Subject Index
Subject Index Action-specific energy, 29, 135, 152 table 6.1, Aggressive behavior (aggression). See also 154, 247. See also Ethology; Surplus Energy Playfighting; Serious fighting Theory development in, 220, 347–348, 365–367 Adaptive function (value), 11, 121 fish, 347 ethological aim three, 11–12, 15 table 1.1, 18, frog, 310 70 human, 383 methods, basic means of studying, 114–117 and play scales, 68 Addictions. See also Brain areas; Dopamine recreational, 388, 401 drugs, 383, 390–392, 398, 404 redirected, 332, 338 gambling, 7, 10, 13, 24–25, 39, 391–393 sex differences, 53 rewards systems, 391–393 and social isolation, 388 Affect. See Emotion Appetitive behavior, 40, 134, 402. See also Amphetamines Instinctive behavior depression, treatment of, 39 and behavioral and drug addictions and stereotypies, 62–64 Aristotle’s four causes, 13 use, 59, 60 Autotelic Theory, 40–41, 102, 108, 136 Animal behavior, 6, 13, 133, 186 Animal Mind (Washburn, Margaret Floy), 186– Batesian mimicry, 363 189 Behavioral catalog. See Ethogram Animal welfare, 386 Behavioral ecology (ists), 12, 133–134, 286, Anthropomorphism(ic), 73, 92, 184–189 385 approach to play, 13, 109 Behavioral repertoire and bird play, 246–247, 272 instinctive, 170–171 critical, 67, 178, 186, 189 fiddler crabs and, 370 and fish play, 316, 319, 326, 331, 357 genes of play, 380 and invertebrates, 359, 370 keas and, 257 and locomotor play, 84, 276 octopuses and, 372 by omission, 187 snakes and, 291 and parental care, 51 species characteristic, 30, 83, 135, 149, and play signals, 92 385 uncritical, 6, 26, 246, 328, 374 and surplus resource theory, 165, 129 492 Subject Index Behavioral study, 48–49 Cognitive development, 41–42 operational definitions, 48 Piagetian stages of, 36, 96–99, 131 Behavioral systems Comparative biology(ists), 3, 10 and motivation, 133–138 Comparative psychology, 10, 12, 24, 48, 145, play types, 150 185, 315, 362.
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