Clerk to the Council: Mrs Karen Boyce Tel: 07950 947731 4 Warwick Drive Email: [email protected] SS4 1HP

Members of the Planning Committee are hereby summoned to attend the Online Planning Committee Meeting on Monday 7th December 2020 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the press and public are welcome to attend, please contact the Clerk for meeting login details.

Karen Boyce

Karen Boyce Clerk to Parish Council 1st December 2020


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes Acceptance of minutes from the virtual meeting dated 30th November 2020 (Appendix 1).

3. To receive member’s declaration of interests and dispensations in items on the agenda Requests for dispensations must be requested from the Clerk up to the day before the meeting.

4. Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda and other matters that are of mutual interest. Members of the public to contact the Clerk before 3pm on the day of the meeting, to request access to the online Meeting.

10 minutes shall be available for public question time.

5. Planning To consider and make comments on the following applications:

(i) Application No: 20/00632/FUL Proposal: Proposed extension of existing driveway involving the laying of hard surface (Including the removal of a section of existing driveway) and extension of decking. Construct detached shed. Construct single storey side extension Location: Holmfield, Canewdon Road, Ashingdon SS4 3JL

(ii) Application No: 20/01094/DPDP1 Proposal: Householder Prior Approval for Single Storey Rear Extension. Projection 3.6m from Original Rear Wall, Eaves Height 3m, Maximum Height 3.5m Location: 5 Foxfield Close Hockley Essex

6. Bloor Homes A discussion on the outcome of the meeting held by Council on Thursday 26th November 2020.

7. Date of next meeting The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 7th December 2020 at 7.30pm