The Earth from Above the Specialists Remote Mapping the Cosmos Mapping Through Thrages
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[ Mapping the Nation The Earth from Above The Specialists Remote Mapping The Cosmos Mapping through thrages- radar and short-range navigation Robert Godd ard successfully A "new cartographer" has -7 While the essential outlines of the Revere, and Daniel Boone all did In 1807 the U . S. Survey of the King, Hayden, Powell, and W heele Aerial photography probab ly began The TVA project in the 1930s w; Thematic, or special-purpose, hazard maps, farm crop maps, C artographers had to wait for :{~- enabled cartographers to map the launched his liquid-fueled rocket in developed - one whose tools are lands of the Earth were still being surveying. Coast was established to chart our led the four major s urveys of the in 1858 when a French photographer, the first major project using maps relate phenomena to railroad maps, sales distribution technology to map the ocean flo or, Amazon basin. Sonar enabled 1926 and with it he launched the aerial photogrammetry, computers, discovered, the New World was coastlines and harbors. West, which led to the called "Nadar," photographed a photogrammetry for m apping. geography. They can show the maps, traffic patterns, and bird's-eye map through Amazonian cloud cartographers to map the ocean and spaceship televis io n systems . being surveyed and marked for The Land Ordinance of 1785 was establishment of the U. $ . Geologic 'I village from the bas ket of a balloon. results of investigations, serve as views are among the many ty pes of cover, map b eneath the surface of space age. the Earth, or map the hidden terrain floor. ownership. the basis for the surveying and From 1838 until the Civil War, the Survey. By the 1970s cartographers hac analytical tools in research, and t hematic maps. auclion of public lands and gave Corps of Topographical Engineers World War I brought the marriage of new tools-computers and sa tel: es. illustrate social forces. beneath the polar ice cap. On July 20, 1969, the astronauts of Extraterrestrial mapping and In 1975 a satellite gave Apollo 11 arrived at a lunar site w hich exploration are the adventure of the Cartographers flourished in the our Nation its checkerboard laid out boundaries and began John Wesley Powell, second the airplane and photography. After cartographers t heir first global had been mapped prio r to their New World-their guidebooks. appearance. mapping the West. John Charles Director of the Survey, obtained World War I, flyer-inventors Subway m aps, city plans, Helicopters and airborne radio future; but through advances in view o f t he Earth. arrival by cartographers working mapmaking the e xplorers w ill arrive illustrations. and maps promoted Fremont and Charles Preuss authorization from Congress to m ap developed equipment and methods population distribution maps, weather soundings enabled cartographers to approximately 236,000 miles away. with maps in hand ! settlement. The Louisiana Purchase doubled mapped the Oregon Trail. the entire country. This was the to produce maps from aerial maps, air pollution maps, health map the South Pole. Side-looking ~ the territory of the United States. beginning of the National Mapping photographs. George Washington, Benjamin Lewis and Clark were Program. Franklin. Thomas Jefferson, Paul commissioned to explore and map the new territory. Minds\r 5. 2. 1. ( 1. ~ { •· ! .. _,_:, 3. '- 3 . - 3. -~- 2. 4. 4. \ POPUL.\TI.O" > ( ~ 5. ~ ~6 . 6 . 7. 2. B. 4. 5. 5. 1. 5. 4. 1. 4 . 1. 4. 1. 1. 4 . 1. 1974-U.S. Geological Survey. c. 1585 - John White. "La Virgenia Pars." 1844-U. S. Coast Survey. "Map of New 1889 - U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers. and Geology; courtesy of the United 1865-"L'Intrepide Nadar. " Caricature 1874-Rand McNally and Company. Map 1917- Rand McNally. "Rand McNally 1972- ERTS-t in orbit (artists concept). 1976-General Electric Co. (In cooper Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945). c. 1938- Tennessee Valley Authority and "Reterence Mosaic of Mercury." Courtesy of the Trustees of the British York Bay and the Environs." Detail. " . .. Grand Canon of the Colorado," 1871 . States Geological Survey. showing railway routes and stations of the Official Auto Trails Map . .... First U. S. satellite program devoted to the ation with the National Geographic Sociei. Physicist and pioneer in rocketry. from La Journa/ 11/ustre. U. S. Geological Survey. "Tennessee Courtesy of the United States Geological Museum. Courtesy of the National Archives, 5. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, study of Earth's natural resourc es. and NASA). "Space Portrait, U.S.A." Photographed at Clark University, 1924. Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Courtesy of the Library of Congress, (Polk County), Oswald Dome Survey. 2. Records of the Coast and Geodetic libraries. Clarence King (1942-1901). Geography and Map Division. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division. Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Courtesy of the Clark University Archives. Quadrangle." Scale 1: 24,000. 5. 1588-Probably by Baptista Boazio, Plan Survey. 2. Courtesy of the United States Geological 2 . Courtesy of the Tennessee Valley Geography and Map Division. 5. Space Administration. Space Administration. 2. of Drake's attack on St. Augustine, t586. 6. 1903-Whlte & Kemble. "Map Showing 2. 5. 1969- Mariner Mars spacecraft. 1976-Mars. Computer-generated, false 1876-Dept. of the Interior. "Green River Survey. 1924- Brock and Weymouth, Inc. "Aero Authority, Chattanooga. 2. color exaggerated image based on data Courtesy of the Nat1onal Maritime John Charles Fremont (1813-1890). from Union Pacific Railroad to the mouth of 6. Topographic Map made by the Brock 19th century. Chinese map of Properties of The United States Steel 1957- Bruce C. Heezen and Maria Tharp. 1979 - Projeto RADAMBRASIL, Brazilian Photoconcept model by NASA. 5. generated by Viking 1-6. / Museum, London. From Ufe Explorations and Public the White River," 1873. Ferdinand V. Hayden (1829-1887). Process." Washington, C. Corporation." "Physiographic Diagram. Atlantic Ocean Ministry of Mines and Energy. "Cuiba. Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and 1951 - Tennessee Valley Authority. D. Courtesy of the National Aeronautics and 3. Services of John Charles Fremont, 1956. Courtesy of the United States Geological Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Courtesy of Harry Tubis. From the collections of the American Courtesy of the Ubrary of Congress. (sheet 1)." Chart of the ocean floor. Reglllo Centro-oeste do Brasll - Space Administration. "Mt. Joy Quadrangle Tennessee, 7.5 Space Administration. 1814-Samuellewis (after William Clark). Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution Survey. Archives, Merrill Collection (#78-107). Geographical Society, courtesy of the Geography and Map Divisio n. Courtesy of Marie Tharp. 1: 250,000." 3. 3. minute series (topographic)." 6. "A Map of Lewis and Clark's Track." Libraries. 3. 7. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 6. 3. Courtesy of the United Slates Geological 1971-Don E. Wllherms and John F. 1925-U. S. Army Air Service. "Air Courtesy of the Tennessee Valley 1978 - Da11td H. Scott and Michael H. Carr. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, 7 . George M. Wheeler (1642-1905) . 1935-Mayor's Committee on City 1973-U. S. Geological Survey. Survey. McCauley. "Geologic Map of the Near 1877-Dept. of the Interior. "Northern Navigation Map. Louisville, Kentucky to Authority, Chattanooga. 3. "Geologic Map of Mars." Detail. Geography and Map Division. 1845- Charles Preuss. "The Great Salt Courtesy of the United States Geological Planning, The City of New York. "Chincoteague Marsh, Va., Plot of 6. Side of the Moon." 1 :5,000,000 scale map Central Colorado," sheet XII. Dayton. Ohio." t886 -Sanbom Map and Publishing Co. Courtesy of the United States Geological 4. lake." Detail. Courtesy of the United States Geological survey. Courtesy of the National Archives, "Passaic. New Jersey." "Population." Detail. Wetland Classes Determined by Signature 1980-U. S. Geological Survey. from USGS Geologic Atlas of the Moon. Survey. 1815- General Land Office. Illinois From Mary C. Rabbitt, Minerals, Lands, Survey. B. Records of the Army Air Forces. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Courtesy of the National Archives, Analysis of MSS 4, 5, and 7." Perspective views of MI. St. Helens Courtesy of the United States Geological township plat (scale, 21nches to the mile). and Geology; courtesy of the United 4. John Wesley Powell (1834·1902). Geography and Map Division. Records of the Federal Housing From Morris M. Thompson, Maps for generated from digital elevation models. Survey. Courtesy of the National Archives, States Geological Survey. 1878-Analytical geological map of the From Mary C. Rabbitt, Minera ls, Lands, Administration. America; courtesy of the United States Courtesy of the United States Geological Records of the Bureau of Land Great Salt Lake area. and Geology; courtesy of the United Geolog ical Survey. Survey. Management. From Mary C. Rabblt1, Minerals, Lands, States Geological Survey. Maps & Minds The Beginning The Thinkers- Greeks The Builders- Romans : :eudal Europe The Explorers Th -~ Measurers Throughout time, maps have We do not know when we began The oldest topographic map relic All we know of early Greek maps is Ptolemy com piled and The Romans were colonizers, The most famous relic of Roman tier the fall of Rome, in the fifth T he Crusades and trade we re Invention of the printing p ress The w orld map by Juan de Ia Cosa New ,urveying tools, a knowledge Determining longitude at sea was expressed our understanding of our making maps. Mapmaking developed was m ade in Babylonia in about 2500 what is w ritten, but that formed the systematized geographical builders, and administrators. Also, mapping is the " Peut inger Table," entury A.D .. church theology forces of change. The Christian moved mapping into a new age. The was the first to show Columbus's of tr: ··.