BALLERS "Pilot" by

Brian Frager

408-857-0936 [email protected] ACT ONE


TV BROADCAST - MONTAGE A flash montage of the NBA season ends on commissioner David Stern’s announcement of an NBA lockout. DAVID STERN ...and if I were one of the 450 players in the NBA, I would be wondering what it is that Billy Hunter just did. We are heading into the nuclear winter of the NBA.


KENNY SMITH Well it looks as if the winter has thawed without too much fallout. The NBA season finally returns this week, prompting a slew of last-minute trades and pickups around the league. FAITH (O.S) Focus. Focus Don.

INT. LOCAL NEWS GREEN ROOM - ANAHEIM - NIGHT FAITH FOWLER (26), a self-assured African-American woman, SNAPS her fingers in the face of DONOVAN FOWLER (27), a prep-school-bred athlete.

Don’s eyes snap from the TV. He looks worried. Faith adjusts his tie. FAITH None of that buzz matters. Just background noise. All you see is opportunity. This is your season. Contract renewal time. Don shrugs her off with a forced smile.

DON No worries baby, I got this. He turns to his son, JORDAN FOWLER (3), perched on the sofa. 2.

DON How’s daddy look? JORDAN Fly.

DON That’s what I’m saying. He flops down on the couch and scoops up Jordan, tickling him.

FAITH It’s more than just the look, you know. You’ve got to project confidence. They didn’t invite DeShaun Harris tonight, they invited Donovan Fowler. You know why? DON DeShaun wouldn’t fly back from Rio for a local news interview?

FAITH No. Cuz they know my baby is the next big thing! Not to mention he’s got the smartest, sexiest P.R. manager in the league...

She leans in to kiss him as GRAYSON "GRAY" TYNES (28), a skinny white boy with gangster swagger in an Anaheim Automatics jersey, pops his head in the door. GRAY You ready to tag team this interview like its got some unresolved daddy issues? FAITH Oh hell no... Don shoos him with a look, but Gray barges in. GRAY I’m thinking we recap the highlights of last year’s bench shenanigans. Show the fans what they’re missing when all the cameras are focused on the court. Faith puts a firm hand on Gray’s neck. 3.

FAITH What are you doing here Gray?

GRAY Our big interview. FAITH You mean Don’s big interview.

DON About that, baby... She swings around to Don, who holds out Jordan as a barrier. Faith snatches Jordan and slings him over her shoulder.

JORDAN (muttering) Now she all mad, I didn’t even do nothing...

They storm out of the green room. Gray checks out her booty. GRAY Loves me a woman with confidence. DON Yeah? Live with one sometime. GRAY Every time I try to move into your place, she kicks me out...

INT. LOCAL NEWS STUDIO - NIGHT LISA MULLENS (35), an alluring sports reporter, sits opposite Don and Gray.

LISA We’re here with Anaheim Automatics forward Donovan Fowler and guard Grayson Tynes to hear from the role players on a small market team. GRAY Don’t make it sound too glamorous. LISA (unapologetic) So Don, how did the lockout affect your day-to-day routine? 4.

DON Just living the life every NBA hopeful dreams about.

EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - DAY DON (V.O.) Keeping in shape with a rigorous workout routine.

Don trots down the street with Jordan strapped in a jogger.

INT. LOCAL NEWS STUDIO - PRESENT LISA And how did you maintain focus during the extended off-season? Gray SCOFFS. Don recovers for him. DON As always, we focused on improving team unity.


INT. DON’S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Gray taunts Don over an NBA Jam victory on Xbox. He gets his final jabs in as Faith shoves him out the front door.

INT. VEGAS STRIP CLUB - NIGHT Anaheim Automatics superstars DESHAUN HARRIS (28), JAMAL LEONARD (32) and ALOUICIOUS MAYNARD (30) drop wads of cash on lap dances.

END SPLIT SCREEN GRAY (V.O.) That’s true. There were countless meetings... 5.

INT. JAMAL KLAYTON’S MANSION - NIGHT Gray passes off a bag of weed to power forward AK HALLOWAY (36). He lights a blunt, puffs and passes to his teammates.

INT. DON’S DEN - DAY DON (V.O.) Endless strategizing.

Faith talks Don through a series of charts tracking his playing time and circles of association on the team. FAITH Now I want whole minutes this year. Integers, Don! None of this 2.7 garbage. LISA (V.O.) So what keeps you guys motivated in lieu of playing time?


GRAY Trying to lock down that endorsement deal! Awkward silence. LISA Beautiful. DON And the chance to be a role model to my son and any kid with a dream. I grew up in awe of the greats.

LISA Well then you must be thrilled by the organization’s latest pickup of Charles Prentice.

Don emits a HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL. Bites his fist to catch himself. 6.

LISA Just this morning. I assumed you both knew...

Don fights the flood of emotions. He nods meekly. LISA Well folks, this man’s clearly got love for the game. You can share in that love at the Automatics season opener this Wednesday. Don leans into Gray and whispers over her closing remarks. DON Sir Prentice! On our bench! Do you realize what this means?


CHARLES PRENTICE captured in frozen moments with various NBA stars. The uniforms and hairdos change along with the decade: 1. Charles reaches for a Larry Bird three-pointer with outstretched arms.

2. Charles at the edge of the infamous Dream Team photograph. 3. Charles and Shaquille O’Neal stand chest to chest for a tip-off.

4. Charles, Don and Gray recline on the Automatics bench in turquoise velour tracksuits with cucumbers over their eyes.

BACK TO SCENE Don and Gray finish an elaborate handshake, bouncing up and down like children. Faith shakes her head in the audience.

INT. STADIUM - LOCKER ROOM - DAY THE ANAHEIM AUTOMATICS suit up -- a ragtag bunch clearly hurting from the off-season debauchery. The five starters huddle in a tight circle: DeShaun, Jamal, Alouicious, A.K., and foreigner YEVGENI KLOSOVICHNIAKOULOS. Scattered around them are Don, Gray, rookie LANDON JONES (21), and a few other BENCH WARMERS. 7.

DESHAUN You see those looks Lanée was shootin’ my way when the dance squad rolled through?

JAMAL That girl is trouble, D. Believe me. DESHAUN Thinkin’ I might have to find out for myself... ALOUICIOUS Just remember, the herp is a lesson you only learn once. Right A.K.?

A.K. Not if you refuse to learn it. Don sees the horrified look on Landon’s face. DON Landon, right? I’m Don. Don’t worry about them, they’re all talk. A couple years in this league, you learn to take everything in stride. CHARLES (O.S.) Well said, my man. Don turns to see CHARLES PRENTICE (40), a once-fiery bruiser wizened by the years, with ice packs on both knees and hand extended. Don’s eyes go wide as saucers.

CHARLES Charles. Don just stares. Landon gives a weak wave. Charles looks to Don’s jersey. Points to 36.

CHARLES I see you got my number there. Don springs into action, tearing off his jersey and thrusting it towards Charles.

DON It’s yours. You were -- are -- you’re my everything -- I picked it for you and er -- 8.

CHARLES You keep it. DON I wouldn’t dare --

CHARLES I insist. DON Are you serious?

CHARLES I’m looking for a fresh start here. Don hugs the jersey close.

DON Wow. It’s an incredible honor, sir. CHARLES Charles. Just be sure and earn it.

Don whips out his phone. DON That’s one for the Twitter-verse... COACH BOWDEN (47), a reformed Bobby Knight type in a Bermuda shirt with skin peeling from a wicked sunburn, cuts their banter short with a short BLOW on conch shell. COACH BOWDEN Welcome back my pupils.

Jamel, DeShaun and A.K. burst out laughing. DESHAUN New threads, coach?

COACH BOWDEN (zen-like) My cardiologist told me one more bypass surgery would do me in, so I took a little trip. Did a lot of soul-searching. Not my soul, mind you, but each and every one of yours. (scans the room) And I found myself left wanting. (looks to DeShaun) Gambling before games. (looks to Jamal) (MORE) 9.

COACH BOWDEN (cont’d) Strippers on the road. (looks around) outside of...

He trails off. COACH BOWDEN Where’s Tynes? All eyes turn to Don.

DON What? How should I know? He knows. They all know he knows.

Don sighs, gathers his things and heads for the door. END OF ACT ONE 10.


EXT. STREETBALL COURTS - DAY Gray jukes before sinking a 3-pointer right in the face of a MUSCULAR SAMOAN BALLER, TYRONE (38). GRAY Tres-pocalypse! Better kiss yo’ momma at the bus stop, Tyrone, cuz I’m taking you to school. Tyrone steps up in Gray’s face. Other STREETBALLERS step in to keep them apart. TYRONE How you takin’ me anywhere when you got no drive? Can’t believe I’m taking shit from the only NBA player who’s never seen an endorsement deal.

GRAY (shrieking) What’d you say? Gray breaks free from the other players and charges.

INT. DONOVAN’S ESCALADE - DAY Don rolls up to the curb talking to Faith. DON (on phone) You’re the one who said I need to tweet more! People are saying what?! Charles told me to keep the number! I promise you, Fay, he said those words to me. He wants me to earn it, that’s what I’m gonna do... yeah, I’m at practice right now. Don spots Gray ripping his shirt off to reveal a pale tatted body as he runs at Tyrone. DON Baby I gotta call you back. 11.

EXT. STREETBALL COURTS - DAY Tyrone has Gray in a headlock as Don reaches the scuffle. Gray’s eyes bulge and his face looks ready to pop. GRAY (sputtering) I’ve got offers, you Samoan son of a bitch! I’m just holding out for the big contract!

TYRONE Don’t you ever shut up? Don charges in and pulls Gray away. DON Whoa whoa whoa. Cool it, both of you. Gray, what’s going on, man? We’re supposed to be at practice. GRAY Is that today?

DON You knew it was today. Why you doing this? You had the whole strike to mess around. It’s time to get serious, man.

GRAY This is serious. This fuels me. Tyrone turns to walk away.

TYRONE You’re just lucky your boy Don is here to protect your squirrely ass. GRAY Protection ain’t my thing, just ask your sister. TYRONE That’s it.

He turns and swings his hulking arm and SMASH TO BLACK. 12.

EXT. STADIUM - DAY Don drives into the lot, staring straight ahead through mirrored shades. He ignores Gray in the passenger seat. SPORTS COMMENTATOR (ON RADIO) Charles Prentice to the Automatics? (gong hit) I can dig it. (slide whistle) Though get this, Anaheim. Prentice will be sporting a new number come game day. (crowd gasp) Apparently reserve forward Donovan Fowler refused to give up the jersey! (crowd hisses) Donovan who? Exactl -- Don turns the radio off, swings his car into a spot and hops out without a word to Gray.

INT. STADIUM - HALLWAY - DAY Don rushes down the hall. Gray chases after.

GRAY Come on, man. You know I didn’t mean for nothing like that to happen.

Don pauses at the locker room entrance. Tears off his shades to reveal a SWOLLEN BLACK EYE. DON And if I hadn’t shown up? Tyrone would’ve snapped both your arms like twigs and then what? No golden touch, no contract, no cush seat at the end of the bench. GRAY It was your idea to put in the memory foam! Since when did you start taking all this so seriously? DON Since every time you start trouble all eyes turn to me! I got a family, three years in the league and no contract guarantee to show for it. 13.

Don rushes out from the wings.

INT. STADIUM - COURT - DAY Don and Gray interrupt GENERAL MANAGER LARRY CARL (57), an older Mark Cuban type, addressing the team center court with Coach Bowden by his side. LARRY Just in time to head home, guys. Well played. DON Sorry Mr. Carl, I -- LARRY -- Don’t care. I was just telling your teammates that with Charles here we are now one spot short on our roster, so each one of you better find a way to prove your worth. (to all) Our time as an almost-ran organization is over! The lockout settlement means belt-tightening, and "almost" doesn’t sell tickets.

He heads for the exit, threat looming. Don slides his shades back on as Larry passes. LARRY Neither, incidentally, does forcing a three-time all-star to switch jerseys. DON But Mr. Carl --

LARRY Go home, Fowler. Clean yourself up. Your jersey debacle gave P.R. enough to deal with for one day, we don’t need the press thinking we beat our players. 14.

INT. DON’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Faith looms over Don in hair curlers. He cowers, eye purple and swollen. DON It’s not what you think. FAITH Grayson got into some shit and you took the fall for him.

DON Okay, it’s mostly what you think. Faith grabs his face, touches the swelling. He winces.

FAITH Gray’s held you back long enough. It’s time to make some new alliances on the team. DON But I -- She brushes past him to the bathroom. FAITH And don’t think this is getting you off the hook for tonight. The sitter’s on her way, DeShaun put it on blast, and Sharice is kicking off the new season of Wives. It’s not just about the game anymore, Don. We have to --

DON -- see and be seen. I got it. Faith pokes her head out.

FAITH You getting fresh? DON No ma’am. 15.

EXT. CLUB CALI - NIGHT Don and Faith approach the GRUFF BOUNCER at the front of the line, moving past the throngs of decked out partygoers. DON (tentative) Fowler. The bouncer eyes Don skeptically, then steps aside and unhooks the rope. Don sighs in relief.

FAITH See baby? They remembered this time. I’m telling you, movin’ on up...

INT. CLUB CALI - BAR - NIGHT The decor is ultra-modern. Part lounge, part club, pure chaos. Packed with athletes and jersey-chasers.

Don is out of his comfort zone. Faith grabs his hand and drags him toward SHARICE HARRIS (28), a preening diva with TWO CAMERAMEN in tow. DeShaun leans back on the bar next to Sharice with a drink in each hand.

FAITH Shar! SHARICE Fay-fay! You need drinks.

She holds out two. Faith grabs one. FAITH Thanks. Oh, Don’s not drinking! Game tomorrow.

This is news to Don. DeShaun smirks. SHARICE Oh girl, you keep yo’ man in line! Try telling that to this manboy. She turns and addresses one of the cameras. SHARICE DeShaun be like a Native American on a reservation... 16.

(searching) An alcoholic. Faith shakes her head. Don looks horrified. SHARICE (off their looks) What? It’s PC. I said Native American... DESHAUN I’m gonna find the boys. He starts towards the VIP lounge in the back. FAITH Don will join.

DON I will? FAITH Put in some face time, and tonight you may just get some of that pre-game warm-up you love so much.


Don is crammed between Al and AK, who scream in each of his ears, drunk and belligerent. They pour shots of Patron. Don grabs one and swigs it down. Fights off a gag reflex. A.K. There you go, Fowler! Hangin’ with the big dogs. Don leans over them to DeShaun.

DON So D... DeShaun. Deee-Shaun. Sharice on Basketball Wives. Exciting stuff. DESHAUN You kidding me? Every year it’s some stupid new idea to keep her occupied. Last thing I need is more cameras around. 17.

GRAY (O.S.) Yo Don! El jefe! He looks down the table to Gray, who sits between two sexy Automatics Cheerleaders, LANÉE (23) and LEANNE (24). They are making out.

GRAY I didn’t even have to bring it up! I mean, I was about to, but...

DESHAUN Lanée! Why you puttin’ on a show for the underlings? Come get up on the main stage. Lanée giggles and slides out from Gray’s side. Leanne shoots him a disgusted look. LEANNE You told me you were starting this season!

GRAY And you told me you went to college! Get off your high horse and quit judging people. Lanée approaches DeShaun and whispers in his ear. He slides his hand onto her leg. A.K. lays out a line of coke in front of them. Offers Don a dollar bill. DON No thanks... sinus allergies. A.K. busts up laughing, slaps Don on the back. Hard. Gray slides into the booth next to Don. He sees DeShaun sliding his hand up Lanée’s thigh under the table. GRAY Why can’t DeShaun just let me have this? (to Don) A real friend would run some interference there... DON A real friend? 18.

GRAY What? You still mad about the eye thing? DON Still?! It happened this morning! GRAY It’s the streets man! No rules in streetball. Anything’s liable to happen. You know that.

A FUSS at the entrance to the VIP lounge signals the arrival of Faith and Sharice with her cameras. DeShaun is oblivious. DON Man, this is the last thing I need... sorry Gray, you’re on your own. Don leaps up from the booth. Jamal and A.K. scramble to hide the coke.

Gray slides under the table like a snake. Slithers up on the other side of DeShaun and Lanée. GRAY (calling out) Oh hey Sharice, he was just warming her up for me. DESHAUN (sotto) Shit.

DeShaun throws Lanée aside. He slides out from the booth. Lanée sighs in frustration. Gray leans in close. GRAY (sensual) If you can’t be with the best, girl... get with the rest. Don intercepts Faith and Sharice at the entrance.

DON Let’s go baby. FAITH Why? I just got back here. 19.

DON We saw. We were seen. I want to go now. Faith eyes Don up and down. Cracks a sly smile.

FAITH I know what you lookin’ for. DON Sure, let’s go with that.

He grabs her hand and leads her out.


Faith kisses Don’s neck. He perches on the edge of the bed, trying to enjoy it, but his eyes keep snapping open. DON I mean, why can’t Gray just grow up and focus on the game?

FAITH I’m glad you’re seeing things my way, but can we focus here? INTERCUT WITH:

INT. GRAY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Lanée is stripped down to her thong, but Gray seems not to notice. He stares off into space. She lies there, bored.

GRAY He used to be down for the shenanigans. It’s like he doesn’t even care about our games anymore.

DON’S BEDROOM DON ... any day now, one of us is going to be traded or out of the league, and it’s like it doesn’t even register with him... 20.

GRAY’S BEDROOM GRAY ... and suddenly he’s too busy to beat up on each other in NBA 2K13 ...

DON’S BEDROOM DON ... and of course I end up taking the fall for him, like always...


GRAY ... and he hasn’t hit the asphalt in months. What happened to the Don I fell in love with? Turns and sees Lanée passed out. Drooling a little.

DON’S BEDROOM Don lies back on the pillow, sniffles and wipes his nose.

DON So... was it good for you? Faith SIGHS, rolls over and shuts off the lamp without a word.



INT. STADIUM - GAME DAY CLOSE ON: A Jumbotron screen shows darkened stadium wings with fog billowing out. ANNOUNCER (O.S.) And now... yooooouuuur Anaheim Automatics!

The team trots out from the locker room in two single-file lines, Don and Gray at the back. Don wears a full plastic face mask to protect his eye. He heads straight to the shootaround drill without acknowledging Gray.

Gray spots Lanée among the dance squad. Gives her a coy wave. Lanée rolls her eyes and leans into the other girls. They start GIGGLING and look at Gray, who turns away.

INT. STADIUM - BOX SEATS - CONTINUOUS Basketball wives and families grab their seats. Sharice sidles up to Faith with a CAMERAMAN behind her.

SHARICE I saw you taking off early last night Fay... giving Don some of that pregame affection. FAITH Just trying to be there for my man. Sharice turns to the cameras. SHARICE See now me, I withhold. DeShaun always be tryin’ to relieve some pressure, but I know frustration gives him that competitive edge. Faith looks down to the players warming up on the court, worried. Don shoots a jumper from the top of the . Brick. 22.

INT. STADIUM - ANNOUNCER’S BOOTH - CONTINUOUS BROADCAST MONITORS show the players shooting around while Coach Bowden meditates on the bench. Commentator KEN MICHAELSON (56) adjusts his hair in the window’s reflection while watching the court. KEN Boy are they looking uptight tonight. You seeing this, Spud? He turns to former Atlanta Hawks guard SPUD WEBB (42), who leans back in his leather vibrating chair.

SPUD Don’t matter. One way or another, this season’s about to kick off higher than my ’86 dunk contest winner.

INT. STADIUM - BENCH - CONTINUOUS THE REF blows the whistle, and both teams retreat to the sidelines.

Don approaches the huddle, which closes up in front of him. BOWDEN Now I shook up the offense after yesterday’s mess, so listen close...

POV BROADCAST CAMERA Don struggles to squeeze inside, but is boxed out.

He finally breaks through to listen just as the huddle wraps up. Coach Bowden stands from his knee in the middle. BOWDEN ... and finding it at all costs. That’s how we get it done tonight. Any questions? Don starts to raise his hand. Nobody pays attention. Gray brushes past him towards their bench seats. KEN (V.O.) Look at those solemn faces. Could it signal a renewed competitive spirit in Anaheim, or just a dire lack of preparation? 23.

The REFEREE’S whistle BLOWS.


PLAYERS hustle back and forth on the court in front of Don and Gray, who refuse to look at each other. Don looks up nervously to Faith and Jordan in the stands. Gray sneaks pics of the cheerleaders on his phone.

Don studies the play on the court carefully. Gray takes side bets the row of fans behind the bench. Don meditates.

Gray naps. The halftime BUZZER SOUNDS, jerking Gray from sleep.

ON BROADCAST MONITORS The Automatics retreat to the locker room.

INT. STADIUM - ANNOUNCER’S BOOTH - HALFTIME KEN The Clippers are dismantling the Automatics tonight. Zero spark of chemistry among Anaheim’s front line. SPUD Hey now, never underestimate the power of the little man.

KEN Not sure how that applies, Spud.


The team trudges into the wings, frustrated and dejected. FAITH (O.S.) Don! Don turns and sees Faith and Jordan at the edge of the nearest bleacher. 24.

DON Hey baby. Little man. FAITH I didn’t mean to pile the expectations on you. There’s too many egos out there as it is. This team needs your guidance, even if it’s not on the court. DON So you’re saying... FAITH Just do you out there. (to Jordan) Wish daddy good luck.

JORDAN A real man makes his own luck. Don nods with newfound resolve.

INT. STADIUM - LOCKER ROOM - LATER Bowden perches quietly on the bench with his eyes closed. The conch shell is shattered underfoot. Don sneaks front and center.

BOWDEN (barely controlled) This was not the game plan... His eyes snap open and lock on Don, who withers under his gaze. DESHAUN We’re speed demons, coach. Let us run free!

A.K. You run free, we’ll have to post bail. DON Maybe that’s it! All eyes turn to Don. He definitely spoke too soon. No idea what he is about to say next. 25.

DON Bail... we have to... post up and bail each other out. Team play. We have to be accountable for each other. If we don’t have each other, who do we have? No one. Exactly! This isn’t the schoolyard. No juvie. This is real. Realer than real deal Holyfield. To quote Snoop. And we all have to suck it up and post bail... you know... on each other. He trails off, not quite sure what he just said. Silence.

INT. STADIUM - BENCH - LATER Don perches on the edge of his seat. He looks down the bench and sees the other players shooting him strange looks.

Gray hunkers down in Don’s face. Slaps him. GRAY What the hell was that? DON Just trying to light a fire. GRAY That was terrible. DON Thanks for having my back. GRAY Just like you had mine with DeShaun last night? Oh wait, that’s right... DON Why are you being so melodramatic? Leave it on the streets, man.

Gray leaps up, waving his arms wildly in the air. GRAY I would leave it on the streets, but you won’t even ball there anymore! You’re claiming to be some kind of role model but here you are (MORE) 26.

GRAY (cont’d) stressing about everything except the game itself!

INT. STADIUM - ANNOUNCER’S BOOTH - CONTINUOUS Ken observes Gray waving his arms about like a madman. KEN Looks like... (scrambles for roster) ... Grayson Tynes is giving an impassioned rally to the team. SPUD That’s that Spud, baby.

KEN Spud? SPUD It’s kinda like a spark, but smaller. More concentrated.

INT. STADIUM - BENCH - CONTINUOUS GRAY ... so quit forcing it! Just play the game! The crowd lets out a collective GASP. Gray looks around, confused that thinking they are reacting to his speech.

ON THE COURT Jamal rolls back and forth under the hoop grasping his knee. POV ANNOUNCER’S BOOTH

TEAM MEDICS run out and tend to him. SPUD (O.S.) The Spud has quickly drained from this stadium. Jamal Klayton looks to be down for the count. ON THE BENCH Gray’s eyes light up. 27.

GRAY See, there you go. If you don’t force it, opportunities present themselves.

Don starts to protest, then breaks. DON You’re right, man. This isn’t me. It was Faith who pushed me to hang with DeShaun in the first place.

GRAY I knew it! DON She even wants me to room with him on the road! If she only knew what he does behind Sharice’s back on the those trips... GRAY Speaking of which, I gotta tell you about what I did behind this girl’s back last night. DON No way! You did that thing we talked about?

INT. GRAY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT - FLASHBACK Gray cuddles Lanée’s sleeping body, turning his face away to muffle the sobs and hide the tears.

INT. STADIUM - BENCH - DAY - PRESENT GRAY You know it. DON How was it? Gray hesitates.

BOWDEN (O.S.) Gentleman. They turn to the rest of the team gathered on the sideline. 28.

BOWDEN Care to join us?

DON Yes sir. (to Gray) He wants us in the huddle! They run right past Jamal being carried off on a stretcher.

DON Ready for anything coach. BOWDEN You just sit tight, toastmaster. Tynes, have you been listening to a damn word I’ve been saying. GRAY Like a sponge.

BOWDEN Show me. We need a floor general. Solid fundamental play. GRAY What, now? I mean, they don’t call me Tres-pocalypse for my lack of fundamentals, but... DESHAUN Just feed me the ball.

The ref BLOWS the whistle. Don notices Gray looking like a dead man walking. He struggles to pull off his warmups.

GRAY I should’ve warmed up... I should’ve been in the huddle... Charles sees Don grab Gray’s face with both hands and bring him in close.

DON You got this, boy. You’ve been training on the asphalt. No different on the hardwood. Run the offense?! Please. That is what you do... Gray nods, brow furrows, determined. 29.

GRAY You’re right. I’m Tres-pocalypse. DON Show ’em that razzle dazzle.

GRAY You know it. They do their secret handshake and Gray runs on the court.

The whistle BLOWS. Don sinks back in his chair. KEN (O.S.) GRAYSON TYNES WITH THE 3! Don leaps to his feet.

INT. STADIUM - ANNOUNCER’S BOOTH - CONTINUOUS SPUD What did I tell you about the little man? KEN You did, Spud. You told me. SPUD He ain’t as little as me though... (to himself) ... ain’t nobody as little as me.


Don holds out a hand as Gray arcs back down the court. Gray swoops low to hit it. DON What did I tell you? GRAY You the sensei! Don’t worry, I won’t let it go to my head.

INT. STADIUM - ANNOUNCER’S BOOTH - LATER KEN Another air-mailed brick from Tynes. 30.

SPUD That really got out of hand quickly. 1 for 9 from the floor.

INT. STADIUM - BENCH - CONTINUOUS The team huddles together. BOWDEN Tynes, for the love of God, stop shooting. GRAY They’re not respecting me coach, they keep giving me open looks.

DESHAUN Fool, that’s cuz you keep missing! Just give me the ball. GRAY Not until the respect me, I’m not stepping down. (to Bowden) We demand respect, don’t we coach?


Gray sits right back in his bench seat with his head in his hands. Don’s seat next to him is empty.

INT. STADIUM - COURT - LATER The final BUZZER sounds. The media storms the court for the post-game interviews. DeShaun brushes them off and heads straight to the locker room.

KEN (V.O.) The Automatics fall hard to the Clippers, and the injury of Jamal Klayton is salt on the wound for this team’s playoff hopes. That can’t be good for morale.

Don pulls his face mask off and looks up at the Jumbotron. Final score: Clippers 95 - Automatics 77. Charles pats him on the back as he walks past. 31.

CHARLES Nice ball movement out there. Don smiles. Spots Gray still at the end of the bench with his head in his hands. Jogs over.

DON Thanks for the garbage minutes, man. GRAY I blew it. I could almost taste that sweet sweet endorsement deal and I blew it. DON I still respect you.

GRAY No you don’t. DON I try harder than most though. And hey, there’s no more roster crunch with Jamal hurt. At least that’s one crisis averted. A smile breaks over Gray’s face, in spite of himself.

GRAY Settle into that memory foam, big boy! We got a season ahead of us. Don and Gray head to the lockers as A SPORTS REPORTER stops Charles in front of them. REPORTER Charles what do you think it will take to turn this team around?

CHARLES I’ve been in this league long enough to know that we just gotta take it one day at a time. REPORTER Is it strange sporting a new number in a new city for the first time in your career? Charles hooks Don and pulls him in front of camera. 32.

CHARLES I’m happy to share my legacy with the role players that hold these organizations together.

Don’s eyes widen. Is this happening? He whips out his cell phone right in front of the news camera and starts dialing madly. CHARLES DON Don and I have our work cut (into phone) out for us this season, but Baby listen up a sec, I wanted to show the team this is Charles freaking and the fans that we’re all Prentice talking about me in it together. right now.

Don holds the phone out. Waits expectantly.

CHARLES That’s all I got for you tonight. REPORTER Thanks so much Charles... and Don. Eager to see the team bounce back. The reporter moves on to one of the coaches. DON Could you loop it back to the part about being me being like a son to you? Pretty sure I heard that in there somewhere... Charles shakes his head.

CHARLES One day at a time. He walks away.

DON (whispering after Charles) I love you. FAITH (over phone) I love you too honey. Jordan and I were so proud watching you out there. 33.

INT. STADIUM - HALLWAY - NIGHT Gray chases the cheer team down the hallway. GRAY You all saw that first shot though, right? Nothing but the bottom of the net... The cheerleaders scoff and ignore him.

LOUIS CRUZ (O.S.) Senior Très. LOUIS CRUZ, a Mexican businessman with a finely combed mustache and pitch packet under his arm, approaches Gray with his hand extended.

LOUIS An honor to make your acquaintance. What a showing tonight. A man like you does not quit, even when every sign says he should.

GRAY I’ve quit a lot of things. LOUIS Well surely you always find the drive to pick up and keep going. A man of your passion, such fight in you. GRAY I am known to be scrappy...

LOUIS Then allow me to serve you the perfect fuel for the fire inside.

He pulls out a can of LOKO-MOTION energy drink. Gray pops the top and takes a swig. COUGHS VIOLENTLY. GRAY Day-umn! What’s the caffeine content of this thing?

LOUIS About half as much as the alcohol content. 34.

GRAY Aren’t these illegal? LOUIS On this side of the border, but --



INT. DANCE STUDIO - DAY CURVY LATINA DANCERS drop it low as they encircle Gray, who is decked out in parachute pants and full Vanilla Ice bling. Monopoly bills rain down around them. A synth dance beat pulsates in time with seizure-inducing lights.

He pounds a can of Loko-Motion and crushes it on his forehead. Points to the flames shaved into the sides of his head. GRAY Tres-pocalypse bebe Loko-motion todos los dias! Es en fuego! The image FREEZES.


Larry pinches his temples at his grand mahogany desk. He looks from the frozen TV image to Gray and Don. Gray has a Loko-motion can in his hand. His eyes are wide and bloodshot, knee bouncing up and down uncontrollably.

LARRY Cancel the contract or you’re off the team. Now hand over the drink. He reaches out. Gray clutches the can.

LARRY Are you seriously testing me? Gray slugs down the rest, crushes the can on his forehead and hands over the empty can. DON So why am I here, sir? LARRY Oh, your endorsement is also cancelled. DON What? Sinucil? But I have nasal allergies! 36.

LARRY Apparently it’s the kids’ new recreational drug of choice. This organization can’t be associated with that.

DON What? Where do they get these crazy ideas?

INT. ABANDONED GYM - DAY Don COUGHS and staggers down a dimly lit court, the air thick with dust. DON (V.O.) Feeling down? Don’t let it keep your game grounded. I know I don’t... He pulls a bottle of SINUCIL from his pocket and takes a huge drag in each nostril. Sunlight bursts into the gym, instantly refurbished. He launches towards the hoop for a slow motion two-handed dunk. Hangs on the rim and addresses camera. DON (to camera) Sinucil. It’s the only way to fly! His image FREEZES. DEEP VOICE (V.O.) Warning: Sinucil may cause dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, trouble urinating, blurred vision, confusion, or mild hemorrhaging.