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Department of State Bulletin C:«?(/ THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE BULLETIN Volume LXXm No. 1894 October 13, 1975 BUILDING INTERNATIONAL ORDER Address by Secretary Kissinger Before the 30th Regular Session of the U.N. General Assembly 54S UNITED STATES GIVES VIEWS ON RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY SEVENTH SPECIAL SESSION OF U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY Statements by Ambassador Moynihan and Ambassador Myerson and Text of Resolution 557 THE UNITED STATES AND AFRICA: STRENGTHENING THE RELATIONSHIP Toast by Secretary Kissinger 571 THE OFFICIAL WEEKLY RECORD OF UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY For index see inside hack cover i" THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE BULLETI^ Vol. LXXIII, No. 1894 October 13, 1975 The Department of State BULLETl a weekly publication issued by Office of Media Services, Bureau Public Affairs, provides tfie public interested agencies of the govern, with information on developments tfte field of U.S. foreign relations Ad on the work of the Department the Foreign Service. m] The BULLETIN includes seleefm press releases on foreign policy, issuet^ by the White House and the Depi ment, and statements, address) and news conferences of the President 1 and the Secretary of State and othei For sale by the Superintendent of Documents iiai officers of the Department, as well ai U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 special articles on various phases oi PRICE: international affairs and the function* 52 issues plus semiannual indexes, of the Department. Information U domestic $42.60, foreign $53.15 included concerning treaties and inter' Single copy 85 cents national agreements to which tht Use of funds for printing this publication United States is or may become a approved by the Director of the Office of party and on treaties of general inter- Management and Budget (January 29, 1971). national interest. Note: Contents of this publication arc not copyrighted and items contained herein may be Publications of the Department ot reprinted. Citation of the DEPARTMENT OF State, United Nations documents, and STATE BULLETIN as the source will be legislative material in the field of appreciated. The BULLETIN is indexed in international relations are also listed. the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. luilding International Order Address by Secretary Kissinger ' At the outset, let me say how pleased we worldwide. And our very presence here sig- re that our deliberations this year take nifies the hope of all nations that disputes lace under the Presidency of the distin- and conflicts can be resolved by cooperative uished Prime Minister of Luxembourg means. Gaston Thorn]. His contribution to Euro- As we deliberate the future, an event of ean cooperation, his diplomatic skills, his potentially vast implication has just been edication to democracy give us confidence achieved in this organization : the unanimous •«^hat this 30th session will be marked by a agreement produced by the seventh special onstructive and creative spirit. session of the General Assembly on measures And I want also to pay tribute to the dis- to improve the economic condition of man- inguished Secretary General [Kurt Wald- kind. Despite differences of ideology and ap- leim], whose fairness, leadership, and tire- proaches to economic development, the na- ess effort are dedicated to carrying this tions assembled here began to move toward irganization foi^ward into a new era of co- the recognition that our interdependence iperation for world peace. spells either common progress or common This century has seen war and cataclysm disaster, that in our age no nation or group )n an unprecedented scale. It has witnessed of nations can achieve its aims by pressure ;he breakdown of established patterns of or confrontation and that the attempt to do )rder and practices of international conduct. so would damage everyone. They agreed to [t has suffered global economic depression transcend the stereotypes of the past in the and cycles of famine. It has experienced the search for a cooperative future. The special birth of thermonuclear weapons and the pro- session forged a sense of common purpose liferation of armaments around the planet. based on the equality and cooperation of Ours is a world of continuing turmoil and states. Now we must dedicate ourselves to ideological division. implementing this consensus. But this century has also seen the triumph Let us carry forward the spirit of con- of the principle of self-determination and ciliation into the deliberations of this regu- national independence. A truly global com- lar session. Let us address the issues of munity has begun to evolve, reflected in a world peace—the foundation of all else we multitude of institutions of international co- do on this planet—with this same conscious- operation. We have shaped new methods of ness of our common destiny. peaceful settlement, arms limitation, and new It is our common duty to avoid empty institutions to promote economic develop- slogans and endless recriminations. We must ment and to combat hunger and disease instead sustain, strengthen, and extend the international environment we and our pos- ' Made before the 30th United Nations General terity will require for the maintenance of Assembly on Sept. 22 (text from press release 496). peace and the furtherance of progress. October 13, 1975 545 : rec Only in a structure of cooperation can dis- with countries of different ideology or poll ieli putes be settled and clashes contained. Only cal conviction. ijejiBnit in an atmosphere of conciliation can the in- —We shall always stand ready to assist security of nations, out of which so much the settlement of regional disputes. conflict arises, be eased and habits of com- —We shall intensify our efforts to h; promise and accommodation be nurtured. the spiral of nuclear armament. Social progress, justice, and human rights —We shall strive to improve man's ei can thrive only in an atmosphere of reduced nomic and social condition and to strengths international tension. the collaboration between developed and dej The United States stands ready to dedi- veloping nations. cate itself to cooperative efforts to harmo- —We shall struggle for the realization nize the different perspectives of the world fundamental human rights. community in creating a new sense of secu- Relations With Allies and Friends rity and well-being. We do so not out of fear, for we are better able to sustain ourselves in America's close ties with the industrii situations of confrontation than most other democracies of North America, Western Eu nations. Nor do we do so out of a sense of rope, and Japan have been the cornerstoiW-igW guilt, for we believe that we have on the of world stability and peace for three deqj uj whole used our power for constructive ends. ades. Today, looking beyond immediate sd ^^ We affirm our curity and defense, we are working togetheK common destiny because of .^^^jj our recognition of global interdependence on a range of new issues. Through our con- sultations, and because global peace requires it. Indeed, we have begun joint efforts t« there is no realistic alternative to shared re- ease international tensions, to coordinate our national policies sponsibility in dealing with the international for economic recovery | to work together on challenges 1 agenda of peace, security, economic well- common such ) 1 being, and justice. as energy and the environment, and to ad- Let me set forth the views of the United dress the great issues that concern the de- II States on the work we face in each of these veloping countries. areas. These endeavors are in pursuit of univer- sal goals; they are not directed at any na- tion or group of nations. They are designed! Building for Peace J as building blocks for a broader international Our first and transcendent concern is for community. peace in the world. In the same spirit, the United States has Peace is never automatic. It is more than opened a new dialogue with its neighbors in the absence of war. And it is inseparable Central and Latin America. We have taken from security. important steps toward resolving major A world in which the survival of nations political problems; we have begun close is at the mercy of a few would spell oppres- consultations for cooperation in promoting sion and injustice and fear. There can be no economic and social development. Alliance security without equilibrium and no safety relations in the Western Hemisphere have a without restraint. Only when the rights of long history and great promise for the fu- nations are respected, when accommodation ture. With imagination and dedication, we supplants force, can man's energies be de- can make inter-American cooperation on the voted to the realization of his deepest aspi- tasks of development an example and a pillar rations. of the global community. The United States will pursue the cause of peace with patience and an attitude of con- East-West Relations \ ff ciliation in many spheres Peace, to be secure, must place on a more —We shall nurture and deepen the ties of durable and reliable basis the relations be- cooperation with our friends and allies. tween the nations possessing the means to —We shall strive to improve relations destroy our planet. 546 Department of State Bulletin : In recent years, the bipolar confrontation States has many traditional and deep-rooted of the last generation has given way to the bonds of friendship with the proud peoples beginning of dialogue and an easing of direct of that region. We see widening possibilities conflict. In this body, of all organizations, for practical cooperation as the barriers be- there is surely an appreciation of the global tween East and West in Europe diminish. importance of lessened tension between the There is no relationship to which the nuclear superpowers. All nations have a United States assigns greater significance use stake in its success.
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