Kabul Times (August 12, 1967, Vol. 6, No. 116) Bakhtar News Agency
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University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-12-1967 Kabul Times (August 12, 1967, vol. 6, no. 116) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 12, 1967, vol. 6, no. 116)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1555. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1555 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I ~ I l THE ~UL TIMES , ~ \ I \ S~~~P:\!O M~iafu ,;'1,. ;\yq~l~,J~'e~s' I~i~,~~lef ..;_ " l In Yemen War ~M)~~I~~'t~~'"" !lust 13 tor a t\l,.o We,!!)< VISit to ,.. " "''''"Ir ....:.~-; .~ .Jl~.l._~it;j\ 'Arab lea.ders With wliOm ·he WIll ~' CAIRO. Aug' 10, (DPA) .....:suda- ~et~1~~~ ~'I" '. discuss the MiddlE! East crl'sls, it I neSe t:'remler Mohammad Ahm- w • h (~W alithOrttles'" was announced Tuesday 1:,' ed Mahgoub may fly to Riyadh liquor, OS"" He WIll visit Jordan, Saudi Ar: dls~UBS .." ~ later thiS month to- WIth saI:e'v \;eeJlt othen, ofi_ m abla, , UAR, Iraq, f!Udsn, Kuwait, ~\ SaUdi King Falsal OAR propo· I h e»;ltil 'wltla acute pOl- Lebanon, and SyrIa 'I sals for endmg the Yemen war, II OSP rJt tlreli.8Se aac1 . '.AII. All'. ,I' the seml·off,cial Cairo daily AI SOnl~ U e:r illciohol Is " PARIS, Aug 10, (A/,) -Quebec j;' Gombourlya rep<)rted bom Khar~ coI!/l ~"PI ~." ..a state ' Prelnler DaVId Jobnson saId li!0n I toum yesterday - bann"" n 7-"7, day that if the French, Canadl~n~ .•~ ' ~ I '~l-J' I j j J \ The paper sSld that the Suda- TOKYO Aug 10: (DPA) -SIX arc someday desPerate 'they Will nese government was also con- 'cabinet rmllJsters demand their mtegratlon mto the r I' ~, ~mq: ~l\9t"tier t.. It d ROVQI''\. I.' r.t HI. AUdieme_ On!,~V:erge s sldermg a proposal that It ar· Soutb Khre:nTuesday for the Umted Statcs of Amtnca" US, Soviet Union range an UAR-5audl hIgh level arrJvded er p South Korea "HtABm:; IA~g. 12, (B'j,jdltllt) / Kh rt" th two· ay J a an· J ohnsop was quoted in an In· Indian Govemment, meeting m a oum on e IS- mlmstenal conference on step- terlllew m the Frel\ch picture 'J;'he ffbllOW/tlg were received by Of Nonproliferation Accord ~ ,"C;-uards Shoot HIs Majesty ,the King I'dUrIng for August 29 u economic cooperatIOn weekly Paris Match, due to be Gets A Jolt In , WASHINGTON, August U, (DPA),- It dId not elaborate on who ap- ~I~g Pthe two countries, which out Tuesday tbe \Yeek ended Augus< 10,' At British Troops proached Sudan for mediation e ween ad Ame~lcan "l:>r.:Abdul Ztlihr, Presrdent of :rhe United States and the Soviet Union are on the veqre ot agree· On the demand for ~/:e8ty;to,.p 1eatJo~\the UAR PreSident Gamal Abdel w~~~f;~~re~'s chiefly mteres mtegratlon, Johnson saId thiS Parliament ,ili~~W6Iesl Jlrgah, ~General Khan ment> on a draft '1!te'spl'eaci 101 jIIuqlur BONG' KONG, riAyg/.'12, (Reu. sted la~t would be our last chance, becau 'M!Jllammad, Minister '01 National U.S, ChIef dele&ate to" th'e' deneva d~ldtent ccilierencel ter) '-'Chini's- fr~tier guards Nasser, /;ugg.e dUrlng t d m acceleratmg procedures NEW DELill, Aug 10, (AP) week's Arab foreIgn mmlster S fc d g the country wlth se If we do not succeed 10 ob 1Yefence, MinIster of 'the Interl9!' 'George Foster, sald here yesterday. flted W8mlDg shots yesterday at meetmg the Sudanese caPital or provl m loans to the tn· talmng the means we need to Opposition members of Parha Eng Abmadullah; M.lOIster' of , Foster told a preIs conference 81- Roshchtn the Brltlsh troops and PQllce af· PrJvar$~~~a::,~t~on ment Tuesday defeated Prime that the August 1965 Saud,-UAR towards its bloS$om out and thrIve, we may JUStiCe Mohammad, Hesah Ta·" ter a meetlOg With Pre.ldent Lyndon According to Fosteru ij1e I .sov"t ter teQl;:cgas shells fell op. Chine· Mmlster IndIra GandhI's gov Jeddah agreement for SolviDg ne 0 d f V ear plan Just as well stupIdly drop olit , . rakl, Mlliister of Informatlo" and ,B ,Jotm.son that ,he had received an message represented a cjl!J!ll~ In the _Be temtory, acco,e1lng to the the Yemen confbct be reactivated current secon 1 e-y - ernment In votmg on a minor dr~fi" of the pl~ture n "ii' By A stan Wittier ' 1 , Culture, Abdul Raotif< Benawa. Urgenl me,sage from the $(jvlet Soviel poslMn on the as 1'(hen New China news agency amendment The ruling Congress Genev~ The CaIro dailY AI Akhbar :lhll three-week'lnternatioDal J'eponaJ. tralnlq'ae1ll1ilU'on new Minister of Public Hea1th Miss limon to 1eturn to imme(h- I he had left Geneva 1ast Wecmelid.aY The agency, In a despatch VANCOUVER, Brltlsh Colum· --- Party qUickly mustered forces "Ro ' , ' saId a three·member commIttee, 10, WASHINGTON, Aug 10, (AP) methods 0' research III the ii1hi~@ Iil.dliiltti WIll'IlNl blabgurated· Kubra 'Noul'Zlll; Minister With. ateIy I shcliln was not able 10 sa)' he had from Canton, accused' the'Hong bla, Aug (Reuter) -StandardI and recouped 10 the vote on the Moha~ad mcludlng the Sudanese premier, -Senator Robert Kennedy urg· thlB eventng by Minister of Edncatlcin Dr. Mo6ammJiCl Osman out Portfolio Dr , The drat' to be olfered to the been authorIsed 10 present the <iran Kong government of closing the sation of school textbooks ,n his· .;.I' "1 .....1 l .. ~r UAR ForeIgn MinIster Mahmoud motllln Itself Anas; AfghQn Amba\isador' 10 Geneva con1erence woUld I not In- treaty j ', tOry and geography throughout ed restramt Monday on all the A lr S/no"Hon'g Kong border RaId and SaudI ForeIgn AffaIrs Because it was a 1Omor loss, nwall. I"I elUde sechon on the controversial the world could be a major step parties concerned With the fate London Atidullail MalillYar.'DIr a The agency' said· the BritiSh Secretary ()jnar al-Sakkaf, ap. there IS no questIon of Mrs ector.General of the.Political,At· question of saregUards or' Inspectllm 1n Improving mternatlonal rela of Moise Tshombe, former Pri The senunar organised under the JOint auspIces of UNESCO, The dralt trealy preplned by the Hong Kong authoritieslYesterday pomted to seek an end to the GandhI and her government re .of nuclear sites,' Foster laid tIons, accOrdiDg to representa· me ritlmster of Congo fairs Department Dr Rawan Far United States and the &V1et UnIon a~ravated the border sltua· Yemen war wonld start Its mls Slgmng But the defeat IS a hIgh· the InternatIonal AtomiC Energy Agency and the Afghan govern "That sechon would be left blank b~n ~evlewed tlves of the world's confedela Under deatl), sentence to thc hadi, Governor of Glior Abdul haa bl" the alll.,. of tlon when they unreasonably slon early next week Wlth meet· Iy embarrassing. one for her ment, offers an opportumty to the parlicl1?ants, who are all ex Rasoul Pashtoon: Dr A:bdul Ha- and open tQ further discussion and lIon of OrgaDlsatlons of the tea Copgo TsholDbe had been Illv. the two ll\S.ior powers, but has not CI06ed the entry and exit pass lOgs 10 Sanaa, RlyadhJ Catro Parliamentary officials said It perts, to acquamt themselves WIth the latest developments III the kim Ziayee, Dr Mohammad nelotiatlon ehmg profeSSIOn MondaY urged en political asylum in Spain, ycl been seen by the eIght nonalllln. at Lofang village to prevent and Khartoum was the ftrst defeat for the Con ,field Halder, Prof Mohammad As· The most important provisions of cd natiODa which are members of the the settlng uP of an mtematlo. but recently was kIdnapped. Chmese peasant. from dolOS while on an plane fhgM, and tao gress Party smce Independence ghar, Shah Wah and Hasan tJ'Ie draft treaty Foster conUnued, dfsarmament committee their farm work nal commIttee to studY texts of from Bntaln 20 years ago thIS FIfteen delegates from JndIa, Pak for. the SCIence of Kabul UnIverSIty, Khan, PliolS Dr Abdul would limit the 1urtber spread ot tre~ly all partlclpatmg nations to evol ken to Algena He IS to be> ex· II the draft Is approved by Peasants who dSlly gO to montb Istan, MalaYSia, Iran Nepal, Thal~ who Is to be chairman of the semI. Latif J alah, a graduate of histo rluclear weapons and would restrict lhe lull committee It will 110 Ib the ve a form of baSIC text 10 geng· tradlted to tlie Congo Bntlsh temtory to do their far· Home Briefs A Parhament spokesman pom land and fndonesla are attending the nar, told me ry from the Moscow AcadelllY non nuclear powt;rs from acquiring United NatJons General Assembly Negro Successes In I Iphy and hIstorY mlDg "trIed to reason with tbe HERAT Aug 10, (Bakhtar) ted out It came on an unexpect· semmar The a.lm of the semmar IS to traUl HIS MaJesty also receIved dur such weapons (or conslderallon Brlttsh authOrities ihsregardmg Jews 10 Herat have donated ed vote and not at a tIme when Ten Afghans are also takmg part, young mmlt)g engineers 10 modern 109 tbe week some elders from Johnson who Introduced Foster to Foster laid he was optimlsuc that thetr just demand," It saId Af 101 UUU 'u the Arab- Fund Dem.