Temple Torat Emet


January—February 2018 14 Tevet — 13 Adar 5778 A Word From Our

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had the opportunity to enjoy some of the wonderful events we have shared the past few months. I was incredibly moved by the installation weekend, as well as Volunteer Shabbat and Veterans Shabbat, and look forward to creating more moving experiences together. Thank you to everyone who helped make it happen, both through leading and attending.

We are approaching Tu B’Shevat, the holiday of the trees, this Janu- ary. As a child, I always celebrated by planting a tree in Israel with JNF; as I have grown up, I have learned more about the ecological message of Judaism. The classic midrash in this regard is that on the sixth day of creation, God took Adam and Eve on a walking tour of the Garden, and God said, “be very careful with my creation, for if you ruin it, there will be nobody to fix it.” As we celebrate the trees and all of creation, we can also challenge ourselves, ask ourselves how well we have taken care of God’s creation, and how we could do a better job trying to leave the natural world a better place than we found it. The next few months will be bustling with activity, and I am looking forward to celebrating together. When Moses asked Pharaoh to let the Jews go from Egypt, Pharaoh asked “who is going?” Moses’ reply was that “we will all go, young and old; we will go with our sons and daughters, our flocks and our herds, for we must observe the Lord’s festival” (Shemot 10:9); Pharaoh refused, and Moses went ahead with the plague of locusts.

How can we, as a community, include our young and old, our sons and daughters? Often it feels like we must decide: do we run a program for the kids or adults? Of course, we want to serve everybody, but how do we decide where our focus is? Moses’ message is: to celebrate a feast, we must do it together.

Why is this so important? On one level, if we exclude the children, we exclude the future. All of us will die at some point, and the children are the ones we rely on to keep Judaism alive. On a deeper level, we can all enrich each other’s lives; I am missing out if I do not get to know a 2-year old congregant, or a 102-year old congre- gant. Finally, I believe we are a community, and a celebration is only complete if the entire community celebrates.

(Continues on page 2) (Continued from page 1) We have many upcoming programs where we will celebrate together, young and old, with our sons and daughters. On January 19, we will have separate services for families and adults, but we will also have a congregational dinner where we can all celebrate together, and get to know one another. On Purim, as well, we will have separate family and traditional megillah readings, and a unified congregational meal. We also have started a program where some of our older congre- gants are going into the preschool to read to the children. I am excited about this experiment, and believe it will enrich all our lives.

Blessings on you and your family,

Rabbi David Siff

President`s Message

In achieving our desire to grow as an intergenerational congregation, I am pleased to invite you to many varied programs and services that will take place at Temple Torat Emet in the coming months. On January 12, 2018 (the second Friday of the month), we will begin to conduct our monthly Kabbalat Shabbat Festive Musical Services featuring Cantor Emil Berkovits and the SWAT Band. Another opportunity to celebrate together will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at our annual Tu B`Shevat Seder. On Friday, February 9, 2018, we celebrate the first of our Family-Friendly Kabbalat Shabbat Services, led by Rabbi David Siff starting at 6:00 pm. This Service is specifically designed for families with young children. A buffet family-style dinner, open to the whole congregation and its affiliates, prepared by members of our congregation, will follow from 6:30-7:30 pm. This will provide an opportunity for everyone to celebrate together with an intergenerational dinner. There will be a charge of $8 per person and $25 per family for this dinner. Please watch for further publicity. Reservations will be limited. The Kabbalat Shabbat Festive Musical Service will take place at 7:30 pm featuring Cantor Emil Berkovits and the SWAT Band. “PURIM IS HERE!” On Wednesday evening, February 28, 2018 we will have a special Purim Service and celebration. This will include a joyous Megillah reading service for both young and old again with a family friendly reduced cost buffet style light meal to follow. Watch for further announcements regarding times and cost. On Thursday, March 1, 2018 we will have a Happy Purim Service and Megillah reading with a breakfast to follow. Mark your calendars! Keep the happy spirit of Temple Torat Emet alive, as we participate in, and support these events. Looking forward to celebrating together with you,

Anschel O. Weiss President


Happy, healthy holidays to all.

The Tov Team thanks everyone who graciously replied to our request for additional people able to make phone calls and/or visits. Our objective is to continue to grow the team, and assist with these 'mitzvot' among all.

We are always striving for new ideas as well as additional warm individuals with friendly voices who are smiling, upbeat men and women.

Your team also needs your eyes and ears so we can be advised of home-bound, ill or just plain lonely people. We will gladly meet with you to offer some suggestions on how to keep conversation open.


Bette Nissenberg co-chair Ceil Grossman co-chair


Board Briefs The Temple Torat Emet Board of Directors addressed the following items of interest and took the following actions at its meetings on October 26, 2017 and November 30, 2017:

Personnel/ Administration - Get well wishes have been extended to our preschool director, Stephanie Rubin, as she continues her recuperation. - The rabbi was officially installed on December 2nd. Thank you to Sharon Cadoff and her committee for successfully or- chestrating Rabbi Siff's Installation Shabbat. The event included a well-attended Kabbalat Shabbat dinner, Shabbat services with community representatives followed by an extended Kiddush, and a family-friendly Seudah Shlishit. - The Nominating Committee for next year's board slate is soon to be formed. - The Constitutional Revision Committee is moving to complete their review by March or April.

Facilities - Infrastructure needs and repairs continue to be addressed. Flooring in the preschool wing is scheduled to be replaced due to flooding damage. Air conditioners continue to need repairs. Roof leakage has been detected and must be addressed. Light fixtures in the ballroom have been cleaned. Some tiles need to be replaced. - The front entrance sign will be completely redesigned. The process had been delayed due to issues requiring the verification of the donors. Some logistic and technical issues remain, but the process is now underway. - Congregants are kindly reminded not to turn left upon exiting the campus. The left-hand turn lane remains closed and tick- eting will be enforced by the sheriff's office.

Education - The preschool readers program will soon begin. Fourteen congregants have volunteered to read stories to preschoolers in Torah Tots. - Kadima participated in the NF walkathon for neurofibromatosis. - HIP students conducted their own Shabbat service in the Wasley Chapel, concurrent with services in the main sanctuary, on October 21st.

Ritual - The Board will welcome Kaskeset singers from Binghamton on January 5-6th for a musical Shabbat that is sure to please congregants. - Rabbi Siff and Cantor Berkowits will both be on vacation December 30th and January 6th. - A Cantor Search Committee is soon to be formed and begin the process of exploring options within the constraints of our budget. The option of a full-time cantor is extremely remote.

Financial/ Fundraising - Cabaret III ticket sales are moving fast. All tickets must be paid by February 5th. The refinancing of the mortgage is complete; however, a complete budget review is in process and may necessitate a congregational meeting to discuss the findings.

Membership/ Social A wine and cheese reception is being held for Sarah and Richard Sandler as they re-locate, January 4, 2018, starting at 3:30pm. Reservation required.

Security The process of upgrading our security system is underway, with several behind-the-scenes measures already taken. Staff members have received active shooter training. Additionally, paperwork with Homeland Security has been issued and will be completed to meet the requirements of the grant.

Alyssa Rudinsky, Recording Secretary

Please save the date: March 5, 2018 Congregational Meeting. Discussing a six-month review and projection for the next six-months.


Membership Committee

Make Your Presence Felt at Torat Emet

On November 18, 2017 we took time, during the Shabbat morning service, to acknowledge and celebrate our wonderful vol- unteers. Yes, Temple Torat Emet (TTE) has a small, terrific and hard-working professional staff. However, they can’t do it all. There is so much that needs to be done that requires member participation. It is our volunteers who “lean in” and devote their time; and, by doing so, help keep the TTE family running smoothly. Without our volunteers we could not serve this congregation’s many needs. We have listed here many, but not all, of the various committees of the Shul. Volunteering en- riches your life and connects you with the vibrant life of the TTE family. Please get in touch, find out when a committee you are interested in meets, and come to the next meeting.

David Schick and Joan Weiss, Co-Chairs

Temple Torat Emet Committees 2017-2018

Adult Education: Develops, promotes, implements and supervises adult education programs and activities. Meetings as scheduled by Chair. Chair: Alan Schoen, (561) 282-2636 Communications: Coordinates the dissemination of any official communication within and from the Temple. Meetings at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Chair: Lorraine Weissberg, (561) 733-1762 Fundraising: Develops, coordinates and conducts fundraising activities for the Temple. Meetings as scheduled by Chair. Chair: Carole Zipkowitz, (561) 742-0792 High Holidays: Coordinates all activites related to High Holiday services at the Temple, including seating, ticket sales, the Kol Nidre appeal, and the Community Yizkor service. Meetings as scheduled by Chair. Chair: Paula Gervis, (561) 375-9116, House: Works with the Temple Administrator to oversee the management of Temple Property. Meetings as scheduled by Chair. Chair: Gladys Simon, (561) 637-8501 Israel Affairs: Establishes, and promotes the congregation’s sense of connection to the State of Israel. Meetings to be deter- mined. Chair: Barry Adesnik, (914) 772-0484 Kitchen: Oversees kitchen use under supervision of the Rabbi and in accordance with the laws of Kashrut. Chair: Phil Avruch, (561) 739-9900 Membership: Develops and implements programming to recruit and retain members and enhance their experience at the Temple. Meetings at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Chairs: David Schick, (561) 810-4787 and Joan Weiss, (561) 877-8079 Programming: Coordinates and participates in the planning, development and scheduling of all programs and events within the Temple. Meeting dates yet to be determined.. Chair: Religious Education: Oversees the operation of the pre-school and religious school including review of policies, rules and regulations. Chair: Steven Gross, (561) 615-1467 Ritual: In consultation with Temple clergy, establishes policies, procedures and rules for all religious activities under the aus- pices of the Temple. Meetings at 7:00 pm on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Chairs: Herb Cohen: (561) 777-8370 and Kathy Porges: (561) 732-0729 Security: Implements and oversees safety practices and procedures within the Temple. Meetings as scheduled by Chair. Chair: Abbie Chapnick: (561) 767-6216 Social Action (Mitzvah Matters): Develops and coordinates a variety of activities based on the principal of Tikkun Olam. Meetings at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Chairs: Marshall Hutten: (561) 265-5917 and Alyssa Rudinsky:(561) 629-7828 Youth: Helps develop strategies that are fun in order to engage Temple youth (Grades 3-12) in learning about Jewish culture, social action, prayer and leadership. Meetings at 7:00 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Chair: Andrew Winkoff, (561) 742-7237


Ritual Matters

We would like to bring you up to date on some ritual matters:

-Bima traffic pattern changing: If you are called for an aliyah during the Torah reading, please ascend the bima on the North side. (The side where the Cantor leads the service.) There is a ramp on that side also. This is where the Torah reading will take place and it is necessary that the Gabbai Rishon sees who is coming up for their aliyah. After your aliyah, please stand next to the Gabbai Rishon. Descend the bima on the south side.

-Changes in times for Friday evening Shabbat services: On certain occasions, such as when we are having a Shabbat dinner, or Shabbat on the beach, it may be necessary to change the time from 7:30pm to 6pm instead. This would be posted as much as possible in advance. The following dates should be noted for a change to 6pm: Jan. 26—Sisterhood Shabbat dinner Mar 16— Men’s Club Shabbat dinner April 7—7th day Pesach dinner May 25, June 27, July 27, and Aug. 24—Shabbat on the beach

-Kashrut for the kitchen The following was passed as part of the Kashrut policy: Non-Hechshered wine (that without supervision and prepared domestically) may be used for dinners. For ritual purposes (Kiddush), wine must be Hechshered. Cheese – that which has been prepared domestically and does not have a Hechsher, and may be used within the synagogue. Please speak with the Rabbi if you have any concerns. The Rabbi will discuss other topics such as cage-free eggs, chocolate and coffee not made by slaves, at educational forums throughout the year. (See “Rabbi Forums” below.)

-Torah readers and hanftorah chanters All those congregants wishing to read or chant, please check in with the ritual director, Michael Klein, before the date you do so.

-Gabbai training All Gabbaim, and those who want to be on the Gabbaim roster, must sign up for our training to be held on Thursday morning, February 1st at 9:30am (after the minyan). There will be another class on Sunday, February 4th after the World Wide Wrap, for those who cannot make the 2/1 class due to work commitments. The training will support the Gabbaim in feeling comfortable about making corrections to the Torah readers.

-Aliyot for intermarried couples B’nai Mitzvot It will be the synagogue policy to allow intermarried couples to be on the bima together for an aliyah during their child’s Bar/ Bat Mitzvah and they may also present their child with his/her tallit. (See “Rabbi Forums” below)

Proposed Rabbi forums The Rabbi will hold a lunch and learn session during the Kiddush on Family Shabbat weeks. The proposed topics/dates are: January 13th………………Judaism and Environmentalism February 10th……………..Can wine be non-kosher? March 10th………………..Is slave-made chocolate “kosher”? May 12th………………….Archeology vs. the Torah

The Rabbi encourages congregants to suggest other topics as well.


Preschool Happenings

The months of November and December flew by as we had many wonderful and successful programs. During the first week of December the preschool PTO hosted the Scholastic Book Fair, a week-long book sale event. Everyone from Temple members to ESARS students, and of course our own parents, had the opportunity to do some early shopping for Chanukah. During the week of Book Fair we held our annual Pajama Night. As the name implies, the children attended in their pajamas, as did some of their parents. Everyone enjoyed a pizza dinner and snacking on cookies and milk. Thank you to Ms. Holly and Ms. Katie as well as Randi Flank for coordinating this event. The week concluded with Grandparent/Special Person Shabbat. All of the children celebrated Shabbat together in the Sanctuary, accompanied by their special guests. This was followed by a very well-attended Oneg in the ballroom, where everyone enjoyed challah, pastry and fruit. Many thanks to our PTO for sponsoring and making this event so successful.

The Pre-K children at WFTT will be hosting a Tot Mitzvah program on January 28th at 10 am. This event is very special to our Pre-K children. We can’t wait to share pictures of the event in the next Tekiah.

Wiston Family Torah Tots extends their wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2018.

Youth Group

January marks the time of new beginnings for most of our neighbors. Ours began months ago so take a moment to reflect on the goals you set then, and evaluate how you are doing on meeting them. Is it time to tweak your plan? Youth group is focused on new beginnings in January and February. Don’t miss our community car wash on Sunday, January 21 to give your car a fresh start, but also stay tuned for our first annual Temple Dating Game of new beginnings on February 14 that hopefully turns into happily-ever-afters. We will need willing singles of all ages to participate, as well as an audience and show workers. Please, contact me to take part. Youth plans to launch a BINGO fundraiser, as well as hold auditions for a temple-wide Purim shpiel in the next weeks. Turn a leaf again and try something new this year. You just might like it and be glad you did. I look forward to new beginnings with you and your family with a range of fun social programming from the youth group. To stay up to date on events, visit our Face Book page, Temple Torat Emet Youth Groups and text me to join my text group at 561-251-3549.

B’ Shalom, Stacey Ripin, Youth Director

Adult Jewish Learning Collaboration *(ADJLC)

The ADJLC kicked off on Thursday evening October 19th. The Collaboration each gave a sample lecture. One hundred fifty people enjoyed a stimulating evening.

This year, the Collaboration has 32 courses, 2 book clubs, 7 Wednesday daytime lectures, 7 Sunday distinguished lectures and special events, and two Israeli movie nights.

Registration is still open. This year you can register the “traditional way” or register online with a credit card at adjlc.org.


Esther & Simon Adler & Angrist Community Religious School Program

It is hard to believe that half the year is already over, and we are begin- ning to get ready for our spring curriculum. But before we move for- ward, let’s recap this past semester.

Our students have been busy on Wednesdays with Mr. Greenberg discussing and sharing ideas and thoughts on Shabbat, prayers, the importance of the rituals we observe, and also having some heated discussions on how science and religion work together (or sometimes don’t). I enjoy sitting in on these discussions and listening to some enlightening viewpoints on all of the above. Our students have also been working on Hebrew reading and writing at their level with many of our teachers. It is so exciting to walk the halls and listen to our students read so much more than they did a few short months ago.

During our class sessions on Sunday, each class has been working on many topics and lessons. Our Kindergarten students are busily learning Torah stories and sharing them by making many beautiful art projects. They are also learning their Alef Bet and all about the Fall and Winter holidays. Our 1st and 2nd grade students have also been learning and reading Torah and Holiday stories, and so much more. Our 3rd grade students have been doing much of the same, but are also beginning to discover topics about Jewish lifestyles at an age-appropriate level. Our 4th grade students continued their Torah studies and spent much of the semester learning about Jewish lifestyles. We look forward to more of the same and the beginning of their chapter on Israel studies for the new semester. In addition to their regular curriculum, our 5th grade students have been busy with their counterpart class in Israel, and we look forward to many more programs and projects for this upcoming semester. They will be doing a combined Tu B’Shevat program that will be very exciting. Our 6th grade class spent much of the semes- ter discussing Torah topics as well as Jewish ethics topics. We look forward to the new semester bringing on the study of Israel, the Holocaust and how the Jewish people came to where we are now. And of course, our 7th grade students have been busy discussing Pirke Avot, Ethics, Prayers, and so much more by having some great intellectual and thought-provoking discussions. We look forward to much more of the same.

The new semester will include our Tu B’Shevat Seder and a great project that we will begin immediately following Winter Break and continue until the end of the school year. It will also bring us to Purim and Passover studies. Looking ahead, our Purim festivities will occur on both the Temple Beth Tikvah and the Temple Torat Emet campuses with family programs, megillah readings, costume contests and of course hamentashen at both places. More information about these programs will be sent out as we get closer.

Please remember that our Sunday classes will meet at the Temple Beth Tikvah campus for ALL students beginning January 7 through the end of the year. Let me remind you that a snack cart is available at both campuses on Wednesday and Sunday. We are able to provide your children with snacks every Wednesday afternoon and snacks and bagels every Sunday morning. To make it easy for you, we are selling cards that have $12.00, in 50 cent increments, for $10.00. We will hold onto the cards and deduct the cost of the snack from the cards. Please contact me to purchase these cards. Your support of the snack cart helps support the education program for our B’Yachad students.

If you have any questions, concerns, comments or just want to chat- please remember, my door is always open. You can reach me via email at [email protected].

Thank you for a great first half of the year and I look forward to an even better second half. L’hitraot

Orly Jacobs B’Yachad Education Director


Men's Club of Temple Torat Emet Honors our Veterans

The Men's Club of Temple Torat Emet was pleased to present a program on Veterans Day honoring those members who have served our country in the Military. We requested and received photographs from many of those veterans in uniform, more than we received last year, and with the help of Jonathan Shochat, we posted them on a bulletin board just outside of the sanctuary. Under each picture, we listed the branch of service and the years served. With the help of Alyssa in the office, those photos were rotated on the in-house TV screens.

We were privileged to have our oldest veteran, Albert Reet, who is 104, receive an aliyah as he represented all our veterans. Rabbi Sid Shanken, a veteran of World War ll, read the prayers for the Armed Forces in Israel and the .

The Men's Club hopes to continue this tradition and encourages all veterans to participate.

Dick Sandler, Men’s Club Breakfast Chairman Sunday January 21 – 9:30 am.

2017 Man of the Year / Youth of the Year Awards Speaker to be announced

On November 19 Temple Torat Emet was the host Synagogue for the South Region of FJMC Man of the Year / Youth of the Year Keeper of the Flame Awards.

Members of four congregations joined together to honor four Men and four Youth for their contributions to Jewish Life. Anschel Weiss, President of TTE welcomed everyone to our synagogue and Rabbi Siff gave the D'var Torah. Our own Charlie Deutch, Vice President of the South Florida Region, acted as Master of Ceremonies to introduce the awardees and their presenters. TTE Men's Club President Ira Bran- dell presented our Award-Winning Man of the Year Jeff Charnow. Rabbi Siff presented our Youth of the Year Lior Shochat.

Bracketing the Award presentation was an hour for schmoozing and visiting with an abundance of hors d'oeuvres served in the main lobby, and a sit-down dinner with dancing and musical entertainment by Yoel Hyman. About half of the 180 people for dinner were from Temple Torat Emet. Kudos for the event, which was put on by the South Florida Region, go to Ed Margolis, President of the Florida Region, Charlie Deutch, Executive Vice President of South Florida Region FLFJMC, MOY/YOY Committee Chair and Food Com- mittee Chair, and committee members Steve Hyman and Abe Banke. Assisting with on-site needs such as greeting our guests and running the 50/50 were Leo Kinigson, Alan Pransky, Joel Schwefel, David Schick, Dan Dress, and Travis Grzelak.

To see a copy of the Tribute Journal click here - www.floridaregionfjmc.org

It`s time for the World Wide Wrap.

Come join us and thousands of other Jews around the world on Superbowl Sunday as we all put on tefillin. No experience is necessary. Once again we will join with the Kasuku Gathundia Jewish community of Kenya via Skype. After services we will enjoy refreshments and wraps. Be sure to wear your team colors.

When: February 4, 2018 SUPERBOWL POOL Wrapping starts at 8:30 A.M. Men’s Club will again be sponsoring a Superbowl Shacharit Service at 9 A.M. Box pool. Information will be coming soon. Where: Temple Torat Emet. MEN’S CLUB MEMBER DINNER – Thursday February 8, Flyer will be coming.


Men`s Club Shabbat Weekend—

Men`s Club Shabbat Weekend will be held March 16th and 17th 2018. Members of the Men`s Club will lead ser- vices Friday evening and Saturday morning. All Men`s Club members who would like to participate should con- tact Richard Schultz via e -mail at [email protected] or telephone 516-313-9776. Please indicate whether you prefer a Hebrew or English assignment. Please respond no later than January 15th. On Friday evening March 16th a Shabbat dinner will be held after the conclusion of services. Details on the dinner to follow. On Sunday morning March 18th we will have a breakfast and then pack Yellow Candles for mailing to the community.

Name:______Phone:______Email:______Enclosed is a check for $ ______Check Number :______Or Credit Card # ______CVV: ______Billing Zip Code :______Expiration Date______Please fill our this form and submit with payment by February 2, 2018. Checks are made payable to: Men`s Club of Temple Torat Emet, 8600 Jog Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426

9 January 2018 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 New Years Day Wiston Family Torah 12:30 pm Bereave- 7:30 pm Kabbalat 9:00 am Shabbat Tots back to school ment Support Group Shabbat featuring Service Office Closed Kaskeset 7:00 pm ADJLC-Torah 1:00 pm Sisterhood A`Cappella Group 5:00 pm Seudah Study with Anschel Executive Board Shlishi with Weiss Meeting Kaskeset A`Cappella Group 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:30 am B'Yachad 6:30 pm HIP Adult 10:00 am ADJLC - 7:00 pm Communica- USY & Kadima USY & Kadima 11:00 am ADJLC- Classes Program MLK & Heschel tions Committee Mid-Winter Mid-Winter 1:15 USY Kadima Sh'ma Lecture Meeting Convention Convention Scavenger Hunt at 7:00 pm Mitzvah 10:00 am Miss Emily 9:00 am Shabbat Wellington Mall 6:30 pm HIP Matters Committee 5:00 pm B`Yachad 7:30 pm Kabbalat Service Program Grades Meeting 7:00 pm, ADJLC-Talit Shabbat 4:00 pm Noar Youth 8-12 Making Class 10:00 am Storah Time/Tot Shabbat PJ Birthday Party 7:00 ADJLC-Torah with Miss Emily Study with Anschel 10:00 am Family Weiss 7:00 pm ADJLC-Lecture Shabbat with Rabbi with Andy Greenberg Siff

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 USY & Kadima Mid- Martin Luther 7:00 pm Budget & 9:30 am ADJLC- 12:30 Bereavement 7:30 pm Kabbalat 9:00 am Shabbat Winter Convention King Day Finance Business Ethics-Rabbi Support Group Shabbat Service No B`Yachad Federation Day David Siff of Service 5:00 pm B`Yachad 7:00 pm Executive Bat Mitzvah of 2:00 pm Noar Youth 7:00 pm, ADJLC-Talit Board Meeting Livia Chapnick Program Office Closed Making Class 3:30 pm Sandlers 7:00 ADJLC-Torah 7:00 pm Rabbi 12:15 pm Minhah Going Away Wine No ADJLC Study with Anschel Parlor Meeting and Cheese Programs Weiss

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9:30 am B'Yachad at 6:30 pm HIP Adult 9:30 am ADJLC- 6:30 pm USY Sisterhood Sisterhood Temple Beth Tikvah 11:00 am ADJLC- Classes Program Business Ethics-Rabbi Program Shabbat Shabbat 9:30 Men`s Club Sh'ma David Siff Weekend Weekend Breakfast and 10:00 am Miss Emily 7:00 pm Board of General Meeting 1:30 pm ADJLC- 1:30 pm ADJLC-Mah Directors Meeting 6:00 pm Kabbalat 9:00 am Shabbat 9:30 am Education Mah Jong Jong Shabbat Service Committee Meeting 5:00 pm B`Yachad 12:00 pm Tu 1:00 pm ADJLC- 6:30 pm HIP Pro- 7:00 pm, ADJLC-Talit 7:30 pm Sister- B`Shevat Seder Sunday Lecture-Israel gram Grades 8-12 Making Class hood Shabbat 12:15 Minhah at 70 7:00 ADJLC-Torah Dinner & Oneg 6:50 pm Ma`ariv/ 2:00 pm Sisterhood Study with Anschel Havdalah Theatre Party at Lake Weiss Worth 7:00 pm ADJLC-Lecture with Andy Greenberg Playhouse 7:00 pm Kadima

28 29 30 31 9:30 am B'Yachad at 10:30 am ADJLC- 9:15 am WFTT Tu Temple Beth Tikvah Women's Torah B'Shevat Seder 10:00 am WFTT Tot Study 10:00 am ADJLC - Mitzvah 11:00 am ADJLC- Israel World Inn 1:00 pm Kadima Sh'ma 1:30 pm ADJLC-Mah Board Meeting 1:30 pm ADJLC- Jong 2:30 pm USY Board Mah Jong 5:00 pm B`Yachad Meeting 7:00 ADJLC-Torah Study with Anschel Weiss

Candle Lighting times for January 1/5—5:24 pm *Committee meeting dates 1/12—5:29 pm subject to change 1/19—5:35 pm 1/26—5:40 pm 10

February 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 12:30 Bereavement 2 3 Support Group 7:30 pm Kabbalat 9:00 am Shabbat 1:00 pm Sisterhood Shabbat Service Executive Board Meeting 12:15 pm Minhah 6:30 pm USY Program 7:00 pm Men`s Club Board Meeting 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9:00 am Shabbat 9:30 am B'Yachad 10:30 am ADJLC- 7:00 pm Ritual 9:30 am ADJLC-Business 7:00 pm Men's Club 9:15 am WFTT Dads Service Women's Torah Committee Ethics-Rabbi David Siff Membership Dinner & Donuts 10:00 am Storah 9:30 am Men`s Club Study Meeting 2:30 pm Rabbi Parlor Time/Tot Shabbat World Wide Wrap Meeting 5:30 pm Young with Miss Emily 11:00 am ADJLC- 5:00 pm B`Yachad Family Shabbat 10:00 am Family Sh'ma 7:00 pm, ADJLC-Talit Service and Dinner Shabbat with Rabbi Making Class Siff 7:00 ADJLC-Torah Study 7:30 pm Musical 12:00 pm Kiddush-n- with Anschel Weiss Shabbat with Cantor learn: Is Chocolate 7:00 pm ADJLC-Lecture Berkovits & SWAT made by slaves with Andy Greenberg Band kosher? 7:00 pm Membership 2:15 pm Minhah Committee Meeting 7:00 pm Ma`ariv/ Havdalah 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9:30 am B'Yachad 10:30 am ADJLC- 6:30 pm HIP 10:00 am ADJLC - Sacred 1:00 pm Sisterhood 6:00 pm Kabbalat 9:00 am Shabbat Women's Torah Adult Classes Decisions General Meeting Shabbat Service 1:00 pm ADJLC- Study Program 5:00 pm B`Yachad Sephardic Program 6:00 pm B`Nai 6:30 pm USY Program 7:30 Shabbat Dinner 12:15 pm Minhah 6:30 pm HIP Mitzvah Series - 6th Grade (Registration Program Grades 7:00 ADJLC-Torah Study 7:00 pm Communica- required) 8-12 with Anschel Weiss tions Committee 7:00 pm Membership Committee Meeting 7:00 pm The Dating Game

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 No B`Yachad Presidents Day 7:00 pm 1:00 pm ADJLC-Canasta 7:00 pm Board of 7:30 pm Kabbalat 9:00 am Shabbat Office Closed Mitzvah Matters 5:00 pm B`Yachad Directors Meeting Shabbat Service 6:00 am Yom WFTT Closed Committee 6:00 pm Youth Universal Studios Meeting Committee Meeting Bus Trip 7:00 ADJLC-Torah Study with Anschel Weiss 7:00 pm ADJLC-Lecture with Andy Greenberg 25 26 27 28 9:30 am B'Yachad 6:30 pm HIP 6:30 pm HIP 9:15 WFTT Purim 10:00 am Rabbi Program Grades Adult Classes Celebration Parlor Meeting 8-12 Program 9:30 am ADJLC-Business 1:00 pm Kadima Ethics-Rabbi David Siff Board Meeting 10:00 ADJLC– 6 Day War 2:30 pm USY Board 1:00 pm ADJLC-Canasta Meeting 5:00 pm B`Yachad Family 5:30 pm Cabaret III Megillah Reading Program 6:30 pm Erev Purim Program 7:30 pm Megillah Reading

Upcoming Holidays Candle Lighting times for February February 28—Erev Purim 2/2—5:46 pm March 1— Purim 2/9—5:51 pm March 30—Erev Passover *Committee meeting dates 2/16—5:55 pm April 7—8th day of Passover subject to change 2/23—6:00 pm 11

Save the Date : February 28th

 5:30-6:15 pm Family Purim Program as well as a Traditional Megillah Reading  Dinner to follow

Keep an eye out for more information!

Order Magnetic Name Tag The official Laundromat

of Temple Torat Emet Your Name Here! COST LESS CLEANERS

4180-9 Jog Road $12 per tag Lake Worth, FL 33467 561-642-5023 Order forms available [email protected] outside the office.


Planting a tree in Israel is the perfect way to show The Jewish War Veterans Post 440 you care. You can plant a tree for many different is still collecting used cancelled reasons and help green the land of Israel, while postage stamps. Please remember sending a special gift to a friend or loved one. For to leave a 1/4 inch border or more each order, a beautiful certificate is mailed to the around the stamp, and drop them recipient with your own personal message. Plant off at the front office. Your contri- trees for all occasions, in honor or in memory. butions are greatly appreciated. The cost is only $15 per tree. Forms are available outside of the office. Mel Gervis Questions? Contact Joan Feuerstein at 561-737-2365

We at Temple Torat Emet are proud to announce that Zakary, Gracyn and Ari Smith were chosen to receive the Champions of Service for the State of Florida Award by Volunteer Florida, at the Florida Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, December 13, in Tallahassee. Governor Rick Scott presented them with a plaque recognizing each for their exceptional volunteer commitment to the project Smith Smiles.


Bat Mitzvah

Livia Peyton Chapnick, daughter of Michael and Abbie Chapnick, and sister to Jacob, will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah at Temple Torat Emet on January 20, 2018. Livia is currently in the7th grade at Somerset Academy. She has also attended Ben Gamla Charter School and Meyer Academy, and is a graduate of Wiston Family Torah Tots at Torat Emet. Livia has been a member of the Temple Torat Emet family since birth. She is a constant face on Shabbat morning and at all holiday events. Livia loves challah dipped in wine and matzo balls on Shabbat. Livia loves crafting, exercising, family night, snapchatting and horseback rid- ing. She is proud to have done her first jump on an English saddle this year. She has an active social life, and is at her happiest when she is with her cous- ins, with whom she spends her summers and vacations. Livia`s Mitzvah theme is Re-use, Reduce, Recycle. Most decorations for her Bat Mitzvah are from upcycled materials. Her Mitzvah project is collecting old used sneakers for recycling through the Nike program.


Watch your mail for upcoming information on purchasing Shalach Manot Baskets

Jan & Mark Davis Susan Press & Ben Fox Libby & Michael Stern Stanley Isser Anna & Irwin Jacobs

Israel Affairs Israel Bonds

Temple Torat Emet’s newly formed Israel Affairs/Israel Bonds committee is off to a great start!

On November 28, several of our members attended a Central Palm Beach County Israel Bonds Unity Event for Israel. This program was coordinated by the Israel Bonds Palm Beach office and led by the office Executive Director, Mark Ruben. Torat Emet joined Temple Beth Tikvah and Temple Beth Kodesh in support of Israel Bonds, and the evening was informative and very enjoyable. Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Former Consul General of Israel in New York, was an inspir- Honorees Judith and Larry Moskowitz ing keynote speaker, and our own Judith and Larry Moskowitz were with Ambassador Aharoni Mark Ruben honored for their long-time commitment to Israel and Israel Bonds. The goal of our committee is to engender community support for Israel and Israel Bonds by sponsoring a biennial bonds breakfast and providing programming with topics relating to the state of Israel. We are happy to have the support of Rabbi David Siff, President Anschel Weiss, and Ritual Director Michael Klein—all of whom share our passion for Israel, our Jewish homeland.

Committee members are Tova and Barry Adesnik, Susan Hyman, Michael Klein, Larry Moskowitz, Donald Porges, Alan Pransky, and Eugene Zinbarg. We will meet monthly beginning in January 2018.

If you have any questions regarding the purchase or redemption of Israel Bonds, please contact the Israel Bonds office at 561-988-3066 and speak with Effie Regev.


Barry Adesnik [email protected] Committee Chair 914-772-0484 14


In memory of By In memory of By In memory of By Irving Aaronson Burton Aaronson Harry Cohen Stephen Cain Irving Hainer Martin Hainer Klara Adensik Barry Adesnik Jean Cohen Steven Cohen Irving Hainer Martin Hainer Charles Adensik Barry Adesnik Marcus Cohen Harold Cohen Lena Herzog Bob Herzog Fred Alexander Mary Alexander William Conell Frances Sussman Gertrude Hirsch Grace Moses Frank Alexander Carol Donow Leslie Beth Cutler Diane Sasscer Lily Hoffer Sheila Adler Robin Amar Sherri Deck Larry Davis Debra Hite Eve Jacobs Sherry Weisler Ann Applebaum Susan Kohenak Morris Dorfman Florence Epstein Lillian Jacobson Barbara & Harry Raucher Sarah Aranowitz Sol Arnold Natalie Ehrlich Larry Ehrlich Herman Jancolowitz Marilyn Bernstein Belle Arkin Andrea Bloomfield Harvey Epstein Florence Epstein Helen Kandil Sheila & Marvin Horowitz Frieda Aronoff Gertrude Fredricks Anne Epstein Mooney Bonnie Geltner Pauline Katz Alyce Rosenthal Frieda Aronoff Marty Aronoff Morton Fairberg Ruth Sperber Walter Katzenstein Trude Katzenstein Harold Aronowitz Frances Raymer Etta Rivka Feder Wilma Turk Estelle Kaufman Pam Berman Stasia August Jane Wechsler Joseph Feldman Lucille Spector Leonard Kessler Sam Kessler Don Axelrod Sandra Mofshin Eleanor Feldman Charlotte Katz Joseph Klein Sarah Klein Sultana Azari Golbahar Maurice Azari Harvey Forman Phyllis Forman Dora Kleinman Sol Kleinman Abraham Barth Jerome Barth Nadine Fox Rhoda & Stuart Fox Dorothy Kline Stanley Kline Perel Bat Zvi Hersh Phyllis Kirschbaum Irwin Fredricks Gertrude Fredricks Marilyn Kofsky Herbert Kofsky Roslyn Baum Adrienne & Harvey Cohen Stanley Friedman Harriet Gere Jeannette Kofsky Herbert Kofsky Lila Berger Esther Herskovitz Martin Frisch Nina Frisch David Kofsly Herbert Kofsky Gabriel Berkovits Emil Berkovits Sam Gervis Mel Gervis Joseph Kolton Susan Kohenak Rachel Berman Pam Berman Ann Giller Claire Widensky Anna Kolton Susan Kohenak Celia Berman Faye Borowsky Ida Gilvarg Sara Stone Mayer Kotin Ann Kantrowitz Alex Berman Pam Berman Natanel Goldbahar Maurice Azari Jesse Krauss Jan Pitcher Muriel Bernstein Lynda Bernstein Harry Goldberg Sidney Goldberg William Lambert Roberta Zdatny Tillie Bernstein Lynda Bernstein Barry Goldblatt Mitch Goldblatt William Lazarus Irene Soskin David Bernstein Lynda Bernstein Edith Goldstein Susan Richter Ethel Lemberger Carla Schafer Samuel Bicks Andrea Olkin Hyman Goldstein Sydell Goldstein Abe Lemberger Carla Schafer Goldie Biegler Estelle Chertel Max Goldstein Seymour Goldstein Dr. Harry Lentz Phyllis Smith Simon Blatman Ana Blatman Arthur Goldstein Gladys Lekarew Edythe Lentz Phyllis Smith Louis Block Tillie Block Rose Goldstein Abrams Dr. Jack Goldstein Samuel Levin Leonard Levin Harry Borowick Jerry Borowick Solomon Goodman Helen Mann Ellis Levine Gladys Simon Julia Borowick Jerry Borowick Sema Goren Max Goren Alta Levinson Barry Benson Pauline Boxer Kathy Porges Regina Gottehrer Hermene Ellenport Sylvia Leviter Frances Shavin Herbert Boxerman Susan & Stuart Boxerman Michael Gottesman Pearl & Israel Gottesman Al Levitt Leonard Usefof Jacob Brown Arnold Brown Nathan Graf Lynn Graf Sophie Levy Robert Levy Sylvia Bruskin Merle Bruskin Jeannette Green Glorine Schweitzer Lewis Lewin Maralyn Kinch Marian Brussel Janet Puteska Louis Greenberg Harriett Miller George Lieberman Deborah Diamond-Lite Hymen Burstein Dr. Paul Burstein Rhea Greenberg Harriet Miller Stuart Liebowitz Sol Freedman Benjamin Carpet Rhoda Fox Harry Greenwald Arnold Brown Dorothy Liebowitz Sol Freedman Howard Chenfeld Marilyn Cohen Ruth Grummer Eugene Grumer Ruth Linder Ronnie & Eliot Ostrow Joseph Cohen Claire Jur Alec Grynspan Ellen & Jerry Grynspan Milton Lite Deborah Diamond-Lite

In memory of By In memory of By In memory of By

Leon Loeser Sol Loeser Ethel Rembaum Marcia Skopp Philip Skopp Jerold Skopp Morris Manes Bernice Tillman Benjamin Resnick Sandra Green Simon Smalheiser Paula Gervis Lillian Manes Bernice Tillman Leonard Rice Lillian Fingerhut Rebecca Spalter Arnold Spalter Rose Spring Barry Spring Isaac Markowitz Arlene & Steven Baron Ethel Richter Paul Richter David Stein Paul Stein Bernard Marlowe Arlene & Steven Baron Dr. Doris Rome Marcia Rome Levitz Leah Stein Laura Penn Lore Marx Ruth Greenberg Louis Rosen Janet Harris Melvin Sterman Elinore Sterman Lore Marx Ruth & Ronald Greenberg Morton Aaron Rosen Selma Rosen Melvin Sterman Ilene Fedyniak Rose Matza Anita Zaffos Anna Rubin Ruth Rubin Wynne Stern, Jr. Cheri Deutch Suzanne Meilik Arlene & Paul Meilik Rachel Russo Joseph Russo Bernard Stone Sara Stone Irving Michaelson Sylvia Russo Joseph Sachs Sylvia Goldstein Shirley Sultan Toby Rosenstrauch Harry Michel Sheldon Michel Eugene Schafer Harold Schafer Mayer Swimmer Esther Itzkovitz Mayer Miller Jean Port Ruth Schaffer Carole Goldman William Millman Sherrie Trotman Herman Tattleman Kenneth Tillman Robert Schlessel Jack Schlessel Anne Mortman David Mortmon Nathan Tepper Sol Tepper Beatrice Schlessel Jack Schlessel Norma Moser Barry Moser Leon Thalblum Stanley Thalblum Harriet Schneider Florence Epstein Abraham Moss Ellen Moss Jack Thaller Phyllis Thaller Anna Schneider Sol Kleinman Sarah Needle Paul Shtrum Robert Water Roberta Water Stanley Schrier Robert Schrier Shirley Nemeth Gabriel Nemeth Minnie Weiner Alan Weiner Sidney Schwaidelson Gladys Simon Mickey Neuwirth Jeanette & Endre Schneider Lorraine Weiner Alan Weiner Helen Schwefel Joel Schwefel Leon Nutik Bernice Bender Jack Weisberg Sheryl Feuerstein Nathan Schwefel Joel Schwefel Dr. Leonard Omenn Neil Omenn Isidore Weisler Jeffrey Weisler Victor Schweizer Susan Iadarola Joseph Ortman Eileen Ortman Rabbi Gerald Weiss Dorothy Weiss Gerald Schweizer Susan Iadarola Martin Perlmutter Doris Perlmutter Deborah Weiss Allen Weiss Agnes Scuderi Mary Zeid Rosyln Phelan Barbara Buchalter Lucille Weldt Rita Gitter Helen Shapass Nadine Fine Florence Pittelman Rona Ginsburg Ina Wetstein Eugene Wetstein Albert Shavin Frances Shavin Evelyn Ann Pollack Natalie Levin Hedwig Wohlberg Cynthia Wohlberg Nathan Shefts Sam Shefts Rose Rabatsky Melvin Rabatsky Joseph Wohlberg Cynthia Wohlberg Eugene Racond Betty Galinko Frimi Sheinkopf Ina Koota Minnie Wolf Myra Block Vera Racond Betty Galinko Helen Sher Katcher Sol Freedman Jacob Yecies Pam Berman Edna Raphael Alan Raphael Gloria Siegel Florence Epstein Benjamin Yormark Lillian Yormark Bessie Simon Gladys Simon Etta Raucher Barbara & Harry Raucher Stella Zell Marilyn North Marion Reet Albert Reet Nathan Skolnick Ellie Levine Esther Zinbarg Eugene Zinbarg

Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Honor of Ethel and Nat Bornstein In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum Fred Benoff By Zeta and Morty Sudler By Kathy and Donald Porges By Cantor Bill and Susi Wood In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman By Cantor Bill and Susi Wood


General Fund In Honor of the 98th Birthday of In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of In Memory of Jack Korbman Gertrude Ansel Josh Eisenberg By Carole and Harold Zipkowitz By Milly and Stan Thalbaum By Carole-Ann and Brahm Levine Joan Feuerstein Margot and Abraham Banke Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Honor of the 90th Birthday of Marilyn and Herb Cohen Sheila Avruch Joe Garfield Carole and Philip Lefton By Carole & Philip Lefton By Sandy and Harvey Brandner Tobie and Gabe Nemeth In Honor of Haina and Gordon Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to By Meyer Susan and Jake Kohenak Fred Benoff In Honor of the 77th Anniversary of By Carole & Phil Lefton the Bar Mitzah of Joe Garfield In Memory of David Oltchick By Isabell Adler By Eugene Wetstein Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to Carole and Philip Lefton Terry Bloom In Honor of Jennifer and Steven Gross By Haina & Gordon Meyer By Susan and Jake Kohenak In Memory of Stella Samarel By Raphael Berdugo In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman By Carol and Jon Lupo In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum In Honor of Rabbi and Tanya Paula and Marvin Zigman By Susanne and David Sussman By Siff Haina and Gordon Meyer Phyllis Kirschbaum Rosalee Brauer Joan Feuerstein Carole and Philip Lefton Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to Helene and Herbert Gold Hillary Sirus In Honor of Rabbi Alan & Linda Cohen Barbara and Hesh Weingard By Bernice and Kenneth Tillman By Joan and Anschel Weiss In Honor of Michael Klein In Honor of Your Wonderful Hospitality In Honor of the Birthday of By Alaine Gorfinkle Cynthia and Paul Stein Roberta Cohen By Paula and Mel Gervis By Peggy and Eddie Krupnik Sarah and Dick Sandler

In Memory of Lawrence Trute By Susan and Leonard Butler

TOV Team

Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum In Memory of Bunty Kornreich Sheila Avruch By Jeanette and Endre Schneider By Phyllis and Gary Smith By Haina and Gordon Meyer Phyllis and Gary Smith In Memory of Stella Samarel Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Honor of Michael Klein By Phyllis and Gary Smith Fred Benoff By Alaine W. Gorfinkle By Phyllis & Gary Smith In Honor of Haina and Gordon Meyer In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman By Phyllis and Gary Smith By Phyllis and Gary Smith Jeanette and Endre Schneider

Thank you Temple Torat Emet, Clergy, Officers and Friends, Chuck Rosen Jewish Educational Fund for your many visits, cards, calls and donations in memory of our husband, father and grandfather, In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum In Memory of Jack Korbman Charles “Chick” Kirschbaum z’l. By Marlene and Herb Magness By Arlene and Ira Schneider Your condolences are deeply appreciated and made us feel fortunate to be remembered. - Phyllis Kirschbaum and Family


Camp Ramah Scholarship

Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Honor of the 60th Anniversary Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to Fred Benoff Paula and Mel Gervis Sid Puteska By Marty Aronoff By Sarah and Dick Sandler Sarah and Dick Sandler

In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman In Memory of Sidney Puteska By Sarah and Dick Sandler In Memory of Jack Korbman By Sarah and Dick Sandler By Sarah and Dick Sandler In Honor of Jeff Charnow In Honor of Your Birthday By Sarah and Dick Sandler Dick Sandler By Paula and Mel Gervis

Prayer Book Fund Open your Heart to Torah

In Honor of Haina and Gordon Meyer Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Memory of By Susan and Marshall Hutten Sheila Avruch Charles (Chick) Kirschbaum By Ellen and Jerry Grynspan By Zeta and Morty Sudler In Memory of Ada and Herman Ostrow Margot and Abe Banke By Ronnie and Eliot Ostrow In Memory of David Oltchick Fedora and Avraham Horowitz By Marcia and Sol Karsch Natalie and Leonard Levin In Memory of Lilyan and Joseph Schechter By Ronnie and Eliot Ostrow In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum By Marcia and Sol Karsch In Memory of Jack Korbman By Ronna Salinger and Jim Baxter Pearl Benson Fund In Memory of Jack Korbman

Esther & Simon Adler Fund In Honor of Being Named In Memory of Sylvia Goodman In Memory of Stella Samarel "Man of the Year" By Marlene and Herb Magness By Kathy and Donald Porges To Jeffry Charnow By Esther Herskovitz In Memory of Jack Korbman In Memory of Michael Toth By Marty Aronoff By Kathy and Donald Porges Haina and Gordon Meyer

In Memory of David Oltchick By Zeta and Marty Sudler Wiston Family Torah Tots Scholarship Fund Murray & Rosalyn Kamen Israel Youth Scholarship Fund In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum By Marty Aronoff By Gladys Simon By Anna and Irv Jacobs George Young and Family Anna and Irv Jacobs Marlene and Herb Magness In Memory of Jack Korbman In Honor of Man of the Year to By George Young Jeffry Charnow By Anna and Irv Jacobs

March of the Living/ Shoah

Wishing a Get Well/ Speedy Recovery to In Memory of Lawrence Boxerman In Memory of Charles Kirschbaum Fred Benoff By Cantor Bill and Susi Wood By Kathy and Donald Porges By Cantor Bill and Susi Wood Lillian Fingerhut In Memory of Frances Cohen Rose In Honor of Ethel and Nat Bornstein By Marty Aronoff By Zeta and Morty Sudler


Temple Torat Emet, Inc. 8600 S. Jog Road Boynton Beach, FL 33472

• Bereavement group meets on the first and third Thursday of each month. For more information contact the Bereavement Manager at VITAS 561-733-6326 • Alzheimer's Caregivers Support group meets the second Thursday of each month. For more information contact Susan Lander at 561– 642-2276

David Siff, Rabbi Daily Services Schedule [email protected]

Sunday - Friday Anschel O. Weiss, President 8:30 am in the Chapel [email protected]

Sunday - Thursday Michelle Kantor, Temple Administrator 5:00 pm in the Chapel [email protected]

Friday Evenings Stuart & Susan Boxerman, Editors 7:30 pm unless otherwise [email protected] noted

Alyssa Fix, Managing Editor Saturday Morning 9:00 am [email protected]

Saturday Afternoon Office Phone: (561) 369-1112 12:30 pm Torah Tots Phone: (561) 572-2381 Maariv/Havdala B`Yachad Phone: (954) 444-6740 2nd & 4th Saturday pm