POLITICS OF WAR Political Science 343 Portland State University, Spring 2018 David Kinsella Department of Political Science Hatfield School of Government Office: Urban Center Building, room 650L 503.725.3035 |
[email protected] Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 1:00-2:00 Description Issues of war and peace have long been of central importance to world politics. War seems to be an enduring feature of international history and is the subject of constant analysis and commentary. Peace is less frequently analyzed than war, perhaps because its universal value seems to be taken for granted. But how much to we really know about war and peace? The course examines how conflict is manifest in world politics. We take up the subject of violent conflict and its causes: the roots of aggression, weapons proliferation, interstate and civil war, and terrorism. We also consider forces restraining war, including the laws and ethics of war. Throughout the term we will focus on both practical and theoretical issues—historical overviews of specific wars as well as theories and moral arguments pertaining to the recurrence of violence in the international. Learning Objectives The general objective of this course is to develop the student’s capacity to critically examine problems in international conflict and cooperation, consider the range of possible solutions to those problems, and communicate this analysis to others. This is to be accomplished by exposing students to relevant literature from the fields of international politics and foreign policy. By the end of the term, students should be able to: show a familiarity with a wide range of substantive issues in war and peace; interpret historical and contemporary wars and military interventions using appropriate theoretical frameworks; and articulate normative positions on key ethical dilemmas arising from conflict between and within states.