Sixth District Elects Republican to Congress Thelngha County

Cider Jell Is Available

Court Edi(t Doesn't Alter Rural Stand

Ralph Glynn, White Oalc farm· cr and long an executive with the Pt·oduction and Mm·lteting Ad· ministration and other govet·n· menl farm agencies, was tal

Dollar Days Are Here Some Mason merchants feature special clol!ur days selections In 1his Issue of Uui Ingham County News. Densmore's IGA Foodl!neJ' lws a whole page of dollar days specials on Page 3 of Section 2. Other Mason merchants devoted Page 6 of Section 2 to dollar days specials. The event features ells· r·ount prices on in-season mer· c:handlse. BROWNIE-J-JJ:ku BROWNIE BJiA·'fuL. KODAKD+]l ENIWUTI~ 1'0 P:\RIS . FLASH OUTFtT.. O FLASH OUTFI~~- DE LUXE FLASH OUTFIT Mrs. Brian Brodberg left Wayne Major airport, Detroit, Amazingly. low-cost outfit With the most versatile. : · Kodak's finest, most Friday for Paris. She wll! be met for indoor;outdoor sriaps Brownie camera ever bttilt! complete sTUipshot outfit hy her hushancl. SP/3 Brodberg, .1\IJA DELL 1IUJ\IPIIREY FLASH OUTFIT :a~OWNIEtt~ Traditional Brownie ease, econo;, The DuofteK IV Camera has a who is stationed for. a year in 'J'I'IIlLSIIJ'I'.l' ' Riiglster of Del!ds Hero's cv•rything needed for France. He has been there 4 -Featuring the world'.~ most popnlar camera! round· tho· clock snapshot fun. my-: but the camera In this gift·· hard-coated, focusing Kodarr/8 boxed outfit is a iuper,Brow~ie . Lens; -big·, . brilliant "preview" . months·. ( ' . . . . ,,., ) . ' .. '·'• Kodak's easy· to ,_use. Brownie 1 : Th~~~·;· ·~v~ryihlng needed, to ~~·unch ·a photo ~aree~ ·ir\' .+his 1 Holiday · Flash .. Camera, · fllm, with 'a coated, focusing lens that. · flnder; double-exposure prevent· ; handso·mely packaged gift outfit - from camera and film r1ght ftasholder, bulbs, batteries, and even tak~s dose-up pictures; ·. eri liriglitness selector. The out· Ll Ft: ;vith the ;~·Jevafo~r Installs Drye·r . ·; on down to bulbs and batteries for the flasholder. And talk full instructions- all in a hand· and a double·exposure !Jrevent-· Ill includes camera, fast-action er. Outfit includes Bull's·Eye '. field crise, ftasholder, batteries, :_about values\ The camera is Kodak's thoroughly· capable sonie gift box. A wonderful gift . i even for very young snap shoot· Camero, Him, flosholder, bulbs, . ·bulbs, Rim, and helpful picture· Zimmermans For Handling Moist Corn ', Brownie Hawkeye -the most popular camera ever built! •• . \ ers • , , a wonderful buy, tool batteries, and full instrudio,.. ,'taking-information. Time: 9:15 a, m. Thursday By passing · through a gas· Natural gas is used to sup~ly • heated retort enough moisture is the heat: in. the dryer. The fuel ALL FOR, $13.95 All For $9.95 All for $19.95 All For $22.50 Place: Zimmerman's now taken out of £helled corn at: cost Is estimated at lc pet" .bu,sh-' Mason to permit· ,shipment to el. The complete drying cost tins terminal elevators rlirect from been computed at lOc per. bush-: fields. el, Bray said. , · Mason Eleva! or Co. has In· st:allerl a Lennox batch dryer D b • ( • with ll capncity of 600 buslwiR. So u DIS . ommumty' far it has tal(en between 5 and 6 I hours to handle a full batch, de· 1\lrs. Bert Fcllow11 I pending upon the moisture· con· Several friends helped ·Terry I lent. To fill and empty the dry- and . Jerry Lamer and David I, I er with corn takes about 3 hours. Young celel:irnte their birthday I JANET Moisture content: of shelled- anniversaries Sunday afternoon I corn hns to he reducocl to 15% at the-Larner home. Friday Terry , , I ·KODAK~~35 J'onut: Zim, would you think me aw• before shipment: This year there treated the Dubois pupils ,:with MAKE and VIEW CAMERA. OUTFIT ·KODAK .fully extravogont if I pocked owoy is little corn brought direct from candy bars nnd balloons in'hrinor Includes Kodak's finest · · /' Great camera •. . my dinner sot and picked out a the plcl\ers that will test below of his fifth birthday anniversary. · 3;dimensioruil color slides "Bantam" miniature se~ of cur new lmpromtu Chino? 20% moisture. I.:aClear Studios of Lan'sing great gift .for a color fan '{)~ 185 CAMERA OUTFIT Zim: So thilt now chinA hu got you . Photo magic in one handy kill Famed Kodak Bantam RF Cam· While car corn can usually .be tooit pictures of the pupl!s ··last Tho wonderful Kodak, Stereo too? Why pock oway tho old, safely cribbed at 23% or 24%, Thursday. · era with coupled rangeflnder to An outfit that features the superb Round-the-clock outfit fo_r. Color-Slide Making we've hod it 30 'years hovcn't we?­ Camero, superb in performance, e~d gvesslng on distance,· Fine Signet 35 Camera with Kodak's Hcw about giving it to the next sheHecl corn to be ·safe from rot Mr. ancf Mrs. Clnrence· Meyers must be reduced , to 15%. An · snapshot-simple in use. And the f/3-:9 lens for ~·good·or·bod· finest lens, ari Ektar f/3;5. Cou· For salon-worthy color siides;. crisp black-~nd·white pictures, . Kiwanis solo. Thoro's · enough junk added hazard on ear corn this of Eaton· Rapids called on :Mr. . equally tine Kodak Stereo View· day" shooting. Shutter speeds to pled rangeflnder, combined in the new Kodak Pony Cainera,.MoCI,ei.C, with fine f/3.5 lens, up there as it 'is, without accumu· er Ito see your color slides in the one window with viewer for fast ialing more. year is the moisture ·content of and Mrs. Bert Fellows Saturday. 1 /300 to catch action; flash shutter synchronized for flash indoors and at night, speeds to the cob. If the cob is saturated, Mr. ancl ,Mrs. John McClung breathtaking realism of three· synchronization. ·dot settings focusing and frainil\g. Flash shut· Jonot: Wo\1, I don't knew - that dimension. Come in and take ter for ·indoor use, speeds to 1/300 for action. PLUS flasholder. with guard and handsome, sounds awfully drMtic, but my big the grain may he nffectcd even If and family .attended the wedding guide exposure for color slides •. fast-action field case to protect. the C(lmtra. And what a qift one ·look-you'll wont to take The outflt includes camera, flash· ; l/300 for action', Camera, flash· problem is to choose the potlern of the grain ltselJ tests 20% or be· reception of Miss Joyce ·stony for some special person I · the new chino. Tho 3 we stocked low. and Charles Howe Sunday :after· steleo pictures at once! alder, guard, field case. ...tder, smart fleld case ••.• oro considered th11 most outstond· The batch dl";er operated by noon in Lansing. . ALL FOR ing by Iroquois. Mason Elevator Co. is only for Rev. Charles Brool\s told the ALL fOR $65.45 . ALL fOR · $91.45 $49.65 Zim: Hew about a combination of shelled corn. Operations are be· school children a story of 1'hanks­ . ALL FOt1 $97.25 the 3? Thot would tako core of tho ing limited to purchased corn. No giving Tuesday. problem! custom worlt has yet been done. Mr. and .Mrs. Clayton Hayhoe Janel: Oh, Zim, don't bo so focali· The elevator has shipped 3 car- and son and Mrs. Joseph Provost ous. You can't do that with pol· loads of clrie~ corn since installa· und son, all of Mason, were Mon· torned chino as you very well know, I like the conventional style tlon of the batch dryer, Dee clay night. supper· guests of Mr. of Vision ond Stollar, but the sim· Bray reported. Alton Jordan has and Mrs. Bert Fellows. p1icity of ijridol White would bo be~n operating the dryer. ·Mr. and Mrs. l{enneth Bal(er of so adoptoblo. One is just as boau· Leslie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phllllp Hayhoe. tiful os tho ether, it's only a matter SCIIOOJ, VISITING NIGH'I' of making • choice, Mostly I'm Mr. and Mrs. Ver Baldwin en· tired of using china fer tho table Mason PTA has arranged for tertalnecl Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ond ;cts and pans beside's, when I visiting night at all area schools Dolrell of Onondaga and Mr. and ccul save ,myself all that work by •• Monday night. Mrs. Loris Curtis Sunday. BROWNIE 500 using cook, bake· and . serve lm· BROWNIE~• BROWNIE prcmtu Chino. Zim: Whot? No mcro oafing out of CAMERA KIT, f/1.9 ~OUTFIT ~OUTFIT tho con? Leod mo to it! , Kodak's finest, most Janet: Ycu poor man, you suffer so! De luxe Kodak kit for Budget outfit for making But just imilgine a ·translucent BROWNIE~ CAMERA KIT,_f/2.7 indoor-outdoor movies ... showing ... movie.~ complete movie out fit "Sunday best" china 9~arantoed against breakage, with refrlgoralor , Wa~derful way to start your .. Hare's o complete movie outfit at Aatchless gift for a fomiiy you to cvon to table use, Genuine Kodak movie ldt at this low, low price! · family on the fun of ·movie mak- the lowest price ever for equip· ove very much. Includes de luxe- , . ' / . Zim and Janet together: Will it bo ing. De luxe·model .Brownie ' ment of its quality. To make mov· .node! Brownie Movio Camera Bridal White,, Stollar or Vision? Great team for indoor-outdoor movie making. This hand· Movie Camera wiih supl!r·speed ies, there's the de luxe·model with super-speed f/ 1.9 lens,' What is your choice 7 · somely packaged kit includes the B.rownie Movie Camera, f/1.9 lens .•. fast-action field Brownie Movie Camera with extra•brllliant Brownie 500 f/2,7 -world's most 'popular movie maker-and the Brownie cose, •• and ultra·handy; ultra· , extra-f

. DRUG_.and CAMERA .

Phone OR ·M4i I Council. Backs Good Weather ' Hubert Bullen Served County 31 Years Plan Board on Helps Harvest Death Claims Aurelius Supervisor Acllye in political, commtmlly to tho county board ns supervl~wr· wns on tho. hoanl of t llo Ingham Rezoning Farm and chut·ch nffnlr.s since boyhood, In 1!143 nnd hod served contlnu· Cnnuty Sunrluy School nssocln· Of Sugar Beets HIIIJ£!rt R. iltillon, 78, of Aurelius ously since. · tlon, once nn net.lve m·t~nnlznllon, died early on clecllon clay. He Bncler of the Inghnm F'nrm rnllrond nt Mnson. 1 ;,10 'ruesdny morning, The collnl'll nnrl commission her of the hoard of conlrnl of But·eau nne! was president of the Ylelrl from fll!lrlR In this nrcn No man ever served Ingham havr flnshecl hoi h red nnd green Ingham Chest hos(lllnl, serving Ingham !"arm Lonn nssocln!lon, will reach 8,500 Ions, 2,000 tons county In more rcsp'onslhlc po~l· continuously since l!l•J8. He wns He wns 11 successful farmer. F'ol' lights al Nlssc In hi~ nllempt to over last year's crop. The pile lions unci few for so long as lHIW! Ills fm·m re·zoned. The 2·4 the secretary of that board. He mnny years he and his brolhet• repl'esenls 1,400 truci< loads. Hubert Bullen, He was flrst elect· votr! Monday night was the Hrst • FOR 'rim I?IFTII time Michl· served on building commltlecs for feel thousands of wcslcm lumlls. The hm·vesl is about over, nc· eel Aurelius township supet•visor the cotmty hospllal nnd Chest ' He was also In the dairy buslncr.s, time the council hns gone on gnn voter~> chose G. Mennen Wll· , in l!l14, serving 9 years, the lust record ns opposing the zoning Iiams for governor. Once the1·e cording to l~orest Campbell, hos[>itnl. His was sought He wns born on lhe Bullen home· weighmaster. Beginning Wednes. tl·years ns chnlrmun. In 1924 he on nil county Issues and that stead, the snn of Hlehnrd .r. Bul· swilch. The commission ells· was nn unwritten lnw thnt no wus elected county I rr!nsurcr. He NIHHPd II Informally once several governor shov.ld seel< n third day rallrond gondolas moved onto coum:el usually pmvnllod on lm· len unci Sarah Markham 13Uil•m. served through 1032. He returned porlant matters which wr.nt be· On hoth sides, lhe fnmlly came WC!cl\s ago and decided against term. Alexander Groscbeclt did the slcllng, were loaclcd, nnd t hr:> swftclr. A monlh ago, the serve 3 terms and sought u shipped off to the sugar lleet Inc· fore the bourrl of supervisors, the from ploneet• slock; munell pnssed Nlsse's petition to fourth. Hurry Kelly served 2 tory n t Cn ro. tnx ullocntlon hmml ami Ingham Sm·vlvlnr.: Ml', Btlllen nrc 2 tlw commissioners nnd they ap· terms and unsuccessfully sought Growers from Mason, Stoclt· Chest hospital. sons, Hnrrl~: R. Bullen, who opnr· There was Pl'ohubly no rnan In the farm, and Lynn Bullen, provPri the zoning change, n third. after nn intervening bridge, Dansville and Lcsllc and State Approves . atr~s from areas ns fal; f!aHt ns Fowle!'· Michigan who had served so long- of Muson; and u dnughter Veva, 13ut I he r'mlncll, pre,gsurod by period. The lust 2 elections Gov. on n district school board. He at home. Mrs. Bullen, who wns prope1·1y owners, suggested the ernor Wllllnms has won, taking ville In Llvlngsto'n and Spring· New Plans for· port , In Jacl{son county, use the . wns flrsl elected when he wns 21 . Eva Myers before her marriage, roommlsslon slucly the change nil other state officers along with nhd served continuously until the died In 1D5l. There nrc 4 grand· fLn·thct·. The Mnnclny night de· him; Only 2 Republlcans now hold Mason ·re.~elvlrig.:slntlo:Ji; · ·: .... :. , •• •• ' , •. J• •• r ., . • , ~ • •.. Nichols school wns annexed to children nnd 5 grcat·grandchll· rfslon was I he result of the sec. · adintnlstrntlve · · office, Sewage Plant electlv~ ·While. :·the d~y' wnrm· W(!alher Mason n year ago. He was on the rlren. A brothel', Ward, t·cslrlcH on nnd look at the Nlssc petit ion. _ CIJ'rirlcs. Ziegler .ns )11ghwny· com· aided the· h(lrvesUI']g :.of .. ,the ·biiets Mlchlgnn stale health deport­ school board for almost 56 years. part of the Bullen homestead Nlssc hnrl tnld both· commls· n)lsslpner:,. and' Dr. '·Clair ·Taylor, If.' caused ·concern I:or ·tJ1ci ·iiicelv· ment has approved the basic de· That's where he went to school, nd.Jolnlng, nnd a slslct•, Mrs. Ada rdoncl'f' ami r!otmcllmen that he .~~~~rlnt,endent. ?f public Ins true· lrm: s.iatlcin qr(m~!· The··aoo:it:.long sign of Mason's proposed ex· until he entered· high school ut Raymond, lives In Notional Clly, intenrlcrl In erccl u tool nne! die pile. of .beets g~·nerutes ·n lot. of paneled sewage disposal plnnt. Mason,. , Cnllfornln. hent on·Jts·own·iWhelrthe warm Mr. Bullen was president of the Services were nl Ball-Dunn shopploy !iOwhich men. eventually Nlsse, who might bought em· •.·c· .b .. ·n·.·.c-r:.e· t'e Slab·.. tcmpera.ture of''the pnst \veells is Walter Zimmer, city engincm·, governing board of North Aure· funeral home In Mason 'J'hursd11y tlw fnl'm from Maurice Strait a added . chances ·.of .· spoilage .. are told the council Tuesday thai llus Union church nnrl was also afternoon wllh burial In Maple year ngo, snirl he bought It with great. The· bec)s ·nre 'plied on top work has now started on the chairman of the building commit· Grove cemetery. Rev. John of vontllntlng runs made from 'oil. tile nssurnnr·c of Strait lhnt city functional design. When that is tee engaged In providing a build· Pruden, pastor of North Aurelius regulations would allow him to .··on'·... Ne· w' Ro· ute· Large frin~ clrc~.lnte · nlr throi1gh lng to replace the one lost by flre Union church, will oiiiclatc. There complete, probably early next rrer·t his smnll fnctory. the runs to·keep lhe'heat of:thc a yeat• ago. For many years he will be Masonic \•ftcs nt the grave. pile clown. · · . , 1-=::::::=::::: yenr, and approved by the rn tlw Pnmmlsslnn's last recom· 1.'· .. ·c· · .,. ·d . ,_·.,.....;_;__ mcndution, It pointed nut that the · S : o· m· p ete __ health department, flnnl plans 135-ael'r fat·m "Is not suitable for · . · ..... will he drawn, Zlmmct• ~ Evnns voted Ia deny done this winter unci next spring Roosevelt streets.· .The· bid price! posal facilities fm· 6,000 people, SUD~CRIPTION RATE:! • Iilro request. Councllmnn Pout on the roadsides ·and d!tches. A!so w~s .$3,020.25. 'qie .only othet·. hid, Zimmer explained. He said that •Jno tcnr In Ingham nd di~trict representative. 'IMW.\~ @@IXJ~(;i[;llii!J[300 l£tl&~ "Copy" Soco~d Sheets SENATOR Harry F. Hittle. once B.aptists Book· first vlce·presldent, will succeed File Folders Onionskin Papers ag.ain had an easy 'time of it in Laurence Parlter• clothing Clasp Envelopes Thumb Tacks defeating . Stuart J. Dunnings .Nature Picture Tuesday in the race for 14th· dis· This renowned label is important, not for any Catalog Envelopes Scotch .Transpilrent Tape ~ ' .. trict state senator. functional purpose, but for what it represents. Typing Paper Tapa Dispenaers Superior quality. Confidence and prestige. Value; Venus Pencils Mechanical Pencils 'That's why so many well·dressed men rely entirely . Paper Clips Rubber. Cement · upon this small label.•• ~ for they know that n Carbon Papm Desk Blotters · Hart Schaffner & Marx label appears only. ori the Typewriter Ribbons Pos~or Boards *** finest men's clothing. It's the last thing added. · Desk Rulers Pencil Sh•rpeners· It should be the first thing you look for.

' . Free Delivery · ,. ·' Topcoats ·from· $69.50 \ __.. '. ·. ·: Suit_s· from .$69-;50 i. f. \ . \'" '-"'·!;' ·,·. .. I, JOLLY' 'l'WIIJLV'!!; cr.. uq Mlili~'TS Mrs'·. Snook'',: Stocl~bridge Couple Plans· Ml'll, Mnl'y Simms opened her homo to mnmbers of the Jolly .. '!'wolve cluh Tuc~duy Ill u pre. G'lves p Anniversary Obse,.vation Thnnllllg!vlng !Hll'ty, Eleven rnem· rog ram Soclaf 6venb anJ Penona~ bers unrl 3 gueRIII ultonded, A Cl b M • + • • • •I ~ . . Numes wet·c drnwn for the t U eef ~hr!Htmus pnrty lo be 'l'ue~duy,l .. . . /lave You JJiet? December '1, nl the horne of Mrs. Mnson Senior· Child Study club I Holt Couple H. P, Austin, ,with Mrs, Robert rnut Werlnmulny lWI!Illng 111 the Two Local People Display ~1r. and Mrs. MorriS' Hutton I{crr us co-hostmls. 'rhe group Ihomo of MrH. Wnllur.c Bailey, unrl their 3 children, 01·!n, piuycd pedro with high going tu Mrs. Vaughn Snool> pr•escntcd th~ Dnvjd and Allyson'l 'l'he Hut· ·To Celebrafe Mrs. Austin, second to Mrs, 1\en•, 1 lll'ogr•um entltlr.d "How Well Do · Hobbies at Lansing Show ton family moved Into !heir nnd low to Mrs, M. Bolle My· 1 Your Chllr!ren Rmul." new home nt 202 Katheryn grants. Mrs, Aw;tln won tho During 1 ho program, Mr.;, Mrs, J~llon Weston uf Dnnsvllle EWCJUnlnt the public with crufls Anniversary I street on Optober 23, from Lan­ 'Vhlte eleplulllt. Snooi(!ct C!Ju1h mcmb!ll' " and Peter· Andcr·sen of Mason will nnd hobbles employed by Guild sing, memlmrs, nfforrl an oullct tor ex· M1·. nnrl Mrli. V. C. Buei(l'es of • • • with matcr·lnl for ~hurl tlmr. dlspluy their hoiJhles and cl'llfls Orin, 13, Is In the sewmlh Holt will c!cldll'ule their 60th wed- cess mntcrlals made or ucqulrcd grade at Jefferson slrcel. I te.~ts. Results proved that adults during the Craft. 111111 Hnhily Gullet rllng anniversary at their. home, IJy memher·s nnd to pt·ovlde an school. David, 8, and Ailyson, Dansville .WSCS often mnllc exchanged nuptial Mrs, Weston's booth (!(lnslsts sons will he u large exhibit Mr. Hutton Is In his 15th The Dunsvlllc Methodist WSCS lng pruhlcms, ~he stu~ed, vows In Hedges, Ohio, Novemb1.1r · will meet next Wcdnesduy with A short huslne:;s meeting pre· or IH~J' trays and coppPI' Jewelry, munnecl by volunteers where year with the navy and worl>s 8, 18!16, They moved to Lansing Mrs. George Vogt, Sr., In Dun~- eerl('[l t!Jc progmm. An Interesting r~ollccllon of an­ hohhylstu anrl cr·uftsmen will dem· at the naval rese1·ve training tique jewelry, and other Items of onstmte, lecture and give In· center at Lansing. He a!Ho In l!J07. Mr. Buckles wus em· ville, Mrs. Bessie Chelf will bo Co-twstesses. Mrs. 1\nren Field ployed nt the il.en Motor Car Co. 1 copper, brass and pewter Is being ~!ructions In hobbles. VIsitors at teaches a night school class In co-hostess. nnd Mrs. Mnrvln Loti, served lee In 1923 the couple purchased the exhibited by Mr. Anderson. the show may sign n guest boolt Industrial electronics at Lan­ Mrs. Fr·cd Lendi·um will have erenm, eoffce and cnl Wagon Inn, in charge of Ch b 1 SutUI'dny, Decembe1· 1, 1·9 p. m, • ·• scoop neclc!ine was edged in lace high school. He works ut Palmer child. Mrs. FuUer is the former Lillian circle. am era1 1n, alternate; sp r 1tua 1 Methodist WSCS will meet : ",, and a full sldrl was gathered on Engineering In Holt. The newly· Beverly Taedtey, daughtl.'r of Mr. development, Mr·s. FJ•ank Guer- Wednesday, November 14, at 8 the fitted bodice, featuring cap weds arc res id lng in t I1e AI ton and . Ml.s. Ll o yd T a edt c y of Ma · Members of the Society de- rlero, delegate, Mrs. Willis Hills, p, m. at the chut·ch fol' a regular sleeves. Fine lace edged her fl n· J ewett apartment on Sout• 1 1 J e f • s o n • clared the bazaar a great success alternute; Catholic charities, Mrs. meeting. Mrs. Russell Robbins 1 ll 1 · 1 1 d f A d h and express their appreciation to Don VanderVeen, Jr., delegate, AT gert p ve w ue 1 was attac 1e to erson. 1 aug ter, Susan Ann·, wa;; all who helped malte It so. and Mrs. Harold Bell, allcrnate; will use "The United Nations, A a crown of seed pearls. She car- • •- * born to Mr. and Mrs. William • • * Good Trustee" us the· proarnm I l I 1 COUPLE SPEAKS VOWS I I 1 0f H 1 T d N and libraries and litemture, Mrs. o ~·~~ ~:.\~~~ \~~~~s g~~e~ ~,h:~~r~:::ge~ Jim 'a. Stcv~ns of Grand ~b~r\ at M~:on l~u:~e:~· ho~;~~~: WELDONS ENTERTAIN Marie Cave, delegate for· 1956, ~;.~~· ~~~~~~s ~~~!:~~;;J~eo/. by her step-father, Mr. Dacon, he-\Ledge and Joan Bennlclt of Lan· Mr. and Mrs. Colon Crmvl are Mr. and Mrs. FJoyd Weldon Mrs. Irving Heipcl, delegate for Deborah circle Is hostess for the cause of her father's Rir:imess. Ising spol Rathburn and Mar· Edward William Hamlin was Mrs. VIrgil Marsh and son of !wve a rummage sale In the city net. Her flowers were pin!( roses lene Barto. born at Mason General hospital Dimondale, Mr. and MJ·s. Arnold Clare Haym11n1i entered Unl· council rooms. with streame1·s. * ~ * Sunday, November 4. He is the Weldon of Dansvllle, Mrs. Maude versity hospital al Ann Arbor Mason Woman's club v,·!a have Darrell O'Berry was best man, Mr. and Mrs. Ruehl Kruse of son of Mr. And Mrs. Wll11am Stacl'' veniber .6, at Mason General hos·l group had n Chrlstmus carnival bert Mahoney and Mrs. Robert at the town hull. Thei;e· will be a pita!. at their meeting Thursday eve- Ray of Lansing and Mrs. Frank dl nlng at the home of Mrs. Albert Dl M 'l'h y I Cl I pane1 s·cuss 1on on landscap1 ng. Mr. an d Mrs. Marshall L. ctz, rs. eo L!Jasz, a r· The meeting Is open to the pub· Meters - Gadg~t Bags·- Bar Young, Jr., are parents of a Cool(. Mrs, George Parmelee was 1mont Everitt, Mrs. Fred Olds, 11 daughter, Marcin Althea, born co-hostess. Seventeen members Charles Hills and Mrs. Wllllam eWest Alaiedon Ladles Aid So· Lights - Everything Photographic lb Su.hday, October 28. Mr. and Mrs. and 3 guests, Mrs. Donald I

EN!fERTAIN . · Club members received. cards 1 •• • • , avenue at Cedar street, Lansing. Howard McCowan which they are selling to build up· Mr. and Mrs. I-I. S. Pulver en· Two sessions will. be conducted; TIME PAYMENT $1 Off. i«~tltetrtallne·d at an electio'n ;party' the 'treasury, · ·. \ tertlilned ·their parei1ts, ·Mr. and morning. , and afternoon, .. with " ,, ' '• ,.., ' ., .... 'l~ueslllay .evening; 9~ests. were • Swee~ elder, doughnuts, .potato Mrs.. Wesley Brownlee of f.esllc lunclteon ut 12 o'clock. Reservil· .on· All Wool' ·Skirts Mrs. Don Edgington, Mr. chips and coJlee' were servedi and Mr. and Mrs; Clarence ·Pulver tlons may be. made ·with Mrs. an~f.:lv.lrs; Fox-,: St:, ·Mr. and ,, . · Wilson . . ~ . • o~.Rives, at dinner Sunduy. Cla1:e Edltb Fetrow, 1817 Donora street, . Guerriero, Ralph Wilson exterislon club will ineet Darling cf Rives was also a din· Lansing.· All Interested women, and ··Mrs. Harold Wednesday, November. 14, at.7:30 ner ·guest at the Pulver .home especially young'rnarrled women, ··'Beatrice Weiss. p. m .. at the h'ome of Mrs. Earl S.unday.- .Afternoon cullers. were may attend.,-

WARE~S' bridge und Us·. Kinnamon. The lesson will be on Mr. an,d Mrs: Maynard Brownlee . . , , : ~, . ··, • , , , ' ' Mrs. property rlgllts. . ~· and family of Lansing, .Mr. and Mr. and' Mrs. Howard McCaw: . ..t ·. •·. • •· · H · Mrs. DwlghfHelms of Tecumseh an·entertalned ·members of their · . Mr. and 'Mi·s. Floyd· Lott·"o~ 'sJient,..Tuesduy., ,l~lght with ·the Supper. club, · Saturiiay evening. 'McCollir· Holt left l!'rldny to spend· the. wtn: Pulvers listening' to the eleqtlon Bridge was the. diversion of the lll:l'V.I:\II&:hllt'fplo·nllnn.... ' ,, .ter· inoilths·lti'Florlda.-'··~:: .. ,:·.~:. ,; return's, '., I ' ' evening.' . '' •. '' ' ',: -. ,1 , ,•' ., ,• •. ,' .y, • • I )'o ' " he hna acne oqt of his way to l fo1· llw 111111 AdlnllhL"' time A n!l whu t 1hey Sllld 1:; Ow I they IU'OIIrul Urnn tlwy did In 111112, 'l'hc fii'Ht time lite got GO,OO~ nnd All· Come All lllw Il~fl. 1'1wy nHIY nol care too much to1• SlaASP!l, Summerflclrl, lnl ~ll,~l(l fell' 11 tn(nl of 7>1,117, - Wilson or• Benson, '!'hey mn,v not Thl!1 limo II was liii,Hlli lor lim Jlttc some of Ilte'H (lolldes, but lruul 27,B:l1 fru• Adlnl, thi!Y IIIIo Iltc. •rJwy muy even I Wllllnrnu r.arrlrrl lnglwm In Help Us Celeb1·ate thlnl< they rllsllltc Dldt Nixon, both 1!lil2 nnrl 1054 but not llrls becuusc someone told them· they ... · Itime. In 1052 the SI!OI'e \VflS :H,, should, but they lllw lite unci , .. 1095 for Wllllums, 23,2Hi fol' AI· pwy huvc confldnnc~e In him, 1 · · ·· · ' gel', In 19:i column by good organ!· pic. lite doesn't have to pi'Ove zatlnn whleh refldH!d rlown Into !hat. nccause he Is, and people the pr·cdncts. Hem In Muson Instantly recognize II. People · , there wem worlters ull during low lite und Mamie. I lhe cnmpnlgn nnrl rlqht llfl tlnlll The foreign sltunllon wus un· the votes were counted. Thnt wns c!olJI)ledly n factor whld1 worlplr!cl. Bul 111'11'" of the death not lhiJse who clung to his coal· hurl re;whed !rnarrl memher·s. All DOUBLE GOLD STAMPS SATURDAY lulls. I of tlwrn wnnled to at~r~cpt the lml· i lot. Tile,v put It aside until I hey JICJI'o In ~llehlgun the Maille! llcnrnrd fmm Cottilly Cieri' Hll· tiring hllPIII'JWd, except thut mutt· liard llwt It could not be tallied tall rlclers rod1! Into tim l'IIIIIIA•l Jumbo Anniversary Values MRS. GRACE FURRY of S.outh Jackson road, Mason, takos If an~· member of the board knew wUh Governor· \\'lllhuns. pride in her 2 D11lmdtian puppies. The live-wire pups are only that l.he voter was, not alive while There are lhousnmls of people a few weeks old, but already larger than most other breeds llw (lOlls were d(lcn. In Michigan whn don't lmnw •,r AI. the J,n.nslug hos(rltnl ]ll'hlny even don't !Ike Soupy's politlcai when full grown. (Ingham County News photo.) mm·nlng, whilr! in 1;1'1'11~ puln, ~~~· associates. They may even feat· 1 f I n Tillll 1 '· · 1 t f u u f ,.,;llllnms with Reu· out goocl, ITc hns !he knac < n nss · nrc ncvu se CHI or Jrer·vi~m· llullcm n~lwd fol' ub1>ent I Je cup 0. , . Jll'ojcctlng himself us a common stale office. If he ever does he \'Oit•r•s huJiof~. 'J'Jwy Wei'O JlrO• 1 Viking 1 UIICI Keyko lher·,and 1Schollc.d rlwy Tt~Y ~(. mai1 de~ pile his shaving soap for· I ran pic!< up vutes I hat other cnn· vldc'll ILIId llllll'lted, dHIIVerL'II 12 cogn ze t Je goo qua 1 les tunc cllop e n a wa s ll'li'IIIISPointerl to u fed· Jil'oplc~ well. It's difficult for nn more votes to count In that pre· I ' he charmed a lit Lie boy Into con·l era! post. Something !Um nmbus· OllfJCIIWilt to oust someone! who's clnct. versation an~ the picture came sndor to l>nJdstan. doing 11 good Job. l\Jt•srm voltli'S tur•nt•d out in . AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 87.5% or the rcA"lst.cwtJd st.rr'nJ:th, 1 Remus That WitS a fnctor In the con· n 1rhenonmrml llllll'l(, Here Is the I PRESENTS CHIEF POWHATAN test for judge of probate. For 6 Big __l_n.:g_a...;m_C_o_u_n_tv~_e_w_s h N ___ No_v_em_e_r_._._:., b 8 1956 ____ Pa_g_e_l 5 year~ Bob Dr~lclfy thai a judge 1 left for Stevenson were Alabama, of probfite mu~t he a lawyer· but .See tho Chief for I the salarv is s11ch that the peo· Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri and Nor!h nnd South BORDEN'S pie pay for a law~·er, so why not Carolina. 'file electoral college· MICHIGAN Ci.garets g~t ·one? That was a factor· Tues· day, too. '· score was 4G7 for· Eisenhower to ·f·REE·~ .. ~· Ice Cream 7•1 for Stevenson with only 26G SuckersI Rulh Rflsmusscfl earried Bunlt· needed for victor-y. ·President er Hill by 1l voles and lied Drake First Pt. 35c Roosevelt, of course, beat Lan· SUGAR 1in Onondngn. Why? 1\•frs, Clara don worse, leaving only. Main, Luckies $1.99 Cor!on jStrange. ~trdent nr.mocrat and a Vermont and New Hampshire to Second Pt. 01 c 1 personal friend of Miss Rasmus· the loser. :scm, Is credllecl wllh the Bunker lb Both for 36c . !UiCJ!rlgnn's cunl{r·e~~lmml 5 39c Hill vole. Mr. and Mrs. Charles gallon of 111 Is SJrllt 12 nud tl, Re­ ·Free Elsie Gift for l~:ds Davis Rasmussen boosters lmbllenns In front. Cluunberhtln In Onondaga. Davis uppeared on dr.ang-ed the eulmt Ue bused Ills a. TV pmgmm with the woman elllllJllliJ:'II llll SIIJIJIIll't.illg the JlrCS• .·-we .. Cut Only Choice Meats! LOOK WHAT A candiclltte. !dent. Now he llns the OJ1por· Eisr.nlwwcr ~nrl Nixon· f!iPTierl tunlt~·· Michhran by 3,53,537. William~ PGRKSTEAK·;:<,:.-: .. · ·'Ls39c DOLLARWILL BUY!<_,'> t!aJTierl It !'or govemor by 286,· ::!04. Paul Bagwell of East Lan­ .··:::FitESH GROuN·o.·,:aJEF " ·· LB 39c sHURFlNE...... · ··: .. :t.•·~·:, sing, running· for nudltor gen· Weather Reporl. . ·' cAN 21 ·! .. ei'Ul, was the only Republican to The sky has had II wlnlei'Y liP· .. {.~~I~$()N~S-. COR~~D B..~EF 39c Peaches ·.~ . .. 4 cans ~.1\'· }: eome within 5rJ,00(l of winning a pearance this wee!< nnd the mer· 12 stitlc office, He lost by about 45,: cury has dropped low enough for ·:. :.K,...•.. G, ,EL·s. FRAN... K.:s, ...... - .· _: .··.:·.·.. LB 39~ HURFINE :.·.. . ·,., ..·;·.:.·.:·.··.· .. ·.· .. ·.: •..· · · .. · · ..... /-+·~:: ··:·; .. I000. Who !mows. If other Repub, snow to fall. The deer hunte.l'S y . . . . ' :. ·.:.·.··.'···$·,: ,·"":-!~·.:.,:.l;·~·;.~,.:,!••. '4,' . .' ~ J I • ll can ·stnte candidates hac:l cam· may have some· tl'llcking yet. · .. ,.,.:\iie~~::;:Ji.. ':• ...... r~~R:... \JE~:\~ R;~.;;)~·{,; · ·· · :K·Jd.~.e·.--:y_ Bea.. ~:~:.-_·;:: .... : .. lO:cans l,,;.;;.;.. -. . ' ~ i. ' ' ...... ~ ' . ··." palgnecl as hare! a~ Bagwell. and I The precl(lltation amounted to 5 _;.:·,·. _.·:. Itheir wives had worked us hard .21 in. It was evenly divided 'l1e· ·,.s Rclllh BACTivell · dirl. what tween lust Thursday nnd · this l'i1'Qr'n~d:=. ' '!' ' '" ;.. F:<· · ·:. I.:· :.~v>··i.:_·j' ;:·· ' .. i~'39( Ketchupe · . ..·:·:·:.'\' .. .. . ·-····. .. ··5 .. · Bottles ·$.·[,:·~,~~.·wf: l'l'ucsrlay's verdict would have week 'J'ucsclay. Average fot• the ,been? , week was 52. A year ago it was How c!id Congre:;smun Don much colder, the average being . OCEAN SPRAY ·. · . . . SHURFINE . IHayworth happen to lose'! Be· 34. $1; I cause he was up against one of Tempera lures us recorded at Cranberry Sa~ce 2 c:~ns 39c Peas 303. Cans , the best campaigners this county the Mason sewage disposal plant 6 has developP.d in quite a s]Jell. we1·e: LIBBY'S SHURFINE Chucl< Chamberlain l'eeps boring· Low High ln. He doesn't-have lhe size that Novcmbcl' 1 ...... 42 · 66 Pumpkin No. 21/z can 19c Noodles 12-0z. Pkgs, some people prefer in a polill· November 2 ...... 44 70 5 $1 clan. They have heard more en· November 3 ...... 48 59 BIRDSEYE FROZEN SHURFINE tertninlng. talkers. But he has the November 4 ...... ,,,,,.... 54 60 dynamic something. He keeps November 5 ...... 42 66 Orange Juice 2 for 303 Cans moving, He doesn't: shrlnlt irorn November G ...... ,...... 36 G2 Free Birdseye Suckers 35c Grap_f!fruit Sec .. 7 $1 publicity. In fact, ns prosecutor November 7 ...... 32 58 Introducing· the New Answer Cake 3 For $1 Justice Court Actions~ Shurfresh Oleo 5 Lb $1 Roy W. Ad11ms, Justic~ of Peace Bisqui~k Canned SHURFINE . . Biscuits .Green Beans 6 303 Cans .$1. SHURFINE l Cans·.l9c .Shortening 3 Lb 69c

.. . if again .. (i)ucdjty Dairy SUNSHINE . Chocalate-Coverei .... '· with· this . new fr'agranco · .. _·.MIL.K· that 'sp'orkies and flashes and glows· lfl Gal. Homogeniied ·Cherries·: . you your .. Meet ':\ ~ives ci.radionce .all o~n . :.:.excitingly, gih, boxed in· .... 38c Mi~s· Pepsi 1-Lb BoM 49c .. ·· mol~en, t~rbuh~nt'reds · · ' . ', . ' · .. "·' .-cpuart~ 20c · . ,, ... CALLING. ALL KiuS in 1 Co~e j~ and M,iss P~pii ,.. '.-.rlu~. ~Ci~o· fra~c& ~~.~~to ~~~ ··: ··.··end have'a Sample Taato .. . ' ·~~~~· ~~~~ !~ r~'ci' velv~!·:~as~. s.iil . ':' 'THO~E AWARDE~ _-::., ::, • · ~f:llef~~1hin9 .. 10. - . .

DEER HUNTER SPECIALS - WINTERIZED - READY TO G0- 1955 CHEVROLET 4-cloor station wagon. Powcrglidc, V-8 engine, radio and healer. $1,G9fi.OO. . GIVE. TO . THE CR 0 P CAMPAIGN; ARTIFICIAL TNSI%fiNJ\'J'ING IN ,YOUR CIJMMUNiT\' AmNican Breeders CHRISTIAN itu.RAL PROGRAM · SERVICE ovmEils . All rlmry hreecls aml Angus We userl only sires proven great on the !Ja~is of their daughters' and Give Now! proclucllon. No .initiallon fee or A Ptoarom ol charge for repeats. Church World Sorv~t Brercl your cows to the best hull for $7

THE FARMERS BANK Member of F. D. I; C. Mason, Michigan

APPLES - ::,pies, Cortlands, ' · 1 ·h · ( t · N Banana and other varieties; . ng am OUO V ews November 8, 1956 Page 6 also honey and cider over the . • ·-----·-- week encl. Hansen Orchards, 1043 EVERGREENS-3 to 5 ft. spruce, IPULLETS -:- 1,000 ~hitc Rock . ' Onondaga road, 6 miles west of . ·arborvitae and juniper, $2.50. and White Cornish cross. Mason .. on Columbia roud to. On- Over 100 varieties mums, 5oe. Weigh a~out' '1 lb. 25c lh ...fay ondaga road,· 2 miles south. Largest selection of evergreens, Hlll, 2 miles south ."r Leslie on Phone Aurelius 1614. 42wtf flowering shrubs, shade and fruit Hull road at Base Lme road. trees, peonies, iris, tulips, etc. in 44w2p Apples central Michigan. Bargain prices. . . ·------... Foerch Niirsery, 7 mlles east, 21 WESTLINE-A controllccl str?'n DELICIOUS miles norlh of St . .Johns. 41w6 cross available only at Dir c;c MciNTOSH . ~ · in limited supply. Less than J. lh , JONATHAN · I , of feed per dozen eggs. One of SPIES POU try the top birds on the West coa~1t. · · · · 291) eggs per bird (flod< avcm.'~e Dockter's Orchards· :..._ ___ ·· in Califomia test 1955) Soundly HENS-;Whlte Leghorn hens_. AI- hased on a vigorous tradition of Dansville so. clothing and ·other art1cles. White Leghorn breeding the last Phone Dansville MA 3·2014 . Burton Coffey, Mason, phone OR· 1.1 years "not a hit or a m:ss 33wtf 7·.8165; · . . · . · 44w2 nick." Baby pullets $40 per 100. ------· 5,00(} ·Westline breeders on mn· RABBITS - 3 fryers ana 2 suit· POULTRY-100 White Rod< pul- farm. Visitom welcome. Diri sc able for pets. Robert J. Smith, · ·lets. Howard Galley,· 2477 Car· 1 2055 S. Tuttle road, ·phone . Ma­ ter road,' · phone. ·Dansville MA Leghorn Farm, telephone 3691 son OR 6·1588. 45wl 3-2011. . . · 45wl. Zeeland,______Michigan. 43wt_ f EGG LAYER - New· Hy-Line Cortland. Apples. 934-A tlirifty white egg layer. Charles Brown Streamllned · for greater 'feed Building Materials DeliCious Apples · · ·efficiency, cuts feed cost ·per 100 FT. YELLO\V PINE used dozen eggs laid.·Glves· even high· porch flooring 3'4" x 10'; 8 er egg production than previous 2x4's, 10 and 12 ft. long. Mac Jonathan Apples·· whi.te egg· Hy·Llne layers. And Dean, Hogsback road, one mile even .bette1· .profits~ , . .Order new north of Mason. Phon~ Mason Snow Apples · , Hy-Line: 934;A. clilclvelcome to see the original breds and Holsleins.· Wlll sell womnn!s greeri coat, size 16 .. All Dirkse Windowless house, Hawk· AUCTION SATURDAY, 7 p. m. ', herd .01' separately. 0. D. Morse, in good condit!on. ·Too small fat Ins floor, North co Ventilation· and at Lansing Economy Furniture, · · .2. miles, west ·of Stnrllte theatre us now. Will take $10 each, or Kitson Poultry equipment. Egg 3081 Eaton Rapids road; across .. ·.:: ·,oii M-78 after 5 J>. m. or Satur· best offer accepted this weelt, 211 producers . ·from 15 states and from Maple Grpve school. Tools, · ·day. Phone Lansing IV 2-3404. · West Ash street, 'Mason.· Phone some foreign countries have visit· appllarices, tow e Is, bedding, '· '· · · · 45w1 Mason OR 7-7102-. 45wl ed us.· Nearly·. 2;000 . blueprints lamps, tables and many other mailed all over u. s.. ·About 100 ltems.-".You ean!t afford to miss Dirkse windowless houses now In this sale. · We have seats and operation. Egg .production special· plenty · of free pnrldng. lsts-10,000 breeders on. our own .Lansing .TU 2-2721. ,,1 farm. No broilers, ·no turkeys at Dirkse. Baby pullets-$40.per 100. Try them against any chicks at any·prlce. You-·don't have to pay up to 60c. for· inoney. rriakers to· day.· Dlrltse Leghorn Farm, .Zee- 714· East Race· street, phone ~s· la'nd; Michigan, phone 3ti91;. . day · 9·7, . phone . ·Lansing IV 45w1 ·ue JU' 9~9366. • 22Wtf· · · · 43wt1 7·0173: · ·I , '•, •' ·, Foote Furniture 4 COMBINATION ·fitorm Win· 2 BMAU~ HOMES In Mason. .:lows, In goocl cnndltlo!J-a2x24, Modern nnrl tho locution Is • s • li'OR. RENT ~ Apnrlmllnt, 9 Airplanes rooms anrl hath, UUUtlea lnohnm County News November 8, 1956 Paue 7 Hnwnn\ f!lms, 2795 Bllst Howell gnnrl, Both prl~od unrter 1~5.~00 BUSIReSS efVICe$ . tur• Ji'OR BETTER UITYA AT LP.SS _ lllsherl. llOildy fpr lmmedjntr- oc· AIRPLANTI:S SALE, new rnurl, WohhllJ'VIlln, phone 21?121, with terms or tr;JC\c for llll'gel' FO~ GLAZING OF ALL I{JNDS, Per· cnpanoy, GerAld W, Drown, 137 StOVCII ...... $24.0[) liP unrl 11 seil. J?Jight trulnlng for 44w2p home, C, L, ,Johnson ugenr.y, ltfnll IJarrlwaro, Mnson, 43wtf N ••Jefferson, Mnson, 45wlf WANTED - FH•sh eggs, 'J'op Korean G, I,s ami clvllluns, Exec------phone Mnsnn OR fl·5fi73. prlC'es pnl'~ fnl' oggs on the Chrsls .... , ...... $15fl liP 45Wf)l grurla, ;:300 LRWI'CIIPO Hyatt, 300 uflvo nnd curgo churteJ· service, Real Estate WILL IIAUJ~ ASilES, rubbish, I FOR I1EN'I' - 2 furnished npnrt· Chrornn B1crrltfnsJ Ah· umhttlunce, hest equipment, etc. Phone Mason OR 7·7712. menta. Each hna 2 herh'ooms. S, Mnln St., Enton HaJlldH, Phonc ,'lots ...... $.10.00 up low rntes. Call co]JrPt, Hehert 280 ACR8 FARM Pnsl of MnAon, 2·B8DROOM west sltlo, gas heat, Mrs, A. Mills. 14wtf Newly decorateil. Charles O'Nolll, Enton Hnplrls •l 11521, l9wtt HugH ...... $5 up 44wlf 2 complete Rots of hulldlngs, 2·r.Ell' garage, paver! clrlvcwny, ·---· 12fH South Lansing, Mnson, phone ---...,------'- goorl locution, can sell 120 acres Shown hy nppolntment only. DIGGING F'OO'riNGS - Install·,Mnson OR 7·!13!11, 45wlp WANTED- Logs unci standing Hom·s: !1:30 - 8:30 p, m. "I and 160 ncws separately, Tulw n Cull Glenn OosteJ•Ic, Mason OH lng sewer, tiling nnd hulldlng ------. tlmhl!l'. IJowc Snw Mlll, Rives loolt at these farms, So for farms ,7-8552. Paul B, CJwney Heal soptlc tnnl1s complcte, Hnyc Ji'OR RENT - 3 apartments. Un· .fluwt Jon, Phone Mnson OR 7-£1!351 143fl W. Grand Hlver Tra1 ers Dl' Losllo .TU !l23?£i, 12wtf Williamston, Michigan ------cull Clarence M. Boles, phonc Mn· Estate, Mason, plmne OR li 55fiB, power digger and duzcr, Phone lurnlshed, Immedlalc po~: 271i3 Aurelius road, Lansing, now, 2 bedrooms and bath, llvln{! fliOjectt>cJ SCI'I'Qn VI'ISIOJI Of f:lcr­ rlnss fell ~H·glnners In china mnrlPI• IP!I La1 gP cllsr•oiJnt. No Rnplcls. 14w2 CONTRACT for sale on ~12 Doty phone Lansing TU 2·1710. room with enclosed hncl< porch llal'd Shaw'., ptav Pr1JdiiL<'I -~ JlUintlng. You clo not have to ABEL street In U!slle, Smnll contrnct , 16wtf IJC dnwn paynwnt. 'l'nlm tmcle. 21-F'T. HOUSE TRAILER, good nnd garage. Enrl D. Whipple, 324 dJrcr.lnr Otto PI Clllllll:l'l' pkisl.'s 1·2481. advertiser! prorlurt. Lurgcsl con also olcl c·ars nnd trucl sh•~rlff office IJSLD KI'I'Cll~ SINJ\:,-~~'ltable Coverage provided by phone. Call down. FARMS-40 ncres close to Ma· thur, phone Mason OR 6-1271. son OR c-6691 11 ft·cr ,1 or nil day 'JR-7 flflfll. 31wtf tr.r ~ott:we. Also Sunbeam mix· OR G·5534 day ,or night. Ji'rank -77 ' · 40 Saturday, •I '5w1 .. Guel'l'iero Insurnncl! Agency. 2-BEDROOM home, 5 years old, son, acres, trac.e acre,,"I 41wtf ---~----- LOST G11·i's gla~~es Plnl< p]as· PI' nncl gl'indrr $2(). Phone IV 43w1 95 acres near Mason, 120 aPtos ' Electrical Work 7 •I R70:J 45wl with basement, gas heat, at· south of Mason, 155 acres close APARTMENT-:.; rooms and BABYSITTER wanted evenings, tic frames. Finder please notify ------PUMP-Sears shallow well pump. tached garage, located on well· to Mason, 356 acres in Gratiot I NEW PHONE bath, stove and refrigerator whlle mothe1 goes to hospital. Christine War!l, phone Mason OR furnished. Utilities allowed. 303 'h Phone Mason OR 7 0913. FURNITURE - Baby bed and AI 1 h 1 1 h C D traveled highway on :Y..·acre of county, 160 acres close to Wil·, 7-3271. 45wl nMtt!css, $5. TV C'hair, $7 Chmr Ros~~ou~:x~~uto a ~~a:%~. phon~ land with gas and service sta· Iiams ton, acres east of,Mason, 1 Mnson OR 7-7013 1!:. Ash. Apply at 315 S. Rogers ~5wtt 1 160 or phone Mason OR 6·1392 before ------Ji'OUND - Man's size 8% near· wi11ell malundays 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. 45w1/ nets, tear gas and comblnu 32wtf tlon service. Murpby. Safe Co .. 45wl CUSTOM CORN PICI\ING. Will Ruth Lee, phone Mason OR class, Leslie Hobby club and ------~-~------put in crib. Phone Dansvllle 7-8905. 44w1 Prosperity Lodge No. 564 for 5961 South Cedar street, Lansing. LESLIE, MICHIGAN - 6-room LIVESTOCK WANTED-All 43 3 their visits, cards, flowers, fruit Dogs and Pets· One·quarter mile south ol modem home on Main St. In MA 3·3049., W POSITION WANTED - Experl· ldnds of llvestoclt of any nge. Pennsylvania Intersection on US· Marltet price paid. Also wlll do and floral tributes. To Drs. Becl<· the heart of Leslie, hns gas heat HIGHEST PRICES paid for poul enced practical nurse. Would with and Wedden for their BOARDING -- Private outdoor 127 or 1 mile north ot Holt. and zone commercial, choice lot, try. Piclt up anytime. Custom lllte practical nursing in a home llvestoc!t trucking at all times. runs for each dog. Green Ac.,.es Phone OX·4·3241. 23wtf Roy D. Donald, 1287 Lamb road, prompt attention and care. A priced to sell, low down payment. worlt is special. W. H. Appleton, or wherever needed. References. special thanl;s to Rev. Frank [{ennels. Phone OR·7·9791. Sua· Call Clnt·ence M. Boles, phone Ma· phone Mason OR-7·0382. 3wtf Irene Nelson, phone Lansing IV Mason. Route 3. Phone OR 7·0582. day hours 5:00·7:00 p. m. GUNS, boats, motors, bont trail· 27wtf Cowick for his many pleasant ers, water slds, life and ski son OR 7·2361, Everett Marlett 7·0273 Friday, Saturday or Sun· vlslts during our wife's and 52 Agency. 45wlp 44 1 wtf jncltets. Mall chnln saws, drills, day. W WANTED - Scrap Iron of all mother's IJlness and hls comfort· PUPPIES, live 8 weeks old pup· electric drills, sanders and other ATTRACTIVE 3·bedroom in Ma· HELP WANTED-Woman or girl ldnds. Top dollar paid on the lng words at I he time of her pass· pies. Springe!' and Beagle, Har· tools. Rille scopes, sights nnd son on landscaped lot, with rna· to assist with house worlt. Mrs. rand. Also up to $1 per hundred, lng, also thanl1; lho nnl and Dr Lntl llays ftum COllY he I uof fur thrco KtiCCCI:HtfYe WUCkH COilfPelpnt, g11mes were po~Jiecl by Mel Me· lL (u Jilurthcr Ordurod, 'l'hnl 1111hllc uu­ nruvluun lfl Hnld dllY of htHII hiH In the und Mrs. llemy Blnl1lcy, M1 nnrll Bm en, Ky Iruchnm Cuunty Nc\\n 11 ncmq Hper tleo lhortol be ~lvcn by nuhllcllllun ol 11 1 Adams, 176, and .John Coy and Ml'li, Bclllle Blnltley flom Uvonl.t Mm!r~·•Y <~flc1noon nnrl cvcnl~1g CPPY or tiiiB ordt'r ror Lhrcu tiUCr.ouHiva printed unci clrculrLlccl In flUid County. Ray Pt·ntt with 175. 110d tlmt the JIUI JLJOIJUr CUthiC II ,.nllV ur visited them Sunduy. I Cuh Scouts Boy Sc ouls und J~x· weeku tlrllvluutt tn Krtld duy of lu~nrlnu, In New Pontiac Goes on Display Friday S o{ ~ 111'1!11 th~ fnuham County Newt~, 11 ncWBIIHIIr.r thlrt notice to he Hcrvcd Ulton cnch known William Cluilt hud high scl'les pl01 Ct G1 OVPillJttt clio· IUttLy in lnturcnt ul hiH luut l~nuwn nd­ Gunn 4 II club mel Tucsrl.ty llllhulcrl oV!'I' llhet ty hell 11rlntad nnil cfrculult d In 1H1Id counll. Howdtd Pontiac of Mnsun In· full wlcllh air scoop direct alr busllon chambers, lnrr:er, more wlth 11 177. Ruymond Las~nn hit :Joo and th 1t 1mld 11ctltlont r give knawr1 drnHR hy nmhlcrcd nmll, rctu1 n recelnt I evening at the home u[ M1 ~ voter log~e s They coveted :.lot lnhreHted purtlo11 nddlllonul noLicc UK dnrnlur•lud, ut l1 n~l fourteen (I~) tlnYK troduceo Its 1!157 models FII!Iay flow to the car rarllutor Iefficient valves and newly de 172 and Bud Hnrtwiclt hud 162. 1 rMulred by l11w, nrlor Lo 1:111ch henrlng or by IIIJrtiOnul George Kahres, f(ll' bustness ses I squme miles, IJounclcd by Holt, Hcrvlf 1 uL lcn11L five (l"i) duyn ,,rlor to with "3 series, the Star Chief on .1 II de d hec~d lamps SUI' signed cmburctols. 'l'he 1957 line Team stundlngo al'c as follows• 1 0 0 slon and wienie runst. t, Culnmhl.t .tnd l'uucls JOHN MeCI,f>LI,fiN, uuch hcnritr~ J~1Ic1 JudKc of Probulc1 12•1·lnc•h wheelbase, the Super h ol f • will o!!er engines with horsepow- A rruc Cowt ft 1 1I W L Sunduy evening Mr und M1 s I They W!'te uc·lompunlcd hy Ll•1J11 Robprt L Drnkc JOIIN McCI.ELLIIN, Chi f d Cll1 I11 122. •I 1 moun tee y - ee IOnt·fcnder ers of 252 and 270 and an add!· l'iw:J A 'l'ruo Cut.v Ju~gu of l'rolmtc I e an e a un rnc urn 1m1.mts are prominent In the ' S W lluil DtllleJt> 27 RtKI"ler of Pruhnlc nolll'rt L lhulw lwheclh,lse, ln16 new body styles, fJo~lcnd s;yllng. Gt·ealcr vision tlonal ext1a horsepower engine 5 Hugh Angell entertained Mt unci Nmlh, M1 und Mrs. Max Galmes, llc~l•t•r nr Prohutc 4/i" ' according to Howard Not'lon M:l· d b tl d especially designed fot• law Cit· Seven Up 16 16 Mrs. Mni'Vin Ilosllins, Llnd.t ·•nrl Mt s Asll Towsley, Mts ,Jay ' ORDER API'OIN'f!N'G TIME 1 11 1 1 1 1100 Hi Jill and Mr unci Mts 'l'ed Ballin, Fllll,, ,John rlozul' .11ul Ch.ttlcs FOR HEARING CLAIMS onDEit API'OIN'f!N'G TIME FOR son d en Icr ' 1 s 6 ac Inches eve andY ower Increasing ng IC the f 0 J'cem e nt , cars. II1111 's ·rv S CI'V Ic c 16 SHANK-J•nu•rY 16, 1957 I Junlcc and l 4 squaJC Pontiac s ruadublllly, spccta·1 A. A. Howlett Co. 15 Slnle of Mlchhmn. 'rhc Prulwtc C'our t 17 Mmvln's blrlhduy annlvcts<~ry, Mt· .tlld M1s. A L Ttlllitel dllll for the County of Jnghnm DETERMINATION OF HEIRS !styling with starlllc or accent 2 Inches In the Catallnas, convf:!r· cularly proven by the endurance Ed's Stundatd Service 12 20 which was Tuesday M1s Emma Allen cnlletl on M1s At 11 aeHHion o( l!n1d Court lultl 111 ZARKA-Jnnuarr 10, 1957 t t · , llbl t tl rci.'Oid~ It set ut the Bonnevllle I Michl~"" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111~ Probntc Olllcc In tho City of M11•on Htute ol rhu Probutc Court on ng, uxur CHIS n ertot s am cs am cus om s a on wagons S Fl . b bl . Mlcllelson·Bnlter 10 22 Sunday aflernoon Mt· <~ncl 1111 s Millie Palnlet Ftlduy. roz· the County or l11~hum Ispectacular perfot mance, the new and by 6!1 square Inches In se· a 1t als, 11as cen nota Y 1m ___ lh the nnld Couuty on thn 2nd dny or Lavere Too iter entert.tlned u t n Matlin Slt uhel of L,um!ng <~rtd No\leml1er, A. H lOiiB 111 " "' ""1"" of "" 111 Court, huld ut models will be on di~play Novcm· dans and ol her station wagons. proved. Contributing to safer Pro••"'· liON JOliN McCI,J,;l,LAN liz• Pruhute Office, lu the City of M"'01'·1 b ride and handllnrr are the new I 1\IJtson Bui'Jinessmen family farewell patty In hoiiUI of Mr anrl Mts Ivan .Johnson of .TudKO of Probutc In the Hnld Count), Oil the r.t.h duy or cr 9 1 rTi) n 1 ( I ' 1 fl " In th• Mutter ol tho Eotutc ol NOll· November 11 11. 1966. ' 1e a r 0 t 1C rear ,enc cr n 14-lnch wheels, modified shoclt Capltul Asphalt a11d Slute J•'nrm MrH. Emma Thompson at lhclt Dtmonrl.lle wcte nt the home or !4,.N SHAN!{, Menlnlly lnr.oniJ>ct> ut. Pre Ius I nHmes bc•gln Mr and Mrs Arthur Geisen home o[ hct• ~Isler, 1\11~ Lyle teu~"' 'by und before Knitl court. time und ''""" be ""''"lnted to receive, rear fenders, the 19i7 Pont lacs which also sm ves as an exhaust Dun \VII IIams luppell the bowl have1· wete at the home of Mt Kinney, Phillips roud. lt'l• Or~ercu That credlto•• ol HIIIU exumlnc und ndJu•t "11 ehdm• unct "•'· are a t1'lt1mpl1 of modern , !Jcccnoc1 508; AI Jenks, 517, at n going-away party 111 honm CONDITION okld e'llate uhould be limited nud thut u fur tho Cuunt.y or lnghum. served country style, from 6 until Lcslle h1gh school Thursday and and Roz Brown, 515. of the McCues, who plan to leave tlnJe .und 11lnce be llppolutcU to rcce1\C, At u scallion o[ 1wld Court, held u.L Lhc Attend Dinner 8 p. m , Frldny, November 9, In q~.-,mluu nnd udJuat 1dl cluhns nud dc­ Probute Olhce in the City oC 1tluaon, In Friday, November 8 and 9. Miss Team standings are us follows: this month for Atlzuna and Cali tnnndo 11"nlnot Hnld dccenscd by and bo· atud Cuunty, on the 'lLh du)' of Novern .. the basement of the church build L fornln. Mr. and Mrs John H.trvey f4r~ 1t!Uid J]ourt nnd that the lcKHI heir~ ber, A. 0, lUUG, Zorn Grewer ts d1rectlng the play. w Of •ltt~fd dt!CUitlied entitled to hlht!rlt the tng Mrs Raymond Wallter is the visited the McCues Sattud,ty. Prcacnt, HON. JOHN McCLELLAN, It will be presented In the high 25 11 ••~atO' of whleh snld dccc11sod died seize~ Judge of Pr obJ~tc general chmrman assasted by Cummings Bu1 hers Mr. and Mt•s George Doxtadm a~ould be adJudlented nnd determined. In the Mutter or lhc Eotule ol MATtY Mrs. Stephan Riley Proceeds of school gym at 8 p m. both nights. Joy 0 Davis 21 JL ~~ Ordezcd, 'fhut nil lhc creditors or E I'Ol'lli:R, Dcceuued. g accompanied by the lattct•'s sis NOW! 11ld ~t!CCilBcd nrc requhed to IJrcucnt the dinner will go toward the Harvin's Ice C1eam 21 J;ulth '" Potter buvlng flied In Hnlu DeeJ hunte1 s with bow and ter, Kay Hill, and Stctnley Leon FREE INSPECTION tholr elnlm• In wrltln~ nn~ under onth court her 11etltlort IJruylnK th11L n ccrllufl butldlng fund Modem Cleaners 21 15 a.s~ PtovJdcd by Htntulc, to Mnld CourL nt inHtrumllnt. in wrltmg, JIUflJortinK to be arrow who returned from Temple 15 ard took a trip to the Straits AND ESTIMATE tl\o Probntc OITicc nt ~0~ Hollletcr Dldg, lhe lust will nnd testnmcnL of oulil ilo· Grieve Men's Wear Sunday. LetJlalnA', Mlchlunn, on or before the t 6t.h and the Higgins Lal~ive weehs Jlrevloua to suld lice thereof be given by Publlc11Uon of II A complimentary dinner was Loyal Daughters and the Royal cllir, iit hl(•lrfnll. In the ln~luam County C.OPi' of this Older, fo1 Lhrce HUCCCH:!I\C served to 100 members of the Daughters of the Congregational l(~B/ fY rae\\1-IJ1ti1U\r: rrri11ted nnU clrcu... weeks t•ruviuuu to tmid ll»Y of henr[ng, In This Will Make the lplo,d 111 snld county, anu thut the llducl· the Inghum County Ncwa. u nuwu!uwer Michigan Poultry Co·OP· church, had a jomt potlucl> sup· ••I ii(,aJud oaLntc Kivu. knuwn lnLcrcHtcd ~rln1.ed nnd clrcululcd In tttud coun~y~ association preceding the per at Fellowship hall Tuesday. dli~lu iddltlonnl notice us rerovlou• to •uld dny uf hcnrlng, In nmll, return rcceiJJt dcmunded. ut le~tst Young of Baldwin and Col. and the Inghnm County Nowo, 11 neWOIHipor fourteen (U) duyR prior to such hcnr• Garner. Monroe Church Has Mrs. Robert Beatty of Toledo. llrlp!A>d and clrculutcd In auld county, lng, or by 11eroonu1 !Sorvlce ut leust five Mrs. Donna Coppens, ldndea·· and tlual •ul~ t•ctltloncr Hive known (G) dnyo nrlor to •uch honrlntt. The get-together for the 3 cou· lnlorooted purtlcs ud~ltluuul noUca us garten teacher, urged nil mothers Assistant Pastor rpqulrcd by haw, JOliN McCLELLAN, ples is traditional and Is timed to ' JOHN McCLELLAN, JudKe of Probnle of children ltludergarten age to Include a home footbull game at A True CollY 1 JudH• ol Probutc attend meetings l'egularly. She t Roh.c1t L, Drulw Macklin field. Register or Probute said that the Interest of the Theron Patterson was sur· ' mother Is a great help In the prlsed by his parents with a child's adjustment to school at· bh·thdny dinner and d11nclng. In· tendance. , eluded among the guests were The f!Ubjcet of the next meet· Betty Stanfield and Mavis Moore Wednesday, November 28, Jackson, Dennis Burton of be educational toys. A Fitchburg, und Linda Parker, project for the year will be Linda Ridley, Thomas Emens and' chosen. f>mas from Leslie. ooks that Clutter Attics ' .h··.·.·,. .May Yield Cash for School Nov~mher 8, 1956 Th e lng .'CJ m County News Pent 2 Oirl, mtu;ty lmol~u lhul du~tor h1'i111ch of tlw Amr.1·luun Assocln· IIJl tlw IHHt~n 11111,1' pmvldl] n cui· llun of Unlvr.t'Hli.Y Women, Tl will Jew' Prhtt'illlon for somcmw. hr. In the ful'mcr Mlr:hlgun Nu· Till' voltllll" of Old ; ;otlwr llonnl bnnlt !ilnrr. on the, nlllll In J !1nrmr rhynws wr~n'l be uslld ns u F'rundor shopping ccnler, Okemos Arranges Mason Minister Heads I loxlhoolr, hut il r:Jwols son, ·1~. nf lliimhurg lost ills life M1·s. 1\nmllwng Is a memlmr considered n goorl educational the sm·vlce. Lost yem· ncai·Iy' 40,· sueh 11s the 'J'B Sllenldng proJect. wlwn ill:; dlseusslon rc· new eases of tuberculosis wem Cltrlslmas srmls hy mail Is No· pm·ts, mnp ouJ 11 plan of action, cllscovered In the county In 1!!55, vcmiH'J' 15. tlw lnlr~rs~!r:lilll.~ eurv<• wllh Alle•t lcadtlng and supervising at the r111trl the •·ar ll'll the highway. U. of M. Mrs. Dorothy Warner, school--:------==------­ Nntlonally iliJ(JJ'nxlmalely :H, ll! gest that you ask any of the fam. The film and a que;;ll

the day and whn eould not attend Rev. Roy Mumau, present pastm·, tinnily and Its members must for a ,new wing near the we~t end 1 IP.a.ders in veterans benefit legis· a day-time slww~ng of 1be film ... 111]~1. R~v._ or.yl_ll~ -¥~1~1 1 _oJ Grai!~l. _de!I'!!!IS_Imte jt _7 days a wee!~, p_r .. _o~-=~1e foyer of t!le. new burldlng. I ia!ton. Qj1\ I ·-' • n•10lnld ~ 1\'.'to 1!1111 •;·:.··.··,, .. ,-.. · . ·... TABLE TV .ll. Be·. ·n· •Ma··so· n hlspi·aisefor the aecompllshrilenf. . :··... ;·.~·:.· ::,..,· ,.····~!~!::!:!~ Wl 1 of the Joeill chureh and to Rev; " ·_ .~·.- · ·>.,::.: :· .. :: with matching Mumau, the pastor. Taking the Ingham eounly •1·1-I crop and keys, Rev. Muma u expressed g~ld th11t "the !lASE , greater nttmbP.r of people thRt MAKES Girl Is ·Injured· turn out te vote, the greater will tow .. cost be. t rtte dernoct'UC!.V in action." In Car Accident "Recognl.zln'! the lmpllrtAnr!e 'MOTOROLA o[ fl'P.I:' etP.ctlons." Dr. Schuele TABLE TV Near,Mason Stiniluy a little glrl contlnucrl, "nearl,v 4 mlll'lon mem. was hurt when 2 cat•s colllded: hers of thP. Boy Scouts of BIG A5 A Catherine Diane, 2%, daughter AmP.rlcn pnrtlcipat~d In a non· l CONSOLE! of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stafford, partisan gl:'t out the vote cam'· Walled Lalce, .·suffered lntemul i>algn. Scouts demonstrated- th~t I Injuries. She was tt·eated at· Ma· thev are participating citizens by . . . . :, . SOil General hos'pltal and then doing ttieh· best to Instill hi . : t·. 8ESTIUY' OF' ALL ftMII POWEll-PACKED MOTOROLA taken home. \ . ·· adults a determination and:; re· s.j.E~IAL TV".MATCHINO IWIVEL BASE CABINET Acco!'dlitg to' ~lierlif's officers, soonslbllltv to exercise their A tltore ·realisiic · pic.ture- tMahoeanrl Walter Gollszewkl ·oc Detroit was rights ns free people taking part thank• tri Motorola nollll·free driving west; ori. Columbia near In our government." , .. perfo.rmli.ncej_ Bllt·in-Tenpa 8 and 5-Star rower Chass1s. $209 95 Mahogany or. "''. · ·rain • .. 'm!oy . ' was·~~~~~~ cleartor~::· the lrt~~ni~:ear was . :!~~~~struclc the. c~~~~itprogram ~hi~~ ~~~fn~~:~:.In Cl!nt.on, -,...· ~y· I Scoutin·~ ·.<·:·.: .·, . . · llniah. Mod~l ; 2l·'f·3S · $19 95 ·p .a· ·u··y H M.tchln• 1wlvel· II•.<...... • from the rear by the Stafford car. Eaton and Ingham counties, have , '·· . ; . . . · .. · · · · Prici1 incl. Fttl. IJ'a.1: Ond Onft-l'tnr umrranl~· nn pictll~t tt'.bt. . : ::; · · · · displayed seve!'al hnndrP.d posters .... <· . ; :· , .· .. ··_. · .-· · . · ,. . .•. . 8 . . G·. ,.. H . ln.the past 2 months. These,post:. . '' 0 ·,' • .M ax enne. ltnS onor ers urger'! citizens to register.·. ;: · · , . · ' ' . ' . ' ' . . . . . MMtlxE·Beln'nBe,: ·:scin of Mr. ar1d. Tom Walsh and Leo Fai•iuit. . ::::':.:.~:.•. Iy~~~~ »~ii··~·~ar stirred up so much excitim1ent,,, ~o ~~o~l new po1~er:f~r !afety.· from the fabulous Furv. "301" V,a, .. rs, l'W n: enile· of .Mason,. was co·chalrmen of the council's get · · · c' · · · d ' dd 1 PI 1 ' · · rem\ntly tappfld lf?r _Blue Key .na· out the vote camonign reported. · :.. ;'., ·.: .~~t. ~o wo~ er · ~ .. s·u . en Y }'mouth 111e leaped thrd full ~uper·p01\•ered up to 235 hp , • , new euper-safe Total.Contact. tlonal honor fraternity .at: Michl· thnt most of the S.()()O . ·cub · ·. ·• ·year~ .alaead ~C. lhe low·IJrice ·field! Only the 1960-new ·... Brakes , , •. and Push-Button Drivil1g with fully auto.matia · arold Lavis. · gun. State ·!lnivel'slty.. ,He Is .a Scouts, Boy Scouts, ExPlorers .. ·.. :. ·. '· ; ~.l)·~•.o.ut~ ~rin~s. you t•evolution~ry new Tors!01.1·Aire ·.~H?sl~ .. •3·&peed Tot·queFlite tranemieeion. Drive. the car that's: titre~· .. · ·. member· of 4lpli.a Zeta agrlcul· and .leade1;s were · on. , tlu! job · ·:, ..' ' : :· :108; .. r1~tt i· •. , I ltglll~Swccp Stylmg, the dr.nmnhc new shO))A- .· full yeal·a ahead a~· your Pl)'mouth dcaler.'s today , , ; arid: .. , . Heights ~·.North of Maion on US-127 lure ho~or. fra~ernlty, an?. Green sort;tetlme. during Monday,: hang: .. ·:"- ;,'•·.:·of.IIl~tjon, ;:. exhilarating spor'ls·car handling· .• ,;ll'Cillimdou5 sudden!)•; it will be 1960 {or you, too! . . , . , · -:• ; · . H?lme~ sophomore ; mens .. ho~·. lng Uberty bell. reminders on ·the ' · :.· ·,· ··.; · · · 1 - · · · ·1d · · ~hone OR.6-1762 1 o1a1y.. . ' · .. ~ ... ;, -, . doot·s in the. homes. · · . ' ~--· , ~4-'~:.1 .. : .. ;_±;.:z~~:;·lf'!i'.'· M1•, nnrl Mrs, T..eo Chlclt nnd vll!ltcd at the home of Mt'. North White Oak Marylin spont Sunrlny with M1 ~. Mrs. Loyal Sheplel', .Tr., In Llln• 1\li'!S. ForCilt F!~IIII\Vfi Ot•ncc l:llrohel, sing Snturrlny nlgh1, Legal Notices 1957 Buick Has Many New Features Mr~. Suslr. Wntls of Cement Mrs, Archie Houso Is Htnyinr, Jt Mr. nnrt Mrs. Ralph Glynn en· City Ia fpr.ndlng n fr.w clays wilh few rlnys nt the Ivun House homo. OROJ:It oF 1•unr.ICATION OJtnER FOR I'UALICATION lerlulnPcl their chlldten and srmw Mta, Qrnce Strol1el, I'ROIIATE OF WILl. fINAL ACCOUNT of 1hclr grnnrkhlldren nl 1m nn· AND DEl ERMINATION OF m:ms ELM! NllOili-Nnvcmhcr 271 1056 MJ•s, l~ldrerl IlntJse entertnlrJP.c] Ilr•nry Jiuclso•J r.xpiOJ eel thr> I.OREE-Nnvomher 30, lll5fi fllntn o( Mhllh-wn, rJIIfl P1nhnlu Lontt nlverfary dlnnet• SundRY nt the Hudson rivet• 11 years before lhr• fn1 thn ( Oli!IIY u( Irnrham the extension roluh last Monclny Btutu nf Ml! hhum. 'l'ho Jlrohnlfl Onurt Mnrvln reslnui'Eint In Williams· At ll HCIU lou ur Hnld Colli L, hulrl Qll night. Pilgrims cnme over on the Muy­ 101 tho Cnunty nf Jnuhnm, Novr ml1(11 fi, 1tlf,6 ton. Mr. nnrl Mrs Eldred House ftower, At ll t!CHHiun or nnlrl Cn\lrt. hold ut i'ru~ont, JfON. ,JOliN' Mt•GT .. J~J .. I,AN, ITnrold Monroe rclurrwrl home tho Paubnte Offi4'C In tilt• City nf Inn· )llll!fO ur PI nhntt•, HIIIH, In llllld County, on tlw :lnd duy nr In tlw MntLn1· ut tho E'lltntu n( ft()SA from the hoHpltnl Frldny. Nnvr.nnhur, A )) I tlfJI1 :.L• \II ,., Ill I HI' J)m ellhllll. Mr, and Mra. Grant Ji'cllows I'll HI ut, liON JOliN MnrJL!.J,I,AN Nnllf' IH Jlur• hy (rlvcll 1 Tlmt tho JlC· Ingham County News November 8, 1956 Page 2 .Judgo of l'aohutc .. It inn n( r!cn1 gn Sun dill ook, rulmln­ and Kay vl~ltcd Mr. and Mrs, In thu Mnt lut nr the I~alnl•• nr NOH IHttnlui' nl Hnld enlntu, JHnylnR" foa· the Bernrml Blergans Lansing Sun· l\IAN IV J,om:l, 11• nt nH• Hnhl llflN'IIllf'f /Ill Ul It CUllY nr this nutlcn lu Ju fll rVf d Floyd Cooprw of Webhet ville bid, vlu chech or ln(II1CY ordl'r mod&~ J)llynhle to MlchiB'DII St11tc Unlvcr•ltr, IJHlll 11111 h lmnwn Jtlll LY In lntt 1uHl nt /I lid formerly of Vantown expects to It L"' (htlnred, 'J'Ilfll thu !lOth dny nf ilH )nHI ]dHIY.Il ncld!'IHII IJy lfl-(iHtlllfHI must ncr.ompuny u.ll bide, Succeasful bidder must complete purcluuo deta.ll11 Nnvcmlu t, 1\ ll I !Hill, ut t••n o'1 lo• li h mull, 11111111 Ju~lpt dclllllllfl111l, ul lrnHI en tel' Spar row hospital NovembeJ' within (7) duya from notificutlon or forfcll deJIOslt, JJuildJng!l must be 1!11 (OIPIHIIIII, Ill lhn JIIOIHiltt ntllu•, 20/ fo111trnn (I I) tlnyH )1r!o1 tu Hllfh ht'lll~ [) to hnvc a cataract removed. completely acmovud from Jlrtomlsec within (45) d11y1 uftor &Die, Jllds entered In"'. m hy JlfliHII\111 Hf'n!cu ltl lentil liv• HoliiRIPI' flhhr .. J.nnt~!rnr Ml1 hhnm, IH should he plulnly tnarhcd an outsldtt o£ envelope 11 Did on Hauu.'' Thu rJoht mHl IH h111hy nppolnttd fm hnnrflll' Jlldl 1 (fd •luY!'I p1lu1 tn ~tuh huurhuf JOliN McGI.!11,[,AN, pel flfnn, Bill Richards of Hilton & Rieh-l such a specluculnr succcsB, Is lc rcsuvcd to ncccpt 01 rrrjnct any or 1111 hld111 and tr1 wnJvA nny h rouulnrl· lll~ J'utlh"r rh,Jmocl, Thnt rmhlfr. nn A 'fl\lf' Cnr1y: Jud)lo of Prnllntl! Bulcl<'~ new line of cars for tlun in hlddlu1, tier thnrun( Ill' j.liViHI hy puhllrttt!nn or I Hohf•tt J,, llrnl{fl lfJri? Is packed with moJ'C! cngln· nrds Buick. continued as standard equipment Herrick cntlv nf thl11 nrdr1, fnr threo IIUI'tc•IHIIv• fil'glHIN• of J11ohnte ltiw3 The new bodies, with their on the Roachnnstcr, Supm· and woo left Ill evlo1111 lo anlcl tiny n( hm11ln~-t lr eerlng nnd ~~tyllng changes than Jlrrs. Lee Gerhurd~teln thn liwlmm CnlllllY Nt WH 11 II~WIJIIIIJIN lower silhouette, plus the new Century, and optlrmal rm the prlnlutl und 1 (l,uJal• •I In tml•l ro11ntv any previous model In Bulcl< engineering changes that Improve Special. The fnmllles of Mr nml Mrs, und 1)1111 thn pPtiLinrlf r In ,.n[tl eslnlf Council Proceedings JEWETT J..dvt• hnown lnttiJf!IILrd 11111tlt•K ntlrlltlonu' history, Jacob Strobel, Mr. anrl Mrf>. El· MIHWil, MlchiHIIII, Nnvemh€!r ti, ride and handling, mai(e the 19fi7 '!'hr. new styling prcrents clra­ no tit' ntl 1 f'I!JIIll [ld hv law, mer Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Don ,JOHN McCJ,J:J.J,AN Cnuru·ll mol und wns clillud In oacl(l '!'he new line featm·es all-new llne the greatest value ever of- matlc new front nnrl tear design, lY Mnyo1 I 01 du 1'11•1H~nt ('()1Jili'II1111'U, A ·r, ur Copy JnrJ~,, of P~nhnl• fered the motoring public, he big g r.l' panornmlc windshields MacKenzie, Mt•, and Mrs. Robert Funeral Home ~ P1 IHIL ], llrn)cf! Sndy, J;\UIIH lotrlhy Mnrll" & Wulrolt. roomlm· bodies, boldy designed In \hf1{ 111, ('lllllicl!tHUil JtJchnldH, added. with a more 1aldsh slunl to the Felton, Mr. and Mts. Steadman H~JCIHlf'l of PJobnl1 lti~~, Tho Homo of Friendly Service t ~ ~ ------'Jhn mlnutetl n( 1111 luHt nH~fL!n}{ wmt• smart, new "dream car" styling, A brand new estate v r.gon, rle· plltan;, new bumpets both front and Mt•, and Mrs. Eldred House Roosonoblo Rolioblo l NOTICE OF MORTOAGI'. Ulll!tltl(•d ll'l l~ltcl UIIIIIIJlJIIUVfd llfl Pllh· new nnrl more powerful V·8 en· attended a potluck supper and FORECLOSURE SAIB I 1h• d signed In the same racy, hardtop and 1ear, and till ee·pleec baclc llofnuh11 iluvnm h• en m1ul•• In lit• 'IIH 1\llllllff' fOIIIUJilt.IU ll'fiOilfli\ the styling as the other models In the windows on the Special. Century program of 4-II achievement at EVERY FUNERAL ' f nl}IJ\' lrw c ll!lmH n111l 11 c•onum ntl••d I hd1 glncs, and n completely new rnwll1lorl!1 nf 11 rlllnln UIOilKIH(e hy line, Is offered In the Century and and HoadmasiPJ', the Community h(IIJ In Wcbher I'AHI II Jtl YNOJ,IJ~ nn!l WAIVI' 'I' nllm\rtnc-e chassis with lmpmverl ride and IS COMPLETE t.' . HJ;YNOT,J)S htat~lwntl und \\lr,.., of th• fohn llcnn Dlvl11lun $10'i Special series, Ooe·piece panommlr• bacl< wiA- ville on Friday night, r•fty nf J.nurlnJt Cnuntv nf ]nlflmm Mlt•hhcnn l'lllllKI'"' Lnllnn ( o HK.46 hnnrlllng. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stlobcl I l\t IIHlll tHI A new 364·cublc inch V·8 en· dows nrc stanrlarrl on Super • NO MATTER whet tho toto! cost, ~Into nr M!, hlvnn, In MICIIIf./IN NA otic JluJ ll' J.umiH I ( 11, (, \ffthlgnn B1JI ifllphnrH (o, K8.6'1 All of the new cars have been c.tllcd on rela tlves In Det roll 'I tONAl. BANI\, 11 Nn11orud Bnnkllw glne, with lO·to·l compression morleJ<; and also are optlonnl on evory /dncrot servico rondorod by us rnn-h •m f'n11ntv N('W • tfi Alllnelutlr,n, of I /IIIHIIIJC, Mlr:dgllJ1 nr· tn. reduced In height Some models Thursday afternoon. Doll I'll of Cemr Le1 y 'I'InRtf'f'!f\ fi lfl.'1K J'ntlo, generates• 300 horsepower the Roadmastcr at no extra cost is complete in ovory detoil of dig­ 1'1 1117.41•1 111111 1 xfHlill~ IU\IIlll tip• JnWH n' .Jnnu H ll l.:l JW & :::iOIIIo I no J 3'1 are dS mud1 as 3 Hi Inches lower Mrs. Lee Gerhardsteln had a tlu lJnlt~d SlnlcK, ilnlt 1! AUI'IIRI II In the Roadmaster, Super and Newly des1gnecl ventlports, new nity ond sympothetic coro. Pnccs 10",'! IIIHI rfHUld!il In the otru~r· llw Mldtignn KIIJIJlly Co, , '17tl.l:! than J,Jsl year without any sncrl­ Sunday school class party at the or 'llun burn J...umbc r &. Cold l'o G,f)3 Century series, an mcrease of 45 sculptmed fWcep spent• molding Ht trfHtf'r nr I>• f'liR fnl lns.dmm Cnunt v llce In ground clearance. Head­ Kenneth Cool home last week differ only in tho morchondiso so Miclnvnn nn Ktptr:'mbel .!, lflr,n, h ~JIHhY JrnplomPnt Gu 13.00 horsepowet• over la~t yem· The and full rear wheel cutouts, Bulclc 1,11114 & l•o1rl Mff,t'. l'n. \11).14 looted - ond in this respect tho JIll( I Ill I or Mnr l!lllllfHl PILiff 10 I, uncJ room remams the same and leg­ Special, which also has a 364- hallmnrlcs, have been r f'talnerl on Wednesday. 'Ulti niOitH"ILIIII' h11~fll)J; c•if'tlf'd 11111101 lht• 'toy W r\dnmH J UMtlc£' Coull l'1.fif1 Family hos' I roo and unrestrictod -;mlth 'fll'fl ~e1 vlr.:t, InC" H 1.2li room has been Increased in the ruble Inch engine, with 9.5 to l all models. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ger· lt I mK or flU HI mnrl~ocn~·t~ Lo tl11t \ill(• Ill• rrlht• JllirHijlul nnll 11renucl Jntf'rPat ll111l lnflJIIIIJift A~1•11cy 1~1) 00 4·door hardtop~. compression ratio, has a maxi· The lower silhouette of the new hardsteln and Carolyn and friends ohoico. We do no1 recommend lovish Pn1 lltlll:-t. :i11 vi( t• I fiO lhtlf!on, du,., whuh r>IPctlorr 11 dot• More engineering and styling mum horsepower rating of 250, BLuclts was made possible hy spent last Sunday at the Lee lunorols, Our only odvico is !hot tho hr 1r b\ "~''II it~fl, 11111 YLin nt lo whl1 h t hf'rr r lty Lrnp\n~ I'H 1 7 JO.G7 WllYnP. CmtiH & Mrn 2 ll/,9fi HI c lnlnu d tn hr dur r rnl 11npnld on lwld Improvements are lntroclucNl In compm ed to 220 last year. changing the In11nc design to Gerharrlsteln home family's own sfondords be moin mntl~nlfr t1l IIJ(l dnt1 of th1~ nolle• fn1 Cnn•mmoi'H Powor Cn. H~'i 12 Pt.rldnH llnl'il\'illle 12.R,, the 1957 model than any previous The variable pitch Dynallow rm1t the body to nestle belween Mr. ancl Mrs. VIctor Cheney toinod, tho happy medium between mln•lnnl und Jntrtflll, uhlitrntlln~ lnx Die!~ R Huncun ~t•IVHt> 1.2H called on relatives in Stocltbrldge hliilniii'H tnxr u nrul lrHHillliiCP nrlvnnr 1 1! Buick in history, according to transmission, which has proved the sJdc ra1ls o5tentation and porsimony lhat Mllf-1011 Uulfu1m Co, lnt ~'1.k0 !he !i\1/l\ of 'lint ll'r 11 J'hOIII'IIIlf! F.hrhl Jill Two entirely new features have lasl Sunday. Jfundp•tl Nl1\f IY rhrflP un,l L.!/1 00 t.iil !I~ lncly 1In11hHtr. makes tho f1nAI lrlbute a filling llnuhlc day H1oH & ('o, 7B Jt; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dmmlrt! H'l3 1.!) J111llu1~< 111111 nn Kllil 11r prntr.od­ Linda, been rncorpor.tted m the front end \Vf'J.!/1 (10\illlrTHllllll !iY!\lfrn JJt4,bi Mrs. Jean Randolph and tribute. hur 'It luw n1 1n f'ftllily huvln~ lu{l1 and children called on Mr. and Mu•hJJ!UII \), Jllllllllt>ll! nf ~tall J.r.o Marriage Applications Lynn suspension system for 1957. lrwlltlll"d In 1rcovr.r th11 cld•l llfHUtfll Mrs. Glen Hurford, Lee, M1 s George Glover Sunday n rt· hv twtd n101 I1!1Hff or nny Hill I M11111 mnnl Ptlll!l'l 1 li 00 Ed\HIIfl R••ffwr Ouh.,orth ~2. LnnHJtW~ For the ftr.•t time .r ball·Joint lunnrlh And1 ltHIII Co, ll 70 and Esther NOW, 'J'JJJ:I!J:J'OitF,, hv \hiiiO or lhe JoAnn CtoAR .!.! flnltlc C1er!\< IS ernoon. SpJII tnn J\!'!phnlt Pnvmg f:n. WI 12 suspension used, tmprovlng the IIO'AII" uf ~ folln\\lll).{' Vut(', device reduces front end clive on Robert Felton home. f1lVRN tilrtl on i'fllliiHIIY 'i, 11lli7, ut Phll1p Al!hUJ Rtnlnflld, 21, LnnHlnJ:."i Ambulonee Equipped with Oxygen and Ro!Uicitot:.r 1-1, 6 No, 0. Sunday afternoon. Ill •Ou n t•Jn, k HI I lu fn1 r>noon En11t P.lll y, Mlll'~ll' V. Kelley, 17, lloll fast stops by appJ·oxtmately 60 Bill Meyer ot Stocltbrtdge, in l!y C'oun• tlmnn J"'v11nM Rl andnrd lur1.~ al t lu• Nm Lh ft ont doot Unhmt Anton RoeHRIP.r, 2ri Chl~n~o. The W S C. S, will have Its Mason Phone OR 7-6t51 Michigan 1tv ( per cent. company with Mr. and Mrs. VIC­ of tlw City llnll, In 1!11• CtLY of Lnmdn~ H1•1wlv' d hy tiH ( ouncll nf Lhc Jl1 ; Dorothy .Tcnn IJavtK, 21, Buv City, C'lty or Mn1-1on lh Ll the Cl1tk he 1n~ annual harvest supper Jo'rldny at r~ounty nt' l••~h 1n1, Mlihiqnn, Hhnt \w­ Dnvlcl F'!clchL•J, 1 R, r nnslnu HnnnH' C01l springs both fi ont and tor Cheney, visited at the .Tess 11trmt1d tu Jt•llllll thc Jlllltlon of Ed .. hut. oil(' of 1111 t lncP.~ of hohllnu C:frf'ult Artdt!IH, l't, LnnHIIlf.t', 6:00. Tumer home in Fenton Sunday. \~nHI Jl, NIH:w nrul Nevn 1.. Ntl-ltie 1lntl!d rear are contmucd on all models Ct•lll t 111 Hnul Conuly), Hlllil mort~IU.:r. Donnie! .John nnusch, ::!0, LnnHtnR': The Pioneer Circle of 1ne FeU '~111 ht ful•cln!Cf'!HAIIIY ln Pet( I nrltnllf'Y L:von, 20 Lnn!!ln~· 'f.Oililll{ nnd lh!tl "nul Wilt! fCN!I\f'tl fillY thn lllltnt!llt tlllf' It!\ 11fnre~nul, nntl teJUUl Suznnnl' C 1rol Jim" liz, 20, liiiiVf'JRity Seventy.flve guests attended 11nY Hum "hh l1 mny lw ptwl hy tllfl un· ln the Coun• 11 nn1l p\ 1n•cl on file w1th lloldltH, Ohio, the wedding reception for Mr. and clf'J!II~ner/ nt 01 hrro1e Htd1l Hnlt• fnt tltxN• nn rulthPl lltllon IJC!II\11.' Llllrtlll (,ornld Hust;ell Wnl.r !JO. LnnRing, nnd/01 lllllulurur 011 Hlllll nremiAf'fl 111111 'I ho• fo1r 1-:nllllt' 1'1 sulutlon \\ns S\IJI· glt1.nlwth Mny Lllltght Ill, Lnnf11nl-( Mrs. Charles Howell at the home po1 tt d llv ( Nf'IH 1'1~111hY untl all otlu•r !ltltllf> pnlrl hJ tlw uruiP.rHIJ!nf'!d ou111 tlmnn ,J,1m11K M McCloy, 10 Lun~lng-; Kath ... of Courtney Reed Saturday eve rtdO)lt+ II hv I hi rolln~\lllJ.{ ~,;nt£• YP~. l '\tlh 111h1r~t !lwu•on 111111-11111111 to ),1\V leon 1!. DeShon or I H, Holt ning. nnd tn tlu~ t1•rmH of !Hild mori~HJ.!:P., nnd No, .!. Leon HOI flim In J~. I4nnsln~: Bel it ll} ( nune1lmnn Nr.ltt. r•c1 rlhl-: nil IPU:fll 1 otiLH 1 hnrj.tC'H und t :f'l r nf WaHhtn~Xlon Hlteut he CnTnluw J. Holcroft 20 F.a!lt r .. anHinA' tL home at Leslie. M JC:HWAN NA1'10NAJ, DANK tt\\.u h •I to I nylln .Je\H at ptlr:o of Clt11 ~ nr e ll Rohc1 tH. 4 0, Lnn~lnp; i MortJ.flli-fl'r> $12, ~76 i'i hul Ill In~ plopo;;nl undf\J' • Yf'R, 1i Ronnld D.1vld Dilley 1 fl, LnnRing, Fellowship meetmg In Dansv11le APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR No, II l"rt·n ]o}Cc PllLt.t, tR, Grund LcdgP.. Holt on Holt road to ~lerldilw road, south to Frost road, then east. AND FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRS On mcllJOn cmtncll ndJO~ll nod untJI Cal\lffi£!1 'l'homnfl Smolr.nHki, !12 l .. nn­ Monday evemng. Nnvtmhcr lrt 105h, Ill 7::10 p m. GREGOIW-Novembel' 27, 1956 !ling Mu: 1\EJ,LOGG r.. Stnt1 of ~Jt( lugnu !'he Prnblltf> Cou1 t 0\H'II Crnni.lnll, 22, \Vvbb(IVlllc, ['nJnl Ctty Clm k (ol Llw County of InLthum. Ann :StmiJtJ0\1 I b, Wchbcrvllle At u seRH\on of Hnld Couat held nt thr: Stun!, y A. Mo01 r 12 LnnHing: Polly P1•ohuto Q(fu.:r. 1n tho ( lty of Mnson 111 Jnno Squlhh, .!H, Mlnlul\\nkn, Irnlmnn. Okemos and Vicinity ~ 11! C'OiliJtv, on tho ith duy nf Novr'ln .. RnVIri Met hew Irnmpton, l3, Lnnsmg, l.UI·s. Walter Heathman her A. D I lift New Court Cases llenlrlcc I.(•t• JJyutL, 17, Lans1ng T'rOHcnl liON ,JOHN McCLEI.L~N Ron 1\d D1dc 01 van, 22, Lnnsln~: Elnlne Chancery 0. E, S. of Okemos lodge will .Tud~c of P1 ohnle. N!..!W Yn1lc CenLtal r:. R vs Mlr:hlgnn Dnrlonfl fll'rJ.{an, l ~~. Lnnalmc. Friday, November 9, 1956 Jn th,... M11t~r of tho EKtntf• of Bfo!RN­ Pnhllc Scr\ h!( Conunitililon. Utll Lo !Wl Jetty L(!v Smith, 20, DeWitt J.~lln have a rummage sale at the Ma­ I ICJ1 GREGOitY 11k.t IIERNF:ICE GI!EG­ asHif! Jlartlan of order of MPSC, Pntl•lck Jenn Cnre) 1 ~. LnntllnJ..t", somc hallm Okemos Wednesday, OHY J)(l(!f'IIHOd, E Hrtckotl, Detroit, nttorney. ChntiPR n. Scrr:mr. 11, 14flllt!lng; Onle WJ!Imm C. Ntchols hnvlng flh•d In Grund '1'1unk \Vcslc1 n R. R, va. Mich .. w Dl!tly I J, r.. nnHIIH!'. Novembet• 14, from 9 a. m. until CommencinCJ at 1 P. M. Rnld Cnu1t htR pPtltlon prnylnl.f Lhnt the lgnn Puhllc Sm vice Comm. Hill Lo !'let ,John Shermnn l(rllmnn 2G, Stock- 8 p, m., and Thursday, November ndmlnl!-~ll JtiCIII of 1mld cRtntu l.Je J.:IUIJtfd tRhh, older of MPSC. H. V. Sr1lkc, De .. luifiJ.:c: Mnry [,ou lllllflOl, lfl, Stoclt• to ]i•nrl N1chols or to Rom~ other HIIJt~ J. t10it, Jc:mnlng-R, F'tn!1N, PnrRnn!l nnc1 hi'Jdu-c 15, from 9 a, m. until 1 p. m Wtlhnm!l ll RcynoldH, 21. Stock~ nhlf' IIP.I'I'On' nnd nl11o Ill !IYIII).(' f01 n •rrehllcoclt, nltm noyfl, Circle No, 4 of Community del~tmlnniHHl of th~ hollK·nt-lnw of Frnnlt Vnn Dnmrne, Raflclln 'VInnlckl, hi idgu, Shllley A 'r, 0\.fiJ), I~. Storlc· Rnld d( C(lllM~ed, ll••ldge Rnymon!\ Vun Dnrnme, VR F' B Me­ church will meet with Mrs, Cath­ It iH 0"1' Jed, 'rhnt the 27th dny of Fted Hnrtlcy Huntm, J1 20 Dnrbnrn Kihhin Co, col nl BlJI to quiet btlf! RuR• erine Evans Wednesday, N(Jvem­ Hay and Grain J<'nn Cnlomnn 1 R, r1~oledo, Ohio NnvcmiH I' .;\ D. If! 1 G, nt elevon o'elncl< !lei A. Lnwlm•, nttoancy. 16 Head Cattle In the fCJlenoon, nt thC' Prohnte OfTico, In Hornc1 'l'homtJHOn VK. Hn1 olrl Chnftln, Eldred Alnn N!elH('n, 21, En!lt Lnn- ber 14; at 8 p. m.; Chcle No. 2 tho City or :Mnson, Mlchlgnn, bv. nnd IH slnJ.t Mnrllyn Ann Stubbins 24, East Rt•gistered Herefor1l, 5 years olcl, due bt ~lay Inc, nntl AR!loclntcs DIKcount COIJl nncl meets with Mrs. Ailee Hlcl HPI'eford, fi years old, due in July liOn f'n1 hnt & fiurnl'i, nttortlf!YR, vember 1fi at 12:30; Circle No 3 About 150 bales second cutting alfalfa It Is Fu1thr1· Ordt•Jr.d, Thnt publtc no .. Sohhle A Flnnde!R, •IG, EnRt r.. nm~ing. meet~ wHh Mrs. Alice W1lhams Grade Hereford, .") years old, due in ,July tlce tbcuof he ,t!l\r.ll hy Jlllbllcation or n Lnw Jntne!t Hnrwoorl 1\onn, 22, Hol1y Nndh Wnyne 'ronl Co n Main~ Cm­ 200 Bales Straw •100 Bushels Oats COJIV or this Oldel, ror Lhrcc !11\CC~Stl\Vc Jonnnc Dclm C!1 o•nonne\1, 22, Lnnslng at 8 p m. November 15; Circle Grade Ilereford, 5 years old, due !n July JlOI at1on, o.: ~. Ovm house Enulncel mg nnd 'HckH 111 evlou!1 to sn1d dny of henJ•InR", In Jnck H. S1!'1co, 28, LnnAing; Pntrlcln No. 5 meets with Mrs. Helen About 800 Crates Com the lnuhnm County Nmvs, n nc\\ RllUJlet Mnnnfnt•tm ing Co. n Mlchlf(un Corpo. Grade Hert'ford, 5 years old, due 10 Jtily rntion. AliRummut. C:regg. filnHsr>n, Pnr1• 1\.nn H!IJ 23, LnnRlnJr, JlriOted 1111d cl1 culnletl In Mnhl countl-, Rannld Hichntd, 'leuJil, 22, \Vcbber• Breckenfield November 15 at 8 Grade Hereford, 4 years old, due in July & attornf!y~. 150 Crates Corn, year old tmd thni Haul pehtiomr 1-:1vc known Hhend, vlllo, Pntrlcll\ Ann Dilllnghnm, 22, Wll· ln 1 e Pt Lltlnn Rosco~ J\f Snen~f!t p.m.; and Circle No, 6 meets With lnlcteHtod llnltiPR ndditlonnl not1ce nR of linmRton, Grade Hereford, 4 years oltl, due in July for IC!'{OJIItJOTl o( O!H'lll.Ol'~ l!CP.Il~C. a~;quhcrl hy In\\ 1 efioy H1chnrd Dclwiler, H, Loosing: Mrs. Eleanor Brinker November FrllOCitl ,T, Wcr\, uttorncy, Grade Hereforll Heifer, 1V2 years old, due in June ,TOHN McCLEJ,J,AN, Mlld1cd Om n1cC My en, 50, 1.-nnsing, 15 at 8 p. m A True Cop:.: Judgn of Paohnte Stat~ Fmm Fh·e nnd Cu~mnlty TnfiUI"· FrnnJ.i O"flcrry, lfl, MnRnn, Jcnnnc fi Hereford Cal\'es nne( Co, Hllhl o~ea of 'VIIIuun C. Dunne­ Uobl'l t L 01 n!Hl Mn11e B1 Mnson, Darwin Munn who suffered a huck Vt'i Donn lei McMillan nnd Robel umm, 18 Ucldt!LCI' of Probntc t Sum Stone, .2.1, Stockhudgc, Mlnnle Holstein lleif~r, 6 months old Farm Tools CnmJlbell. JnRtiCC! Cotll t. nnpmll. Jtu k ,..,, hlp Injury In the Okemos football \\riLl ren nit01 ncy Pnlton, I H, SlockblldJ(e, B ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR D11nnc Mnrtln, 21, Enton Ru11idR~ Lots game with Holt has been released Cattle Extra Nice and Bangs Tested Jobn Deere Tractor with cultivators HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR Rop;t t• ll Unc:lotlllll nnd AII-Slnh! In~ E ,JoJ don, 1S, LnnslnR", !H111111CC! Co, S.\llnogee, VH Alctlc DtllJJ.• from Sparrow hospital. DETERMINATION OF HEIRS Eug-ene C1 nfi, 21, Stockbtidge PntrJ .. John Deere B Tractor DOWNING-January 16, te57 P1odu Olllce 111 the C1ly or Mnson, an lnnd, MniiC'nn Luc1le 'VolflltH£11 2:t, T..nn .. York, Mrs Stoner Is the daughter subrogee of John Raod 1 Vfl. J. E. Durk. Jobn Deere 3-section Stlringtooth Drag, 1 yl'ar old tho tmld County, on Lhf'! 7th dny of No­ Hill){. 'l'IUtlJUHir~ on tlw en~~ Ren~oth & Denflcld, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Risk. Mr. 8 Red Duroc Gilts, 5 months old \r.mhea, A, D 1956 nttCllllC)'fl Benny VmH]UCZ, .11 .. 21, Lnnslng ne... Jobn Deere 2-section Drag Pi'CHcnt HON, ,JOHN McCr.m,T,A N, Sr:mH na('lbUck & Co. VH. Bruce loJPs 'J'hompRon, 18, J.. nnH!n~ and Mrs. Walter Heathman are Rt•d ami White Gilt, 5 mouths old ,]udgP of Probnte, c. Robett A. \VP.n:r.lick, 10, Lnnsing, Ed.. John Deere Mower MIIJCJ AHtHIIlll) 1ll. o\1 thm J.. K1nme1, great-grandparents. In the Mntlcl or the EHtnte or HEL· ntt01 ney, nn ElJ1.nhl'ih Pollck, 30, Lnns1ng ,Jolm Deere 1-row Mountetl Corn Piclmr J;NA C DOWNING. DccoaMl•ntntlon of cln1m" UJ!Illnst. Blnneho Smith. T1 CHJll\KA on thr.. r•nMe, 'l'hnt.ldC'OUR AI~Jxnndet •ro1•ty, ~3 Lnn• Spiltetooth Drag ]{!, Mrs. Earl Leonard entertamecl Dog Cultipaclier Hnld estnto t~hould be limltod nnd Lhnt n Rwluu d E. Roh1mmn, En ton RnrddH, nt ... !tlnr=c, Shhlay ,Jnno Caus;ntl, Lnn11ing 11-hole clrill,, seede•· time nnd plnce he llllJJOinted to recPIVC1 tllliW,\.. • Hm ry •r. A

Mmers -·--·. When you check-out ... check Dog Food up and you'll find 1aving11 · galore during this week. of out­ New standing valuea. Top quality products that are guazanteed 11 Cans to please you, as well as save you more on your food bill· .· '$1.00 With the holidays on:their·way: now is the time to 'll()O~ u.,: .. shop the IGA way and 1ave

GREEN GIANT NESTLE'S QUICX Whole Kernel or BAKER'S INSTANT. .Corn Season's Lowest Price Coc:oa· 303 Whole or Rib Half· Mix· 6 for 8 For a Dollar PORK --- . $1.00 -- IGA Evaporated Milk Tall Can 4Sc JbTin l' ---- IGA Perk and Beans No.2 Can LOINS lb ----· Marlene IGA SLICED BACON 2 l·Lb Pkgs. $1 ---· 7 For a Dollar ·Oleo· SKINLESS FRANKS . IGA Creamed Corn 303 Size V-8 3 lb $1 Vegetable SLICED BOLO·GNA 4 i 4 For .a Dollar 1-u»cartons PORK CHOPS ___. Juice 5 $1 CENTER CUT LB 59C ' s·wansdown Cake Mix 12-0z. :~i Devil's Fo.od- White- Yellow- Lemon Flake - - (Includes IOc coupon on lns,tant Maxwell House) RIB STEAKS _, LB39c --= ::r Franco American Spa9etti PORK STEAK SLICED BUTT LB45c -- :Crisco " .' ...... ' .-~ ,. ·' With Meat Balls I 303 Size IGA BEEF ROASTS CHOICE CHUCK CUTS 3 LB $1 Orange Juice 3-lb Can SLICED BACON 3 1-Lb Pkgs. $1 46-0z. 3 For a Dollar 3 for ROUND, SIRLOIN, T-BONE ! LB59c IGA Peaches sL1ceo oR HALves No. 2lf2 Can 93c STEAKS .-'-----=---- fJY • ' #"···; PORK . TENDERLOINS tB98c $1.00 OCEAN SP.J.lAY FRESH LAMB SHOU'LDER ROASTS La49c ' . . Small-Size SMALL - LEAN . La49c GRADE A. SPARE RIBS· CAMPBELL'S CranberrieS VEAL s·TEAK SHOULD,~R CUTS .LB 59c - Delicious l-Ib Tomato Herrud's Assorted · ,:.EG.GS GROUND BEEF · - ~~i~;!ith Cello Bag 19c Soup GRADE 1 SAUSA.GE . · _C_ol_d_C_ut_s_. ___Lb_59_c - ··J. Doz;.$1 5 ·Carrots 2 Cello Bags 19C 10 for 4 LB 1 Dried Beef 2 ~i.~~ 57c .· ' ,· .. $1.00 Celery California Pascal, Large Bunch 19C ·= Tube Tomatoes 25c .• !fiiAII . . I.C)AI)

' Cello Bags 19C . 'I Radishes 2 Hills Bros. - Winners Coffee - of the Reg. or Drip Oh, Ladies, come look - , at the pretties $1.00 lb' - Sunshine we've just unpacked - Baskets· A beautiful line of Swedish, Danish, Ger­ Mei·M·ac · · - Art Doty, Route 2, Mason man and English Christmas novelties - perfect Giant Snow ·crop Frozen Food .Sale for secret pai an.d exchange gifts. = Clayton Cain, 3179 W. Harper, '( · Dinner· Mason · Orange Juice· . 56.oz. cans51 Green Peas 6 Pkgs. s1 We believe these are something completely ware ------~ew in this area. The supply is limited, so get Will Not Be - Available . French Fries Regular Green Beans _ Shop at Densmore's lhem now. After 4 .2 for 45c · :·chopped Spuds Fresh-Cut Green Beans . . · and SAVE . ~~~==~~~~~~ Dec·ember. 31· Leaf Spinach \ Packages I . Place Your Order Now to Insure Complete Set. . ... · . ~hopped Spinach 75c Cui Corn Package 21 C Enter Free Truck Contest Today! ··. ;, .

• •,''\ :· :'DENSMORE'S• ' . ' ·IGA' ' FOOD LINER·,• j' • .

' .. '·, v; ~~ ·,,, o; ;.:·, ,' I ;.:;! \'. : · '· · · Open 9 .t~ 9. Every, D.ay. l~cluding· S~nday,· ...... ' . ' .

. . ' . ···. ' ,. •! .. . ' mnTJIDA Y DINNEn OIVEN Stocl~bridge Couple Wed 'All thB ehlldrcn, ar·undchlich·en Pupils at Steele tihd one Cl'llat·grnnddnughter mel. Will Get Lunches In Double-Ring Nuptials· M ll)e .tww home of Mr. llllrl Mr•s, SoCial 6venb anJ Personal a. L. Wllldns In JaclnRmorc unci fnm·l high sd1nol unci talwn to the 11uJir moms tmm ~ until 10. prove of hencfll In lmth tcuclwrs Don Reynolds, all of Stoclloslwr r!n· Under· llw iwt lunt:IJ !ll'ogrurn Supl. ,Jnmes 1!. Vander Ven nnrl IIJP American Legion eslah· educalion and lhe Natlnnal Cnn· Aecrmllng tu PTA president, an nltar flnniml :I 111 31ll! unci :Jfic nne! faeully mem' 11 ' nsslr:1wd unrl lo t!nnsLiil will! I ill' 1 ohst!rvecl annually "for the pur· Is that the ·schools muld at sulci, and he was tnlwn tn the new recot•ci lor nltcndunce al the werhlinr: l'aluJ'(!rly lo Chnrles A lace hut held In pln<·c her Gudeman's In ChP.lsea. 'l'IH! bride· Lansing nursi!Jg l1nme Sa lurdny. Friendship" Lloyd l!owell nf Lansing. Mr. ami Oltening of tho 23rrl convcnllon of fingertip veil. She earrlcd a white groom worlcs at Kelsey-Hayes at Mr·. nml Mr•s, Rrrhe1•t .Kirby HIHI Mrs. Carl L. Stoney are p11rcnls the Nalional Home Dcmonstrn· Bible with dnrk plnl> rm;chiJ[Is. Jaci pur· was presented lo the organization lralt nccl>linc. Long fitlcrl sleeves I by H. W. Carver, president of the Couple from Wilmore,. Ky.~ cxlendcrl In pointo over I he 1 middle western division of A. & Two Heaters in one! · wrists. HPI' bouffant skirt of 1 P. F'ood stores, official host for layct·s of tulle fanned Into 11' tile dinner. Are 1/onored at Reception brush. The lop layer w·.1s fash· • • • ionecl wilh a wide panel of seal· Fifty relatives and friends at· Holt, Mrs. Floyd Launsteln and lDped lace clown the fro Ill. Tiny tended a reception for Mr·. and Mrs. Frank Launstein, aunts of pearls made up her· smilopcd YWCA Group Mrs. Lyle F'. Weldon of Wilmore, the bridegroom. Mrs. Homer C!I'OWn which held in place a lin· Launsteln of Leslie, aunt of the f ger·llp veil or imporlcd French l{entucky, Sunday afternoon at bridegroom, !lsslsted by Mrs. lllusio11. She t'aiTied a colonial Plans Market Tngham township hail. The couple Frank Launsteln had charge of bouquet of rcrl roses and while International Women of the exchanged nuptial vows Sunday, the gifts. Mrs. Jim Young o! pompon chryoanthcmums with Lansing YWCA are preparing August 26. Dansville and Wllmo1·e presided cascarllng English Ivy and a for their annual world marltet Mr. and MrH. Floyd Weldon of at the guest register. shower of satin rihbons and lover on November 13 and 14 at 217 Mason, parents of I he bride- e, and degree al Gr.or~re Peabody teach· is no admission char·ge !or the ishing. in I.ront ":i~h bows. 'i'h~i~· in·iclcgn:nrn, :-;eal~cr~tl .rose .llCtal~ David Krumm of Lansinr: wa~ Mrs. Arnold Weirton flf Dan~ville, ers college, Nashville; Tennessee world market. The public Is In· gowns wc1e slylcL Will! full Cll· 111 llw p.tlh of the h11dc. lle1 dress best m·tn and ll~hcrs were Gary sister-in-law, served I he hricic- Mr. Weldon is a senior at Asbury <'lila I' sidrts. '!'hey wore malching was a shorl repiic!a of I he olher S ,', { Lansin brolhet· of th~ \'ited to shop for unusual Christ· groom's cal\c. Mr·s. Russell Wei· college. headpieces and shoes, Hncl cmTied attendanls, also of powder blue bt?:le~ 1 J · gj· e f Lan mas gifls ami souvenirs In the don served icr cream. Assisting The couple resides al lll:l 1 1 courtyard of nations and to learn royal blue muff~ wilh harmnniz·l crystaii'IIP. She wore a headband r· (C am a me~ "ee In ° · were Mrs. Maude Stackhouse of Gillispie street In Wilmore. sing. about other countries ·an'd people ------'--- Mrs. Amelia Stoney and Mrs. fmm lhc exhibitors, many of Ingham County News November 8, 1956 Page 4 w. o. Bush, gmndmothers of 1 he whom have returned to their Mason Boy Scouts COUPLE IS UNITED bJ•iclc, and Mrs. May Reed, the homelands dtu·lng the s·ummer. Benny Vasquez, Jr., ami De·l I I bridegroom's grandmother, wen~ The p!'Dject is a part of the Plan Bake Sales lores Thompson, both of Lan· You can "Jailor" the heat to suit the wenthr.r world fellowship program of the special guests at the wedding. Mason Boy Scouls a~sisted by sing, were united In marriage 1 with Duo-Therm's twin-burner Regency! Use one ' · While mums and reel gladiolus YWCA demonstrating that all na· their mother·;; will sell bal~ed when it's mild, both for full 78,000 BTU output in tionalilics can work together lot Saturday, November 3, by .Jus-~ /I · decorated I he church for .the clou· goods al the Western Aulo star~ belter understanding. ·Proceeds lice of the Peace Roy Adams at coldest weather. Authentic furniture styling. Fine t ble·rlng nuptial ceremony, A I'C· on the second Sa lurday of each Mahogany finish with brass trim. The Duo-Thern1 ...... / ' cepllon from 3 lo 6 honori:!d the arc used lo help YWCA's in less :rrwnth starling al 9 a. m. his home. Witnesses· for the nup· A fortunate countries. llal ceremony were.• Erasma D. Regency i3 the oil heater you'll be proud to havt in 6 ·newlyweds al 1he Civic Cenler. The first sale will he this Sal.· The ·po·plars reslauranl at East • • • Navaro and Suzanna Navaro." your home. ·/ /tp ./ Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles L. Bran: urday, November 10. Proceeds / / · · Lans!ng·was I he scene of 1he wed· nan, St., of Williamston were from the sales will be used for * * * . >; /.. ding breai~fast al. 12::JO. guesls· of lhelr son-In-law and their next summer's camping Mr. and Mrs. 'Joe· Dcarr arH.I fund...... r_,,···· · F'or.. their honeymoon I rip lo daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John children spent Saturday evening ,W 13'lorlda the bride selected a hlacl~ Kosier, during the past week. • • • at the home of· Mr. amt Mrs. WQol box suit wilh mini' t1·im. She Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lilly of Ma· Morris ·Bedford Jn. Lansing, PDWU·AIR ILOVIIRS­ son and Mr•s. Esther Emmons of C!J.Ill(llemented her ensemble with Mr. and Mrs; F/ A.· Baldersnn Aulomaricnlly force heal Lansing recenlly returned from to everr parr of honu~. a winter while hal, while l>iclsl an'd Mrs: Domild lhc navy at Piney Point. Mr. and J\l[rs.-. Howell al.lenried Michignn Brown of Lan:,~,ng. ·Mrs,:.·Balcter· Mt·s. Lilly and Mrs. Emmons also State university. Her husband al· of the Week son Is Mr. Bmwn's:: sister:. Nine. tended Ferris institute. · visited wa~hinglon nnd other teen guests atte'rided · the;'fiulilly points of interesl. After November 18, the newly· ' This is the lime ol year wh~n op• gathering from ·Grand Ledge, ·De· weds will hi:! al home fll !Jl.l 1f:, plos ore plentiful. For o real scrump• Mr. and Mrs. Fomst Sag,~ of Witt, Lansing and Mason.· V\Tcst Michigan '!venue in Lan· fiou• apple deuerl, fry Mrs. WWiom Belding spent the week end \\ itl1 Reeser'• recipe lor opple dumplings. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gillett AUTOMATIC TIIUMOSTAT­ sing, i Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barton Sct and forget. (Small UNDERWRITERS' She fells lirsf how to prepare tho op• . ami cia ugh t.ers. left Saturday for Lake Worth, • • • pies, then the syrup lor hosting ond Florida, where they ·will spend extra cost.) APPROVED last, hor method o/ making poslry, · Mr. and Mr·8. Howard l~ifert of the winter. Williamston and Mr. and Mrs. Going·Away Party ~~ Mrs. Ruby Holloway of Lansing John Kosier attended lhe Mich· spent the week end with her DROP IN and sge our lineup of Duo-Therrn Honors 2 Women APPLE DUMPLINGS igan State·WisconRill f o o I b a II mother, M1·s. Maud f.'arrell. Sun· Home Heaters for eve•·y purse onrl purpose! game Satui'Ciay. Tlwy celebrated l'rlscllla Bible class· of I he Ma· PMo dnd core 6 modium siaed, Iori, day morning they attended thr the vlctor·y wilh a shrimp dinner sun Nazarene church gave a go· juicy epplos. Pl•co an •ppie on oech Methodist church, and the dedlca· YOU CAN END at the Wcslgatc restaurant in lng·away party for· 2 of their square of pastry. Fill c•vitlos of •p· tion of the Mason Church of the pies with mixture of Lansing. CLOTHES DRYING members Thursday al lilc home Nazarene In the afternoon. lh cup sugar Mr·s. Joe Dean and joey spent. Mr. and Mrs. Donald. nf Mrs. Jesse Burgess. 1112 tsp. cinn•mon Murra~' M·ason Home. Appliance of Birmingham . were guests of DRUDGERY, NOW! Honor guests were Mrs. Mary Dot with I tsp. buttor on e•ch last Tuesday and Wednesday In Deuel and Mt·s. Bessie Wallers. s.quMc. Brighton with her brolher-in·law Mr. and Mrs. Nate Davis lust Mois1en points of p•stry square. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bobble Saturday. 120 W. Maple Phone. OR 7-591! NO MORE Hanging Mrs. Deuel Is leaving soon to spentl the wintet· with her claugh· Bring opposite points up over the Dilday, Robin and Roddy. The opplc, overlapping them. Seal well. NO MORE lugging fer in Florida, and Mrs. Waltei'S children had a Halloween party. Place •bout 2 in. •port in on 8• 12-in. Jay Dean stayed with his grand· NO MORE lifling plans lo leave In December for be king pon .. Pour hot syrup •round Continuing Our Cat·acas, Venezuela, to visil her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold dumplings in b•king pan. Keep bast• Franl

c:i:;' co-~1111' Is a blithely unln· of Wt!rc om hlbllc!cl sct·lpt, u~lng to full ad· Don Mlllm· nnd fl'il'llclo[ ,/adtson.l 01'1'111 Powrll home Stlitduy. ·· · Vllntage the HJlOOfly l'eSUUI'CCS of Raymond Fink THEATRE HITS 11 ensile completq with moat, · Juun Wurd spent thn wer.l> encll Honoring IIJC hlrlhday nnnlvur: tlungPon, drawbridge, ull the fa· wllh Mrs. Mnrgnrct Mc:Cunn. sary n[ Br.lty Cnudlll, 1'111'. and FOX 1 gugl'd In smuggllnr,: eontt•aimnd cllitlcs o( hatanl fiction, Both lli'J Is Fire Chief l\lurvln CnmbLII'n unci 3 c!ol!P.gc! Mrs. l.ney \Vulson ilad a family· i'ittlciim· of J•'nrlunn Into Hed Chinn tmlll const'letwe mun und lhr. mule figure fore· friends from Albion wet·e SIIIH!uy dlnnct· parly Sundny. . Jl'a•lflny, Sntlu·llny 1111d put·pose a rr. hammnred honw most ami fut·lously In chases, cs· Raymund "Dutch" Flnlt wus dlitiH!l' guests of his parents, 1\Jr. Bob Lumlwrt of Ahnn college !•;aHI mcels \VI!HI In violent to him most cffectlvel,v In the capes, c:onfllcts of assorted I> Inds, votl!d the new fire chief, subject ami Mrs. I!nnnon Cnmhum. spcJnt the week nnd wllh his pm·:: c•olliHlo11 ,lust IIJI>: slllt! of llw ham· pm·son of n lll'nullful and despcr In nnd uroUIHl lite premises, be· lo lhc nppi'Oval 11f the Stoeklll'higo !111'1;. Gmce .Jones of Ann Arhot· eniH, l\11·. unci Mrs. AI Lumbert. h•m eurlaln In TwcniiPih Cnntury. ate redhr.nd, The redhewi, strlk· fore the murderers und motives ~own~hlp bonrtl, nt the Novembm· Is spm1dlng n few days wilh her I l!hlhl Study duh met Weclncs." Fox's rlrnmH, "Sol· lngly portmycd by StL~an !lay In the story are ud,lustml. mcctlnr: of the Slocltbrldge lire bmtiler·ln·lnw and sister, Mr. Ull!l clay nt 7 o'c:lodt ut the lwme of dler of Fortune," nl the Fnx T~rl· wnrIIIed by Rulli llowarrt and Tlw Calhoun Cuunly HheJ~ir(·llas Ogle .Dllclds. of Munith. . . r~r All Occasions Ware's Drug Slol'e 1\'un :i Browne-Cavcnder P'ost No. 14B and Monday. points rwm Daneer Cu. Waynf! Ophelia Culver. The r:oller:l wns asiH!d they be held pmullng::rur· . Mr. and 'Mrs. M11ynard Stu'n, The story i11 which Mielwy C. Millet· split with I. G. A. while wrillc~n b~· ~lary Slewarl, a f:I'!Hl· I her investigation., · , · · ·. ,field a~1d famil,v were Sunday din· AMERICAN LEGION FOR RENT Hooney makes his debut as Fran- Dart Bani< was winning 1 from tlfll'e or Boulder college, Colorado. 11€1~ ·gll~sts of l)IH parents, Mr. and AI Rim~ CI1CVI'olct. I·Tr.ien Decmun played 2 piano ~llfl!lilll'ldge lll~(lllst, 10'::1o,~wor· tl1rs: Oland Stu.nJle)d, Munilh. · . , ·Mrs•. MUY!IIIt'd Barber' is cm·Jug Refreshments Avail<1blo ANTIQUE AND High team seric~ a ml game ~elections <11111 R11lh Iloward and ship service; 11 ::15, church school; Ophelia Culver e'adJ gave a read· for )•11'11.' Len11 Sinltli. .·.. . Mat-on off US-127 Admission 75c . M~N'S GUN SHOW was !'oiled by Wayne C. Miller, 7: l:i, .Iunio1· BYJi' will! Mt{.!\1arll' G-rteve WEAR IS!l!l-702. in g. l{oel\well; Scni()r BYF, ·May~ard . Dr.. Md Mrs·.' F. G. Behnct• .wwl-;======~ Owosso Armory High indivl!luul games ami Six Ilnd ils roiL' in Anwrir·a loday. i'l\1 b.icct, "Foundu •.•u•... ·~'.\"'""· Tuesday night's bowling had l~reedom." A grotl ut. Filmed in· Hong Ko11g Presenl 111 lhC nH'C'Iing CIS g'IICSIH Buster's tnklnR 3 points from De· in I he church The. story (!(Hank Lee, Yank-in-exile, gun runner, hi-jacker of ~li Loach Furniture, Melssne•·s Lum· or the Lio11s were ufficm·s nl' ng to worlt on loc;ll A met ic·an L:~gion post No. h;edes ... · • cJnd Ja~e 1-loyl, a woman deep in trouble. . . . ber took 3 points fmm Melville, tables. They have tlow · 510. '•'• .'' Hartley's tool' 4 points from AI :l. . Clark Gable-Su!an Hayward Rice Chevrolet and Holt Recrea· It IV

rhis MayBe . . ' . Stooltbr·ldgc l'rtJllhl•terlan, · Dr. Worth Cash Council to' Check Ji'. G. Behner will use ·as lils set'· .. coun.try ·siy!11 1nun them~ next .Sunday, "If We Capacity of Wells Wallt In the Light." Delt11 Alpha~;~ To You VIllage President Wendell Bar­ will meet Monday. evening· with ·. Country •Kitchen •.;..:....REX TI:-IOMPSON·JAMES WHITMORE • · Mrs. Opal Lantis. 1003 N. Lanlrlng ~. · .:Mason bet• prc~icletl at the November ..;.SHEPPEAD STRUDWICK """"'""'VICTORil\ SHAW :'. :. hat is if you're ti .veterti.n. :Phone OR 7~2701 meeting of I he Slnr:l\tll'idge coun· M1·. "lid Mt··s. Et'lle,ut Srtll.t.l'l·.a·rld '' I' · plu5 Bugs Bunny Cartoon and New:; . . .'. .o matter when you served or dl Monday. It was voted to checl\ " ~ ·or how long, you'U find some· the capaclly or the wells supply niece, Faye Lylce, Sunday thing ivorth money to you: were nn outright grant of cash or n ing the water ~ystem for lhr dlnnet· guests of Mr. and Mrs. loan .. , free education or job town. The decision as to which Melvin Nearhood at· Syt-.:anla, Tue.~Wed.-Thiu., November .13-14-15 ow~ training • . . special rightd, englnee1· OJ' engineering- flrni · · honors, and services. Starting would malte the cheek wns not ·carl Mullins ' and .. Edsel Why'did M

' ' You never saw a dollar look 50 big, go so fer, buy 50 In much! Hurry-hurry-hurry to this spectacular money saving event and reap o bumper c:rop of bargains. MASON Friday-Saturd~ly

"SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" WHAT A, SPECIALI lmpcssibleg BaRt True! BROTHER! WHAT A BUY! Dollar Days Specials Beef ·Barbecue 3-Tier FLANNEL SHIRTS ·PLUS 'BIG HcUday Cal

Men's Helanca Nylon Christmas .Cards APPLIANCE SPECIAL·s· FASHION SPECIALS STRETCH SOX Boxed . Special REG. $3.98 Horge Deluxe 4-way- 1956 Models 29c to $1 .· 3 Pr. $1 2 for Se-Se Electric Dryers HOUS·E DRESSES Fit all sizes-- 9 to 14- Slight Irregularities . . . . Reg. $239.95 REG. $1.50 Reg, $1 pair if perfects GIRLS· DRES-SES NOW-While $179 95 They last • HOSE Women's Menominee One ,Lot Only Standard Models - Only $159.95 Size 1-12 American REG. $3~98 RAYON .PANTIES / ',' '·: · :69c .to 51.98 ,_ · I

Brighten That Sofa Dollar Day Specials Cannon Festival ! with or 20x40 Inches Swiss Steak Iodine Ration L.arge Towels 49c Ba~ted 500 79c PILLOWS :. 4 .~ Plates 100 Aspirin . 6C' Wash Cloths 15c Buy One for $2.50 Includes Homemade Rolls, A $5.00 Value for $3.50 Potatoes, Vegetable or Dish Cloths $1 Rubbing Alcohol .. 11c 13~ Salad, Coffee or Tea ~t. Get Second One for $1 18-in. Square *·Assortment of Colors* Kapok HAMBURGER DELUXE CHESLEY D.RUG STORE CHESLEY DRUG STORE Ball•Dunn Furniture Ash Street- Mason MASON MASON MASON

COLD WEATHER SPECIALS! APP'LIANCE SPE:CIA.LS Cake Mix Spe·cials Special Dollar Day Prices RCA- ESTATE- CROSLEY- NORGE ANTI-FREEZE SWANSDOWN All New GAS and ELECTRIC Gal. 79c Angel Food Mix RANGES $1 Stationery NOW 79C 30-in. and 40-in. Sizes Alcohol - Sealed Gallon Cans Up to $100 for your Old Range Bo·x 39c THERMOSTATS· DROMEDARY Reg. $3.50 F.or Fords, Chevrolets, Plymouths Big Discounts Honey & Spice Cake Plastic Gadget Bags on all \ 98c 5 Boxes-$5 1956 REFRIJGERATORS, TV Get Coupon Worth 25c FREE! Now s1.98 AUTOMATIC WASHERS Ideal for Christmas . · Western Auto Swift's Premium Picnics, fully cooked lb 39c · Mason Home· Appliance Assoc. sToRE GEORGE'S MARKET ·wARE•s. DRUG STORE _120· W. Maple Mason M4son MASON MASON :======~ :-"""""""'"======-==-=---i 1------.- - ·- -- ..;.... - - - -1 j"$- -- Thi$ Certific:: ~Worth~w:-D~ars- -$- -~ IMPOSSIBLE, BUT TRUE! APP'LIANCE SPE'CIALS 1 ~lip This I 1 2 . l·~:;:~~=~~~i~:~:,:;· i. FLASHLIGHTS speeds!~~~~.~.~~ashers : COUPON : ... Certificate I Complete ~ah. Bitterie~ :.. $l . $179.95 I: It's Worth I I I · · ' · ' ' Trade-in Offer of $40 I I . all ~f your Christmas Gifts at Western Auto- Mason this .... ' . Buy now at only $139.95 I On ' . Wom·en•c I" . •. Lay away foys and cash purchases worth $20 g~t this I - . G ' ' b ' c· $1 "' 1 I /.te~ch: $2,.00 diSCount. ·Buy as m~ny toys as. you WISh to I . : ' ., :.. ar age ... ans . 12 12 to F;~~~~~~nd Chest All . Heel Shoes I

< ' · · · . . .. 1 9 $1 \ Up to $200 Trade-in Allowed I I ,·.:;,/ . .. , ESTERN· AUTO I Blf2.Gai.-Reg, $l.? . Special Discounts with NoTrad"·in .1 1 j 1 Th~,~;,o~~ !n~!~~ED<,<.~~~ ~·~· )$2\J :: :· 0 Ptr'i~s Jlardware... ..,a son Home Appliance : MA~O~ w~M~~!._,STORE : · .. ·.· .Limltof.O~e,p~~Pa,n,Per$~~,~~r~h~~·.:·:·::.··>•.-l····. . i.I20W.Maple. · .. · .. · · .· .. MasC)n, 1__ ..:.,_~.:.:_~:._._:_·.:.._:·_: ___1 :~ ...... ::·· ~::-·:_-·_:·:-:- .. :.)7.7-:: .. ~~~---~-:·.7··-r:· ~,_:;~ .... --;· ..... _~~·-T:-";_-·-~.-:~- ..... > - _... · nnri Mrs Don Allon nnd Mr, nnrl forntn for rUnner Sunrlny, Tn tho Ihungry ovm·senR, Bm·Jon ,Johnson hmnr. from Ow Ostoopni.hiC! hos· M1•, nnrl Mra. ,Tncl< flnnrlcm otl 1'1', whu have hnr.n nl: the John · Hlndflnlseh wcm In uftemoon HogrJr Wutsem nnd Is t:hnlrmlln of Wheatfield town· Mr~ Hu~nlrl pllnl, .Jncllsnn. Rlw hml n rnnjew South Aurelius and Snglnuw wum week unrl llllCsts Hmnans home IIJIH tilll11!11el','< DPt;•nH Runrlny to m:e Clnernmu, ~hllell'llu or flwnrt~ Crr!C!It unrl ship, Ills wor)tcl'H who will ho npumtlnn, · f 1'1' "t· Hnnnlel sublnln nnrl dillr\r•rn nf cnlllng will be nnnounrrcl lnti'J', North Onondaga Cyt•us J?fclrl of 1\ilka, Incilnna, stnrtpef t'or J•'lnrll\tt fnl' tho wJn• Sundny r• o d'S, '" e11 n ' 11 1 Mr· .nne! Mrs, E!rlwanl r-r.\•nt\ of of !heir piu·ents, Mr•, anrl Mrs. 1 tor months 'l'hurm\ny, Mr, nnrl fvln;. Flnyrl Donn! und Wolf we're Mrs. Stolln lloctm• nnrf Lnnslng cnllac), Mr·s. Woync Fo 1cr• c.n ~e. ?•~ IIII'H, 11, II, li'if\)d Lr•rille visited Mr. nnr\ MrH. J.y\C! C\eyo Hnnrhlrs. 1\ln;, 1\:kUlnn of :\·lnson Is worlt· MJ'H, Don i\llf'IJ unr\ dlilrlrr•n vis· Thr.ron Mr·. nnd MrH, Dlelt Bowno Mr·. nnrl Mm. George Vnn De· Ml'S, Berton ,JolmAnn lust l!lrld} nfi~J'· 1 Gmw nnrl Mnrlnn Sunday Enrl F'lr.lrl .Taci\SOil Wllri IIi lng ut I\w Crirl WHJ'IIC'I' homo. \trod Mr. nne\ Mr.~. Mnrgnn Wino· unci fn~lly nncl Mi·. nnrl Mrs. B~n mnrlt wer'!! nl Millville ehurch nfternoon, noon. Mr. Hnd Mrn. ,John Powell nml or g-ur Fr·irlay Pvnnlnr\ Gunthur of lfoll. Jnst Mnnrluy ovenlng tn hnnr 1he ------·---· cnllr!l' Sundny of his unde IIJHII !I; visiting hi:; hmlhf'l' ami sister• Mor·r·y nnnclt n( Detroit. BJJent Mr., nml Mr:-;. Vcr·nrm sn.yrlcr nl· aunt·, Ml'. and Mrs. B, H. J?Jelel. ln·luw, Mr. nne! \\Irs. Tlyron J?Jr.lcl, MrH. f·'lorenC"r: Leudr culle!rl nn Ml~s Barhum nncl Hoy Lnun· mlsslonnry, Allu Griffin, wllo hn~ fl"tchburg tlw wcPk <•ncl with her rotl\H, t~ndecln hlrthelil~' pnrty Snturdny MI'H, HlcJI\11 Wrdr l:1r;t l~r·irJ;cy afl· stein r:nlnrtulnerl tlw .Junior re,.enlly retlrc!rl from .Jnrlla. 1111 Mr·. nne) Mrs. Lt•stm· 1\lcGnuglr· ·I his 1\'l'r'k. Mr. anr! l\11·s. Clal'f!eJet' !land<, evening for l•'rl'd Lnmphor·e lni------t!l'nwJn, Ji'nrm Bureau people at tlwlr 'J'hem will ha 4-H ur:h\r.vcment l'rJrH. Lyltl Grow Grnnr.:c will rnPI•I 'l'urisr\ny· ·hr1rno Sn\urdny nvr.nlng nt n hny· night Monday night nt 7:00 nt MI'~. Lucy Grow spent the ChnrlDtte. Ingham County News November 8, 1956 Page 7 nlng, Novrmher l:l, wltll lnstnlla· rlrlr> by a wiener roast. Grnnf:e hnll with ~upper·. Pnrenls 'rhe M. Y. F'. mol nI I!Jc home week end with Mrs. Nellie Me· Mrs. Lula Harrington of Lnn· ,__;:.____ ~------1 lion of edf\c•r:r>;, Df•lngn\rs tn Mr. nnrl Mn;. nerton ,Johnson ar·c mv\terl. J('fl r•ream will he of Doltglns WIJHon Sunc\ny I'Vl'· C1·epry of .lnt'i ,lssni'!UJt:ll Co. of Canada fumlly sJII'IJI t\w wer•l\ PClll with terlnlnerl Mrs. Dorothy Snhlnln Tlnrrsrlny, wh!!J'O l1e will spcnrl the winter ',Java' Is a nickname for eo l)'cc, Cnrl Wnrnr.r' tcnnnt lwuso to I he ll:i W. niJrohiJ\'Illl, Lun~lng Mr·. ani\ Mrs. e;•tnyrl Donn!. nnrl Mrs. MnP Wa!lwr nf Lansing The CROP rlrlvc will he No· w\t\1 his daughter nnrl family, hut was unknown \herr, Ill\ the Wllllnm Couch houAe on. the I IVnnhne 0·00~1 1\-le·. nnrl :\'Irs. Paul Wolf, Mr. nncl Mrs. Gnlrlle Wntson of Call· vr.mher J!J.:l


RlM1ll yoUR GUl . Of QUll\TY 7 RIB c COME· SEE • I • PORTION LB. YOU'LL SAVE .;._.. .. \ AT A&P! LOIN PORTION LB. 39c:

•.-,v ," :. '" ··"·' ,_,,:,~.r· ' (:r' -:. ';•.' •... ..; :"', .. BAKE. BROIL·. •:ii~f' I',,·,·,,,,:.~:;,' .··· :'{:' ~-?;:-'·' -:· ROAST, OR FRY· 'I LB • i ~~-- .... ~~~- 4·6 LB. AVERAGE .· !. : -B-REASTS LB. 69c PETTIE. -, BIRD FULLY TRIMMED /~. LEGS OR f FR.YER PARTS' THIGHS LB. 59 LEC-0-LAMB 'LB.



Sunnybrook Eggs MICHIGAN LB. ' HOT HOUSI:: Yellow ·Onions U.S. NO. I BAG LARGE, GRADE "A" 10 Tomatoes EXTRA fANCY t LB. DOZEN 57( WHOLE KERNEL. REGULARLY. 2 FOR 33c A&P SLICED AND SUGARED . .~ OUR ·~· 17·0Z. k Strawberries FINEST .CANS ~· ''>UALITY. lO·OZ. ·- PKGS.. ·89C·· . A"P CORN 4 . . G.E. BULBS BURN INDEPENDENTLY - INDOOR OUTDOOR OVER ·2 TALL-ALL RUBBER:._PlASTIC HEAD SLEEPING EYES-ROOTED, COMBABLE HAIR FEE~ . . .~ . french Fried Potatoes A&P 2 :i<~~. ·29c .15 .. LIGHT. STRINGS · 5 U.l. APPROVED I Xmas Lights. . ~3.49 4.69 Everglad Dolls I~ NYLON PARTY DRESS ··.L_ ~~~r s3.79, Orange Juic~ coNce~~ATED . &·~A~~ .. 98c 1 REGULARLY A&P Peas · 2 P~g:: 35c 16~oz. 25c 9-0Z, 3 FOR 35c CANS Ji ·FLAVORS lono Cut Beets 3 Jilfy Cake _Mix~s PKG,

~,·. All prices in _this ad effective through Saturday, N~vember 'I Ot~ · ~eyko. Margarine .,rench. QressJng 1 . ... SOLID .. PRINT . . Swiss Cheese Ad B.aby Food$ S~EDD'S· -c . KRAFT, SLI~ED GR~NULATED. DETERGENT HEINZ, .STRAINED Dash Dog. ~ood.

I LB . . . . 2. ·.· iS. oz. ;.29>:C. ·.. ·:.' .. ; .'_ ·. . ·2 CTNS·. 49 · .·. . s·: JARS 49c .~. "_.. _,- c.. CANS-: , . 1, 3a•t ····• • ·; :. ',i ' ~ ! I . ·; l :-: .. :: '\ '! :;-,_:'. :' • Mr. anr:l MrS'. ·:/:;J~Ifi~IJ ~o ll•e Erli~or were guesls ol M1•, o l?rAtJCia Miller in Illialct~ North ·Aurelius Sitnrlny, ;·Onondaga Farmer Warns Trespassers Mrs. Robert B. We~lch Mlos i"lot'OIH:o Coy und Mis~ ,, ' Esther Builey of Lovolun11, Colo· Lnylng of the cornet' stonc ht MJ', unrl Mt·s. Chnrlo~ Illcil rurlu, enllcrl on Mr. nnd 1\lrs. ITnr· .:.Is thOI'O fll1Ythlllfl' HO good liS I he now North Aurcllus ahurelt Clllled on Mr. nnd Mm. HumJPlli rl~ null!ln one dny lusl weeJ1, Mls~ Pie hlJntlng seuson lo prove Panan LfoiJ'dav~. lltlng. So was f)atltlJJ tiHJ !rult In hus boon Indefinitely postponed. Rich in East Lnnslng Sttnrla~· pfl· Coy Is Mt•s, Ilullon'~ nunt, !!hllraqter 01' lim I !LOll of it r ':II .. il the Gar·rtan of Eden. But it WIH ·We hnve Mnt unseen to Wnlclt As I reucl the nssnelate pro· i"lftrwn younft p~oplo of North ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tlworlore .Jonas rllsobedipncc and it ourncd dc:ath Aurclitls church had their Ulllllllll Rev. und Mrs. Wuylnnd Cum· were r~rlclny P.Venlng guests or a ,\Vho hud more lund tlwn we, fi!S~Ot''S nccount of IInlloweon'r; for Eve etemally. 131'11!1llt In from n Ririe ronrl, re· ot•lgin, I qlucl to see someone IInllowcen pnrty ot the home of mlngs unci sons, Hev. unci Mt·.;.l Mr. 1111d Mrs, Ralph Polland und wn~ So true Chrlstluns will have Rev, nne! Mrs. John Pruden, In Ernest Cummings o[ Sprlnft At·· family in Albion. move their ldcnllflcation num· telling the truth about Halloween nothing to rlo with pu~-:anl~m. ber11 11nd slcullt through posted oven If it dirt como from the Ihe form of n wlctmr roasl. Prizes 'hor nnd !~!don CummlngH of Lnn· !\It'" y,. 1.. 1 'l'ltllY r J 1 MABEL ZIMMERMAN, , . • rJ 1 . .1 ·, S 1 dl '" c • er n ,uns n[l territory, getting their pleasure, tcnehlnt~ profession, Instead or Holt r g von nm [{urneo were o ng wctc , um ny ntwr· guests c·nllecl on lwt• claunhtet·, Mrs. Ar· llQt from hunting-, hut from he· tbe ministry, pluye I. o! Mr. nncl Mrs, [(ennelh Eifert. 1hur· Jlarllg, lust Fridny. ; Ml~;s Maude Bullen anrl Miss Mt•, u'nd Mt'H, Dnvld Davis wew J'>fcomlmrH of •lll •I 1 , 1· llcvlng they were gelling nwny I would lllw to point out thut w 1 s 10 1 Vcva Bullnn were Sunday dinner Sundny dinner guests of Mt•, und r·e tr,·· l . ~, ." t ~ ~Ill. with dll't, Jinlloween Is only one o! mnny Doesburn Has Plan Ono of Michigan's finest groups the Owosso Bible col- "lii!HIH of Rev nml Mrs Joht1 Mr,s. Robert Biti""l, ·l 11 hlr l'lildwn l'Uppct' 11 t Aur II · after sunset, I pnuaed for a hick· talmn Into Christendom, ~losscrl Often the rNHters or lite Ing· Iego c hoir, wil I 11ppear at the Mason Church of the Nazarene Sun· Pruden nncl family Mr·. und Mrs. HcriJI!l'l llurll,':! , • , ,- At ' t. cluHI • 1 k h · I 1 ' . 1 h 1 11 w 11 , 11 rccen 1m wr on" nut when the spot where I ovm· anrl handed baclc to the pco- hum County News have rend let· dr.y, N ovem bor II , at heI II o c oc wors lp servtce. Rev, Roy Mr~. !· ll mrt IIut•llg wus In nnd family spent Wmlncmluy eve- goods sulc $!•1 . ·11 ·t, 1 would hnve been was blasted hy ple us Chf'lstlnn. tors lo !he editor by this writer, Mumau will deliver the S!lrmon. Hii topic will be "The Second Com- Chnt•lotte Mnnduy rm httslne!IS, nlng ot the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllh. tltr. •• (; • ' wuslle~ I er r.r' ing of Christ." filw also called on Mt·s. Wllllnr.t Dnle Norwood In Holt. . n ne) teu zoe !Om 11 poacher Rtandln[l beside a "no But rend what the Bible hus t.o I have always stress~d good gov· r~.. 1 lllllh or these pro,lccts and the hunting" sign, sny !thou! mixing pagan things crnmcnt. J lwve nlways siLici '~¥~~·, . \' nl>:lil Mr anrl ~It'll Mr, and Mrs. Char•les flieh were balance from llwlr club treaHury My daughter was pleldng ll(l· with Chrlstlnn, .Icrcmlnh, 10:2·3. where there Is unity there Is 1 1 day with lmlf·dny HCHHions fur Wnllc•r· 'G·uumwuy ; Mr· und i"rlcluy evening gucl!ls of Mt·. nnrl they wm·c ahll! Jo Ill I'll over $100 plcs when n poneher fired right "Learn not the way of lltn heath· streng-th, and so muny times huvr. 1 11 111 PTA Groups Plan , stnclerrts In flt·st tlll'ullgh IIVC!Iflll, Mrs. Jlllin'n Lvons und , ~ailed Mrr;, Huwurd Bcnnclt In Musnn. to llw North Aurelius _church through the inclder on which slm en." "For the c~ustoms or the pea· I suid lite govtJrnrnenl Is we the I 11 11 wus ~tanding, At hm· seream he pie are Vllin." Crll'lnthlnns, li:H· people. And when we the people November Meets I grmlcs. II 2-clay hollrlll)' Is In on Mr. nnrl Mrs, .T. D. Lyons Ill Sunday dinner guests nf Mr. I ~lltllcllt~g f:IIHI, Anyone huvlng tqre away through the corn with· 15. "Be yr. not unevenly yolccd to· worle lof(ether there come rc· , store fnr klncler~-:urlen pupils. 1 tlwlr new IJntnf! ln Holt. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson were· o~ny rltsllf'H from I he suppm· or· out even looking hade. golher with unbelievers, for what suits, 'J'hls I believe was proved Mldwuy P l'A ~viii meet l\1r•n· I 'l'he lloll American Mrs. Lr.o Sherman or Wran· M1·. and Mrs, Ellner 1\emps or hal1c~l g~10rl~ sail' Is nslmcl l,o . '.'My· only whitewood tree wm; fellowshlr has righteousness with lin the past big story. duy, l\!ovcmber.~2, nt 8 [l .. m. at i\LlXIIIat•y 111Cf!IH Tuesday, Novem- !lotte nnll Mt'S. Muude MHch•m or Lnnsing. ' ple.tsr. tclutn !hem lo Gttvlns purposely fallen neross lite line unrl~hteousness and what eom· I had a story for thfl r·enrlers t.he. school.. Mls~ 1\t.i:~ Dll~z wl·ll· ber Ja, 111 8:00 p, m. 111 tlw hnmc Mason were -'l'l.wsduy ntr~ht din· Mrs. Helen Bmlr!ll enlcrlnlnerl gt·oc·m·y store. tqnce at Jlight. mtmlon hath light with rlurlmcs~? hut due lo our eler:tlon, I thought spe.tle on JCrncdwl tt.trllng. Miss of Mrs. Georgt! Brlr•r!, •13H8 Keller ncr gltl'sts of Mr. unci Mrs.· membern of her lmmedlalo fum· Mr. ancl Mrs. St1111rt Bulinnancl , I get no plensure frum lellllng. And whnl concord hath Christ It was hcst to wllhho1cl, fot' !ear Doris. Lunclll, .w.l~l. ,g.lve s;.·1~1;- t'oad. 'sell Tlunllncrlon lind family. lly ut u dinner Jmrty last Tues- family nl 1\ularnazoo spent Sat· I've tried Ia protect wlicllife nnrl with Belial? or what pari lwlh some mig-ht thlnl\ It wus !or poli­ points on cottcctlun. Lice· Mt·. nnri Mr•s. H!it't'Y I\ollerman day night in honor of her ~on, ut·ciny nt lilt' h111ne nf his purents, b)rds. I've seen where poachers he that. believes with an inllrlel." tical purposf!. I have many tlon or 11 tt·casut·r!t' to 1111 a va- c•alled 011 Mr. 111111· MI'H. Clyde Hoclney's, second blrtltday anni· Jill'. and Mrs. llnt'l'ls Bullon. In hnve wantonly killed protected Ancl the ct·uwnln~ one of all, I trlhules regnrcllng the h'g story. caney is selwdulc~l. 1rj,.J/ G'/ubs lllll 1rncl Mrs. Millie Painter Sun· versary. Guests lncluclecl Jhe ma- the nflm·nonn Mrs. Stuart Bullen song blrcls, lneluding 2 of the nJ. Corinthians, 10:21. "Ye cannot I have reucl those In this paper. Rev. Vernn11 Smith of lloll I dny afternoon. ternnl greal·gmndparents, 1\fr. and Mnrl< f'illlerl nn hr.r rarcnts, most extinct Redheads. I had the drlnl< the r.up or Lord unrl the They arc upprecla tP.rl. Presbytcrlall cltttreh will use llrr• Wllll·lliiUll Mrs. Harry Smiley e11tertn'ned 1111d Mrs. Elmer Greenlee of I!oil, Mt'. anr.l Mrs. Robert W!!lch. only' fnmily I knew of. They're cup of devils." "Ye cannot be par· The Lord he willing, I will give need of rcct'CHIIonnl facllllles In Weii·Dunn f'!nh lrad 11~ 1 !flf'al :m gllr.sls Salurrla\'· night in hon· the paternal ~randpnrcnts, Mr. Ten boys 1111'1 at the !tome or g9ne. · tal1ers or the Lord'.~ table ancl tlw a hlg story to the people of lhls Holt us his lnple at the meeting, af'!til!veme 11 t saturday at Atire- or of Harry Smiley's blt·thday an· and Mrs. FotTP.St Bedell, !he rn:t· Carl Dcrtosla on Aurelius mad , I've been driven from m,Y fields table of devils." state of Michigan In the fu· of I~lliolt PTA Mondny evening 1iius town hall wiJii n potluelt sup· nlversary, Tile hostess served tcrnul grnndmollwr, Mrs. Esther lust Sntlll'day anrl formed 11 Cub by stray gun fire. Shot often full We see then that the fusing of lure. If we can buve the march oi at tile school. Refreshments will I per. Ranrlwlchcs, jello, coffee and Holme~. oncl Leroy, Hodney'R Sc·nul pnc-1\. 'l'lw.v are in need of In the yard. Sa tun's lies of pagan falsehood dimes we can also have a murch be served. A rc'JH'cscnlllllve from the blrlhclnj' cal; of Mrs. Mar: Richard Smiley, son of Mr. ami· H11sht gelling It In shape for a tre~Jiass'' which would practif~ally Mrs. Alton Kinney . Norwood street, are parenls of 11 IJroolls, Larry David, .Jean Len- garuilc David last 'i'uesday. Mrs. Hart·y Smiley, who cnter·cd dub house. · stop. the trouble. riaughler, Jacqueline Christ inr., on, Cheryl He mar, Agnes Rowe, Thursday even in[( Mr. and Mrs. the United States air force about The Girls Brownie troop has ·'The "law" hus tolrl me that horn Oetube'r 24 at the Edward Ro.':r• Anne E!lswot'lh and Martin Herbert Hartig and family called a month ago Is now stationer! at not yet organized clue to Jacle of l.tnlf·wa~ measures will not help IUwtwls Club ntceiN Sparrow hospital, Lansing. Mrs. Owen. on Mt·. ancl Mrs, Loren Wilmore Lowry air force base, Denver,_ a learicr·. Anyone interested muy b.llt ~ l~avp tried to avoid trouble. Circles Map Dr. Rlcharrl McCleery, lliSU Ames is the former Roberta Lit· The dub n!r:eived awards In of Charlotte. Colorado. call Mrs. Sum Cotton. now I want ·it. There is nothing I Instructor, was guest speal~er at tie. ·', · · dairy, [oorls and photography, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Topliff called hitlf·WIIY nbout what I'm dolnr::. the I PWf:!l'.J~;nq··;};_p)•gl! ;on ~Y.o_ur OIY,n ,·~ . · · · ;• · · ;, .. :;.­ ~M.i~e'i''ii ~ai·bed \vH·e·· fenci!. · Edwm~d E. Niese! of Dimundule Circle .1 meets·_. at: ·tho -Citi.trch" { > Designed for your ··.The cow shooting will worle in unci a native of Holt died Thurs· with Mrs. George Thorburn lead· ~verse. dny, November l, at lite home . ing the tlevotions and Mrs. Hul'tiY NEW PATTERN OF LIVINuz •TOI·lN Hf~MANS, He was 53 years old and was boi'n .Tacl1son will present the prog-rnrn Section 2, Onondag'l In Holt ,Tunuary 20, 1903, He was on Southeast Asia. a Cushiunized" furniture-built La lake the extra irup08ed Dj . ,. · . · · a Rawlcigh dealer In Eaton coun· Ml's. Claud Smith, 210l N. "I'LUs-Bul~'l' . 'l'V.,vicwing and lively children! ·So. ~th leroy ty the past several years and a r.--t~r St., Is hostess to Circle :J member of the Emmanuel First wltll Mrs. Earle Smith co·hostess. • Rugged in strength-rich in styling! :, .1\~rs. 1\lert.oii Rice Lutheran churelt ol Lansin~r. Progrn'm chairman Is Nellye nus­ • Styled to go gracefully with any living room rurnishings or decor! ' · '~ · L • He is survived by the widow, sell and Mrs. Vel'llon Smith will ·; · ll71·s. · P. Nllilams and 1\h·s. Hazel·, a foster son, Orville Wil· lead the devotions. Circle 4 meets • Wide variety of fabrics and colors to select from. Prices vary, lower or higher, :Merton Rice accompanleci Mrs. with Mrs. Emmett Green, 2214 depending on fabric chosen. F01un rubber cushionB at extra cost. Ivan· ·Rice of Bath to visit her son, son, at home·, sisters, Mrs. Claru ·Ivan .Rice, Jr., and family In Wieland, Mrs. lela North, Mrs. Park Lnne. Mrs. Maurice Rich· mond wlil present the program, , Righlandlell, $259 95 Quatlerclrcle $139.95 Mai:ylilnd. Just weolt, 'I'hey also Hulda Brooles, Mrs. Martha Kar· 1w1n scclmna~sotas "Southeast Asia." 1 Yl~lted othe~ _poi11ts of Interest In lmu, all of Lansing and Mrs. Mrs. C. James Grinnell, 3916 'Yl!•ginln und Washington. ~rnma Flemming and Miss Emily l'ricta, aa ahown, in rich durable ny1an boucle, ;, Mr. :and Mrs. i"el't·ls Smlllt at· Niese!. both of Holt; and broth· Wlldwood Is hostess. to Circle 5. Program chairman is Mrs. Ho· I'AY ONLY 100 DOWN FOR IMMEDIATE tended the funeral of an uncle in ers, Oscar and Herman, both of DELIVERY, TERMS TO FIT YOUR IIUDGET, Olilo ·sunday. Holt. . bart Martin. Devotions will be ·;'.:Mrs. Seldon Monroe visited her Funeral set·vtces were con· given by Betty Slattery. ·iathl!f, Ralph Glynn, at the St. clucted .saturday .afternoon at the Ch'cle 2 rn,eets Frldi\Yo Novem· La\i•rence hospital in . Lansing Bert Ftel? funeral home In Dlf!!· bet• 16, at the home of Mrs. T esday'· . andale With Rev. Leonard l{oen· Archie Lew!~, 4402 Clever· street. F~(l~ltinlluxury, .comfort and beauty KROEHlER bringa you Janette Wilson and Hlldred Mil· ·; Merta~ Rice· and s 11 a . ·urn· ig~r of!lciuling. Interment was in ., thist 9 PLUS-BUILT LIFE.TIME FEATURES ·· • , . · . ~ , . Dtmondule cemetery. ler ure co·hostesses. Mrs. Claud i Danied Mr. atld Mrs. Edgal Mm· Pullbeat·ers were Ge 0 rge B tt Miller will lead. d!lVOtlons and sl.•~ll and famJly of Gregory to a Percy Barmtt, George l{ah~er: Mrs. HatTY Chapman Is program .f~mily th; home 0! Mr. Ide Froeclcrt, Charles Hadley and chah'mun . .a!~~· Mrs. Kenneth Zentrnyet and Wilblll· Gunn Jamily In E,nlon Rapids Sunday. · '!'he Holt Woman's club meets '" .several neighbors of Harold The Sycamore P . .'I', A. will Tuesday, November 13, at the ~] got together aft· ~f~tl'oe 'l'uc~day meet Monday, November 12, at home of Miss Enid Lewis, 4102 2 lntciiockin~ 3 "Cone·Co1ied" 4 Comfort · :~rrlool~ .for El corn picking bee for 8: oo p. m. There will he a panel Clever, Guest speake1; will be a ijlljl.! ' ' ' discussion on child behavior. foreign, student ~rom M. · S., 'U. ~;~;)~~·;,:.; .-.----- Panel members are James Cook, Hostesses are Mrs. J .. Gower ''"'' ''""'""" '"'"' ~-~""'jlr Robel'! Schieffer, high· school Chapmlln, Mrs. Irvin· Clements 'thUd* ·school District principal, Alton Stine, principal and Mrs. D01•yce Cogsweil. , :'"'· ~~~ ieiJri0 JoluH~fun of Holt elementary schools, Re·v. · ReviVIil services are cotitlnulng "''.childs church missionary Ralph Mlllcr, associate pnstor of at the Holt Chu1·ch of the Naza· with Mrs. Bessie Le· Holt Presbyterian church, Dr. rene ·t)ll'o\Jgh .~~ndl_l.y,.,i>~·qyeqibcr William Frank,' Rex Smith, supt: 11, with Rev. and MJ•s.- Maurice 8 "Auto·Ptess" 9. "U~t·L~tk" ' · · 'of he~ .daughter ' Upholslety ' Aisemtily Pl1les. me.mbcrs. were of the Holt schools, and Dt·. Wll· Finger. Services are. •nightly ·'ex· ... to simd llam- Roe, · consultnnt- · from the' cept Saturday and begin at 7:30. to men 111 Educatlonof Division of Michigan Specinl musJ,P wlll'l)e provided .lly ... til~· i!i~~rvlli>~>:·.A·nnlllllf•k Iuncll WILS State .university; •\ Mrs. ·Fingers and· loc!!l, talen~. · Board of directors wJIJ ha1

Lm1sinr/s Mml Complr.le Building Cenlnr

Lggl~ Ov~r Our Whl'l'erb;ino Sele«;ti9n ~ ~ STORM . WINDOW We !Jdve self-si•Jring ~hrmilliHTl slonm AND DOOR ~r1rl sr;rnAm to fit WEATHER /'.LI. NEEO!;, 15 HERE

Si"lndMd Block m

.··-· ...... , .. ,. ·.· ······Weqat!tl .:.: SAVE $)0.

[h~ring Thi§ Dig

· Sp~eicd I

Offer .... ~...... '

·Think of It I Only For Th~s· HAMILTON "• ou know all that talk you'Te' been compression from their 364·cubic·ioc:h ' Yhearing about the 1957 new car displacement. ' mOdels being really new? GAS CLOTHES DRYER And ~e mean, of all, m~ dtJtmtetl Well, in the case of the 1957 Buicb it's new Vari4hte Pitch Dynaflow*-to msttml true -gospel true, in the stat:ting range-:-so tlltBfl' smo~h Ye5, If You 1e · ., We mean these 195 7 Buicb are new in the and so totalt' /ttll-rrmge in '~Drive"-thtrl . 5 7 ' . preCise and literal sense. We mean new 'our need for "Low" it /Jr•clic.UI1 Act Now 4-H'er Competet ·.froth the ground up, .and from gleamin_g · eliminated. · For Trip · · gtille to sassy taillights. . 13lJlCI( You Save • , • ' I• So come t~k~: iq these .low-silhouette, .. N HOSEN \s stli.te' ~inn~ ·tri th~· We mean new !owness, new snrling, .new · these boldly beatitiful, these i8u•iJ#1 , ow. .. th~ C.4·H comn1unlty ·relations proJ· ~ $30 Off b6dies, I new windshields, new (.'Ont~ls, obeditnt Buicks'fQr 19?7. · 0 ;, :ct. cai·olyn ·LaJ:~dera, 18, R:· 2, Pli.w · n DispJ . ,. Regulgr Paw,. will ccmpete with· other state r.ew safety-padded instrument, . . _ay winners. !oi· a ;trip· 'tb the. National · new safety steering wheels, new seating, I·H club congrellll held tn Chicago, new fabrics,' new c:Olors. Pric'e ···Of: ;~ov. 25·21i, Thirty-two expense; . . .. ·, . . l . ~ ...... l • . .• , : • I: , ·.. . ~: paid trips will be given by 'the. oem! 5 Autry & · Wm; Wrlgle:.o Jr. Co, The We mea!l new froat end, new rear end, 229.95! tiVD n at I O'n i I . " . . winners will re· n~w frame, ~ew bhling, new 'steerinj, ceive $300 schol· _!le,w haitdling;. 'n~, riditig, new ~ou· .nrshlps .. A recreational, t:bilit)'-a w~ole new. ch.Uis of greatet Don't: miss ·this deal! , We have obteined a few brand leader ln·. h e r ~olidity and safeiy; · : ., ·. ·.. · . 4·!1 group for I . •; I' ,· •- •.· •' . , NEW ,pr~vious .year. dr·y,ers .from th~ manufacturer. which three yeara, Car· t ,, ' 1 olyu has .. also · ·· 1 We ·ou~i~ VS .~nsi~~s new from tb~ we are selling for the amazing low pr·ice of . won many cloth· hig awards, In crankshaft up.:.. ensines thtt deliver I ' ' .1955 .she w a e '.·. } '$159.95 artS. and craft$ in aU-time lligh· in liorsep,ow~r and ~. :. ; . . .·· director at the'. .. . ,•ol- v a n ·.sur e·n S!E i.jACK AND tHE !EANstAtK'' ON NOV; 12th . . . County Youth, .MG-538t-20 camp. ·has · · -A. ~~ NIC·tV :eo!or ll'~acular b~1~ht tO yi;u lly yell!' ~~~~ ·!)rtez!er·· ... ~~..;...... ;.;..;.;, __ al8o ' .~ I' ; . vue; -'·•. I' .. ···Hi · ... · &·· has n•l<~-r;.~, l'larnh1n1i

CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY ' ·~ . . ' lnghpm County News November 8, ·1956 Page 2 WSCS Srheclnlcs Meeling . Mr, and Mr~. Oeorge Vogt, S1•,, :Mrs,· Rosa Antlerson spent l11st Mr, lllld Mrs, .Tohn Prm!(!is llnd l"l'!!d Snger of Chelsea SJlent . Play Tickets · negulnr meeting at the Wqm· wero Sundny visitors ,of Mr; and woelc with her dnltghter, Mr~. daughter or Htmover wore guostg Ji'rldny wllh Mr. 1111d Mr~ . .J, n. lln'a Soelety nt Christian Service Mrs, FJ'IIIl1 SeymoLu• nf Plnclmey, Irmn Bettman (If J"nnslng. Don Saturdny nf Mr. und Mrs, Eclgur DuHon, Mr, nnd Mr~. Unrr·y Pruc.l· or the Methodist dllH'ch will. be · Mr. nnr.l Mt·r;, .Jess Stnnts nn\1 Anderson of Ann Arhm· visited Sct•lpter. 'Mrs, ,TilllllJS Scrlji1ur of 1lcn of Che)ann wore ufhlrnoon Are on Sale Wednesday, Nnvemlwr 14, nl the >on of ,Jnrkson spent Sunday over the weel~ end with his Laingsburg Hpcnt Monday at tho visitors o.r the Pnltons, .. Dansville News l1ome of Mrs. Cli!OI'ge Vngt, Sr, with the latter's parents, Mt•. nnd mother, · ScJ•Ipter home, Wontlnnell on I' ago H) Tlc!mts foJ' the senior clnss Mrs. Luthm• Chelf will he co·host· Mt·s. Arthur Bronl1s, piny, "Glory to GolrJy;'.'- nrc now ess. There wlll he n potlucl;: clln· Mrs. Ellznbel h Potier of Mnsnn Helen Young MA 3·3931 on l'cile. Rcscrvetl sent t lcltels ncr at: noon, Devotions, hltslness Is spenrllng n few clnys this wee I~ mny he ohtalncd from Evelyn meeting and progmm Is sdwcl· with her nlecr., Mr~. Znu Hohnrt. pertnining In schn3! were dis· 'l'ownsend not later than Novem· uled fm• the aftcJ•noon Mrs. Wll· Mr~. Wallace .Johnson of Wll· eu~scd. Other teas for the rom~:~ln· her lll Ill 4 o'clor.l<, , · llam MusolJT will hnve cha rgc of Room Mothers llnmston vlsitl'd Mrs. Hobart lng romns w!ll be given lntot• In The play Is n 3·act comedy, and the program, 1he theme of which lhemonlh. · Monriny, will he presentc.d to the fourth wlll be "'fhe United Nations." Entertain at Tea t·hrough the eighth grndes on Mr. nne! Mrs. Myron Kh·hy Ilh·Uulny J,unl'lu•nn Glveu Hpent the week l'llri nt their cot· Deer · Thursclny aftct•nonn In the school LuRt Prlduy, room motlwrs of Mt·s. Forrest Wnllwr entm·,' gym Tlie only evening perform· lnge nt Long Lnlw nom· Harrison, pupils of fourth nnd Of~h gradu tnlned Hevernl friends of Cindy's ance' will he Friday; Novemhm• UNICEF Pa~ty Miss Connln Wnshhtll'll nf Kala· . rooms, tm1glll hy lrvm Cohh, ,ul n lunPheon Thursday In hcmor JG Special entertainment w:U he mnzon sj]('nt llw Wl'nll end with 1 RponsoJ•ed a ten for mothers or of hm· fourth blrtlulny unnlveJ'· pt·~senterl hel'orc the piny nntl be· her parents, l\11·. nnd· Mrs, Floyd 1hc pupils. I~ighl mollwrs wm·e snry. Guests were Prl~cilln Diehl, 1 ' t. . 1 t.l f. 1 Nets $129.37 .. Mitchell. Hunter . 1 'I' . ffn r 1 c· c ]'It•"" ween nc s, cons s ng o . p nno JllC!Sen. en, 10 c!! I 11 c o J. ··' ,Jean BaltlgP John Townsend l 11 1 M 1 W n ·Wt!re served In the lwmemaldng Marsha Tayidr nnrl Gene G~uss: sl c tec ot nsl ·II JY I aTr entei·Illl nr el, night. totaled $129.87. Approxl· Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Dingman of • 1·oom , • • • • •• It I 1n on IV 1 ng >Y '.nne s, anr Lansing were 'f'uesdny visitors of · 111r. t<~ 11 1c wns c1 cco1at£>t 1 W 1 singing hy the Hnrmonalres, mntcly $.30 will be used t nwnrd next yenr's progrnm. Mrs. Jrene Brnmnn. ' Mrs, AVPI'Oll Arlllr>y and Mrs. lmllnnns 1111tl favors: . Cindy n· Dorothy D 11 n s m 0 rP, Lucll!£' ' r;mlly 1\r!SSl!!l' nrc room mothers. relyr!tl many nlec glUs. Wheelm· and Evnlyn 'l'nwnsenrl. Prize winners were: Pre·school Mlsf, Knye Moran of \Vr.hber· vllle was a Wednesday night Specials l'llt·s. Allie Thompson hclpeil In Members of the class m·e also and ldndergarlen, IIJ•st prize, .Toe • •plnr·e of , IWI' clnughter, Mrs. Miss Vcrn!Pr. Sherman of busy with other money.mnldng Mitchell nml ,Joan Harlmess; sec· guest ol' Diane Brnolts. Mr. and J(e:;slet•, wlto Pntlltl not he pres· Spring Arbor spent the wecll< enrl nctlvllies, nmong whlr.h nre nnd prize, Cindy Walld. Mrs, .Tames Wllldnson Mr. unrl Mrs. A. C. Berge1·, Snilll'· ~:~hove Items may contact any Minnis; nugh anil family of Lansing were and Mrs. Lnwrenee nrc l'Oom day. member of the class or their nd· Third and fourth grades, first Sunday dlnnet• guests of the for· mnlhPt's. Ten moth<>rs wnrll pres· Vld\y an1l Douglas Wolfgcm:~ visor, Mrs. Allee Hunt. prize, Kirk Wallcet· and Jimmy mer's parents, Mt·. und Mrs. A. ent. Ten, coffPr: am! r.ooltle~; wrre of Lnnsln~: wen• flundny guests Leonard; second prize, Douglas 0. Greenough. PANTS' TO MATCH ~9.95 ~PrVPd ns rr.frcshments. of Mt'. and Mrs. Elbridge Wolf. Showers nnd Kenneth Bush; fifth Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Rltzhoff Dul'ing llw nftt!rnnon, pt·nhlc>m.~ 1 gang, .Jr. anrl sixth grades, first prize, Ray­ and family of Lansing vlsltccl Ml'. mond Townsend nnd Jerry Price; nnd Mrs. Jucl{ Brmnan Sunday, MYF Gro~ps second, .Judy Mnynnrd nnd Sue .WOO~ PLAID PANTS $9.95 Acl1ley; seven t h ami eighth Mrs. Florenrn Lead1 of Wll· ·Have Meeting grndes, first prize, Delores Mar· llamston called on her mother, shall and Leroy Townsend; and MrF .•Jennie Bicl\ert, Monday. Fifteen members of Dansville second prizes, Mnry Bellcox and Robert: Powelson anrl son of RED HOODED SHIRTS $3.98 and Vnntown M. Y. F. groups mel Jim Moore. Leslie were Friday visitors of his Sunday evening at. the Method· mother, Mrs. Mabel Powelson. 1st church. Rev. V. H. Beardsley and Mrs. Port of the evening was speni: Past Matron Club' Hazel Howe of Leslie vlslt<>d Mrs. WOOL SOCKS 88c In Bible study directed by Mrs. Po'welson Wednesday. Willlam Musolff. The remainder Stages Meeting Mrs. Martha Gorsline nml Miss of J he evening, I hey participated Alta Speers of Lansing vlsltetl Past' Matrons club hnd Its In songs, which the choir wlll Mrs. Elizahelh Baelms and Miss THERMO BOOTS For Men or Women $12.95 The Low Price For regular meeting Thursday eve· sing nl' the fall festival at Chel· Rosamond Backus Sunday. nlng at: the town hall with 8 I sen Home fot• the Aged on No· T h u r s d n y evening. dinner members and 3 vlsitovs present. Your Medicines • . . Ivember 18, Mrs. William Stanse'JI guests of Mt·. and Mrs. Russell 5 A potluck supper was served at KO.REAN BOOTS Genuine .14. 95 is directing the choir. were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 7:30, afler which the business Fri~cll Youth of the s~b·dlstricl will !lowery and Mrs. Neva Holmes of I eetlng took place with Mrs. present a program for the aged Mason and Mt·. and Mrs. Frnnl\ •1• ~ is one of the wonder5 of our age. Without the Donal Parlthotllst of Dans· wood. nnd sons of Eden were hostesses. Binoculars - Hunting Knives- Compasses doll,1r per capsule - and but a very few are ville anti Vnntown, Rev. Charles dinner gu()sls Sunday nf Mr. and R. Gross, pastor. 10, church Mrs. Earl Risch. M1·. nnd Mrs. ever needed - a fine example of modern econ- Class Slmtes +-nt l~tll'll school Dansvill£>, G. E. Manning, Walter Soule' of Lan~ing, Mr. and for the Hunters• Thirty-two members of . the Everything Needs a,t superintendent; 11:15, worship Mrs. Carl· Moody of St. Louis, omy. sophomore class of Dansville Ag· !'ervice with a message by the George Soule and daughter Linda ricultul'al school hnrl a Akaling I" pastor; 10, worship service at of Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Larry party Friday evening. 'fhey went .• Van town; 11, church school, Mrs, Flnnnery ami daughter o· d .,· lllster, Mrs. 'Vivian Steft.ey ol Bing wers W~dnesilay evening on Friday evening tho nartonll Wi:IB II guest of Ma•s, gUwhr.lh ncgllilll' mr!r.llng of lhti!Hiuy 1\lr. nnd Mrs. Paul nuut· und h.Y Mrs .•lames Mcrlnrlnrf nnrl I day evening guests nf Mr. nnrl ctnv with Mr. nnrl Mrs. ,Tnmes gJ'HnrlpurrmiH, Mr. Hnrl Mr~. !tell· IVPrc sunday guests nr IIH! Cal· tiny gc11!s!s of Ma·. nnd Mrs. JJnr· cvPnlng vi:-;ltnr-s nf M1·. 111111 1\Im. family wr, 1·e tu I.nnsinJ.: Sunday Mrs. Gulen llalwr. Mr~. Lnwrenee Swnn. Rl;lgway. IIJr•n Crill's, Sr., nr Frr.rojHJI'I. bit~er family of III!Isdalc. old llurl;ut. , . llohr.rt Bw;h and furnlly. ewnlnr.:. Mr. and Mrs. StnniPy Vnndo· Arthur Bi·onltH Wits In l~vm'l Grnnrlnw Mnym· nnrl Mr. 11nrl Mr .. anrl Mrs. Norman Williams Mr. unrll\Irs. 1~1'117. CntlrPII 11nrl Mr. nnd 1\lr:s. 11111:011j llarlon Class Clnm; 1111 Flllld,'J'r·lp hogua·t of Dattle·cr·c!elt were Frl· Saturday anrl visltr.d his hmllwr, Mrs. l~nrl MnyP.I' of 'l'om(lldns 111111 srltl !JiiVr~ mtJVr.•rl 111111 tJtn fnmlly cntcrlalnrorl relnllves rmm anrl Granrlmu Hn,\'l'l' llllrl 1111, fol· ~lr. nnrl 1\lr·s. 'l'lll'odore Butler Mcrnlri!I'H of thn clghlh grade rayI n Ig I1l gill!~ t H 11 I .M J'._anr I '·I"rs. Ar I r Inn Broo~~. I w Iw iH i n tl 1i!, C'.en Ir•r spr.n t tl If' \VPI! I< Pnr I v I·s, I· illlml! tltr•y Jllll'dwsed frnrn Mr.~ (II 11 n owr 11 w wr.r!,I• enr.t , 111\VIng enllr:rs nvr.r tile WPPI< ·enrl: r~ntnrlallirll a ",I'OII[l' of YOIII)g 011 11 went field li'IJI to Lansing Luwrenco CuriiH. Mt', nnrl Mr.~. lt£'rorl Clly hospital. ling Am11nnda M,vers nnr! :-;on of and Mrs. 1,, 1•111111 Mllhl'. Mr·s. llllllo WPiil'.r w11s 11 Slrn·lon Sundny evr.nin", Annr.llt• Sid· Jn'oi>l" ill llu•ir hnnw Wednesday Frlrlay uflr!m 11 on. '!'ht>y were ac· Curtis visited Ml'. anrl Mr·s .•Jnel; Alfa·ert IJnvhoo of Lansing wnl; Hnsemnmon. rluy ,dlnrwr gm•sl nl M1·. 1111d Mr,;. frw 11111 1 'rri1,111t nf Lalisln~: nnd I'VI'ning. eompanlr.rl h,Y tlwlr ariViHor, Mrs. Cur·tls nnd Marlt Kevin Sunday. il Ralurrlay visitor of his [lll.l'l'lliH, Cnspl't' Guy nf Lunslng spt!lll Mr. anrl Mrs. DcWnlnc lllcnz Chnrlr.s Pnnetln and rarnlly nf IJ\1t·. nnd Mrs. DoWalnr Bien:t. and , ~11·. 111111 !\Irs. Lnyd l\llllcr and anr I M n (' Iff! I M I 111 Ll I II I M I l I I Ill M I 1'11 nnrl family WI!I'C Sunda,y dlnlll!l' 1 1 Mr. lllnJ'.Y SII'Ourl. '!'hey visited the Mr. rs. lll'nPY ,r no r. 11111 rs .• nyc ay wa. r·. 1 us WPc 1 v s ng 1'. 11111 rs. .ans ng. _· fnmil,\'.'• 1111 ~londa.•· cvPnillg, ramlly spPIII till! WI!Pk end in tho <' I II 1 '1 II I !I J J 1 II II B t gur•sls of Mrs. Nlnw Ftll'giiSon o[ M 1 '·I t·t 1 L 1 ·' Lansing nll'Jllll'l nnrt·u rruirlc Ill Dc!J'o Il were .~unr uy r nnet· 11111 "rs. "qyr · ny 1ne, · r .. nne 111'0 c HI' nn, -,. '.'· ,11 11' "·": '. "Yr . •),' '~·''.'"~'" 1 anrt Mrs. 01·;; 11utill'llff r r f.'rlllro nm·ttwrn piirl nf tile slain. 1\1 tile 1 tile alrpoJ'I cxplalllf'd tile... tower, guqsls of Mt·. 111111 Mrs. Carl Nc I· tarn . II y Hnrl Mt•. 11111 I Mrs. 11n IJeri I Mr. an1 I I'S. I,o,·r•n r•t• 1'I II ngs .Jal'l

'\ 1\11'. 11nd ~11·s. 11 ••r. Miller. M1·. and 1\lrs. L11uis Yuhasz and fam· ily nf 111111 iltlfl Mr. ami Mr:;, n'oylyn 1\liiiL!r anrl family vis: ted I Sunday at tile A.. 1. MiliPr lwmc. l\-lr. anrl Mrs. llnlierl l•'rccrnan nnd family of L11nsing were Sill!· I day visitors of Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Bob Prke. M1·. 1111d ~Irs. Hnseoe AmoU Mr. and Ill rs. CII!Tnll Glynn, Mrs. William 1\!u:;nlff 111;rl Hev. ,. ChaJ'IPs tlruss attcnrled til•! 1 t~uarlrorl~· r•onfercrwe nf the suh . £Iislriet uf !IH• Ann llrhnr lllstrid at 1\lunilll J•'rlrtay evening. Nnnl'y Wlll' Baclrman, Mrs. Lam·a I Bac:limi!n ami !\fr. and Mr~. Aelhr.n \Viti Hllrnrlerl the ~licl1i· gan Stale ;;nrl !Jniwrslt,v or \Vi;;. crmsin fool hall game Saturday as guests of Owen Bachman of Lan· sing. 1\IJ·. and Ma·-;. Lawton Causa were · J'l'iday evening- dinner guests of M•·. flnrl Mr·s. ,h;mes .Joslin of Willi.unslon. I 1\11·. Hllrl Mrs. Kcnnetlt 1\lasun illlrl family nr ·~as! Lansing spenl I Friday nighl :11111 Saturday wilh 1 her paa·e11ls, Mr. ami Mrs, Wii· Jiam 1\!Uf'IH.'h. Mr. and Mrs. :;;am Williams of East Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. George Merindorf and· son of Eden and Mr. and Mrs. Hinvard Merindorf and [;unity were Sun­ rlay rlinner gucsls of their par· ents, Mr. and 1\llrs. Sam Williams. Mr. und Mrs. Vi1·gll Marsh of Dlmondfllc flnr.! Ml'. 11nrl Mrs. Ed Merindnrf of WciJIJrrviiie were aftea·noon visitors at the Williams home. Mr. nncl 1\lrs. llay Hurlshornl and 1\lr. and Mrs. Robert Bush and I:unily were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs: Rollo ChasP. of Owosso. Mr. and Mrs. Harlshorn also called on Mr. [lnd Mrs. Alton Sanderso·n of Owosso. rHe NEW Pontiac Is Con~p/ete(y New - . from Po~~Ver to Personality·!

~ Fresh froin 100,000 miles of ~esth:ig, the '57 Pohtiac goes on display lomorrowl AND THE F'IRST CAR -AT ANY PRICE WITH .~Even a brief once-over of Pontiac's sleek new ~tyling tells you that you're in at the start of a revolution. Those taut, wind-tunnel lines literally point' the wriy for 9'fAR FLIO~IT BODY Dl:iSION-a Pontiac Exclusive-longer and the others to follow. Jower than ever before;-tJJe year' B lnOBt distinctive new aU/0• And there's pleritlfor them to follow-~ carload of engineering "firslsl" -all· motive styling, poliahed to .watch-work perfection in the toughest test ever given a new car. • NEW 11'!TERIOR STYLING-tho ,!'OII·Ihe•9houldor" Look-a • A prototype of this '51 Po~tiac pounded the roq.d through 100,000 miles of tests fashion •:first" for''57-perlectly co/o~·Inalahed willJ the exterior • • • over country lanes, city streets and superhighways. of your chbice.

Through it all Pontiac engineers refined and. perfected every facet and feature. 0 NBW STRAT0•8TRBAK V·B-270 h.p. in the Star Chief.and They made Pontlac;s big, new power plant even more efficient ~hc:m .its predecessor,· Super Chief, 252 h.p .. in the Chi~ltahl-with smoother Strata-Flight · the engine that set over fifty new world records and led all eights in miles per gallon! Hydra-Malic. ~~~ CHAPPELL They perfected the new suspension system, new controls and ne.w Strato·Flight INSURANCE ,~·- "U Hydra-Malic* to give you the smoothest riding, easiest han~ng-and safest-new CLOUD·BOFT, L~VGL~LINE RIDE-Ihe ride· sensalio!J of the · car ever to hit the road! . · · · year-a new s~spensiotl system based· on a big 124· ol' 122-inch We'd like Ia put a bee in your bon· net. More and more people are Try it' •.•. sample in a single.mile all that's been proved by 100,000 miles of . wheelbase, . rMiizing tho !mporlanco ·of ~ well· testing, · •An extra·co•t qptton; . 3 POPUL.AR·PRICBD BERIE9-Star CIJief • Super Chi~/ • Chieltafn.1 rounded ·in1ura~co p.rogrem, Whi-t .iboui you? _see America'~ Number (!)'Road. Car~ on Dlspi~M ·r~ma~r~wl • ,'' ' l , • I

Ho.ward Pontiac . ·­' Mason Displays Their Best ·Giiffie Orioles· Drop. GreyhoundS In Dropping Grand ledge 27~12 For Final Circuit Crown Mn:ion llnlslwcl tlw s1•asnn with down It wall Dennis Doolittle who ynrrl. Grand Lr>rllrf! n~nln fnllerl Chnt·lotte eloEccl out Its Cnpltnl hounds hnd dt'lven 1J!i · ynrds. It n or ·1 win~. o1w Jnss 111111 sparllod Mn~on's drive~. 'Tho Ma· on tlw r.xlm point attempt. The Clt·cult membm·shlp Friday nlgltt wns the only time they moved a tic-It l'i!COI'rl good Pnottgh for ~on fttllllncl< \IIIIH shut. ottt In the lwlf t!lldrcl with Mason on the on n happy note. ThiJ Orioles beat very deep Into Chnl'lot te terri· second pliWI! (11 llw flnnl slanrllngs sc'Ol'ing !lepnrtment for '11w first long end of n f:J.J2 ~>core. E11ton .Hnp!ds 28·6. for tho Cnpltnl !My. hehlnrl Chn!'lolh• will! 11 l'f'l'ol'rl of lime this yr!nr hul he ~avr! Gmnrl That ended tlw ~eorlng for Circuit title nml n n•cord of ll 6 sll'lllght vletorlc~. Ll'dl-(c 11 linn! time 1111 nlgbt. Gmml Ledge hut Mason contln· conference wins nnd no losses. Grnnd LPdgr flnlslwd th1• Cnpl· In the line Gnry Cultrlrlcr, tt~rl to rnll. In tim ll1lnl qunrter The Orioles will jnln Enton Rnp· tnl ClrrtJII tmt·tinn of its sl'iwdu!P Doyle NPwman anrl Larry Wlwcl· Mason rllmaxc•tl' n drive wllh Iris nncl Gl'illld Letlge In n swlteh o1· Hlllcc Rnvrd tlwlr best 1-(ame for Jt>I'I'Y Lumlanslterl no time eoverlng ynrrls. Clnrl<'~> con· on lite Grnnrl l.l'dgl' sl'lu•dltlf' Is 25 won overy .one thelt· 8 gnn\es. pll'idng tiP the first fotwhdown. vr•rsion waH gnod. or n r::nme al Jonln Jo'J·irlny .nigltl. Eaton Rnpltls wns not so fDI'IU· Are Praised 'I'll!',\' l tully. Ills lliel< wns Mason ended up the scnson font ball lenm tool< up a collection was the sl'llring su11· or titP night . . a touchdown pass to Gene Mont· hlodcoml period. Wnldr·op dropped on his hands nexl fall. Ho must Bob Butcher cut· Fowlerville to nil Inti \~reeked the Gladiator fnr· a~aln ond quarter. verted. The action of the Mnson play. hack nnr.l tossocl a Ion~ splml to find t•cpluccnwnls for Doolllflc;, ribbons Friday night to pace Olle· ward wall wllh his bulldozing toe­ At the start of the thlrrl period ·The Orioles didn't stop there. ers ami the response of Eaton Jim Rollinson runnlnl-( all alone Luminnsld, Clnrk, Newman, Gary mos to a 26·7 win ovet· Fowler· tics. rll-[hl down, the middle. He tool< Caltrider, Ted Lyons, Ron Id F'nwlcrvllle hawks In front when he sl by booting his fom·th Dc>nr Mason Gridrlers, The Comets rlldn'l give up, spo1·ts fans hn.vC' !mown It for Butcher. The Chieftain fullbncl< vantage Ill the first quarter hut Mosher ngaln climnxerl a drlvo by conversion.· · We want to congratulatP you snenl good clean game you though. Tlw ComPis ~:t;'UI't'ertion when tile next ----·--·------··--- Jew minutes Intel he lllol your concern ov~r 1t he sl'CIHHlary nnd went G3-ynrtls. ··· ·-·-·---·-·------····--- Dirk Cat!:'rino's injury. Our conch with ~Vaidmp meakhll-( tilt• last grid season rolls nrott11r.1. Smolw_v Str;rs: Fowlerville wns never the same. told us yoll guys werP tnly went G5 ynrds for final quarter for tileir second Holt n t Howell Your friends, down. l 'I' liP Vilrcll while It harn lind won sPoring run. Shepard made goml i the pres-sure on. L I' F" • h Ingham County News November 8, 1956 Page 4 P\'Cl'Y gamf' hut Dill' up until Fri· on llolh extra.poinl attempts, Bo'· Tttllie I 1 es le lniS e5 day night. · · u aga n gave a gnor Everett lini~IH'd thc> year in the clemonstratlon of a one-man gang. W'tl f' t w· HUNTER·s INSURANCE Capital Circ·uit basement along (agers Start Thursday He tossed a pass to Ron Theis on I 11 IrS In wit11 Ealotl Rapids. Both tr!ams a plny covering GO yards In scpro 1 had a H n•cm·d. Mason athletes didn't have the first.Ram touchdown. He also Leslie finished the 19~G gri.rl J~WETT AGENCY Cnacli Dean Shippey h:~d f) much o.f n vacrttion. The grid booted the extm point. · se~tson with its first win of tlw · · · 1 J' 'rl 11 Tl Bl 11 1' 1 1 1 Your fnmily wnnts you back . .JUlliDl'S In I 1C JnC'lt[l. wy a [season ended Friday. 'Thursdny At the start of the second half II year. w ac' lnW \S et ger JY While hunting, usc care with p·hone Mason OR 7-0511 Mason ~r~m~ w~l. '!'~ Vil1 11 ...•l'ltilV 1° J ar·k W1 1IIams. fhc convei'StOII and Harry Hallenheck. The rest I night 'rile n~ 1115 L ·t· · 11 · •· · 1 E · 11 . 1 · tJ f 'I . · . · · "" - rn IS wm 1e lidS goor. vete evcne( lC o t w Rquar1 IS. 1lac<. 1 1contest if they are gllillf~ to holri onto tlwir thin' plai:c prJsition. It of decisive importance to '57 car buy~rs I will be the finnlltigh r,ehnol gamr: for Tuttle. Till' rest of the Capl· tal Circuit coneiH.'s can now give a sjgh of. rclief. ' .····:·· .. •'"· ''···· ... ".·' ~--., . Panthers W·in On Blocked Kick The only clirfeJ•encc bet1wcn Stoclc!Jridgc my! Pinelcncy F1·iclay night was a blocl\cd Jlllnt. '/'he Panthers used the brenk to topple Pinckney G-0. 1 St.ocl1hridge will winrl up the, season F1;lday night with a game nl ~helsea. 'The Panthers QrJ!!~d the Ingham County lengtlC por· lion of the schedulr. in fottrth place. They posted a 3-3 rcrnnl in league play. The S locI< b I' i d r:: c·Pinclmry AUTOMATICALLY· MAKES A ~arne was only 3 mimllef. old when Lowell Cranrlcll broke NEW KIND OF RINSE WATER through to block the l\ick. Stock­ bridge recovered on the Pinckney FOR UP TO 39% JIRIGHTER, 13. Using line smnshes the Panthers worked the bull to 1!1e 4 and then Fred Mills went the CLEANER CLOTHES! rest of tho way. ... ~. Plnclmey nover did thrcaton but 6 times Stockbridge mover! the ball inside the 20 only to lose possession when ·Pinclmcy stlf· fened.

Automatically conditions rinse water A new 1957 Ford traveled 50,000 at 20 days. One averaged 108.16 mph for the entire run ••• to givo it greatet· rinsing power than soft the other over 107 mph. These at1erages· include time for aU water, rain watet·, or even distilled water! Highlanders- End an average speed of better than 108 mph .. ,·, pi! stops. Just pre-load with water. conditioner· including all pit stops ... to smasll 458 National Th~ test shows without qualification what F01·d's new when you load wnsher. Restores bright· Losjng Streak Thunderbird V-8 engines* will do. But this was no mere ness to clothes, fabl'ics regain "newness" After 3 weel1s of being on tlw and International records in a single test! demonstration of speed! It was a convincing demonstra­ rind fluffiness, stay clean longer, last skids Howell botmcecl back to tion of the superior quality of the whole ,Ford car. longer. Plus five sepnrate purifying Never befo're has any car been so severely polls·h off Durand 21·7 Ft'iclay It shows the auperior.endurallCc of Ford's running gear, actions of Super-Rinse; two automatic night. '!'he Highlnmlers lost to.· tested ; , • so successfully proved! · brakes, body materials, steering-every part of the crJr. cycles, one t•egular, m1e short; ·hot-warm Mason, Charlotte nnd Gra,Ilcl · I For 1vit/wut such built-in stamina, Ford could ne.ver Modal W·5 wash selection; warilJ·cold t•inse selec· Ledge after going through tT1e possibly survive such torturous treatment. tion: Five-year warranty. first 4 gnmes without· a defeat. Just recently-on ,the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, two new '57 Fords completed the most exhaustive endurance ·\ Friday night Howell will ring. Such a test can't help but ~alte the decision easier for down the curtain on the-1956 sea· test in history-under supervision of tile United States . people who prize truly outstanding performance and ······ ...... ~~··~······~~·~ son with Holt providing the op· Auto Club and the Federation Intemationale de Auto- durability in a new automobile • , • and who want th~ :·s''p'"e'ciAI. 1 G't. ft .Offe'rt•. ·.. : • LOW DOWN · posltlon.,The game will be plnyed . mobile. Tliey1were Ford-prepared pre-proiluction models, fullest possible value from their new-car dollars. Of! the Highlander field.· 'l'hlrd exact duplicates of models which you1· Ford Dealer now •Avnilsh!B (n .a wide ram~ec of hara_upower to muet every nc~d. In<"ludcu" cp~clul i . 2 'for ~· PAYMENT place In the .final standings be· has for sale. · 270php Thunderbird 312 Sup~r v..a (malno nvntlnble ot oxtrn coat. Alco, nn • . ·- t d • . < cxtrn•hlsh·(lcr!ormunco ThWldt•rbtrd 312 V·8 enable dcllvcrlnK up to hind Charlotte and Mason wlli be 'l'hese,For4s C!J!llple~~d the 50,000 mile run in less than . 2B5 hp. · : . . • ·~rin~.~~ a,~~~~ ~e~~~:~~t~:~~": \·.,LOW MONTHLY nt stake. If Howell wins the spot: wlll go to · the Highlanders. A , ,.,- · .. · · .. ~erestrotion I °I th th encwcKtra Norge, cteomng. end : TERMS'· · Holt win will movo the Rams \ :: e·-;»..>' · .· power a 1 e d cw line"n • ' Into third and drop .Howell into n ' "" «' ·I 'II give you 2 bran n ' ' ,e . . tie with Grand Ledge for fourth. : ?'" /..' iaedic~· handke.rchich frc.el do I:: I KING • SIZED . Jacl< Miller and Doug Gerlcln, : .• Offer limited I .. Comu rn tc y : ,..ADU. . Action Test ·the New· Kind -of FORD 70TJAYI handled the scoring dtttlcs for r _., -- .. .. ' the highlanders. Mlller smashed : . ' :...... ···········~-·-········· . . . ' .: ...... ~·~ ...... across the last.· stripe on 2 runs of 2 yards each~ Gerldn went over ' '. on a quarterback·snealc.'Dlck Me· . Macken ci:n1verhi~ after ·all 3 Roy Ch·ristensen

YOUR FRIENDLY FORD,· DEALER 1 :x~as~n·. Ho~e AppljCin~e .. :;::r::'l!v:"n:~:,~::: ,\ . . . ..· Pho·n· .: OR\ :. •. . ..VI'~nt 10 yard~: Howell scored In 8 7 621 1 each·?f tl~~flmil3·,qunrters. . ·~---~--...i.----~-~-----.... --~-.... ---..;.-..;,;;,;.;;..~------;;;..;.-;,;,.;,;.;,., . ,, T]]et•e wet·e also donations from the flasher, ')'here were lit le~st O'Poll last Wec'lnosclay, Rihhon Clara Cmosley ]ast T)ntrsday eve. lnfJham County News November 8, 1956 Paue 5 the Klngs Daughters, ' Leslie 200 mm·!!lwrs uecompnnlml by Carole Gehmttn tying wns £1omonslmloci In tho nlng. After the pm·ty ut tho nthlotir. rne)niwr·~ of the Lions chth anrl fnrenoon1 und In thc·nftomoon lc· Tiro fish ~tipper· nt tho I, 0. O, Jlcld, temHtger~ drmce£1 ut tile old. Cllrl · Sconra hlld Mumlml Don Wins 4·H Trip gut rights was tlw loplt• r.llseumwd I''· hull 11'11'1 I'll' II nttcnclerl. Ahont Ollawa Hills gym, Thorc wnA n gnod crnwd !layne~. · , hy the Jonrler, Mr·~. Myrl Urn· :f,IIO \ViiS !'lean•d, District with a greater percenlngc of lite Music Club .Judgco, Mr~. MHJ'I'in L, Pixley, 1· AN tn-YEAR·OLD l~nton county lmm. Mn:. lCitllc! C()nJlCI', who ha~ Okemos· News In costume, Mrs. Itolwrl Ji'nrlcy, Hnrold gh·J, Onrolo Oehnmn, hns been Inghum eounty home rlmnnn· Ll!•c•n In t lin lw~pllul, returned 'l'rni'IHJUI, BnnlcUo Shaft anrl chosen na stnlo winner In tho ~-ll strnt.lon c;ouncll met nt the hom'.l llonH' la~l Friday. Jlmll't! ut tho SJHWinn Anperctta · I .Has Speaker Max Hollowny, 11 wnrdert prizes: recrentlon tll'o,ect. Her nwnrd Is lly 1\lltS, AI, llNOLI, nn oxponse-tmld trip to Nntlnnlll of Mrs, Pt•ggy !{rnnz la~t 'l'lllii'S· .. -- .. ···-·-- Derby Neighborhood Mrs. W. Powell Cotl'illu, rrwm· Pr·ottlr!st, Linda Tlwmrrs, Pnlsy 4-H Club con~ day. Mrs. Holund Gmhum nt· Wlll'll I Itt> I'CII'll plelwt· dogs up, her uf the .1;11•1\sou Tlwsdny Wru·d nurl .lnnn Fogg;' funniest, gress·. In Chien·,,,.,., .. ,,,,.,.,,,.,.,,, ton!lml fmm Wohborvlllt•. 1 thr.orp's nnly n/11' snfc; thing to llo RDbr•rl !~gun, of Detroit, nn tnry; nnd Dt·. Donn]£] B. Coohnn, ~1rH. 0, W. S)lrlngnum J Muslcnlo, gaw• a boo!~ l'!!VIc;w or '.Joan Morgru1, Pllylll~ nnd Lee go, Nov. 25·20. Hr.ten A. Hustnn Pnst Mntr·nn'>.,---slop tIll_' ma!'lrltw, sny M. S. U, uncle of Mr·~. Frnnlc Cmtchols or scr.retnry. 'rhe bonrd of elders I' r 1 1 1 Cll 1 r 1 M 1 Dnushtor of Mr· Ottawa HIIIH, was hor• honsP. lnclwlcs Wnlter F. Pntcngc, Ern· Mr. nud MI'S, Rny SlussP.r and Chnrlm; Coo's "' ny n~.: t re , man, nut J I emerson, rn· ·r und Mt·s. Earl club met 111 lhe home nl' Mr·"· saiPIY sp!'r·lnll~;ts. "I GlntlOI", Mr·. .,. ,".lmcJ', 2 daughters of North Lnlw spent I Plano for l'leuHirr·e". at tl,w .rnePI· lyn Smith and Mnr·thn Ann Wlnl1· I IliS I I 1 II I n ('." _ T 01111 3 L 111 " 0 1 1 gtli!H wee;( enr. ·c• came II II 10 l' 1 t 1 1 II M 1 1 e 1mnn, a1e ·------, 'II i"llll flllll'.l'lli c,'(.'l'Vir•.".. " fL'll' £1 'rl I I (1 r !J"RCOI1". Dr· Ilugo 'Phursdny evening with the Ed ng • f!l (!I'll Q[ .f'H I! us (.! ())'j -- I will COillJJCte for ' " " "" w ronn " • "' ' · Otlomnn family. · I Sl Ltdy cluh Friday. '1'110 f(l'OIIP met _JYJost original, Cindy nnd ,John tmmber of tlw fnmlly. Dnvlcl. Kenneth K Pntcngc, Wll· M 'I B II , nutlomll honors 111 11 1111 1 1 1111 1 1 1 ITI/)1• I~. N"LI"Irl"l'i"irl, AJto llow~>ll Stoclcbrldge and the Hlll'I'Ollnrl· tlw " ' or r·s. 'nu :-; lTIJl· urrws, • ' c £! Low ng nnr 'CITY IV h I c h n r r MrH. l~nrl n. l't•rwodc of Ottawa L L L L ,, ~ • 1 '!'I tier I 1]Q l'r lonfcoh nn£1 rtonnle 11\WO!'ded to BIX of Indian Hills, Rolland W. Pat· lng m·ea nrc now using the new sot· · · f · ' • • '' · II ills BJH'nl tho ta~l reel\ ~nll r.•nge, Alcxnndm· Rntzjoff,. WnlteJ' rllal telephone syslem.' The In· '.Mrs. Cot.rl ~e dc•mnns1r;l tnd sev: lii'Im:t;cf!t; l;l~~ller,, Da,vl~l ~~~s c~:r~tst~lt~~ · \ 1 ~~~~.inf~SI:~~~;.~:·:~Il'l:~~l ··~~~~1~o, In I!; Ji'r·elbrrg and Dr·. Coohon. stulln t lmr was completed Sat Ill'· t. ~a I po lnts front Ilie bo~rl. ru the. Abhey' famous c.h,n ,Jet (II s, Cur- $ 3 o o co II ell c· Wa liL,, In 1•·11 you oboul tho do• dn evening. · prano during lrer tall<. !:ihf• 11111'0· men anrl Max Lnntz, LilJdn Lur· 110 1 111 ~:undny. , M!'lnhers nf tho Ottawa Hills Y duced by Mrs. Fred lluer, JcadeJ' son und Mury Hemstreet. sc nr·s ps. ponJ,,bilil·t of llw OLIVER ond Miss Lorraine Rinehart, owner group hondlng north In the very Jean Arlllcy Is worlclng In the for· tire day. Mrs. Le~ter C, 1\t•uft !t·~~~~;1 ~~wAl~ Carole oJ' thr Spartan Tcrram on liS·Hl, near future for deer· lnclurle: Ray Roy Schuette dry clennlng shop presided ovet· tlw buslrw~·s mrrt· Reeves District ma College, nt- Gehman · Mil,! NEAPOLIS · MOLI~jE E QUI p. visited her gr·nndmothr.r In Holly Moore, Terl Hkl~llng, Robert Hull· ntter school ·nnd Snl urdnyE doing In g. tended t.he yermontvltle h t !l' h Mf:NT which wo fcolluro, You'll Jlko O'.'('l' Ilit• wr;rk end. snn, VIC' Rhynunl, Wnyne Cm·· the off!cr. worlt. 'l'lw 1r,rnup partldpatr!) In ~Irs. Erhm fll'l•r· school. She took part ·tn. school Mrs. Maxie l3lnclcw£>ll, fol'lnerly pentcr anrllvnn Crlttnndr.n. Mr·. nnrl Mrs ••Joe Ottoman and I group singing lr.d ,hy Mrs. John plays, wus !I chcerlendcr, took first tho ••••an•Gio toll of lho bollor of Small Ac:r·c;s Lane In OIH•mns, Bill Otto has been spending his his father of Cholsen wor·e dinner· I Uulloek. 11-!rs. Walter Sir'lllrge ns- nn~III~nl~~;l A~;~~· ~r~{.~~le~n~~~~:~ l~~c~r'nt~~ s~~~~~l c~~~:~:~:· ~;~~ ~~; elt. days. · even ng n ca oc on w l' ll'ot ' I 1 1 1 1 montville Mnplo Syn111 Pesllval ice. Whollou your neod• bo In now ' . , I Ill f P .... l 'er· In Ann Arhor'. Ha loweerl Party Pupils of R£>cve sc wo HH a Queen. Her recreation nwnrd Is glv- Mrs. Gaylr Cull£!1' of Ottnwa Ezm Sc 1ll J yo· ~aCOlT> ronc Ml's, Louis ln who comhlnc hnnH'· Nearly :mo wen' In atlenclunce. met Wednesday evening with Mrs. Roland Graham nltendcll Kentuc:l1y, Jasl wr.rl\ end. • malting with nnothcJ' joh? Why Lion President Don Morgan lc!) Patricia and Curolannc Gerr. the sewing lesson at Vevay hall Vcm Engllslr anrl Rnlph Dnvi- s·t kb "d not lry ~nmc of !he practical the Jlill'tHII' .in tho sound lrllcl\, lnst Monday. Mrs. Adelln!). Snyclr.r son havo talwn.m•er· lito new Gulf OC fl ge shorlcuts recommender!· by ex· Inviting nil \Vntching the parade The "worlcs" nf a wrlstwaleh gave lho losson. service station In Ottawa Hills. It perts in hooks nt ynur Jnglwm lo come lo the part,v. Oliver f~cl'· genernlcs ahout 1/100,000 horse· East. Leroy extcnsilln group 1wrH previously operated hy D. county llhrary? crt: followotl in I ho tire truck with pow or. mel al tho home of Mrs. Mildred nay Moore. Red Feather ______.;...______:, ___-:------~ The hoard of education of Mc•rirltan tnwm;hlp ~l'iuml distric·t Quota Is $l2QQ No. 7 at thrir mrrtlng last Mon· Tomorrows t:he day._._.1 ·they go on ·c;lisplay l day night acreptcd a low hid of tlw Vanrlonhmg Construction The Ri'r! FPathrr• UnltPd Com· cnrnpnnr or East Lansing for munity C'hesl quota fnr· StDC'k· $18·1,000 for n G·rnom and ali·J>lll'· IH'Idge township Is $1200, says pose adrlilion to the William DmdPy selrnol, wlilrh i~ IDralcd Mrs. Wi'ndell Abbott, Stadt· at llw mnwr· of LalLDSIVIC>E31 LE:S I'!' II of Williamston; and a ria ugh· Lantis, Margaret. Collins, Mrs. 1(']', 1\'lrs. Lula roster, of Osseo. Allen Nngley, .Janice Cornish, Fwwral services were Sntunlay Marion Mason, Marian Colll£>r, n1. 2 p. 111. at Gorslhw Brothers Joyce Collings, Holen Atl\lnson, flliiPI'lll hrimP. Burial was in. On!\ Helen Willmor·r, Mayrcse How­ Plains !'emPIPry at Shnftshur•g. Jell, Marr.r.lla Cnbh, Mlll'i!,ttrrile Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Irved their Dorene White, Becl>y Limlemer, annual I url\cy rlinnor· to a r.npac­ Mt·s. Amhr·m:e Briidy, Marilyn ily rrowd last • Satur·day night Holt, Lcnta Shilling, Wilma a ftrr t IJC \Visc·onsin-M i r hi g an Krummory, Mrs. Trd Fay, Mavis Slate gamr fn!' their fund-raisllig Simonds, Ml's. Alvn Cronl,hitr, eampaign. Mrs. Ht1gl1 Brown, Grace Push, Mr. outh Okomos road, Mr. and Mr~. Lf!o Vaughn of Iroquois Drivro in 01 taw a Hills, and Miss Mr,rglr. i\lwl. of SIHtiVIH'e Trail Halloween Party \W•l'P ;nnong !lO r,uests prcsPnt al lite .Jal'i' Pirw lodge aR members Is Big Success ol' lhP "Ditrlil'" cluh of the Dudley Over 600 participated In the Papt'l' Co. Halloween party in Stnrkhl'idge. Mr. :111!1 Mrs. C'lmrlrs Wilkins Starlin;: e nt IPJHI!•d I liP. Holiday eluh rlinner· r.halrman, Mrs. Lo~en Collins, ALL thatts accent on You! Just look! It's the COlll}Jictcly new OIJsutohile nnd clarwr lnsl week end with was assisted by . Mrs .. Nbrmnn brral\fOist being. served at '1heir .Jac;oiJs; Arthur.< Cnlllr1s nnd Ar· NEW is for '57! The car '~ith ~~yling that spotlights you. ... the cat· lrom!' in Ottawa Hills. tlHJr Wilde from the Lions club; Ernest I r. Sehrcimcr· of Olcemos Mrs. Elmor· Lehman and Mrs. 0 ~.~'l.:;:,,,,:o:"'·"-''"'!.(~:'l~·:~:"''~";;i:~llXJ\"$~#!.<:..· with the ~·catures that benefit yon ••• the car with the v:duc was r!loctccl first . Prcsirlenl of RDhert Mncldnder from tht> Lc· Ascension Evangelical ·Lutheran gioncttes; Howard Fl'inl1el, Jr., z:;p.UI!.I'lffl/.'lff/. that safeguards· your investment! Let us show you! Now, dllll'eh. Other members wcro from lhc Legion; Harland Nye In _.-···--·""'_.,,., 3 NEW SERIES ! \Valier .1. Freiberg, t r(!asurer; charge of the band; and fir·emcn, more than ever, it's tl'lle Only Oldlll cm1ld he so New! Alex E. Jlat;don·, financi:1l Fecre- In charge nf cider and doughnuts. 17 ALL-:-NEW MODELS! See them now- . in our_sho""room ! EXCLUSIVE ACCENT STRIPE • , ; unothet· rcfll'clion of Ohlnmobile',; I • So 11111ch tlwt.'s new-so much that's rxclusively Old.~! Come in now ·styling lrurler·:driJ• und )'0111' own W"'rl nnll make your choice-from 17 glorious models in llll'ce great tnste. ThiR rli~tirwtivl' ";wr,eut" motif is mirr·on'd im;ide, too, in Rur:u·t no·w Oldsmobile Series. , . GOLDEN ROCKET 8[1, SUI'Ril !18, S'I'AHFllm 9!1. tr·i-tonc Tech-Style irllo!J'ior heuutyl In every -model you'll find the new styling vahws-Lhc· new cnginccrirJg values that tell why your investment holds when you go over to Olds! . . NEW I'ROFILll-lon~cr·, frrr /awe~ to set you off in style ••• give you . ' a woncJr:rfuJ' "Jow-fevci" l'icJc o SI'AN•ol.•llAli!C WINDSIIIEI.D and TWIN• ' s·rnuT llEAH mNnow-fm· a new slnnt on style and armmd-the-em·IJCr . visibility • NBW moE-STANCE cn,l~~ts-for improved roadability • AL~-NEVv NEW .JE'l'AW.IY IIYllltA•~IATJC 0 -now RIIIOOther• than ever I I'JVOT·I'OISE ROCKET T-400 ENGINE FaON'C' SUSI'ENSJON Wl1'll COUN'I'Illt·DTI'Jl-hJ'inging you new precision handling 1111rl smooth, Oll•lhc·levd ;;tops o 'l'ICCII·STYI.Il 'INTERIORS­ 'rhm·c's still nothing likr: i L for ncwc~t matel'inls nnrl tri-tnnc design put tlu: ueccnt on comfm·t nntl · · high·cnllljll'ession pcr·fm·manec! The ·' luxm·y o S'I'HU'NIOUN'l'l\ll INS'rtiU.IIIlN1' l~ANClL-for gr·r:ut rigidity, ,mm·e nockct 'J'.

Going Out to· Di~u~er?

Part of going out to dinner is dressing for the occasion but, whether you are going out or staying home, be sure your _,;,r. ~-'. appearance is neat and clean. Give your clothes the best treat- • . mont. Have ther·11 cle&ned and pressed at ·umuist~kubly, tire dc~ent's 011 luxury in thc.Sta.rfire 911 Oldemobilo introduces a brilliant new combinalim; of hardtop Scri.,s. Avuilnblc in four glumorous models. Jctuwuy Hydra• glamor and rugged utility to station. wagon design! Shown ·Mutic, Power .Steering, J>eiJni-Euse Power Brakes uml above, tho "geared·for·action" Sup"r 88- Fiesta. Two otller · 'muny, other extrii•VRJne f"nt urcs arc BtBilllllrd •equipment, 1·Door Fiestas are avuihwle in the Golden Rocket ml Series. ------.5 EE THE· NEW 1 9 57· R 0 C KIT EN 'o IN I · 0 L D 5 M 0 II Ll 5 I· N 0 W- 0 N .DISPLAY. IN 0 U R 5 H 0 W R.O 0 M I ;..·.---t----- \Modern' . "Cleaners··. . ·'" Phone OR 7·1511 McCarn' Olclsn1obile -·222·S.Cedar..:. PhoneOil7-9681 !, . . "I ., .. ·. •.for Pic~up·. and .. Delivery · . ·, ... '· ',· .... ,.'. ' ..· . . ·'. ., - '• . ______....;.., c 0 M1.'1 N I· YO,U I LLtL I K I cOU R;QUA LI rY: WAy .o·p- DOING I Nl ss ·-----...... ------' ·-· -· ...... -..\ ;.us : ./ '' '· ,. ·. ' ' ·' .. :_ ' "·.· ,._ ·.\. ; '.-- -,, .. ·.• .' ... ' " '·.·-;;-' .... · ...... ;, \ 1 ~ ) \ Go To Church This Sunda·y , . a au: ...... •

This Message Is Broughtto You This Message Is Brought to. You bv as a Public Service the as a Public Service ~y. the Following Firms and IndividualS A ... e.ov's following Firms and Individuals

Van's S~rvice - Sinclair Mason P·RAVER Millville General Store J. A. Ocut Co. · Millville M!!son Robart Nursing Home Murdock Oil Comp~ny - Mobilga~ Mason Densville . - Lindy~ Drive-In C. W. Glenn & Sons · Mason ~~eights Chevrolet & Buick .Dear G~d ... there.'s so much I'd like to say :to You. It's that way lots of times. Sto~~bridgc Oatt MaiJUfatturing Co. I"want'to talk to You, and then somehow ''' Mascn · ·· I.,get stuc~ fo.r words. fhe Ferri5 Compan\, '·. '•· . Mason '·I· guess I do some 'stupid things, some- . The filrm!!rs Bank ·times.·: .'like that fight with Butch Hend­ Mason A. A. Howlett & Company ley·. yesterday. He said something I Mason ~idn't like and then I s~id something, and Pe1kins Hardware ·· wa~ it. I guess I won, but afterwards Mason George's Food M~rht . , :. !'was .kind of ashamed. I told Dad about M~s~n' ·• Consumers PowEr Co. ' .:. ·.:. itia~t night·:.and be ~cnt for a walk with Mason ' ·me:~nd we looked up at t~e sky and the Mason D~iry · sta.r'~ .. :E-verytt,.ing looked so big, all of a · Ma~ori · Pioneer Barber Shop . sudden,· that it scared me. It seemed too M~son · · big· 't~ understand.· · Kean' s s,.s I Store M~son . ·.:."ThenDad ·t~ld me that there are lots Miller's Farm, •lome &Garden Supply o£ things like: t~e e;ky ·ilnd the stars, too Mason Heights ' Edu-leadl£y Funeral Home ~ig f afraid he wouldn't Holt corn~. Dad gr.irincd at me ~nd said, "Why not' ask him and see?" . TIIE CHURCH FOR ALL ••• Gen£' 1 Sunoto Servit~ ~ 1 r , !l'!r&t C!!nrch of C!tr!St, Sclm· ; Dear God • , . I did ask Butch, and he's ALL FOR THE CHURCH Mason· t!st, !11As11n, *has services at th'e The Church is rhe greatest factor on Patth for church, corner Oak and.Barrles corning. :$utcli hasn't been to Chtlll'ch ot L 'IJ' ', ' the building of character and good citizenship. streets, every Sunday a (1 11 iJ, rrl. regularly like I Jiave, so maybe wheti it It is a storehouse of spiritual value~. Without n Sunda,v school during the service Church, neither democracy nor civilization for pupils liP to the age· of 20. c9~~s to praying he'll get stuck for words can r.urvivo. There are lour sound rncmonn why Wednesday evening meetings at evory person .should attend services regularly 8 include testimonies of Chr·istian than I ·clo. But e~eri.. '.. ~orse·'· ' . .. . You'llliste~ . and support the Church. They oro (I j For his ::-icience healing. A pubfic reactilig You? Because he own sake (2) For his children's sake. (3) F'or tho1 room is open at the, chui'qh to pim ~avyway', won't sake ol his, community and no lion. (4) for tho * taken Ior a Christmas box Ior the \Vedne~day and Satut·day from. 2 just· like I do sake ol the Church rloelf. whrch needs hrs moral Philippines. Wednesday, Novern~ to p. "Mortals · and n~e:Ci~··You v~rr rn.u~h .... 4 m. . .Im­ and matP.rial support Plan to go to church regu. /. Lei' 14, Woman's Society of Cht'IS· mortals," will be the' subject ·of . ; .;· ~st like au·.orus do. larly and read your Bible daily. tlan ;>ervlee, 8; Chapel prayer the lesson-sermon in ail Christian group. 7 I•· 111. 'l'ltursday, n·lOrllillg Seience chm'ches tllrougliotit Day Book Chapter tile ·: ·fh~~k ·You, Goct Sundo1y .. , ...... Proverb!i 3, prayer gr·oup, U:15; choir rehear- worl~ Sundal', Nuvem!Jet• .tl.. · ; Monday ...... • . • . Proverb~ J s.als, 7 and 8. . . ' ~-·-· · Tuesdll.V •... , . . M:J~ttho'!w 7 . .. : ',. W!!dnesday.·, ...... 1 Corint)1h.ns 9 1\lasun Baptist,. Clareuce ·.RPd~. Thur9day :...... • 11 Tituothy ~ Fridnv ...... • , .. Titus 2 Or·ol'e!rburg J\letlro!!!st, Cl!'oven­ pastor. Worship service begins ...... I John 3 bttrg road. Rev .. Francis. C. Johan­ with the ·organ prelude at 9:50 a. hides, 1iastor. Friday, November message by the pastor, special ' m., 9, Good Neighbors class meetlug music by the senlo1· cholr; 11:15 at ·the parsonuge, 8 p. m.; Satur­ a. m., S~nday ·~uhool hour· urider day, 9 a. m., Youth Fellowship the superintendent, Paul Rich· I, trip to Chippewa Indian reserva­ ards, with classes for .all· ages; tion; Sunday, 9:45, wot'shlp, mes· 6:30 p. m., Baptist youth fellow· sage, "Just" Little Extra;" 10:45, ship ;7 :30 p. m., evening service: church sdtool, Asll Towsley, su­ m... ~outh ·recr!!atlonal s:ao p. perintendent; 6:30, Youth Fellow­ period; Wednesday, 7 p.m., youth What the ChUrches Are Doitig ship at Rol!bins Methodist; Mor\­ choir rehearsal; prayer arid Bible '.' day, 7-10 p. m., Youth Fellow~hip study, 7:30 p. m. St. Katherine's Cltat~el. ltJltlNI., nev. Rob. Bunkm• IIIII Sovontll·lllly Ad· ' a.:m. Instruction, followed by Sunday Harry Cummings, pastor. Sunday paring for the ministry .at Hunt· school ,£i.nd adult Bible class; ert Worgul,- pastor. S u 11 d'a y ington college, will be speaker. veutlst, L. H. Sickles, ·pastol'. Sab· ·school, 10 a. m.; divine worship, school, trJ a. m.; morning wm·· bath school, 10 'a, m.; . church 1t':oo a. · m:, morning prayer and ship, 11 FMY icc, 7:ilO There will be a · college male ·1:1:15 a. m.; BYF, 6:30 p. m.; eve· a. m.; sen• service, 11. Hat'ry. Frlest, mis· sermon, followed by coffee hour. p, m.: evening service, 8 p. m.; quartet with Miss Arden Baird of ning worship, 7:30 J>. m.; 'mid· 1 siona'ry evangelist · Iroin Ohio, Wednesday;"7:30 p, m., evening Wednesday, prayer service, 8 Gn111d Rapid~ as accompanist. weel1 prayer service,, Wednesday, will be guest speaker~ Saturday, prayer: . · p.m. There will be no mid-weelt or Sun· · 7:30 p. m., .Junior choir practice clay evening preaching services November· 10. . at 4 p. m. and senior' choir prac· ...Bwrker Hill Nazarmfe,· Rev. at ·Housel during the period of t\ce, 8:30 p. m. Wlllinmswn Weslc:-nn lllethod· St. 1\llchael's E11lscopal ·Ml!io!iloit, ~ Carl Barnes. ·minister. Sunday 1st/Rowley, Rev. Carl A. Coffey, evangelistic services at the Eden 'school; 10:30; morning worship· . ' . 'U. B. church . Rev. N. F: Kinzie, Ph: D., yicar. pasfnr. Church school, 10 a. m.; Services· Sunday at· 10. a. m., / service, 11:30 a. m.; Young Peo· Willlamslon Couununlty 1\leth· WOI'shlp services. 11 a. m. nnrl. 8 . North Elemcnta\'Y sch()ol, Cl;lrry pie's service, 7; 30 p. ~·; evening . odlst, Rev. Louis Ellinger, pastor. p. m.; W. Y. P. S., 7::~o; prayer. IDdcn United Drelltrell, Rev.' lane, off Miller road .. Prayer and evangelhitlc ~ervlce, 8 p; rn; ·• Church school. 9:45 a. m.; wor· servlce,.'l'hursdny. 8 p.m.· H~t·hert Cherry, pastor. Sunday sermon with Sunday school and 'ship service ll a. m.; supervised . school. 10 a. m.; morning wor, nursery. · · nursery during services; Inler· Williamston DnJ>tist, nev. [{ar· ship, :11 a. 111;; evengellstlc ·sei·v· mediate M. Y. F., 4 p. m.; Senior old Reese, pastor. Church· school, Ices with Hev. Duane Reahm. of ,. M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m.; Monday, 3·5 10 a. m .. worship, service, 11 a. m. Grand Rapids will be in session p .. m., sessIons for juniors; and 7:30 p. m.; Young peoples Uuough November 18. Services meeting, 6:30 p. m.: prayet· serv· are'each evening'except Saturday ice, Wednesday, 8 p. m. \at 8 p.m.

Ingham Ch·cull. l\1 e t It o d l s t; Frank 13. Cowiclt, minister. North· . west, mori11ng worship, 9 a. m.: church school, 10:15 a. m. Jlllll·. \ille, inornlng worshii>. 10:15 a. rri.: church school, 11:15 · a. · m.; M. Y. F., 7:30 p. rn. Novenr~r8,195~ the InQham ColJnty News Senator Wnlfm· l•'. Georr::c expi'CHHIHI r•!Parly wlwt nmn;r nt ~~·~s~fi~o~n,:e~a~ll~d~'~A~u~lo~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::;:, ;\mcl'lcnns feel nbout the acl!on ol' Isl·rwl, Bl'i11iln aml i•'1'n11cP SuppJy, Bob Inghram hns loft the In Egypi, Down by the store to dplivet• milk for Musop \, Dairy, · "Tho situnt.lon pi'P:mnfs one of fhn nWfiiJCsl picltu·ns In world affah·s we havn hurl I'm· somr linH•," f;airl I lie ,senutor · ~~~~~~~~~cAg~;o~~udc' lo re· who ltOffdS the fot•elgn rein I ions r·ommi II Pc, SYCAMORE . . organize :the Mnaon. Golf 'club. · 1 'I'hc ciuh ~Uilhtlnerl u Joss In 1D3H, I-Ict·e b what I lie se1mtm· :.;aid; "The fst•nelis slarlcrlllw · the poorest- year srnco tho course pl'escnt f.I'OLtble because !hey IVPI'c'Hgcrl lo do so by 'l'he IHII'VOHI 011 the Sycmmorc cnoe lhoHe who sn\rl, "You might.' was opened In 1028, both England and [•'ranee. lt't'lllll'l~ anrl)31'ilain lwvn vii'· lrt1ly IH plcntellUH, nnrl the Ill· say" never gave their hearers u Walter, Weed, 26, Is on his w.1y hnt'l?l's nre enthtislnHI !e. tually wlthdmwn from NATO hy I aldng flf'l ion a gains! dHUll'r. to sr.c whetlter they would to Mnrquette prison for life, ilcn· or would not say. 'J'he ones who tenced by Judge Charles H. !Ia,\'· f~gypt. NATO was the screen of proledlnn fnt• Wes1ern 'l'ha t ex pta ins why Masnn lws snld, "You migl1t sny" lwpt right den, Weed was nrreoled i:Jy the 2 nnw ch11rchcs unrl 2 o'lhcrs ~ut·ope against Communist Russiil and llw !lui! erl Slates has on tn Iking. poll~c chief of Chesterton, In· tlttrlea· r·onstt·ucllon, diann, for the murder of Huw sun!< vast. sums info it. The :Mualion p1·esenl:; one or the UeiiJI, kiWI! of Uw numbm· or ard Collins, 72, Mason fnrmc1', m~unest pictw·es In world eat of lite lruublr. Pl'l'liaps il's the snmr.limr.s It's not such an un· son with" 7·6 victory over Grand 5c per quart., the price is now compulsion that is causing the sll·irc an1o11r; rural and city Ledge. Dennis Doolittle's success· 6c. ·, Dart National Bank Time Certificates school boards. pleasant dut,v. ful bnot aftP.r a touchdown Miss Hattie Collins Is canvass- Sanford Shoults of the school spoiled the difference between lng in Mason and Lcsile for the That~e-has b(!en- Value in 1he dr.bate over scl1ool ope1·ation of pollee administration at Mlch· victory ami a tie. For the· sea-· Williamston lmlttlng-factory. · ·, · and contt·ol. Rural districts ought to consider annexation igan State was Imported by Kl· son Mason won 'I, lost 3 and tied Art Miller of. Dansville has and mergers thot'OllghJy, becau:;e Ollf'C lhc annexation 01' the wanlaris last week to pay trihute 1. quit farming to enter Ferris In· met•get· takes place it will be fo1·evcr. There is no way for <'. to law officers. He commended By a 26-1:-1 victory ovm' Oilts Insured UJI to $10,000.00, by Fedlw:tl DetiOsit I.usumnce Corporatiol! · cleavor.Critk~m~n~~dine~cye~ Criticism encourages lm- cansTn~~~~m~rl~R~u~·:C:~:a:cy~B:u:~:n:~:s~c:o:ll:~:e:··---~===~=::::::::==::::::::=::::::::::::::======~ gained control of congress. Revocation Locks Effediven~ss provement. whether it is police Senator Arthur I-I. Vandenberg work, church wor!t or producing gainecl re·eiectlon with a plurality· • From nmi• until aftm· the Christmas and New Yem· a newspaper. which will he ncar 400,000. Re· carousals the pu)Jiic will be wa1·ned that drunk drivel'S go to According to a piece I rend publicans el~ptcd an state offi· jail and that drunk driven:: J'ol'fcil their Jieen:-;cs. this week, 11 Is only, through ccrs. / NewTask·Force 57 Chevrolet Trucks I Dr. C. D. Barrett, for 8% yearR . Yes, many rlnmk drivel'S go lo jail hul only until they criticism that the race has m'an· dli·ector of tho Ingham health cle. They ~ 1flattened" Yukon mountains 0 '· s. ober up. And many dl'ivers who lose f hei1· licenses in J·ustice aged to como out of the woods partment, has resigner! to become with th.e most modern fi'UCk VB's of all! t:;Olllt get them bacl< within a few clays m· a few weeks in and lead a civilized life. The nrst ass 1slant director of the Wayne man who objec:tcd to the genera.! t 1 lth 't fi~~;;"{{y)JG:•w~·~:~JfS})~j(!]({\\iif\(j:l!\,,}y::j;~~ !/i''''7?~S!~~7~~mc~~i circuit court. There is almost a parade from justice cow·t nfll htll'lltl pa·netlt•c Lnrun11tc Six Dansville boys who took the license. l-Ie didn't say he was not guilly or dnmk dl'iv- Grove: What· does Lunslng do? down 50 rural mailboxes as o. ing. He didn't maintain 'I hal. someone f'orc~·rl him to drinl\, Aecot·rllng to 1111 executive in the Halloween prank _have put most or that pressut·e was applied to make him tJieacl guilty, l-Ie olfiee of the tuu·l< nml .cemetery of them. up again, on orders of d'd ' I I · · ' hont'.!l all burhtl~. ln city-owned the shcrtff. 1 n t appea liS co,nviction. l-Ie 111CI'c1y hired a lawyer to cemet~rles .arc eust and west, Verslle Babcock, formerly em- get his license back. · ' with the ft~et. ut Ute euiSt. It may played as a guard nt Jacl

Michigan farmer~ will steacl· lly !ncr!! use· th!!lr prorluctlvlty To Ge"t Rid of ·surplus Commodities in the future through gre~ter use of ngrlcu!tural oquipmont, By CART, COU,JN gram nnnrmnrrd Ortnher 2. Pork Eclent !sts, 'rhey found the weed, n University of Michigan econ· ,.. bought hy Ill!! government will ho commonly cnllccl Wlt.chweerl, al omlst belleves, The government hn.~ ngreed to dlslrlbutc!d to schcml luncil pro· more than tJO.scattered locallons Prof. Philip Wernette snys :re)ease 30 ships from Its ''mnth· grams nnrl ot Itel' ollglhle outlets. In North and South Carolina. 'rhe t nls Increased produetlvl ty ball Jlect" to rnnve shipments of Porl1 prmlucts to be! purchased harmless appearing weed is said will be rc!lecled In grentm• surplus commodities abroncl. A arc lunrh mcnt· processed from to he very destructive to I!OJ'n nnrl consumption of fruits, vege· llrLviug decided to quit the ministry untl IIHJ\'e south, I will s•~llrtt pub­ tcital of 18 shipping lines hnd shoulrlcl'H, hums or loins; cunner! sorghum In South America and n tables and other higher priced lic unction at the place lucatetl at 4l2 South Clinton ,;Ired, Stocl•bl'idgc, 011 usiwll for up to 80 reserve vessels pori1 nnd grnvy fmm Joins and serious pest of rice, sugar canll foods, anrl In a higher stand· of. the Llhm·Ly or Victm·y type hams; cunner! hams. nnrl other crops In the far east. ard of Jlv!ng for the whole huilt during World Wnr II. The ;mnounrcmeiH or this new USDA scientists say that wide· state, ,Half of the govcrnment·spon· pun•hnse plan the llrst of lnst spread lnfestatlrln of Wltchweerl I~or the entire U. S., tho U·M sorcd cargos sr.nt abroad must b'.! wee!\ HrJcrnerl to hnve un lm· could destroy even more corn expert predicts nn lncr!!nse of shipped in Anwrknn·llug Vf'Ssi'!Js. m£•cllalc effect on Chlcngo hog than cines the European corn 20% per decade In lnrllvidunl . With mnrlt E<~onom,\-' Gas Stove market Inter. Thill's. the opinion should explorr.· the possih!llties ible shell of a huiltling, and every cur!ty. law may benefit low in· 2 Globes Apex l\langle honing Boarll c~ clear·spnn roof construction. foot· of spar~e enn lw fully utilize:!. of the National Llvestoclt Pro· come ·rarmers. ducer, lending llvestoCJt maga· · Warnelw Sectional Boolwase Set of Douhln Wash Tnhs I • ' Me1·1e Esmay, of the ngricul· Esmay snys that clear span If their gross farm earnings Crosley· Cabinet Radio · Simmons Day Ued J,awn iUowm· t\1ral engineering rlepartmcnt at construction is readily adapted to zlne>. Unless bralws are applied soon, cattle feeders. could he In are between $GOO and $1,800 they 2 Tabln lUodel Hadios Set of Goblets SlwrlJl~t Dislw.'l ·Michigan Stntc university, says onc·stnry ' huilrllnr;s. Lonflm; now. can pay self.employment tJ·,at rlear·spnn construction has a barns marie in this manner are trouble in 19fi7. · · a-way Flom· Lamp quantity ol' (Jool•ing utensils tax on two· thirds Instead of one· 2 Floor I.amps Table Lamtl'l Quantity of ])islws Fruit Jar'! 1iumhr.r· of arlvnnlages that ran easy to r•iean with a._tractor anrl half of gross earnings, regardless malw a building more useful. !onder, Jwraus<' tlwr!! arc no poles Corn belt .feeders bough't 49% Quantity of Rugs 2 Filing Cases Silverwam Pidurt~ Fr:mws more stoclters and feeders In of whether federal income taxes · With this construction, a "blear In t lw way. C!enr·span hny stor· are report~d on the cash or on lJni versa! Dictionary Step J.allder S1~i of Sc~alt·s ages nre rspecinlly adapted to June, 34'/o more In July, a On!{ Stand span" Is exactly what II is. That whopping 119'/o more in August the accrual hasls. IUtcllen · Stoo1 Quantity ol' Garden and Ilaml Tools means there are no poles or other hay dryers and scJf.feerling. The Electric· Roaster clenr·spnn mel hod nlsfl fits In well and 37'/o more in Septcmher than · E. B. Hill, Michigan State uni· ·, support~ in the center of the In the same mont)ls of 1955. The Oak ])ining Hoom Table OUH•l' Articlt•s too numerous to mention. Jiullcllng. This type of construe· in mnchilwry sheds, fruit and verslly farm economist, says this Immediate outlool\ ·for fed cattle means 1hnt. if farmer's gross tlon uses wood tru~ses Instead of vegetable storages, and poultry a buildings. prices Is good. · Llffh ter suppl!e); [ncoine from agricultural self· Clem· spnn construction costs going to marltet In the flrst half employment is not more than TERMS:-CASH Not Responsible for Accidents Ingham County News no more t llan other types-: in of 1957 should bring fav(Jrahle $1,800 he. may count his net· earn· prices .. Heavier marltetings with f •· I November 8. 1956 Page 2 fad, it. eosls less after tile ra[ter tngs as ellher (1) his· actual net building lerhniquc has been resultant lower ·· are the earnings or (2) two·thlrds of his mastered. The mfters are built on outlooJ[ for the Intel; months· of gross farm income:. l9fi7. L tbe ground nnrl then raised Into If a farmer's gross Income Is Dr. C. J. Hubbard place. Farmer-; who want more . VETERJNAni AN more than $1,800 and his ncr farm information on clcar·span con· Russia· has been having har· vesting trouble afong wllh. otluir earnings are less thim $1,200, he 608 8. J,onslng St. struction, should visit the office may ·use either n l his actual of the rrlunty agent· or write to things. Bad weather, hisufflclent Phone on 7·8201 storage and sl1ortage of combines net earnings or (2) $1,200 as his Prop. the agricult mn I engineering de· Rev. Fred Behner, sel!·em~Joyment net Income. partmcnl at Michigan Stnte nni· will cut down what promised to versily. be an especially heavy .grain crop If a farmer's eross Income Is this, year. Much of. the gr.aln has more than $1,800 and his net farm J been left standing in the!s earning· ar~ $1;200 or more, he or ,'cut and unthreshed in wind· must report and use his actual Wheat Bins rows. Grain on. many collectiv\! net.!ncome when figuring his so· farms has been left In windrows cia I' security tax. Should Be for a month. :weather '.has .to b·e almost perfect !or grain ·to lteep Another ·now ruling provides under such· conditions,· and that landlords who rent their Cow farins for cnsh or on a crop basts Dairy Fixed Now weather conditions haven't been good. eariy September there are covered by the Jaw if, hy DIXON-:.~ Ingham farmers ghou Pl'I:P~Iri'! ..Lr••mn uncut..,Jn. .the .Soviet agree111ent ·with their tenants, Brothers ·· · now for the new wheat ad· ' 87 mlliioncacres' of grain, thef ·talie "an" Important part- in vises flneHs laws. As of September 1956, 17 state mlllt control llgeocles_ In Imum retail and wholesale prices In Michigan huve hrought re- states had Jaws on their bool1s the rctnll prlc~s lncltlclc · public ~hlllp Lyon, grandfullwr of the Nov. 16-22 Is to bring nboutu hct­ Mlchlgnn prog1·am. The ~ter.rlnll' establishing producer ·pi·lces rllf· lor mllll 11s well as producer Interest, cost of distribution, ndc- ·prcHcnt owner, from Obadiah and quests fol' stat!! mlll1 control laws which authorize the establish· fer from the federal governmenl tm· unde•·stnndlng of the~e diller· commltter. of this gmup lnd\ldes: price~. quate s).lpply of pure nnd whole- Catherine Adams. William Kenscy, Michlgnn of some nuturo, It's Important mrmt of milk prices. These Jaws In that the state's power to f!Stnb­ The question comes up as to cnt problems and provide a ·n. some mlllt, rcnsonublc retu1·ns to chance to talk oVCI' mutual pl'oh· Jcood Drmlor~· ussoclntlon; John !hut nil rlulry fn1·mers Inform were passed during the depres· llsh prjcea stops ut Its borders, \\'hethct• or not nil marlmts with· mill\ cteulers, prices of other H!lnl1s, New York Central rail; themselves us cnrn[Jletnly u~ rms- slon unrl were established to re· Also most slate orders llx retnU In the stu te come under the lnw. lems, according to Puul A, Miller, foods, producer prices, cost ot roud; Dan lleccl, Mlchl,.-:1111 I•'urm slblc on whul thene Jaws mlgiJt store the purchasing power ·of prices ns well us producer prices, Regtj]lttlons of the vurlous slates City-Farm­ director of the Michigan cooper­ doing business nnd plant volume, ullve extension service nnd chulr­ Bureau; Mllon G1·Inncll, crJitol' qf be und their effect. the dairy furmerH and to bring 11 Stnte luws nrc 11dmlnlstcred In define mnrl1etlng arcus· within the In nil stntc IIIWS the board of Mlchlg-nn Fn1·me1'; und chairman , The fir:;t que:;t Inn of cniii'He Is, mensure of stllhlllty ·to the d11lry most stutes hy m·lll, control states which nrc regulated, Usu· mun of the state !urm·clty weelt commissioners may change prices Folks s·tudy steering commltlee.. Paul A. 1\Illler. "Whut It; n state mill< eontml Industry. At this time, 26 stutes hoards 9r mlllt eommlsslons, atly the regulnllons cover nil ·the from time to tlmc'urter notice und !11w?" It Is 11 Juw which nuthor- have enacted 6Uch laws. By 1910 vested with the power to estab· Important mnrlmts, In some canes public hearing, Action may be by The committee is uq;:lng each Jzcs the. t!stuhllslunent of mlll1 eight states hud abundoned their llsh and amend mlllt prices. In regulations cover only speclfled the board nt Its own lnltl11tive or Each Other- Mlchlgnn community Lo hold u '1riccs by state government. It Is IIIIWR und since then 2 others huvc some cnses the control meclwn· mnrl1cts, I'Urul-urban meeting d111·lng the The BADGE upon request of a responsible Improved mutual unrlerslanrl­ JIOsslhle In wnl'il u state law In set theirs Elslde. Ism Is within the state depurt­ The hoards or commissions wcelt and to maim pluns fur con­ group, The states hnve tended .to lng between rural and city people of ments of ngrlculture with the have the power In Investlgute, tinuing efforts for farm-r.lty coop­ set up controls to prevent supply Is the goal of. Farm-City- Weelt, PROFITABLt director of agriculture dl~ectly J'e• Inspect and a11dlt and require eration throughout the entire responses ft•om lmmldng d:-wn November 16-22, reports M. H. · Ken Brown Goes West S)Jonslhle for Its opernllon. records and pe1·Iodlc reports. The yeur. eHtabllshed prices. The most Avery, county agricultural agent. BREEDING In all of the 16 sl!ltcs at the ll!;e of classified pricing Is author­ Fnt•m unci factory tours, ex­ direct of these controls applies to The p1·ogr·um seelrl~ son;e FurDttu~e Set, - Clock Radios .:.-; JWatclies - J~w~lry mulch • on that newly established S_aws We're .Proud of It Iwaterw~y, says· Leonard Bra· amse, Michigan State . university A SiJe to Suit rmMs:-cash Free PriZes to Ail! extension speclailst · in soil con· Your Need· _. I . I si!l'Viltlott. , . , · Cle~ring Atta~hme~h Av~ilabl• · Seedlngs started this summer \. ~an use the .. protl'ctlon of some PARTS AND SEitVICE mulch·llke manure tci. keep them ·.ARE L9CAL \ o.f Distributors ',". _.Hall ' '·. . ·. •' ' fi;om: being .washed away _before they get established. The manure ...... ' . Ican give them some needed nu~ L: ·_,, ·,·_G. K.. ··SMITM,. Manager. · rrtents, t()o •.....·· .·· .· . - · ... · "SILSBY 0 IMPLEMENT COMPANY ~·~::rll~,~~ljiJ.:~!-[.;oi~~\•.-~.~:.~·;::~.:t~··... :·~: .... :oi·'·.;;,·:;;;_-:;,;;·''JIIi·':Oioiiil':.ioli_-~·,;•',:iil •. ,..,,~:·.iili,\lri~:ili''··lii· :.. ..;.-~,...... ,., ...... ili•:t._l':,.· ; ...... ;ill''"'*'t~·:·~, .. · .}~;~~~~;~a~~~~m~;~;e~o~ d~~ .. · . . 214 Stat• ._ Muon: , I' 1 , • , , , , , , ·:.,' , , , ~ . • ' :,, :: Ingham County News November 8, 1956 Legal Notices ORDI!R AI I'OIN11NG TIMF.

LOLLIPOP RADAR-Resembling a giant lollipop, the Para· balloon tndm .mtennu .tbove is ltlernlly blown up like a balloon rho ltghlwclght, mob1le rncln1 unit, designed for the Conservation Department worlte!S nt Lansing sorted moun· AIL Fm cc bY Westmghouse, con be assembled or dismantled tams of mml recently ns npphcntlons poured m Cor specu~l season by a ~~ ew of nme m seve tal hou1s, and weighs only 1,090 deer huntmg perm1ts By the October 10 deadline, approximate~ pounds compm ed to 10 000 pounds for eqUivalent existing ly 110 000 hunters npphed for the 65,340 permits to be issued in melJI antennas and t he1r suppot t slru lutes The Paraballoon 22 deer starvation and crop damnge nrens antenna

·t .• _l·.; t, ~ 1 ";;

lla\ m~ sold our fa I m, we \\til sell at J)Ubllc auct10n at tht• IJiace 2 nules west of Am elms Ccutl•r, corner Baures and Onondaga wad, or 5 nulcs cast ol Eaton R.t!Juls on Barnes 10a1l. Saturdayt November 10 1 P. M. 20 Head Cattle Farm Implements ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Holstt'in, 3 years old, flesh, twin cahc'i Lly s1de FINAL ACCOUNT John Deere II Tractor and Cult1vator Holstem, 5 years old, llue Decembt•r 3 ,John Deere Mounted Buzz Saw GROW-November 20, 1fl56 llolstem, 4 years old, fiCsh, calf by sule Stat or 'M ch ~ tn fl e P1ohnte Cnn1t ,John Deere Single Bottom 16" Plow I tl c County or ]nj:fh un Holstein, 3 yeat·s ohl, f1 esh by sal1• dny John Deere 11-hole Gram Dr11l nith Fertilizer and ~m; ion of Rmd Com t hchl on Holstem, 3 years old, fresh, twin calves by side II 19'6 Seeder Attachment P oAent liON JOHN M Cl ELL \N llolstem, 5 years old, lluc January 22 John Deere Stde Delivery Ralw JuflJ.~:I" of Probnte Holstem, 2 old, fresh by day of sale T the Mnlte of tho EAlnlo of JEAN 1\lcCormici•·Deeiiilg 6-ft. MoWt'r E I IE GllOW DcccnHcd Holstein, 1Y:! years old, due April 5 Gale Corn Planter Guernsey, 4 ~ears old, fr•c:;;h by da~\' of sale 3-seetion llarrow Dtsc Guernsey, 5 years old, clue January 25 Land Roller llay J.. oader llolstem, 10, years old, due ,January 22 McComtici\·Deering Manm e Spreader· llolstem, 8 years old, due Januar·y 12 Wagon and Rael\ • llolstem, 3 years old, fresh, calf by s1de Molme Checl• Uow Planter Guernsey, 10 years ohl, clut• ,Jannar·~ 14 Holstem, 1~ ~cars old, bred Holstein, 1 ~ ~ l ears old, bretl ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Dcf tlt lu vln.r lccn mnde I tl e con Milking Equipment HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR llolstem, 1 V:! years old, bre1l DETERMINATION OF HEIRS dillon of n eel tnln Mm t~ngc mndc on Holstem Bull, 1 year old NORTON-January 9 1957 tl o 30th duy o! AuguoL !0'4 by G1 m Rtte-\Vay 1\lillmr and Pi)leline, with 8 stall eoclrs mr~ T 1 1 Clu ptet Al mnl A~soclntlon or 2 Holstem llerfeJs, 6 ami 7 months old Swte of Mlchi).(IIH rhc p obnlt Cmu t AI! lm Phi Ah>lu b ntc nlLy t M chlgnn 2 Single Rite-Way Units ror tl n County 1f lnghnm co I orntion or l::nRt L lnRing Mldtlg \0 Exce)ltionally Nrce Herd. Bangs •.rested At ll tU!8Hion or tmhl Coull ! eld nt the nH mo1 tu- go 1~1Vcn by IL to Amorlcnn I 10 1\lill• Cans Prol te OITice In the City of Mn•on In St 1tu B' 1\' n Mlclut.~ tn hr nlcln~ ~011 otn the anld CoUJ t.y o 1 the 26th dny at tic n or L llRing Mlch I llR mol tgngce 1\lill• Pails and Strainers Otclcr AD 196G nnd tCCO dcd on the ~ 1 Hl liLY I r Au~ Kt P•••• 1t liON JOliN McCI ELLAN 19fi4 1t H 10 o olool< n m In the olltcc Jmhto or Prol ntc of the Register of Dec ]a rot It gh tm Chickens or p olu to In the Mntte1 o! tho Eslnl! nf BARRY County Michl~ n l'l I II 01 0 'I o[ Molt 30 White Rocli Pullets J NORION ()occnAcll un~res on 1 U:fCK 3ll~ 1.r1 I 31 l on wllch Furniture ORDER FOR PUDLICATION It n111 e1 1I 1-r to the Co 1t thnt the Mortgnge thc1c IR cltlmotl to J r1 tine m I -----FINAL ACCOUNT limo (OI I CHent lion of CJ \JmH ngnlllRt unpnld the snm of S~von fhommnd Sl:< Monarch Combination Electric mul Coal, all white, Hnld cHtl tc should bo llmlto 1 und t.hnt n Hnnda od Soventy nine nnd H 1/1110 Dnl AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS LimP. nnd J)lncc b 1\111 olntcd to receive lnlA ($7 079 83) pdnchml 1 I II o Hum of Range TA YLOR-Novombor 29 1950 ox 1mino n 1 ndJ 1st nil ell lmH n tl de 01 c Hundred •rwcnty lour nnd 61/1011 Hay and Grain G. E. Electric Swee)ler Stnto ol MlchtRnn The Probnto Cou1t m1 t dH IH''nlnst t~nll Ieee 1Hrtl by nnd be· Dollras {S124 lH) Intel est 1 nd no KUI,L !01 tho County of lnRhnm lore " d C 1 t 1 nd tlu t the leH II hell • ol'lp!occe ling nt I tw o1 ln ccptlty hnvlng ApJlroximately 800 Bales Mixe1lllay Dining Table and Buffet of Rl ld dcccnsed entitled to lnhortt the At n tu~MMinn of tmld Cnnt t held nn been lnntitutc 1 to rocoV(!I the debt or 200 Bales Straw About 125 Bu. Oats Roeldng Chairs Baby Bed Octal 01 31 I PSG est 1t(l of which Kl I I decensc I died sol zed nny pntt thl!rcof Rccutctl by 1mld M01t P1os01 L HON JOHN McCLEI.LAN HI oull be }Judlcr tell \1 I dt!lCJ mined Q:Rgo nnd the power of Hnlo In Mil Approximately 1,500 Crates Corn Bell, Mattress, Dresser JudRo nf Pro I ntc 1\ I• Oule c t ~Thnt nil tl o ClcdltorH of Mortgngo hnvln~-t become 01 erntlvc b~ In the Mntte1 of the E•tnto of GRACE Hnld deccnncd nle tcl)Uhctl to 111CI\cnt rcnson of KUch dcfnult Numerous Small Items · 9x12 Axminster Rug and Pad l TA YWR DoconHcd their ell lmH In wlitlng nnd undul nnth NOTICE IS IIEitEDY GIVEN thiLt on Nolle• '" Ho cby Given rhnt tho IC 1., 111ovlle 1 ,by fttntule to tmid Court nt Fddny tho 11th lny of Jnnnnry 1067 tltlon of Elton J Tnylor cxccutllx of the Pro Into Olflco nt 20S Hollloto1 Bhll( nt. l 0 00 o cloc\' 1 m In the fol £moon onld oot1 to PIIIYlnR lor tho nltow1 nco of L mstnR Mtchhmn on or bcfo1c tho Dt~ nt the North door of the City Hnll h her fin1 l nc~ount nnd for the n:uugnmcnt. duy of Jnnunt y A D I 067 nt ten the Ctty of LILnHil ~ Mlchtg tn thnt bo TERMS:-Cash No goods removet1 untU settlm1 for. Not responsible for aecident~. 111tl cJJatributlon of the teA\due of RU\cl o clock In the forenoon Hnhl time nnd lng tho t tuce lor holdm~ tho Clroutt cHLato nl~o f01 n dcierrnlnnt1on of tho Jllucc being heuby UllPoint

    Or lore I rhnt JIUbllc no· ($76 00) l>roltdeetltlol or COllY of this otdcr once cneb week fOL ment\onoJl nnf1 dcsctlbed na followA cnueo n C!Dilf of thtu natlco to bu Hcl vcd thruo succcnslvu wccltK )lrovlous to llRid Lot 23 of D1 ooks Addition to the upon eneh known n&uty In In tot est nt dny ol hmulng In the lnghnm County Delta City of Enst Lnnalng, lnghiLm htr lnot known nddtoas bf. roldotorod Nuwu u ncwarmpct Illintcd und clrcu• County Mlchtgnn WAYNE G. FEIGHNER. Auctioneer mnll toturn rocalpt dernn11 cd nt lcllllt latcd tn sntd county und that tho Hduot• Dntcd October 5 1056 I fourteen (H) dnys pttor to ouch heat• nrY ol •ntd catatc glvo known lntcrc•tcd AMERICAN STATE DANK tnR, or by toroonnl eervtcc at !cut nvc JIRI tics nddltlonnl notlco no tequlrcd by A Mlchlgnn Dunking Corporntlon Phon• Mason OR 7·3691 (6) llny• prtm to ouch hearing lnw Mortgagee JO~N McCLELL~N Foater Foster Cnmpboll & Ltndcmo1 RUSSELL HUNTINGTON, (llerlc ' A True Copy Judge of P1obllte o\Uo1 neya for MortgaRoe DuslneBs Ad· Martha fhar,or drcM 700 Amcllcan Stnto Dnnlt Dldlf Doput~ R•K ntor of Probate Lnn~tn11 68, Mlc\lll!nn • Uwl3 Ingham County News November 8, 1956 Page 5 Legal Notices

    Bobcat hunting has become n favorite wmtcr ~port for many Mtchigan outdoorsmen Thts cat backed mto a corner is ready for anythmg and would probably g~t Jus share of eyes ears and noses tf any dogs-or hunters-ventured too close The Conser servatton Dcpr~rtment has caught tagged and released n number of bobcats m recent years m a contmumg study of this rugged woodland creature

    ORDER FOR PUBLICATION FINAL ACCOUNT WILLJAM5-Novcmbor 23 1966 Stnto of Mlchlgnn TJ o Prob to Cou t fn the County of Jngh m At n fi(!Rslon of an I Co t I e 1 on Octo! or 20 I or.o ProBe t HON JOHN McCLELLAN J ulgo of Probnto In tho Mutter of the Estnte of ETIIEt. WILLIAMS Deceased Notice IK Horeby Given Tl nt the Po tltlon of Centru Trust Com1 nny nd mlnlatrntor of said ostnte 1 r ylng for tl c n lownnc or tl £l! flnnl nccount nnd for t1 c nsKignm nt nnd dl•trlb tlon of tho re•lduc of Hnld estnto will be I cnrd on Novembor •a 1956 t ton thloty q_·c o«!l In tt e forenoon nt tho Prob tc 0 flee ut •os Hollis to Dldg L nsln~ MlciiRn , It IH Ordered Tbnt otlcc tho cor bo given by publlcntJon or a CO! y hereof for U ree weelu1 con"ccutlvcly 1 rev OUR to • ld d y or he II H In the hiKhnm County New• und thnt tho petltloncJ cnuae n cot y or thl• notice to be served upon ench known 1 nrty In lntere•t •t hla llat known 1 ddrosn bv ro1lletc cl moll return receipt demnnded nt lonot fourteen (14) dnys prior to ouch henr h K or by pcroonnl oerv leo at tenet 1\vo ( r.) dnv• prior to •ueh I oaring JOHN McCLELLAN Judge of Prolntc c~~~bi~g·, ·D,,iry' . 1Project ;Winn•r• To 4~H Coogren PROFESSIONAL. . . . ANWI!l Moii'ADDJ;;N, PQII~A CO\lll.,. ··A ·lola) ec:llp~e of the moon J t,y, nnd Jolm Rloc, Jr., Monr!l• BUSINESS-SERVICE pfoiJlises to he the outstnndlng count.y, )lave pee11 awnrde~ trip' to I!Venl Ill the heavens for the the National 4·fl Club COlllJI'~'~ hl Chlcnl!'o, Nov. ~6·20, Tiley will ·r9p· i'Or/nth ol Novemlmr, nr.corrtlng to re~ent. Mlchl11nn !11' the olot)lllJII' and Vnivprslty of Mlchlgnn astron· nntr.v proRrl\m~. · lllndr Hazel M. Lash. Thn eclipse Mlchlran Climate Conrlltlonerl ·' wllf be visible In Michigan. Livestock Septic Tanks ,i'Although not nearly n~ drn· Foods matlc as 11 total eclipse of the Trucking , Bellied Gas Cleaned fi\10," Profcssot· Lash reports, ------fmtltllntton, conv.,rHion and np. We speclullzc In cleaning septic "lh!l passage of the morm through pllances. County·wlde delivery, tanl1s Etnd lines and lnstnli new Pontiac ~he· earth's long shadow Is fasel· tanks and fields. nlltl[lg to watch." This particular Sales and Service eclipse will oceur under 'unusual· Hill Electric Eaton County ly Advantageous clrcumstnnees GOOD WILL USED CARS because Its entire course will be 31 3ii Olc!!mos t'Oitrl, Ol•ernos Septic Tank Service ohsct·vable from the time of the Phone Lansln~ ED·7·784!J Howard PontiC)c l9wtl Phone Lansing fV 2·1 079 JJ!OOJl'S first entry Into the l:J:e will make the first contact wllh the earth's TRUCKING AND 13UYING S9!!Cially" Welding Shop ------:nave your stock trudwd t.o the Linoleum and White Metal, Aluminum an~ market that maims the nwrl1et Hitchens Cast Iron a specialty Youth Wins 4-H Awar~ Flowers by experienced trucl1crs. Floor Coverings Radio uml TV SCI'VIr:e ENNETH THOMAS, 17. son ol ALL ANIMALS lNSUf!IED Drug Store 1109 S. US-12'1 Phone OR 7·52'(1 K Mr. and Mt·a. Mnx Thomas, l!OMPLETE FLORAL Semi-Trucll Service now Avnllnble Courteous Service Armstrong's Linoleum R. 1, Quincy, hns IJccn nntnccl st.nrc Expert Laying Service . winner Jn the 4·11 citizenship proj • ARRANGEMENTS Call us on nny ldnd of llvestod1 Holt act; HI~ certlncnte of honor ennllltm Weddings you wish to sell at home. Bigelow and Mohawl1 Carpets_ him l.o compete for the . nn tlonnl Nursing 1 Funerals · Parties See us for your registered Hamp .· award given '" Delivery Service shire breeding stocl1. The best in one boy n nd one meat type hogs. glt•l In thr Ballt~Dunn Home Untr ed SlateR Clements Flower Shop ' Farm Tools They I n c I u d (' Bim 'Franklin Floor Coverings two collc~e 1982 Walnut Ph. OX·4·1791 Mason Phone OR·7·0231I Poston sclJOinrships o I Holt Licensed Dealers, Mason $300 each anrl Convalescent Home two nll-cxpcnsc­ Phone OR·7·8911 ------pnld trlps to the "Fine Flowers Always" 12wtf Minneaprlis·Moline Women Pallr:nts Only. Good food, 3 5 I. h Nntlonnl l1ind trea lment 4-H Club Con· Home ll'I'CSS in Chica· Jewett Flower Shop O!i'ver 51•1 W. Maple, Mnson go, Nov. 25 .. 20. Livestock Hauling !~arm Implements Donor of the Flowerphone OR 7·3951 and Service Phone OR 7-2301. ' .. Kenneth naUonal award l{lng·Wisc ElevatO'l'S Thomns fm• which the We Deliver Lincoln Welders' :lr&nch county boy Is compelln~. ts General Trucking Chore-Eo~ Mlllwr Parts The E: R. Lilly tl) :honor of Thos. E. Wilson, Chi· . • • To Detroit-Monday mornings Kean's 5-10cto$1.00 c•so. A senlot· at Quincy commnm· Nursing Home tt high school, l God's ~lessings Will call at your home to give Professional Cady Hardware · estimates. We pickup and de­ Barnes - Churches - Houses ~'~~!)-'~IJere .1~ a. grJev~nce be~ween ~ nmghbot· and ourselves. liver. Steeples ,;f;};~:R,twoncJhutwn brmgs a lift to living. More than that, it Sporting Goods adventUL"ous. highway.s th;it lead us· into· tlw 1 ~'!S'~'n)any. Lcmll as you are! and HeatlnLa,son Art Lambert &.Son m·~s~~ce Of our goocl, lovmg and lnnd heavenly Fathet·, . : ; : 141 J, ~~~tng Mathias Upholstery Corner ·college i·oad and US·127 . Williams Ion, Route 3 ~~~~·f:})~~et:t the .~ri~e we pay for reconcili~tion .is tet~rific. • ~ut Phone WehhervUie 67-1~·11 tnif pr1ze we gam 1s the peace of God wh1ch passes all under­ · .Elite Beauty Shop Phone OR 7·4821 · standing, Hardware 41wlp . PUAYER , 311 N. Cedar Street BEAUTY SERVICE Dupont Paint .. . Out· heavenly l?ntber, give us bu·geness of heart w mend· the Mason · 115 S. Jefferson Mason Evlnrurle Motors Glaso ·Wrongs we have. dune again~t Tlu:e u.nd our fellow men. Lead us Ruby Campbell Ph. OR 7·23:31 Automotive to ··rlty blessed nltar of )Jcnce. Jn the name of Christ, om• lledoomer, Glazing we ask It. Amen. · · Roy D. Dodge Tools Radios ....,_,~---"""'""'"'~'Ads Are Like · · THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Phone OR 6·5632 Christ is our peace. Bottle Gas Perkins Hardware Compound William A. Tyson, Jto. (Georgia) Jewelry ., ~1a~nn Ph. OR·G-4311 Interest-= Phil gas Radio-TV Rocket Ahead wtth Watches Bottled Gas Oldsmobile Bti.lova ·. Elgin . Hamilton . Wyler In For Better Buys in "Advertising obeys tho compound · · Rings • Bracelet!!· · 20·1b Self-Serve Cylinders New and Used Cars inlarest law. I nood not toll you Oi'ilrige Blossom Diamond Rlngll 100-lb Delivered _cy.llnders See whet • learlul ond wonderful thing . ( . Both are automatic systems compound interest is. Lower rates for dual ·appliance Eoeh advertising dollar does lis Willi~m Fink · users· · McCarn Oldsmobile · 222 S. Cellar job in earning • return, but dch .i I JEWELER :nstallatlon · Conversion Phone OR·7·91iR1• succeeding dollar not only earns i Next to. Fox Theatre Bottled Gas Appliances I MilSon · direct return, but olso keps olive tho c::...a~::­ earning power of • goodly portion of ., YOU EVIII.HAVI TIIOUiiLI yostordoy's earning advertising in· Mason WITH YOUR TILEVISION liT... Stover·Backofen Co. vestment. ;...get In touch with u~. We can See your repair man or dealer ·Ref: .. iCJeration Honie Appliance ·find tile difficulty qul~kly-tbi As this eumuldlvo proeen goes jt promptlr lnd reasonably. Ou~ on, olch succeeding year tho ldvtt•' 120 W. Maple 'ervieemtt trt.lned ·til the .Auto-•.rruck-Tractor Parts !Domestic and . Commercl~ Phone ORchard 7·5911 latJJ11t tfllr·tlslon teehniqueil par~ llslng dcll~r oor~s even gro~tor dlvf. Refrigeration ·Service . · 2.'Jwtf ~eularl; as they apply in thii .Machine Shop ·service donds in doing Ill po1l of the 111l• ...... 1311 W. Ash Phone OR·7·9.541 ,ing job- Schn~pp .-...... ·Phone OR-6-1762 I CHESTE!t H. lANG · · Phdi1e. :Eaton ~plds • I ..•. Used Cars Used Pai.'ta Monogor PUbiiGIIY Dept • · :,- 3774. or' 4·2914 ~h.'s hon~Bt about grabbing ~~jij' fW-- Gon~rol Elictrlc Harold. Lavis . , . luscious Hol~Jum che~seb~rger.i.... :ever·y;wo-~il Bottled Gas ·:: .' . fo.r herself wben delicioui HolBum iu~k&s sand· · .:'~,··.'.·::; ~chea so marveloti$. Buy 8o~e today. · .... , .. ·.... • • •

    SAVE on AUTO PARTS at · · . Bud's Auto Parts · Leslie· Applian.ce Francis Sloan 210 E. Bellevue . · WWia'mston; Route 2.. ·.· . Phone Le5Ue Jt1 9~ ··Phone tm.·W ..