Demonstrating Forecast Capabilities for Flood Events in the Alpine Region
Veröffentlichung MeteoSchweiz Nr. 78 MAP D-PHASE: Demonstrating forecast capabilities for flood events in the Alpine region Report on the WWRP Forecast Demonstration Project D-PHASE submitted to the WWRP Joint Scientific Committee Marco Arpagaus et al. D-PHASE a WWRP Forecast Demonstration Project Veröffentlichung MeteoSchweiz Nr. 78 ISSN: 1422-1381 MAP D-PHASE: Demonstrating forecast capabilities for flood events in the Alpine region Report on the WWRP Forecast Demonstration Project D-PHASE submitted to the WWRP Joint Scientific Committee Marco Arpagaus1), Mathias W. Rotach1), Paolo Ambrosetti1), Felix Ament1), Christof Appenzeller1), Hans-Stefan Bauer2), Andreas Behrendt2), François Bouttier3), Andrea Buzzi4), Matteo Corazza5), Silvio Davolio4), Michael Denhard6), Manfred Dorninger7), Lionel Fontannaz1), Jacqueline Frick8), Felix Fundel1), Urs Germann1), Theresa Gorgas7), Giovanna Grossi9), Christoph Hegg8), Alessandro Hering1), Simon Jaun10), Christian Keil11), Mark A. Liniger1), Chiara Marsigli12), Ron McTaggart-Cowan13), Andrea Montani12), Ken Mylne14), Luca Panziera1), Roberto Ranzi9), Evelyne Richard15), Andrea Rossa16), Daniel Santos-Muñoz17), Christoph Schär10), Yann Seity3), Michael Staudinger18), Marco Stoll1), Stephan Vogt19), Hans Volkert11), André Walser1), Yong Wang18), Johannes Werhahn20), Volker Wulfmeyer2), Claudia Wunram21), and Massimiliano Zappa8). 1) Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Switzerland, 2) University of Hohenheim, Germany, 3) Météo-France, France, 4) Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
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