DRR-WG Meeting Meeting Minutes 25th January 2019 Venue: U Thant Conference Room, UNDP Chaired by: Biplove Choudhary, UNDP Time: 15:00 – 17:00 Sr. Agenda Discussions Action Points 1 Introduction of the DRR WG Chair of DRR WG remarks some of the DRR WG‟s accomplishment in members 2018 as followed. Supporting and collaborating with government at Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Mongolia ( July ) . Organizing the 2nd Earthquake Forum in Yangon ( July) . Nargis 10th year anniversary public outreach campaign in Pathein . Commemoration of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2018 . Government led public Outreach Activities in Nay Pyi Taw . Coordination meeting with government on 2018 flood 2 Reviewing the last meeting It‟s clarified about the number of participation of agencies. If there are changes, minutes Under last agenda AOB session, corrected that IOM recently finished camp agencies will send the management training in Rakhine State. comments by 30th Jan 19. The meeting minutes will be uploaded in MIMU website. 3 IOM DRR project activities in IOM presented about their activities in Rakhine State. For more information, Rakhine and Rakhine DRR IOM has been working in Migration, Trafficking, DRR, Emergency please contact to Aye Working Group Response and Reconstruction, Camp Coordination and Camp Management. Theint Thu, National IOM trained CBDRR Training to 218 village tract/ward administrators in Programme Officer < Rakhine.
[email protected] > IOM supported government on development of Township Disaster . To conduct the Management in 4 townships, Emergency Response Contingency Plan for 4 Stocktaking of MAPDRR townships and capacity building trainings. In addition, IOM will also 2017 again among DRR collaborate with UDHRD in Rakhine area.