Catalog of Copyright Entries 1953 Motion Pictures and Filmstrips Jan
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.N'^ CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES Third Series VOLUME 7, PARTS 12-13, NUMBER 1 Motion Pictures and Filmstrips JANUARY-JUNE 1953 o -^ * * ^ COPYRIGHT OFFICE THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON: 1953 CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES Third Series , CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES Third Series VOLUME 7, PARTS 12-13, NUMBER 1 Motion Pictures and Filmstrips JANUARY-JUNE 1953 COPYRIGHT OFFICE THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON: 1953 REMOVAL OF DEPOSITS FROM COPYRIGHT OFFICE NOTICE is given to authors, copyright proprietors and other lawful claimants that they may claim and remove before January 1, 1954, any article of the following named classes of published works deposited for copyright between January 1, 1950, and January 1, 1951, not reserved or dis- posed of as provided by sections 213 and 214 of Title 17 of the United States Code and still remaining in the files of the Copyright Office at the time of the request for their removal. The classes of pubhshed works covered by this notice are: Books and Pamphlets. Contributions to periodicals. Works of art; models or designs for works of art. Reproductions of a work of art. Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical char- acter. Photographs. Prints and pictorial illustrations excluding prints or labels used for articles of merchandise. Other published works and all unpublished works are excluded from this notice. The request for the removal of any copyright deposit should be signed by the person entitled thereto or his duly authorised agent. Such request should identify the work by stating the title, author, copyright proprietor, registration number and year of deposit, and should be addressed to the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. L. C. card, 6-35347 This number identifies the Library of Congress printed card for the complete series of the Catalog of Copyright Entries. For sale by the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. Price for this part: $0.50 per issue, $1.00 per year. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Motion Pictures and Filmstrips 1 Classified List 65 Subject Index for Nontheatrical Films 69 Renewals '^1 Index of Claimants, Producing Companies, Sponsors, and Authors 75 PREFACE The CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES is renewals, the deposit of a copy (or copies) of the published by authority of sections 210 and 211 work has been made in accordance with the provi- of Title 17 of the United States Code. Sec- sions contained in sections 12, 13, or 215 of Title tion 210 provides in part: 'The current catalog of 17 of the United States Code, or, in the case of pub- copyright entries and the index volumes herein pro- lished three-dimensional works of art, there has vided for shall be admitted in any court as prima been compliance with section 202.8 (b) of the regu- facie evidence of the facts stated therein as regards lations of the Copyright Office, published in the any copyright registration." Code of Federal Regulations, 1949 Edition, which Each annual volume is subdivided to represent provides for the deposit of identifying reproductions the classes of material listed in section 5 of Title 17 in lieu of the work itself. To distinguish foreign of the United States Code. The table at the end works, for which two copies have been deposited of this preface shows the organization of the Catalog, under section 215 of Title 17 of the United States together with a brief listing of the materials princi- Code, a Ziero immediately following the class symbol pally contained in each part, the symbols used to in the registration number has been used. distinguish the materials, and the prices of semi- For a more complete description of the contents annual issues and of the annual subscription to the of this issue of the Catalog see p. vii. complete Catalog. Orders, payable in advance, for all parts of the Each copyright registration listed in the Catalog Catalog of Copyright Entries should be sent directly is recorded in a main entry, which includes a de- to the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, scription of the work copyrighted and data relating Washington 25, D. C. Orders may be placed for to the copyright claim (the name of the copyright individual issues, as subscriptions for one or more claimant, the copyright date, the copyright registra- parts or for the complete Catalog, and for periods tion number, etc.). Cross-references, and, in some of one or more years. All orders should state clearly cases, indexes, are provided. the title and the inclusive dates of the part wanted. The name of the copyright claimant in each Checks or money orders should be made payable to entry is that given in the application for registration. the Register of Copyrights. Available information in the records of the Copy- right Office relating to subsequent changes of owner- The Copyright Office welcomes inquiries, sug- ship can be obtained upon request and upon pay- gestions, and comments on the content and organi- ment to the Register of Copyrights of the fee speci- zation of the Catalog. Such communications should fied in the law for the conduct of a search of the be addressed to the Chief of the Cataloging Division, records. Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington In the case of each registration listed, except for 25, D. C. V TABLE OF ORGANIZATION Price per Price per semiannual semiannual issue issue Part lA Books. 31. 50 Part 5C Renewal Registrations—Music. .. 31.00 A Books and selected pamphlets R Renewal registrations AF Books in foreign languages published abroad AI Books in the English language first pub- Part 6 Maps and Atlases. 50 lished abroad F Maps Part IB Pamphlets, Serials, and Contributions to Periodicals l. 50 Parts 7-11 A Works of Art, Reproductions of Works of Art, Scientific and Technical Draw- Pamphlets, serials, and books not included A iNGS, Photographic Works, Prints and Pictorial in Part lA Illustrations i. oo B5 Contributions to periodicals GP Published works of art and designs for works of art Part 2 Periodicals. 1.00 GU Unpublished works of art and designs for works of art B Periodicals H Reproductions of works of art published in BF Periodicals in foreign languages published the United States abroad HF Reproductions of works of art published BI Periodicals in the English language first abroad published abroad IP Published drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character Parts 3-4 Dramas and Works Prepared for Oral lU Unpublished drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character Delivery 1.00 JP Published photographs for C Lectures and other works prepared oral JU Unpublished photographs . delivery K Prints and pictorial illustrations published DF Dramatic and dramatico-musical works in the United States published abroad KF Prints and pictorial illustrations published DP Published dramatic and dramatico-musical abroad works DU Unpublished dramatic and dramatico- Part UB Commercial Prints and Labels. 1.00 musical works KK Commercial prints and labels Part 5A Published Music 1.50 Parts 12-13 Motion Pictures and Filmstrips. .50 EF Musical compositions published abroad EP Musical compositions published in the LP Published motion picture photoplays United States LU Unpublished motion picture photoplays MP Published motion pictures other than photo- plays Part 5B Unpublished Music. 1.50 MU Unpublished motion pictures other than EU Unpublished Music photoplays VI : If HOW TO USE THE CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES, PARTS 12-13 Motion Pictures and Filmstrips (Parts 12-13) lists Each main entry for films currently registered published and unpublished motion pictures regis' includes, in addition to the title used as the heading, tered in Classes L and M and filmstrips registered in the following information descriptive of the work, if Class J. These registrations include such films as available and applicable feature pictures, cartoons, newsreels, industrial films, 1) Production statement. films, television films, etc. Filmstrips are classroom 2) Date of release. also listed in Parts 7-11 A. Many of the recording 3) Physical description, i. e., running time or scripts made to accompany filmstrips are registered number of reels, width of film, etc. in Classes C and D and are listed in Parts 3-4. 4) Series title. Renewal registrations of motion pictures are listed 5) Published work on which the film is based in a separate section. Each film is described in a or with which it is correlated. main entry and cross-references are provided to 6) Summary of the content of the work. facilitate the location of the main entries. 7) Leading credits and actors. Parts 12-13 are composed of five sections. The first 8) Names of authors given in the application IS a list of main entries for films currently registered, which do not appear elsewhere in the arranged alphabetically under the titles appearing at entry. the beginning of the entries. Interfiled with these 9) Name of the employer in the case of a work are cross-reference entries beginning with other made for hire, if so named in the applica- titles for which a searcher might look; in each case, tion, together with the names of the the cross-reference refers the searcher to the title employees. under which the main entry can be found. The 10) Information contained in the application second section is a classified list of the registered which relates to the registration of an films, arranged according to their general type or earlier version of the work. intended use. The third section is a subject index to Information relating specifically to the claim of the published nontheatrical motion pictures and to copyright is preceded by the copyright symbol © selected filmstrips, arranged under broad subject and includes: headings.