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The Ledger & Times, November 23, 1944

The Ledger & Times

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Recommended Citation The Ledger & Times, "The Ledger & Times, November 23, 1944" (1944). The Ledger & Times. 639.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IBKR 16. 1944 t the- pant week •in-law- Mrs. Ted kg her. The atovtr to sell to a low ng a large sum of few months ago. iks no chances ag^ most destroyed by > year as she and lary Mitchell were COMPLETE COVERAGE BUY WEEK VOL'S PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- New Series No. I 090 OF ALL C.UXOWAT COUNTY NEW* Murray, Kentucky, Thursday Afternoon, November 23, 1944 PAPF.R FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Vol. LX1V; No. 43 te spring and she Otho Lewis were e good times they iind did not know PVT. GEO. H. WEAKS hearing was the Pvt. Billie Ray Walston Bny War Bonds For Gifts i flames. HOME AFTER 30 fXRnLT. COLONEL, VISIT, S Frenc. h Advanc_ B. e O„ n Rhine Ol c Maid Is Rilled In MONTHS OVERSEAS And Reep Inflation Down RELATIVES HERE Weakens Entire Nazi Line

No Injuries; Good was done at the suggestion of the Been Overseas Two In Marine Corps, Thanksgiving! Suggestions Given Stores To Close Belfort, Overlooking • Health; Is In War Finance Division through the Years—Hospitals, Heavy Artillery; The Ledger and Times is pub- By Financiers; Help special newspaper consultant. For Nov. 23 The Rhine, Captured, Armored Division Unit Organization Was Volunteer lished today _ Wednesday—a Of All Needed Schools have started to work on Murray . stores will observe f¥ -» -y ——i— Eisenhower Reports day earlier than is usual. This the drive. In Murray High School Thursday. November 23. as Lt. Col. Fount Russell is In Mur- Pvt. Bfllie Ray Walston. 18 years was done so that the staff may Pvt. George H. Weaks, tall, army the regular Wednesday morning Thanksgiving Day. it was re- Calloway County opened her ray for a visit with his mother, LONDON, Nov. 21—French ar- old last March 4, is dead. A mes- have Thanksgiving day as a tanned soldier, looking well de- Bond buying by the children has ported to this office today. •ber 19-20 veloped with broad shoulders Sixth War Loan Drive Monday Mrs. A. D. Russell, of the College mor swinging north up the Rhine sage from the War Department de- holiday. been resumed. "It is surprising how visited the Ledger and Times office with T. H. Stokes as chairman. As- Addition, after four years service in The Murray 'oanks and post reached the outskirts of Mulhouse livered to his mother. Mrs. Marie It is the wish of this paper many bonds those yoj^ngsters buy Monday and answered our many signed to this county is a quota of the Army. ' He was physician at office also will be closed for today—perhaps already had enter- Walston. 400 North Fifth Street, that all may observe the, day in each week.'' was the statement questions asked* him. George has $360,000 It will take the combined Murray State College before enter- the holiday, since Nov. 23 is ed the industrial city of 97,000-^ November 18. read: a fashion for which it Is In- made by a school official. grown .so much since he left Mur- efforts of men. women, and chil- ing the service January 15, 1940. the official state and national in swift exploitation.of the Belfort "Deeply regret to inform you tended. May we be thankful ray in 1941 that we would not dren tQ sell that amount between Eric A. Johnston, president of and is well known here, having Thanksgiving Day. br^c-through, which undercut the that on Octdber 24. 1944. in, the for our blessings, and pray that have recoginzed him out of Mur- now and December 16. is the the United States Chamber of graduated from Murray State. whole collapsing German stand In Southwest Pacific Area your son, before another Thanksgiving vin' junior ray. opinion of the leaders in the drive. Commerce, made this. statement: After taking his medical degree the Vosges. Private Billie Ray Walston. US. season, the whole world will be Business houses an<5 individuals 'War Bonds are not only the safest from the University of Tennessee, Farther north the Germans were M.C.R.. was killed in action in the free from war. He attenriea Murray High investment in the world today but sqe . giving are advocating the buying of War he returned to Murray to practice I LT. J. W. ERWIN falling back toward Strasbourg performance of his duty and se'f- School and was one of the good they bring a higher rate of inter- Thanks to all our customers Pords for gifts. Financiers ar;e ad- for a short time before he ^ did and Saarbrucken behind weaken- vlce to his country. fellows in the younger social cir- est than any comparable security. issons in love and readers who turned In ad- v sing the people to put their money special study in Vanderbilt Univer- ing rearguard resistance officially cles of the town. Moreover the War Bond buyer has RETURNS HOME No information is available at vertising and news early so that lite Wur Bonis to help in the war sity- - I described as disorganized. and sessions present regarding disposition of re- we could get the paper oat s He was trained at Fort Knox in the added advantage of being able rogn m. Lieutenant Colonel Russell has Belfort. bypassed city guarding mains* Temporary burial in the day early. the First Armored Division. He to realize his money at any time S. George Little, of the War Fi- been overseas for two years and AFTER 33 MISSIONS the Rhine, was captured, Gen. of swing! locality where death occurred is has been overseas for 30 months without chance of loss by decline nance Division, in urging newspa- was with the Allied Force Head- Dwight D. Eisenhower disclosed. probable. You will be promptly and has seen many experiences of in market value." the battle zones. He has been in pers to asrist in this job of selling quarters. He returned to the States 'Six Allied armies were heaping furnished any additional informa- War Bonds, stated. "The Sixth War He further added: "It is wise for Wears Ribbons, k Funeral Services Ireland. England, Africa, and Italy

COPY FAB ED fv ts tVs.^jg V /

A. '

RAI.E TWO THC l.KtKiKK A Tl Ml'MUY, KKWTt'CKY TllfRSI'AY, NOVEMBKK J3, l»44 jmnT>AV. NO ——— V. WAR Nationwide Bible The Buchanans ELY TO CLASSIFY Reverend Housliy DOYLE TO ATTEND hi Martha ^ Reading Hear From Son Of Amivriu To Spct)k loskihs Are Here 2f> COLLEGE HERD AT No\ ember NATIONAL MEETING A marrlatfe of wMiei 1IIANftftOfVVNU TO CMUHTMA* 1> . Ml: h A rnj breached In Prison Camp to frMfMb in tbM a f niKUhii 10-mii. -!uo< Gwiriin I U Mm Martha - m«t! s-&t-t Jatrn Buctopnan. your, FARM DECEMBER 2 OF MUSIC SCHOOLS •est i • tank dflch — v "!"..—- daughter pf Mr and ed flffiM» ^mU* S-Sgt Dr. W. E. Doty ' . * 4bin me> h, Id Hlakuis and tike latv guide now as never bef re By FrancL> A Svehla who has been nurihern portion ^ the French I'k Specialist l.isted To Speak of Campbcliavilk. Ky { mor< extended atui VimulWinco returned to the States from tly* forties* city ignored an ultimatum ring ceremony was n reading now 'by tbu*e in servi smrae German prison camp where To Crade Cows fn Chapel Nov. 27 lo surrender urday afteruoon, Novi and by tbuM? of us at hume jJaxut • is confined He been in A two-mil advance on ' the A r..,,r,'«-ntntivt' of thr Amt'rl- j 4:30 o'clock in the cha spiritual bond will be created _ifr^t ,jffctiffin, aJajjut Manh A» rh.iu man of a Sp.vlal Commit- American Third Army wuig east of can I.i M-y C.Hle Club wilT ut- , ! will be full1 of meaning -fut mil- • These letters written to Mr and to. on IWIwrs College, and a l General Hospital Melz carried Lt Gen. George S finally clawfy the oil.* - heitl j lions of families arid that will Mrs Buchanan art published in ' member of the Com.nitoitol on with Chaplain Clarern Ration's inea to point* eight to 12 i>f purr-bred Jeney cattle at the ! -make a pricel/a* contribution te part* because they give news*~about Curricula. P»u». Prk. Doyle will son officiating. miles bel^w the Saar , frontier rollegi' farm Dvcvmber 2- their hope' and faith- " opr prisoners there and contain attend" a meeting of the National Third Ar|my troops exfleri d the Prof Furdycv Ely, Univenity of i j The bride chose for Above all _ the measures of war- ccmfott to those loved ones who Association o< School, of Music in old Magir.ot Lipe defense; ixwth Kentucky, whu 1. the club', ut- j a beige two piece su time and po»t-war planning —in ore anxious about American pris- j Chicago on November 34. 2:Y and of FaulqUemmit, 20 mile> , south- oners in Germany. final repreaentatlve for thi. dia-1 gabardine with whid industry, business.' education, re- west of Saarbrucken. and took Lei- trlct. will judge the animali on a j brown accessories, ai ligion—the supreme need on the ling. 94 miljes from the Saar bor- "Dear Mrs. Buchanan: ba*i« of type atfZl' production Cows i Dr E William Doty dean of the feather-trimmed hat part of us all is for clearer moral der • " . I know James well be- thpt more nearly conform to the college of fine arU of the Uni- purpler Pinned to h insight .more unyielding devotion ver.ity of Texas and a vic.-pr«i- cause I waa in the same bar- ideal type at Jeney breed are I was a single orchid to truth, a more steadfast and far- racks with him. Don't wor- classified "excellent" The next j "Qent of the National Association of ornament was a strai WASHINGTON Nov 21—The seeing spirit. of brotherhood, a' Schools of Music, will be on the ry about him. "He ia all right four ratinil are 'Very ' jood," I the gift of the groom. huge Omura aircraft factory on new determination to be more Murray campus November 27 and and was not wounded. "good-plus", "good," and "fair." Misa Bettie Hays a* "the " southernmost Japanese home worthy ol the great-sacrifices that 28 He will speak at chapel on I was at Maiag Luft 6 with Tenn. was her sistei island of Kyushu was" blasted for are being made in our behalf. At the present time the college Rev. Theodore Boushy Monday, November 17. on the sub- him until July 15 when that has 19 cows that were, classified ^•^ndant. She was a the third time today by B-29- Sup- No one source of inspiration is ject "Hie Arts and Postwar Plan- camp was evacuated and here two years ago Of these, Rev. 'rtieodor.„ ,e Boushy, , , of ..As. - nlnf." The reminder of his Mack street dress wi erfortrc sses. better able to. provide for our need went to a transit camp and four are rated very-good, six are syria. will supply the pulpit of the | ^^ ^ arranged Ul.r cessories, and wore than the Bible Through long Adverse weather diverted part he went on the Stalag Luft Kood-plus. ,.nd five are good corsage of "gardenias. generations and among countless First Baptist Church. THurray, for of the mission, operating, in large 4 with the other boys. . . . Among the 15 to 18 head to be The college symphony orchestra, K^Pfc. Hoskins was people of many nations the Bible force resulting in two other strikes I was repatriated because classified will be tl young Jersey both services next Sunday, No- assisted by the string orchestra, Pfc. Joseph Cooper has done this for those who gave —one at tht docks of Nanking and I lost my left arm above the bull that was bought for the col- vember 26. presents a concert November 19, Ky., medical student heed to its guidance. It has in- the other at Shanghai against mil- elbow and I am in the States lege by Prof. A Carman before Rev. Boushy was born at the at 2:30 p.m. The symphony or- versity of Louisville e fluenced the deep springs of our itary storage and trans-shipment where I will be fitted with the animal was even born. foot of the Mount of Transfigura- chestra is conducted-by Mr. Doyle student of Murray Si facilities. |ife We may well expect an artificial arm and taught "I expect him rO make a very tion, near the River Jdrdan. He and the string orchestra by Prof. as best man. " that if fTesh attention be . given to A 20th Air Force communique to use it. . . . splendid showing and bring a high has traveled extensively and has Merle T. Kesler. Following the ceren said 20 attacking Japanese planes it now by the American people, When I left James, he had rating." said Mr. Carman. been educated in American Uni- Commenting on the new fine arts tiinner party was gi were destroyed together with 16 there will flow into our national received no mail or pack- versities. He is now a post grad- building, Doyle said, "It cannot bridal couple in th( probably destroyed and 19 dam- life purifying and tonic streams ages but it takes about six WHILE WE'RE EARNING 6000 MONEV ITS EASY uate student in the Southern Bap- be completely finished until after aged in tlje course of the opera- A moral purpose and faith that months for a letter to TO THINK THERE'LL ALWAYS B£ TIME TO SAVE. tist Theological Seminary, Louis- the war because there are critical MRS. JOHNSTON El tion tt was ~ the first Time that will count tremendous ty ir th. re- (there. In July the boya XJT EXPERIENCE SHOW* IT'S THC FELLOW What Kentucky £ ville. materials impossible to obtain. We MAGAZINE CLUB a B-29 mission had encp\intered maining months of the war and the gan receiving package., so WHO DOESN'T PROCRASTINATE - WHO BUVS THAT EXTRA WAR BONO, PUTS Farmers The father of Mr. Boushy is the hope to gel more of it finished this fighter plane opposition in perilous years that follow eventually he will get his. I Mrs. R. A. Johnston SOMETHING REGULARLY INTO man who. organized the Baptist school year. The .second and strength. There was little anti- The time is ripe to give the Bibl hope you keep right on .end- Are Doing Saturday afternoon a LIFE INSURANCE AND A SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT- work in Assyria. Mr. Boushy will third floors are in use now." aircraft opposition, however. new share in ?ur American life ing the packages and cigar:igar,- for the November mt WHO egACMES THE GOAL WE WANT TO REACH - speak on missionary* themes, illus- It is too early to determine Millions of men in the forces car- I ettes because 1 know.. wha. t The seventh production - bred trating his messages with personal Magazine Club. N4TS whether our Task force suffered rjr and read their Testaments Thr they mean to the boy. out WINS WELL-BEING AND SECURITY. Jersey bull has been brought In- experience and first hand informa- Buy Bonds: 6th War Loan Drive nam, president, pres any losses, the communique said. prayers of the nation on D-Day re ; there. to Simpson county as a result of tion from the mission fields. the transaction of roul the dairy program there. The program oper veal tiie depth of its sense of need For amusement in the day The pastor of the First Baptist ,ln w round table discussion The lad reading his Testament ir. >« « played baaeball, The summer drouth caused Church. Rev. Braxton B. Sawyer, news events of the * an LCT as it -pproa.-hed th. volleyball and football. In many farmers in Crittenden coun- states that he expects this to be Dr. Ed C. Cox, Jr. members taking part. Breds Will Play French coast is symbolical. the evenin^we played cards ty to become interested in silos as the most outstanding visitor that Legion Geared To Meet Problems OPTOMETRIST Mellen gave a briel every American share in, making or read. We had a library a means of saving feed. will visit His pulpit for some time. First Game at | the. ^Nationwide Reading of the of about 500 books. We had f . 112 South Poplar St. several recently publ Claude Andrews o£ Letcher The public is cordially invted. Bible between Thanksgiving and a piano that was brought in Facing Veterans of World War II Mrs. Leland Owen, ii county says that spraying apple Paris, Tennessee Christmas an occasion of great from Sweden through the j paper, told how the Jonesboro trees in his home orchard increased Buy Bonds: 6th War Loan Drive value, to the people and the -nation. Y.M.C.A. We had plays that) of the. world are beii the boys put on themselves With 159 specific activities in the yield 50 per cent. during the crucial y Jan 23—Southeast Missouri Teach I behalf of veterans of Werld War ers at Cape Girardeau. Mo. SELECTIONS TO BE READ and they were really very Several farmers In Magoffin war. , -II and their dependents under- 1i Thanksgiving. November 23 _ good. county have reported ^ yields of Jan 27—Indiana State of Terre way or put into effect. The During the social h Psalm 103 more than 100 bushels of hybrid f PUBLIC SALE HatHr. Ind.. at Murray I believe this was James* American Legion is gearing its tess served delightful j Friday—John 14 second or third mission. I corn per acre. Jan 31—Marshall College at .Mur- entire program to easing the im- At my home 3 miles sootheast of Murray at I o'clock on Wed- to members «nd th I Saturday—Psalm 23 ^—- - That women and children saved a ray know he didn't make more pacts on men and women now on nesday, November 29. I will offer for sale 45 barrels of good visitors: Mrs. C. F. W Sunday. November 26 Psalm ] than four, but I can't re- the fightinjr fronts when they fourth of the tobacco crop in Mon- Ff4b 3—Eastern Kentucky at Mp:- sound corn. Farming tools consisting of disc harrow, wagon, son, Tenn., Mrs. Ge return to civilian life roe county was stated by Farm ray Monday—Matthew 5 member the exact amount. harrow, plows and other items too numerous to mention; 1 Mrs. B. O. Langston, Outstanding national business, Agent Justus L. Ellis. Feb. 10—Western Kentucky State Tuesday—Romans 8 We wore regular army uni- fresh 2 year aid heifer and calf; one springing registered Carr and Mrs. Fred C Wednesday—I Corinthians 13 forms which are supplied by labor and civic leaders in every In Webster counts-eight classes heifer—extra nice. Household and kitchen furniture Including aK Murray section of the country—veterans Thursday—Psalm 91 the German government. in Red Cross home nursing are be- a porcelain top kitchen cabinet practically new. One A-Model Feb 14—Evansville College at. of World War I—are mobilized MRS COLLIE COMPI ing sponsored by the" citizenship Ford—1930 model in good shape. . Evansville, Ind. Friday—Matthew 6 The* barracks are as clean in the directing force behind thc W^TH SHOWER committees of home-makers clubs' Feb. 15—.Indiana State at Terre Saturday—John 3 as the boys keep them. We Legion's effort to speed the re- Sunday. December 3—Isaiah 4 Mrs. Leon Collie, Haute. Ind had a nice clean group of turn of our fighting men and Monday—Psalms 46 ease their transition into peace- Collie and Mrs T. C. C Fet. 17—Southeast Missouri Teach- boys in camp, so our bar- Tuesday—Romans 12 time jobs. Their experience is Mrs. James Collie -w ers at Murray racks were always clean and Wednesday—Hebrews 11 bulwarked by men and women shower at the home o Feb 21—Morehead State at Mur- well kept. Thursday—Matthew 7 World War II who have inti- on» Friday night. Ncv ray I was a prisoner for Friday—John 15" months and spent the first mate knowledge of the needs of Only members of the Feb 24—University of Tennessee their comrades. Saturday—Psalm 27 three and one-half months close friends were pre at Knoxville, Tenn. Convinced that all the experi- Sunday. December 10—Isaiah in the hospital. Contests were enjoy* • Feb 26--Tennessee Tech at Cooke- SS ence obtained in meeting condi- M :.".,.> P>ulm 121 I would say that James were awarded- Miss Rh ville, Tenn. tions confronting veterans over Tuesday—Philippians '4 weighs about 180 pounds the twenty-five years since the hon and Mrs. Henry Murray's squad to "date includes .. Wednesday—Revelation. 2L - last war and all the facilities of The honoree then and that was about what he EDWARD N. SCHEIBERLING . the following:— -— Thursday—Luke 15 weighed when he was fly- government and business in pro- many useful gifts whi Forwards: Johnny Reagan. Bis- Friday—Ephesians 6 ing. Don't worry about his viding care and jobs for return- come first. The Legion intends placed in a basket d marck. Mo.; Pat Coleman. Con- ing men must be merged into a Christmas Saturday—John 17 weight because he hasn't to see that all legislation, Fed- the occasion. pattern- for quick and - prompt rord, James Thornberrv. Rmey- Sanday. December 17—Isaiah eral and state, is sound and lost any since he was taken action, Edward N. Scheiberling, ville: Craig Ford, BardweLl: I. G Mynday—J Corinthians 15 53 prisoner. workable; free from red-tape Baldree Melber;. William Brooks. National Commander of The and delays in administration. Tuesday—John 10 He was never nervous and American Legion said that prob- The GI Bill of Rights is no ex- East Prairie. Ma: James Creason. Wednesday—Psalm 51 he looks about the same as lems facing veterans of World ception. Men and "^oraen now Benton. Scott Smith. 'Brandenburg Thursday—Psalm 37 War II are being given firsf at- GREETING CARDS when he left home except 'Guards: Bill Howie-, Barlow; Mac facing enemy fire must not re- Friday—John I for the weight he lost in tention in Legion activities. turn home to be ham strung by Logeman. Brookpon. Ill; Doyle Saturday—Revelation 22 training. He is very happy With thousands of returning rules and regulations, forms and McDaniel. Gideon. Mo : Kenneth Sunday. December 24—Psalm 90 and just as pleasant as when veterans turning to the Legion applications, disctfnftesy and in- Cain, Belmont, Miss. * • Christmas, December 25—Luke 2 you saw him last. We never ! for guidance and assistance and attention They have merited Centers: Harold Owens. Golden. with countless thousands of in- more than that. knew anything about the quiries pouring into Legion Miss . T J. Barker Gideon. Mo.; -"However, as the country can s war or how it was going ex- posts, departments and national Robert Harris, Linden, Tenn. Buy Bonds: "Btfi War Loan Driv cept what we got from Ger- be no stronger than its commu- headquarters, T.he American Le- nities, the Legion can tie no WE INVITE YOU to make your selection early man newspapers. Some of gion has already set up and has stronger than its_ posts.- Every the fellows knew German in operation Tacilities to handle Legion post "needs cooperation while our stock is COMPLETE and translated the news for the problems confronting those and assistance in the community . . * " THE URT0W us." already coming back from bat- job of reestablishing veterans in I \ tlefmnts. It has the full back- civilian life. This one activity OF * * ing of the 2,(KM).000 Legionnaires alone overshadows everything PLAIN OR PRINTED UR OH 1HI H First Snow of Year and Auxiliary members and 20,- else ahead in the post-war era. 000 posts and units. It is of far greater importance Falls Here Monday "Whether hospitalization or than anything else that will face jobs," says National Commander the American people in the priced from j The first few "Snowf lakes of the Scheiberling, "veterans must years ahead." winter 1944- -fell' *here about mid- $1.00 to $1.75 ;•; ij | night Monday and^at' noon Tues- day. said E. B. Howton of "the ag- r* per box ] riculture department of Murray State College. Chow Time on Saipan • • I We didn't question Mr Howton's lt«*l»MI««l««MM«MII»»MIM**M*MMMIII 11 I stateB&ent. but we .weren't stirring f ! around Monday nigh\ and would'nt [ j know It%,has been plenty tjray and | cold for more than a fe^v flakes of , snow. - , ; STATIONERY HARD IN CHARGE Henry Smith, Pastor The Perfect Gift t'riicn Ridge Methodist Church: tfiH Big Business Church School.' 10 a.m. See our selections Worship service, 11 a.m. LOT of-thc writing and talking-that's going on these PLl Palestine: A days -about "big", business seems to milt one pretty important point In .iudgmg bigness solely" by such things as Ctibrch School.v2 p.m. number of employees, size of payrolls, or volurfte of sal^s. it > Worship service. 3 p.m. overlooks the size of tjje job the particular-business is required k Quarterly Conference December 'lc to do. 2. at Hardin. CM Everyone is invited. After al:. any business exists because there's a demand for FILMONIZE SEALING TAPE the things it produces or the services renders. And it must either grow to the size necessary to satisfy these demands, or I \/ OS I KH'OKIKI) CHANDLEI else make way for a competitor that can provide what is HOME FROM ALEITIANH is now available in pocket and f wanted It has-been reported^ in this of- large sizes The war has sho-*n that " America's factorrer. and farms fice that Taz E«41e Is home from can meet demands that would -have been fantastic m pre- n lung >U«y jjy-thg Aleutian*. -We i war years This is a big country, there will be as big jobs have had no one to confirm this i to be done in peacetime a* any the war produced It will. report or giv;e .us the- details. We take„the right kind of '-big' business to do them. And whether would appreciate news about him it operates a JOG-aere farm..a garage, a bank, or an industry or ahy other serviije man. with 100,000 employees—this kind of big business, which (U. S. Maria* Corj. Photo I serves the public. satisfactorily and with integrity, will con- Lt. .Vernon Trevathan. son- - of These three Japanese c nlidrerf were found by Mkrfnes as they wandered alang a Saipan load. They were given food and water tinue Jo be the foundati'n-^f Amerira's strength and security, i Mr. and Mrs. Elmus Trevathan. has LEDGER & TIMES ii at thc command post ivherr Leathernecks nioiliered" the trio until ir, peace, as in war General Electric Co.. Schenectady, N. Y- 'arrived safely in England accord- thc children could be turned ovrr to the proper authorities. I ing to a Jetter received by his NORTH FOURTH STREET M«o* «K» C*-»'ol ti«ct»ic red-o'profo"M "Tk« G-f Afl-gir; Orc^lMo" Sonde, 10 p « tWT NSC—"TK« World Todor' iM a..-,., -..Wo, 6 <5p-.t*VT.CS$ parents dated November 11«_ A cablegram was received earlier Three and a half acres Of balbo In -Breathitt county, 4-H club 111 BUY W.A II BONDS stating he had arrived overseas, but Fye two weeks old. on the farm of membeft and leaders exhibited just where he,, was. was unknown J. R Dabbs in Butler-tfbunty. had more1 than .500 jars o( high, quality GENERAL ELECTRIC 4-Li Trevathan's wife and son are in tfuffirlent growth to support 26 canning in the store Windows in . lambs. Jackson.» • SA _ :.-. . ^ x ' -

vs. KN(,AliKMKNT (IT LT JOHNSON •li.< Martha Lou Hays und Pfc. Charles AMD NC BMK1.BY HK Kb SPAR Yeoman /am Houston H eds Ll Richard L. Vaughn \lurra\ Training ,« ANNOUNCER Woskins Are H ed In Louisville Saturday HK her tuwmrr > vMit V. at Christ Church Cathedral. St. l otus. Mo.. \ov. 4 School FFA Bo>s \ to M«-**u. Mrs A. H W<»l(*.n WM W A wituc* u4 WHtoafMoKl Inter- Aunn at the Brown Hotel In Attend State Meet- guest *pe*k>'i for the Home De- |U <" I'wnde Mi HIM .eel»»i was LUUISVIIU piii t/iu*nt of the Murray Woman's Itta. .1 Mm* Martha Lou Hey.. "r* " * fT"1""^ *t Club which met Thur»da> after- Five Murray Training FFA MZ Murra> Ti.«isuag Sefcuoi, and re- Maugktrr |.( Mr and Mrs W C. r,, Bs degree in Home noon at the clubhouse with 32 bo» and Mr^ W H Brooks, ad- 'Hay- Murray, and Pfc. Charles K,,.n..nii.- hum Murray Col- iMRbtn (treMut Mi > Wolf MM visor went to the State FFA meet- was a guest in the home of Seno- R. HU*IIU. an u< Mr» W R teg, m February 1M2. During her ing "at Lexington November 17-18. rita Eniin.. Sap'chcz who was form- J#»kiii. and the lata Mr Hutkiu senior year she was president oI Th**y entered two contests. Charles of CampbcllaviUe. Ky The silicic the hold Arts Club and pre- Lassiter won first in impromptu rlng eert-mony was read un Sst- installation president of Sigma ty and exchange student from speaking. sponsored by Dairy Mejuco urdaj aflergouii. November II. at Si am.. Sigma Sorority She rep- Products Association of Kentucky. ccial Commit- 4 JO .. cluck in the chapel at Niih- resumed Murray Slate al the state The young men's quartet from Our' Chapter team placed second. lleges und a ol» Qcneral Hospital Louisville, Home Economics convention in Murray Training School, composed — .The -buys who wont wue; un,nission on with Chaplain Clarence F. Andcr- Louisville in 1M1 While on the of Gus Robertson, Joe Hal Spann, Charles Lassiter, Pat Trevathan, e Doyle will son officiating. campus she was a member of the Harry Neal. and Ralph Boyd, sang James R. Story, Gene Thurmond, the National The bride ctooee for her wedding a Capeila choir, the girls' glee t^ree spirituals. They were ac- and Alfred Lassiter. At the ban- I of Music in a beige two piece suit of French dub and the college band Her companied by Miss Harriett quet Friday night we were grven r 94. 25. and Itabardine with which she wore name is listed in "Who's Who Bridges. Two piano numbers were awards for our winnings in the brown accessories., and matching Among Students in American Col- played b*^ Harry Neal. "Caprice district and State contests. The f. dean of the I Espanol" and "Liebestraum." A & P Co. bought the Champion of the Uni- feather-trimmed hat and bait of leges and Universities." The program numbers were in- F F A. Stter at the fatr cattle show a vice-presi- purple. Pinned to her shoulder After completing her College troduced by Mrs. A. F Doran. in Louisville at 44^ per pound, Association of was a single orchid Her only course Mrs Hoskins taught for a program chairman for the after- and then donated *RMo the FFA 11 be on the ornament was a strand of pearls, year and a half In the Macon, I1L. Lt Mabel Johnson, Flight Nurse for the banquet which we enjoyed imber 27 and tbe gift of the groom. high school, following which she Mrs. O. C Wells, chairman of so much Friday night. at chapel on Miss Bettie Hays of. Oak Ridge, accepted a government position at Friends will be interested in the the department, conducted a short announcement made recently, of F. on the sub- Tenn. was her sister s only at- Oak Ridge. Tenn. where she has business session. A social hour the engagement of Lt Mabel Those Who Are III 'ostwar Plan- ^.^idant. She was attired in a been until the present time. was enjoyed during which refresh- Jojmaon of the Army Nurse Corps der of hit Mack street dress with black ac- Pfc. Hoakins is a graduate of ments were served by the hos- to Pfc. Shelby Mason Hicks, son Mrs Frank Moffitt has a broken nged later. cessories. and wore a shoulder Campbellsville Junior College and tesses, Mesdames A. L. Rhodes. of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks of Autry Farmer, Henry. Gatlin, J. ^. hip and is at the home of her son, >ny orchestra, corsage of'gardenias. attended Bowling Green Business -~Tfc. Hoskins was attended by University. Prior to his induc- Hazel. Lt. Johnson is the daugh- Dulaney, L. D. Hale and Mrs. John Ed Adams, on North Fourth Street. ng orchestra, Hc. Joseph Cooper of Lebanon, tion into the army he held the po- ter of* Mrs. E M. Ballentine of Jones, assisted by Mrs. Roy Far- ST. LOUIS, Mo —Both In Coast Louis, on November 4. ment Officer. She is 84 years of age. November 19, Ky„ medical student at the Uni- sltion of book-keeper at Murray Sheffield,. Ala., and has had in- mer. Guard service at St. Louis Ninth The wedding ceremooy was per- ymphony or- versity of Louisville and a former State College. He is at present as- teresting experiences as an army Naval District Headquarters in St. formed by Lieut. Maynard J. Sil- Tbe bride is a native of Mur- Miss June Gingles, seven year by Mr. Doyle student of Murray State College, signed to the Medical Detachment, ffight nurse. She flies with the Louis, SPAR Yeoman Zane Hous- Iseth, Chaplain of the St. Louis ray and attended the Training old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee stra by Prof. U D C MEETS AT HOME wounded from debarkation points ton, daughter of Mrs. Bonnie Hous: Ninth Naval District. Attending School before leaving here to re- Gingles, underwent an appendec- as best man. ' Nichols General Hospital He and OF MRS. W. Z. CARTER Following the ceremony a small his bride ure at home at 1401 St. to hospitals all over the country. ton, 10D1 Main street, Murray, Ky., the bride was SPAR Yeoman Jean side in California where she en- tomy at the hospital Friday night. new fine arts ttiruier party was given for the i James Court. Louisville until his gLt. Johnson had her nurse's train- The J. N. Williams Chapter of and Lieut. Richard L. Vaughn, Layman from the same office, and listed in the SPARS^ She visited • • • • * , "It cannot brutal couple In tbe Btilegrass | future assignment. ing in Birmingham, Ala. and her the United Daughters of the Con- USN, of San Diego, Cal., were the groom's best man was Lieut, relatives and friends here last Mrs. H. L: Cochran of the west id until after arm? nurse flight training at Bow- federacy met Wednesday after- married in an all-service wedding Commander W. G. Malsie, Assist- summer.———— side of the county, is an operative MRS JOHN8TON ENTERTAINS man Field, Ky. patient in the hispitaL e are critical noon at the home of Mrs. W. Z at Christ Church Cathedral, St. ant Operations and Ship Move- • • • • • to obtain. We MAGAZINE CLUB Pfc. Hicks, a senior medical stu- Carter for a program centering , finished this dent at the University of Louis- around a discussion of "Four Star Mrs. J. • B. Underwood of the •second and ville under the A.S.T.P., will re- Generals." Mason Chapel community, is an ft now." ceive his degree in April. He ex- Assisting Mrs. Carter as hos- operative patient in the hospital. pects to take his interneship at tesses were Mrs. Ralph McCuiston, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniel and chil- the San Francisco General Hos- Mrs. Henry Elliott. Mrs. Wallace dren of Arkadelphia, Ark., and Mr. Mrs. Ida Beaman, mother of r Loan Drive pital. He is a member of a fatnily Key. and Mrs. W W. McElrath. apd Mrs. A. N. Horton and son of Mrs. Luther Jackson, continues to be quite ill in the Mason Hospital. prominent in medical circles of- .Mrs. George Hart discussed Detroit have been visiting in the She suffered a broken hip several the south. George C. Marshall. Mrs. H. P. home of Rev. and Mrs. L. T. Daniel of South 4th St., for the past week. weeks ago. The wedding is planned to take Wear discuss® Joseph Stilwell, Mrs. Horton is a sister and Mr. place after Pfc. Hicks completes and Miss Mildred *Beale disussed Daniel is a brother of Rev. Daniel. his interneship. Douglas MacArthur. Mrs. J. D. Peterson reported on the state con- Their father," Joe Daniel, Sr., re- YWCA To Sell vention which she recently at-' sides at the South 4th St. address. WALDROP-JONES WEDDING Tickets for Concert tended. They brought back the Mrs. Irve Brewer and Mrs. Lau- IS ANNOUNCED division award won by the Mur- -rine Gilbert spent the week-end The YWCA. at its 8:30 meeting , Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Waldrop of ray chapter of Children of the in Jackson. Tenn. shopping and November 6. decided to sell tickets visiting their - aunt, Mrs. Clyde Kirksey announce the marriage of Confederacy for the greatest in- for the American Association of Collity. their daughter, Martha Emily Wal- crease in membership during the University Women to a concert by drop. of Highland Park, Mich:, to year. Mrs. Codie Caldwell of Eddy- the Fisk Jubilee Singers to be Pfc. Marvin J. Jones of the United During the social hour delight- ville. and Mrs J. H Miller of given December 8. on Wed- States Army. Pfc. Jones is the son ful refreshments were served by Hickman are visiting their mother. Miss Joan Harrell, president of of good of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Jones of Ben- the hostesses to members and one Mrs. Pearl Jones of Lynn Grove. the club, presided at the meeting . wagon, ton. Route 1. Mrs. W. E. Hutton, Dickson. and Miss Gene Smith of Jeffer-v -nlion; I guest, Mis. Mack Stevenson of La Tenn., is visiting relatives and egistered . The single ring ceremony was Center. son. Ga., gave the devotional. Including solmnized on Saturday. November friends here this week. Miss Barbara Harris, Lynn A-Model 18. in the parsonage at Kirksey, by Pvt. James Adell Miller, who ar- Grove, was chosen as chairman of the Rev. H. P. Blankenship. Visits Here rived Friday night to attend the a committee to make plans to car- The only attendants were Mr. funeral of his mother. Mrs. Lillie ry books to patients at the clinic. and Mrs. Novis Jones af , Cole, will report to Fort Lewis, Miss Allie Mae Townsend, May- . Mr, Jones is a brother of the Wash.. November 24. Pvt. Miller field, had charge of the program. g*oom. was sapwbound^on his way home The second and fourth Tuesdays After a 10-day leave from his and th# funeral services were held at 5 o'clock were decided as the training camp in "Fort Benniirg, for Wurrival. regular days for the YWCA meet- Ga., Pfc. Jones will report back to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Collins, ings. Camp. Pauls Valley. OklaTT were guesls. M^s Jones will return to High- of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart Satur- Buy Bonds: 6th War Loan Drive. land Park, Mich., where she is now employed. Mrs. Jones is a graduate of Kirk- sey High School and Mr. Jones-at- tended Brewer High School.

MISS KEMP HONORED WITil GOING AWAY PARTY tyiss Mary Elizabeth Kemp of THE SHOW PLACE OF MURRAY Kirksey High School was honored BACK THE SIXTH WAR LOAN DRIVE with a surprise going away party on Monday night, November 6, THURS. & FRI SATURDAY ONLY at her home. « TUES. & WED Miss Kemp is leaving the Stella community to live-in Detroit where Yeoman Marjorie Bowden Is the SATURDAY ONLY her parents will jute-he^ in a few guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. An Island of Fun weeks.v R. L. Bowden, 1613 Farmer Ave, Those present were tthe honoree, on a short leave following her Mr. and Mrs. -Kemp, Lois Suiter, graduation. She will report with- In a Sea of Laughs! Ann Chester. Jimmie Rjpherson, few days to her post in Wash- Rebecca Waldrop^ Betty Lyles, ington. D. C. Lynda Darnell, Sue Garland, Mar- tha Mae Peq-y, La Rue Hall, Fran- AHOY ces Jean Horton, Estclle Hall. Charles Nanney, LoVell Adams. The Ledger Ray ^Broach, Clarence Horton, Clyde Johnson, Ted Ray Wilson Congratulates Macon' Blankenship, and 'Dean Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crouch have Wilton. a baby girl in their home, 'Little Games were directed' by -Ann Miss Peggy Leo was born October Chester, Jimmie Richerson ^ahd 20 at Herrin. 111., and weighed 6 Lois Suiter: The 4group furnished pounds and 7 ounces. the refreshments and cold drinks. Mr. Crouch is coach at Zeigler, On a palmy," 111 High School. He is a .graduate What they are contributing to the balmy isle of Murray State Col^ge "jashere he war effort. that's heoven was an outstanding {Jefcjter and »o yoor eyes During the- business session con- speaker. ducted by Miss Overall, the group —and music Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Crouch, voted to act as co-sponsor for the vto yaw eors. Lynn Grove, are the ^grandparents appearance o'f the Fisk Jubilee of the baby girl. Mrs. Crouch has Singers at the college auditorium returned from a visit with Mr. and on December 8, and also to lend Mrs. Crouch. assistance to the establishment of Cpl. and Mrs. Louis C. Kerlrck, a USO center on the campus. of San Antonio, Tex., announce the SUNDAY and MONDAY PLUS The Phantom A social hour followed the pro- birth of ai son, James Michael, orr gram when Miss Parker was guest Ocmber 28. in the Kelly Field of honpr at tea. Dainty refresh- Station Hospital. Mrs. Kerlick was SUNDAY and MONDAY ments were served in the dining the former Miss Bess Thurman, room frdm a beautifully appoint- daughter of M*"- a^d Mrs. Galen ed lace-covered table which held Thurman of this city. The pater- as centerpiece a bouquet of blue nal grandparent is Mrs. Leona "Ker- cornflours and yellow chrysan- lick of San Antbnio. Mrs. Galen thefnums flanked by yellow candles Thurman has returned "from a "in crystal holders. Mrs. M. G. three weeks visit with Cpl. and N Carman presided at the* tea table. Mrs. Kerlick

Girl Scout News

The Girl Scouts met Saturday afternoon at their Scout room. We found the mothers had fixed up the room. After our patrol meet- CONSTANCE trigs, each patrol chose a person MOORE to get-a game.- 'PAUL WHITEMAN We played "Cat and Mouse." ' ' and ORCHCS-TRA BRAD TAYLOR 'Three Deep," and others. CHARLEY GRAPfWIN Back the Attack Mrs. Dorman gave us a lot of • JERRY COLONNA candy. Then we had our good ALSOt Latest Newa PLUS: "How to Play .. HOBCRT | riSiimi AND: "Indoor Outing By Buying night circle. Football," and • ocir mat g I.ochie Fay Hart. Latest World News "Unusual Occupations' War Bonds! Troop Scribe.

*—r ** \ , : > COPY FADED l&rt* IVS.^ PAGE rom THE LEDGER L TIMES. MURRAY. KENTOCKT THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1944 — SEE MRS NEVIL WILLIAMS in1 a symphonic orchestra and the the Tiny Tot Shop (or sewing, al- Skating Vanities skating Vanitiea choir led by Earie lc per word. Minimum charga, terations and button holes. N23c McVeigh, a IUB—I sfii~ol THE S^ 35c. Terms, cask in advance for Potter Is Presented SEE US for grinding, crushing and ! In Louisville' _ Louis Municipal Opera^ — eacb insertion. CLASSIFIED ADS shop work.- Morgan s Mill. Ha- j Matinee performances on Satur- zel Ky. tf For Six Days day and Sunday afternoons. Mail e» Presidential Citation orders may be sent directly to FOR SALE-Enterprise, wood -coal SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ef "America's most lavish musical Skating Vanities, the Arrnw-v cook stove 508 North - Third —An authorized Singer service 1 - Wanted Notices production, Skating Vanities .of Louisville. Prices art 75c, 11 Street ip man will be in Murray every 1945, will be presented in the Jef- $1.50 and $1 95. all taxes included. • Wednesday -to repair and service MEN and WOMEN to supply foods, FISK JUBILEE SINGERS in Amer- ferson County Armory in Louis- FOR SALE—15 good ewes, one any and all make sewing ma- and ether-essential pro- ican Negro Folk Songs will be ville, for six days, starting Tuesday. bucjt jntitled to register See Mrs. chines. For service address a post- ducts to consumers. Full or part heard in the auditorium of Murray November 28. Ai Pearl Jones, Lynn Grove. Ky.. card to Singer Service or Gatlin lime Write at once —Raw leigh's. State College at 8 p m. December Route 1. lp Making its third appearance in 1* Beale. In care of thtf paper or to FARM PROPERTY DtJrt KYK 181*183, Freeport Til-' 8. 1944. This Is sponsored jointly the Kentucky metropolis, the cast Pa Pans. Tenn., giving name, address inois. lp by Douglas High School. Ameri- FOR SALE—Full line of see White or Poland China, weighing sales—Reserved seats $1: general Office Located in Reift of featured rolls are other skating never dry; on *ood gravel high- de about 50 to 75 pounds each —L. B admission 75c: students 50c; chil- AS A SPECIAL WARTIME SER- stfers. way In Graves County, 1 mile of Tinsley. Principal. lp Holland-Hart Drug Co. dren 25c. Prices at the door: Re- VICE to owners of ALL MAKES Skating Vanities boasts a precision Pilot Oak; mail, school and milk Residence Phone 341 route. Beautiful country bomr. TIMBER WANTED -Either stand- served seats $1 25; general admis- of cars. General Motors offers a of * 60 beautiful girls and lithe, hu Price $6.500—$2,300 cash; loan of ing or at railroads. Maley Ac sion $1; students 75c: children 35c. new edition of The Automobile handsome young men who form an \w- th< Wert z Lumber Co., Evansville, Above pri<£» Include tax. Tickets Users Guide, containing 196 prac- If You Want An appropriate background for the j $4,200 for 15 >ears. isk No. 461. 184 acre farm. 3 1-2 Ind . D7c may be had in advance by writing tical suggestions on such subjects stars and specialty acts in eev^n th. Miss Nadine Overall, College as how to get better gasoline OUTBOARD MOTOR production numbers which are di- miles southeast of Murray on erl Station. Murray, Ky., from any of economy, how to prolong tire life, —and who doesn't? vided into 30 scenes. The pictures good gravel road, mail and milk > l Lost and Found the above organizations, or from how^ to keep your car in ihe best are completed with appropriate route, good neighborhood, good 5 Operating condition, how to pre- Buy a War Bond of the Ledger & Times. D7c musical backgrounds furnished by room bouse, newly painted, new serve exterior finish, etc Porter Put it in a safe place and pin a roof, one front porch and screened for LOST— Ladies' black purse, con- note on it that says: "This is one for CARD OF THANKS ATTENTION LADIES who sew— Motor Company. tf in porch, good 3-room tenant house , taining War Stamp Book valued a new JOHNSON SEA HORSE 2 stock barns, one with 8 stalls and tht We are receiving for sale a few at $lf, and issued to Joan Crider; HAULING—I am now in position We wish to express our sincere shed, and one 4-stall; 2 tobacco ita new, Singer sewing machines for Ol'TBOARD MOTOR" also $5 00 in money, and other to. do general hauling, long or appreciation to our friends and barns, small orchard. 160 acres open fac items Lost between 305 S. 6th St. both farm and city use. No prior- short distance. See David Mor: neighbors and to,Bro. Harold Wat- land, plenty of outbuildings. Lo- ity needed Also several good Frank Holcomb, Agt. 1 and Blue Bird Cafe Reward Re- gan. East Highway. Telephone son and Mrs. Watson and to every- cated in one of best communities sai used machines. We deliver For at PORTER MOTOR CO turn to Mrs. Leon Crider at Blue 128 N23p one who has been so kind to us in Calloway County. Pffeeil "right. we information, torite or call Singer Bird Cafe. lc since we received the telegram No. 464. One 6-room house, elec- pr> Sewing Machine Co., 518 Broad- STREAMLINED WRECKER SER- ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE— which told us of the death of our tric lights, water in the house; ag- LOST—A four year old pointer way. Paducah Phone 3555 tf VICE. New equipment. 24-hour, We have a complete stock of re- son and brother while he was serv- built-in cabinets and closets: stock bird dog. Solid white with lemon fast, dependable Wrecker Service pair parts, brushes, bumpers, and ing in the South Pacific. barns; hen house and smoke house; ears; wears a collar bearing the POSITIVELY NO HUNTING al- Charges reasonable. Day phone 97, can giye quScCand efficient ser- That such kindness may attend 15 acres of good land facing on name of "H. G Dunn. Murray. lowed on this farm, day or night, Night phone 424—Porter Motor fiI vice on any type of fractional hp. you when sorrows overtake you is black top highway; half mile south Ky Finder notify H. G. Dunn, with dogs or gun—T. E. MbKin- Company, Chevrolet Sales and str motors. — Carter Service, Paris, our prayer. * * of midway. A real country home. and claim $10 reward. N30p ney. Hazel, Ky , Rt. 3. N23c Service. tf air Tenn. D7c Mrs. Marie Walston School route, milk and mail route. I Charles Hayden Walston. Wonderful neighborhood. $4,250. LOST—A white face Ivrrrord bull wh For Sale Possession in 30 days. an; calf, weight about 250 pounds. MEMORIALS Murray Breds, Tigers County Democrats to Number on calf is 619. Notify Ralph Wilford. Mayfieid. Ky. Rt. ! FOR SALE—Coal scuttles', at Wil- Calloway"«County Monument Com- Win Games Last" Name New CITY PROPERTY . pany, Vester A. Orr, sales mana- 4. or Murray Livestock Co., Mur- liams Metal Shop. Phone 317. No. 408. One 6-room house on Phone 85. West Main Street Week On Home Soil Officers ray, Ky N23p North 4th St lc South 11th Street, tmllt for duplex, Extended. tf • Murray rfigh School's Tigers" lot IMYIM) fret, nlreljr located FOR" SALE •AlUwnnl -bin**- cro- Seven homemakers of Franklin and Murray State College's Breds To the Democratic Voters of Newly papered and painted. Price cheted sets: sweater, and county who sold food at a curb both won their home- games last Calloway County: $3,500 Part rash, balance on terms. boots—pink blue and white. Call KEMP MOVING XNJX STORAGE market received $4,730 during the Friday night and Saturday after- No. 40V One nice tt-room house. or write Mrs George Shoemaker, COMPANY, Paris. Tennessee, li- Fellow Democrats, you past year. noon respectively. 2 1-3 acre, of land, other outbuild- Route 2, Hazel. Ky. lp censed operator in 10 states. House- are to meet at your respec- Jai hold goods moved with bonded Coach Hollands Tigers had lit- tive votinK precincts on Sat., ings, electric lights; half mile west of the college on Murray and FOR SALE—One good used con- van service in Kentucky, Tennes-. tle trouble in downing a. game December 2, at 2 p.m. for Jm crete mixer, size 5-S. Can be seen see. Arkansas. Alabama. Georgia, but light eleven from RussCllville Lynn Grove highway. Price J4.200. FURNITURE at Keys Store at Crossland. Ky.-*-* the purpose of electing your Possession in 30 daya. — South Carolina. North Carolina, by a score of 40-7. Tom Coving- precinct committeeman and Jm F. N. Travis. Paris, Tenn D7c Virginia, Missouri and Mississippi. ton scored four markers while No. 376. A nice 7 room house on Double Door Utility In the first Ceremony of its kind Wellington Potter, Rochester, N. Can operate in other states with Furgerson and Russell each added committeewoman. They will' ji •^ vine st. at 503. Built for two FOR SALE— Four registered Jer- F Cabinets few days*, advance "notice. CaH a tally to the total. ever held heri Wellington Harned Y is a graduate of Monroe High be elected for a period of families. Bullt-in-cabineta; large < sey cows, to freshen-itr next two Two Door Chifforobes Paris 861. Night phone 966. A-45 n .. a D School He enlisted May 23, 1941. four years, or until their suc- closets. get-In bathtub, nice months. .Two registered Jersey The Tigers rest this week in Potter, Aviation Radioman First __ __ IA ...... J .. . . screened In back porch and nice Fel Breakfast Room Suites heifers, not bred. Reason for sell- preparation for their annual Tur- Th* citation said the unit with cessors are elected. The front porch. Nice garage and Upholstered Chairs, Rockers Class, (above, right) was present- ^hich potter was radiomajl press_ ing going to army. — Tommy key Day clash with the Grove newly elected committee will chlckrn house. SSilOO. Half cash, ed November 4 with the Presi- t»d hewpe a vigorous offensive which Fel Folding Clothes Dryers Starks. 1 mile and a half south of High gridders Paris. Tenn,, meet the following Saturday MONUMENTS dential Unit Citation awarded to was largely responsible for the balance on terms. Drum Tables Lynn Grove. lp which will be played in Paris No- the unit of which he was a mem- complete withdrawal of ho«tile-U- at the Court House at 2 No. 462. One 5-room house h Fel Coffee Tables Murray Marble Gran!te Works, vember 30. Both teams go into ber "for outstanding performance Boats from the vital supply ai^a p.m. for the purpose of elect- Almo; a chicken house, stock bant; Card Tables FOR SALE— "36 model Chevrolet East Maple St.. near Depot. Tele- the annual classic with outstand- during anti-submarine operations of the United States-North Africa ing the chairman of the fine well water and about three- Fd Smoking Stands , sedan^ good and good condi- phone 121. Porter White and L. D ing records and a thrilling en- jn mid-Atlantic from July 27. supply route. County Democratic Execu- quarter acres of land. Two screen- tion—100 East Poplar St. lp Outland, Managers. tf counter is predicted. Table Lamps ed in porches; electric lights, lias Fel 1943". Later, the citation said, subma- tive Committee!, who will Pyrex Glass Ware FOR SALE—One Westinghouse gas stove that goes with the plafr WELDING S^tVICE—The Murray The Breds', who have won four Lt. Edward C. Keefe, (dbove rlnes returned with deadlier also serve for four years, or Mattresses electric stove; twin beds with coil Price $*250. • Fel Welding Service is equipped to straights aftpr losing their first left,) commanding officer of the weapons and the Task Unit wrest- until his successor is elected. springs, one typewriter table; ~one_ Coal and Wood Heatera handle any welding job. including two encuu*»4ers—of 4he season, let Naval Academic Refresher Unit at ^d the initiative from the enemy small dining room piece; one 9x12 The present precinct com- *— If you have property "lo sell Fel aluminum and white metal; gas go with their power last Saturday Murray, presented the citation, in before actual inception of pro Oil Cook Stoves wool rug —See Mrs. Ethel Lassi mittee will "often the meet-' or rent or if you are In the and electric. I have had 17 years to defeat a good Illinois Wesleyan a formal ceremony in Cutchin sta- jected large-scale attacks. "Its Stove Boards ter. 114 N. 14th St. Telephone ing and organize a tempor-' market to buy or rent, see * Stove Pipes, Elbows, and of experience in the welding field. aggregation 26-6. dium just before the opening kick- distinctive fulfillment of difficult 326-R. lc off of the Murray-Milligan College and hazardous missions contribu- ary committee that will !n[ ihe —Murt'ay Welding Shop, located at The Thoroughbreds haye made Dampers football game. The Marine Corps, ted materially to victorious, turn elect avt^mporary chair-, A. L. RHODES f WILL SELL-L C. Smith double- 520 South 4th. Telephone 760 — brilliant progress and have dis- Fire Shovels, Pokers Naval V-5 Unit, and College band achievements bji our land forces" man. If present committee- Rental and Real Estate Sales 513 barrel. 20-guage hammerless shot- W R Hall. _ tf played a well-balanced team with stood at attention and spectators Radioman Potter, as a member knen will call I will give them ror gun in perfect condition. Also a speed and power. Coach Roy A, L RHODES C. W. RHODES arose in recognition of Potter dur- of the crew of that vessel, is en vill Douglass Hardware good as new electric heater suita- BEFORE THE HOLIDAY RUSH— Stewart and Assistant Coach John blanks to use in making out Murray. Kentucky ing the ceremony. titled to wear a blue enamel star _BSLL. ble Jyr bath room— B, O. Langs- We can now refinish, overhaul or Miller are pleased with the unique reports. Telephone 249 Company completely rebuild your refrigera- Potter, the son of Mr, and Mrs. on the ribbon bar. Ea.« ton Phone 362. lp progress of the squad. • or sec — tor, household or commercial, like Be; Telephone 53 The Breds play their final game LUTHER ROBERTSON 1. M. MARSHALL FOR SALE—One dinette suite, wal- new. Call us for-an estimate. Tel- ( of the season here next Saturday Democratic Chairman Haiel Kentucky nut; four chairs, brocade cushions; ephone 18.:-^Carter Electric -Ser- Ens. Fred Shultz .LoI afternoon at 2 o'clock when they one bulfette. Must sell at once— vice, Paris, Tenn. D7c Calloway County Mc meet Miilsaps College of Jackson, Home After Five WAR BONDS am leaving Monday. — Mrs. Eula Cai Will Sell Miss. Mae Doherty at J. T. Workman's, FOR YOUR FALL SEWING, rent Month On Pacific ( MEAN jJORL THAN A Route 1, near Penny. lc a Singer sewing machine. 5 00 per Mi: DECEMBER 1 month. We deliver. For informa- Casualty Reports! Ensign Fred Shultz, Jr., son of Rol • GOOD INVESTMENT FOR SALE—60-acre farm, 18 acres tion call or write Singer Sewing | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shultz, Farmer in timber Has new 4-room house, Machine Co., 518 Broadway. Pa- If you have a casualty in your Avenue, is home after five months good tobacco barn, smoke house, VANCLEAVE SCHOOL ducah. Phone 3555. ' -tf family, please see that this in the South Pacific Theater of Op- chicken house, good well. Locat- erations. He wears the South Pa- Air Mail HOUSE and GROUNDS will newspaper is given the facts ed on good gravel road. Bus POST WAR. As soon as available connected with It. Each week cific Theater ribbon with two stars LOOK! LOOK! be sold at public auction route and. school route. Half we will have a complete line of the War Department is sending for major engagements. He saw ac- mile west of Murray-Benton high- Westinghouse Electrical Appliance. DECEMBER 1 messages about tbe servicemen. tion at Guam, Guadalcanal, Siapan Will Pay Caah Delivered way,"half mile from Dexter. See also complete line of Gas applian- We have no way of accurately and Palieu. Fri. - Sat., NOT. 24 - 25 Clay ThomSsson, 503 North Fourth ces to be used with Shellane Bot- 1:30 P. M. at the school reporting such news in the Ensign Shultz, a popular young St ationery Street. N30p tied Gas. Purdom Hardware, North Heavy Hena . 24c house paper uness we are given the man of Murray, attended Murray 5th Street tf facts. We would appreciate the State'College priorlo enlistment in Leghorn Hena 20c This house is a two-room HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE picture of those men who are the Navy. He was commissioned Fryer, . , . 26c building witti a lot of good RECAPPING and and vacuum sweeper repaired by killed in this war. Ensigrt at Columb)a University in JUST THE RIGHT THING to use in lumber in it. February '44. and was -stationed at Roosters . 12c VULCANIZING Singer guaranteed service. We are Egga 42c writing those overseas letters to him. in your towij once each .week. For Fort Lauderdale. Fla., before going Remember the date and bid,' Happy Birthday! Comes with 150 sheets and 75 envel- ONE DAY SERVICE information call or write Singer to sea. He will be in Murray until on this building the tenth of December when he Boggess Produce Co. To be Repair large Injuries Sewing Machine Co., 518 Broad- opes plus a guide to tell you how November 15* will report to the West Coast for i St. • Grade 1 Tires way; Paducah. Phone 3555. tf Phone 441 many sheets yon may write for 6e or Mrs! T. H. Stokes further assignment. -v.-.. • Used Tires | UNWANTED H A^I R REMOVED November 16 «e. Ol'R SPECIAL PRICE WHILE Prentice L. Lassiter • First Line Tubes from face, arms, and legs by the TOJO Coyington THEY LAST . V . Superintendent | modern method of Electrolysis- — November 18 HALE SERVICE approved by physicians. This Letricia Outland Calloway County STATION i mHhod is permanent and pain- November 28 COTTON GOODS CONDITIONS | less. Cyrene Williams, R.N., Phone Miss Liza Spann Schools East Highway "**" ( 182.:W S28 Mrs George Hart Plenty of cotton, scarcity of labor, little hope of Improved Vernon *Cole supply before the first quarter of 1945—that depends on pro- November 30 gress of the war. Our people may help themselves by using Mrs Kate Kirk anything to make out with. Remake, patch up. buy edds and $1.98 r ends that you can make out with. The nlMi in the service are having to have much more clothinjr than last winter; the neces- oifit of every 100 men Murray Live Stock Company Seventeen sity for tents to house army and refugees is enormous. We can in our armea forces need new make out some way and let the boys and girls in service have The Beit Market in West Kentucky ^ shoes every m6n\h. Soldiers on w hat they need. ~ « • — combat dutjy frequently wear out - - — , AUDREY W. SIMMONS, Owner-Manager shoes in two weeks. All should respect the efforts of tbe O.P.A. In trying to ra- tion for distribution and price control. Every Day Stationery SALES EACH TUESDAY AT 2;00 O'CLOCK A HANDIPAK THAT CAN BE USED FOR ALL The Navy asks for delivery between January and June. REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE For the Highest Prices, Sell Your Stock Here . 19 million pairs of drawers and 25 million handkerchiefs. Of course there will be need for all kinds of garments, not only a 50 Sheets Lightweight Paper for the Navy but all other branches of the Army. I am quoting e 25 Regular Envelopes from a trade journal., only to show what seems necessary for the public to consider in the immediate future — in need of a 5 Airmail Envelopes SALES REPORT FOR NOV. 21, 1944 VEALS: cotton or work clothing, sheetings, towels and window curtains. a 1 Guide Line Spacer a 1 1944 Calendar, ALL FOR No. 1 Veals 14.00- * We are working with you In the best way we can. The 50c Total Head Sold . 703 No. 2 Veals 12.00- some Is true of all merchants. Throwouts 4.10- 11.00 We have received 10 dozen overalls; but no use adverUs- Short Fed Steers 11.50- 13:00 tag — all will be gone In a few days. Just come In to see us every' time you are in town. We will have something for you. Iiaby Beeves 12.00- 14.00 HOGS: Other Stationery at 50c and SI.25 13.80- Lot of people appreciate the Concord road, but nary a Fat Cows 7.50- "9.50 180 to 270 pounds possum have I received yet For Gifts or Own Use 271 to 350 pounds 13.35- Canners and Cutters 3.50- 7.00 2—STORES—2 155 to 175 pounds 13.00- Bulls 5.50- 7.50 125 to 150 pounds 11.80- LEDGER & TIMES Milk Cows, per head '21.50-125.00 Roughs 8.00- 12.85 T. O. TURNER


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;MBF.R 23, 1944 Not Everybody in Calloway County Subscribes SECTION TWO — SIX PAGES lo The Ledger Jt Times, *gmm urrhnlrj and the But Nearly Everybody Reads 111 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1944 it choir led by Earle *xul i»rrt the St •1 Opera. - formance. on Satur. MUST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tMimwl C. Mi Krr P tutor Deacons Of First Baptist Church Have Dinner Meeting my afternoons Mail WINTER QUARTER >e sent direcUy to me*, the Arnu.iv 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m College Class taught by mt TO BEGIN JAN. 2 •ices art 7Jc, (1 X. i, all taxes included. Miss Weihing 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Ser- Plans Made For Students vices To Register Before ^ Leaving v„ Sermon by the pastor: Op- For Christmas Holidays PROPERTY FIRST METHODIST CHURCH MURRAY CHURCH OF CHRIST portunities" T. H. Mullins. Jr., Minister Sixth snd Msple Streets 4:30 p.m. Senior High Fellowship / January 2 is the official date for l-acre farm, all good Harold Watson, Minister 6 45 pjn. Westminster FellowshM he commencement of the winter WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m M tuarter. Plans are being made for 1 been lipied, one 7- 9 45 A M Sunday School EL ood chicken house, 1 Week Prayer Meeting BibL udents how enrolled at Murray' 10:50 A M. Morning Worship I Bible study at 9:45 a.m. one SsUll stock study, Ephesians >tate to complete their registration 6 00 P.M. Methodist Youth Fel- j Worship with communion at irge sheds on each jore leaving home for the Christ- lowship I 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Subject: I of water, fine pond \%>jtt as holidays. 0 30 P.M. College Vespers J "Vows." MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH n good gravel hlgh- 7 00 P.M. Evening Worship ' Young 'people meeting at 6:30 I. W. Rogers, Pastor The. schedule for the winter quar- ?s County, 1 mile of E B. Howton.- Sunday School^ Sup- p.m. • is now in the hands of the ail, school and milk erintendent Sunday School—9:30 a.m. inter. Each student should con- iful country homr. • Prayer meeting Wednesday Ev- G. B. Ford. Superintendent of Wors-hip—10:45 a.m. Sermon bj It his. adviser as soon as the $2,300 cash; loan of ening at 7 30 . Adult Division the Pastor. Sedule is pleased. rears. We cotdially invite you to at- Max Hurt, Superintendent ot tend all services. Group Prayer services and Young :^The calendar: •» 84 acre farm, 3 1-2 Youth Division Peoples Meeting—6:45 p.m. 'anuary 2—Registration ist of Murray Miss Kathleen Patterson, Superin- Worship—7:30' p.m. Sermon by "ajmary 3—Classwork begins 'oad, mail and milk •ff tendent of Childrtn FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH the Pastor, "anuary 8—Last day to regist v elghborhood, good 5 Mrs O. T Hicks. Director of Wes- Charles Thompson, Pastor WEDNESDAY: :eiit newly painted, new ley Foundation and College 2:00 p.m—Woman's Missionary :rch 17 Quart:r en's t porch and screened p • • Choir Church Sphool 9:45 a.m. W. Z. Society meeting at the church 3-room tenant house. > j Carter, Superintendent. 7:30 p.m—Prayer Meeting. one with 8 stalls and Curtis Hughes, Minister of Music, Morning Worship—10:55 a.m. 8:30 p.m—Teachers' Meeting. uitman Denham, e 4-stall: 2 tobacru and Organist Pastor will preach. Special music rchard, 160 acres open W. J. Caplinger, Chairman -of the { Oklahoma, Visits under direction of Prof. 4^rle Kes- of outbuildings. Lo Board of Stewards ELM GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH ler, Mrs. Frances Johnson, Organ- Relatives Here of best communities The MethdUist Church is the L. T. Daniel, Pastor It. ^ Reading from left on front row: A. B. Lassiter, L. L. Dunn, J. T. ^ounty. Prlee^' right. "Church of the People" and' not Hughes, Tremon Beale, The Rev. B. B. Sawyer, pastor of the church, Youth Fellowship — 6:30 p.m. 1 Quitman Denham, native of te 6-room house, elec- the church of the^ theologians and Sunday School.1 10 00 a.m. Har- W. T. Sledd, W. M. Caudill. J. Ira Fox. Dr. H. M. McElrath. Rev. B. B. Sawyer Is Mrs. John W. Reaves, Student 225 ATTEND FARM Calloway, was a visitor in th§ ater in the house; the dogmatists. Its doors are ever din Morris, superintendent Work Director. All young people I Back row: R. W. Churchill, J. W. Outland. Vester Orr. Gus Robert- Conducting Revival in county this week. He visited here ets and closets: stock open to any who desire to wor- Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m invited. son. Dr O. C. Wells, Hall Hicks. Fred M. Gingles. R. H. Falwell. Hunter two years ago, 4>ut has resided in use and smoke housr; ship God in spirit and in truth. Training Union, 6:30 p.m., J. J. Paducah Nov. 20-30 Evening worship service 7:30 BUREAU BANQUET Love. A. L. Bailey was the only member of this board absent. Oklahoma for the past 30 years good land facing on Roberts, director > jj.m. The pastor will preach. ( Rev. Brtixton B. Sawyer, pastor and resides in Oklahoma City. He lway; half mile south FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. Prof Kessler will lead the singing. FRIDAY NIGHT In the framed picture in the background are deacons of earlier years: of the First Baptist Church, of is accountant for the Santa Fe t real country home, Braxton B. Sawyer, Pastor Mid?week prayer service at 7:00 'the former pastor now deceased. They are: 'Top row, from left: Wednesday Evening, 7:30. Prayer Murray, is conducting a^xevival Railroad. milk and mail route, Miss Mabel Whiteker, Secretary p.m. Wednesday. ; W. T. Sledd. W. Clint Jones. A. B. Lassiter. service and Bible Study, the Pas- meeting at the Twelfth Strt^t' Bap- He is visiting his sisters, Mrs. leighborhood. $4,250 Phone 75 W.M.U. meets each second and Middle row: Barber McElrath. H. B. Taylor, pastor, Dr. O. B. Irvan. tor in charge. Service Farmers 30 days. fourth Wednesday. tist Church, in Paducah, 'Novem- Popie Pate, Murray. Mrs. J. C. Bottom row: W. G. Love. Dr. W. H. Graves and J. H. Churchill. Of ber 20-30 Farmer, of the county, Mrs. F. M. Dewey Ragsdale, S. S. Supt R.A., G.A., and Y.WA meet Given Memberships; this group Mr. Sledd and A. B. Lassiter are the only two living mem- Lockhart, Graves county; and 'ROPERTY Ronald Churchill. T. U. Dir. AIMO CIRC L IT Wednesday night Rev. George Phillips, pastor of Stanford Spoke bers, and are active members of the board of deacons. brothers. Wheeler, Hazel, and Ethel Chaney, Student Secretary L. R. Putnam. Pastor the Twelfth Street Baptist Church, me 6-room house on Judge Denham of Sedalia. MORNING DEDICATORY SERVICES FOR The above picture was made November 6 when Mr. and Mrs. A. B. was a classmate of Rev. Sawyer's reet, built for duplex, Two hundred twenty-five Callo- Lassiter entertained the board at their home two miles east of Murray. Sunday School" * 9:30 a.m. PENTICOSTAL CHURCH TO while they were in the Southern He has three sons in the service. eet, nicely located Worship Services: way Farm Bureau enthusiasts at* The regular bnsiness session was held after dinner. Morning Worship 10:45 am. BE HELD NOVEMBER. 28-30 Baptist Theological Seminary, Two of them are in the Navy and d and painted. Price First Sunday. Temple Hill, at 11 tended the annual banquet Friday EVENING Louisville. met in the Pacific six weeks ago. ash. balance on terms, o'clock and at Independence, 2:45 night at the Woman's Club house Training Union Three-day dedication service of Not having met for two years, they le nice 8-room house, 6:15 p.m. p.m. fnd heard J. E. Stanford, execu- Clerical Help Needed Calvin Key, Hazel, Evening Worship the Penticostal Church, located at did not recognize each other at land, other outbuild- 7:30 p.m. Second Sunday, Russells Chapel tive secretary of the Kentucky James Burkeen, FFA Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 Second and Chestnut streets, will By Army Service first. The other son is a lieuten- lights; half mile west at 11 a.m. „ Farm Bureau give an inspiring ad- Is Contest Winner p.m. be observed November 28. 29 and Member, Wins Award ant in the Army. The sons are e on Murray and Third Sunday, Brooks Chapel dress. Rudy Hendon. president Forces in Washington James C. Denham, S 5-c, Pacific, 30. A cordial invitation to all to Dr. R. H Woods, Director of Vo- ilghway. Price $4,200. at 11 am. presided. The membership goal Dr R. H Woods, Director of Vo- Lt Archie Lee Denham. A.P.O., attend the dedicatory services. cational Agriculture, announced at 30 days. — KIRKSEY CIRCUIT Fourth Sunday, Temple Hill, 11 fox this year is 300. Several hundred. Clerks, Stenog- | cational Agriculture, announced1 at New York, and Charles W. Den- nice 7 room house on Rev. H. P. Blankenshlp, Pastor a.m. and Bethel, 2:45 p.m. raphers, and Typists are needed by the State Convention at Lexington, Vester Orr led in the group Sing- the State Convention at Lexing- ham, S 1-c, Pacific. at 503. Built for two Every one is invited to attend the Army Services Forces in Wash- ton. Ky.. that Calvin Keys of the Ky.. that James Burkeen of the FALSE TEETH ing. J. H. Doran, secretary, gave Murray Training Chapter of the Mr. Denham was in this office ilt-in-cabinets; large Worship Services: the worship services. ington. D. C., C- Wesley Waldrop. Hazel Chapter of the Future Farm- That Loosen the membership report; Max Hurt Future Farmers of America had visiting with friends, and sub- t-in bathtub, nice First Sunday, Kirksey. al 11:00 First Quarterly Conference will Secretary, Board of U.S. Civil ers of America had won first place led fn prayer; and C. O. Bondur- won first place in the Purchase Dis- scribed to the Ledger & Times. He tack porrh and nice a.m.; Cole's Camp Ground, 3 p.m. meet Saturday, December 9, at Need Not Embarass Service Examiners, announced to- in the Purchase District in the Many wearers of false teeth have ant introduced the speaker. ± trict in the Farming Achievement wants to keep up with his friends- Nice rarage and and Mt. Hebron at 7 p.m. Temple Hill at 11 o'clock. Dr. day. Farming Achievement Contest in suffered real embarrassment be- Mr. Stanford rgave a talk that Contest in Poultry, sponsored ^>y and their families. e. $3800. Half rash, Second Sunday: Coldwater. at Robert A. Clark will preach. Office workers are needed 4o Hogs, sponsored by the Sears, Roe- cause their plate dropped, slipped advocated further strengthening of the Kroger Grocery and Baking rnjs. 11:00 a.m. and Mt. Carmel at 7:00 handle contract terminations, stock buck and Company. or wabbled at just the wrong time. the Federated Farm Bureau pro- Company. BuV Bonds: 6th War Loan Drive ne 5-room house ^ p.m. 8L Lee's Catholic Cbnrch Do not live in fear of this happen- control, maintenance and reclama- gram. He reviewed in a humor- ,en house, stock barn: Third Sunday: Mt. Hebron, at North Twelfth Street ing to you. Just sprinkle a little tion of material, hospitalization of ous way the growth of the agricul- ter and about three- 11:00 a.m. and Kirksey at 7 p.m. FASTEETH, the alkaline (non-acid) battle casualties, and partial de- tural program and showed means of land. Two screen- Fourth Sunday: Mt. Carmel at Services are held each Sunday powder, on your plates. Holds false mobilization. The salary scale for teeth more firmly, so they 14eI of making developments in the fu- ; electric lights. Has 11:00 a.m.; Cole's Camp Ground, is follows: the positions ranges from $1752 more comfortable. Does not sour. ture. He SRoke to this group at- I goes with the plat*- 3 p.m.; and Coldwater at, 7 p.m. First third, and fifth Sundays to $1971 a year, including over- Checks "plate odor" (denture the banquet last year. He praised Fifth Sunday: Cole's Camp at 10 o'clock; second and fourth time. Transportation- wity be paid breath). Get FASTEETH at any the farmers for their part in the Ground at 11 a.m. Sundays at 8 o'clock. drug store. to Washington. D. C. >ve property-'to sell war program and^told them their If you are in the responsibility w^fs that of produc- Intersted persons may contact iny or rent, see ing food, sheh^r, clothing a,nd fuel C. W. Waldrop at the Murray from the sojr PostoffiQe from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All appointments must comply RHODES W. S. JFitts, Pottertown. recog- with WMC regulations with the I Real Estate Sales nized for his work in soil conserva- exception of World War II vet- tion, was introduced as the oldest S C. W. RHODES erans who are not required to com- Farjn Bureau member present at »y, Kentucky ply. banquet. Joe Dick, son of Euin •phone 249 k. was named the youngest Taz Ezell, Baron Palmer,- Ray or see member in the county. MARSHALL Brownfield, Leland Perry Hendon, s| Kentttcky Memberships «to the farmers - in Estil Nofsinger, Coleman McKeel, the service were subscribed at the 1 James Brandon, Merlin Washer, banquet. Those men whose mem- j Leon Winchester, Herbert James berships were recorded are:s | Dick, Rob Gingles. Ortis Guthrie, Wayne Dyer, Billie Tidwell. Theron Clark, Ortis Key.' James | James G. Wilson. Albert L. Wilson, Outland, Charles Outlafid. T.-jster Wilson, John Lassiter, Al- j. Joe T. Lovett, James Sherill vin Edward Jones. I Outland, Rafe Brooks, Duyon Herman Kelly Ellis. Bill Ed Hen- ' Morris. Joe Parker McCuiston. il; don. W. T. Downs. Curtis R, Pal- Carman Parks, Bobbie Reed Gro- raer, James Pierce, Randall Pat- san. Hard iman Hendon. God's One Plan O! Salvation terson, W. D. McCuiston, Brooks One' hundred eighteen members Moody, N. P. Paschall, Jr., Thos. were enrolled in the Farm Bureau When the Israelites came to the banks of the He required Naamaiman the Leper to obey the Chesley Scruggs, Clarence Perry.I gt the banquet. Cleo ^ Grogan. F. H. Spiceland, Red Sea they were and had been' believers in command to dip In ttie river r Jordan seven Beale Outland. Buy Bonds: 6th War Loan Drive ry God for many years. "By faith he forsook times to be healed ot4he leprosyle] . Egypt ... by faith they passel through the / Red Sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians He requireluired ,4he believinbellev g Jews to march to use in assaying to do were drowned." Hebrews around thlie waill s of JerichJ*rich o thirteen times be- WELLS HALL MEMORY PLATES 11:27-29. But they were not saved until they rs to him. fore the waMs fell down. Nothing Is ever ac- had turned away- from Pharaoh, had come to complishe

COPY FADED P^t? (Vsivj J r


THE LEDGER & TIMES List Y OUT Blfiitnfi Blood River News I Maritime Servicc PI •• l»HI II BY THK •< AIXOWAl ri lU loMIM. IIIXriKV This is Thankaeiviair week. We are not obwrviny ttT, v—lc<1 ^ 1 SSUCH I 'riicnt Call for TOWN AND FARM IN WARTIME . I I.-IJWW of The Murray Ledger. Tar Calloway Tint* and The this as th>' excluaive time for giving thanks, bat in at- I „„ wnii. Friday Men Between 17-50 Prepared- By IB* Baral Pma H.Hlaa al OWI T imHVr..M Oct 30 1W» and Th, Weal Kentuckian Jan IT. 1M1 cordance with the traditional date when our forefatlier.- LuciUr Bucy In Man » PERCY WILUAMS. PUBLISHER met and ottered thank* for blewing*. we dedicate this ,m Uiuhatl Mrs jokmuc Sin. Urging aU man between 17 and •CMINUBBH poets Of the total of placements. mon. and Mia. Camlllia Todd wore ! " tu <•"««**' enlistment in the MEATS. FATS Red Stamp. A« 11.4®: involved disabled veterans MRS CEOBGE HART EDITOR | apecial season. i, Karh year aince the 1'iltrrinis offered the firat Thanka-!Murray rrmr and .ailed to • j, Kaiiuc. Warrant Officer through Z» and AS through PS whoar skills aptiludes and expvri- Cramer. Martian. Ser- good indefinitely The four red enees enabled them to perform Pt-D Halted Every Thursday Noon at 103 North Fourth Si Murray..Ky giving prayer* on our land we observe the harveat season j Vaughn on North j" vice enrolling officer revealed that stamps validated October 28 total many types of productive work Em, red at the Post Office Murray Kiwiafcj. fflr TVanamisnofi as »s tbr time for community and national thanka. Fourth street 35 US cargo ships were delayed ing 40 red points will have to last — a Sedond Claaa Matter Thi* yaar we are trouble with the dirtrea* of War J^V*" and A5 of waste paper during the two ing office in the Faller Building at that blesamgs come from misfortunes It takes time to aJK, sevaral others lald ,,ff through W4. guild indefinitely No months drive of August and Sep- 8th and Walnut Streets. Cincin- proVe this is true. We have blessings in disguise, and 1 from work at Bvansviiic in last new stamps until December 1. tember As a result, says J. A THE KEXTl t KY rKESS ASSOCIATION naU. daily transfers qualified ap- week Mr Lovins attended SUGAR—Sugar stamps JO. 31, 32 *rug. chairman of the War Pro- AUDIT iikcAi «*• rnnunoss blessings evident. plicants to the ten-thousand man and 33, each good for five pounds duction Board, about U.000 Scouts It is well at this season of the year to make a list of services at First' Baptist Church training station at Sheepahead Subscription Rates:—In Calioway and Adjoining Counties. indefinitely. Sugar stamp 34 be- and Cubs throughout the country 00 a Year. In Kentucky. «J0. Elsewhere, *3»0 the blessings that we have. We will be surprised at the Sunday Bay, New York for a 13-week \yill qiyilify for the individual WPB Cpl Lanls Mitchell of Long came good November 16 and re- $1 00 per year to Service Men Anywhere letigth of this list. First we must recognize that the year course of instruction prior to as- award. He callcd the number Island. N V. writes his mother mains good indefinitely. Sugar of 1S44 has been good to us in that we have been spared signments aboard ocean-going ves- eligible for the individual award AdveAising Rales and Information About Call^vay County Mrs Monnie Mitchell, that the U90 stamp 40, good for five pounds of sels. "an astounding fact when we con- Markets' Furnished Upon Application an invasion of our land by war. We have been blest was almost like being at home canning sugar through February sider that it required a certified m-ith a taste of victory in the present war. We are nearer Several of his letters were writ • 28, 1M5 We reserve the right lo reject any Advertising. Letters to tbe Editor 1.000 pounds of waste paper col- peace than we were at this time last year. We are blessed ten from uso Cpl Mitchell GASOLINE—A-13 coupons iji or Public Voice items which in our opinion U not lor the belt interest Lassiter Hill News lected and moved to the waste by the small percentage of casualties of this war. will be home on furlough very new ration book good for four of our readers -* • paper dealers in order to earn this We have the blessings of a beautiful harvest, with soon and will visit his uncle Ted gallons through December 21. Lewis and family of Akron, O.. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Byars and individual award." prosperity here at home, a democratic government, free- FUEL OIL—Penoa « and 5 cou- "My Thinking . .. My Money .. . My Time" and listers and families, Mr and granddaughter, Rama Sue Morris, —^ dom of religion, freedom of thought and speech; schools pons from last heating season, and Mrs Orvis Wilson of Highland shopped in Hazel Saturday. Public Asked To Help Doctors * • . • i •period 1 coupons from new heating for our children; and the blessing of being an American. Park. Mich . and Mr and Mrs El- Mrs. J. P. Wicker and daughter The necessity of everyone of us The Sixth War Loan Drive is on. It started Novem- season good throughout present Of course we have trials, misfortunes, and bitter ex- mur Rodriquez of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. Ruholph Key to cooperate with the medical pro- ber 20 and will continue through December 16. periences that are common to all humanity. Yet we have Pvt Mason Hutson and Mrs Friday. hi^iireaa, , a _ | fession in order to keep to a min- It will take the combined efforts of all Calloway to the ability to recognize the good gifts that come with the SHOES—Airplane stamps 1, 2 | .imu m the demandj s on our phy„u„ - Hutson and children returned Mrs Odie Morris had a tooth and 3 in book three, good indefi- put the quota of S360.000 over the top. The Ledger & d*awn Wednesday. sicians is urged by Paul V. Mc- bitter disappointments. We are a nation that is mindful from Ploriday last week Pvt nitely. Time* this week is doing all possible to start the first Nutt, Chairman of the War Man- of the bounteous opportunities. We are a people who will Hutson will return to camp in a Mrs. Mary Catherine Wicker has week off with a boost for the campaign. All advertising few days. Mrs Hutsoii and chil- power Commission. Pointing out take time to express thanks for all things, not just this purchased a radio. Tenant Fanners Get Fertilizer solicited for this week was War Loan Bond material. dren will reside with her parents that about 1.500 physicians had week, but daily will our God know the heartfelt recogni- Rama Sue Morris spent part of Price Aid died on the home front during the In our opinion that was the most fitting thing that tion of the blessings that are ours. Mr and Mrs. Wade Oliver, of last week visiting her grandpar- Landlords selling fertilizers to first six months of this year, Mr. we tould do this week of Thanksgiving. This community Murray who moved from Hazel ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Byars. This week there were hearts made thankful because ienant farmers cannot charge more McNutt said, "All over the nation is thankful for the privilege of cooperating with our gov- recently. ~ O. T. Paschall was in Paducah of the news from the War Department that a missing thpn the applicable retail ceiling our doctors are sacrificing (hem- eftiment in the program to keep down inflation and to The writer wishes all persons in Friday. youth in the Third Army fighting in German territory, is price of these products. Office of selves to help us do a magnificent lend money to a cause that will hasten the end of'the war. service far and near all the richest Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cosby were Price Administration has ruled. a German prisoner. We are thankful that he. is not dead. job." Good war news from the various fronts has been a = blessings on Turkey Day. in Hazel Saturday: Mrs. Charles An additional mark-up by land- joy. yet in a handicap at home. As our men close in OIL We are thankful for the information that German officers —Ole Maid Morris spent the past two weeks lords never was authorized, the Germany and strike increasingly forceful blows against treat our American prisoners decently. with relatives at' Lynn Grove. agency stated. To make this Thairksgiving season one that is ac- Mrs. Franklin Wicker and daugh- To the People J&pan. the thoughtless are inclined to believe the'neces- ter are visiting relatives in Detroit Cigarette* To Go UnraUoned sity for war financing is ended. The facta, as you know, ceptable in the sight of our Master, we must 1>rove our S. Pleasant Grove Mrs. Gertie Puckett visited her of this Community The shortage of cigarettes ex- "tall a different story- Our responsibility to keep faith with thankfulness by our actions. We must be obedient to his mother, Mrs. Rosie Wicker, Friday OI Joe In his Pacific foxhole— perienced throughout the country- oar armed forces and to continue^) supply them, jvith the laws and make the best of every day by holding to the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Irwin were Mr. and Mrs. Odie Jforris and maybe he is your brother, hus- reflects the bad distribution due band. sweetheart or friend—is week-enp visitors with their uncle family visited Mr. and Mrs. Mor- material they need is greater-now than ever. principles of right living. Even though we are in a war to war time conditions and the listening in on you today. Dr Clemet Ellis and family of ris Lamb Monday. Lamb has been The American people must continue to participate that is tearing into the very* hearts of our homes, let's be fact that the armed forces are now He knows you Lexington. home on a 15-day furlough but he have a date with liberally in .War Bond purchases in order to finance the thankful for what we have. smoking a fourth of the country's fclayton Orr received hospital went back Saturday to the hospital a Victory Volun- total production, but no rationing teer, a neighbor vfir and control inflation. treatment at Murray Saturday but for Hreatment. j wealth, and. gossip seated in the of them is contemplated, the Of- with a War Bond The Sixth War Loan is "My Thinking .;. . My Money was able to return home late in Mrs. J. P. Wicker and daughter order in his or Letter to The Editor hearts of men and women in home fice of Price Administration states . . . My Time . . . will stay in this war to the finish." This visited this week in the home of her hand. The communities all over the world lhe afternoon, The War Food civilian and soldier two of you may 262 N. Olive St Mr and Mrs J O Paschall. should be the expression of all Americans. are the principles that cause, ^ Erwin and Lt Warren Er- consi/hiption is the greatest in the talk it over at Ventjira, Cat!!. win Mrs. Foy visited this week end world Wars People are happy attended services at Pleasant history of the tobacco industry' your work with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. bench, In your Charity and personal force are the only investments Editor. Ledger & Times only when they can be big enough Grove Sunday morning, Only a negligible amount of tax- Frank Kuykendall office or in your worth anything. Dear Editorr-" -''— • to overlook and forget the blun A"er church services Sunday, free cigarettes is sent abroad for , home. Will GI Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Paschall were 1 Your distinctive article on J. D. dering mistakes of our fellow citi- Mr and Mr> Ovis Trease had as consumption other than by our Joe Pick up dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Odie I can't afford it/' SextoR in the i^ue of November zens.—L H i their dinner guests Mr and Mrs armed forces. Black market oper- Morris Sunday. Why do they have to have more I Churches Here and in County Make 2 crtated many rich and mellow Charley Myers of near New Provi- ations and hoarding are also be- money?" "We'll lick Japan with J. C. Paschall has Recently but- memories to come rolling ©vSf me. dence and Mr and Mrs. Herman lieved to be'the factors contribut- one hand tied behind our back"? Improvements chered'a'lHce beef. transporting me. as it were, back HAZEL NEWS Lassiter and children. ing to the spotty distribution and GI Joe counts on you to have ] Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howard and enough sense and knowledge of j to good old Calloway among Mr. and- Mrs Curt Brandon had civilian shortages. Two churches in the county are making improve- family and Mr, an«f Mr?>- Autry the zicts about the Pacific war friends and kinfolk including some The Baptist Missionary Society ; as their dinner guests Sunday, the to back him up in his foxhole. \ ments in buildings. The Hickory Grove Church of Christ Miller and children were supper of the dearest, finest people on met Wednesday afternoon at the ] Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Childers. The extra 5100 War Bond you buy i guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pas- Find lobs For Veterans has rebuilt and is finishing a handsome and comfortable earth. . church for the Royal Service" jfro- Bert Moore is improving from a today is a War Bond with the , chall. Jobs . werii found for 60,064 vet- most power. It gjves'GI Joe the asbestos siding construction. The old church on the same gram with Mrs. R. M Vance as I severe-illness. f do not suppose Sexton re- Inez Byars spent Monday night erans of thfk war and for 10.892 support he mustnave at the time location has memories of childhood church attendance for leader. j Bee Stark, who some weeks ago when he needs it most. It tells • members me, but I distinctively with Mrs. J. H. Thurman. from —the 1 square, and by the Luna • Boyd. Paris. Tenn.. Mrs! sister £rtd husband. Mr. and Mrs. These churches are meeting the needs of the children •way. that picture of Mr. Sexton Mrs Charlie Puryear. of Puryear, Curtis Craig were attendants. Mrs. and congregation. Other churches have been reported as must have boen "taken" several recently. • years ago. I would not have rec- Stone is the daughter of Mrs. Nan- working on a building fund for post war days. Most of the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paschall and ognized Tremon Beale from tys nie Milstead Adams and the late congregations in Murray-have already made modern im- Mr and Mrs. Walter Hooper at- picture in L & T but his father Lucian Adams. Mr. Stone is a provements. tended the funeral of Mrs, Tqm A B. Beal^- looked as familiar and son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stone of e Robertson last Tuesday at Mt. • These churches are .to be commended for doing* this recognizable as one of my sons. Harris Grove, eommuftity. Rela- Pleasant. tives extend best wishes. work. Children are impressed early in life where our Many, many of my good friends Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Miller, hearts are. They should know that We- have respect and have passed on to their rest and and Mrs. R. L. Pigue were visit- lo\ e sufficiently, to keep the churches in Tepair and con- not many of them had reached my ors here Tuesday. ditioned to meet the reqdirements. Children are in the age—now past 82. Not very many Macedonia News Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Farmer of living men have had a nicer church »uch a small percentage of their lives, that the Murray were guests of Mrs. Farm •writeupv " than J D Sexton jrurt, Mrs Johnnie Simmons and Miss building and teaching facilities should be such as to takSL '""'j-M^s'parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmus \ Tour hand, arid I say amen to Camillia Todd visited Mr and the -fullest ch antage of th'em while they are present. BrandonBrandon , last wjveoi k Mrs Nollie Smith, and Mr and which brings to mind the apo- \ Personally, sthe writer-is happy that the First Chris- Mrs. E. L. McSwain. of ,Mom- Mrs Brannon Flood, Mr. and Mrs. urn mm thegm pertinent to the occasion: Tenn visited here parents. Martie Flood^^Mr and Mrs Eth- tian members decided against moving the location. There "Better a single rose bud to th<*!-- ' - ridge Hughes and little daughter i are a lot of individuals represented in that building, as living than countless wreaths ^ sister Mrs. Bill Paschall laSt- of Paris. Tehn, last week. well as a lonit-peripd of years. Tbe church holds mem-, the dead.-- Not thatobject to ? week. ories dear to hundreds of persons present and away. That flowers on graces: I thfnk it is "a Mr. ;ind Mrs. Ted Thorne >-isit- ^Mr. and Mrs. Noel Chrisman and church is the scene of many weddings, the place where nice gesture, as a token of our ed their parents- Mr. and Mrs. NOW! son Elini. Mich,, are here visit appreciation and love "for 'those Johnnne Simmons, and Mr. and many have given their lives to Christ, where many have., ing his mother,'"Mrs. Allie Chris- who fcave gone before. But I do Sirs. Jim Turtle of Paris. Mr. and been baptized, and wherr (he parting farewells to the man. Mrs Thorne left Wednesday <.,r lOved dead have been said. It is sacred to numbers of mean the donee can see and en- joy the niceties of citflT society, Mrs Roy Holland, of Lexington, their home in Chicago. JKurrayans. It isn't fine in structure, but it is loved and which also brings to mind an old. Tenn.. is gue?t of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Monnie Mitchell and Mrs. treasured by those w Ho call it home. Chinese witty qujp. An American Garner and'family. Everette Bucy were in Murray Fri- The best INSURANCE whtr witnessed a Chinese burial Mrs. Maude Clanton. of Murray, day , • A confession of*our faults is the'next thing to inuo- asked: "When will he eat the bread is visiting her sister-in-law. Mrs. Pfc Eunice Flood Is visiting his Bettie Clanton who - 4s seriously a farmer can buy cencv. you art- burying with him?", to sister. Mrs Gladys Clark at Almo, which the. Cbinaman promptly re- Im -- Mrs, Lottie Grubbs. Murray, plied: "Same time Melicar. Bert Moore is slowly improving spent Thursday with her parents. against LEAN years President Roosevelt's Expression on Election smellee flowers." man j at his home west of town Mr and Mrs. Will Alton near Mrs Grace" C. Wilson is in Har- HMel • More flowers and Tewtr brick . Questioned din this week visiting her bro»hej bats would make life more en Mr. and Mrs. George Green and jOyable Mr neighbors and would j teave ! I <* -IMddville, wera Thf latest thirty told on President Franklin Delano lemphis Tenn. where j Paris. Tenn. Saturday. elk. bi, nations to 'by-pass, cruel, Roosevelt frrthat he useit blasphemous language on elec- sh' will spend the winter with savage •wars. Ot course wc all Simmons Sc Allbritten of Provi- tion diiv when the machine at.the voting place stutk. her sister Mrs C. L Hoffman want our arms, muntitions and dence Snld their store last week to Mrs Claud Anderson and Mrs. That he used profane language on any* occasion is i men to win the present frt-zied hol- Hardy Miller—Kentucky Belle Lonnie Raybum were in Murray 7WEystiff-<,u Mr Hamlin. ' for ******* who arc limited £ the ability to express themselves, Juse j your letter concerning the story of slang anil cuss wards profusely. - ; Mr Sexton You are right It Surely that could not be said of Roosevelt. In all *"uch better to give one rose- GHOLSON'S AGENCY - Iws-ia Venn a.' pre 'idi nt. that has irt",gfbeen said siding in ! Littleton's stoop pretty low to secure interest in tlieir publications this Attic West Kentucky town |, We're Insuring Both Farm and City Property and their followers. They' respect I heir- neighbors and competitors. 494-J Office Telephones ' 494-R Residence fr TJJ. ,'. -n V. S. Tr^rr rr.p^a „.,]„ ^^ „, ^ . it better to wear'out Hian to rust out. Jealousy, envy, desire for power, I tPmt Ailrcrtiiing Coiiacit. * THfRSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1X4 PAGE TTTKEB VRTIME

Lai oI placements, disabled veteran* ludes and eaperi- Ihem to perform •uductive work.

i of America have Ml of 100000 tons during the two August and Sep- esult. says J. A. of the War Pro- bout 85.000 Scouts hout the country \e individual WPB illcd the number individual award act when we con- juired a certified waste paper col- zed to the waste order to earn thia

re Help Doctors of everyone of us i the medical pro- to keep to a min- nds on *our phy- by Paul V. Mc- of the War Man- on. Pointing out 5 physicians had e front during the of this year, Mr. 11 over the nation sacrificing them- i do a magnificent

munlty U. £. Mviat Corps Photo (with inset) Pacific foxhole— ur brother, hus- rt or friend—is rou today. He knows you have a date with a Victory Volun- teer, a neighbor with a War Bond order in his or her hand. The two of you may talk it over at your work bench, In your office or in your home. Will GI Joe Pick up can't afford it/' ive to have more [ lick Japan with •hind our back"? i on you to have nd knowledge of the Pacific war > in his foxhole. i'ar Bond you buy : Bond with the gives GI Joe the nave at the time You've had bigger profits- lt most. It tells t the fight to the THE EDITOR. NOW BUY BIGGER BONDS

ARMERS have much to be thankful for this year. Before you sit down This is a BIG farm year—Now Buy BIGGER Bonds! Fto that big turkey dinner, ask yourself if you've done the best you Here are 6 big reasons for buying tho could. Loaning money is the easiest part of the war effort — but it is ai most you can—$100, $500, $1,000—in the essential as fighting. We don't need to ask if they're fighting enough. big 6th War Loan. War Bonds give you: Art you loaning enough ? 1. The best and safest investment in the world. It's been a mighty gooA-year for farmers. So far it's been-an easy war 2. At maturity,-$4.00 for every $3.00 you loan. in general for us in the United States: But it isn't over yet. Not by a long 3. The convenience of cash—plus increase in value! shot. The biggest part of the job is still ahead. The war against Japan will ,4. Funds to replace and restore worn-out farm probably be history's costliest. One average Navy task force costs 2 billion equipment, soil fertility, and buildings. dollars—and we need many of them. Even one torpedo costs $12,000! And 5. Funds for educating your children; a nest- egg for your own security, travel,retirement. one super-fortress to bomb Tokyo, $600,000. f ^ 6. The increased purchasing power vitally needed to wm the Peace. Your dollars are urgently needed — now more than ever—to speed victory and insure America's future. Prove your Thanksgiving. Buy the 7WEYstr//

Growers Loose Leaf Floor JACK FARMER, M»n»ier J. O. Chambers Hendon's Tejtaco Station National Hotel Varsity Theater Calloway County Lumber Co. H. E. Jenkins, Heating and Plumbing National Store* Western Kentucky Stages J. H. Churchill Funeral Home Contractor Outland Loose Leaf Floor West End Grocery rT(wi*e Cooacil. * - TC

THURSDAY. NO NT M BER »», , * PAGE rout -L THE LEDGER * TIMES. MURRAY. KENTUCKY THl'RSDAY. m BOBI « WABD PVT. J. • HM.-M ««tt'I»» Buchanan News Read the ledger & Times Clarified Add* With Our Service Men Pvt. L L. Veole, Jr., Field, a \ IrttTED HOMl bur of th. Ferrying Division. Air T»> HIS l OMTtUt Trmnapeet CesMMfl^. near St Jo- Pft Rnfcerf C Ward, stationed (Graduated Recently Mr and Mrs Everton Dudd ltd A. I. A MB seph M He will be assigned to Pvt J D Hicks who was wound HI ATK»NK1> IK ITALt with thi' Medua! Corp* and witn children and Mrs Lester Jacks,* MADISON Via. N..v I» Pvt an Air Transport C ommand base ed in Italy and who was reported Pfc Char 1«-* A Lamb «MI of Mr the flekl hospital at Camp ERL were in Paris Wednesday Uibie L Wale Jr » son oI as a member an atrrraf- main- miasms is now tack at Ihe front C^RC and Mrs Earl Lamb. Parmingtoci AC spent two week* with hi> Miss Vita Max Morris und* nt BALM * Mr and Mr. Lubie L. Vr.» of with his company, according lo re- Route 1 is now in Italy, accord- mother Mr» Nellie Ward and Me- ports received at this office P»t 11 lonsilecuimjr at the Keys-Hm.,. W.illItDlllo Murray. K> lux been graduated After attending Murray H igh ing to a letter received by his ters. He left today fu: camp. - Hicks is the K^Tat Mrs Or. L ton Clinic Thursday. PRYOR M »rum the AAF Training Cuot- School Corporal Todd enlisted ia 103 Ea parents. In the army two year* He , entered , service September Hicks of HardlT? Mr and Mrs Guy Hutson «„« rnunds aircraft radio mechanics the Air Curps in 1M2 He has Pfc Lamb has been over seas r 1942 He attended Murray Sunday visitors of Mr and Mis. «RI HAM rr — ire WILL on IT school at Truax Field where he se|ved at Keesier and Greenwood —

Ralph JjJrausa. M 2-c, who has WOODMEN WORLD been stationed at Camp Peary. Va." Life Society is, at the U. S. Naval receiving Insurance station. Washington. D G , taking OMAHA. NEBRASKA special training. Seaman Brausa is with a Na^il band and is to ap- ASSETS OVEB S 1 43.080.000 pear in a concert Thanksgiving night solo cornetist.. This is J. B. BLALOCK, Representative an unusual honor and opportunity Bank of Murray Building for Seaman Brausa. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R E. Brausa. He is. a graduate of Murray High School and Murray State College. —^He was an out- standing musician while in schobl here. n His wife wa^ the former Miss Betsy Treas of Benton who-with their lit?le_4g£ghter, Betsy Treas. live in Concp&S. C.

Pvt. Htmus Morris F WE A Returns To Service

Pvt Elmus Morris, who Vas re- m s et jported missing m France since Oc- *f y Shingles tober 20, is ,safe and'back in ser- vjc«'. according to a message re- ceived November 16 by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joe Morris, SELF-LOCKING r. . csn't curl, rsiu, or flsp «ND# of near . Vancleave The'message break off tike ordinary jKingtei, You get beauty of color stated Jhat h^was "back in service" as of November 1 Pvt. Morris and pattern plus years of extra service at no extra cort. volunteered in February, 1941.

Ford's Cyclone Safety Shingles are exclusive. No otKer roof gives you all these advantages. Made of finest How women and girls felts, super-saturated and surfaced with colorful miner- may get wanted relief als, under strict laboratory control. from functional periodic pain Cardul 1* a liquid medlctne which For beauty, econbmy and lasting protection . . . re-roof "B»ny women sa



-r6 - ^ T1IUK8DAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1844 PAGE FTVB

M»ul »how AdmtuHin u> free. PONTIAC "Buy Christmas Gifts Now, Mail in Dedicatory Service Variety Program To Everyone u curdiMUy knvltod. for Hazel High Lunch Be Meld at Faxon GJKC Tracks November!," Is Plea of Postal Service Mr Willoughoywwt to the hos- bALKK 4k HEIVIll Room Held Nov. 16 pital Thursday evenfng By ( In* Am WilhH^hbv PRYOR MOTOR CO. Public response to the Post Of- Is a tremendous one, but we are We heard from the boys in ser- Th* people of Hazels community The senior cinu with the help fice Department's "Shop Now! Mail tconfident that it will be done be- vice this week. Thomas Lovett Is met on Thursday evening, Moven t - in Nyember" campaign is good cause we know from experience of the juniors and Mr Willough- at Camp Atterbury. Ind , Hubert ver W, at the new lunch room far but needs 4t be better, according that given sound reasons Americans by are sponsoring a variety pro- Newberry at Fort McClellan. Ala, a two-fold "purpose. The main to Postmaster General Prank C. cooperate magnificently. Dr. O. G. Wells gram Saturday night. December and Wilford Brandon at Camp Walker o*je. to dedicate the lunch room Unprecedented snortages of 2. There will be drinks and eats Walters. Tex. and second to raise money to pay "Extraordinary wartime condi- man power and transportation fa- Presides Over Meet and all kinds of side shows in- for the school's Baby Grand piano. tions face us," Mr. Walker said. cilities growing out of the war cluding a fortune teller* and an Curry Is Speaker A delicious chicken dinner with Buy Bonds: 6th War .Loan Drive "Unless more people buy and mail compel early mailing. "Hie Postal all the trimmings and home baked this month the Postal service can- Service has given 50,000 experi- tSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSS Forty-nine Boy Scouts from the pies was served. The tables were not do its job of delivering all enced employees to the af)med Happy Valley District. Foor Rivers decorated very attratcively wflth LET US GRIND AND MIX YOUR FEED Christmas gifts on time. forces and 300,000 railroad work- Council at Boy Scouts of Ameri- We Are Headquarters fall flowers. WE HAVE INSTALLED another one ton electric mixer. This wtU "It is not pleasing to us to have ers have gone to war. Equally ca. were presented badges here for Seed Cleaning w The executive committe of DOUBLE our feed mixing capacity snd enable as to give you faster to ask the American people to mail serious is tht fact that rail and Thursday night at District Court Hazel P.T.A. wishes to thank each service. packages so far in advance of the other transport facilities are tax- of Honor held at the Murray parents who responded in any WHAT DO WE CHARGE for mixing your feed. Nothing at all. There delivery date. We do so only be- ed to the limit with the groat bur- Women's Clubhouae, with Dr O. NEW LOCATION way toward helping to make not Is NO extra charge where we do your crushing. WE CAN GIVE YOU cause It has to be done. The job den of war traffic which all of C. Wells, advancement committee only this occasion a success but %*HE BEST SERVICE OF ANY MILI. IN THE COUNTY. Give us a try. East Main St. Phone 666-J chairman. presiding and Bob all those simitar of the past. "We SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK Thompson, field' executive, acting realize that it has been the united Laying Mash tJ IS to per cent Hog Supplement <3.75 as scribe Barnett Electric and effort of all that has made poss- Hog Fsttener 13.45 Soya Besn Mesl .. 12.95 Refrigeration , The Invocation was said by ible these events," officials of the Scouter Blankenshlp, Kirksey. and PTA said. ROSS FEED COMPANY Service Harold Curry. TVA, f»vs • force- "We |re urging each patron of 110 North Third Street Telephone 101 ful talk. Mr, Curry prslaed the Hazel community to become a "SEE ROSS FOR SEED" Located at 403 Maple on work of Boy Scouts all over the member of the P.T.A. so that we South Side of Court world and urged members of this may all work together; to promote Square district to continue thslr advance- the welfare of children and youth, ment in home, school, church and com- Scouting in Four Rivers Council munity and bring into closer re- lation each home and the school JOHNSON APPLIANCE has made definite progress In Its THt DAILY TRIPLE work and lias added many mem- that parents and teachers may co- COMPANY bers to Its roll since Pearl Har- operate intelligently in the train- Day Telephone 56 or 717 bor in spite of handicaps brought ing of our children," representa- Night Phone 777 about from svar conditions. Roy tives of the organization said in C Manchester Ji executive of the: conclusion. Four Rivers Council. Scouts appearing before Happy Valley Court of Honor for presenta- Radio Stations To £ l5s> tion of badges follow: Broadcast Mailing Troop 90. Murray—Bobby Wads, Tenderfoot. Directions On Dec. 2 Troop 89. Kirksey—rtt Darnell, The National Rural Letter Car- riers' Association is sponsoring a us know must take precedence, National radio broadcast concern- "In a great number of our 43.000 ing the Christmas mailing program post offices the man power situa- PLUMBING on which Postmaster General tion is critical. The 200.000 extrs SUPPLIES Prank C. Walker is to appear De- workers whom we normally re- cember 2. cruited to handle the Swollen Christmas volume of mall were This program will be broadcast BUILDING 4 FARM If you art waiting for a home telephone, we think we able to work long hours of over- from the studios of radio station WRC in Washington on the Con- HARDWARE know how you feel. You'd like a telephone now, not time and to do heavy wbrk. This cannot be expected from the sumer Time period at 11:15 a.m. weeks or months from now. And we'd like to install It women and high school boys and Central War Time. A. B. Beale & Son girls to whom In large part we The stations that may oe heard The f»ESH Cigarette of Quality must look this year to meet the best locally are: WSM Nashville, Est. 1897 Murray, Ky. But so Ions mi CIOMITTK >O«

Herj*. are six wonderful ideas for a won- derful Christmas. Any or all of them are guaranteed to make a man say, "That's just what I wanted!"—and mean it!

Murray Consumer* Coal & Ice Co. Telephono 64 We Deliver

May Worn of Disordered Kidnej Action promoting Kentucky's potentials Modern llf* with its hurry and worry, Irregular Kabila, improper rating and TIES HE'D CHOOSE FOR HIMSELF. One PATTERNS AND COLORS. No man ever had OIVI HIS NICK A BREAK. What's special drinking — it> riak of aKpoaura and infec- thing you're sure of when you choose too many shirts. More Van Heuscns*re tion—throw* heavy strain on the work about this gift? It's a Van Heusen white of the kidney ». They afe apt to become Van Heusen Ties: they're styled to har- always welcome...especially like these.' over-tnxwd and fail to filter cxceaa acid shirt with a Van Heusen collar attached monize. In design as well as color, with All have Van Heusen collar styling, and other ynpuritiea from the Mfa-ctving. that can't will, can't wrinkle... looks blood. the patterns of Van Heusen Shirts. Won- figure-fit, custom detail, Sanforized and starched but isn't. It's the pne white shirt You'may Buffer n^gtnr'b»ekache. r CS ^^rfrv^ir [y yX-^eef war news analyst and derful with white shirts too. 1 V laundry-tesled. .' $3.25 End up. haadache,. dixx-neaa. getting up nighla. that's different ! flyr. . $1.15 snd up. leg pains, •welling— feel cooa#antly Special Writer for the Sunday department of The Courier-Journal, has a tired, nrrvoua. all worn out. Other algna of kidney or bladder dhordcr are a**iv- penchant for uncovering the personal side of the- news . . and takes delist in timea burning, acanty or too frequent urination the doings of tho$e in uniform . . interpreting them to civilians. Well known Try Boon's Pills. Doan's help tha kidncya to paaa ofT harmful exevaa body throughout the state, he mingles with men in the mines, talks to tobacco growers, waate. They have had more than half « century of public approval. Are recom- taps timber resources, listens to livestock men, measures power facilities. mended by grateful usera everywhere. Ask four neighbor! City editor for eleven years before taking over his present duties in 1944, Coleman is how rounding out twenty years of service, covering almost every phase of newspaper writing. Another of the Hoosiers who crossed the river to work with usj Poucher was graduated from Wabash College, Crawfordsville, in We Buy, Sell and Re- 1914 to work briefly on The Times, then went east to the staff of United Press, after which he served overseas in World War I. Upon his discharge from the Clean All Kinds of army he returned to our newspapers. Since the Coleman family lives in Field Seeds New Albany, our war analyst goes back home to Indiana every evening. Readers enjoy his war page summaries of the week's news and of personalities who We have Armour's and Hut- make war's rapid progress possible. son Fertilizer. Alfocorn Poultry, Dairy and . .. AND PLEASANT DREAMS! Last but not SPORTS SHfRTS WITH A FUIR. There's FOR HIS CASUAL HOURS .T. a handsome, Hog Feed. v least-Van tfeusen Pajamas! Theyiomc Cotton Seed Meal and Soy Current history that reads like real shirtmaker tailoring in Van Heusen rugged 'Van Heusen "Casual Jacket! Sport Shirts. Many have the California These are the nice tweedy ones, in solid m patterns, stripes and solid colors to Bean Metl, fiction . . yours every Sunday La-No collar that looks right open, fits colors and in imiiT two-tone combina- »u»t.«vry lasta. Fabricn are defin.u 1> on perfectly with a tie. No other gift would tions, with contrasting front and back. the-lunury side—yet are »««®.we*rinr and tVE ALSO WANT TO BUY Swell with slacks, wearable all year'round. sjlAlbkr i»— POPCORN

TAYLOR SEED CO. )t (fonder-Journal J* T. Taylor Lynn Ltfrnm Read in out of 3 Kntuckiano Hemes Phone 150 . S. Second St. 7 Murray, Ky.

COPY FADED Pprts rvs.,^

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, Dixie Wright and Carkeiu Lamb «f 1« OHM and women. who repre- while visiting on Wednesday with .-pent Sunduv with Mr. jind Mrs- Read the Ledger & Times Classified Ads DR. j.H. RICHMOND, ^riiud r*rm BWMU Ag.kuliui, Holland Row superintendent of Ceaaar Mane line Eateriaiun Haalth Department. Mai ahull i-uuttt» achoob H.uru i Junior Miss Is Staged By t' Aunt Frances" Marine, « about TVA and Murray culW* at Oil- Lassiter Mi» Bethel File and Mlu I the same ^ OTHER EDUCATORS bertaville November 16 H« du- Rubi. Smith r j Mr and Mrs' Atley Charlton of ______. __ . . , > ru*~d way, of improving living College .faculty meirib rs par* M umM through the schools. tictpating jn the meeting were Dr All Kind, of Fall Seed. Fertilizer. Sock and Bnskin Club lET" "* " MEET IN MARSHALL Appearing on tne prog*; -n with W G Nash. Miss Bethel Fite. Mi*s I Mr And Ml, lamb vioMflM*} • . I) Kuhinond was Dr R E Jag- Ruble Snutb. Mrs Dulcie Mat Alfocorn Feed. MaMttie Jmpes and mother Sun- gers, * rank fort who spoke on Douglass. Miss Evadinc Parker. Dr between the acts to give the at- day Discuss Improved 'Ground Wheat and Barley -Group Presents Community School.'^ C S Lowry. Dr. G. T Hicks. Fred -t- mosphere of a metropolitan pro- Mrs Avery Hargrove spent Fri- Living (Conditions We wi^l contract your Popcorn at First Pla> of duction. This was the first pro- day with1 Mrs. Ethel Darnel! Dr Richmond, speaking in inter- Shultz. A Carman, '-and Carmon Graham Clifford Seeber of the duction coached by Prof Justph Noah Pendergrass lost his stuck Through Schools est of the good and influence of Ceiling Price New Series Season TVA participated in the all-day Cofcron. the new dramatics head. bi^pi last week by lightning: Murray State College, stated that He chose an appropriate play, Spoking .on th? subject "Af en-! the colli ge campus is as large- as meeting. TAYLOR SEED COMPANY Mr and Mrs De\yard Warret\and Telephone 150 'Junior Miss", the"~first college coached it to exrelfent delivery, family. Mr and Mrs Robert Turn- cies Contributing,to Total Edu-* the area that it serves, South Second Street LYNN LAWSON production in dramatics this sea- and gave to Mui ray~a pleasant oc«w bow and John Turnbow spent Sun cational Program". D.\ James • H Miss Grace Tietye of West More than three-fouhhs of the J. T. TAYLOB ton. was one of the cleverest plays casion. day with My. and Mrs. Bernard Rii hrmYi ]. president of Murray Georgia- College. Carrollton, (Sa., farmers in Grayson county are now growing hybrid corn. That has been given on the stage Th. orchestra under the direction Jones State* College, addressed a group listed gains found in the schools of Murray State College, is the of Prof. .Merle Kesley. gave beau-J opinicn of many who saw*the cast tliul numoers that brought ex- |,ut < n c sawotfa runni/ig perform- pressions of appreciation : nee N> embur 15 Tn Murray State j The cast in orcl-r of their ap- College auditorium. } pearance follows: The publicity beforehand | Harry Graves, Tim O'Brien. As Reported t ou*tht* a large audience 'who J bury Park. N. J; Joe. Avry Sims. Last Wee 1 ughed their carts away for Ihe] Mayfield: Grace Graves. Frimie two hours The artonf had learn-1 Frenrh. . La : Hilda, * of Death ei their parts well. There were Anna Merle Ftllers. Paducah: Lois no evident mistakes—no forgetting I Graves. $!ary Esther Bottom. Pfc. Edward P of linf j . in farl the entire group Owencboro: Judy Grave., Bobbye old, who" was r last week, was kl performed beautifully. The light* Berry. Hender^jn; Fully* Adanu. cording to the st ing and setting matched the pro- Betty Wig£m*. Mariun: J. B Cur* ceived from the gr.LRi and, all ci

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