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8-12-1967 Kabul Times (August 12, 1967, vol. 6, no. 116) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 12, 1967, vol. 6, no. 116)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1555.

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I' propo· I h e»;ltil 'wltla acute pOl- , and , sals for endmg the Yemen war, II OSP rJt tlreli.8Se aac1 " the seml·off,cial SOnl~ . '.AII. All'. j;' Cairo daily AI U e:r illciohol Is I Gombourlya Khar~ PARIS, Aug 10, (A/,) -Quebec rep<)rted bom coI!/l ~"PI ~." ..a state ' toum yesterday - bann"" n 7-"7, Prelnler DaVId Jobnson saId li!0n The paper sSld day that if the French, Canadl~n~ that the Suda- TOKYO Aug 10: (DPA) -SIX arc nese government someday desPerate 'they Will .•~ ' ~ I was also con- j '~l-J' I 'cabinet rmllJsters demand their j J \ sldermg a proposal that It ar· Soutb Khre:nTuesday mtegratlon mto the range for the Umted Statcs of I' an UAR-5audl hIgh level arrJvded er p South Korea Amtnca" r ROVQI' / Kh rt" th two· ay J J ohnsop was quoted t.. It d '\. I.' r.t HI. AUdieme_ meeting m a oum on e IS- mlmstenal a an· in an In· Indian Govemment US, Soviet On!,~V:erge ~, ~mq: ~l\9t"tier conference on step- terlllew m the Frel\ch picture , "HtABm:; IA~g. 12, (B'j,jdltllt)­ Union s for August 29 u economic It cooperatIOn weekly Paris Match, due to be 'J;'he ffbllOW/tlg were received by dId not elaborate on who ap- ~I~g Pthe two countries, which Gets A Jolt ,"C;-uards proached Sudan for mediation e ween ad out Tuesday In HIs Majesty ,the King I'dUrIng Of Nonproliferation Accord ~ Shoot On the demand for Ame~lcan tbe \Yeek ended Augus< 10,' , WASHINGTON, UAR PreSident Gamal Abdel w~~~f;~~re~'s chiefly mteres August U, (DPA),- Nasser, sted la~t mtegratlon, Johnson saId thiS Parliament "l:>r.:Abdul Ztlihr, Presrdent of :rhe United States and the Soviet /;ugg.e dUrlng t d m acceleratmg procedures would ,ili~~W6Iesl Union are on the veqre ot agree· At British Troops week's Arab foreIgn mmlster S fc d g be our last chance, becau­ Jlrgah, ~General Khan ment> on a draft ~/:e8ty;to,.p the country wlth se If NEW DELill, Aug 10, (AP)­ '1!te'spl'eaci 101 jIIuqlur 1eatJo~\the meetmg the Sudanese caPital or provl m we do not succeed 10 ob 'M!Jllammad, Minister '01 National U.S, ChIef dele&ate to" d~ldtent BONG' KONG, riAyg/.'12, (Reu. loans to the tn· talmng Opposition members of Parha­ 1Yefence, th'e' deneva ccilierencel fr~tier that the August 1965 Saud,-UAR PrJvar$~~~a::,~t~on the means we need to MinIster of 'the Interl9!' 'George Foster, sald ter) '-'Chini's- guards towards its bloS$om out ment Tuesday defeated Prime Eng Abmadullah; here yesterday. Jeddah agreement for SolviDg ne 0 d f V and thrIve, we may M.lOIster' of , Foster told a preIs flted W8mlDg shots yesterday at the Yemen confbct ear plan Just Mmlster IndIra GandhI's conference 81- Roshchtn be reactivated current secon 1 e-y - as well stupIdly drop olit gov­ JUStiCe Mohammad, Hesah Ta·" the Brltlsh troops and PQllce af· , . ter a meetlOg With Pre.ldent Lyndon According to pl~ture ernment In Foster ij1e I The CaIro dailY AI Akhbar of the n votmg on a minor rakl, Mlliister of Informatlo" and u .sov"t ter teQl;:cgas shells fell op. Chine· VANCOUVER, amendment "ii' ,B ,Jotm.son that ,he had received an message represented cjl!J!ll~ saId a three·member commIttee, Brltlsh Colum· The ruling Congress By A stan Wittier ' 1 , Culture, Abdul Raotif< Benawa. a In the _Be temtory, acco,e1lng to bla, Aug --- Party qUickly :lhll three-week'lnternatioDal Urgenl me,sage from the $(jvlet Soviel poslMn on the dr~fi" the mcludlng the Sudanese premier, 10, (Reuter) -StandardI­ WASHINGTON, Aug 10, (AP) mustered forces J'eponaJ. tralnlq'ae1ll1ilU'on new Minister of Public Hea1th Miss Genev~ as 1'(hen New China news agency limon to 1eturn to imme(h- I UAR ForeIgn sation of school textbooks -Senator Robert Kennedy and recouped 10 the vote on the methods 0' research III the ii1hi~@ Iil.dliiltti Kubra 'Noul'Zlll; he had left Geneva 1ast Wecmelid.aY The MinIster Mahmoud ,n his· urg· WIll'IlNl blabgurated· Minister With. ateIy I "Ro agency, In a despatch RaId tOry and geography throughout ed restramt motllln Itself thlB eventng by Minister of Edncatlcin out Portfolio Moha~ad shcliln was not able 10 sa)'' he, had' and SaudI ForeIgn AffaIrs Monday on all the .;.I' "1 ..... Dr. Mo6ammJiCl Osman Dr , The from Canton, accused' the'Hong Because 1 l .. ~r drat' to be olfered to the been authorIsed 10 present Secretary ()jnar the world could be a major step parties concerned With the it was a 1Omor loss, Anwall. lr Anas; AfghQn Amba\isador' the ex· ago thIS FIfteen delegates from JndIa, for. Shah Wah and Hasan tJ'Ie draft treaty Foster conUnued, Chmese peasant. from dolOS ve a form of baSIC tradlted montb Pak­ the SCIence of Kabul UnIverSIty, Khan, dfsarmament committee Negro Successes text 10 geng· to tlie Congo Istan, MalaYSia, Iran Nepal, Thal~ who PliolS Dr Abdul would limit the 1urtber spread ot their farm work HERAT Aug 10, (Bakhtar)­ In I Iphy A Parhament spokesman pom­ Is to be chairman of the semI. Latif II the draft tre~ly Is approved by and hIstorY land and fndonesla are attending nar, J alah, a graduate of histo­ rluclear weapons and would restrict Peasants who dSlly gO to Jews 10 Herat ted out It came the told me lhe lull committee It will 110 Ib the have donated on an unexpect· semmar ry from the Moscow AcadelllY non nuclear powt;rs from acquiring Bntlsh temtory to do their far· Af 101 Dem. ed vote The a.lm of the semmar IS to traUl United NatJons General Assembly UUU 'u the Arab- Fund Primaries CAIRO, Aug 10, (DPA) and not at a tIme when Ten Afghans HIS MaJesty also receIved dur­ such weapons mlDg "trIed to reason with tbe -The lUNCTAD TEAM Congress are also takmg part, young mmlt)g engineers 10 modern (or conslderallon JACKSON UAR has I and OppOjlltlOn were 109 tbe week some elders from Johnson who Brlttsh authOrities ihsregardmg MilSSISSlPPI Aug pledged Its partlC . ~quared Dr Mohammad Sldlq vICe rector research, Professor F Introduced Foster to Foster laid he was KABUL, Aug 10, (Bakhtar)­ leonId from page I) off for a showdown vote J C Pala, Laghman optimlsuc that thetr just 10 (Reuter) -Negroes have scored patlon In the fourth Airlcan act109 dueclor the newsmen said 'We look for­ the section demand," It saId I he Supreme EconomIc CounCIl But a Congress spokesman m of Ihe Ul'"'ESCO on safeguards or IDspec­ The Briti.h MORE FOOD thelT biggest vlctOfles In more than ummlt" conference In Km Soulheast ward 10 the conclUsion of a very tlon would authorlUcs called mel yesterday m ~onth A new board Will Parhament saId ASian regIOnal centre of be completed by the com the PrIme MI· 100 years In , t the authorl· be elected at "It has shaken long exercise ot Wisdom out some 100 troops and DemocratIc primary hasa nex ••• , Majid Heads ~as sCIence and technology, said M'AIWANDWAL TO and dedica miltee before the treaty is submIt riot nlsler's ofhce Abdullah Yaftall, elections , AI Abram reo the DelhI meetmg UNCTAD IS an Us up We WIll have to be care tion on Foster's part police to encircle them for local and counly oftIces tatlve newspaper Professor Pala and Professor ted 10 the General Assembly (peas. FOR INDIA minister of plannIng preSIded agency of the Genet al Assemlily of fol and keep our people m run· fe· VISIT BULGARIA Foster, ants) and Injured In M1s....ISSlppl ported quoting responSible 30ur· lIx Herman are representing who came to Washington three WASHING10N the and functions nlllg dlstan\'e We cannot take Delegation KABUL, Aug 12 (Bakhlar)­ to meet Aug IU (API More than CiO Negroes I lIT for UNESCO, at a congressionaL subcommit­ KABUL directly risks now I' the semmar and Pro US Ambass

\ • ( " .' '''''l~f \ '' .' "1':'0 ...!\ v· ~.. C' j~ 'f' ""~.l' t::~-a. LtJ" , j'.t.-'- A ~""" ... :, ,.\'~I 'l'''; 'l\i" .• ~.~ .;>ji'",j,\,." .::. ...11 l";":'~ 1"""'1 ·\Y·I'\;~r-.\J'~' ( .... ~\' ~ .:J '\. " . \ _.~ ~ ~~!"'_.~ !i~.·,.t '.~ ~"IVotjlo[:l,-,j;iYC"le",,"lv'e. .. kl", il is adorable. TIi,re.. fs W d cia \ ... •.•..,.. I' , ,= - . - - ,~es y: .;' ., I· . ·.way) providing a: 1l1~eCt libi" ',' ·.·lopmeot:.ku9dOIl.~ledIY.i·a prpjeet,of· an unspeakable dawn ill happY .The ex~cuIlVe secre!ary of ECAliE,: ",eeo Kota Dhah. :(Kelilnllin) on :the conthfenl.~ .lgnmc.nCe.. rHe co. -n.d .lready .. est.bll~hed ..a ,m.lI. east·coast an" .Dllllerworth'·(PeoanR)· ordinatirig :~ilmm~ttu. lias" stressed old .Q~. .' Tr.osport ;r~blllcal,.~u,(TTca)· oR.the ~xisti~g route ~'2.. ~ll~bOI that .~h~; Asi." H!8hw~Y-~Y't~n!:.js , . w,th th...... ~nte ·of .....a-rAO· and '.~~'km"of..t""~28g-ltm'lelilllh"!iC .lbis c.. n,Q(.',a ,'!et'¥prk.. pf ,:supet:h1illiwaY3 two cooper.hng countn~ (one· ex·. hlp,way would· r~qulrc: ~w· cons· "but a linking. '\ojlCther of ;Ih" exist, pert. Clll:h .•fi~ ,.J,ap.n ,a"'hlhe Ne· ·1 tl'U' '" '.,~. .- - .~, .'.' ~',~, ·ing lii8\1way:.x~Y$tiinsl·o6tbe:' 'coun". {fic~ilt H~~~.U ~f~also ~ ~ ~i~ 'tril;£",io1>fo~in'~,;n,;.~J]oJial'. THE :KABUL /...1$' j I. Iherlllll!leahoo. with .,~. 'l~ ~ provide toUlI cost .,mvolved . w.•s.. appr~>ved ,whIch Iifld; Iltst ,hOdI Pi4 'f'!' dmpQnanr ·aociss. to· . nelghbour:ng representative at tlie Geneva clIs4rm_t·eon· certainly IiroV'e "Jtarniful'[$Ct,··the economies 0' th~ by UNDP. aoverrupg. council In . Ihe deleg.lion.t the countries .nd through them 10 sea. ference, William C, Foste!", tbat Itlie two ~r these countries lI>t~y-SIp' tbe:·treaty. ·Nuel~r, January,. 1~? ,Commission's '22nd sess_. (IJin'li .,JKltta. .Jt. is obvious that 'no counln' powers may soon Introduce a dptt ~tJ .de· science ofters grea~ :posslbUUles 'for the ~ell·· The r~qUlreDlCnts. fo, ·e)(lef~ aid· 'M_h/;;~l\66f'IIJ1Il,..,~qp~ '.If!ci.i,og .an .. adequl\te transport sy;" sllJlBd to prevent tlie· funbef,spread ot nllelear belDJ JUld piospertty of Ute world. The benefits were est''1'~ted "by th~ committee .s I ,.y,,~ ~ ~~tf#~ rqu!\d ;,~ble ~~ move .rapidly ,!head with ~ear.e.ueI'lJ,'.~ot~,IWl·w:lUtout '.1o.m weapons bas to be lOoked at ltlth cautious of appro· ~ollows ,(In .Jl1i1h0ll" oC doU...... !lnder contFr~ce ,..t,,(r:llll/l~k ..iIi ..May, .,,)4; ~cooomic d~velopmeot. . The d•. optlnllsDl. WblIe any poS!U:ve, "~P towArd dis". prlate researeh..... ~rse Of time WI! ·nuclear h~ ~eail for . 'WaradiRB .roalls UJ\ 1966, w.s considered. The com. :·veJoping collnlries are, generally UllUUIleJlt and IImJlatlOJ1 01 ,the lau;ms race de· powers will be lable.. for ex,ample. to, produce :O~/llInlm~m .standard, w,meet lieavy mittee reeom~nded th.t this pro· spe.klog, shorl of tr.nsport requi'•.· serves apPrMI.tJOJl, It l'IlaWua tel IIie llMIl "lie­ dedriclty so cheeply .Iro.. &&emle. ,:eac:tors that r .. posat,bc. PU\ IOta .effect aod that ments and lag. far behind .dvanced tMr the JIftIPOlIed draft..prorid,s ~MtGry the utside adminis­ . might not have had to go around def British domination, BUl thaI's nema owners try to ger action films. I kansas Democrat thai Ihe violenCS' Some "pirates·' were arrested trator.. chased away his 'replace­ .i~l .~i mediahon sandy beach~, its tourist potentJal mat when it rests in the snow of Its mountain ous habitat. The hair is spun into rope and tent certain amount of educational and : one 01 th. most .consiSteDt).y ',~ •• Ihey 'had, lJCeo cnnvicted,1ilH lIId nol Caribbean island of Anguill. bel" uf ministers from Barbados, Guy­ has never been developed. Its in­ coverings and the softer fur from the wither s is women Into a fine strong cloth. This Indls· cultural valu~. ~ I ~ve ~ecords on civl~' rights legbla- report 1htfr seliteoees~ ." • .• ween May 30 and July 31. Here ana, lamica, and Trinidad and To­ habitants live by subsistence farm­ Ilensable beast of burden produces a very rich milk aud Its flesh Is excellent eating, ~ :.6.~ausc: 'tr~­ llllW,~and. The: editorial also touched on con- I tlon l-O .the S.. of a .. !,I>estrl\!ia ·and are al lhe UN-where deleaates _were b.go, four British Commonwealth ing and the small income derived TWs flve·year-old yak was brought from His Majesty the Klng's preserves In Arja. Its , ' dllions In cmemas. SOOJe cmema occupatIon with If()wgn' 'Cllta... : CoJlsidtiing .....wlltW..Jijl"t 'ba!1.Uon immersed in bigger . problemS-It nations in the area. from salt exported from its two pro­ ellclosure at the Kabul Zoo faCeS the river, so it Is kept cool by tbe constant breeze. . houses 10 the capital hardly deserve - m~nts?" it asked.. 10, Vietnam, I.he A~ 01 Melbourne was called the vesl poek~t rebellion. The f~lings of isolaHon and re­ ductiv~ sail ponds and a poorly de­ the name Giving an example. the The Post ,noted ~.. the cbi\.ir~ {~P".rt~d from i;:anberr., .Ihe .fe~ral II ended with AnguiUa-with now­ Jec!ion the people of Anguilla ex' veloped lobsler fishing indl'5try. • editorial mentioned the Pamlf CI- of the Vorela" Relations C~mmlttee ppil.1. . here else to goo-returning to its perienced during Iheir brief divorce There is no electnclty no telepnones neOla. (The ctnemas to which the o~posed intearation '.in the' f~m~us Australia 'alre.dy has two ballal­ federallon with 51. Kitts and Nevis, . from Iheir (wo sister islands may and ho paved roads. ' In fact wh'en c=dttonal rclers are lruly 10 a bad LIllIe Rock school case and 'Vo!ed tionS'" in Vietnam and Ne\v Zealand two other small, neighboring islands have been disappOinting, but it was 11Tlnce Philip visited II a few year:s t.:ondJIlOn Most of Ihe seats are against the 1964 civil.rights bill. a company attached 10 ooe of the which Britain made into a self­ (ar from new. ago, men armed With spades had to torn and are placed In sucb a way "The riots in northern citi~s were: AUSlralian battalions. gov~rntng associated state only lase In fact this was partly rhe re~son fill In polholes along the bumpy 'thal' a spectator in front blocks the not started In South Vietnam or The newspaper said Ihal Australia February. for wanting to be free of the asso­ mltin road to make his ride easier. View of the onc slttmg immediately by it. ' could not at present spar~ enouah Angry Anguillans, somewbat to cialJon with rbe rest of their three~ Its princip.1 life·line with SI. Tlie gazelle is a swift. graceful little antelope whose eyes behlOd him, The sound system IS "They were started ID Solot1:b~rn men to fill another purely Austr.l· their surpnse. found themselves un­ island state. Anguill. is 60 miles Kitts and tbe rest of the world is have long served as similes In poetry In praise of women. Dell· generally very bad and 10 most cases states whose lona-naaJpc&od. rural ian battalion because of increasing wanted orphans as secessionists. from St. Kitts. the eapit.1 I, a grass-covered aIr strip on which a cately built, It looks like a bird skimming the ground. leaping commitments In Malaysia. as It runs. U is a favourltc quarry because of Its excellent meat. It IS impoSSIble to make sense of poverly bas driven from the South .I OUTIng their two months of insecure presided oYer by Premier Robe" L. small plane lands 8r regular inler­ what is gOlOg on • hOSHi of rcfueees who have peopled The Guardian said on French freedom, the 6,000 resldeols of Ihe Bradshaw. lis local government IS vuls to bring in the mall and other The species common to this reg/on Is Gazella gutturosa The editOrial expressed sahsfac· the Northern urban slwns. ' PresideDI de 'Gaulle: "Now Ih~ 50 square mile island appealed un­ headed by • w.rden .en' from Sl. ,upplies. Oth~wlse the AngullI.ns This animal comes from the Helmand Valley. tlOn that the Ministry of Informs: "Their pligbl -.,as ,lone:. negleclcd General IS ftyiog further in the fnct:' successfufly to England, the United Kith and a local council of 13. II were left to theIr own deVices. tlon is planmng 10 reVise the relu by Senator Fulbdpt and:. .his' 001- of his own cabinet by gCling ahead Stales aod to ,the Uoi~ Nati.ons has only one seat !II the 13·mem­ Since they were deriving none of labons pertaining to the import and leagues. wilh the new social securt:~ for. aid in tWcomingr a 'ViabX!.StalO. ber House tJf Aaaoml>ly aa4:116 16 the henefils from the governmenr at exhibition of fU":,s an~ hoped that .. And Ibm it ...u equally nq;lcc­ plans.. , The General's lOcreao;; ng Parlly OUl (1f fear of hurting, on· polkemcn, like lhe wadren. are sent SI. Kills, Ihey felt they might be ·no the present situation Will be rectified. teu hy public men in Ilhe North .. authorlly suggests Ihat he is givmg other nation's' diplof'n*ic ~lttI1sibili­ from St.-Itjlt.. WOI~C off. if they struck out on theil Atlt~ com~ented o~ d"pq~d Thursday's Tho Bat" Wo'*lt, fbat 110 more thought 10 the morrow. II lies, partly because of bewil4ferment Anguilla is poor in everything uwn, So hy a vole of 1,813 to 5, the road aCCIdent In which a mall pirate radio, stationa' "ve '''PruDe- up he ever wanled to buifd l hiS Ilarly up over what could be done, but m~tfy bUI history. It was the first Eng- rColl/d. 0/1 page 4) pl.un&~ trucK skidded off the road and in south Russia and arc Interfering lo carry Gautlism on "after he \\ d!'t the Konar RIver kllHna: ..I. .. ed Into .•• With egal radiO cOmmUOlcattons. gone, he seems now ,li have' L1ball­ ..orne 37 passengers. ThiS once. alam It said the stations with names on doned the idea. The' future pt:tli:f n bnngs to the fore the queill of like "The Black Cat" and -rhe of post-Gaulljs( potmci':lob"ks ltl'lrC I t and the need for greater '. 108d sa e y 1 Paraslle" were run' by amateur radiO and more likc a return"tot the shift­ Another Test For Arab Nationalism Vigilance on the part 01. the prov n- broadcasters with unregistered eq' 109 .lIiances or:lhe..l'.1WUh-·Repub. lJyTAMIM l'lal traffic and public workl 8utho- , nhes, It said. The Kunar lramc de· ulpmenl. Ill' ,. fhough Ihe delails ll' any The current prominence of """tUI'llI. the Wamic period (up much of the Western world the new .•.uJialIees thu~~J>t~"!lttive. lh!'r.Miit<\Ie ~t ~n Jnterpaiipoal to the 17th eento",) and the mo- negative aspects of Arab nation' partment should be aware of the One' was broadcasting Jazz con­ a pattern or shrt~r1t' • ~oalHions afflilrs "Should not be dem period. In different period. racl that buses are often Qverloaded .S5ocIlrted alism and national leaders l:erts and another had .ransmilted inevlta~e Is 10 With palscngers and cargo. The pub• seems iJga4D. Ihis with the recent. w.r between Is" the intereat of the Weau-,m been emphasised. It is .Iso seen songs recorded from a Voice of he the obituary :01. ·Gaulliofm?" . raefle.hii1.the\JWiil!hbour!lla1Arab world has t.ken different forms '1(' works department shouId have that people grouped as nations seen to it that the road alone Ihe states, but sbould be considered . in the Arab world. and has.lnflu" enjoy their own n.tional feel" .s another course of the evolu' enfr-d the .reas in di~enf Ing. while not appreciating the ltllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllllHITllIllllIllllIlIllllllll tlllllllllllil IHIII'III1I1I1111 II 1111111 lttllllil _ IllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUl1 tionasy develoPment of Arab na" W&Ys.• :The ·lUOst recent, claslies nation.lism of others. tlonal ·.aspirations from tbe pre" and' post-war aetivltles are yet The f.etors producing Arab ~,. S,' KHALIL. Edllo,-/a-C1tW/ r~.micJ pertod up to modern anolher in the series of interests n.tionalism .are m.ny-a com' ADVERTISING UTES times. ·LIkewise,· although much md conflicts' betweelt the Wes' Display: Columlt inch. Af. 100 man language, similar 'folkw.ys, can be-said "about the import" tern and'l:alltem poWer lJl~. mores, ideas, tastes, a common Classified; per fine, bold type Af. 20 S8AP~ ::0:::4~47 .nee of the Middle .s be- .,Ar.b. :national feeljngs have· reJ,igion. .Consciousness of r.ce (~Jinimum seven lines per inrution) I ing the cradle for the develop· always' p1~. an import"!:!t role and other fa~tors constitute 8VII8C)RIPTION .•ATIl8 ment of three great wQrld relig" in the proceSli;' They ·have,- been . perv.sive value patterns .nd ser­ ac'oroe.tor:l~tllgratlon'atid~OOpe· Ve as a unifying principle of lite. Af, 1000 ions, the linking area of ASi., Yearly .. .. ~=~=_=~ For olher numbers' first dbl SWitehboardi=_". Europe and African continents, ration.-Ils well·as·,for ·disslPation For the Arabs the advent of These Hln.du Kush owls belong .lo the St.rlges group. ·olney· .. Af. 600 Half Yearly the containing /I1ost nf the world and conflict. Like most hi!inan IslI;lffi produced sust.ined na" are nocturnal predators with extremely keen senses, Swooping At 300 ~ Quarterly .. number 23043. 24028, 2()j)26 " supply of oil,· etc., the crucial behaviour

\ • ,', , '.. ' 'I, , - \ ." I' I '; ,; , ·,f i ...5:'~"''''- C" ;&:'.<'I'"" (Con/d. Iwm page 2) moved Arab nationalism in sup­ . .', \f/ .' " I ';'!..', port of the Palesthie ,relugees,. ~ nation and ~ new civilisation, the war 01 19:16, the eeonomlc, .. {I'", '.4;"\ Furthermore, for the Arabs the political' and millta:iy threat ,,01 " . Islamic period has been II labora­ an Imposed neighbOur state. have tOry for the emergence of natio­ ~I made the other constr;uctive I nal ideologies. factors of Arab nationalistn In­ , Arab national feelmgs have CIdental to the question of deal­ /' t ' ... been revive

-- --.__-..... -~'''_'_'_..J.o_~-.._-. F.q..~._'