention of its collection no. "245". He also stated that, "although the original description cites,in addition, Croft 119, Heller 1419, and Palmer 242, with no specific type designation, the species is named in honour of the original collector". It seems that perhaps Moldenke did not accept Croft 119, Heller 1419 and Palmer 242 as syntypes nor did he give a clear indication that he was choosing Hale 245 as a lectotype. Barber (1982) recorded "Hale s.n." from Louisiana as the lectotype by quoting "(Moldenke 1963, p. 162)", the presumed place of typification. Following Moldenke (1963a), Barber also did not cite Hale's collection no. 245. According to the list of institutions from where Barber examined specimens, she did not see any from NY where all above named four syntypes are now preserved. She also stated that she had seen an "isolectotype" in Herb. GH. In response to the present author's request, the collection Manager of Herb. OH replied that unfortunately they "have not been able to locate the GUI isolectotype of Verbena halei" (Pers. Correspond. 22 Feb. 1996). If the isolectotype is in Herb. OH it may not be in the type collections of the type folder, or perhaps it is without Hale's collection "245" written on the herbarium sheet. The present author has examined all four syntypes preserved at Herb. NY and has accepted Hale 245 as a lectotype apparently chosen by Moldenke (1963a). The other collections remain syntypes. A duplicate of "A Arthur Heller s.n., from Corpus Christi, Texas", is in a type folder at Herb. K. It has been annotated as "Verbena officinalis L. subsp. halei (Small) Barber". This specimen matches well with the above mentioned Heller 1419 and may be a syntype of this taxon though the collector's no. "1419" is not recorded on the type sheet.

Description Annual or perennial herb, 20-80 (-120) cm tall. Stems usually several arising from a woody base, glabrous or strigillose in the upper part. Leaves 3-10 cm long, strigillose on both surfaces, diverse in outline, the basal and mid-stem leaves elliptic-oblong to ovate in outline, tapering into a petiole approximately as long as the lamina, the lower leaves variously and irregularly dentate, the middle stem-leaves 1-2-pinnatifid or incised to lobed or dissected but not deeply divided, the upper stem-leaves linear or linear-oblanceolate, entireor sparingly dentate.Spikes slender and elongate,usually 2-5-per branch, paniculately disposed. Bracts about half as long as the calyx, appressed, ciliate. Calyx 3-3.5 mm long in fruiting, subtruncate, hirsute-strigillose outside, glabrous inside. Corolla varying from blue, purplish-pink to deep lavender; tube scarcely longer than the calyx; limb 6-7 mm broad; lobes retuse at the apex. Fruit about twice as long as broad; rnericarps trigonous, 2-3 mm long, usually striate and raised-reticulate at the apex, muricate ("saginoid") on commissural faces.

94 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena

Representative specimens (collections seen: Australian 45; non Australian 20) QUEENSLAND: Fensham 1926, Greenmount West, 10 .ii. 1 995 (BRI); Kersten s.n., near Trinity Bay, 1881 (MEL 560561); Olsen 752 & Boyland, Eyre Creek, 10 km SW of Dickerrie Waterhole, Simpson Desert, 26.v.1978 (BRI); Pedley 4537, near Goombungee, 2.xi.1978 (BISH, BRI, LAE, MO, NSW); Watson s.n., Gatton, 22.x.1930 (BRI 012934). NEW SOUTH WALES: Beauglehole 82127, Tocumwal Regional Park, 17.xi.1985 (MEL); Beckler s. n., Clarence River, undated (MEL 583878); Bauer s. n., Port Jackson, undated (W); Dallachy s.n., Goodwin & Darling Rivers, undated (MEL 583897); Hind s.n., Volcanic neck, NW Mt Annan ridge, Mt Annan Botanic Garden, 4 km W of Campbelltown, 9.xii.1985 (A, PRC, MEL, NSW 206715). VICTORIA: Beauglehole 81928, Murray Valley Highway, roadside reserve, 15.xi.1998 (MEL); Clarke 2421, Eastern Highlands, Mt Donna Buang Road 100 m from Cement Creek towards Healesville,11.i.1994 (MEL 2 spec.); Conrick 134,Lake Lalbert, 22.iii.1974 (MEL1563386); Munchin s.n., Yarra Glen, -.ii.1894 (MEL 527841); Mueller s.n.,Wangaratta, undated (MEL 583877); Reader s.n., banks of Yarra, Studley Park, 25.iii.1883 (MEL 663959). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Akock s.n., roadside from Penola to Mt Gambier, -.ii.1941 (AD); Alcock s.n., Tantanoola, -.ii.1918 (AD); Badman 1297, Deparanie Waterhole, Coopers Creek, (AD, CBG, MEL); Bates 36871, Hindmarsh Valley, 3.iv.1994 (AD); Bates 43478, Tamara Springs, 18.v.1996 (AD); Cleland s.n., Ross's Waterhole, c. 45 km NNE of Oodnadatta, 5.i.1927 (AD); Cleland s.n., c. 10 km N of Victor Harbor, 30.i.1937 (AD); Cleland s.n., Waterfall, upper Hindmarsh, c. 10 km N of Victor Harbor, 15.i.1946 (AD); Gillen 617, Coongie Survey, Lake Eyre Basin, 19.iv.1987 (AD); Griffith s.n., Murray River, -.iii.1916 (AD); Mueller s.n., Third Creek, 10.i.1848 (MEL 583873); Symon 3787, Section 73, Hundred of Parcoola River flat opposite Overland Comer Hotel, 11.x.1965 (AD, SPN); Tate s.n., Belair, S Mt Lofty, 24.xi.1883 (AD); Weber 3453, c. 6 km S of Blanchetown, 19.iii.1973 (AD, CANB, CHR, NSW); White s.n.,Wantnapilla Swamp, Musgrave Ranges, 9.vii.1914 (AD).

Distribution and ecology (Map 15) 6o° The var. halei is sparsely distributed in thesouth-eastern regionsof mainland I, . Australia. IIIEl*II 91I AlIlki In Queensland, it occurs chiefly in the far "II hl.....6, south-easterncomerwithonlyone 200 26- northern locality near Mossman. _Aigillouniiiillrom1 Armi.u.inMM Distribution in New South Wales is along .37anuilhainnumenhomprk111Hmunimmem111111111 alit '611111111111ILLM61,, sum k_..1.! the Clarence and Darling rivers in the 11 1111111111111111111111w 11 ___ I,____ rs- o° 1111 Irifirljbm 30°- north, around Sydney and Campbelltown __IIINVITIO 111111W.11151111= along the east-coast and along Victorian 11___ ,"-i..,MIIIIZNIMirP' ,111ilm NaNintiruilim,- F I`..;4111..immssm MI NIS, 'UMW border in the south. In South Australia, the IL IMMILAIlir distribution is in the far north and in the south-eastern part of the State. So far it 40" 46- has not been recorded from Norhern Territory and Western Australia. 13,00 1400 150"

Map15.Distribution of V.officinalisL.var.halei (Small)Munir.

95 A.A Munir .1. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002)

Collections from overseas have been examined from the USA and Mexico only. Ecological comments by Small (1933) and Moldenke (1963a, 1972b, 1977b, 1979) agree with collectors' field notes who found it growing as a weed of pasture, on waste places, in open grassland and riverine woodland on clay-loam soil, in cleared weedy roadside gravel dump, within wet sclerophyll forest and along creek banks.

Comments The var. halei is based on Verbena halei Small which, according to Small (1898) "has the general habit of Verbena officinalis but differs from that species in both the leaves and inflorescence. The lower leaf-blades are usually less deeply lobed, often merely coarsely toothed, while the upper leaves or leaf-segments are conspicuously elongated and nearly entire or remotely toothed. The corollas are twice the size of those of Verbena officinalis and the narrow fruit often fully twice the length of that of the eastern relative", i.e. V. officinalis. According to Perry (1933), V. halei is "closely related to V. menthaefolia and V. officinalis, but readily distinguished by the diverse outline of the leaves and somewhat more slender achenes". After making numerical analysis of V. halei, V. officinalis and other related taxa, Barber (1982) concluded that "V. halei and V. officinalis cannot be separated "because of the congruence' of these taxa. She regarded both the taxa as "one species with each taxon representing a subspecies; plants with papillate commissural faces are subspecies officinalis and plants with saginoid commissural faces are subspecies halei. In her opinion, "Small's nutlet length character (1898) does not serve to separate the subspecies because the lengths overlap between the subspecies. The resultant species exhibits an interesting distributional pattern with subsp. halei of New World origin and subsp. officinalis from the Old World. According to Moldenke (1963a) subsp. officinalis is found virtually throughout the world. Itis found on islands in all oceans and also on all continents with the exception of Antartica. Perry (1933) stated that, "V. officinalis is of European origin. However, it seems more likely that subsp. officinalis is derived from the North American subsp. halei and reached the Old World via long distance dispersal, because Verbena is considered to be of North American origin (Lewis and Oliver 1961)". During present investigation, V. halei and V. officinalis are found to be conspecific. They not only agree with each in major characters but are found to be sympactric in Australia. The sympatric condition was noticed by Small (1898) in various states of the U.S.A. The main differences between these taxa seem to be glandular and non-glandular inflorescence and the leaf-characters mentioned by Small (1898) in the protologue of V.halei. The characters of corollas and fruit show insignificant differences between the two taxa. In the present treatment, therefore, V. halei is regarded only as a variety of V. officinalis. According to Moldenke (1963a), "common names reported forV.halei are "blue vervain", "candelabra verbena", "European vervain", "Hale's verbena", "herb-of-the-cross", "slender vervain", "standing verbena", "tall vervain", and "wild verbena". For more common or vernacular names, see Moldenke (1977b), p. 250. The presence of var. halei in Australia is recorded here for the first time.


Within theV.officinalis complex in Australia, var. halei is closely allied to var. gaudichaudii. For details, see "affinities" under the latter taxon. As mentioned here under "comments", its relationship with V. officinalis has been expressed by Small (1898), Perry (1933) and Barber (1982). There are several characterscommon between var. halei and V.

96 J. Adelaide Bot. Gard .20: (2002) Verbenaceae: Verbena menthaefolia Benth. Both taxa are non-glandular with lamina of lower and mid-stem leaves coarsely toothed or incised, not very deeply divided; spikes slender and floral bracts half the length of the calyx. Nevertheless, V. menthaefolia differs by its lamina being more sharply toothed or sharply incised and the lower and mid-stem leaves more or less oblong in outline. Perry (1933) also recorded the relationship of V. halei with V. menthaefolia from which, she states, V. halei differs "by the diverse outline of the leaves and the somewhat more slender achenes", i.e. mericarps.

Acknowledgements The author is grateful for a grant from the Research Fund of the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and State Herbarium for funding of my visit to European herbaria at B, BM, G, HBG, K, LINN, P and U; to Dr J.P. Jessop for checking the draft of this manuscript and making useful suggestions; to Mrs Karen Dankiew, Librarian, Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and Plant Biodiversity Centre, for help in procuring the relevant literature; to Mr G.R.M. Dashorst for preparing the illustrations; to Miss Barbara Welling for typing the manuscript; and to the staff of AD herbarium for handling the loan material. Thanks are also due to the Directors/Curators of the following herbaria for the loan of herbarium specimens: B, BA, BISH, BM, BR, BRI, C, CANB, CBG, DNA, E, F, G, GB, GH, HAL, HBG, HO, JCT, K, L, M, MA, MEL, MEXU, MO, NSW, NY, P, PERTH, PH, R, RB, S, SGO, SRGH, SYD, U, UC, US, VT, W, Z.

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