Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 11-23-1944 The Ledger & Times, November 23, 1944 The Ledger & Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger & Times, "The Ledger & Times, November 23, 1944" (1944). The Ledger & Times. 639. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/639 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IBKR 16. 1944 t the- pant week •in-law- Mrs. Ted kg her. The atovtr to sell to a low ng a large sum of few months ago. iks no chances ag^ most destroyed by > year as she and lary Mitchell were COMPLETE COVERAGE BUY WEEK VOL'S PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- New Series No. I 090 OF ALL C.UXOWAT COUNTY NEW* Murray, Kentucky, Thursday Afternoon, November 23, 1944 PAPF.R FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Vol. LX1V; No. 43 te spring and she Otho Lewis were e good times they iind did not know PVT. GEO. H. WEAKS hearing was the Pvt. Billie Ray Walston Bny War Bonds For Gifts i flames. HOME AFTER 30 fXRnLT. COLONEL, VISIT, S Frenc. h Advanc_ B. e O„ n Rhine Ol c Maid Is Rilled In South Pacific MONTHS OVERSEAS And Reep Inflation Down RELATIVES HERE Weakens Entire Nazi Line No Injuries; Good was done at the suggestion of the Been Overseas Two In Marine Corps, Thanksgiving! Suggestions Given Stores To Close Belfort, Overlooking • Health; Is In War Finance Division through the Years—Hospitals, Heavy Artillery; The Ledger and Times is pub- By Financiers; Help special newspaper consultant. For Nov. 23 The Rhine, Captured, Armored Division Unit Organization Was Volunteer lished today _ Wednesday—a Of All Needed Schools have started to work on Murray . stores will observe f¥ -» -y ——i— Eisenhower Reports day earlier than is usual. This the drive. In Murray High School Thursday. November 23. as Lt. Col. Fount Russell is In Mur- Pvt. Bfllie Ray Walston. 18 years was done so that the staff may Pvt. George H. Weaks, tall, army the regular Wednesday morning Thanksgiving Day. it was re- Calloway County opened her ray for a visit with his mother, LONDON, Nov. 21—French ar- old last March 4, is dead. A mes- have Thanksgiving day as a tanned soldier, looking well de- Bond buying by the children has ported to this office today. •ber 19-20 veloped with broad shoulders Sixth War Loan Drive Monday Mrs. A. D. Russell, of the College mor swinging north up the Rhine sage from the War Department de- holiday. been resumed. "It is surprising how visited the Ledger and Times office with T. H. Stokes as chairman. As- Addition, after four years service in The Murray 'oanks and post reached the outskirts of Mulhouse livered to his mother. Mrs. Marie It is the wish of this paper many bonds those yoj^ngsters buy Monday and answered our many signed to this county is a quota of the Army. ' He was physician at office also will be closed for today—perhaps already had enter- Walston. 400 North Fifth Street, that all may observe the, day in each week.'' was the statement questions asked* him. George has $360,000 It will take the combined Murray State College before enter- the holiday, since Nov. 23 is ed the industrial city of 97,000-^ November 18. read: a fashion for which it Is In- made by a school official. grown .so much since he left Mur- efforts of men. women, and chil- ing the service January 15, 1940. the official state and national in swift exploitation.of the Belfort "Deeply regret to inform you tended. May we be thankful ray in 1941 that we would not dren tQ sell that amount between Eric A. Johnston, president of and is well known here, having Thanksgiving Day. br^c-through, which undercut the that on Octdber 24. 1944. in, the for our blessings, and pray that have recoginzed him out of Mur- now and December 16. is the the United States Chamber of graduated from Murray State. whole collapsing German stand In Southwest Pacific Area your son, before another Thanksgiving vin' junior ray. opinion of the leaders in the drive. Commerce, made this. statement: After taking his medical degree the Vosges. Private Billie Ray Walston. US. season, the whole world will be Business houses an<5 individuals 'War Bonds are not only the safest from the University of Tennessee, Farther north the Germans were M.C.R.. was killed in action in the free from war. He attenriea Murray High investment in the world today but sqe . giving are advocating the buying of War he returned to Murray to practice I LT. J. W. ERWIN falling back toward Strasbourg performance of his duty and se'f- School and was one of the good they bring a higher rate of inter- Thanks to all our customers Pords for gifts. Financiers ar;e ad- for a short time before he ^ did and Saarbrucken behind weaken- vlce to his country. fellows in the younger social cir- est than any comparable security. issons in love and readers who turned In ad- v sing the people to put their money special study in Vanderbilt Univer- ing rearguard resistance officially cles of the town. Moreover the War Bond buyer has RETURNS HOME No information is available at vertising and news early so that lite Wur Bonis to help in the war sity- - I described as disorganized. and sessions present regarding disposition of re- we could get the paper oat s He was trained at Fort Knox in the added advantage of being able rogn m. Lieutenant Colonel Russell has Belfort. bypassed city guarding mains* Temporary burial in the day early. the First Armored Division. He to realize his money at any time S. George Little, of the War Fi- been overseas for two years and AFTER 33 MISSIONS the Rhine, was captured, Gen. of swing! locality where death occurred is has been overseas for 30 months without chance of loss by decline nance Division, in urging newspa- was with the Allied Force Head- Dwight D. Eisenhower disclosed. probable. You will be promptly and has seen many experiences of in market value." the battle zones. He has been in pers to asrist in this job of selling quarters. He returned to the States 'Six Allied armies were heaping furnished any additional informa- War Bonds, stated. "The Sixth War He further added: "It is wise for Wears Ribbons, k Funeral Services Ireland. England, Africa, and Italy <?n a temporary leave for business on pressure at quickening pace. tion received. Loan Drive will be a tougher job all of us to save now in order that and in all the engagements has in Washington. He is home on a Honor Decorations; The U. S. Seventh and Third Arm- To prevent possible aid to our than we have had in any of the we may purchase better commodi For Mrs. Lillie Cole not received an injury nor has he 21 day leave, and will report to his ies, swarming eastward in the enemies, do not divulge the names previous drives A large vol- ties at lower prices later on. In former work with the Allied Has No Injuries other blade of a French-American been in the hospital. That proves addition, investment in War Bonds of his ship or station. Please ac- Held Saturday ume of newspaper advertising will Headquarters in Italy. scissors, hit into broken Nazi re- that he is able to take the hard- takes surplus money out of circu- cept my heartfelt sympathy. Let- be absolutely essential to the suc- nHe"went over with an auxiliary Lt." James W. Erwin has complet- sistance described officially as ter follows. Signed A. A. Van- ships and dodge the blows. He is cess of "this gigantic and crucial lation, thereby tending to control ed his assigned 33 missions ovgr the Funeral services were held Sat- surgical group and served with sporadic and disorganized. dergrift. Lieutenant General, U.S. the son of Atty. and Mrs. Jos effort." European theater and is at home urday. November 18. for Mrs. Lil- inflation." ^ that assignment for sixteen months, Weaks of Poplar Street. with his wife and resting before he Berlin said Seventh Army troops M.C: Commandat of the Marines." Readers of the Ledger & Times I Local chairmen urge all to ob- the Sicilian and Italian cam- lian Cola, who "Hied"suddenly at In his visit with us Monday, ho is given further orders in Miami had broken into Sarrebourg, a Billie Ray volunteered here Feb- her home in Detroit, Mich., on No- week will notice that all so- I serve this Thanksgiving by buying paigns, and worked with the Uni- rail-highway junction 32 allies said he had n pienty oi ngm hcited ads are War Bond adg .j^ Wgr g^g Beach. Fla. ruary 10, 1944. He was trained in vember 11. versity of Virginia Hospital group; from the Rhine. Armor of the Ing and endured hardships that he Lt Erwin. when he-called at this California then sent to Pearl Har- Services were conducted Satur- with the Washington University Third Army farther north wheeled couldn't speak of. He said that office Friday, was handsome and bor. His last letter Is thought day morning at the First Baptist Hospital and Field Hospital groups deeper into the Saar basin.
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