Education, Libraries & Adult Learning

Postal address: City Council PO Box 15 Council House Coventry CV1 5RR

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone : 024 76787343

Customer reference: Our reference: REQ02373

13 March 2017


Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)

Thank you for your request for information relating to oversubscribed secondary schools.

You have requested the following information:

1. A list of all secondary, middle and upper schools in Coventry and whether they were oversubscribed or not-oversubscribed on national offer day 2017 (1st March).

Please include each school’s Unique Reference Number (URN), DFE code, or address/postcode to allow us to identify each relevant school without ambiguity.

2. The total number of places offered at each school.

Please see table below for response to questions 1 & 2 above:

Total DfE Places School Name number Allocated Barr's Hill School & Community College 4000 129 Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School 4701 180 Blue Coat CE School & Music College 4800 255 4028 240 Cardinal Newman Catholic School 4707 217

Total DfE Places School Name number Allocated Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School 4007 234 4026 285 Eden Girls' School 4002 120 Ernesford Grange Community 4001 140 Finham Park 2 4006 120 Finham Park Mathematics and Computing College 4037 240 Foxford School 4029 180 Grace Academy Coventry 6905 103 4030 150 President Kennedy School 4034 270 SEVA School 4004 77 6906 210 & Community College 4005 180 4043 86 * 152 4044 160 WMG Academy 4003 55 Totals 3,783

The schools highlighted in yellow were oversubscribed.

*West Coventry Academy has no offical DfE number at the moment. They are a merger of 2 schools Tile Hill Wood (4003) and Woodlands Academy (4027)

Questions 3-5 apply to oversubscribed schools only:

3 The number of on-time applicants refused a place who did not receive a place at any higher preference school.

207 students were offered an alternative place as we were unable to offer any of their preferences.

4 The admission criterion under which the last successful applicant was admitted.

5 The home-to-school distance of the last successful applicant, assuming distance was used to allocate this place.

Please include measurement units and whether this is based upon a walking/ driving route, straight line/as the crow flies distance or an alternative measurement system.

For questions 4 and 5 above as per Section 21 of the FOIA I can confirm that this information is accessible to you by following the link below: admissions/10

Please note that Coventry City Council’s measurements are by straight line distance.

The supply of information in response to a freedom of information request does not confer an automatic right to re-use the information. You can use any information supplied for the purposes of private study and non-commercial research without requiring further permission. Similarly, information supplied can also be re-used for the purposes of news reporting. An exception to this is photographs. Please contact us if you wish to use the information for any other purpose.

Should you wish to make any further requests for information, you may find what you are looking for is already published on the Council’s web site and in particular its FOI/EIR Disclosure log, Council's Publication Scheme, Open Data and Facts about Coventry.

If you are unhappy with the handling of your request, you can ask us to review our response. Requests for reviews should be submitted within 40 days of the date of receipt of our response to your original request – email: [email protected]

If you are unhappy with the outcome of our review, you can write to the Information Commissioner, who can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or email [email protected].

Please remember to quote the reference number above in your response.

Yours sincerely

Becky Twite Project Support & Operational Finance Officer