Sixth District Elects Republican to Congress Thelngha County Cider Jell Is Available Court Edi(t Doesn't Alter Rural Stand Ralph Glynn, White Oalc farm· cr and long an executive with the Pt·oduction and Mm·lteting Ad· ministration and other govet·n· menl farm agencies, was tal<en .(IO a· Lansing hospital Monday. 'Doctors said he suffered a heart attnel1. For Hl years Glynn was 26,881 Sifting down 'rhursday after· On pages 2, 3 and 5 of Pat•t 1 chairman of the county board. He noon was the first snow of the. are more news stories and pic· Pythinn ·sisters will hnve n runumn.tc Is now performance supervisor. t'ythlun ~l!(tl!l'l'i will lnt\lf' 11 a·ummuge sale In 'the council rooms, nuon till D On Wcdncsdtty his condition was ""le In tho ,.,,,,.11 """""· """" 1111 ·g season, just a ta::~te of what's lures concering Tuesday's elcc: fl, m. Friday, November 10, nnd 1:1 n. m, lt. m. t••l'idpy, NuYcmhor Lli, nnd ~ u. m. 1 1 1 till one o'clock Snturtlny, Novctnbcr 17. repot·ted as Improved. t.ill Ollc o'l'lot~l• Sltllll'liuy, NuvumLet• 17. com ng ater. ton. 4uwl 19,194 Here's the Way Votes Stacked Up in ContestS for Ingham CountY Offices Tuesday I'UO:SEC U'1'0U SllEIUFJi' . T.RI!JASUIUJR . IU!JGIS'l'EU (nr DEEDS DRAIN COI\11\l, CORONERS SURVEYOR'. Mia tech Willl'~n tt.,rton Bttrnea Hllllut'd Wodo Porker ' Barno• Humphrey Avlo Gruhom Foil Gutatefn Horftuoycr Lcodlcy ODboUI'Il Dorryman Alaledon .................. ~ ........................... :..... 182 l\17 29ll 401 482 192 507 1!11 510 214 1488 194 168 516 531 200 .493 Aurelius .............................. ..................... 20!l •121. 27!l 36() 422 207 . 426 '210' 427 223 411 225 215 \ 413 411 227 403 (Dunker IIiII .............................................. 185 1nG 209 171 -' l!l8 190 ·192 171 213 189 191 182 177 197 199 188 190 Delhi (9 Pet.) ........................................ 2,319 3,om 3,03a 2,439 3,063 2,414 2,978 2;479 2,934 2,534 2,490 2,521 2,654 3,130 2,581 2,871 Ingham .................................. ................. 167 216 317 ,264 3i2 1G6 3l9 . 'i6~ 320 176 155 144 331 '324 167 '310 Lansing (l6 Pet.) .................................. 4,1<18 5,888 4,679 5,521 . ' . 5,99l ' •1,793 4,496 '4,449 4,520 4,027 5,654 5,950 5,595 Let·oy ...... .-................................................. 213 464 234 450 ' . 4if4 221 21$' 233' 208 - 19i 471 481 445' Leslie <VIllage) .................................... 503 257 460' 514 207 204 201 209 ' 199 501 506 . ~72 Leslie (Township) .............................. .. 323 ,150 309 328 128 128' 128 129 ', 121 321, 327 '320 ··········•!······················ .. ·······"'"''''''" :.!28 ' 112 \. 326 328 114 112 113 109 107' 333 328 317' \ 4,oiL· .. ' ' 4,269 ' 2,086 2,007 2,040· 2,106 ' 1,915 4,138 4,252. \ 213 150 150 156 143 306 311 ' ~1 .' ,, -125 127 111 342: ·~~a . 14~ 291 ~~: . ,122 391• li!J 249 187~ .. chUl'ch wore r.onclueted In April • .of thiA ye111', Hr.v, Genrgo w. E, Densmore Distributes Tuesday T u c a clay, Weclncsclny 11nrl Death· Claims Mrs.· Bearse· Cub Scouting Back 1n Office Again East Lansing NlclwloiHH'f~ wns mllr.d ns tho fir~l rr.sldnnl )lfiHior, TI:meat H. Thursrlny, Novemher '13, 14 !lllcl Sdmtlner ,of Ol,rmnH 1:; r.ongre· 151 Jll'll tho clnys for irr.o surplus At Home. Ne'ar Williams'lorJ Church Begins gntlonal preslrlcnl, and Wnlter F. food for those people with the Starts Year Putonge, dwlnnnn of the hom·d credenllnls Ell. Densmore's IGA Six dnys ufler she nnd her hus- son, Ormon Br.nrs~, Wllllnmst·Jn, Construction of eldon;, Foocl!lnor, 'I'h(l 11econd 'l'uesdny of 111-IIILI ohscrvml their 50th wedding Anolhcr snn, Clnyhorn, riled In every month nnd the following 2 anniversary, MrH. Wnlter Bearse, 1922, 'rhc1·r. rn·e li ic(rnnrlchlldmn With Program Conslrucllon o! the new cdlflco Comerslnnc lnylng will hr. De· rlnys 11re the ones designated for 73, tiled nt lhfl home on F'mst nnd 2 hnlf·hrnthr.m, Hnrhr.rt Moe, !or Ascension gvnngellcnj Lu· cemhm· !l. food delivery, road, W111lamston, 'l'hcy ohservcrl Plyn10uth nnrl Tom F'lr!hl, ,Tael(· Mason's Cub Scouj· pEwit me1 theran church, Enst Lnnslng, llr.· their anniversary Octoher 24. She son. 'l'hursrlny night the school gan Wednesday at tho 4-ucre nl fqr. died October 30. Jcor 2 ycnrs Mrs. Services wem Ponduclerl ut the Its organization meeting. This alte, Intersect Ion of Haslet I ronrl Dies Benrse llflcl hoen In poor henlth, and M-78, Stockbridge Man Ootsllne Bros. funernl home In year tlw Mason puck will hnve 13 Mrs. Bearse was, bom at the Williamston lnst Frlrlay, Hcv. Worlt began In nclvnnce of dens. Den mothei'S ure Mrs. John plnce ucross from . the DuBois C\Hll'les Grnss off!cJnt In g. IlLn'lai formal ground breal•lng sm·v!ces Hnsstncn, Mrs. George Balcomb, ·Suddenly at Hospital school in Alnir.don .Tuly 12, 1883, was in Summit cr!nlf!tery, W!l· Mrs .•Tames Frcw, Mrs. Elmer In order to talte ndvnntagc of Mrs. Mnr!Jyn Holt of Stocltbrldge; llnughter of Wll!lam Moe nnrl lin msl"nn. "Eclthart, Mrs. Rex I-Inrrls, Mrs. weather conditions, The servlces Fcrrlinnnd Ji', Bnrth, !i6, of 4480 Mnrlnn Call Moe. will he conducterl Sunday at F'rlr.rmutiJ J'Ond, Route 1, Stock· sisters, Mrs. Clnrn Mflrten, Fort Claude Foster, Mrs. Forrest Hill, After the!i· mulTIPge at Munith, Mrs. Rlchnrd Leu, Mrs. Millard Bailey school, where the congre· bridge, died HLHldcnly al. Foote Wayne, Indiana, Mrs. Louisa Shocmnltm·, West Un!ly, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. , Bearse went to II!nshaw, Mrs. Russell Peasley, gallon customarily worships nt hospltnl, .TIH'Itson, Tuesday .morn· Mrs. Alma Schmoolt, Mrs. Ger· Mlnnesotu to mnlte thcli• home Mrs. Leo Bntmnan unci Mrs, Rich· 10;30 a. m. A brief ground breal(· lng. trude Hart. anrl M1·s. Catherine for 2 years. Laler they llverl at Rites Conducted ard Glllelte. Howard Rohm·ts and lng will talte place lmmr.cllntely Mr. Bnrlh W8S 1101'11 In Chicago, Kruger of Chl['fJgn; aJHI 2 grnnrl· .Tnckson fm• u yr.nr. For the rest Cnrl Denosln also have dens. thereafter at the ~lte. Illinois, I.!H! son of Mr. and Mrs. children. of t!w!J· mnrrled life, Mr. nnil For Detroit Man Cuhmnstcr Elmer Edthart ex· The new ehlll'ch will he n one· ·William Barth. lie was n memhm• Mrs. Bearse Jived on t heit· fnrm story brlclt, 82 x 82. 'rhe first unit' or the Stoekllrldge Preshytorlan Funernl services wl!J br. at Mil· plahwrl the Cub Scout program ner funer11l home In Slocltbrldge at :Joao Frost rond. Funeral sr.rvlr•r.s wem con· lo lJJC parents at the ThUI'Sday of the project plans comprise a church, 11 past muster or Slock· dueled '!'LJPsdny In Det mil !or church edifice and Christian crJu· bridge & M. lodge No. 130, Friday at 2 p. m. with Rev. Mrs. Benrse was a member of night meeting, stressing the point F. A. Hal'l'y Ha!!, 72, WIHJ riled Frhiuy cation building. The hulldlng will past pntmn of Stm•ltbrldge 0. E. Frederlclt G. Behnel' off!clntlng. Vantown Methodist church. that the Cub Scout program Is a In fl Dctl·oit hospllnl, wlwrn he scat 280 with an over-flow ca- S. chapter No. 14:3, Leslie chapter Graveside services will be hy the Surviving besides the hushnnd fnmlly nfl'alr. Stocltbrldgc Ji', & A. M. at Oalt· are a rlnughtcJ•, Mrs. Mnynarrl hru'J heen mnllncd fnJ' 2 months Awards for summer worlt were paclty of 500. A special feature No. 1110, R. A. M. ;.nd council No. nfh!l' a s\rolw. IlL• was the son of Is the flexible plan allowing uHe ~o. R. & S. M., Knights Templar lawn cemetery, Stocl(bl'lrlge, Webstm· of Wll!!amston, and n presented by the Cubmast.er. Jim· th~ lnte Fred anrt Nl!l!!e Gl·ny my Stroud, Rick Simons and Tim of the room to be readily avnll· No. !l or Jneltson, Moslem Shrine Hall, one-limP resldPnts or 1\ln• McConkey rel~elvecl wolf awards. able for recreallonal, instruction· Temple -oi Dct1'olt, Ji'nrm Bureau, Engineers Stop in Mason son. .John Husslnen was presented his al and physical eclucatlon act IV· past· prcslrlent of Ingham eounty Servicemen hear award with a gold arrow itlcs· on comple\lon. Farm Bmeau ho:ml, Hlnwatha Engineers from the Chrysler Mr. II nil wns 1111 c\r.et l'!cnl r.n· polnl. Men·l1t Bnrnh111 was given Hauscrmmn·· construction com· Sportsman'R cluh of Engadlnr. ami Corpomtlon of -Detrolt:: stopped In '1'/Sgt. Marvin Brower 'returned glnrier. His fntiH'l' wnH )lost.· a hear award. pnny Is the·, genf!ral r.ontraetm· the ElltH lodw~ or Kenton, Ohio. Mason' for coffee' Thursday morn- to Columbus, Ohio, · after 3 master In· Mnson nt one tinw, null .Toe Bnlcomh, David Bulcomb, wli:h· Laltala· and NJuccherleln As· Mr. Bnrth had hecm a volunteer ing·.whlle on the road.test,drlvlnr,: months In North Africa. l-Ie Is the nJs(l operalerl a hnrrlwn1·r. store Phillip Kilborn, Rohert Schofield, socliltes, architects. The 'bu!Jdln~ worker in man~ C'!v!e pro.Jccts. DeSoto and Impei·ial'automobllcs. son of Mr. 111111 Mrii, ·Frecl"BrowPr herr.. Robert Woodland and Timmy Is to b'e completed by May, 1957, ·He Is survlvml hy the widow, 'l'he group enjoyed the sunshine oi LeHIIe.
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