[ 1963 ] Part 2 Chapter 2 the International Labour Organisation

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[ 1963 ] Part 2 Chapter 2 the International Labour Organisation 598 THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Congo (Leopoldville), H. J. Bhabha (India), Luis Cintra do Prado (Brazil), Czechoslovakia, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, V. S. Emelyanov (USSR), B. Goldschmidt (France), Norway, Romania, South Africa, USSR, United W. B. Lewis (Canada), Sir William Penney (United Kingdom, United States Kingdom), I. I. Rabi (United States) ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY COMMITTEE Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, India, Italy, Japan, South Africa, USSR, United Kingdom, United States SENIOR OFFICERS OF AGENCY'S STAFF Director-General: Sigvard A. Eklund Deputy Director-General for Training and Technical Deputy Director-General for Administration, Liaison Information: Gennady A. Yagodin and Secretariat: John A. Hall Deputy Director-General for Research and Isotopes: Deputy Director-General for Technical Operations: Henry Seligman Pierre Balligand TEMPORARY HEADQUARTERS International Atomic Energy Agency Kärntnerring 11-13 Vienna 1, Austria Cable Address: INATOM VIENNA CHAPTER II THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION (ILO) During 1963, the membership of the Interna- ate fully in matters within ILO's competence in tional Labour Organisation (ILO)1 rose from United Nations action relating to South Africa 105 to 108, with the admission of Burundi on and to furnish any information requested by 11 March; Uganda on 25 March; and Trinidad the International Court of Justice in the pend- and Tobago on 24 May. ing proceedings relating to the Territory of The forty-seventh session of the International South West Africa under South African man- Labour Conference was held in Geneva, Switz- date. erland, from 5 to 26 June. The Governing Body also invited the ILO On 18 June, the delegations of 31 African Director-General, accompanied by a tripartite and five Arab States withdrew from the Con- delegation of the Governing Body, to confer ference in protest against the participation of with the Secretary-General of the United Na- South Africa in defiance of a 1961 Conference tions on a common approach to the problem resolution advising that country to withdraw of South Africa's membership in the two or- from ILO until it abandoned its policy of ganizations. apartheid. The delegation and the Director-General Later in June, the Governing Body of ILO were received by Secretary-General U Thant took action to exclude South Africa from ILO in New York on 25 July. The Chairman of the meetings, "the membership of which is deter- Governing Body, Emilio Calderón Puig, ac- mined by the Governing Body." (In practice, quainted the Secretary-General with the grave this meant all ILO meetings except the Inter- 1 national Labour Conference, which member For further information, particularly about the functions and organization of ILO and its activities countries have the right to attend.) prior to 1963, see previous volumes of Y.U.N., reports The Governing Body also invited the ILO of the Director-General to the General Conference and Director-General, David A. Morse, to co-oper- the proceedings of the Conference. THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION 599 concern expressed in the International Labour of ILO Conventions by member States was Conference and in the ILO Governing Body registered during the year, bringing the total on the subject of South Africa's apartheid to 2,821. policy. Triennial elections to the Governing Body of In reply, U Thant assured the ILO delega- the International Labour Office were held dur- tion that the United Nations shared its grave ing the 1963 session of the Conference on the concern over the apartheid question. In view basis of 48 seats, instead of 40 as before. In of the issues involved, he said, he appreciated the enlarged Governing Body, there were 24 the fact that ILO had decided to bring the government seats, 12 employers' seats and 12 matter to the United Nations. His office, he workers' seats. Ten of the government seats said, would keep ILO appropriately informed were held permanently by the following coun- of developments in the United Nations in this tries, designated as being of "chief industrial regard, in order to avoid any divergent action. importance": Canada, China, the Federal Re- He was confident, he said, that full regard would public of Germany, France, India, Italy, Japan, be given by the agencies to whatever position the USSR, the United Kingdom and the was taken by the principal political organs of United States. The 14 countries elected to, the United Nations in such matters. regular membership of the Governing Body in The ILO Director-General said that ILO June 1963 were: Algeria, Australia, Brazil, attached great importance to the closest co- Bulgaria, Ecuador, Gabon, Lebanon, Liberia, operation with the United Nations, to which it Mali, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Poland and looked for leadership in political matters. Tanganyika. In November, the Governing Body appointed a small committee to examine the whole ques- TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE tion posed for ILO by South Africa's apartheid ILO provides technical assistance under policy. It also reaffirmed its determination to schemes financed from four different sources: seek, in concert with the United Nations, a the United Nations Expanded Programme of solution to the problem appropriate to each Technical Assistance, the United Nations Spe- organization, and would undertake to carry out, cial Fund, the regular ILO budget and funds within the framework of ILO, any measures in trust. It also participates in special pro- which the United Nations might take on the grammes such as the United Nations Operation matter. The committee—composed of 12 mem- in the Congo (Leopoldville). bers (four from the Government group, four At the end of 1963, a total of 42 Special from the Employers' group and four from the Fund projects had been assigned to ILO, of Workers' group) and a Chairman—was to meet which 36 were in operation. The total allocation in Geneva, Switzerland, in January 1964. Its for the 42 projects was approximately $32 task was to submit to the Governing Body pro- million, to be spent over periods ranging from posals that could be put before the forty-eighth three to five years. Since government contribu- session of the International Labour Conference tions were expected to amount to almost $52 in June 1964. The committee was to try to de- million, the total of the sums involved was termine what contribution ILO could make expected to be close to $84 million. towards the complete elimination of apartheid Expenditure under the Expanded Programme and to suggest what action should be taken to amounted to nearly $5 million in 1963, and secure observance of ILO's principles and to that under the regular ILO budget to more protect human dignity. (See also pp. 13-20.) than $1.25 million. More than half of ILO During its forty-seventh session in June 1963, technical assistance was in the general field of the International Labour Conference adopted manpower, including vocational training. ILO a Convention and Recommendation concerning was also providing technical assistance in: pro- termination of employment at the initiative of ductivity and management development; co- the employer. The new instrument brought to operation and small industries; social security; 119 the total of Conventions and to 119 the occupational safety and health; workers' educa- total of Recommendations adopted by the Con- tion; vocational rehabilitation, and labour con- ference since 1919. A total of 125 ratifications ditions and administration. It continued to co- THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ordinate the Andean-Indian programme, a the study of certain major labour problems multi-agency project for the integration of the against a background of economic development, indigenous populations of several South Ameri- the course was attended by 29 participants can countries. A rural development programme from 28 countries on five continents. also had been launched. RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS NEW ACTIVITIES The research and publications programme of A n automation unit was established in ILO the International Labour Conference for 1963 during the year to initiate a new programme included reports on all the agenda items of the on the social consequences of automation and forty-seventh (1963) session of the General advanced technology. Meetings of experts were Conference. The report of the Director-General to be convened, and a clearing house for in- was devoted to the Programme arid Structure formation on automation issues was to be organ- of the ILO. The Office also continued its peri- ized. It was expected that these and other odical publications—International Labour Re- measures would enable member countries to view (monthly), Official Bulletin (quarterly), share the information and experience develop- Legislative Series (bi-monthly) and Yearbook ing around the world on the social and eco- of Labour Statistics. The Public Information nomic issues associated with the introduction Division published four issues of its quarterly of automation. magazine, ILO News. A new division was established within ILO to conduct a promotional and educational pro- SECRETARIAT gramme in support of national action against At 1 October 1963, the total number of full- discrimination in employment, to carry out re- time staff under permanent, indefinite, fixed- search in this field and to provide technical term and short-term appointments at ILO head- assistance. It was also to assist a newly-estab- quarters, field offices and branch offices stood lished Governing Body committee on discrimi- at 1,441, plus four full-time national corres- nation. The activities of ILO relating to dis- pondents. Of this number, 271 were appoint- crimination are complementary to those under- ments under temporary credits. The breakdown taken by other organizations in the United of the remainder was: Nations within their various fields. Professional category and above 505 The ILO Governing Body decided in March General service category 596 1963 to establish an International Centre for Maintenance staff 28 Advanced Technical and Vocational Training in Turin, Italy.
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