Rochford District Council Minutes

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Rochford District Council Minutes INDEX 1978 January - December ¶!wvI I!!!JT!"flF NUE flDD(19J MW91lTS Aimual Competition 274,583 Fencing, Deepdene Avenue 522 6i8 Working Party 618 A1LItS WASEE2 AUTHORIfl Capita]. progrsmne 293,425 Liaison 366 Direct biLling 645 BOROOUH STATUS Report 473,576 BUIIJ)ING RIflIJIATIONS RELAXATIONS 14, Hillside Road, Hockley 19 42, Western Road, Ray1eia 49 3, Main Road, Hawkwell 120 42, Broadlands Road 207 20, Barling Road. 207 Dabbarda Lodge, Haflbridge Road 239 The Chichester, Rawreth 240 61/67 North Street 355 95, The Drive 356 16, Parkiands 390 144, Hockley Road 391 Zone B, Betts Pan 463,699 4, Warren Close 463 33 White Hart Lane 463 U9 She eb'ury Road 464 42, The Chase 498 31, Richmond Drive 498 14, Harawood Avenu.e 699 4, New Road 699 4, Tonbridge Road 780 107, High Road 78C) BUS SERVICES Alternative sources of revenue 14,56 Extension ol' 8A 56 Shelters 214,305,435,535 Little Wheatleys 740 BYE LAWS Hairdressers and Bakers 64 Shops Act Section 51 152 Crouch Harbour Authority 416 CAR PAS Castle Road 10,16,639 Hulflridge 309,537 Websters Way 628 CAPAVAR SIlF. ACT 1960 Riverside Park, Creeksea 65 Gypsy Sites 105 Report on Licensing 188 The Dome Country Club 536 CflAR]ES Additional spaces at Raylei 296 Roohford. 1mm Cemetery 297,298 CIIAThBE Recreation & Amenities 721 Health & Highways 731 This Passes 756 Finance & Personnel 757 CLEMENTS HAT1T {IBJRTS CTh1]IRE Phase II 280,349,610,726 C0ITT}ThE AND BEE]RT OP Structure Plan 4,21,476 Conservation Panel 50,121,218,393,494,567,590,696 One—way System 57 Hackney Carriage 60,295 Appointments Panel — Asst. D.TI.S 87 Cycle of Meetings 98 Road Safety 162,423 Refuse Collection 184,326 Appointment of 228 Nasio and Doncing 3Q6 Home and Water Safety 308,733 Lottery Panel (See also tiLotteryll) 325 Svinnning Pool 366 Cccputing Centre 369 Working Parties, continuation 375 Perfornanoe Reflew progrne 387 Allotments Wocin€ rty 618 Lasoefles Gardens Working Party 592 Joint Works Coin.ittee 661,673,765 Ha'wicwell East Working Party 667,697,781 Appeals Panel 692 Safety Panel 765 Joint Staff 765,766,767 Review of Establisinent 771 J0flMflNIfl FACILITIES Rocliford 420 Joint with E.CIC. 472 C0N0SI0NkRY SGIThMES T.V. Licences 441 669,756,770 COK9CEEThTCEE bp1oyment and Economic Initiatives 662 A.D.C. 6 H. Soc. H. 63 Seminar on Planning 123,197 Institute of Housing 132 Environmental Health 150 Bating & Valuation 175 Social Services 263 Housing & Town Planning 477 National Road Safety Congress 478 Institute of Housing 602 The Arts in Essex 679 CQNBMtVATION Ffnrm.cial Planning 682 CQNTBACTS 660 3,138 701 37,605,691,718 727 38 681 39 729 67 730A 90 643 135,266 733 176 738 335 Progress 148,163,177,279,317,405,605,744 739 336 740 337 717 404 741 443 731 7J3 747 742 748 748 COIITBAVThTIONS See Town. & Country Planning - Contravention.s COtJNCILLOBS Attendance aflowanoes 5,103 Coimcillor Silva — censure 10,16 Counoillor Gilbert US Teach—In 458,56 Councillor Mrs. Clayton 665 COUNCIL flIECESEE Use by National Front 273 New Year's Dance 276,361 COtINCU P(ISES (Continued) Castle Hall roof 283 Wealth Office Staircase 332 letting policy 457 Mill Hall, cloakroom 457,728 Mill Hall, decoration 457,609 Jtabilee Gardens 647,758 Mill Hall Bar Staff 729 Canteen, :Rochford 762 DELEflATION OP PO2S rants for Listed Buildings 122 Vacancies on Working Parties 375 5.28 Ccnr.ztryside Act 1968 434 Siting of Faire 521 Homes Insulation Act 598 aaPsR2lnnakL IISflX7PIO1 Ytnance and Health and Housing 564,775 rj1..y.fl1fl TIO1iS Parliamentary constituencies 367,579,684 Parish Reviews 368,680 Virements 81,550 Supplementary 85,646 New Capital Schemes M9,675,723,736 rr' '1 ci i'rt'1JrlI1* PAIRVUN PlAYING PThflID Li4ating oolinm 418 flRPIVAL OP SPORT Use of faoflities 41,82 FILLING Report 189,388,578 BDOD HYGIEIIE Bv.tcheru Stall, Rocthford 622 Report on 776 ?OOTPAHS No. 13 Sutton 61,313,542 No. 18 Gt. Wakering 62,315,5.43 Nos. 10 & 12, Ray1e1a 161,634 33, Roohford. 161 1, 4 and. 25, Canewdon 310,541 2, Siaabrldge 311 11, llooKtey 312 23, Eookley 314 5, Rullbridge 434 Pootway, Hai&wtll Oormnon 523 1 Roohford, No. 9 and 50 Ray1eii 540,633 13, Pa1esh 635 '11TJTJ I111 rf GRANT & LOAN BEQ1ThSTS Prittlewefl tglThg Society 45 Caaewdon Connmity Centre 80 Festival of Sport 82,440 International Athlete 83 Ruflbridge Connunity Association 112,480,490 Burnham Lifeguards 171 New Eayleia Choral Society 172 Riding Club for Disabled. 173 Thfllbridge Parish Council — Allotments 328 Burns Unit 329,382 Crouch Harbour Authority 370 1978 sex Games 440 Table Tennis Championships 643 Eockley Public Hall 644 Annual List 754 Crossroads attendance Schne Thuat 755 REIAITh & SAFPPY AT WORK P1k]. AC$T 1874 Consultants 86,345,361,447,557,584 Safety panels 765 HI WAYS See also Waiting Restrictions and Speed Limits A130 Safety 55,739 0ne-Wsy, Ray1ei 57 Rayleii Welt' 68,159,200,301 Service Road/Hatfield Road 69,94 Weiat restrictions, Little W&cering 106 County maintenance prograzmae 158 Do'wnhall Road, Hockley Road, 30g,636,673,688,737 Aahingdon/l,ower Road. Sleepers Lane B1013 545 Be11iniam Lane 56s Verge cutting Amalgnation of rounds 565 Lascefles Gardens 569,592 Ashingdon Road/Dalys Road 740 HOUSING See "Inprovement Grants" "Unfit Houses" "Municipal Housing Generalt' HOIJSING ASSOCIATIONS Royal British legion 265,402 Greensward lane 706 HOUSE PURCHASE LOANS Maximum advance 331 Reserve Fund 642 Interest rate 642 H.P. Assistsnoe & Housing Corporation 752 Guarantee Act 1978 flflT fRAPS 5, Kenflworth Gardens 26 1tSheareton", Staznbridge Road 29 6, high Head 30 7, Queen. Elizabeth Cbaae 32. 42, Sutton Court Drive 129 17, Roo]csy Rise 257 4, Kenilworth Gardens 258 27, Bull Lane 259 103, New Road 260 42, Leicester Avenue 397 9, Brooklyn Drive 398 55, Victoria Road 509 41, Crouch View Crescent 510 15, Ash.thgdon Road 5fl 55, Brooksford Avenue 512 30, Alexandra Road 597' 21, Pearsons Avenue 704 INFOm!(kTIOB IthEoIr Distribution 304 LkND See also TTfases etc' P.SA. Housing 101,678 2.0.3. fluzaberow 108,284 Community Centre, llookley 108 castle Road Depot 168,247,372 Cagefield Road 268,361,460 Roohford Town Estate 268,361,460,683,698 P.0.3. Grove Road 272 Crouch Harbour Authority 370 The Grange, Ray1ei 373 Kirby's Yard 377,585 Sub—Station, Little \Q1e atleys 399 0.12 acres, Canewdon 401 Church EM, Pagleshwn 461 Terrier 462 Spur Road, Raylei&a 462 Ad.j. Mill Hall 462 Hii Street, Great kering 462 Rear of 25, West Street 677 Sacer Field C.L.A. 781 flCThNCE AND TJ'ASS ETC. See also ttj" Hanover Farm, Hullbridge 42,119,560 Deepd.ene Open Space 43,144 Ray1eii Recreation Centre 109 Ice Cream concession 143 Ra.y1ei Ma*et 178,183,204,449,489,590 Hockley Woods & E.C.O. 275,528 120, High Street, Gt. Wakering 333 Rar1ei&a Horticultural Society 417 Old Fire Station 445,488,555 Kenilwcsrth Gardens to Scout Thoop 617 lOCAL RADIO Proposal for 574 LYTT2Y Prooeeds 46,95,146,161,278,327,409,424 442,445,469, 525,554, 584,&t5 651,652,653, Lost Ticket 181 Report 327 Arrangements 76,763 NINMLAL WOI&ING Perfovmsnoe thiarantee Bonds 102 MUNICIPAL ROUSING INDIflJ)UAL See also "Nun. Housing, General" "Developnaent, 'bale of OSAIP. 4376 32 4644 33 Retired Warden 34 0.A.P. 4637 134 00.158 134 0/0 111 270 Mrs. B. Baker 413 00/224 515 sc/i 518 00/216 712 MUNICIPAL HOUSING, SALE OF See also '!Mun. Housing Individual, Develo:ctient, General & Contracts" 1978 Valuation of one 269 Scheme for 407 L0.D. Houses 678 Joint purohaaes 714 MUNICIPAL HOUSING, DEVEUJFMEINT Ste also"Mun. Housing General and Contracts" Sites 5 & 6, Town Estate S Little Wheatleys .4, 516,604, 713 Hambro Hill 37,605,691,718 The Chestnuts, High Road 38 The Layers, Hockley Road 39,131 H.I.P.S. 104,474,487,663,669,708 G.L.C. Scheme, Little Wakering 133 Hambro Will modernisation 139, 2fl, 717 Cagefield Road 268,361 Roohford Town Estate — Ibase 1 268,361 Policy on small sites 268 Pearsons Farm 131 Lodge Close 412 Pert Byford's Yard 412 Dorrimead/Fairview 412 School & High Street sites, Wakering 705 Purchase from elderly owners/occupiers 709 Purchase of vacant properties 710 MUNICIPAL HOUSING GENESLL See also "Matte. Housing Individual" '!Mimc. Housing Developnent" "Sale Of" and "Contts" Finchfield Trust Bungalows 36 Rent collection & arrears 264,382 Waiting List Residential qualification 599 Pearsons Farm, Estate Warden 6oi Repair and Maintenance 711 Arrears 35,136,400,513,707 MUSIC & DANCING LICMISJiU Park Country Club 151 The Anchor Hotel 307 Rocbewazy- Polk Pestival 317 "Croc'&', Rafleigh 745 Appointment of Consultant 34]. NOISE NUflANOE 55, Hairogate Road. 623 Purret Pam, Hockley 732,787 OPEN SPACES Associated with Develorznent 520 flay'oimd Eqnipnent 565,722 Lifebelt, South Pambridge 734 OUTSIDE BODIES Traffici Ccmnnissioners 54 Annual List 237 Essex Voluntary Aid. Association 362 Eastern Council for Sport 363 Our Lady of Banacme, Managers 471 Fed. of md. Do-v. Associations 549 Subscriptions 753 PABJUE COUNCILS Liaison ConmrLttee 107 Meeting with Hockley Parish Council 108 PARK STORTS CENThE Scpiaah Co'urt charges 44,614 Booking procedure 47,421 Cricket nets 96 Car pacing 142,200,529,613 Sole County Council use for one day 277 Monitoring of use 612 PRIVATE Sfl ORKS County progranie 157,200 Sweyne Avenue 347,361 St. Join's Road, Gt. Wakering 430 PUBLIC BELTH ACTS 260 Pltimberow Avenue 289 US Rectory Road 506 139 Ashingdon Road 507 39 Hookley Hall 531 RATINC GflIIL&L See also'ate Relief" 1978/79 97,116,119 Report by Director of Pinanoe 330 1979/80 675 See also 'tatin.g General" Burrefla Parm, Rawreth 77 Scout Hall, Rochford 79 Church Manae, Wybtirna Avenue 174 Ruw'uS C0LLJCTI0N Christmas arrangements 71,164 Compactors at Castle Road 167 Work Study 184,346,670 At Bank Holidays 318,433,638 RXI0N.&L KEIAILE!E AUTHORITY Strategic Plan 735 3011) &Afl21 See also "Oo3anittees" Agency 475,546,630,738 Poynters Lane/Wakering Road 539 ROCBORD BOWLING CLUB Toilets 282 ROCHB'ORD REEEV0]1t Replacement of Trees 281 Lifesaving Eupiiznent 619 Floral Planting 620 SEWEB Cbrcb Road/Ashingdon Road 66 43 Hulibridge Road, Raylei&i 72,165,292 Bette Farm, adoption 154,532,626 33 & 36 Victoria Drive 155,290 Hullbridge Surface Water Separation Sche 156 Leslie Gardens 286 King Georges Close 287 Lascefles Gardens 288 Foul drainage NW.
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