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2368Th GENERAL PLENARY MEETING ASSEMBLY Tuesday, 30 September /975, THIRTIETH SESSION at 3.15 P.M United Nations 2368th GENERAL PLENARY MEETING ASSEMBLY Tuesday, 30 September /975, THIRTIETH SESSION at 3.15 p.m, Official Records NEW YORK CONTENTS 5. We are convinced that the vast majority of repre­ sentatives here present will express their view on this action by the United States, which once more has Agenda item 9: shown its contempt for the right of peoples to self­ Generaldebate (continued): determination and the goals of the United Nations, Speech by Mr. Sipraseuth (Laos) .................... 305 Speech by Mr. A110n (Israel) . 307 particularly the principle of universality. Speech by Mr. Keutcha (United Republic of Cameroon), 311 6. The world is a .'planetary village". Each great Speech by Mr. AI-Sabah (Kuwait) .. .. .•.. 315 world event has unavoidable international repercus­ Speech by Mr. Ahmed (Sudan).. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 318 sions in various countries. Thus, the delegation of Laos would like to sketch a few characteristics of the President: Mr. Gaston THORN present world situation. (Luxembourg). 7. The inexorable decline of American imperialism is the turning-point of the present situation in a world already fraught with decisive events. It is indeed a AGENDA ITEM 9 decline, an irreversible decline, whatever may be said by American officials, a decline which cause the whole General debate (continued) imperialist system to be mired more deeply in a new general crisis. I. Mr. SIPRASEUTH (Laos) (interpretation from 8. This decline, however, is not without its dangerous French]:" It is for me a great privilege to represent convulsions or its perfidious attempts to adapt to new Laos at the thirtieth session of the General Assembly, world realities. a country which is undergoing a profound historic evolution towards genuine peace, independence, 9. As we witness imperialism sink into decadence, democracy, neutrality and prosperity, and to speak we see the socialist countries flourishing through from this rostrum for the entire Laotian people. vast and stable economic development, a constant improvement in the standard of living of their popula­ 2. I should like to convey my most cordial greetings tions and an increasing support for the national liber­ to Mr. Gaston Thorn on his election as President of ation movements and peoples struggling for their this thirtieth session of the General Assembly. I should independence, peace, democracy and social progress likewarmly to congratulate Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in the world. Despite the difficulties which socialist the representative of the glorious People's Demo­ States have to resolve by the suffering they have cratic Republic of Algeria and President of the twenty­ undergone and have overcome, they are sharing the ninth session of the General Assembly, who has tire­ force and the vitality of socialism. lessly and effectively worked for world peace, social progress, the democratization of international relations 10. The third world continues to be the relentless and the cause of the third world, which includes three battlefield of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin fourths of the States and two thirds of the population America, who are politically aware and united through­ of the globe. out the world, resolutely joining in a common front against imperialism and nee-colonialism for their 3. I am also pleased to congratulate warmly Mr. Kurt liberation for their national independence, for sov­ Waldheim for his efforts to implement the ideals of the ereignty ~ver their economy, for the realization of United Nations. democracy and for social progress. 4. The United Nations this year has admitted to 11. National liberation movements have increased membership the Republic of Cape Verde, the Demo­ in number and have obtained or are obtaining many cratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, and the great victories. In this connexion we welcome the inter­ People's Republic of Mozambique, which we should nationally significant historic victories of the Viet­ like to congratulate cordially. However, the delegation namese and Khmer peoples. These victories are also of Laos profoundly regrets not to be able to convey the the victories of the Lao people. This triple victory same cordial congratulations to those delegations points to a striking truth: today a small, sparsely which, according to international law, are entitled to populated country, determined in its struggle to Win, be in our midst: the delegations of the Democratic united on a just political path and firmly ~upporte~ .by Republic of Viet Nam and Republic of South Viet all peace- and justice-loving peop~es, IS I? a position Nam. These delegations are unfairly kept outside by to vanquish aggression by any kind of imperialism, the United States which, once more abusing its veto however powerful, including the leader of imperialism power, has prevented their admission to the United -American imperialism. This solidarity makes the Nations. victories of the three peoples of Viet Nam, Cambodia • Mr. Sipraseuth spoke in Laotian. The French version of his and Laos also the victory of the forces of the world statement was supplied by the delegation. strugglingfor independence, peace and social progress. 305 A/PV.2368 306 General Assembly-Thirtieth Session-Plenary Meetings 12. The victories of the peoples of Viet Nam, Cam­ independence, democracy and social progress. May bodia and Laos, and the success of their national we then, from this rostrum, on behalf of the Lao liberation movements, opens up a new era, an era of people, voice our deep gratitude to those peoples destruction of colonialism, neo-colonialism and an who, we are certain, after having given their invaluable era where peoples are the masters of their own des­ support and generous aid to the Lao people in their tinies. patriotic war, will continue to accord them the same 13. This era, when peoples are becoming masters assistance and support in their efforts for the strength­ of their own destinies, is also noticeable in Western ening of peace and for national reconstruction. capitalist countries. Equally obvious is the struggle 19. The foreign policy of Laos, within the present of the workers and democratic forces against capi­ world situation and the internal situation in Laos, talism-particularly in Portugal-a struggle which is based on a watchful awareness and safeguarding is expanding and finding deeper roots in a manner of its hard-won independence; it represents a tireless hitherto unheard of. This struggle is so powerful that effort in the cause of peace and a constant search it can strike successful blows against imperialism. for neutrality and for the building of a prosperous 14. In the present international situation, when economy. socialist States have obtained striking successes, the 20. The scrupulous protection of the fundamental world of the courageous and victorious struggle for rights of each people seems to us an appropriate means national independence and freedom, the relentless to establish peace among nations. This is implemented, movement of workers in the capitalist countries on the one hand, by a struggle against imperialism have forced imperialism to give way. Extremely and neo-colonialism and, on the other hand, by active important changes are taking place. These are favour­ support for the national liberation struggle; for peace; able to peoples all over the world who are fighting for for the social progress of all peoples of the world peace, national independence and social progress. through the establishment and development offriendly Imperialism and neo-colonialism, obstinate by their relations with all countries, regardless of their polit­ very nature, have not renounced their goal of aggres­ ical system, on the basis of mutual respect; and for sion, domination and exploitation. The peoples of the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integ­ world are watchful in order to unmask the evil plots rity, excluding any foreign interference in internal of imperialism. affairs, and based on equality and mutual advantage 15. The Lao people are proud to have contributed in trade relations and economic co-operation. to this new world, through 30 years of long and hard 21. This is also particularly true of our relations with struggle. To recover their fundamental national rights our sister countries of Viet Nam and Cambodia, and to establish a veritable peace, they had, within with which we are always united in the struggle against a single generation, to defeat the old French colonialism the common enemy. Laos will continue to increase and conquer American nee-colonialism. That great and its solidarity and constantly develop co-operation with heroic victory of the Lao people led to the Vientiane Viet Nam and Cambodia, and assist them in the pro­ Agreement of 1973, which stipulates respect for the tection of their national independence and in the national fundamental rights of Laos, the withdrawal building of each of those countries according to their of American military personnel and the cessation of specific capacities and needs. Thus we warmly support foreign interference in the internal affairs of Laos. the candidacies of the Democratic Republic of Viet 16. To establish their national independence and Nam and the Republic of South Viet Nam, and we will democracy, to implement the Vientiane Agreement, work for their admission to the United Nations until the peoples continue their mass political struggle which our efforts are successful. will end in victory, signifying a radical change in the 22. We are pleased to lend
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