One Copy Per Staff Member GATT Office C I R ^ W Nn. 17^ LIST OF
One copy per 10 Qctober 1Q6? staff member GATT Office Cir^W Nn. 17^ LIST OF IHTERKATIotit"ORGANIZATIONS AND CONTACTS International organizations with which the secretariat maintains working relations are listed below, giving the indication of the address to be used for official correspondence. In letters to heads of organizations, the name of the person should not be indicated unless the communication is sent on a personal (and not on an official) basis. For information, the name of the head of the organization is given below the official address within parentheses. The names and titles of officials who are dealing with matters of interest to the GATT secretariat are also listed. A. UNITED NATIONS AND REGIONAL COMMISSIONS 1. United Nations (UN) The Secretary-General, Mr. Philippe de Seynes, United Nations, Under-Secretary for Economic and New York. Social Affairs (U Thant) Mr. Martin Hill, Under-Secretary for Inter-Agency Affairs Mr. Constantin A. Stavropoulos, Under-Secretary, Legal Counsel 2. United Nations Office at Geneva The Director-General of the M. G. Palthey, United Nations Office at Geneva Assistant Director-General representing the Secretary-General, Tel: 2120/2122 Palais des Nations, Geneva. Mr. Albert Dollinger, (M. P.P. Spinelli) Special Representative in Europe •for Go-ordination and ACC Affairs Tel: 2100 - 2 - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) The Secretary-General, Mr. P. Judd, United Nations Conference on Trade Director, and Development, Commodities Division Palais des Nations, Geneva. Mr. P. Berthoud, D i n u- u\ Assistant Director, (Dr(n . Raul Prebisch) . _ _ ' nDivision fo r nConference Tel: 34-76 Affairs and External Relations United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) The Executive Director, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Felderhaus, Wiener Rathhausplatz, Vienna.
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