information guide for IMMIGRANT STUDENTS information guide for IMMIGRANT STUDENTS information guide for immigrant students written by: Sección de Multiculturalidad e Inmigración (Multicultural and Immigration Section) translated by: Centro de Comunicación Internacional, S.L. published by: Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Educación (Government of Navarra, Education Department) designed and illustrated by: NG IMAGEN Y DISEÑO printed by: A.R.C. SPACE GRAPHIC copyright: NA-2357/2004 INTRODUCTION

This guide aims to help those families arriving in Navarra with school-age children to find out about all the education opportunities available in our Community and to provide them with all the information they need in order to make the right decisions.

The document describes the education system and its characteristics, outlines how education centres here are organised, explains the rights and obligations of students and gives other useful information both for students and their families.

It also aims to provide families with the basic information available to them at education centres and the Local Schooling Commissions.

The education centres themselves can then complete this information with details concerning their educational projects, organisation and rules.

We hope that this simple guide shall contribute towards real equality of opportunities in the education system and shall help enhance the attention and warm welcome received by all those arriving in Navarra with the intention of forming part of our Community.

Luis Campoy Zueco Minister of Education












Local Schooling Commissions: towns and local council telephone numbers

The Department of Education has promoted the creation of Comisiones Locales de Escolarización (Local Schooling Commissions) in different Navarran towns in order to counsel families arriving in our Community with school-age children.

The counselling provided involves information about the education system and how to register children in Navarra’s education centres.

It also suggests how the children in question may access schooling in accordance with the wishes of their family and availability at local centres. This proposal takes parents’ freedom of choice into consideration and attempts to achieve a certain degree of balance of students at different centres. It also monitors the students’ enrolment.

The Local Commissions are run by the Comisión de Escolarización de Departamento de Educación (Department of Education’s Schooling Commission) and exist in the following towns:

6 town local council telephone number

ALSASUA...... 948-562161 BARAÑAIN ...... 948-286310 ...... 948-238312 ELIZONDO...... 948-580006 ESTELLA...... 948-548200 ETXARRI-ARANAZ...... 948-460004 ...... 948-693032 MUTILVA BAJA...... 948-244946 ...... 010 / 948-420100 SANGÜESA...... 948-870005 ...... 948-701811 TUDELA ...... 902-242010 VILLAVA...... 948-136680

7 Student enrolment procedure

How to apply for a place at the education centre of your choice

All families with school-age children have the right to apply for a place at any state or state- subsidised education centre without discrimination on the bases of race, religion or gender.

Students applying for a place at an education centre for the first time can apply for information at one of the Comisiones Locales de Escolarización (Local Schooling Commissions), specifically created for this purpose, at an actual education centre or at the Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra - Department of Education of the Government of Navarra: Negociado de Información y Asesoramiento de padres y alumnos: C/ Sto. Domingo 1, Pamplona. Tel. 848 42 66 17.

The application for acceptance, together with the documents required, is then presented at the education centre proposed by the relevant Local Commission or at the family’s first- choice centre.

The normal period for the presentation of applications is in February. The list of all those students accepted is published in March and registration takes place at the end of June, beginning of July. The extraordinary period for applications and registration is at the beginning of September.

Students making applications at other times of the year shall be accepted at centres with vacancies. The Local Schooling Commissions counsel new immigrant students as to their possible registration at an education centre taking into equal account the wishes of their parents and availability at centres.

8 Any family that considers that its right to register their child at a state or state-subsidised education centre is being violated in any way should inform their Local Schooling Commission or the Department of Education’s Schooling Commission: Tel. 848-428922. Reserving places for socially or culturally underprivileged students

All Navarran centres are subsidised with public funds and, as a result, reserve at least two places per student group in the first year of Infant Education. The same number of places is also reserved if there are vacancies available in the 2nd and 3rd years of Infant Education and the 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education.


Education is compulsory in until the age of 16. After the age of 16, students decide whether they wish to continue studying or would prefer to enter the job market.

Education at all Primary and Secondary Education Centres in this community, be they state- run or state-subsidised, is free. A large part of the cost of the second cycle of Infant Education at state-subsidised centres is also covered by the state (85 %).

Education from 0 to 3 years of age

Is non-compulsory. Families pay a monthly fee in accordance with their income.

There are both state- and private-run infant schools in Navarra.

The period for pre-registration at state-run infant schools in Pamplona is published in the press and is normally open throughout March. Families pay a monthly fee in accordance with their income.

Ask for more information about infant schools in Pamplona at Pamplona City Council’s Escuelas Infantiles (Infant Schools), C/ Conde Oliveto, 4 - 2º Izq. Tel. 948 22 11 01 & 948 22 11 03 or the Instituto Navarro de Bienestar Social (Government of Navarra’s Social Welfare Institute): C/. González Tablas, s/n. Tel. 848 42 69 00.

For more information about infant schools in the rest of Navarra, ask at your local Town Hall or at the Pre-school centre you wish to register at.

10 Education from 3 to 6 years of age (Infant Education)

Is also non-compulsory. Education from 3 to 6 years of age is absolutely free at state-run centres and a large part of the cost at state-subsidised centres is also covered by the state.

All students in Navarra over the age of three are registered at state schools or state- subsidised Infant and Primary Education centres.

In rural districts, transport, when needed, is free and school canteens are heavily subsidised when students need to travel to centres in different localities. Primary Education

This stage covers the 6- to 12-year age group. Education for this age group is compulsory and free at all centres. It is divided into three cycles, each cycle consisting of two years, students possibly needing to remain a further year in primary education. Primary education is available at state and state-subsidised schools.

As is the case with Infant Education and Compulsory Secondary Education, transport is free of charge in rural districts and school canteens are subsidised when students need to travel to centres in different localities.

12 Compulsory Secondary Education

Is also free and is provided at Institutos de Educación Secundaria - IES (Secondary Education Institutes) and state-subsidised centres. Compulsory secondary education is divided up into four years, consisting of two two-year cycles and caters for the 12- to 16-year age group. When necessary, students may need to repeat a year. When students pass this stage of education, they are entitled to the Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria (Compulsory Secondary Education Qualification). This qualification permits them access to the “Bachillerato” (Sixth form/Baccalaureate), Middle Grade Vocational Education or the job market.

13 The Education System

1st cycle of Infant Education: 0 to 3 years

2nd cycle of Infant Education: 3 to 6 years

Compulsory Education

Primary Education (Free) 1st cycle: 6 to 8 years 2nd cycle: 8 to 10 years 3rd cycle: 10 to 12 years

Compulsory Secondary Education (Free) 12 to 16 years 1st cycle: 1st & 2ndyears 2nd cycle: 3rd & 4thyears

Secondary Education Qualification

14 Post-Compulsory Education

This stage of education normally begins after the age of 16. When a student finishes ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education), he/she has either: Obtained the Título de Graduado en Secundaria (Compulsory Secondary Education Qualification): In this case, he/she can opt between Formación Profesional -Ciclo de Grado Medio (Vocational Education - Middle Grade Cycle) or “Bachillerato” (Sixth form/Baccalaureate). Both of these options last 2 years. When a student finishes Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio (Middle Grade Vocational Training), he/she can enter the job market, do a “Bachillerato” or take an entrance test for the Ciclos de Grado Superior (Upper Grade Cycles). When a student has achieved the “Bachillerato” qualification, he/she can access the Ciclos Formativos Profesionales de Grado Superior (Upper Grade Vocational Education Cycles) or university. Not obtained the Título de Graduado en Secundaria (Compulsory Secondary Education Qualification): In this case, he/she can continue his/her education in the Talleres Profesionales (Vocational Workshops).

15 Post-compulsory education After ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education)

With Secondary Without Secondary Education Calification (ESO) Education Calification (ESO)

1st of "Bachillerato" (17 years) Vocational Education MIDDLE GRADE cycles Vocational Workshops 2nd of "Bachillerato" (18 years) (17-18 years )

Entrance test Preparation course Entrance test

(Over 20s) Entrance test

Vocational Education UNIVERSITY UPPER GRADE cycles JOB MARKET (18 +)

16 Language models

There are four different language models in the education system in Navarra, availability depending on areas and centres. There are three options depending on the language models on offer at the centre in question: Model A: Lessons held in Castilian (Spanish) with Basque language taught as a subject. Model D: Lessons held in the Basque language with Castilian (Spanish) taught as a subject. Model G: Lessons held in Castilian (Spanish). Model B: Some subjects held in Castilian (Spanish) and some held in the Basque language. Parents should indicate which language model they wish their children to receive their education in on the solicitud de matrícula (registration application).

17 Students with special educational needs

In addition to the ordinary education system, there is a set of resources and types of support for students with special educational needs available at both normal centres and special education centres. These needs are normally related to some kind of mental, physical or sensory handicap.

For more information and counselling: Centro de recursos de Educación Especial de Navarra (CREENA) C/. Pedro I, 27, Pamplona. Tel.: 948 19 86 38.

Adult education

There is a special education system for the life-long education of adults. This system is aimed at people over the age of 16. Adults can start or continue their education at different centres in Navarra.

This education system consists of: Castilian (Spanish) for foreigners. Basic education (literacy and basic knowledge). Secondary Education for Adults (ESPA). “Bachillerato” (Sixth form/Baccalaureate) by correspondence and at night school. Personal education (Language, Maths, Workshops, Languages, Computers, etc.). For more information:


PAMPLONA TAFALLA AREA CENTRO "JOSE Mª IRIBARREN" C/ San Isidro, s.n. (Basic education) Tel.: 948 70 34 70 Tel.: 948 19 86 58 / 59 31300 TAFALLA C/ Bartolomé de Carranza, 5 [email protected] 31008 PAMPLONA [email protected] ESTELLA AREA C/ Remontival, 7 PAMPLONA Tel.: 948 55 64 00 IESNAPA "FÉLIX URABAYEN" 31200 ESTELLA (Secondary and Education by correspondence) [email protected] Tel.: 948 19 95 71 C/ Bartolomé de Carranza, 5 31008 PAMPLONA LA BARRANCA AREA Plaza Santo Cristo de Otadía, 21 Tel.: 948 56 30 38 TUDELA 31800 ALSASUA CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN DE PERSONAS ADULTAS (Basic education) SANGÜESA AREA Plaza San Juan, 1, bajo C/ Mayor, 21 Tel.: 948 84 80 96 Tel.: 948 33 81 39 31500 TUDELA 31420 URROZ VILLA [email protected] [email protected]

19 Other studies

Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas (Official Language Schools) Pamplona Tel.: 948 20 63 43 C/ Compañía, 6. CP: 31001 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Tudela Tel.: 948 84 80 95 C/ Magallón, 10 E-mail : [email protected] Web: By correspondence Tel.: 948 29 19 80 Carretera Tajonar, s/n (Edificio El Sario) PAMPLONA E-mail: [email protected] Web: Conservatorio de Música "Pablo Sarasate" (Music School "Pablo Sarasate") Tel.: 948 29 12 11 C/ Aóiz 9, PAMPLONA.

Escuelas Municipales de Música (Municipal Music Schools) Ask at your local Town Hall.


There are different people with different functions in an education centre all working to attend and educate students. The following is a list of these people and the jobs they perform:

Equipo directivo (Direction), consisting of

Director/a (Headmaster/mistress): Is the person with the greatest authority and responsibility in the Centre.

Jefe de estudios (Head of Studies): Mainly deals with academic matters and discipline.

Secretario/a (Secretary): Deals with administrative and financial matters (aid, grants, registration, etc.).

Tutor/a (The class teacher):

Is the teacher in charge of each group of students. Families should contact this person to find out about and collaborate in the education of their children.

Orientador/a (Guidance officer):

Among other things, the Guidance officer works with teachers and families to provide continuous guidance for all the students at the centre and to help them with their education. He/she also deals with queries concerning students and their families.

21 Claustro de Profesores (Teaching staff):

Consists of all the teachers and makes decisions concerning teaching matters at the centre.

Consejo Escolar (School Council):

Consists of a certain number of teachers, parents, students, auxiliary staff and, sometimes, the local council. The School Council helps control and manage the Centre.

Asociación de Padres y Madres: APYMAS or APAS (Parents’ Association):

The aim of this association is to encourage family-school collaboration in order to help the centre run smoothly. It also organises certain curricula and extra-curricula activities.

Parents should collaborate in the Association in order to help in their children’s education.


All students have, among others, the following rights: To receive a complete education which contributes to their full personal development. That their freedom of conscience, religious and moral beliefs and personal dignity be respected. To receive free compulsory education and the aid required in order to meet their educational needs. To receive schooling and vocational guidance.

They also have a set of obligations featuring, among others: To participate in educational activities. To respect all of the members of the educational community. To observe the guidance provided by the teaching staff. To attend class punctually. To look after the facilities at the centre and teaching material. To observe the rules of organisation, day-to-day life and discipline at the education centre. The centres provide a complete list of students’ rights and obligations.


Parents have the following rights concerning their children’s education: That their children receive an education with the highest guarantees of quality, within the framework established by law. To the free choice of centre. That their children receive a religious and moral education in accordance with their own beliefs. To be informed as to their children’s learning process and socio-educational integration. To participate in the monitoring and management of the education centre in the terms established by law. To have a say in those decisions affecting the academic and professional guidance of their children. Likewise, they also have obligations: To adopt the measures necessary or request the relevant help in order that their children receive that education deemed compulsory and that they attend class on a regular basis. To encourage them to perform their study activities as requested. To support them in their education process in collaboration with teaching staff and centres. To encourage the observance of the rules set out at the centre and respect for all members of the educational community.


The school year lasts from September to June and is divided up into three terms:

The first term is from September to the Christmas holidays, which last approximately two weeks.

The second lasts from January to the Easter holidays, which last approximately ten days.

The third lasts from the Easter holidays to the end of June.

The summer holidays last from July to August.

The relevant centre provides a detailed school calendar each year, together with other useful information.


The Ministerio de Educación (Ministry of Education) and the Gobierno de Navarra (Government of Navarra) offer different kinds of grants and aid for school material, transport, canteen and, when required, complementary classes for students with Necesidades Educativas Específicas- N.E.E (Specific Educational Needs). Ask for more information at education centres or at the Government of Navarra’s Department of Education (Negociado de Becas, C/ Santo Domingo, nº 1, Pamplona. Telephone: 848 42 65 38 and 848 42 63 86) The forms for Ministry grants are available at “estancos” (official document outlets) and Government of Navarra grants are available at education centres or from the Government of Navarra’s Department of Education. The forms should be presented at the education centre at which students study.


It is not necessary to validate studies in order to study Infant Education, Primary education or Compulsory Secondary Education.

For post-compulsory studies, the validation processes are initiated at:

Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia - Área de Alta Inspección de Educación. C/ Paulino Caballero, 4. 31071 Pamplona. Tel. 948 97 93 60

26 Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers USEFUL ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONE numbers

Local Council Social Services

The Local Council Social Services have several social attention programmes aimed at the public in general and, in some cases, specifically aimed at foreigners with social problems:


PAMPLONA Unidad de Barrio del Casco Viejo Unidad de Barrio del Ensanche (Local Social Service Unit) (Local Social Service Unit) C/ Jarauta, 43 C/ Padre Calatayud, 4 bajo 31001 Pamplona 31003 Pamplona Tel.: 948 21 26 49 / 22 87 46 Tel.: 948 23 08 05 / 23 53 61 Unidad de Barrio de la Chantrea Unidad de Barrio de Ermitagaña (Local Social Service Unit) (Local Social Service Unit) C/ Beorlegui, 46 C/ Ermitagaña, 42 31015 Pamplona 31008 Pamplona Tel.: 948 13 20 40 / 13 32 79 Tel.: 948 25 53 54 / 17 51 77 Unidad de Barrio de Echavacoiz Unidad de Barrio de Iturrama (Local Social Service Unit) (Local Social Service Unit) Grupo Urdánoz, 7 C/ San Juan Bosco, 15 31009 Pamplona 31007 Pamplona Tel.: 948 25 43 59 / 17 36 33 Tel.: 948 27 63 05 / 27 62 00

28 Unidad de Barrio de Mendillorri ALSASUA / ALTSASU (Local Social Service Unit) C/ La Paz, 7 C/ Concejo de Ardanaz, 4 bajo 31016 Pamplona 31800 Alsasua Tel.: 948 16 19 00 / 16 00 47 Tel.: 948 46 76 62

Unidad de Barrio de la Milagrosa ESTELLA (Local Social Service Unit) C/ Río Irati, 9, trasera Paseo de la Inmaculada, 1 31005 Pamplona 31200 Estella Tel.: 948 24 27 17 / 24 76 85 Tel.: 948 54 82 22 / 36

Unidad de Barrio de la Rochapea SANTESTEBAN / (Local Social Service Unit) C/ Errotazar, s/n C/ Mercaderes, 27, B 31014 Pamplona 31740 Santesteban Tel.: 948 13 21 57 / 13 35 94 Tel.: 948 45 17 46

Unidad de Barrio de San Jorge TAFALLA (Local Social Service Unit) C/ Sanducelay, 11 Pl. Navarra, 7 31012 Pamplona 31300 Tafalla Tel.: 948 12 71 33 / 12 74 87 Tel.: 948 70 18 11

Unidad de Barrio de San Juan TUDELA (Local Social Service Unit) Monasterio de , 3 C/ Díaz Bravo, 26 31011 Pamplona 31500 Tudela Tel.: 948 25 10 12 / 17 43 24 Tel.: 948 82 67 61/ 51

29 Job centres

When looking for work, it is important to have the necessary information and training. Ask about the different courses available at your local job centre.

Central del Servicio Navarro de Empleo (Navarran Employment Service) C/ Arcadio Mª nº 1, pisos 2º & 3º 31008 Pamplona Tel.: 848 42 44 00

Centro de Formación Ocupacional (Vocational Training Centre) Avda. Villava, s/n 31600 - Burlada Tel.: 948 13 66 44

Providing training modules for unemployed persons over the age of 17.


PAMPLONA ESTELLA Segundo Ensanche Plaza Sierra de Aralar, 2 C/ Aóiz, 6 31200 Estella 31004 Pamplona Tel.: 948 55 07 12 / 948 55 66 57 Tel.: 948 15 19 09 / 948 29 17 32 ALSASUA / ALTSASU Vadoluengo C/ Monasterio de Vadoluengo, 4 García Ximénez, 3 31008 Pamplona 31800 Alsasua Tel.: 948 19 95 23 / 948 19 71 81 Tel.: 948 56 27 54

Rochapea SANTESTEBAN / DONEZTEBE C/ Errotazar, 9-11-13 Ctra. de ,1 31014 Pamplona 31740 Santesteban Tel.: 948 13 28 50 / 948 13 28 86 Tel.: 948 45 03 09 TUDELA AOIZ / C/ Dña. María Ugarte, s/n C/ Toki Eder, s/n 31500 Tudela 31430 Aóiz Tel.: 948 82 18 70 / 74 Tel.: 948 33 61 79 TAFALLA LODOSA Paseo Padre Calatayud, 19 C/ Calvario, 1 31300 Tafalla 31580 Lodosa Tel.: 948 70 04 00 / 948 70 45 61 Tel.: 948 69 34 08 / 948 66 23 06

31 Social organisations providing aid programmes for foreigners

PAMPLONA ANAFE Avda. Marcelo Celayeta 75, A3, 2º (old Matesa factory) SERVICES AVAILABLE: 31014 Pamplona Legal and social counselling. Tel.: 948 13 60 78 Document procedures. TUDELA C/ Ugarte Dª María, 12 Pre-work and vocational training. 31500 Tudela Employment, (job counselling, job list). Tel.: 948 82 67 12 Information, sensitisation. Provides itinerant service in Peralta, Research. , Estella and Sangüesa, at the local C.C.O.O. offices. CARITAS NAVARRA PAMPLONA C/ San Antón, 8, 2º SERVICES AVAILABLE: 31001 Pamplona Legal and social support. Tel.: 948 22 59 09 Document procedures. TUDELA Job list. C/ El Muro, 8 Training. 31500 Tudela School support. Tel.: 948 82 68 56 S.0.S. RACISMO SERVICES AVAILABLE: PAMPLONA Counselling for immigrants C/ Zapatería 31, 1º Office for reports of racist and 31001 Pamplona discrimination situations Tel.: 948 2115 21 - 22 62 14 Intercultural activities

32 CRUZ ROJA (RED CROSS) PAMPLONA SERVICES AVAILABLE: C/ Leyre, 6 31002 Pamplona Refugee programme. Tel.: 948 20 65 70 Immigrant programme. Emergency aid. TUDELA Legal and social support. C/ Pamplona, 7 Training. 31500 Tudela Employment. Tel.: 948 82 74 50

SEI-Servicio de Educación Intercultural (Intercultural Education Service) SERVICES AVAILABLE: PAMPLONA C/ San Fermín, 18, 1º Support for schoolwork and leisure and free- 31003 Pamplona time activities Tel.: 948 23 97 39 Social skills development Family counselling Volunteer training

PAMPLONA Avda. Zaragoza 12, 1º UGT 31003 Pamplona SERVICES AVAILABLE: Tel.: 948 29 12 81 Initial reception. TUDELA Document procedures. Plaza Cuesta de la Estación, 3 Legal and social support. 31500 Tudela Tel.: 948 82 02 89 Insertion in the job market. Sensitisation. Also provides services in Alsasua, Estella, Sangüesa, Tafalla, Peralta, and San Adrián.

33 Other useful telephone numbers and addresses

Dirección de Educación (Department of Education): C/ Sto. Domingo, 1. 31001 Pamplona Negociado de Información y Asesoramiento de padres y alumnos (Information and Parent/Student Counselling): Tel.: 848 42 66 17. e-mail: [email protected] Negociado de Escolarización (Enrolment): Tel.: 848 42 89 22 Sección de Multiculturalidad e Inmigración (Multicultural and Immigration Section): Tel.: 848 42 66 18 Negociado de Becas (Grants): Tel.: 848 42 65 38 Centro de Recursos de Educación Especial de Navarra (CREENA) (Special Education Resource Centre): Parents’ Information Unit: Tel.: 948 19 86 38 Área funcional de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales-Administración central (oficina de extranjeros) (Work and Social Affairs Section – Central offices (foreigners’ office)): Residence and work permits for non-EU countries. Avenida de Bayona, 2. 31011 Pamplona Information and appointments on Tel: 948 97 93 30 Oficina de la Seguridad Social (Social Security): Job contracts: Tel.: 948 24 72 00 and 948 29 76 50 Protección Civil: Urgencias y Policía Foral (Emergency Services): Tel.: 112 Teléfono de la esperanza (Samaritans´ telephone): 948 23 70 58 Delegación del Gobierno en Navarra (Government Offices in Navarra): Central telephone service: 948 97 90 00 Public information: 948 97 91 00 Foreigners and documents: 948 29 97 00 Foreigners´ office - Passports: 948 15 27 22. C/ Bergamín, 31, Pamplona


Spain consists of seventeen Autonomous Communities. One of these, located in the north of the country at the western end of the Pyrenees mountains, is the Community of Navarra. The community covers an area of 10,421 m2 and borders in the north with France, in the east with Aragón -Huesca and Zaragoza-, in the south with Aragón –Zaragoza- and La Rioja, and in the north-east with the Autonomous Basque Community -Álava and Guipúzcoa. Three main regions of Navarra are normally defined: from north to south, the Mountain region (Montaña), the Mid region (Zona Media) and the Ribera region (La Ribera). The Mountain region has a temperate, wet climate with frequent, heavy snowfall in the Pyrenean valleys and pronounced changes in temperature. The Mid region shares landscapes with both the Mountain region and the Ribera, and is given over to cereal crops. The climate of the Ribera region consists of dry summers, scarce, irregular rainfall and strong north winds.


There is a population of approximately 560,000 in Navarra with a population density of 53.5 per./km2. The population is concentrated in the city of Pamplona, Pamplona district (around the city) and the Ribera region and its towns, with less in the villages. Like the rest of Spain, Navarra has witnessed an influx of immigrants over recent years, an estimated 40,000 people coming from Latin America, North Africa and East Europe.

36 Bera FRANCIA Elizondo

PAÍS VASCO N-1 A-15 N-121-A Irurzun Ochagavía N-240 N-135 Alsasua PAMPLONA Roncal

N-240 Estella N-111

Sangüesa Tafalla Viana



LA RIOJA Noroccidental Pirineos Castejón Tudela A-68 Cuenca de Pamplona N-232 Tierra Estella Navarra Media Ribera Alta - Aragón Ribera Baja


Navarra’s long history is scattered with evidence of the ancient Basque population and a significant Roman presence in the Mid region and the south. Throughout the Middle Ages, different dynasties followed on one from another and established an independent kingdom with strong links with the kingdoms of Aragón, Castile and France, and which lasted until the beginning of the XVI century.

Navarra still has its own “Fueros” (Charter of Rights), consisting of laws and customs which set it apart from other communities in many important aspects.

The “fiestas” (festivals) of San Fermín, Patron Saint of Pamplona, are held on the 7th of July. The American writer Ernest Hemingway described these “fiestas” and made them famous worldwide.

Religious traditions have always had a great influence and many are still kept today. Saint Francisco Javier and his castle attract a great number of visitors and pilgrims. The "javieradas" (pilgrimage on foot) in March are very well-known.

Another important feature of Navarran religious and cultural life is the Pilgrim’s Road to Santiago, which crosses the region and is travelled by thousands of people every year making their way to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia for different reasons and from different parts of Europe.

Navarra’s artistic heritage includes the castles of Olite, Javier, the Cathedrals of Pamplona and Tudela, the monasteries of Leyre and La Oliva, the Church of Santa María in Sangüesa, the Collegiate of Roncesvalles and the Church of St. Pedro de la Rúa in Estella.


Navarra’s health system consists of central and district hospitals, an outpatients centre and local health centres. The system is free to all and patients have the right to choose their doctor.

The Navarran education system is free of charge at infant, primary and secondary school levels. It offers a wide range of options at non-compulsory level: Public University (UPNA), Private University (UN), Open University (UNED), conventional Language Schools, Language School by correspondence and Music Conservatoire, among others.


In accordance with the 1978 Spanish Constitution, Navarra is an Autonomous Foral Community, organised in line with the 1982 Ley Orgánica de Reintegración y Amejoramiento del Régimen Foral de Navarra (Organic Law of reintegration and Improvement of Navarra’s Foral Status). It has its own governmental institutions, such as the Foral Parliament or Courts of Navarra, with legislating powers, and the Government, formed by the President and Ministers (Consejeros), which manages the budget and governs the Community.